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Chapitre 3: Chapter 3

A port town called Hargeon. It is renowned for its beauty, even for such a small part of Fiore.

Naegi Makoto was currently in awe of the architecture of this place. Of course, nature was a good thing, but this town was something else. Naegi felt that he became part of a fantasy novel, excluding the fact that he was partially in something similar to a novel setting.

Looking right and left, he spotted that many people in here were strange—some were half-human species, while others had strange forms on their bodies.

Bards singing their ballads, Merchants trying to force their goods into the sale, and people who are carefree walking around the town—seeing all that, Makoto couldn't help but smile.

"Makoto." His thoughts were interrupted by Fortuna trying to get his attention in his head.

"Ah! Y-Yes?" Finally snapping out, he answered.

"Well, I was trying to tell you that, first of all, I think we would need some money."

This caught Naegi's attention completely. "Come to think of it, what is the currency in here?"

"Currency in here is pretty similar to Japan; they are just called jewels. The cost of things and other necessities is pretty much similar to that of Japan, so I don't think you'll need to learn how it works in here."

Just as they were talking, Makoto's stomach suddenly growled.

"Ah! S-Sorry..." He hadn't eaten in a while, and he didn't have even a single jewel in his hands, so it was expected for his stomach to make demanding sounds.

Fortuna chuckled at this. "Don't worry, Naegi. And beside you, you are now super lucky, aren't you?"

"What do you mean...?" Luckster asked.

Suddenly he tripped, launching a little stone in god knows which direction as it hit the thief who happened to steal money from a filthy rich nobleman who didn't even care about his loss while the bag of money started to fly around, landing on a pigeon that didn't know what to do and dropping it towards Makoto.

"....What?" Eyes wide and jaw nearly laying on the ground, the Ultimate Lucky student was seemingly shocked. "Where did all those jewels come from?"

"See? I told you that your luck is now at its climax, meaning that you don't have bad luck at all."

"Seems so...but...luck is unpredictable, I will say?" Makoto placed his hand on his chin; it was a sign that he was deeply in thought.

Fortuna, noticing him, decided to ask, "What do you mean by that?"

"You see, I can't understand how my luck works. I just say that I want something and it somehow magically appears in my hands...or does it work another way?"

"Hmm. Many people tend to misunderstand that luck is not an ability to grant your wishes; it is the force that causes things, especially good things, to happen to you by chance and not as a result of your own efforts or abilities."

"That's exactly why I am worried! Wouldn't it be boring if my luck would do all the things for me?" He was concerned.

"Well, as of now, your luck is but a small fish in the sea. Your luck depends on your magic, meaning the greater the luck, the greater the mana you lose. Although small luck like finding a coin or suddenly avoiding a punch doesn't consume mana at all, it's safe to say that you should work out to get stronger, and as stronger you get, the stronger your luck will be." She concluded by finishing her words.

Naegi was pleased. He saw what his luck was able to do back in the forest. He destroyed a great amount of trees just by tripping. It was strange, but at the same time he was glad that he had such a strong ability.

"This aside, what should I do now?" He understood the concept of this world, but he didn't know what to do next or where to start.

"Isn't it obvious? The thing that every person does after they get isekaid is find the guild!" She exclaimed cheerfully.

"Eh? But I don't know which one I should join, though."

Hmm, now that I think about it, the best one is definitely Fairy Tail... I heard rumors that Salamander is in this town, but I don't know much since I've been busy watching over you."


"Ah! No need to apologize, but still, I think we should find Salamander. He is a member of the Fairy Tail guild, and he is in this town, I suppose."

"Uh... It would be difficult to find him in such a huge town. I wonder maybe I should—" He was cut off by sudden female sounds screaming, "It is Salamander-sama!!! Kyaaaa!"

Fortuna's sweat dropped "I guess we are lucky... haha."

"It was unexpectedly easy..."

Naegi started to run in the direction from which they heard a sound. Approaching the place, he saw a swarm of girls who circled a strange-looking man.

Naegi didn't know who it was, but he had a feeling of narcissism coming from him.

"Is that really a Salamander?" Naegi said she cringed a bit, looking towards an older man who was posing weirdly.

Fortuna frowned "I doubt that. He's probably an imposter. I heard that Salamander is a pink-haired lad with a white scarf on his neck." Naegi was happy that it wasn't the real deal. "I think we should just wait here and let your luck do its work."

"Huh? How come?"

Fortuna giggled. "One way or another, your luck will eventually bring Salamander towards you, and you never will know when it will happen—tomorrow or today, morning or night, and even now."

She was right, and Naegi noticed someone. A pink-haired boy with a white scarf popped his head inside the circle, looking towards the so-called 'Salamander'.

"Are you a fan of mine,boy?" The Salamander asked the pink-haired boy, who lazily looked towards him.

"Nah, you are not him." Seemingly disappointed, he stood up and started to go in the opposite direction.

"Huh!? This guy is disrespecting Salamander-sama!?!?"

"How dare you...."

Salamander's fans started to angrily growl in the boy's direction.

"Get him, girls!" They all jumped towards the poor boy, starting to teach him a lesson.

Makoto's sweat dropped seeing their attitude. Women are scary sometimes,he noted to himself.

"He is surely popular." Makoto frowned.

"No, it's not that. Makoto: It seems this Salamander is using some kind of spell that makes women fall for him." Fortuna suddenly exclaimed She was a goddess after all, and noticing magic abilities was part of her 'existence.

Makoto didn't say anything, but he noticed a blonde girl who didn't follow others. Feeling that the best way would probably be to wake her up, he approached her.

"U-Umm...Miss." He said he got no reply. "...Miss?" He replied again, but to no avail. She stood unshaken as if in a trance. He sighed but didn't resign as he screamed. "MISS!"

"Huh!? Wh-Wha???" She snapped out of the trance. The blonde-haired girl with a beautiful body and a beautiful face befitting her

Makoto blushed seeing her closer; she was probably as beautiful as Maizono.

"I am sorry, I just think that guy used some kind of spell on you."

She didn't respond as she looked around her. "You are right! This scum is using charms that make women fall for him!" She was seemingly angry while the girls pulled the pink-haired boy and launched him towards Makoto.

"What the hell!?" The pink-haired boy screamed mid-air, about to collide with Makoto, who didn't notice him and bended down to adjust his ties while the boy crashed onto the wall.

Makoto, standing up, looked around only to see the pink-haired lad lying on the ground, completely unconscious.

He turned toward the blonde girl with a worried look. "What just happened?" He was confused.

The girl blinked several times, not believing that anyone was near her. "I am not sure myself!"

Suddenly the gust of wind blew from nowhere to be seen as Makoto, upon turning, saw a Salamander flying up in the air, leaving the girls and his autograph to the pink-haired boy.

"That was something..." Makoto frowned, now turning towards the girl. "I believe I haven't introduced myself yet... My name is Makoto Naegi." He bowed down while introducing himself.

The girl chuckled to herself, seeing the guy near her. He was somewhat cute with his manners, she thought, as she smiled towards him. "Lucy...Lucy Heartfilia and pleasure are all mine, Makoto."

"And my name is Happy,Aye!" The blue cat exclaimed while raising its paws above the airBlue Cat!?!?

Makoto's and Lucy's eyes widened when they saw a blue cat—and a talking one at that!

"You can talk?" Makoto asked with wide eyes.

"Why is he blue?" Lucy continued.

Happy just shrugged it off, saying, "You look like you never saw a talking cat,aye?"

"Of course we didn't! Cats don't usually talk, ya know?"

"But I am talking though..."

Lucy and Happy were discussing the existence of talking cats while Makoto... well, Makoto...




"Aye, you are really hungry, aren't you?"

It was a fact. Makoto hadn't eaten in a while—since his execution, if he is right. He was embarrassed and looked away like a kitten trying to be abandoned by its master. Lucy aww-ed in her mind seeing his antics.

"I tried to find a place to eat, but I don't know where... S-S-Sorry..." He looked down, embarrassed.

Lucy smiled. "Since you saved me, I think it only natural for me to treat you with something nice."


"No,it's my treat, and I said that I would thank you." She grabbed him by the arm and started to drag him with her.

He stopped. "W-Wait." He said it worriedly.

"Hm? What's the matter?"

He approached the pink-haired boy. "Yosh." He said as he pulled the pink-haired guy with himself, gaining a confused look from Lucy.

"What are you doing?"

"I can't leave this guy all alone in here. I feel bad for him." He said he lifted him with struggle.

Lucy looked at him with a soft smile again. She didn't know this guy for long, but one thing was clear: he was kind, and it was rare to find a kind person nowadays.





"Umph! Makoto, you are really a life saver! The pink-haired lad, Natsu, screamed, putting his hand over his shoulder.


"I didn't do anything." Makoto spoke timidly. "I just couldn't leave you alone, and Lucy-san is the one whom you should thank,I think."

Natsu and Happy lazily looked towards Lucy. "Thanks,Luigi!" They said it in unison.

"It is Lucy!" She screamed with a popped-out vein. Beside the fact that I agreed to pay for Makoto's meal, not yours,what are you doing here anyway?"

Makoto shook his hands. "I am treating them, Lucy-san. You too can order anything I want to pay for you as well." Makoto got quite a lot of money after a certain lucky 'incident' that happened to him.

Lucy frowned. "I already told you that I would treat you...."

Makoto didn't back up and decided to pay nonetheless. It was already a bad thing that the lady paid for him in the first place.

"Sigh. It's useless." She gave up and decided to let him do what he wanted. "Anyway,what were you thinking when you decided to meddle with that Salamander guy?"

Natsu gulped the food that he was eating as he looked towards her and said, "I was searching for a dragon."


"Aye! He was searching for a big Giant Dragon,Igneel."

"Yeah, that's why I decided to check it out in here."

Makoto and Lucy frowned.

"What in the hell would a dragon do in the middle of a town?"

Makoto nodded.

Natsu raised his hand, wanting to say something, but shortly after giving it some thought, he remained silent.

The atmosphere became silent, and Makoto decided to lighten the mood.

"U-Umm. Lucy-san, why are you here?"

"Hm? You mean, why am I in this town? I heard that a mage from a certain guild that I want to join is in here."

Makoto looked at her in surprise. "What a coincidence! I too want to join the guild, though I don't know how." He sheepishly scratched his neck.

Lucy repeated his action. "Same here...hehe."

After some time of eating and talking, our group separated.

Now Naegi was alone again.

"They were really good people." He exclaimed, trying to wake Fortuna. Strangely, she was quiet when Makoto was talking with Happy, Lucy, and Natsu.

"They surely are,Makoto." Her tone was soft and happy, as if a mother who cared for her child was finding some friends.

"Why were you silent?"

"Well, It's hard to contain my presence here. So I think I will need some time to rest."

"Oh! I see. Sorry if I disturbed you."

"Yawn. Don't worry. I think I will go to sleep!" With that said, the Goddess of Fortune became silent, or, in analogy, went to sleep.

Makoto stretched himself, feeling a bit tired. That's when he noticed Lucy and Salamander.

"Huh?" His drowsiness faded away as he saw the Salamander going somewhere with Lucy.

Makoto didn't know Lucy for long, but he knew that she disliked this guy, and his having some kind of ring that practically hypnotizes women didn't make the situation any better.

"I know it's not good to follow people, but..." He clenched his fist with uneasiness in his heart. "I will apologize to Lucy later."

With that said, he decided to follow them.




Lucy was wearing a red dress while holding a glass of wine in her hands.

Both Lucy and Salamander were inside the ship, while the latter was trying to flirt with Lucy. She was obviously irritated by this guy, and with a popped-out vein, she nearly crushed the glass in her hand.

'Patience,Lucy. He is from Fairy Tail, so I should endure that much.

"Miss Lucy. You seem to not like the wine. What a fine young lady you are. He sent her a flying smooch while she just waved her hands to make it go off.


"Now to business. So you said you wanted to join Fairy Tail,am I right?"

"Ah! Yes! I always dreamed to be part of Fairy Tail, so

Unfortunately, you can't."

"Huh? But w-why?"

A kind smile on Salamander's face disappeared as he grinned evilly, looking towards her. "Because you are going to become a slave."

"What—!?" Suddenly, the curtain behind her was raised as the bunch of thugs were revealed.

"Kukuku. To fool such a girl. As expected of you,Boro!"

"Shut up. I told you not to call me that!" Salamander...err,no... Boro said this angrily, scolding his subordinate.

"Boro...? You are the Prominence Boro! You were kicked out of your guild because of your bad behavior. I know you!"

Boro's grin faded as it was replaced by an eerie laugh. "Yes,I am. So what? You are going to be a sex slave anyway, so how does it matter?" He placed his hand on her chin while grabbing a pile of Golden keys in her pocket. "Kekeke,I doubt that you will need those!" He threw them away while Lucy had a pissed-off look.

He grinned again. "I don't really like this look on your face, bum." He grabbed her face as his left hand lit up. "Maybe I should put some sense into you."


The room's ceiling was collapsed by Makoto, who suddenly hit the wrong spot of the ceiling while trying to save Lucy, and as a result, it collapsed.

"What the hell!?" Boro exclaimed, his eyes wide as a pair of clocks. "Who the hell are you?"

Makoto stood up while shaking from his sudden fall. "Stop what you are doing right now." He said he was still shaking.

"Look at yourself. You are shaking from just a fall,ha!" Boro exclaimed, facing him.

All while his subordinates also looked pissed.

"Let's give this guy a beating!"


They all dashed towards Makoto, who shakingly avoided every upcoming punch.

He dodged them easily and swiftly by accident because of his shaking head.

"You damn brat!"

One of the thugs tried to stab him as Makoto bent down, trying to find a jewel he suddenly found, while the guy with the knife tripped, stabbing his hand.

"GYAAAH! MY HAND!" He screamed in Agony while suddenly hitting the bag filled with powder, which immediately spread across the room, blinding everyone.

Makoto turned towards him almost immediately. "Are you alright,sir?" He ran towards the guy who stabbed himself, not knowing that behind him was a man with a bat trying to hit him from behind, but unexpectedly the bird that was flying over the ship had an urge to take a shit and did it right away while its poop landed millimeters where the man with a bat stood. As he stepped forward, he tripped on bird shit falling down with a crack sound seemingly breaking some bones of his all while his bat landed on the man with a gun who shot from surprise, hitting his ally who punched his friend near him from pain, causing the chain reaction which caused the powder in the room to explode, swaying away all the thugs while Makoto stood unshaken and not understanding what had happened.

Lucy and Boro, who stood there, didn't see anything as the powder and explosion blocked their sight. But after some time, the fog cleared, showing a figure of Makoto, who, unknown to him, stood on a pile of unconscious bodies like a hero from fairytales.

Lucy, I came to save you!" His face was full of hope and determination, applied with a pile of bodies under him. He looked like a white knight in her eyes.

"Makoto!" She screamed happily, seeing the luckster before her eyes.

Boro, meanwhile, had wide eyes with his jaw on the floor.

"There is no way!!!? All my allies had magical weapons in their hands. How did you defeat them?!?"

Makoto turned towards him with a serious expression. "I didn't even lay a finger on them." He said it seriously while not understanding what Boro meant.

Boro's eyes widened even more.

"Y-You...are you saying that you dealt with them without even trying? Wait! Are you by any chance the guy who destroyed several trees just by launching a stone towards them?!""

This time it was Makoto whose eyes were wide open. "How do you know about that?" He asked, worried.

So the rumors were right! You are the rumored Mage of Dawn who secretly trained an unknown kind of lost magic! People tell legends about you!" Boro was pale as snow while pushing Lucy towards Makoto. "Take her! I am sorry!" He bowed while Makoto was busy catching Lucy.

"Lucy-san! Are you alright?"

Lucy was shocked to hear all the information she heard from Boro. So Makoto was an unknown mage who was strong enough to destroy half of the forest? It was a surprise for her as she looked at his fearless face.

"Y-Yes..." She said she felt her cheeks redden a bit. She saw Makoto in new colors. He was cool and strong, and Wait! What is she thinking about? No. No. That wasn't time to think about this kind of stuff.

"I don't know what you were talking about, but I am glad you cooperated and—"

As he wanted to continue, suddenly from the sky, a dizzy-looking Natsu started to fall down with his fist covered in fire.

"Fire Dragon's Iron Fist!" He screamed as the fire in his arms reacted with the remaining powder, blowing the ship into small pieces.


"You idiot!"

Makoto and Lucy flew away from the impact, right towards the sea. Falling, or actually drowning, Lucy spotted a familiar shine; it was her Celestial Spirit Gate Keys. She started to swim towards them and grabbed them.

'Aquarius! She might help!' she thought as her keys started to shine. "Open! A door to the treasure vase palace! Aquarius!!!"

As she said it, her keys started to shine intensely as a gorgeous mermaid appeared before her.

Happy was shocked to see her. "Whoaaaaah! A fish!!!"

"It's not!!" Lucy exclaimed. "I'm a celestial spirit mage, meaning that I can summon Celestial Spirits from another world, so that's why, Aquarius! Use your power to send the ship back to the coast!"

Aquarius looked around her for a while as she looked back towards Lucy. Tch," she said, looking anoyed.

"D-Did you just say 'Tch'!? Come on, don't be picky!"

Aquarius again 'tch'-ed as he said, "You are one noisy kid. But listen. If you drop your keys again,I will kill you."

"I am sorry..."

She then lifted her vase up.

Suddenly, an enormous amount of water started to splash out of it.

The impact was so strong—strong enough to flush even Lucy, along with others, all towards the shore.

The feeling of water hitting your face and the strong splash were strong enough to give Lucy and others one hell of a ride.

Makoto, however, was now in the air as he landed on Aquarius with his face buried in her chest.

"MMMMPHHH!?!?" Naegi exclaimed in all red while Aquarius looked towards him. "I am sorry!" He said he was still clinging onto her.

She looked at him closely.

"Huh. You are cute." She said she was grabbing him by his collar. "Wanna be my boyfriend?"

Makoto's eyes widened. "Wh-What!? What do you mean?"

He was cut off by Lucy's scream. "Why did you flush us along with the ship?" Lucy exclaimed, a vein popping out of her face.

Aquarius, however, didn't pay attention to her. "You should be thankful that you have such a cutie by your side." Aquarius said, gently placing Makoto on one of the broken pieces of the ship. Because of that, I am not going to punish you for dropping the keys. Anyway, see ya." She immediately disappeared, leaving dumbfounded Makoto with his thoughts—but not for long as he spotted Natsu, who was now facing Boro.

"You damn bastard!" Boro screamed. "Do you know with whom you are dealing? I am one of the Fairy Tail mages!"

Natsu didn't respond at all. "Hey, let me look at your face." Natsu said it with an angry expression. He looked at Bora for a while before landing a punch in his face. "You piece of trash claim to be a Fairy Tail mage?"

"Y-You fucker!!!" Boro's hands suddenly lit up. "You are dead!" He started to run towards Natsu as suddenly the remaining powder lit up again, launching Bora towards Makoto.

Now flying towards Makoto, the Luckster raised his hands in surprise, making it look like a punch and making Bora pass out.

Lucy, Happy, and even Natsu had their eyes wide open, looking towards the Lucky Mage, who was even more surprised than them.

"Dude! You are really strong!"

"Not only the thugs, but he defeated Bora the Prominence without even putting an effort into it!"

"A-Aye, Makoto is really strong!"

"I did nothing actually." He scratched his cheek, but that didn't work at all.

"Stop it,dude! I know how hellishly strong you are! I saw it just now!"

"Aye! Me too."

"You are insanely strong,Makoto!"

He knew that they wouldn't believe him.




Back in Port Town.

Makoto, along with Happy, Lucy, and Natsu, were greeted by citizens of the town.

"This Ahoge and this green hoodie! Aren't you the hero from the legends!?"


"Truly amazing! You saved our town from Boro the Prominence without using a single spell!" The town chief was holding Makoto's hands while shaking them happily. "It's an honor! It truly is an honor!"

"I didn't do anything! My friends over here did more than me."

Suddenly, both Lucy and Natsu stood up for him.

"Stop saying that. We all saw how you effortlessly dealt with bad guys!"

Yes, and you even withstood Aquarius's water magic!"

The town people cheered him while the Chief of the Hargeon sharply looked towards Natsu, spotting his guild Mark.

"Wait...are you Natsu Dragneel by any chance?"

Natsu nodded. "Yeh, why do you ask?"

"Amazing! Ahoge's hero has a rumored Salamander of Fairy Tail as a friend! Unbelievable! So you are part of Fairy Tail as well! Good!"

"Umm..No,I am no—"

"Cheers for the hero!"

People in town, along with Makoto's newfound friends, started to cheer for him while he had a pale face.

'I didn't do anything!'


And done! Phew! My Fucking God! 5k words per chapter! It's my new record.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter, and... well, I kind of liked the idea of making Makoto similar to King from OPM.

Makoto is basically so lucky that he defeats his opponents with luck while people misunderstand him, claiming him to be insanely strong. I kind of love that.

And questions regarding the harem... well, I plan to add many girls to it, but I won't say the names of the harem members as there are too many of them. Also yes. Lucy is in the harem because I am already bored with Natsu and Lucy's ships in every crossover harem fic. I mean, it's a dope ship, but I just love Lucy.

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