The rain was getting stronger, hindering her eyesight with heavy drops. But even without the sight, she could recognize the person in the dark.
Luan walked to them in quick and stretched steps, spreading out the umbrella to hide her from the water.
"Going out?" His question was more rhetorical since he already knew the answer. He didn't pry into the details, asking where she was going or whom she was meeting.
"That's right," Arianell answered. She had the feeling that he knew since long ago what she was planning, so there was no need to hide anything.
The rain kept on pouring, drenching him from head to toe. Bus his hand holding the umbrella was unmoving, as he made sure she wasn't affected.
"Will you take me with you if I ask?" He finally had the courage to say what was hanging in the air.
"Not today…" She looked him in the eyes. "This is something that only I can do… If it's not me ending, this, I'm afraid I can't move on from the past."