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65.38% Danmachi The reincarnation of the menace / Chapter 17: Chapter 17

Chapitre 17: Chapter 17

Hello everyone it's me again, I really want to apologize for taking long to upload but these chapters really took a long time to write I had to watch Astraea Record for every detail so I don't miss anything I watched it from youtube it had 3 parts and in total was about 12 hours.

I had to watch it carefully I really spent a lot of hours just taking notes and not writing anything, but even with that, I would have finished earlier than this if it wasn't for these problems in life.

You never know when life kicks you I guess, they were not anything significant or anything it was just stuff that needed maintenance like the air conditioner and my car, I knew what the problem was so I managed to fix it myself but the time it took especially the car was just too much.

But I'm back now I already wrote these 3 chapters I will try to write more but not today as I used up all my energy on it, this chapter alone has 3k words while the other 2... well it was one chapter actually but I had to split it because it had more than 4k words on it.

Well enough of my rambling, I will leave to enjoy the chapters... I hope so.





It's been almost 3 weeks since I visited My Grandparents I have been mostly chilling out as I didn't have anything to do other than monitoring Evilu's activities, and no I'm not lazing around, I'm just appreciating the 'no problems' state I have at the moment I won't have this luxury in the future.

I noticed that Evilus started attacking the magic stone manufacturing factory although it was only once, this is the first sign of the beginning of the events of the Great Feud.

If I do remember correctly the fourth attack will mark '10 days before the event start' Although there are people who are going to get killed at this time mostly are from the dungeon the array doesn't extend to it anyway so no point in turning it on, as for the people who got killed at the 'Charity Feast' call me cruel if you want but I don't care for them they were not killed by Alfia and Zald if I had any reason for it I suppose it for preserving the energy of the array and not make Evilus gods suspected something is wrong.

By the time the Great Feud start there is no turning back for them even if they notice something they won't have the luxury to change their plans at least that's what I hope for.

Not so surprisingly it didn't take long for Evilus to start the fourth attack, so I started going around and marking the Familias that are involved here, for Ganesha Familia I only marked Shakti as Ardee is going to die anyway so it's useless to mark her.

For the Astraea Familia, I marked Alise, Kaguya, Ryuu, Lyra, and Neze.

For the Freya Familia, I only marked Ottar and Allen as they are most active in the story during these events, I know the rest were fighting but it's either defending their base and the area around it or defending their goddess.

As for the Loki Familia, I marked Gareth and Riveria I was going to mark Finn as well but as soon I got close to him he pointed his spear in my direction, now let me tell fuck this I'm not messing with him for now although yes he can't see me or interact with me in my ghost form he still can feel my presents to which let me add even Freya who can see souls failed to detect, thankfully he only assume a commanding role and only join the fight at the end.

As for the others, I only marked two more people…well, Gods in this case Astraea and Hermes, one is going to send Erebus to heaven while the other is a witness as I'm still planning to save him I need to know the location of these two.

But is it really fine to save him? I mean he killed a lot of people didn't he, but then again his actual killing only started with the Great Feud, although his followers did kill people before that's his followers, not him….. you know I can worry about this after I save him if he isn't worth it, I can simply just send him to heaven myself.

I started making more shadow clones and spread them around the city so I would have better control and view over the situation and kept monitoring everyone's moves.

And finally, for the first time, I was able to see Alfia and Zald and even managed to mark them I thought I would be found out, but they didn't even react it could be because of their state from what I'm seeing, as expected of the most powerful characters after Albert the hero they are no joke,

And I doubt they will just lay low after saving them I need to seal their power although it is not a permanent solution at least it will bind them for a bit until I can stand in front of them in terms of power.

After waiting for a few more days Loki, Freya, Ganesha, and Astraea Familias are finally launching an attack on Evilu's bases at least that's what they think but it's non my concern.

I started activating the array while all the shadow clones all over Orario are ready to act the moment they sense any death, I sat down on top of Bable and started watching the show.

I'm but a spectator here, I will not interfere with anything here, the events that are happening shall follow the paths they are meant although I can't say the same for the aftermath.

All the preparation I have done over the years is going to prove if I'm able to overcome fate or me being a fool thinking I can overcome such a force and playing right into its hands all of this time.

Well then, looks like the array is entirely on let's enjoy the show.

(From this point on it's 3rd point of view)

Ever since the fall of both Zeus and Hera's Familias the peace that was preserved by them for hundreds of years fell with them.

Orario, which was known as a paradise and the dream for every person for creating their own story or legend was now in its dark age.

Those two familia were always responsible for the safety of the city and with them around the dark forces never dared to do their deeds in the light, but with them gone there was no one to replace them.

It got to the point that the dark forces known as Evilus now started committing crimes in broad daylight because they knew there was no one to stop them, Evilus continued to grow, and with that came the increased amount of crimes to the point that one can't even feel safe in their own home and even adventurers who are blessed by the gods were a target to them, it pushed everyone on Orario on the edge.

But hope was not completely lost, both Loki and Freya Familias decided to take the place of Zeus and Hera Familias, and with the high-level adventurers in their ranks they had the ability to do it, but they were not the only ones that stood to fight the evil, Ganesha Familia with the advantage of the large number of adventurers in there Familia used it to help people around and even become a sort of police forces that watch over the city, there is the Astraea Familia as well although they didn't have high-level adventurers in their rank with the highest level being a level 3, their role of upholding justice and helping the weak and fighting evil was alone enough to inspire a lot of people that there is still hope in this world.

The fight between Evilus and Orario adventurers was going on nonstop sometimes It was Orario winning against Evilus and arresting them and disturbing their evil plans, and sometimes it was the other way around making Evilus get the upper hand and succeed in their plans, but today was different.

The Loki, Ferya, Astraea, and Ganesha Familias found the main bases of Evilus and were determent to face them and deal a major blow to them if not end them, they carefully planned their movement to not alert the enemy and deal with them when they are unprepared.

But who would have thought that the outcome of their battle would be so different from anyone's prediction, it was when they started their attack and thought they were winning but alas it was not the case Evilus revealed its claws and bit not only the adventurers but the whole city of Orario.

Explosions, corpses, rivers of blood, and screams of pain, hatred, and sorrow it was a living hell, their new weapon 'Suicide Bombers' completely shocked everyone, they didn't even know how to defend against it, not to mention protect the civilians, and to add the salt to the injury the pillar of Orario known as 'The King' was taken down along with Top Executive of the Loki Familia except the Braver and it was done by non-other than 2 members of the Zeus and Hera Familia the ones that upheld the peace of Orario.

And before anyone can breathe a bit Gods, one after another was getting sent back to heaven leaving their members powerless against Evilus nothing more than a lamp that pose no threat to them, the Demon Lord revealed himself and his intent to destroy Orario and spread chaos everywhere bringing complete despair to the world.

From that point there was no safe place on Orario, Evilus went around slaughtering people left and right and their numbers were just endless, adventurers tried stopping them they tried saving the innocents around them but only to be met either their or those innocents' death.

It was truly one of the longest and darkest nights in Orario and even those who made it for the next day can only see despair.

The Astraea Familia even with their broken hearts from not being able to uphold the thing they believed in and not being able to save lives still went around trying to help but what they met was not the gratitude they usually get but rocks being thrown at them and blame for not being fast enough for there aid, and even though their captain Alise Lovell apologized for not being strong enough to protect them they still blamed them for not saving them and loved ones as it was there job and what they always promised to do.

The Freya Familia or more specifically the captain 'The king' Ottar was devastated by his defeat and disappointing his beloved Goddess to the point he went around searching for Zald to kill him even with his injured body although he was stopped by the vice-captain Allen it was not from the goodness of his heart but to kill him instead of feeding the enemy.

As for the Loki Familia they were Forced to use their Ace even though it was a child known as 'Sword Princess' because of the lack of manpower around.

The battle still went around giving Orario no space to breathe, people started to completely lose hope, and even those that took justice as their belief started questioning it.

But life is a very interesting thing, every adversity, every failure, every heartache carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit, in the end, some of your greatest pains become your greatest strengths.

Perhaps that was the thing that the Demon lord and Alfia and Zald believed was necessary as adversity is the first path to truth and to prove their point Orario or more specifically the Astraea Familia decided to stick to their belief even if the justice they believed in failed them, they will find one that will save spread peace everywhere and they will make sure to uphold it.

Even though it was only a spark of brightness, it was enough to inspire everyone in Orario as they remembered what they were fighting for, and they were not the only ones of course even 'The King' who fell down once stood back up with the intent of victory this time.

Everyone was getting for the final battle, between good and evil and they wanted to settle this once and for all and defeat Evilus at its peak to prove themself as the new generation of heroes, 'Braver' lit their flames and hunger for victory even though the battle was completely in their disadvantage he still made them believe they can make this impossible feat possible.

The Battle started and to say it was intense would be an understatement 'The King' alone went to battle with 'Gluttony' Zald, while The Astraea Familia teamed up with 'Nine Hell' Riveria, 'Elgarm' Gareth, and 'Battle Princess' Ais to take down the nightmare coming from the 24th floor of the dungeon, while the rest will fight to protect the civilians and destroy Evilus.

But all of it was easier said than done, Ottar started clashing with Zald their blows shaking the Ground like an earthquake, and even though Ottar held on for a longer time he still didn't manage to gain the upper hand at all, but he refused to lose his will, his pride, his determination didn't allow to walk away with another defeat he was set on surpassing this wall even if it was the last thing he did.

It was then that Evilus decided to go all out even if it meant hurting their members in the process, they released all the monsters they captured without a tamer and led them to Central Park, and there was no one to stop them Ottar already have his hand in the fight with Zald and everyone else is busy guarding their assigned fortress and they can't leave as there are civilians there.

When everyone was on the brink of losing all hope The veteran adventurers led by Noir, Dine, and Barra from the Loki familia started going towards those monsters and slaying them recklessly without any second thought, they were not fighting to see tomorrow, they fought to give their lives in exchange for hopes that will be passed down for the next generation even if their sacrifice meant nothing in changing the outcome of the battle they still did if it meant buying time for others to survive.

Their sacrifices fueled the rest with the desire to win, as others continued to fight on even though they were injured like 'Vana Freya' Allen he continued to fight on with the rest of the adventurers to keep monsters away from Babel.

While Ottar found himself wanting to fight for them and that was the first time in his whole life he fought for someone other than his own Goddess, he and Zald traded clash after clash no one wanting to fall down, until they went all out and delivered the final and strongest moves resulting in the destruction of the ice wall that was protecting Babel.

But in the end, Ottar emerged as the victor and conquered the title of the new generation's strongest and leveled up to level 7 making him grow even stronger than before as only one slash from him wiped up all the monsters that were heading towards Babel.

After Than he started talking to Zald asking him if he regretted killing the Behemoth to which Zald said he never did but what he regretted is something else unfortunately he wasn't able to continue as he coughed blood, he was dying it was already a miracle he held up this long.

"Rest in peace Zald, I'm not your Goddess, but I will watch you as you make your departure."

"Hah… Lucky me. It's good that I'm being seen off by a Goddess instead of that Gramps"

Freya assured Zald that he won't die alone and she will see him off, and he couldn't help but remember his God, he quickly turned his gaze to Ottar and started talking to him.



"This is not where you're supposed to be satisfied. Keep striving… Keep aiming above… and beyond…"

"..I don't need a reminder"


"Become stronger… All of you kids… become stronger… than anyone…"

Zald slowly took his last breath and closed his eyes, even in his last moment he was still thinking about the next generation and hoped what he has done helped make them stronger and prepare them for the storms that were going to hit them in the future.

"…The last surviving member of the Zeus Familia is gone, for real this time"

concluded Freya after seeing Zald's soul leave his body.

"I see…"

'I appreciate it, Zald'

Ottar thought silently in his heart, this man has always been a huge wall to him he has always made him taste the bitter taste of defeat, and even made his legs tremble when he was marked as prey by him, but one thing for sure, he always helped him grow stronger whether it is in the past when he spared with him or the present where he fought with him a battle of life and death.



His thoughts were completely cut off as he only now noticed a hidden enemy and two of them at that, he didn't even need to think about what to do as he rushed to his Goddess and hugged her offering his own body to shield her.



He Braced himself for a strong impact but he only felt a bit of heat that's all, was his level up to level 7 this strong that makes him ignore these explosions?

"..These Explosion… are weak?"

"Yes Ottar, it appears that it is only a normal explosive, not the same one they used for their suicide bombers, perhaps they run out of it?"

"My Lady, I disappointed you once again, I let my guard down and endangered your life, I-"

"Calm down Ottar, even I didn't see it coming, the one who exploded was not a mortal as I didn't see a soul on it, it's just something unpredictable, but if you are sorry about it then just continue to help the others, the war is not over yet."

"Yes My Lady"

Even though Freya had a weird feeling about this situation, she couldn't put a finger on it, everything looks normal, did they want to rescue Zald? wait! Zald.

She turned around but still found Zald laying there the same as before didn't even move an inch because the explosion was a bit far from him and there is nothing weird about him just a body without a soul.

She decided to just focus on the battle ahead and count that attack as just some fools wanting to create chaos.

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