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30.76% Halo Vahrian / Chapter 8: Chapter 8 A Sudden Occurrence Part Two

Chapitre 8: Chapter 8 A Sudden Occurrence Part Two

Disclaimer, I do not own the right to Halo nor its creation and its characters except for my OC'S. I also do not own the right to the art that I use, but I will put the names of the artists down that drew it...

Princess Elly. P.O.V.

Not long after The Royals arrived at the City roles upon roles of Carriages belonging to lords and nobles were being led by horses and not only that some people used creatures such as griffins lions and bears as mounts for their carriage.

A specific carriage that was strolling by had a pleasant built-to it for it was colored in a light brown, on each side it had windows for the guests inside to look outside if they so wished to. On the top of its hood was the rider or in other words known simply as coachman, a coachman was a name given to those who ride a wagon or carriages.

Although the poor coachman wanted to do a better job than before he had no other choice but to be angry at himself, he was supposed to be off for today but since the person who was in charge of today's entourage or that of his queen and her family carriage driver he was injured in an ambush

was being ushered by a man who wore a particular emblem of his kingdom. To either of his sides, the poor man had to slow the carriage down from the overwhelming flowers and bouquets being thrown at each wagon & carriage that the royals and nobles rode in.

From the back, a woman in her early twenties popped her head out and spoke to the man. "Guard, how long till we get there?"

The man heard the princess's question so he leaned his head out onto the sides to where he could see how far his carriage was from their destination.

"Just a little bit Your Highness," Answered the guard.

"And by little but you mean what exactly?" Responded the princess.

"I'd say count to a hundred and we might actually make it out of here,"

The princess didn't try to reprimand the man and just popped back into her carriage. Inside were two other people of her relatives. One was the son of her aunt and uncle and the other was the daughter of her auntie who was one of the queens and the daughter of her grandmother, otherwise known as the empress.

"You did not tell me it was going to take this long of a wait just to get to that darn building cousin!" Complain, Prince Paso.

"Oh quit your whining cousin, it's not like we had a choice to come here," spoke Princess Vasna.

"Yeah, I wonder whose fault it was that caused our parents to agree to bring us here," Countered the prince.

"Oh don't give me that look, if you hadn't snitched on us, we wouldn't have been here at all!" Replied the princess.

"Will the two of you relax, either way, it's both of you guys' fault that we're here, so there's no other way we can go but to join my mother in watching my sister fight in the arena," said the third royal person.

"Fine Elly, but that doesn't mean this is over you traitor," Vasna said to Prince Pasco.

"Oh whatever you say, may you have mercy on my traitorous act cousin," Quip the prince.

The princess was about to say something to the prince when she and her two cousins almost fell off of their seats from the sudden bump of the carriage wheel as if it had run over something else.

"Knock knock is anyone there!"

Recognizing who's voice that was Princess Elly spoke up. "Yes, sister! But please next time don't scare us like that!"

"Think of that as a payback when y'all think it was a could idea to break into my room without permission, now come on out," said Princess nalarian.

"You ain't gonna open the door for us!" Said Princess Vasna.

"Nope, neither will the servants and guards, think of this day as yall's punishment, now get out of there,"

Not long after the three royals grunted and lined up to the carriage doors with elly in the front. The princess opens the door and as she does she is met with a sudden brightness from the sun.

"Raise and shine sleeping beauty, come, Mother is awaiting you three at the front gate," said Princess nalarian.

Rushing up to her sister's side elly spoke up to her. "So sister, im guessing you are ready to prove yourself to your opponents in the arena,"

"Yes, sister, although im going to be a little bit tired, I have had to deal with some side quest with a group of my warriors in quelling some enemy forces," said Nalarian.

"Well, why would you even want to participate in the festival arena when you know you'll be tired anyway," added Vasna.

"Cause cousin, I choose to. You three have heard of grandmother's deeds in the stories that our mothers and fathers told us," said a smiling nalarian.

"Yes, we did, we've heard of it ever since we were little childrens," answered Elly.

"Good, then you guys know of the many reasons why I choose to become warrioress like she was in her old days," said Nalarian.

"Yes, we also know of why you chose that decision for yourself, which is why you my seat cousin will always be single... But the real question is how long," Joked Pasco.

"Longer than you think Pasco," Nalarian said back to him.

As they came near the top the four royals stopped for a moment when the queen lager smiled down at them.

"Children, I see the four of you are getting along with each other very well,"

Elly along with her sister and two cousins responded to the queen with a slight bow of their heads out of respect for her, it wasn't just the bow that they reacted out of instinct with, this woman was one of the empress daughters and eldest of her siblings.

"Yes, Mother, thou u do not know about these three," Responded Nalarian.

"Is that so, have you kids behaved nicely with each other?" The queen said staring down at them.

"Of course Mother, sister nalarian is just speaking false words against us," Said elly.

"Good, then I hope you children will behave well in this place too for I expect the best from you three," added Lager.

"My queen," Spoke a guard.

"Yes, guardsman?" Responded Queen Lager.

"A seat that you've asked for has been prepared and Lady Jade of house brakon has decided to ask me to request your presence," Answered the guard.

"I see, go on, tell the lady of the house brakon that I'll be there just a moment," gestured Queen Lager.

The guardsman bowed his head and soon left to fulfill the task given to him.

After seeing the guardsman leaving Queen Lager turned to the four people in front of her. "So, will you kids come with me, or will you visit the entertainment palace nearby?"

"I'll visit the palace, what about you two, care to join me," said Elly as she turned to her two cousins.

"Yea, I do not mind," answered Princess Vasna.

"Sure, count me in," added Prince Pasco.

With her hands on a sword, the eldest one amongst the kids smiled and crossed her arms. "Then that means I'll head over to the other side and prepare myself for the duel,"

"Daughter, before you go, you must come with me first," said Queen Lager glad she ceased her elder daughter before she left.

"See ya sister, I hope you have fun," Teased elly as she left with her cousins.

"Yes, mother?" Nalarian said facing Lager.

"join me will you, I promise it will not take long,"

Nalarian not wanting to refute her mother's words just responded with a genuine smile as she replied. "Ok,"

"Good to hear, besides, the dueling fight doesn't start for a while,"

For a while, both royals were speaking with one another while each of the four guards was strolling on their sides.

It didn't take long for them to arrive at the door of their assigned room till one of the royals and noble people spotted them and smiled at the two while they strolled over to their path.

Before they could reach them the queen's personal guards stepped in front of them with their spears crossed to halt the royals and noble people.

"It's alright guards, let them through," said the queen lager.

"As you command my lady," responded the guards as they sharply took two steps back and stood still.

"You'll have to excuse my guardsman Ser Krasd and Lady Jassan," Said the queen.

"Apologies accepted Your Highness,"

"I must say that dress is quite nice on you my lady," said a man.

This man that the queen was looking at had a scar right eyebrow that almost reached his eye green eye. His hair had the same style one as that of what every royal had when out in public. The attire he wore was a retro Victorian suit colored in mostly black with some parts of it shaded in actual gold stitched to it.

On the man's side was clear to her that it was his wife the queen, this woman had long braided dirty blonde hair. Her eyes were closely similar to that of a shaded brown, on her right cheekbone was a dotted birthmark. The apparel she wears is a white dress that is quite long it almost touches her own silvery black heels.

What both king and queen had on that matched them was their crown. The King himself had a crown with three edges pointing up, two of which were only an inch shorter than the middle one as for the queen, her crown had five sharp edges, with each of those sharp edges representing how many kids she had. Some wonder why she had them and both the king and queen happily explain to them that it was their idea to have that many kids.

Some of the others like the royals and nobles saw the two of them walking up to the empress's daughter and were exceptionally attentive toward the three of them conversing with each other.

While the ones who were nearby could hear the conversation going on between them didn't do anything nor were they willing to bother the queen and the two royals especially when there were four guards keeping anyone from even getting close to them for the queen was only wanting to speak with her two friends.

"So I heard that you have decided to visit arenian my queen, may I know why you chose to?" Asked Queen jassan.

"Oh it was nothing much, actually! You know what, I'll just let my dearest daughter here answer that for you," says Queen Lager as she steps aside and pulls nalarian to the front just four feet closer to the two of them.

"What, Mom!" complained nalarian as she didn't expect that.

The princess wanted to refute her mother's response but due to the two closely allied royals, she had no option but to smile as she greeted the two.

"Hello there Your Highnesses, it is a great honor to meet you!" Bowed princess nalarian.

"Oh please princess, there's no need for such an act, just be like your normal self," the carefree King Kasd told her.

"My daughter here will be joining her first dueling against other warriors in the arena," Added the queen lager as she put her hand on nalarian's shoulder.

"Oh, don't mind my mother, I've been to a duel before once in my kingdom home and once in that of the empress's very own stadium arena," said Princess nalarian trying to put an image of herself out to the two royals as a warrioress.

King Kasd gave her a look and then to the queen lager. "You know now that you say that, you seem to show a lot of your mother's younger self in you,"

"Agreed, I remember your mother picking up her very own sword in a duel against her younger brother, and let me tell you, she surprised everyone else during that time, especially the empress herself," said the queen jassan praising her old days as she recalled back to a young princess lager.

"Younger brother, may I ask which one then, my grandmother had like few sons and daughters," said Princess nalarian.

"He would be the youngest of your uncles," answered Queen Lager.

"Yes him, the big ol rascal, by the light he was a good man," commented Jassan.

"Yes, may he rest in peace," added King Kasd.

Upon hearing the word little brother Queen Lager felt a sudden pain within her shot up but immediately chose to shut it away for she could not allow herself to plunge deep into the memories of the one person that she and her siblings swore not to speak of again.

The reason why she didn't want to dive deeply into that sense of emotion was that her younger brother was one of the many reasons why nearly every one of the allied nations that had united with her mother chose to walk out from her while some furloughed as in suddenly leave her in the blue for reasons unknown to her.

For that, her mother the empress didn't show her outrage at his action in public yet she couldn't do anything for she had long exiled him even after the good deeds he'd shown her but the empress waved him off saying she had never wished to see him.

It was at this step of his that Lager and her siblings felt hatred toward him so they pushed him away out of spite, Queen Lager knew that her younger brother truly did not care about that, but deep down she knew that he still cared even with the emotionless face of the man that he uses to hide his feeling.

She breathed in deep exerting air into herself and letting it out. Her two friends caught sight she was in felt a pang of guilt for they knew why she was that way and immediately surged to change the conversation.

"So, princess, how do you feel about your first duel, are you not excited," Said King Kasd hands on his waist.

"I'm eager to show myself out there to the people, I want to represent to the people who my grandmother once was before," Answered the princess.

"Well, I sure hope to the light that you make that possible girl, cause trust me your grandmother would've been proud of you," King Krasd said praising her.

Princess nalarian was about to speak but was suddenly squeezed into a hug by Queen Jassan and King Krasd.

"Whatever happens, just know we will be watching you okay, and do not doubt yourself no matter how unpleasant you feel in the duel,"

"Whatever you two say im sure nalarian appreciates it, trust me she truly does," comments Lager.

"For sure my lady, would you care for a hug, I can sense some sadness leaking from your very eyes," Spoke a teasing jassan.

Lager chuckles at that appreciating the boost from her long-time friend as she waves it off. "Of course not my lady,"

"Whatever you say," winked Jassan as she jabbed her on the shoulder lightly.

"Your Highness," Spoke a guard.

"Yes, guardsman?" Responded lager...

"I believe you guys are keeping Ser Lester waiting, perhaps you three might want to catch up with him," said Nalarian.

The three royals turned their heads and they could see the man of the house who was occupied by other few royals and noble people.

"My, ser lester sure has grown up, can't believe hehe's this old," Quiped Krasd.

"My queen,"

This time it was both King Krasd and Queen Jassan's turn to pay attention to their guards as one of them stepped forth and uttered to them news that only the queen lager and nalarian could hear.

"Speak guard, what is it?" Asked krasd.

"Sire, it is about your child, Prince Andler. He has been in a quarrel with his sister once again, we came to report to you of this incident for you have ordered me to inform you and Queen Jassan of any behavior they display," Responded the middle guard.

"For the love of ***," said a weary jassan.

"You two will have to continue on without us, we have to deal with this matter at hand," said an irate Krasd as he followed after a fuming jassan.

Princess Elly. P.O.V.

After she and her cousins left Princess Nalarian and her strict person of a mother the three of them sneaked onto a busy crowded area filled with civilians and others.

It was a perfect idea brought up by Princess Vasna for she had recommended this notorious plan as a way where they could easily hide from their assigned guards.

The poor guardsmen were having a hard time in finding the three little rascals, one who was clearly the leader of the other two ordered them to split up and go in different directions, the two guardsmen nodded their heads and went to continuing in their task to search for the three kids.

The three kids quickly slumped down behind a six-foot rectangular wooden box to their right when the lead guardsman headed straight to where they had entered the mob of civilians.

Both elly and Pasco tried pulling Vasna back into hiding but the girl didn't heed their warning as she leaned her back against the box and slightly peeked her head out to see what the guardsman was doing.

"Aw crap!" Muttered vasna.

"What! What is it?" Said a worried pasco.

"He got the wristband that my mother gave me, she's gonna punish me for losing it," Complain Vasna but widened her eyes as she gnarled when she saw that the man the guard was speaking with was pointing their way.

"I don't think a wristband would matter at this point," said Pasco.

"You are right, it doesn't matter for we gotta run now!" responded a dreading vasna.

"What! Why are you crawling that way?" asked an edgy Pasco as he and elly hurried after her.

"Where are we going?" Inquired elly.

"Cause you two idiots, a peasant of a man has just made known of our location," answered Vasna.

"Idiot, if there's anything I know, the three of us are idiots," said an apprehensive elly.

"Oh just shut up, come on this way!" said Vasna as she stood up to where they could hide behind a large caravan.

"Where will we go now vasna?" Said Elly questioning her cousin.

"I don't know, just far from where the guards won't see us, quick this way!"

The two were about to ask her why but were quickly pulled toward a shaded part of the hallway, through this way, the three royals were able to escape before the guardsman could reach the box they'd hidden in.

They ran as quickly as they could for they didn't want to be caught by the guards any longer and by anyone who was asked by the man for their location.

Elly breathed heavily as she could have sworn this was the hardest she had run. On her right where her cousin is one of them, Prince Pasco was using his arm to hold himself up against the wall while catching his breath. Meanwhile, Princess Vasna who was kind enough she pulls a couple of coins out and holds them for a man who gladly accepts them and lends her three mugs filled with water.

"Thank you," said Elly as she snatched the mug and gulped down the water with quickness like as if she were one of the track runners.

"What now?" Asked pasco.

Looking around Elly spotted a large caravan, this one unlike the other ones she saw was rather big enough for seven or more people, and that wasn't all for this particular caravan also had a few couple of haystacks placed on the back side filling almost every part of it.

"Quick, that way," Vasna grabbed her cousin and brother's hands and once again pulled them along with her.

Now he understood what his sister was getting at Pasco being the faster one of the two skipped ahead of the others and jumped up to the edge of the back side of the caravan.

"Take my hand!" Said Pasco reaching for his cousin elly who was ahead of his sister.

They couldn't blame themselves for the coachman of this caravan intending to only go ten miles per hour. The three kids merely had the chance to catch up whenever the caravan had to slow down when a guardsman ordered the coachman to slow down.

Elly huffed and puffed as she ran as fast as she could and caught his hand, she then grabbed the wooden handle on the side of the caravan, and behind her, she and Pasco both reached for Vasna and helped her up as well.

It was a good thing that the trio had made it in time and were quick to act as they jumped to hide in the haystacks. While the caravan continued slowly the three royals peeked out to see that the guardsman was just moving on the way, as they watched on they saw one of the personal guards who was assigned to them by the queen had motioned for the guardsman to stop.

It was pretty obvious to them that the man was asking the town guard if he'd seen them. Seconds later the guardsman nodded his head and took a right from the straight path.

"Whew! That was close!" Said Elly as she slumped against the haystacks.

"You can say that again, I don't know why I'd even suggested that idea," added Vasna as she heaved a deep breath of air.

The prince got up from his spot and stepped forth to take a look where the caravan was taking them. "Good thing im the faster one... Aww crap!"

"Hey, who's there!" Spoke a man in a loud voice.

Pasco saw one of the few men who had appeared from underneath the wooden floor that the rider was sitting on with his box. Next thing a couple more numbering around six hooded figures got up from their hidden place.

One of them to be exact was acting strange and Pasco wondered why he was pointing his face up and sniffing the air.

"I smell some kids,"

"Damn, kerda, I thought you said this idea of yours would be best to hide us from anyone," Spoke one of the hooded men.

"I did say that, but it's not my fault that a bunch of rascals can't keep their noses from prying into the caravan," Responded the man.


"This scent, it smells familiar to me,"

"Uhmm, guys, I think we just got ourselves into deeper trouble now!" Whispered an edgy pasco.

"I believe you did kid,"

The three kids let out a scream of shock when one of the hooded figures peeked over the hay stacks and looked down at the prince and then next he glanced at the two princesses.

"Well, ain't this a sight to behold,"

The two girls were shocked not out of nervousness but out of fear when the man's right arm shifted into a burly muscular furred arm and what shocked them even more was the claws that began extending from his fingertips.

"Pasco move!" shouted Vasna as she rushed and pulled the prince out of the way just in time for the swipe from the man's attack to miss as he cut a piece of wood from where the three royals could see the bottom ground dirt.

"Quick you two run!" Princess Elly came in and began doing some weird hand motions.

The hooded figures knew what the little girl was doing and they immediately rushed to get out of the way for they understood what elly was about to do. As for the one that intended to end Prince Pasco he wasn't fairing any better for he was the closest, the man making a foolish decision and rushed forth to attack the princess.

Merely inches of his claws came very close to her, before he could the hooded man's eyes saw the smile on elly, and as she gave him a look she smirked, and her hands began glowing as the area around her started to pick up a strong sense of air...

Vasna was about to head off but chose to wait for their cousin and not a moment after they had left the caravan a substantial amount of the caravan's roof shattered, both kids had to cover their faces from the strong wind that had occurred, they also could've sworn they saw a man flying sixty feet through the roof of the caravan and was sent to another part somewhere in the city.

Not long after they watched as elly dropped down from the back of the caravan and ran their way.

They too went to hug her expecting her to but she just skipped right past them.

"We should run!"

Not asking any questions the two siblings looked at each other and just ran after her.

As they were running vasna looked behind her and saw one of the hooded figures busting through the debris sniffing the air and in an instant they locked their heads in the path they were running.


Vasna let out a deep internal scream and while her brother was faster than one out of the three of them she somehow managed to run past him as she managed to catch up to her cousin.

"What are they!" Shouts pasco.

"How should I know, I just saw one about to cut you into pieces!" Answered elly.

"Come on this way!"

The three kids took a right turn in a hollowed hallway. From behind them elly saw one of the hooded figures leaping from one side of the buildings to another.

As she looked down one of them was seen fully sprinting on all fours like a wolf.

The three continued running for long enough hoping they could outrun the hooded figures but it was of no use for as long as they ran the unknown figures were persistent enough to chase them down.

Not for long as they ran elly didn't pay attention, while running as she looked behind her she and Vasna came into contact with a person.

They both banged their heads hard and could've sworn that whoever it was his or her armor was pretty made a loud bang when they hit it.

"Princess! Are you alright?" Said a town guard as he bent down to help the two girls.

"Help!" Screamed Prince Pasco.

Looking forth to where that voice had come from the town guard and her partner saw a hooded figure dragging a screaming Pasco onto another part of the hallway.

"No Pasco!"

The female guardsman looked at her partner and yelled. "Go get him!"

"On it ma'am!"

As he was about to head out one of the hooded figures came and tackled the rookie guardsman and they both crashed into another part of the building creating a decent enough hole through the wall.

"Princesses get behind me!"

The two girls while still dizzy walked and hid behind the woman. The guardswoman unclipped a leather lock where her sword was and pulled it out holding it by the handle with both hands.

"By the order of Ser Lester and the empress, I hereby command you two to tell me who you are!"

The two figures let out a chuckle as they mockingly laughed at the guardswoman.

"Your commands don't matter to us nor does the lester man and that traitorous empress order is of concern to us," Answered one of the figures as he spoke.

"Then what is it you want with the childrens?" Said the guardswoman.

"Oh nothing really, we just happened to catch the scent of them, and let's just say we plan for every one of the empress's relatives and those who shared her blood," said the other figure as he laughed evilly.

"What, what is it that you want from us?" Asked Vasna as she peeked her head out and yelled at the hooded man.

"Nothing you should be concerning yourself with child,"

"This is bad," Thought the guardswoman.

She knew who these two people were and what they were, to be exact how she did, the two individuals' legs were weirdly standing strangely, in fact, their legs weren't like that of a human, it was just like that of a wolf and was fairly full of hairs. And it was clear to her that they were beastmen or in other words worgens or more commonly known as werewolves.

Yet the only good thing on her behalf was that it wasn't nighttime time and the stars hadn't risen yet for the only way that the best worgens have an advantage over her would be if the full moon was out, and the guardswoman was glad about it.

The guardswoman grips her hands tightly around the hilt of her sword as she prepares herself for the upcoming fight. She was ready to fight these two until another sound caught her ears. Turning around she saw one of the hooded figures, two of them snarled at her, and the two princesses tried to stand their ground. Appreciative of their courage the guardswoman pushed them behind her.

She couldn't allow them to die nor would she let them be taken, it was apparent to her that this people was here to assassinate the queen and those of her blood.

She had to warn them, she had to find a way to end this scoundrel and rush to warn the queen lager of what was to come of her fate.

As she made one more step the worgens all leaped forth for her with claws and fangs bared to kill her.

As they did strong air of a whirlwind appeared out of thin air, and the guardswoman still ready was a bit shocked by this.

Those of the attackers who came into contact with the whirlwinds couldn't get their claws to break the dome, so they stepped back and circled the shield of the dome summoned up by elly.

"Princess, you are tired!" Said the guardswoman.

"Don't worry about me, im just... I'm just a bit tired from using this much magic," Responded elly.

"She's still too young and inexperienced with the magic she's using," spoke Vasna as she held her cousin's hand in hers.

Those of the worgens who were circling the dome shield halted when they heard the sound of one of their companions who was seen flying past from the hole he and the other guardsman made and crashed into another building.

"Anyone else," The guardsman said as he turned and faced the four worgens.

"You two go and take care of them!" Ordered the lead figure.

The guardsman gripped his sword and rushed the oncoming attackers and parried one swipe from the right attacker, he then shoved the weapon back and brought his sword up to block an attack from the top of his head.

As he was about to attack back one of the worgens that was standing zipped forward and tackled the guardsman while he was spitting out some saliva.

As he was falling the guardsman used his momentum and flipped the worgen on over his head and rolled onto his feet. With his sword in hand, the man dashes forth and cuts the Worgen across the face mask of the figure and down past the chest area. As he does he is shocked to see the face belonging to that of a woman when she had slid to a stop and threw to the side her cloak.

"Fangra! What are you doing?" Yelled one of the woman's comrades.

"It does not matter anymore, my cloak is already damaged anyway!" Replied the Worgen woman.

Before the guardsman could move he was shocked at the abnormality speed of the Worgen when she used her full speed and slashed him in his shield.

He held his ground while holding up his shield all the while as the Worgen woman continued a flurry of swipes at him.

"Rondan!" Yelled the guardswoman.

She was busy handling two other worgens on her side and was fairing pretty well against them, yet that changed when the leader joined in and slammed her against the wall.

"No!" Shouted Elly as she tried summoning her wind magic but failed to do so when she felt something sharp sticking into her neck. She tried to feel what it is but Vasna pulled it out and saw what it was.

In her cousin's hand was a dart of some sort, its feathery back was colored in red with just the sharp tip the size of a strand of a a single hair. From the tip of the dart was an oozing liquid dripping down every few seconds that passed by.

Has a was too busy in what she held and went to help her cousin until she too was dealt with the same fate as elly when a dart struck her in the neck as well.

Meanwhile as the two kids were subdued the guardswoman was having trouble fending against the lead worgen and his two companions. Ran forth and quickly spun from an attack coming from one of her opponents, as she neared the closest of them the woman faked an injury by attempting to swing her sword up. The Worgen from her right thinking she was weakened dashes forth and brings a hard swipe from his claw onto her but unbeknownst to him this was exactly what she had wanted.

The guardswoman only needed four seconds to fool the masked worgen and before he found out about her plan she turned the sharp edge of her sword to face it up and in an instant to the point where the masked worgen could feel any pain he came to a stop as he slid and turned to where the guardswoman was standing.

The masked worgen rushed to attack once more but felt a quick pain that suddenly arose from his right arm. He turned his head right and saw where his right arm used to be seeing as it was missing and blood was dribbling down continuously while his lost limb of an arm was lying just a few feet from where the guardswoman was standing.

He bared his teeth as the mask could be heard cracking with parts of it falling to the ground, afterwards, the man's eyes can be seen glowing for a moment till they lessened down to normal light brown eyes.

From where she stood the guardswoman switched from one opponent to the other every so often for they were circling her like a piece of prey.

Before she knew it the Worgen from her left side dashed forward at an  odd speed, which was thanks to her when she had managed to cut him by the back of his hind leg.

"I'm sorry boss, but I can't allow myself to be weakened any longer!" Said the one arm worgen.

"Dane! What are you doing, you know that woman will find us, fangra has already exposed our position!" said one of the other worgen Seeing that his other ally has already started to transform into his werewolf form.

"It's too late anyway, the faster we kill this woman the quicker we can take the childrens for our own!"

The werewolf known as dane after responding his ally words then dropped his mask and let out a loud howl so far that people around the city heard it.

"Shit!" cursed the guardswoman.

She gripped the sword and surged forth to attack the man as he was howling, this was the perfect time for her to attack, the werewolf while howling stopped his act and slid back and grabbed the the sword.

With this the guardswoman spins to her right and grabbed a dagger from the sheath in her right side. The werewolf meanwhile grinned with teeth baring down on her, instead of attacking him this time the woman used a hidden shield gauntlet in her left forearm, she clicked on a hidden button and it activated, as the werewolf tried biting her the woman stamped her right foot down on the ground and with enough strength she bashes the beast across the face so hard that it knocked a few good three of his tooth off causing him to disoriented him.

Quickly acting on instinct the guardswoman struck the head of her dagger into his head. Before she could go for the other enemy the leader angered by the fall of his friend let out a wolfish roar and appeared from the woman's side, as he does the leader punches her from the right side of her ribcage.

Just from the impact of his punch

the guardswoman felt parts of her armor dented as she was sent rolling to a few good feet closer where the kids were laying at.

The woman groaned in pain as she slowly rolled on her back and glanced up at where the sky was. Trying to move her hand to find where the pain was she eventually found it where there was a dented hole in her armor. She let out a rasping groan when the leader of the hooded figures of worgens set his foot on her chest and began to press it a bit harder where whereas she could feel the air leaving her lungs slowly.

She reached for her dagger that was lying on her side while the man without even paying attention to what she was doing just increased the weight on her furthering a considerable amount of pain.

The masked figure that was standing still on the other side nevertheless fixated on the scene till from the corner of his eyes he saw what the woman was attempting to do, so without much consideration he decided not to let the woman reach the dagger and kicked it to a few good distant from where they stood.

The leader nodded to his friend in thanks for what he done, with his foot he outright just brings it up and brought it down hard slamming the end of his boots on his victim causing her to spit out bloods and then smiled while going for a second stomp with this time it rendered her ineffective for the moment.

The first strike she felt the center of her armor rupturing inward and the impact cause her to spit out a couple of mouthfuls of blood, but the moment the second stomp came down it was enough to render her useless seeing as when he had stomped on her the large part of claws punctured a hole into abdomen.

Watching over the guardswoman as she was endeavoring through the immense pain a nasty grin plastered over the man's face even though he had a mask on, yet he had to give this woman the benefits even lasting the first, second and third stomp. Though he was being to harsh on her at first he knew he had to end her life for good this time. So without even a moment of care he brought his foot up once more for the final blow...

Yet as he was about to land the last hit he didn't notice the sound of his other ally dropping down, at first he did not see him that is when he abruptly tilt his head forward catching a gradual scent.

He did not need to find out who it was for the two people walking towards him he knew of. One was Lady Doranda one of the elite warrioress of arenian, in her hand was a crossbow, she put one arrow in it and slid it into readying to shoot once more. On her right was her partner otherwise her husband, this man he knew of very well, he was once a member of the empress hunters. When thinking of the empress's own hunters people around the allied nations thought of them as if they were one the best warriors in her command for she had them trained by her general a man who had fought in the great war and one who had even trained her very own childrens into becoming the warriors they were.

When the lead figure caught the look in this man's eyes he felt his heart starting to beat quicker than it usually does. He doesn't blame himself for this very person wasn't one to be underestimated. The man and his partner were walking toward the two kids who were knocked out, the woman knelt down and checked on the two children, and as she did one of the hooded figures suddenly jumped from the top of the building and came slamming down on the ground with his head gone.

The leader growled seeing how the man had cut down his comrade easily. He pondered on the matter at hand trying to think of a way of escape. From behind him, he could still hear the battle going on between Fangra and the other guard. That's when came up with an idea.

Before the two new arrivals could make another move the leader just picked up the injured guardswoman and held her hostage by bringing the sharp-pointing of his claw near her throat and began threatening Lady Doranda and ondar hoping that his plan would work.

"Any other step and this woman gets it!" Warned the leader.

"I'd suggest you give up fiend, besides we both know what'll happen whether you kill her or not," Ondar said earning a jab from doranda.

Ondar whispered to her in apologies telling her that he didn't mean it and she let out a huff knowing he was only kidding.

"In this arrow of mine is mixed with piless magic and silver dust, im sure you are familiar with it, so from where we are standing you and your two dogs either stand down or we can end the three of you right now, in sleep that is...!" Doranda said warning the last three worgens who stayed in their steps when they heard the proclamation spoken by her...

"So, anyone else wants to change their mind?" Added ondar.

One of the leader pack mates growled as he spoke out of the refusal of her demand when four more of his other worgen brethren sauntered towards from behind them. "There's seven of us now woman, it seems like you and your man should be the ones to stand down!"

Not showing an ounce of fear both ondar and doranda smirk at each other and then glance at the numbers of Worgen. "Funny you say that mutt... For we did not come alone,"

The leader of the worgens stepped forth and stood in front of his pack with claws protruding from his fingertips.

"Oh yeah, you and what army,"

Unbeknownst to the pack leader and the rest of his worgens they were unaware of a large armored figure appearing from the left side of the buildings. At first, the pack of worgens didn't hear him when the offstage sounds of loud punches followed by ferocious growls transpired.

Some of the Worgen pack turned around just to see one of their own being tossed aside, one of which that they saw trying to crawl away as if he was trying to get away was suddenly pulled off into the darkness where he came from...

The voice of a being covered in deep and raspy sound as if he has just gotten out of an ongoing battle spoke in introduction to doranda comment.

"It's Just me,"

...Until next time readers...

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