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34.61% DxD: Shattered Legacy / Chapter 4: Declaration of War (A/N: Not edited yet)

Chapitre 4: Declaration of War (A/N: Not edited yet)

Morning came quickly and Kaiser was woken up by Grayfia who already had changed into her usual maid attire.

Currently, Kaiser was questioning Grayfia regarding the clothes that she had presented to him for today.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm fine with wearing a suit, but are you sure I'm not a bit too fancy? I mean the clothes I wore yesterday look casual compared to this." asked Kaiser the maid who was fixing his tie.

"Master, you need to look your best at all times." Grayfia answered and finished fixing his tie. She looked him over once and nodded in approval.

"But why do I need a coat hanging from my shoulders and why all black?" Kaiser questioned the maid again.

"The coat is not just for design. It has been enhanced with magic, so it can deflect attacks from high-class beings. The color is just a coincidence." answered Grayfia.

"Alright, let's get going we have a lot to do today." said Kaiser as he went towards the door and unlocked it.

They stepped outside the room and were greeted by a bowing maid.

"Good morning sir, how can I be of assistance?" asked the maid.

"Some coffee and breakfast would be nice, afterwards I would like to go meet with the soldiers whom I'll be commanding later." said Kaiser and the maid straightened up and started leading them towards the dining room.

'I'm still not sure it's a smart idea to switch commanders so suddenly but I can't do much about it now.' thought Kaiser as they were navigating through the mansion.

Once they arrived in front of a double door the maid knocked and opened it. They entered and were greeted by the Gremorys having breakfast.

"Good morning." the Gremory family greeted in unison. Kaiser greeted them back alongside Grayfia and Kaiser a little farther away from the rest with Grayfia standing behind him.

"You should have something to eat as well Grayfia." Kaiser said while looking back at the maid. She nodded but didn't sit down instead started eating while standing.

Sirzechs decided to strike up a conversion with Kaiser.

"What is your agenda for today?" he asked.

"After I finish breakfast I'll meet with the soldiers. I'll spend the rest of the day with them until I'm notified to start moving." answered Kaiser.

'The soldiers will probably not be happy that there was a sudden change in command, so I'll need to make them obey me for today. My personal strength should come in handy and a neat little speech and hopefully, that will be enough.' thought Kaiser.

After 10 minutes have passed both Kaiser and Grayfia had finished their breakfast and stood up to leave, but Kaiser was addressed by Zeoticus.

"Kaiser, I wish you success" said Zeoticus.

"Thank you." answered Kaiser then left the room with Grayfia. The same maid that lead them here was standing outside the door.

"Could you lead us to the soldiers?" asked Kaiser and the maid nodded and lead them towards the training grounds where chatter and laughter could be heard. They entered the training grounds and all the chatter and laughter came to a sudden halt. The maid excused herself and left.

"So you are the one they switched our commander out with. We were given to a pretty boy with no previous achievements nor an impressive level of power. They could have just fired us, but instead, they sent us to die. How cruel." spoke a bald man with a beard.

"If you are done then I would like to introduce myself." said Kaiser.

"Go ahead." said the same man bearded man.

"My name is Kaiser Vesperion, heir to the thought-to-be-extinct house Vesperion. This is my personal maid Grayfia Lucifuge. As you know I'll be leading today's attack instead of your previous commander. I understand that you do not know me therefore it'll be hard to trust me. Nobody has talked to me about any previous strategy nor did I get a description of how that base looks, so we will be going with the most basic tactic. Overwhelming force. I'm an intermediate-level calamity-class fighter while my maid is at the same level as the base's commander peak-level of ultimate-class. This already gives us an advantage over them." said Kaiser and he let his aura leak a little bit so the soldiers could feel it. He looked around the crowd only to see everyone's shocked faces over the revelation of his power

'Me concealing my aura as them being significantly weaker than me resulted in basically not feeling my power. I'm sure they associated this with me having little to no magic power.' Kaiser thought.

"The plan is extremely easy. I will attack first to destroy any barrier or defence they might have set up. With this, I'll also cause some damage to the defending forces. After that, it'll be a straight-up frontal attack with me leading the charge. We will give them no chance to organize their forces and react to our assault. If nothing unexpected happens this shall be a swift victory." said Kaiser.

"Any questions?" Kaiser asked.

No one said a word, but heads were shaken all around the room.

"That's great, but I have some questions of my own. Who could answer them for me?" asked Kaiser and the bald bearded man stepped forward.

"My name is Balthier. I served as the second in command for the previous captain, so I can probably answer your questions." said the man.

"Alright then. My first question is about transportation. How do we get the army to our destination?" asked Kaiser.

"We use teleportation magic for that. There are designated teleporters because teleporting this amount of people is quite taxing, so as soon as we arrive they go the last lines and stay there to recover." answered Balthier.

"Okay. My other question would be about the headcount of this force." said Kaiser.

"This force contains about 74.000 soldiers." said Balthier.

"Alright then. I want 50 of the fastest men to make 5 squads of 10. Their job will be to eliminate anyone who tries to flee and to look out for any sign of reinforcements. The others will be charging with me. You can do whatever you want until we get the " said Kaiser

'I'm sure I could get this over with by myself, but this is a good opportunity to experience an actual battlefield, so I'll play along for now.' thought Kaiser as he sat down on a bench and Grayfia went to stand behind him.

For the next few hours, nothing significant happens. Kaiser got to know his soldiers a little bit better. Most of them talked, arm wrestled or spared with each other. After five hours have passed a maid came into the training grounds with a letter and handed it over to Kaiser and left.

Kaiser opened the letter and read it. The letter said that they were to depart in 20 minutes to the given location which was approximately 1 kilometres from the base. Kaiser put the letter away and stood up.

'Could have used magic to convey this info as well.' thought Kaiser before he started shouting.


All of the soldiers snapped their heads towards Kaiser before they gained a serious look and started to get in formation. While the soldiers were getting ready to depart Kaiser informed the teleporters about the location.

After about 15 minutes everyone was ready to teleport. Kaiser stood in front of the formation and looked around.

"After the teleportation, we will be approximately 1 kilometre away from the base, we will immediately head towards it and begin our attack." after Kaiser finished talking he sent a mental message to Grayfia.

'Stay close to me I'll put a barrier around us. I don't trust them enough to not consider the possibility that they are trying to send us to our deaths. If needed we will flee.'

Grayfia just gave a small nod and stood close to Kaiser.

After 3 more minutes Kaiser gave the command to teleport and he also teleported to the designated location. During the process, he tensed his muscles getting ready for an immediate confrontation, but all he got was a large opening with his soldiers behind him.

Kaiser started heading towards the base and the soldiers followed. As soon as the base was in his line of sight he immediately summoned a large purple magic circle in front of him. From the magic circle, a dragon made out of black lightning emerged and sped towards the base.

It quickly reached the base and broke through the defensive barrier without any problem then flew straight into the base causing a massive explosion. The charge didn't stop for a second. They were met by a few heavily injured guards who were quickly burnt to a crisp by Kaiser who used his purple fire.

The soldiers charged into the base led by Kaiser only to see devastation everywhere caused by the massive lightning dragon. They stopped in the middle of the base where the base commander who had light injuries was standing with a few high-class who looked worse for wear.

The commander and Kaiser made eye contact for a brief second before the commander dashed towards Kaiser with his fist reeled back and coated in demonic power intending to deliver a devastating punch. Kaiser sidestepped the punch and released a small bolt of lightning into the body of the base commander. The base commander fell on the floor twitching continuously due to the electric shock travelling through his body. Before the high-class fighters on the base commander's side could even move a purple flame wall appeared that encircled and trapped them.

"He didn't even think about how to attack me. I don't know if he was just plain stupid or he suddenly entered emotional distress and couldn't make rational decisions but what he did was extremely dumb. He was injured atop being ridiculously outclassed." said Kaiser as he kept looking at the twitching body of the base commander. He slowly approached the commander's head and stood above it. Then he raised his foot and stomped on the commander's skull effectively crushing it. Kaiser then leaned down and touched the shoulder of the corpse and a small stream of light entered his body through his hand that was touching the corpse. After he was done absorbing the energy of the commander he straightened himself and looked around, seeing nothing but destruction. He withdrew his flame wall that was entrapping the few remaining enemies.

He looked at the people in front of him who were shaking in fear.

"WE SURRENDER! PLEASE SPARE OUR LIVES!" one of them suddenly yelled. Kaiser turned his head towards the person who shouted.

"Bye Bye." said Kaiser and as he finished a purple magic circle appeared underneath the enemies' feet and purple flames sprouted from underneath them, burning them to cinders.

'I wanted to try out commanding forces while fighting myself simultaneously but I forgot to adjust the power of the first attack.' thought Kaiser before turning towards his soldiers.

"Search this entire place for any survivors and if there are some end them on the spot. They can't tell us anything because they probably don't know anything and I would assume there is a spell placed on the as well to prevent any information from leaking." said Kaiser and the soldiers nodded and started searching through the whole base.

Before Kaiser could do anything else, the scouts returned panting and looking distressed.

"Sir, there are reinforcements coming. They are being led by one of the right-hand men."

"Why the fuck would they send here one of the right-hand men? There shouldn't be anyone here significant enough to make one of them move. The only reason I can think why they would go so far is that this base was the closest to the Gremory territories and could be used as an anchor to launch an attack." said Kaiser with surprise written all over his face. He quickly composed himself.

"BALTHIER!" shouted Kaiser and the bald man came dashing towards him.

"What is it, sir?" he asked. This politeness surprised Kaiser a little bit, but he wrote it off to be the result of his show of power.

"Gather the man and get ready to fight. There are reinforcements incoming. I'll take their leader the rest is up to you all." said Kaiser as he spread his senses and found the approaching forces.

"Let's go Grayfia let's give them a warm welcome." said Kaiser and Grayfia nodded. She stood next to him and they teleported 30 metres in front of the army.

"Well, well, well. Would you look at that." said the unknown man and Grayfia visibly frowned.

"Who is he?" asked Kaiser noticing the frown on the usually stoic maid's face.

"Scias Infernium. He is the right-hand man who serves under Lucifer." said Grayfia.

"I'm flattered you remember me. The young master was really displeased and he convinced his father to send me to retrieve you so you can enter servitude to house Lucifer like you should have done." said Scias.

"I already have a master and even if I didn't I certainly don't plan on ever approaching that awful boy." said Grayfia with contempt in her voice.

"Looks like we will have to do this the hard way." said Scias getting ready for a confrontation.

"Just one question. How did you know she will be here?" asked Kaiser.

"It wouldn't be fun if I told you, would it?" asked Scias.

"I guess you are right about that." said Kaiser with a chuckle. He then got into a fighting position and narrowed his eyes.

'His family has the ability to manipulate hellfire. It burns hotter than most flames. Be careful with it master.' Grayfia sent Kaiser a mental message.

"Let's dance." said Scias before firing hellfire towards Kaiser which he tried to block with his own purple fire.

The two powers clashed and it was obvious after a few seconds that the hellfire was more potent than the purple fire and Kaiser was forced to apply lightning to his feet in order to move out of the way of the flames.

"Those flames are really potent, they easily beat mine." said Kaiser then fired several bolts of lighting towards Scias who tried to block with a flame wall but the bolts evaded the wall and managed to hit Scias, but not before he applied a weak barrier and crossed his hands.

Scias was pushed back several steps and his clothes were burnt a little bit.

He straightened up and stared down Kaiser.

"That lightning of yours isn't normal that's for sure." said Scias.

Before they could continue they heard several warcries and turned their heads to see Kaiser's and Scias' forces fighting each other. Kaiser looked back at Scias.

"Shall we continue?" said Kaiser as he analyzed even the smallest movements made by Scias.

"I thought you would never ask." answered Scias and he summoned multiple orbs of hellfire and started throwing them at Kaiser. Kaiser was dodging the oncoming attack while sending out a few of his own, but after numerous exchanges, neither of them managed to cause the other any major damage.

"Let's step it up a notch shall we?" said Scias and Kaiser nodded.

Scias covered his fists with hellfire while Kaiser applied lightning to his feet and a mixture of lightning and fire.

They engaged in a physical confrontation. Punches and kicks were thrown continuously. Kaiser managed to block a punch that aimed for his chin and counter-attacked with an elbow strike to Scias' head. Scias lost his balance for a second but managed to regain it before Kaiser could take advantage of this. Scias then feinted a punch to the head with his left hand but went for Kaiser's stomach with his right. His right hand managed to hit Kaiser and made him bend down a little bit. Scias took advantage of him and took this opportunity to knee him in the face a few times.

Kaiser managed to grab Scias' leg and brought him off balance and with this, he managed to push Scias to the ground. Kaiser released his abyss-black wings and flew up. A purple magic circle appeared in front of him and the same black lightning dragon flew out of it straight towards Scias who was getting up from the ground. Before Scias could erect serious defences the dragon crashed into him sending him flying 200 metres from the crash site.

Kaiser immediately chased after him but was met with a powerful flame speeding towards him. He didn't have time to dodge so he was going to utilize his [Power of Annihilation] to break through the attack head on but what he didn't expect was that this attack was only a distraction and Scias was already behind him and kicked him in the side making him crash into the ground hard before throwing an orb of hellfire at him. Kaiser didn't have time to dodge so he raised his left hand and coated it in his own flame and received the attack and managed to withstand it, but not without injury. Kaiser's left forearm was burnt. From the kick and crash, he also had a bleeding nose and a few cracked ribs. Scias was in a worse condition. His clothes were mostly tattered, and the skin on his arms was burnt due to the explosion from the dragon. His hair was pointing towards the sky and he had blood flowing from his lips and from multiple other injuries. They stared at each other for a few moments. Then suddenly Scias started laughing.

"HAHAHAHA, this is really fun. What do you say we end this in one last attack? You have been holding back I know it. I can feel it in my bones. GIVE ME EVERYTHING YOU GOT!" shouted at the end Scias.

"I mean I could have ended it before we even started, but I wanted to enjoy your company a little bit. I shall honor your wish and don't hold back." said Kaiser. His accelerated regeneration has already fixed most of his injuries by now.

An ominous void-purple color orb started gathering in front of Kaiser as he charged one of his attacks, <Oblivion Blast>. Scias seeing this also started to gather and concentrate his hellfire into an orb as well. After a few seconds of Kaiser and Scias gathering power into their attack, they both unleashed it alongside their full aura which caused the environment around them to implode on itself on a wide scale. As the two attacks met each other the orb of flame was seemingly erased from existence and Kaiser's attack rapidly approached Scias who only had time to move his body a little bit saving his life, but he still lost most of his body's left side. He fell to the ground as Kaiser approached him with a void-purple sword in his hand.

"I never would have stood a chance if you didn't want to enjoy this fight." said Scias in a dejected tone.

"Not like you could have known that I inherited this power. Whoever leaked the events of today didn't know about me having this power because I never mentioned it." answered Kaiser as he arrived and stood above the dying Scias.

"At least I had a chance to enjoy my last fight, thank you heir of Vesperion." said Scias.

Kaiser nodded and stabbed him in the heart with his <Annihilation Blade>. He then dispelled his sword and touched the corpse of Scias to absorb his energy. After he was done he looked up at the clear straight line his attack caused before he dispelled it.

'I forgot to dispel it after it hit. I hope no one random was hit by it.' thought Kaiser with a strained smile on his face. He looked for a rock and sat down on it then started to integrate the two absorbed energies into his own.

'I hope Grayfia can finish the battle smoothly because I can feel the foreign powers causing some internal troubles for me.'

He looked for a rock and sat down on it then started to integrate the two absorbed energies into his own.

After about 20 minutes Kaiser finished absorbing the energies and he reached peak-level of calamity-class and is close to the initial-level of satan-class. Grayfia was still nowhere to be seen so Kaiser scanned the area and found her with a lot of other energy signatures. He took the body of Scias, releases his wings and started flying towards where Grayfia was.

After a short flight, Kaiser arrived and landed behind the maid.

"Grayfia, what is the situation?" asked Kaiser.

The maid turned around and saw Scias' corpse in my hand a flashed a small smile.

"Welcome back master and congratulation on your victory and on achieving a new height of power. We have successfully defeated the opposing forces with relatively low casualties. The injured are currently being treated, we will be able to head back to the Gremory estate shortly." said Grayfia.

"Excellent work." said Kaiser as he dropped Scias' corpse.

"Grayfia could you please give me a cigar from the box that Zeoticus gave me?" asked Kaiser the maid. She nodded and took out a cigar and summoned a little ice blade. She cut the round end of the cigar and handed it to me.

"Master, please slowly try to toast with your flame the foot of the cigar which is directly opposite to the end I cut. After all the leaves inside are warmed up nicely you can put the cut end to your lips and inhale the exhale the smoke slowly to fully enjoy the cigar."

Kaiser did as he was told and he was surprised by the calming feeling that washed over him by smoking the cigar.

"Thank you Grayfia. Could you please get the troops ready for teleportation?" Kaiser asked as he was smoking the cigar with his right hand and picked Scias' corpse with hist left hand.

"Right away master." said Grayfia the hurried off to do as she was asked.

Kaiser then turned to look up at the sky as he was puffing the cigar slowly.

'All my injuries have already healed the only thing that suggests that I fought are my torn clothes. That line left by my attack will surely raise questions, and so will the black lightning and purple flames after they read the report written by the soldiers. I can already feel a headache coming.' thought Kaiser as he sensed and heared someone approaching him.

"The soldiers are ready to teleport master." said Grayfia.

"Already? That was fast." replied Kaiser as they started to walk towards the soldiers.

"It has been more than 10 minutes since you sent me to get the soldiers ready to teleport master." said Grayfia.

"It seems I was lost in thought for longer than I thought." said Kaiser.

'Stay close to me again at all times I'll be putting up a barrier around us just in case' Kaiser sent a mental message to Grayfia who hummed in confirmation. Kaiser put up the barrier just as they arrived in front of the soldier.

"Is everyone ready?" asked Kaiser again for confirmation.

"Yes sir!" the soldiers all answered in unison.

With that, Kaiser nodded and they all teleported back to the Gremory estate.

failurebydesign failurebydesign

I'm too tired to edit this chapter, so I will edit this tomorrow and drop a new chapter tomorrow as well.

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