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84.09% The Beach In The Fantasy World / Chapter 219: Mobius Mountains (2)

Chapitre 219: Mobius Mountains (2)

A group of people were waiting outside a large three-story house when four people, a man in his mid-80s, a man in his late 40s, and a woman in her mid-40s carrying a child who looked to be around 10 years old, stepped out.

A flare was up the night sky, illuminating the entire rogue settlement and they saw a 20-meter-tall Demon destroying everything on its path as several people were running around crying and screaming in panic.

The old man's eyes narrowed as he stared at the giant demon and anger and confusion plagued his mind.

"Elemental Gods, is that a Demon…?" someone said in the Marbleamean language.

"How is that even possible…?" said another man.

As people who have decided to live in rogue settlements because for whatever reasons, they have seen and experienced so many things.

Although this world was plagued with demons, all of the adults knew that encountering a Demon was very rare because Greater Demons rarely interact with beings outside the demon world. So most demon-worshipers and demon-kins that people get to interact with are Lesser Demons. In fact, the chances of a person meeting a Demon is akin to an average person of common birth having an audience with the Light Saint, King or Emperor.

Moreover, thanks to Lesser Demons, they were more or less aware that a Demon's height was 6 meters and could grow up to 18 meters using the [Chaos Enchant] spell. However, the demon in front of them was no doubt 20 meters, causing them to reconsider if what they knew about Demons was correct.

Furthermore, they also knew that once a being steps into 10 meters and beyond, their speed would be affected.

"All of you, go, I'll handle it from here," the old man said.

The man in his mid-40s turned to him.

"Father, let some of us stay and help you!"

"Let the adults stay and the rest go," a couple of men in their 30s and above said.

"Grandfather Ramirez, let us help too!" a couple of men in their teens and 20s said.

Ramirez, the old man, held out his hand.

"Listen, that Demon hasn't gone all out yet. Once that demon and I go all out, everything around us will be destroyed. Now go, all of you!" 

The woman in her mid-40s carrying a child turned to Ramirez and the man in his late 40s.


She turned to the rest of the people.


All of a sudden, they heard someone from a distance shouting.


Everyone turned their heads and saw the demon who looked like it was about to throw several rocks in one go.

"Stand behind me!" Ramirez shouted.

Everyone around him stood behind him.


The demon threw all of the stones in its hands in one go and they all shot through all the buildings around.

[Explosive Fist]


One giant stone headed straight for Ramirez and he destroyed it with a Physical Art.

Everyone behind him was left speechless by all the destruction from that single attack.



The ground began shaking and creating loud and thunderous noises once more as the giant demon began running.

Ramirez quickly turned to the people behind him.

"GO! NOW!"

Realizing how powerless they were against the demon, they finally decided to heed his command and left.


Ramirez went over to a house that got hit by the stones and picked up a large beam that was around 3 meters long.


He threw the log with one hand with [Explosive Throw].


"GYAAAH!!!" the demon stopped and screamed in agony as its head was struck by the beam.

Seeing the damage that the Explosive Art caused, a dark expression appeared on Ramirez's face.

If he had a Status Panel, it would've looked like this.


Name: Ramirez Encantado

Class: Tamer

Race: Human

Age: 86


• Poison - x1.8

• Magic Art (Poison) - x1.6

• Fire - x1.2

• Magic Art (Wind) - x1.1

• Earth - x1.4

• Dagger - x2.1


• Str - 10 (+275)

• Vit - 10 (+275)

• Agi - 10 (+275)

• Int - 10 (+275)

Mana: 510/570

Class Magic:

• Beast Guardian - summons a beast guardian (100 mana points, 10 mana points)

• Beast Transformation - transforms the user into a True Primordial Beast (100 mana points, 10 mana points)

• Beast Sense - have beast-like senses

• Beast Charm - Temporarily charms an animal or monster (40 mana points)

• Beast Howl - Temporarily makes the owner of the spell, summoned Beast Guardian, and charmed animals and monsters immune from all status ailments (40 mana points)


• [Dagger Mastery] - Level 10

• [Body Art Mastery] (Dagger Mastery) - Level 10

• [Sword Mastery] - Level 10

• [Body Art Mastery] (Sword Mastery) - Level 10

• [Poison Mastery] - Level 15

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Poison Mastery) - Level 10

• [Fist Mastery] - Level 10

• [Body Art Mastery] (Fist Mastery) - Level 10

• [Leg Mastery] - Level 10

• [Body Art Mastery] (Leg Mastery) - Level 10

• [Earth Mastery] - Level 15

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Earth Mastery) - Level 10

• [Throw Mastery] - Level 10

• [Body Art Mastery] (Throw Mastery) - Level 10

• [Savage Mastery] - Level 10

• [Body Art Mastery] (Savage Mastery) - Level 10

• [Bow Mastery] - Level 8

• [Body Art Mastery] (Bow Mastery) - Level 8

• [Fire Mastery] - Level 13

• [Magic Art Mastery] (Fire Mastery) - Level 10

Physical Arts:

• [Power Stab] - 10 mana points

• [Explosive Dagger] - 30 mana points

• [Mana Dagger]

• [Power Slash] - 10 mana points

• [Explosive Sword] - 30 mana points

• [Mana Sword]

• [Power Fist] - 10 mana points

• [Explosive Fist] - 30 mana points

• [Mana Fist]

• [Power Leg] - 10 mana points

• [Explosive Leg] - 30 mana points

• [Mana Leg]

• [Power Throw] - 10 mana points

• [Explosive Explosive] - 30 mana points

• [Mana Throw]

• [Blood Drinker] - 50 mana points, 1 mana point

• [Primordial Beast] - 100 mana points, 1 mana point

• [Power Bow] - 10 mana points

• [Explosive Bow] - 30 mana points

Magic Arts:

• [Poison Strike] - 20 mana points

• [Poison Bomb] - 30 mana points

• [Enchant Poison] - 30 mana points, 1 mana point

• Poison Magic Art spells costs reduced by half

• [Poison Storm] - 100 mana points, 10 mana points

• [Poison Golem] - 100 mana points, 1 mana point

• [Poison Body] - Complete immunity to all offensive Poison Magic Arts

• [Earth Arrow] - 20 mana points

• [Earth Spear] - 30 mana points

• [Enchant Earth] - 30 mana points

• Earth Magic Art spells costs reduced by half

• [Earth Spike] - 100 mana points, 10 mana points

• [Earth Golem] - 100 mana points, 1 mana point

• [Earth Body] - Complete immunity to all offensive Earth Magic Arts

• [Fire Arrow] - 20 mana points

• [Fire Spear] - 30 mana points

• [Enchant Fire] - 30 mana points

• Fire Magic Art spells costs reduced by half

• [Fire Storm] - 100 mana points, 10 mana points

• [Fire Golem] - 100 mana points, 1 mana point


Meanwhile, Vivian's stats were:


• Str - 11 (+286)

• Vit - 9 (+262) 

• Agi - 12 (+273) (-57)

• Int - 8 (+280)



Ramirez burst out into a run and rushed over to the demon as he navigated through all the chaos around him.


Vivian blinked and found that one of her eyes that was struck with a Physical Art no longer functioned. Although the attack she received was severe, it wasn't enough to completely obliterate her flesh and leave a hole.

[Greater Origin Transformation].


An ethereal gray-pale liquid appeared and her injury was completely healed as if nothing happened.

Finally, a worthy opponent…!

She focused and searched for the nervous system who managed to damage her. As the world moved slowly through her eyes, she spotted Ramirez who was moving at a normal speed compared to the rest and heading towards her.

So it's you…

Ramirez finally reached Vivian but she didn't attack.

"Mar-Who mar-are mar-you mar-and mar-why mar-are mar-you mar-here?!" he asked. He didn't mean to shout, but since the demon was 20 meters tall and a lot of people were crying and screaming in panic, he doubted if it could hear his voice.

Is that the Marbleamean language he's speaking…?

Like hell I could understand that…

And looks like a few are already a few miles away…

As some of Vivian's eyes were focused on Ramirez, the rest were focused on the other nervous systems that were escaping.


This was a failure…

I frightened them too much…

Noticing that the demon was neither responding nor moving, Ramirez decided to ask again.

"Dae-Who dae-are daeyou daeand daewhy daeare daeyou daehere?!" This time around, he asked in the Demon-kin language and he finally got a reply.

One of Vivian's giant hands came rushing down to flatten him.


Ramirez evaded the giant hand by moving to the side before jumping over to the arm and then started running as he climbed over Vivian's giant demonic body.

[Mana Sword].

A great sword made out of blue mana appeared on his right hand.

[Enchant Poison].

A green water-like aura appeared on his Mana Weapon.


Vivian slapped her arm where Ramirez was but missed. He continued running on her body and then jumped to her face.

[Explosive Sword].


"GYAAAH!!!" Vivian screamed as the force of the Explosive Art tore the flesh off her face and green mist exploded.

Ramirez jumped away and Vivian reached out one of her hands to catch him as he descended in mid-air.

[Explosive Sword].


The giant hand that tried to grab Ramirez was pushed away by another Physical Art imbued with Poison.

[Fire Storm].

An incantation circle with a diameter of 10 meters appeared above Vivian.


When Ramirez finally landed on the ground, a tornado made out of fire came falling from the incantation circle.

"AAARRRGGGHHH!!!" Vivian gritted her teeth as the flames burned her skin.


She threw a punch at the incantation circle, shattering it and stopping the fire tornado.

[Greater Origin Transformation].


Her wounds were completely healed.


A green light enveloped her giant body.

Ramirez's eyes turned to slits and there was a dark expression on his face.

Although he managed to discover a few things or weaknesses about the demon in front of him in that short exchange, his instincts and long years of battle experience were telling him that he was at a disadvantage.

"Who are you and why are you here?!" he asked for the third time. But this time around, he used the Zonian language.

"ARE YOU THE LEADER HERE?" Vivian's loud demonic voice that was trying its best to mimic human speech boomed throughout the air.

Finally getting a proper reply, a thousand scenarios ran inside Ramirez's head as his brows knitted together.

"Are you from the Duke Faction?! If you're someone from my past, I'm willing to talk this out! I'm already retired, I've paid my dues and simply want to live a peaceful life!"

[Greater Origin Transformation].



Vivian transformed into a 3-meter-tall Demon and suddenly charged with [Power Fist].


Ramirez blocked her attack with the blade of his Mana Sword and green mist exploded.

"Whoever you are, I do not wish to fight!" Ramirez said with gritted teeth. "But if you really insist, then --"

"Human, how's your mana holding up?"

His eyes turned wide for a moment when he learned that the demon in front of him was a female and then returned to slits.

"I don't recognize your voice. Who are you exactly?"


Chud! Chud! Chud! Chud!

A green light enveloped Vivian's body as her four extra hands suddenly grabbed onto Ramirez's arms and legs.

Realizing his position, Ramirez quickly activated a spell.

[Beast Transformation].

As blue lightning appeared all over his body, Vivian also moved.

[Greater Origin Enchant].

A dark red lightning appeared on her hand that was holding Ramirez's left leg.

[Power Finger].


"AAAHHH!!!" Ramirez cried out in pain as his left leg was ripped out of his body and he continued to transform, his clothes tearing as his body ballooned.


Vivian moved a few steps away with Ramirez's severed leg on her hand.

When Ramirez was finally done transforming, he turned into a 5-meter-tall blue-colored demonic primordial beast but was missing his left leg.


Somewhere in the dark forest surrounding the Mobius Mountains and a couple of miles away from the rogue settlement.

Romero was walking alone when an adult Moon Tail suddenly pounced on him, causing him to stop.


He caught the monster in his arms. But instead of pushing it away or the monster attacking him, it began licking his face.

"Chula, stop it… I'm not in the mood right now…"


The monster stopped licking his face and began rubbing her head against his face as it purred.

A small smile appeared on Romero's face.

"Thanks, Chula. You've always been so sweet. But you have to get down, I can't carry you like when you were still small," he said and then put her down.


Chula purred.

Pat, pat.

Romero patted her head and rubbed it.

"I'm sorry, okay?"


Chula began rubbing her head on his leg and continued to purr.

Romero resumed walking again until he reached an abandoned shed. He entered the shed and took out a flask and a bottle of alcohol.

As someone with his background, he would usually carry a flask of alcohol with him because it alcohol itself had so many natural uses. However, Julietta hated looking at alcohol and also hated the smell, so he stopped carrying one whenever he met her.

He kept the flask on his side and then opened the bottle of alcohol as he stepped out of the shed.




"Ahh…! That stings…!"


He heard Chula purring on his side so he turned to her.

"No, you can't drink this."


He stopped and let out a sigh.

"You're lucky that I'm heartbroken tonight and I don't have anyone to tell this. But don't tell anyone I let you drink, okay?"


"Now open up."

Chula opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue.

He poured a small amount into her mouth.

Chula recoiled and then shook her head a few times as she tried to fight the bitterness on her tongue.

"Don't say I didn't warn you."



Romero heard a crowing noise and turned to it.

A Bukaroo was flying to him and it landed on his shoulder.

"Hey Chico, want to join us drink as well?"


Pec, pec, pec…

Chico crowed and then pecked Romero's hair.

"I know, I know, Julietta will be angry if I drink. But I'm drinking right now because of her."


Pec, pec, pec…

"You don't have to tell me again."


Romero turned to Chula.

"Chula, don't get jealous. Unlike you, Chico doesn't weigh 150kg like you."



Both monsters began taunting each other.

Romero let out a sigh and shook his head.

"What am I going to do with the both of you?" he said and then raised the bottle on his hand once again.




"Ah…! Still stings…! But it's getting better…"

He resumed walking around the dark forest.

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