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6.97% The Tycoon Inheritance / Chapter 6: 6.

Chapitre 6: 6.

Chen Kai left the bank with a pleased smile on his face. The system rewarded him with two things he meant to handle. It felt good not doing any missions to get these rewards. A guy can get lazy with this inheritance. Even if he could, Chen Kai loved to be active. Maybe it is the past years of battles and governing that made him this way or it's in his bones, he didn't mind this trait at all.

In his car, he took a moment to learn about the cars he received. From memory of the past Chen Kai, The Sleeping Dragon was a one-of-a-kind villa built in one of the most exclusive residential areas in Nanjing. The design style was a combination of modern and traditional and was built with optimum privacy in mind.

He couldn't wait to see his new home.

"Hiss!!" Chen Kai took a sharp breath when he saw the cars. His blood began to boil when he read the features on both Lamborghini models and watched clips of their performances. On the official site, the sound of their revved engine can be played. A non-car fan will get excited by simply listening to the dominant rumbles.

The Urus S can both be business and play but the Revuelto, he had to test the speed on his new toy.

He was going to have so much fun.

"Not bad, system!" he said aloud.

[It's only right that you enjoy yourself, host.]

Hmm?! This was new. The system was having a conversation with him? Did it respond?

The past system was guides that issued information, missions, and emergency warnings. None had their own personality factor.

"System, are you unique to the others because of this Tycoon Inheritance?" Chen Kai didn't care about talking out loud or anyone hearing his conversation, he was in his private car, no one can bother him.

[My main duty is to issue the host's inheritance and handle the relevant procedures. A new upgrade has been added to my programming after the host's past accomplishments were reviewed.]


[Yes. Your review was done in stages during your past travels. Battle Performance. Adaptation. Execution of Missions. Personality. You have exceeded most hosts. To ensure your 'retirement' runs smoothly, an upgrade was done. The host can consider this as a personal AI. The host will be given a response when the system is spoken to. Your privacy will be maintained.]

"Oh. I knew I heard a bit of fluctuation in your speech earlier. So that's what it is. It is very considerate. System, please relay my thanks to the creator."


Checking the time, Chen Kai decided to return to the dorm after a stop at an electronics store. Finding one was easy. It was an era of technology and many colleges were near. Many students will need lots of accessories or quick replacements. Choosing one that he recalled, Chen Kai found a park and made a short walk to the store.

This store happened to be two restaurants apart from the shopping mall. It so happens that this was his route. The mall then the store.

Walking by his eye caught the name Samsung. "It's funny that everything is parallel. I wonder if it's the same quality and wonder as them," he murmured to himself. Chen Kai took a leisurely walk to the escalator and 'people watch' as he went higher.

Reaching the first floor was a minor difference from the ground floor, more shoppers were there and it had a bright, welcoming atmosphere. The airflow was great, he can feel the cool breeze from the air conditioner on his skin no matter the number of people around and every surface was sparkling. This brought a pleased smile to his face.

He made his way to the Samsung store while glancing at the other stores. Clothing. Shoes. Bags. Jewelry. They were all on this floor but he realized they were certain brands at a particular tier. It didn't bother him if the brand was popular or not.

If he likes it, he will buy it.

Entering the Samsung Experience store, he stood by the first display that had the latest phones the company produced. One caught his eye. It was a similar version to SunSon's prototype of holographic cellphones.

He reached for it and did his own testing. "Galaxy Z Fold 5. I'm looking forward to their future generations," he said under his breath as he looked at the processor and camera specs. Pleased with what he saw, he moved to the other products.

His laptop needed to be replaced.

Knowing that he won't always be interested in finance and media, he wanted a device that can help him in Graphic design. Chen Kai was highly educated in a good number of subject areas and he had a few hobbies he liked to take part in. A laptop that can flip between his projects will be ideal.

"Galaxy Book 360 Pro." He made his decision.

When he raised his head, he noticed a sales clerk standing a few steps from him. He caught her eye in which she smiled and approached him. Chen Kai found this pretty good. Most stores have their salespeople follow the customers around and chat their ears off, which results in either the customer being pressured into buying something they don't like or having an anxiety disorder.

"Hello, sir. Do you need any help?" she asked politely.

"Yes. I would like the Galaxy Z Fold, the Galaxy Book 360 Pro, and extra chargers for both devices. An extra S-Pen. Do you have SSD external hard drives? I will need 3 in the largest capacity you have in stock," he answered.

"Uh. Yes. Follow me." The young woman turned sharply on her heel and tried her best not to jump in triumph. She can earn a commission today and it's on the new products. Lucky!

She brought Chen Kai to an empty counter and began the process, helping him choose a color he will like in the long run and the hard drives. A co-worker of hers came while they were talking and the woman eyed Chen Kai from the top of his head to the shoes on his feet. She then looked at the items he wanted to purchase.

She chuckled and shook her head. 'Another poser. He has such good looks why use them to scam others,' she complained inwardly. Dai Li was known in the store as the gold detector. She had an eye for finding rich men and gaining their favor whether in the store or on the higher floors. This trait of hers made her condescending attitude grow to the height of being obnoxiously rude.

Cao Xiao the sales clerk tending to Chen Kai heard the little laugh and disdainful actions but ignored it. Dai Li was also known to poach customers from her colleagues.

"Is there anything you would like to add, sir?"

"Why are you asking him that? He will only have you pull out more stuff in addition to what you got out. Brat, you better leave this store before I call security. You scammers are getting bolder and craftier these days." Dai Li made sure to talk loudly to ensure Chen Kai's hasty retreat and to uncover his little prank. She folded her arms with a gloating smile on her face, waiting for him to make a move.

Chen Kai finally placed the woman in his sight. He didn't utter a word, he eyed her the same way she did to him then ignored her. Dai Li felt her pride being tested when he did so. She considered herself a one-of-a-kind beauty filled with a charm no man can resist. To see this loser ignore her, made her upset.

Cao Xiao was pissed. Her hands trembled in anger and nervousness. She knew about the people who come in, wrack up a high bill then make an excuse and leave. Some even pretended to pay with their card and leave with the goods before the transaction was completed. This leaves the store issuing a theft, reporting to the higher-ups, putting the security to work, and compensating the store for the loss. It was truly despicable. But, not everyone will be like that but she was cautious. Cao Xiao hoped the man before her wasn't one of those people but on the other hand, she wanted him to prove the snotty snob Dai Li wrong.

"Car chargers. Three."

The straightforward response was a slap at Dai Li and reassurance to Cao Xiao.

"Right away, sir."

Dai Li glared at the indifferent Chen Kai who was now strolling to other displays while he waited. Other customers in the store eyed him warily, the women clutched their handbags and the men kept him in their field of vision. He smiled their way and continued with his perusing.

"I won't call security if you admit your ongoing scheme. I know when a customer is buying or not. You may have fooled that naive little girl but you can't fool me," she shouted across the store. Her voice was now loud enough for patrons outside to hear.

"Dai Li! You're embarrassing the store!" Cao Xiao returned quickly when she heard the woman's shout and her insult.

"You should be thanking me for saving you an upcoming embarrassment. Look at him, how can he afford to buy all of these things in one go? How stupid can you be?" Dai Li's words made the customers scrutinize Chen Kai's simple jeans and black dress shirt and an unknown brand of low-cut shoes. His clothing stated low income but his confident walk and good looks screamed noble. Can he really be a poser? Crude comments began to float in the store. One by one, they were convinced that this was a scammer and he was about to cheat the store.

Chen Kai sighed and approached the counter. He didn't know why they were making a big deal of whether he was buying the items or not. Are they all going to buy something or were they looking now to buy later? So folks should learn to pay attention to their own business.

When he was about to speak, the annoying bug of a woman began to screech.


Chen Kai stuck his finger in his ear to alleviate the ringing from the woman's screech. What is it with women today and their screaming? Damn it!

Cao Xiao looked at Dai Li, incredulity filled her eyes. She wanted to smack that first layer of makeup off the woman's face. How can she be so ignorant?! So hasty! She tried to stop the woman but was pushed away. This made Chen Kai's carefree expression change. Dai Li saw this and deduced that he was scared of the security that was on their way.

"Are you okay?" he asked Cao Xiao.

"Yes, sir. Thanks for asking. I am truly sorry for her behavior and for your unpleasant experience." She blushed as she replied, feeling touched that he was concerned about that little stumble.

"It's alright. You can't always please high-strung people," he commented.

"I am not high-strung!" Dai Li argued.

"Then why are you escalating a scene that is nonexistent and causing a ruckus? Is this how you tend to work every day? Or are you planning to scam me for something idiotic like mental damage for your mistake? Stop barking like a rabid dog and have some sense of decorum."

Chen Kai's words were like thunder in the store. As expected the insulting murmurs moved from him to her. Dai Li pointed her finger in anger, wanting to say something insulting in return but all that came out was, "You!" on repeat.

"Tch!" Chen Kai returned his attention to his purchase.

Cao Xiao added the last three items to the others and made her way to finalize the sale. Dai Li pushed her away harshly causing her to fall. At the same time, a woman dressed in an exquisite business suit came rushing from the back of the store and witnessed this scene. "DAI LI! What is the meaning of this?!"

The security officers finally came but they stood at the entrance to block whatever crook they came to detain and to sort out the situation. Chen Kai ignored all of this and rushed behind the counter to help the young lady. He saw her wincing and holding her elbow. "Ah!" She tried to move the arm but cried out in pain. He helped her up and assessed the injury. The elbow was definitely bruised, the pain is probably from the harsh fall and shock to her bones. It will take a few days to be back to normal movements.

Chen Kai turned to the woman who was looking at them with no remorse on her face. "How are you still working in society?" he asked. His tone was frighteningly calm but the underlying warning and anger were there.

He hated when innocent bystanders were involved in other people's conflicts. This woman had an unknown problem with him yet she took it out on the clerk who was simply doing her job.

"Now you're playing Prince Charming, how cute. Security take this guy from here. He's in the midst of cheating the store," she retorted.

The security guards moved toward Chen Kai but the woman stopped them. "How can you detain someone on one person's assumption? This young man is still a customer of my store."

"Manager, you can trust my word. You know of these people, we've already experienced more than five of them, not to mention other stores, how can I not know who will cause us problems?" Dai Li stated proudly.

"Are you a fortune teller? Can you tell if everyone here is going to buy a product today?" Chen Kai added.

His voice was low but filled with anger. The manager moved towards him to calm him down. She too didn't know if he was about to buy a thing or not but she still had to treat him as a customer. This was an unspoken rule in the business industry.

"This is all a misunderstanding...." she began.

"No, it's not. Your employee here who is so high on her sand pedestal accused me of being a cheat, insulted me by my simple attire, and resorted to violence on her. I came here to simply look and decided to buy a few things that catch my eye, was it wrong for me to do so? Can't a guy simply buy something in a store and not be insulted? How are you training your staff?"

Each question was like a shot at the manager's professionalism and everyone's mindset. Who were to judge the guy's clothing when theirs weren't even a top brand? Weren't they only browsing the phones they saw online? Weren't they here to play with the devices to be in the know with their peers?

Chen Kai glared at Dai Li who still had that stubborn look on her face. She knew he was bluffing so that the manager will be on his side and he will walk out freely without any issue with security.

Turning to Cao Xiao, he gave her an apologetic smile. "Sorry about that."

"No. It's not your fault," she said hastily. Why was he apologizing when he was the one being humiliated?

Chen Kai addressed the manager. " Please, complete my purchase and make sure it's done on her work account. She has been really helpful."

"Oh? Okay. I will make sure she gets it," the manager said hurrying to the sales console. She checked the items on the screen and matched them physically. Both phone and laptop recently arrived and the accessories cost over a few hundred yuan each. She was nervous about this transaction but soon after she regained her composure. She was the manager, how can she be wary of every customer that walks in here?

Dai Li folded her arms and waited for Chen Kai to put on his show. The entire store was waiting also. Won't it be grand to see the one who admonished them for their shortcoming be the scammer he was claimed to be?

"Your total is $28,065 yuan."

Chen didn't blink at the price, he thought it to be reasonable. If converted to USD, the currency he learned that was internationally regarded, everything on the counter was less than $4000. To most in the store, his bill was double their monthly salary as a layman or office worker.

He reached for his wallet unbothered and retrieved his card and ID. The platinum card was visible to everyone. Some thought the card was one of those personalized cards while others recognized the color and the bank that distributes it.

"That's - That's a platinum VIP card. How did you get it?" Dai Li asked coming out of her stupor. How can she not know of this card? One of her 'godfathers' recently told her of this card when she spotted someone paying with it during their shopping date. That card is only catered to invited customers of the bank. Not only can they spend an absurd amount on the card but the features are nothing short of being spoiled by the bank.

Chen Kai clicked his tongue at her question.

"Platinum VIP Card?"

"Ah, you peasant! That's a card for the rich in the country. The black cards are the same but that bank has this card for their special customers."

"I heard those customers also have medical and travel perks. They can bypass most stuff and go straight to being cared for."

"Only the rich can be treated like that! Let me bask in that young master's aura. I might get lucky."

"Heheheheeh! DIdn't that woman call him a scammer?! HAH!!! I bet he could have walked out with those stuff without paying. Did you see how he didn't flinch at the cost?"

"Hahahaha! You're right! Look at her face. She's even paler than her makeup."

The manager was quietly giddy. She swiped the card and invited Chen Kai to enter his passcode. The machine prompted this. He entered his code and waited for the prompt for his signature. He chose this way as a preventative measure.

Yes, he's a cautious fellow.

After his signature on the touchpad the soft chime of a successful transaction.

The manager was about to thank him when his phone rang. "Sorry," he murmured.

She waved him off politely and waited. Most of the wealthy she came into contact with were distant and arrogant with workers like her but it was refreshing that he excused himself and even helped Cao Xiao when she fell. This young man was a rare one

Stepping away from the counter, Chen Kai answered the call from the new number. "Yes?"

"Mr. Chen. I'm Manager Bao from Masters Property Management. I was informed of your purchase of the villa and your incoming delivery of vehicles. I am calling to confirm and also to sync our schedules for signing procedures." The man on the other end of the call was overly polite. This was an exclusive customer that he was assigned to. The villa has been on the market for two years at a cost of $800M excluding the monthly expenses for upkeep. Everyone wanted a chance to be in charge of this property. Bao Chang was lucky to gain it.

"I'll be there by noon tomorrow. I will send a photo of my ID to confirm the delivery and to speed up the papers. Is that okay?" Chen Kai asked.

"Yes, sir. It's perfectly fine. I will wait for your message."

"Good. See you then." He ended the call and then copied the number from the log to add it on WeChat.

Returning to the counter, his items were already packed and a tote filled with promotional items was beside it. He chuckled and retrieved his cards from the manager. Doing a quick work of sending his ID info, he refocused on the ladies before him.

"Thank you for your service." Tucking away his cards, he moved his hand slightly and took out ten red bills, and handed it to Cao Xiao.

"Sir... I can't accept this," she refused politely.

Behind her, Dai Li felt her body grow weak at the refusal. This girl just made a high commission and was now given a $1000 yuan tip. How can she refuse? This was a rich and handsome young master. At this time, Dai Li forgot her previous behavior and looked at Chen Kai in a new light.

"Consider it as a well-deserved tip and compensation. You were helpful to me but were injured by your coworker's arrogant judgment of me. Please accept."

She recalled his apology and deduced this was his true nature. He repays kindness with kindness and bad with the same level of bad.

She gave him a short bow of respect and accepted his tip.

Gathering his purchase, he left the store without hindrance.

"Officers, thank you for your response. I will speak with your supervisor by the end of the day," the manager said aloud. Her sentence got everyone moving. The two guards left the store woodenly and the customers resumed their window shopping.

The manager waved to another staff member and placed them at the sales checkout. "You two follow me."

The two young ladies walked behind the manager with two different moods. Cao Xiao wasn't bothered. She was already allocating her tip and commission for the next month while Dai Li was thinking of a way to keep her job.

In the office, the two sat before the manager at her desk. She was typing furiously on her keyboard. She nodded her head and then turned to the printer that was ejecting five sheets of A4 paper. Her hands moved quickly in signing before she stretched her hand holding the documents outward.

"Dai Li, you're fired."

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