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57.69% DxD: Shattered Legacy / Chapter 10: expanding the faction

Chapitre 10: expanding the faction

After a walk that lasted about 40 minutes, they arrived at a small clearing in the forest. Sainvu and his people stopped and turned to look at Kaiser.

"Here lies the barrier that separates our living space from the humans." said Sainvu.

"Then let's enter, we don't have all day to be standing around." said Kaiser.

Sainvu nodded and reached his hands towards the air where a barrier appeared and after a few seconds let his hand pass through. Sainvu's men walked forward and entered followed by Kaiser but not before he placed a protective barrier around the people with him just in case the youkai have something mischievous in mind.

When they were through the barrier Yasaka visibly tensed up a held Kaiser's arm tighter.

'She is barely able to withhold her emotions. She is extremely strong to be able to last so long without breaking down. I'll try to get this over with as soon as possible and arrange a funeral for her family to say her last farewell and get some closure.' thought Kaiser.

In turn to Yasaka tightening her hold Kaiser did the same trying to give some reassurance to the woman.

As they were walking towards a tall building they went by many people. Some gave them hostile looks, some were curious and others were neutral.

As they approached the building many guards were relieved when they saw Sainvu, but became confused very fast when they saw Yasaka alive clinging to an unknown man.

They arrived in front of the guards and Sainvu spoke up.

"The young man behind us wishes to meet with the newly appointed leaders, please let us through."

"We cannot allow people to enter just because they want to meet the leaders." said one of the guards.

"Especially because that woman is hugging him. Why is she alive and who even is he?" asked another guard.

"His name is Kaiser Vesperion and she the reason she is alive and hugging him is because he is her mate and we don't stand a chance to even land an attack on someone like him." said Sainvu.

There were more guards arriving on the spot and one guard with different armor than the rest arrived and recognized the family name and spoke up.

"The Vesperion family is an extinct devil family. Those bastards had that all-powerful [Power of Annihilation] or whatever and still got wiped out and now you are saying a member of that house is right in front of us? You are easily deceived Sainvu. Kill the man and take the woman to the breeding chambers!" said the guard.

Once the order was issued all of the guards moved to carry out the order. Unfortunately for them, they didn't even manage to get closer than 5 metres to Kaiser and the girls because Kaiser released a little bit of his aura and everything in a 7-metre radius around him ceased to exist. Sainvu only survived because when he heard the order he instantly retreated and the girls were protected by his barrier so they weren't affected by the energy.

"This was pitiful. I didn't even express the slightest malicious intention, but we were attacked. If I didn't have plans for the youkai this much would be enough the erase this whole faction from the face of this world." said Kaiser while narrowing his eyes towards Sainvu.

Before Sainvu could answer three figures appeared in front of them and assessed the damage. These three people were the youkai leaders Brugo an orc, Ukig an ogre and Yuu a nine-tailed.

When Yasaka saw the third person she froze.

"Yuu?" asked Yasaka.

"Color me surprised, I didn't think you would be able to survive." said the woman.

Brugo was a male grey-skinned muscular and bald orc.

Ukig vas a male green-skinned lean ogre with two of his teeth protruding from his mouth.

Yuu was a beautiful woman with green hair and tails. Just like Yasaka who had 5 tails, this woman also had 5 tails.

"Puny devil, how dare you come here and cause trouble!?" questioned Brugo almost shouting.

"Lower your tone you ugly shit. They attacked first, so it was merely self-defense." replied Kaiser.

"Yuu, what did you do?" asked Yasaka ignoring everyone else.

"They had a proposal that I couldn't refuse. I would have my deserved position as the leader of the youkai and all I had to do is betray my family. By the way, there are a few who are still alive knocked out in the breeding chambers. Their injuries were treated and soon the breeding will begin." said Yuu with a small smile.

Yasaka looked pleadingly at Kaiser and he nodded his head.

"You have two options present before you. You can submit or die. Which one is it?" asked Kaiser.

"Peri-" Brugo started saying but before he could finish his sentence his body was enveloped by purple flames and after a few seconds only his ashes remained.

"What about you two?" asked Kaiser.

After seeing what happened to Brugo the remaining two were hesitant to answer. They didn't want to give up their pride, but they also didn't want to die.

'Are you against me ending this Yuu woman?' Kaiser asked Yasaka through mental connection.

'I'm not, but please make it quick for her.' said Yasaka.

Kaiser nodded his head.

"No answer? That's fine." said Kaiser.

Kaiser summoned two orbs of annihilation energy and fired them at Ukig and Yuu and the two were erased from existence.

"Sainvu lead us to the breeding chambers." said Kaiser with a tone that left no room for argument. Sainvu nodded his head and entered the building followed by Kaiser and the girls. After a short walk inside the building, they arrived at a stair that was leading towards a basement. They descended down the stairs and opened the door at the bottom of the stairs.

The whole place was illuminated by torches and there were a lot of different people locked in cages. Kaiser and the others didn't take the time to look around instead they locked their gazes on 6 women who were chained to a wall in ragged clothes.

Yasaka detached from Kaiser and ran towards a woman with golden hair.

"MOTHER!" shouted Yasaka.

'Grayfia, free the people in the cages and gather them.' said Kaiser to Grayfia through mental connection.

'Understood master.' replied Grayfia and began doing what Kaiser ordered her to do.

Kaiser turned towards Yasaka who was hugging a woman who was currently slowly waking up.

"Yasaka?" asked the woman, unsure if she heard right.

"Yes, mother it's me. Are you alright? What did those bastards do to you?" asked Yakasa worriedly.

"Were you captured too, my daughter?" asked the woman.

"No, I was saved and you were too." said Yasaka.

"By whom?" asked the woman.

"A devil named Kaiser Vesperion. Our goddess couldn't intervene directly, so she trusted him to help us." said Yasaka.

"Then I'm relieved." said the woman.

"Could you please break the chains husband?" Yasaka asked Kaiser.

Kaiser nodded as she asked and used <Annihilation Blade> to get rid of the chains.

"Mother can you stand? What about the others? All of them are still unconscious." asked Yakasa.

"I can't stand, they broke my legs and made me drink a vicious poison that made me lose my magic energy, so my regeneration also doesn't work because it required magic energy. I'm not better than a human right now. I might not even walk ever again." replied the woman.

"The others only had been forced to consume the poison, so they can walk fine, but they can't use magic." continued the woman before looking towards Kaiser.

"My name is Harumi. I thank you for saving us young man and I apologize for showing you such a disgusting sight. We will find a way to repay your kindness even if we can't use magic." said Harumi.

"Don't stress it. You'll all be taken care of properly." said Kaiser.

"Husband is there something that could fix my mother's leg?" asked Yasaka.

"I heard my parents mention something called Phenex tears. That family has very strong regenerative powers and their tears do too. That's our best option." said Kaiser.

"Can you get those Phenex tears for my mother?" asked Yasaka.

"Of course." said Kaiser.

"Lord Kaiser in my humble opinion you don't have a good enough relationship with the Phenex family for them to just hand something over to you." said Albedo.

"Well they either give me some through peaceful means, of course, I plan on paying the corresponding price or I'll force them to give me the tears." said Kaiser.

"Sainvu. Have the people gather in front of the building in 10 minutes." ordered Kaiser and Sainvu nodded with a strained smile.

'When did I become your servant?' thought Sainvu but didn't voice his thoughts due to him being afraid for his life and went to complete the task given to him.

Grayfia had finished her task and approached Kaiser.

"Master, I have finished the task. There was only 1 person locked up in the cages. She doesn't seem to have any magic energy." said Grayfia.

"Yeah, all people who are taken here are forced to drink a poison that dispels the magic energy from the being who drank it." said Kaiser.

"Yasaka, I'll go talk with the person who was in the cage, I'll be right back." said Kaiser and Yasaka nodded.

Grayfia led Kaiser whom Albedo followed to where the person was.

"Hello there." greeted Kaiser.

She looked at him with apprehension in her eyes.

"You don't need to be afraid. I'm not here to hurt you or take advantage of you. Let's introduce ourselves first. My name is Kaiser Vesperion and with me is my personal maid Grayfia Lucifuge and Albedo." said Kaiser.

"Fayeth Naero. I'm an elf." said Fayeth.

She had slightly tanned skin, elf-like ears and white hair that reached her lower back.

"Nice to meet you Fayeth. You'll no longer be locked up here. Do you have a family?" asked Kaiser.

"They were killed because they tried to support the nine-tailed clan with whatever they could and I was taken as a prisoner because Brugo had taken fancy to me." said Fayeth.

"Well, that Brugo guy is no longer alive." said Kaiser. Fayeth didn't say anything she just kept looking at Kaiser.

'Grayfia, I have no idea what I should do with her. Any suggestions?' Kaiser asked Grayfia through mental connection.

'Most elves have strong healing magic abilities master. Perhaps you could take her in.' said Grayfia.

'How could she heal without magic energy?' asked Kaiser.

'She can't. But if the master manages to find a way to cure her she could become a very valuable ally.' said Grayfia.

'Thank you Grayfia.' said Kaiser.

'Any time master.' said the maid.

"So Fayeth. Would you be willing to come and live with us? We can promise you safety, food, shelter and a lot of things. I'll also start to look for a way to get rid of the poison that they made you drink." offered Kaiser.

"What will be required of me?" asked Fayeth.

"Well, I'm sure we can find a suitable job for you while you are without magic." said Kaiser.

"Can you promise that you won't force yourself on me?" asked Fayeth.

"Yes." replied Kaiser.

"Please take care of me." said Fayeth and Kaiser nodded at Grayfia who took out one of his overcoats and handed it to her so she can cover herself better.

"Let's go back to Yasaka and see if the other women have woken up." said Kaiser.

They walked back towards Yasaka to see all the other women awake and listening to Yasaka who was currently talking.

"We are back, is everything alright?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes, aside from my mother nobody has any injuries aside from losing their magic energies." said Yasaka.

"Grayfia do you have enough overcoats on you to give all of them one?" asked Kaiser.

"Of course master." said Grayfia and began handing out overcoats to the nine-tailed foxes who accepted gratefully.

"Have you explained to them what's going on Yasaka?" asked Kaiser.

"Yes husband. I told them everything that has happened leading up to this point." said Yasaka.

"Then why don't you all introduce yourselves?" asked Kaiser.

They looked at each other, after a few seconds one on the far left spoke up.

"My name is Kiyomi." said the woman on the far left. She had brown hair and 3 brown tails.

From the on from the left to the right all of them introduced themselves.

"Kayo." said a woman with black hair and 4 black tails.

"Arisu." she had white hair and 4 white tails.

"Tsukiko." she had red hair and 4 red tails.

"Eiko." said the last one. She had green hair with 3 green tails.

"Very well, it's nice to meet you. My name is Kaiser Vesperion. Then let's go, that Sainvu guy has already gathered the people in front of the building." said Kaiser.

"Could you carry my mother, husband?" asked Yasaka.

"This is a little tricky because with both her legs broken, the ways I could carry her would put a strain on the injuries which wouldn't worsen them, but it would cause pain from the waist down for sure." said Kaiser.

"I have lost all feelings from my waist down so I don't think that will be a problem." said Harumi.

"Alright then." said Kaiser.

He walked to Harumi and bent down. He placed his right hand under her lower back and his left in the crook of her knees. Harumi moved her arms around Kaiser's shoulders for more stability and Kaiser stood up.

"Any pain?" asked Kaiser.

"No." replied Harumi.

"Let's go everyone." said Kaiser and they walked out of the basement and then shortly after out of the building and were met with the sight of a large crowd of people.

"I have gathered the people as requested." said Sainvu.

"Good job." said Kaiser towards Sainvu then turned towards the crowd and amplified his voice with magic and started speaking.

"Esteemed Youkai of this realm, my name is Kaiser Vesperion, a devil. I know that everyone was shaken by the nine-tailed foxed being overthrown and by the many lives lost, but let us not dwell on the past, because it won't change. Today, I offer a path forward. Though your new leaders have fallen by my hand, I stand before you as a harbinger of unity. Join the Order of Nihility, and together, we shall shape our destiny. In the Order of Nihility, everyone is equally welcomed. I'm sure most of you have an idea who Yasaka of the nine-tailed Fox clan is. She will be the representative of the youkai inside the Order of Nihility. And I as the supreme leader of the Order of Nihility and more importantly as the beloved mate of Yasaka I'll do everything in my power to bring upon us a bright future." said Kaiser and waited for a reaction from the crowd.

'Next thing I need to do is sit down and think through how my faction would work. I didn't know what to call my role so I went with the supreme leader and now I want to bury myself in a hole.' thought Kaiser

After a few moments, people slowly began cheering. The cheering grew bigger and bigger until the whole crowd was cheering. Kaiser smiled at the sight of this.

"Thank you for your support!" said Kaiser and retreated back inside the building.

Once inside Sainvu led them to a large bedroom where Kaiser could lay Harumi down.

They arrived in the room and Kaiser gently lay down Harumi and everyone got comfortable.

"So the next thing to do is to get those Phenex tears and think through the hierarchy of my faction a little deeper." said Kaiser.

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next chapter Kaiser might just make the Phenex family cry and the hierarchy inside the Order of Nihility will get a little clearer

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