'How are you kids holding up?', Axel asked probably realizing we slowly started to slow down.
'We've been better', Aiden answered.
'It's not that exhausting, maybe you used your energy doing something else?', Zayn said with an irritated tone.
'And what exactly would I have done?', Aiden asked as he raised his eyebrow encouraging him to answer.
'Well, I think you're the only one who can answer that question', Zayn said glaring at him.
'Woah there. What's gotten into you Zayn?', Iris interjected before Aiden could respond.
Zayn looked at Aiden and then me before scoffing and quickened his pace moving in front of us.
I looked at Iris to see she was giving me a "What the hell" look. I shrugged and communicated with her with my eyes that I'll go talk him to which she nodded as she talked with Aiden.
'Hey', I said gently as I got to Zayn's side. He slowed his pace a bit so we were moving together.
'Hey', he breathed avoiding my gaze.
I could tell he felt guilty for his outburst but I didn't understand what caused the outburst in the first place.
'What's wrong?', I asked.
'Nothing', he simply said still not looking at me.
I stayed quiet waiting for him to elaborate but he didn't. I was about to talk when he suddenly spoke.
'I know I had no right to snap at him like that but I really can't help it', he said. 'Especially not after last night', he mumbled to himself but that I almost didn't hear him.
'What happened last night?', I asked genuinely confused.
His eyes widened a bit before clouding again with anger and then his demeanor changed, he looked so vulnerable.
'Zayn? Talk to me. I'm your best friend you can tell me what's bothering you', I said.
'I just... I don't like seeing you two together', he said still avoiding eye contact.
I stared at him for a moment trying to understand what he just said.
'I saw you two yesterday night', he said, his jaw slightly clenched.
It took me a while to realize what he was talking about but when I did I was even more confused.
'I'm confused', I said looking at him for answers.
'I can't explain it to you. Not now at least', he mumbled.
'So I'm just supposed to deal with your sudden outbursts at Aiden?', I asked a bit frustrated.
'Look Amy, I'll try to control myself better. For now, I'm sorry. I just really don't like how close you two are', he said solemnly.
'What's wrong with the two of us hanging out? We're a team and he's my friend. There's nothing wrong about us hanging out', I said.
'I just don't like it', he simply said.
'So what I should just stop talking to him because you don't like it?', I asked frustrated by this conversation.
'I never said that', he said defensively.
'But you're implying it', I said pointedly daring him to counter my words.
He just looked away. At this point, I was just confused and frustrated at the same time.
'Look Zayn. I'm going to keep talking to Zayn because he's my friend. So until you can give me a good reason for your childish outbursts, don't even try to talk to me', I said before joining Iris again who left Aiden and came to me.
'So?', she asked.
'He just said he's sorry and that he just doesn't like Aiden and I together', I explained to her, my eyes glued to Zayn.
His hands clenched before he released it while slouching.
I looked at Iris to see her smirking. 'What?, I asked
'Nothing', she said cheekily, 'So what did you tell him?'
'I told him that unless he wants to tell me about his sudden outburst, he shouldn't talk to me', I said.
Iris started laughing and I looked at her like she was crazy. 'What?', I asked when she stopped laughing.
'He's already going through things, did you have to make him feel even worse?, she said shaking her head trying to stop herself from laughing.
'What are you talking about? Why is everyone being so confusing today?', I asked but that just made her burst into another fit of laughter.
I got irritated with the laughing so I started moving faster.
She tried to call after me but she just kept laughing. I made my way to Aiden, him probably being the only one that wouldn't confuse me more.
'Hey', I said as I matched his pace.
'Hey Snowflake. So what was that all about?', he said gesturing to Zayn.
'Honestly, I still have no idea. Both Zayn and Iris are just making my head hurt.', I said.
'He's okay though right? I'd hate to be caught up in whatever that was again', he said.
'Oh yeah. He said he was sorry that he should've controlled himself more but he didn't really explain anything', I said looking behind me to see Iris with Zayn, his face as red as a tomato as Iris laughed at him while he just looked away embarrassed.
I wonder what that's about?
'I'm sure he has his reasons', Aiden said gaining my attention.
'Yeah', I said.
As we kept moving, the wind stated to increase it's speed until we were all moving while holding unto something.
'Okay, this is perfect', Daniel said, his voice loud so we could here him.
'Perfect for what?', I asked.
'Training', he said smirking as he looked at Aiden who let out a loud groan making me laugh.
'Don't worry Aiden, it will be fun', Daniel said.
'Yeah, for you', Aiden said.
'You got that right', Daniel said laughing.
~~ Third person's POV~~
'It looks like they're going to retrieve the scepter master', a croaked voice informed the dark figure Infront of him perched on his seat as bright red eyes bore into him.
'Should we attack?', another voice called out of the mist of figures bowing before the throne.
'No', the figure spoke, his voice sending shivers to everyone in the room.
'Let them do all the hard work for us. We'll strike when they least expect it', he said as he smiled menacingly indicating he had a plan and it wouldn't be pretty.
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