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90.63% Rebirth as a Time Dragon: A DND Chronicle / Chapter 299: Chapter 299: Clash of the Gods

Chapitre 299: Chapter 299: Clash of the Gods

Submerging the land with the ocean.

After hearing the threat from Nagakabouros, Garon, Volibear, Anivia, and other demigods were unmoved. As demigods, they were well aware of the power possessed by creatures of their own tier.

Demigods are indeed powerful.

But to overturn the sea and submerge the land is not an easy feat to achieve.

Unless Nagakabouros could unite all the demigods of the sea to exert their power together, there might be a chance to submerge the land. However, this is under the condition that the demigods living on land do not interfere.

But how could that be possible?

Demigods can survive in all material worlds, but that does not mean they all wish to live in a world submerged by the sea. When it comes to living environments, different demigods have different preferences.

"Haha, you can try."

"We brothers will not stop you. If you have such power, feel free to demonstrate it in front of us."

Volibear laughed heartily, not taking Nagakabouros's threat seriously.

Garon also smiled lightly, saying, "My brother is right. If you can do such a thing, go ahead. We would also like to see the spectacle of the land being submerged by the sea. It might be quite interesting."

Faced with the provocation of the two demigods.

Nagakabouros fell silent for a few seconds.

If Garon and other demigods gave it the World Rune, it could indeed summon endless tsunamis until the boundless ocean completely submerged the land. But without the World Rune, it did not possess such power.

The power of demigods has its limits.

The main material world can accommodate demigods because it is difficult for demigods to cause irreparable damage to the main material world.

Considering the overly fragile worlds like the Noxian continent, for example, the Valoran continent here, with so many demigods living together on the continent and in the ocean, contradictions and conflicts are frequent. Mountains are destroyed, and the earth is trampled, but on the level of the world, these do not constitute a major impact.

"Nagakabouros, I know you."

"The great sea beast."

"Among the demigods of the sea, you are the most powerful."

"But if you leave the ocean and step onto land, you are nothing."

Anivia flapped her wings, soaring above, and said.

Nagakabouros's thick tentacles slapped the sea surface messily, speaking amid the sea's wailing, "Is that so?"

"Its gaze swept over the ice phoenix and then looked at Volibear, saying, "I have also heard of you few in the ocean."

Then, Nagakabouros sneered, saying, "But you're just a few demigods huddling together for warmth. A true god needs no companions. Let's see how capable you are!"

Failing to communicate, Nagakabouros clearly decided to physically confront Garon and other demigods to try and snatch what it desired.

Its strength was much stronger than that of an average demigod.

Thus, Nagakabouros harbored a grand ambition—to become the true god of the ocean, dominating other oceanic demigods. However, its current strength was insufficient to achieve this, but the World Rune might grant it enough power.

However, just as it finished speaking and before it could make the first move, it heard a mix of angry roars and rolling thunder.

"Worthless demigods?"

"You're seeking your own death!"

Volibear roared, and endless lightning descended from the sky, entering its body.

In an instant, standing over six hundred meters tall, like a mountainous giant bear stood amid the storm and thunder, extending a paw enveloped in azure lightning, and swiped at Nagakabouros from afar.

Dark clouds like a black tide gathered above Nagakabouros and a few sea beasts.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lightning snakes danced, and thunder dragons roared. The dim sky was illuminated by lightning as if it were daytime. At the same time, thousands of thunderbolts struck the area where Nagakabouros was located, filling the ionized air with invisible charged particles.

At that moment.

In the roaring storm and thunder.

Different types of divine powers surged, creating a wave of divine power in the space that only demigods could perceive, with endless flows of different attributes of divine power infusing the bodies of Nagakabouros and the three sea beasts.

During the tumultuous winds and clouds, four terrifyingly large demigods appeared between the storm and the thunder.

Nagakabouros's tentacles, even exceeding a kilometer in length, rose to the sky like green giant pillars connecting heaven and earth, whipping up continuous tsunamis in the ocean.

Similarly achieving demigod transformation, the wild beasts and Nagakabouros stood on the same front, stirring up the sea.

The thunder released by Volibear fell, intercepted by Nagakabouros and the beasts with their divine powers, causing no actual damage to them.

Such dispersed attacks are not easy to harm demigods of the same tier.

Volibear's attack was merely a signal, a declaration of war.

At the same time.

Powers of time, winter, and the ocean, among other divine powers, roared to life.

After undergoing demigod transformation, a silver dragon with wings spanning over a kilometer and an ice phoenix stood proudly, the seal nun, originally tiny, also transformed into a seal beast slightly shorter than Volibear after demigod transformation, only its body seemed entirely made of seawater, different from the other few demigods.

"Sister, younger brother, seal nun."

"You deal with the beasts, and I'll take care of that arrogant sea beast! I'll let it experience the fury of the storm!"

Amid the swirling storm and thunder, the thunder bear soared into the sky, the first to charge at Nagakabouros, while the other sea beasts, also in the tumultuous waters, rapidly approached Garon and other demigods.

Among the four demigod-level enemies.

Just by looking at the size, it was clear that Nagakabouros was the most powerful.

Garon knew of Volibear's strength, but also knew it probably was not a match for Nagakabouros. However, Garon did not stop his brother and instead focused on one of the three demigod beasts, immediately setting his sights on the black giant shark that had rushed out of the water and could float in the air.

Among the three beasts.

This giant shark was the one Garon felt was the strongest.

It had a body over a kilometer long, covered in a layer of iron-black scales, with a pair of crimson eyes, a mouth full of ferocious serrated shark teeth, and sharp fins like blades, all indicating its danger.


The silver dragon flapped its wings, dispersing the storm and rain, tearing through the deep rain curtain, and charged towards the black iron giant shark.

Upon sensing Garon's hostility, the giant shark also locked onto Garon as its target, its crimson eyes focusing on Gar

on, the air around its eye sockets twisting due to the rapid temperature changes.


Two red lasers shot out from the giant shark's pupils.

The red beams piercing through the storm were incredibly fast, heading straight for Garon.

However, the giant dragon, massive in size, moved as if it had activated acceleration, showing an extremely agile and smooth connection, as smooth as silk.

The silver dragon contracted its wings, twisting and turning in the air like a constantly bending silver light, no matter how the black iron giant shark moved its head, the red high-temperature lasers could not land on the silver dragon's massive body.

Elsewhere in the ocean.

Anivia faced a sea lion-like beast, while the seal nun tangled with a venomous sea urchin.

For a time, storm, thunder, seawater, and ice crystals, various powerful divine powers filled this sea area, with destructive forces rising and falling. If this were on land, the ground would probably have already shattered.

The silver dragon moved while a deep and obscure incantation voice emanated from its mouth.

Soon, a spell from the Transmutation school was successfully constructed.

Eleventh ring Transmutation legendary spell: Flame Frost Waterfall!

This was one of Garon's achievements over decades in the Ferelden continent. Initially, to prove that his spell-creating ability was not weak, Garon spent a long time creating this eleventh ring spell with little help from Ioun.

The moment the spell was constructed.

A huge double-ringed nested magic circle appeared in the sky, locking onto the black iron giant shark, moving with it.

The two independent yet interconnected magic circles, one blue and one red, drew countless fire and ice elemental energies, converging together, and ultimately, forming a red-blue gradient towering waterfall, like the Milky Way pouring down from the heavens, rumbling down towards the black iron giant shark.

At the same time.

The silver dragon turned its head, and the power of time erupted.

Layered casting!

Accelerated casting!


With the consumption of the power of time, three more Flame Frost Waterfalls emerged from the river of time, all locking onto the black iron giant shark.

The Flame Frost Waterfalls containing destructive power poured down.

Boom! The Flame Frost Waterfall aimed at the black iron giant shark fell first, drenching the beast's thick and iron-hard back, with fire and frost raging and colliding, in the midst of explosive sounds, pressing the giant shark's body below the sea surface, directly causing hundreds of meters high towering waves.

The silver dragon struck, without any hesitation, diving down.

The massive body, like a meteor falling into the ocean.


The sea surface was torn apart by the collision, creating a huge wound, and the silver figure was swallowed by the boundless seawater.

Garon loved soaring in the sky.

However, dragons are amphibious creatures, and the vast ocean does not affect a dragon's strength.

After entering the ocean, Garon immediately retracted his dragon wings, positioning them beside his body, with his powerful tail swaying, his body in the blue seawater resembling a silver bullet, directly heading towards the black iron shark pressed into the ocean by the Flame Frost Waterfall.

Casting four times simultaneously with an eleventh ring Transmutation spell.

Even demigod creatures cannot ignore such power.

The black iron giant shark was pressed to the sea bottom thousands of meters deep, but after regaining its senses, layers of metallic armor grew on its body like it had a life of its own, forcefully resisting the power of the Flame Frost Waterfall, breaking free from it with an angry roar.


As soon as the ferocious beast broke free from the suppression, it saw the demigod silver dragon not hundreds of meters away.

The black iron shark opened its huge mouth, revealing crisscrossing shark teeth.

With a powerful tail slap, it stirred up heavy undercurrents.

In the muddy and chaotic ocean bottom, the giant shark, like a black lightning, charged out, its terrifying maw biting towards the silver dragon.

If bitten, Garon felt he would not die but would be severely injured.

The most terrifying aspect of this shark beast was its bite.

With a thought, the surrounding turbid seawater, surging undercurrents, and the fearsome shark with its mouth wide open, all froze at the same time.

Stopping time for a demigod-level beast was a huge burden for Garon.

He could feel the beast's violent resistance against the divine power.

Garon could not stop it for too long.

However, in such a life-and-death battle, even a few seconds of stasis could determine the outcome.

The silver dragon's upper and lower jaws opened, taking a deep breath.

The waters of time and seawater flowed into the dragon's mouth.

Due to its massive kilometer-long body, this deep breath directly formed a visible deep-sea vortex around it.

In the dragon's mouth, among the shining fangs, endless power of time rolled and reacted, turning into a breath filled with destructive power.

Breath of Time Shattering.

Garon's third type of dragon breath.

It did not have the special effects of Plundering Time Breath and Banishing Chronology Breath. Instead, it aimed to erase the enemy from the timeline by destroying the time the creature had experienced, achieving the purpose of eradication.


The Breath of Time Shattering surged out of Garon's mouth, filling the space in front of it in a fan shape.

The sea area, muddied by the commotion of the beast, became unclear, but as the dragon breath swept over, it was like a whiteboard wiped by an eraser, with sand, shells, seawater, and other things disappearing, ultimately forming a pure void, and the surrounding seawater trying to converge, but disappearing upon touching this time power.

On the opposite side.

The black iron giant shark seemed to sense a lethal crisis.

As a demigod beast of the same tier, even if it was in a time stop domain, its instinctive resistance was still very strong and quick under the threat of death.


Boundless seawater flowed backward, layer upon layer compressed, forming a barrier, blocking between Nagakabouros and the Breath of Time Shattering. Garon's Breath of Time Shattering touched the ocean barrier, leaving void traces where it passed, albeit a bit slower, and soon broke through it.

Just in that moment, Nagakabouros retracted two tentacles, coiling them like plates, with its divine power wrapped around them, protecting its head.


The Breath of Time Shattering turned Nagakabouros's tentacles into void.

However, the power contained in this breath also depleted.

Garon gathered strength again, taking a deep breath, preparing for the next Breath of Time Shattering.

On the other side, due to the time stop domain's influence and Volibear's storm power's paralysis, Nagakabouros fell into an extremely dangerous situation under the siege of two demigods.

Although reluctant to admit it, reality had already told Nagakabouros that it was not a match for these few continental demigods.

After Garon quickly killed a beast, it had actually already lost.

Continuing the battle would risk death.

"Damn it, I will return!"

Nagakabouros decisively began to flee.

It abandoned a few tentacles tightly bound by Volib

ear, its body sneaking into the deep sea, rapidly fleeing in the surging ocean currents.

Since it had already become a great enemy, Garon and Volibear both felt it was better to eradicate it.

They, one controlling the storm and the other activating acceleration, were about to chase after Nagakabouros.

However, the two beasts entangled with Anivia and the seal nun, the venomous sea urchin, and the sea lion, suddenly went mad, like they were insane, enduring a large amount of divine power attacks, desperately blocking Garon and Volibear.

Dense and numerous venomous spikes covering the sky forced Garon and Volibear to stop, facing the beasts' attacks.

With the combined force of four demigods, the two obstructing beasts did not last long.

However, after dealing with the two road-blocking beasts, Nagakabouros had already gone far away.

The vast and unfathomably deep ocean is the best shelter.

Nagakabouros, not knowing how deep it dove, used the thick seawater to conceal and isolate its aura, disappearing without a trace for a time.

Several beasts comparable to undersea mountains slowly shrank back to their normal sizes.

The seal nun looked worried, fearing Nagakabouros would come back to trouble it later.

Without the help of Garon and other demigods, it had no way to face Nagakabouros except to flee. Moreover, due to the frequency of fleeing, Nagakabouros gradually grasped the pattern of its abilities, making it increasingly difficult to escape in the future.

"This guy is indeed powerful."

Anivia looked in the direction the great sea beast fled.

Not many demigods can gain a clear advantage in a battle with Volibear.

Moreover, Nagakabouros's abilities include soul enslavement, with the three beasts considered part of its power.

In fact, it was fighting against four demigods alone.

If not for Garon quickly killing a beast, the outcome might not have been a victory over it.

"What a pity, we let it escape."

Volibear sighed in disappointment.

Garon suddenly smiled slightly, saying, "Escaped? Not necessarily."

A hard-to-detect time mark was branded on Nagakabouros's head. No matter where it fled, it could not escape Garon's tracking.

"Oh? What do you mean, brother?"

Volibear was slightly stunned.

"I have a tracking ability, which can pinpoint its location."

Garon said.

"Brother, your abilities always amaze me, much more than I know."

Volibear grinned and continued, "Let's see how it runs."

"Let's chase after it."

Seeing Volibear's excitement, Garon shook his head, saying, "Our current state is not good, and although it has fled into the deep sea, its vigilance and guard are definitely at their strongest."

"If we chase after it now, it will immediately flee again."

"We might not be able to block it."

"Rather than that, let's wait for a while, find a few more continental demigods, cut off all its escape routes at once, and then surround and kill it."

Hearing Garon's words, Volibear suppressed his surging fighting spirit, saying, "Then let it live a little longer."

Anivia gently flapped her ice crystal wings, saying, "If it enslaves new beasts and we give it breathing room, it will still be hard to kill."

Garon shook his head, saying, "I don't think it can enslave new beasts just after a few beasts died."

"Such a powerful ability must have restrictions; otherwise, it would have unified the ocean long ago."

As a demigod of the ocean, the seal nun understood Nagakabouros better.

"Does Nagakabouros have any demigod allies in the ocean?"

Garon asked.

The seal nun shook her head, saying, "With its soul-enslaving ability, who dares to be its ally?"

"If it weren't so powerful and hadn't enslaved intelligent demigods, the ocean's demigods would probably have attacked it long ago."

This made it easier to handle.

Nagakabouros threatened to use the ocean to submerge the land and had the ability to enslave souls. Adding fuel to the fire, it was easy to incite hostility from continental demigods.

Among the brothers, Ornn and Anivia didn't have many demigod friends.

But Volibear, who was ferocious and loved to fight, had a few friends.

This was normal. Although Volibear was belligerent and bloodthirsty, he was very sincere to his brothers and friends, easily making friends with demigods who also loved strength.

Not all interactions between demigods were about fighting and killing; a certain level of interpersonal relationships was necessary.

Like Nagakabouros, such a loner, if it attracted too much hostility and didn't have the power to sweep everything before it, its end would not be good.


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