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79.31% Marvel: Abysmal Spider-Man / Chapter 45: Attack on Hero Part 12

Chapitre 45: Attack on Hero Part 12

-New York City-


The bustling city of New York looked not different than an active war zone as countless armored monsters swarmed out of the literal hole in the sky. Explosions painted the sky with fire and smoke as lighting struck down with the wrath of a god targeting the swarm charring anything foolish enough to exit the portal a charred ashen black as electricity crackled all over their farm. The alien feels like flies, a few leviathans and countless foot soldiers dropped from the sky crashing into the city below.


A god stood among the falling bodies, his red cape and blond hair blowing with the familiar winds of a higher altitude as his silver armor crackled with electricity, his hand was held above his head, in it was his only weapon, a large hummer connected to a short handle. Above him a storm took form as dark clouds increased rapidly letting out thunderous roars with blue streaks of lighting. The lightning was drawn to him like moths to a flame, each streak increasing in intensity and frequency as the struck his hummer.


The god swung brought his hummer forward and pointed it towards Stark Tower that was at the epicenter of this chaos, he shot forward towards the tower soon after.


Not far from the flying god lingered another form, one of red and gold, the signature colors of Iron-man was zipping around the skies of New York, systematically maneuvering his way through the storm as he attacked. His armored form let out beams of concentrated energy from his armored palms blasting the swarming aliens as he retreated to streets to avoid being boxed in by their numbers. The back and shoulder pads of his armor opened to let out hundreds of mini explosive projectiles that lit up the skies again with fire and smoke. The explosions shook the streets too, widows broke, and more aliens rained down from the sky racking the streets with their blue plasma bolts.


A quinjet flew in to provide the fleeing iron man with support, its guns open fired into with destructive precision taking out much of the swarm behind Iron man. It wasn't long before the quinjet received heavy fire by the swarm. One of its wings were blown out by a lucky plasma bolt sending it spinning to the streets below.


The Chitauri have begun their attack on earth and the team that would later be known as earths mightiest heroes made their first stand.


Loki watched all this unfold with a sickening grin on the highest floors of Stark Tower, his deep green eyes reflected nothing but delight, pleasure, and cruelty. He seemed to bask in the chaos he caused like an artist admiring their finished artwork. He stood on the edges of the outstretched heliport dressed in armor like that of the lighting clad god but wore a black and green leather trench coat that was adorned with ruins but instead of a red cape, his golden horns glinted in the sun light much like the armor his army. He gleefully watched the final steps of his plan unfold before him. His scepter in hand with the bright blue jewel at the tip glowing ominously.


'Mortals, such sickening weak creatures' the Norse god of mischief and magic thought to himself. 'In the face of their doom they cower and scatter like the bugs they are. How utterly amusing, what you find worthy in this lowly pest is something I 'll never understand. I wonder… What will you do now oh bother of mine now that I have come to take away your toys? Your beloved, humans, come brother, show me their worth. Show me your resolve, are truly willing to die for them again. Come face me once more and despair for it is not I that shall be their undoing.'


The god of mischief watched his brother propel himself into the sky with his mighty hummer, lighting, thunder, and storm following him into battle. He watched his companions fall in to defend this city and smiled as his brother brought down the bulk of his Chitauri army before pointing his hummer at Loki. 'Even now he stands above them and yet he pretends to be their equal, pathetic' Loki chuckled lightly as he turned to make his way back into Stark tower. It was time for the final confrontation with his brother and it seemed that his brother was still the sentimental fool he was when they last fought.


This planet really brought out the best in his brother and to the end the worst in the god of mischief it would seem. Loki was by no means cruel or malicious, no, this was just fun, a game of sorts, that was all there was to it. Well, fun and maybe with a bit of personal and family drama, after all, every king, even a banished one needed a kingdom to rule.


If he couldn't have Asguard, then he'd have the next best thing, his brothers treasured toy world, Earth. He never could stand it when Thor got the better toy, in fact, he always made it a habit to steal some of his brother's toys when they were younger whenever he was angry with Thor, he'd even go so far as to destroy others he couldn't have for pranks and other shenanigans. It was all fun and games in the end as mother and father would always get him something new or something even better than the last and he'd be stuck doing lessons and chores for mother for the weeks. They were a family than. That was all this was. 


A family matter, just another quarrel in their endless brotherly rivalry. Loki chuckled once mare as he made his way into Stark tower. The humans and Chitauri were merely a means to an end.


All that was left was for his ever-predictable brother to show up then the real battle could begin. 'Ah, what was it that humans say? speak of the devil and he shall appear?' Loki thought as his brother came crashing into the floor behind him, his form bathing in lightning that crackled around him. The influx of energy caused the lights in the room to burst in a shower of sparks.


*Clap, Clap, Clap*


"Bravo brother, bravo, what an entrance? It was shall we say, very heroic." Loki smiled smugly at his brother Thor before asking. "Love what I've done with the place?"


Thor glared at Loki grimly, his eyes burned with fury for his brother. His knuckles turning white from his grip.


"What you've done?" Thor whispered in disbelief. "Have you gone mad brother?! This could lead to war brother. turn off the Tesseract and Call of the Chitauri now."


"Or you'll what, kill me? Please, brother mine~, we've played this game before and yet here I am. There will be no peace, let there be War befitting for a Kings Crown. My ascension begins here." Loki taunted Thor arms spread much like the chaos he brought with him; he took measure steps closer to his enraged brother.


"DO NOT TEST ME BROTHER. This is no mere game; this is nothing but madness. This goes beyond any of your tricks. This is not who you are. You are a son of Odin not some common war monger. These Chitauri serve only one master… and HE is using you Loki. Do not let him lead you astray lest you fall like his many children. Come home. Leave this world and its people be and let us return to our own. Do not force my hand brother, there are things here that I wish to protect even from you." Thor pleaded with Loki with a look of genuine concern.


But his pleas fell to deaf ears as his brother all but laughed in his face. "Hahaha, brother it is I who's using him. Nothing more, nothing less, I needed an army, and he was happy to provide me what I need. Now this planet will fall, and my kingdom shall rise from its ashes."


"You would enslave an entire race for an empty seat and tainted crown. Look around you brother. This is the makings of a cruel Tyrant not a just King. I will ask you this once more. Loki Odinson, prince of Asguard, end this meaningless war on Mid-guard and return with me to face your Rightful King and Queen. Answer for your crimes peacefully. I will not ask again. Please brother, help me put stop this war." Thor's bright blue eye's hardened with resolve after having realized that his brother would not end his attack on Mid-guard and her people. Lighting arched around his form as he raised his hand, his grip tight on his hummer pointing it at his brother. The god of thunder, true to his name, sounds of thunder crackled above the skies reflecting his anger and disappointing in his brother.


"Hmm, oh, I'm afraid it's far too late for that." Loki replied calmly, he brought close caressing the side up before flicking the jewel at the tip, a ding sound rang through the floor.


"So be it," Thor replied grimly, but blinked in surprise and alert vanished from his sight the moment he finished.


"Sentiment's brother, they always will be your one and only weakness. So blinded by your rage and concern for the bugs on this miserable mud ball that you failed to notice the simple things. We're not alone brother, and there is someone here who misses you dearly."


Loki smiled once more as a hand shimmered into being in the air beside Thor reaching out for his face. Before Thor could make to defend himself, or even try to move he found himself pulled into a kiss? Thor blinked in surprise as his eyes lit up in recognition of the figure before him.


The figured who shimmered into being pulled Thor in for deep, passionate kiss. Thor's eyes dulled taking on a green hue overshadowing his electric blue. Green energy flowed from the figure's lips bleeding into Thor's.


'Amora??! Release me Enchantress! Have you any idea what you've done?!' Thor's thoughts rang out.


'Shhhh..Rest now my love, Be at peace. Come to me, trust in me, I am yours forevermore. Embrace eternity with me. Let us burn this world and be born anew together.' The figure who revealed herself to be a woman, a fellow Asgardian named Amora responded to Thor's thoughts with her own.


She was a strikingly beautiful blond woman. Her hair was a lush's blond, long and wavy, it reached past her waist, it seemed almost golden under the light of the sun, her eyes were a haunting green that glowed with power and magic as she held Thor close, almost tenderly. She was dressed in armor like Thor and Loki but matched Loki in theme. She long greens Leather boots with ringed resigns on the front with a matching green corset and arm sleeves the left her shoulder and cleavage exposed. On her head she wore a green pointy tiara and match like Thor, she he had a on a green hooded cloak.


She let Thor go with a heavy breathless sigh as her spell was completed. The glow in her eyes died down. She took a few steps away from the motionless Thor who suddenly stood their expressionless.


Loki walked past her without sparing her a glance, Amora however gave him a regal bow as he walked up to Thor.


"Power was always your strength brother, but magic and wisdom was mine. When will you ever stop being so predictable brother? Now all your power is mine. It will not be me who brings this world to its knees but you." He waved his hands over Thor's face as countless runes sprung to life. "Keep him in the dream for a day and he shall be you're for a thousand more, keep it up for longer and he will love only you. This is what you wanted, is it not? Amora."


Amora smiled softly as she glanced back up at Loki. "It is my King, with your help, this dream shall bind him to me, and my loyalty is only to you."


"Be careful with your words Enchantress, I am not as easy to fool as your beloved Thor. Betray me and it shall be your end." He gave his brother one last look as the runes fell into place and said in a commanding voice. "Kneel."


Thor's knee's shook at the command as spider like cracks formed beneath. The rumbling thunder grew louder, lighting struck the windows of the tower startling Amora, but it did little to distract Loki from his task. More runes appeared and banded themselves to Thor, Loki brought the scepter up and placed it against Thor's chest, the blue jewel began to glow brightly.


"Kneel, brother" His time his voice was soft, less commanding, and more like it was seeking permission.


This time however, Thor bent the knee as his brother commanded. Loki smiled in satisfaction, it was an ironic twist, when he tried to command Thor the stronger his will became, the trick came in the form of sincerity. His words had to be sincere for his brother to obey.


"It is done, take him with you to take the Green Beast. My brother shall help hold him down." Loki turned once more to marvel at the distracting he brought to this world. "With them by our side the rest shall fall. Ah, before I forget, dispatch your Executioner to play with the other. Let us see how this Humans fend off an Asgardian warrior"




Countless horror filled screams accompanied by panicked cries filled the streets as it descended into chaos. Cars crashed into each other, smoke and sirens filled their air, trains stopped abruptly as buildings began to topple over the railways. Confusion and discord became common place within the city streets.


The giant metal beasts aptly named Leviathans of the Chitauri who carried out functions like a frontal attack force, a tank, and a drop ship simultaneously for invading alien species slithered their way through the air. Its large metallic flaps crashing into buildings leaving only destruction in its wake. It's spine like body cranked and rumbled as it turned in the air to drop lower into the city.


The few who reached low enough altitudes slithered seamlessly among the skyscrapers with mobility and motions for to smooth for creature of such size and stature, the sides of this Leviathans hissed opened with the grinding of metal and whistling of steam releasing more armored foot soldiers who launched themselves onto the sides of skyscrapers.


The leviathans were flanked by swarms of armorer and heavily armed foot soldiers on riding sharply designed metal hover bikes that glinted in the suns ray reflecting their malicious intent as the fired their plasma weapons on the streets.


The swarm of Chitauri rushed towards the where the quinjet had crashed. Hawk Eye, Captain America and the Black widow made quick work with any foot soldier stupid enough to touch the ground.

Hawk eye's trick arrows confused and disintegrated groups at a time, dressed in his sleeveless combat vest that adorned his signature purple V design that covered his upper chest and equipped with his arrows and custom bow was enough to make him a deadly adversary to any thing that had the capacity to bleed when hit with steal from a distance. 

Nothing got close enough to try anything. The few that dad had a an even deadlier red head to deal with. 

Black widows' martial skill further boosted by her enhanced physic with her gadgets and when equipped with her custom built twin taran tactical STI Combat Master which had extended mags just for this occasion nothing was left to chance. She was dressed in her shield issued flexible armored suit, the materials were slick light and were made with specialized threads that were akin to titanium, all weaved into perfection by shields tech heads. She took them out with lethal precision and speed, while captain America provided support and drew the swarms fire with his trusty shield, tossing it and catching it at impossible speeds by bouncing it from even more impossible angles.

Cap was all stars and strips with a more modern edge add on his old suit. Simple yet effective as he always was. 

 They formed what could best be described as a kill circle for any unlucky foe that ventured to close.

 It wasn't long before the swarm scattered, and it wasn't long before the two super spies and the super soldier realized why. Iron man was heading straight for the with a leviathan in tow, drawing increasingly close behind.


"Anyone wanna call banner cause I'm bringing the Party with me." Tony's voiced his troubles for his team to here.


"Yeah, I don't see how that's a party" the Black widow, or Natasha to her friends voiced her concerns over the radio.


"Well, it's a little late to call him but he is on his way." Hawk Eye declared confidently with a sheepish smile as he watches the 'party' descend on them.


"Let's hope his fast the party looks hungry." Tony replied.


Captain America gave Hawk Eye an inquisitive look. Something Natasha Mirrored. Hulk Eye only shrugged nonchalantly before he spoke. 


"Hey, you spend enough time with the big guy you develop a feeling for when his headed your way. Let's just say-."


A rage filled roar interrupted him.


The leviathan drew closer to the group as Iron flew lower. It was so close it opened its mouth to eat the metal man but sadly its efforts would be in vain. This leviathan was unlucky enough to run into a hulking green bullet made of nothing but muscle and rage. Hulk Launched himself from one of the closer skyscrapers right onto the head of the poor leviathan before punching down hard enough to result in a shock wave that shattered glasses of the nearby skyscrapers.


The leviathan's head was planted, firmly crushed into the streets below, its body contorting up from the tails end as its weight folded in on itself. Hulks enraged cries could be heard has he punched the beast more.


"He tends to put the fear of god in you" Hawk Eye's uttered in wonder, finishing his sentence as Cap and Natasha couldn't help but nod in agreement as the watch the green titan destroy the leviathan in only two hits.


"You got that right." Tony spoke as he launched a barrage of missiles at the leviathan's midsection effectively splitting the metal beast in two. It's body destroying parts of the city as it fell.


There was a moment of pause as the Chitauri began to roar at earths mightiest heroes in unison having identified them as the primary threat in the city.


All five of the six avengers were back on the ground reunited forming an even more effective kill circle around each other. Hulk's roar matched theirs in return as the rest of the avengers rearmed themselves in preparation for the fight of their life.


"Hold on, some one's missing, where's shake-spear?" Tony asked shortly after hulks roar.


"He's with his brother. Hopefully he can keep Loki busy long enough for us to mobilize the city police and whatever help we can get to fend of the invasion." Cap answered.


"I gotta bone to pick with his brother so let's get this over with." Stark replied.


"Oh year, then get in line, you're not the only one." Hawk Eye spoke aloud as he collocated what was left of his arrows back form the fallen foot soldiers the littered the street. Natasha observed them from the side as she reloaded her guns and the cartridges of her shock bracer's.



Hulk stood with a growl next to Natasha whose presence helped calm his raging thoughts.


"Enough, the sooner we act the more live we can save, we gotta work fast while their distracted like this. Here's the plan, Clint, go high, your over-watch, take out as many as can, keep them off our backs. Natasha, portal, see what you can do about it while Loki's occupied. Stark draw their fire Keep them way from crowded places and lead them outside, keep their focus on you. I'll see what I can do with the local police and army, and hulk-" Cap paused momentarily as the hulk growled at him. "Smash"


That was all he needed to say as the green beast gave the captain a savage grin.


"Okay, I just wanna say. Who died and made you the boss old man?" Stark commented with his usual sarcastic tone.


"Shut up Stark" came the combined voices of both Nat and Clint. Hulk was already recklessly launching himself at any poor Chitauri that caught his line of sight while Clint walked over to stark to be flown to a higher vintage point.




On the other side of the city Peter parker put on a crimson mask as he too went about slaughtering any Chitauri that he came across making sure to rescue as many civilians as he could. Cypher was working overtime to collect every scrap of data he could about the present. His only goal was to reach the tower that seemed to be at the center this alien invasion.


This is what it was after all, a literal alien invasion. Like super powered humans weren't enough? Peter moved through the streets of New York in rapid motions. His actions leaving only swift blurs, a rush of wind and a splashes of blood in his wake behind, it was all those he saved and the Chitauri he came across saw.

 God what was happening to this city. 

Little did Peter know who this day would change his life even more then ever. 


 The same thoughts ran through the minds of certain group from the Xavier institute as they watch the skies swarm with aliens.


-Chapter End-

Character Reference. 

Peter - Bloodborne



Black Widow

Captain America

Hawk Eye


Upcoming fight match ups, (Possible lineup - nothing concrete yet)


Wilson Fisk Vs Chitauri Forces


Prowlers and Garfield Vs Chitauri


Yuri and Cap + police and military Vs Chitauri Ground forces


Team X-Man (Jean, Ice Man (Bobby), Shadow Cat (Katt), Cyclops and Storm) vs Executioner + Leviathan and foot soldiers


Natasha vs Portal


Clint And Ironman + Military air force and Shield Vs Chitauri Air Forces


Peter Parker vs Hulk(Bruce Banner), Thor, and Enchantress(Amora)


??? Vs Loki

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