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80% Kitchen Princess (Yu-Gi-Oh x Reader) / Chapter 4: (Y/n) and Christmas Cookies

Chapitre 4: (Y/n) and Christmas Cookies

Every time winter comes... I remember... that first Christmas alone without my parents...


"Wow! You both look so cute!" I awed at how amazing Anzu and Serenity look in their dresses.

"Thanks, (Y/n)!" Serenity smiled and twirled merrily.

They look like princesses. Serenity's dress is blue with long black sleeves and a Norwegian design. She's wearing gloves and a purple cape to match. Anzu's dress is a sparkling icy blue dress with clear silk long sleeves and a matching cape that drags on the floor.

Dear Miss Hagio,

It's Christmas Day at Seika Academy and the A Class has a presentation. The main event is Anzu's fashion show. There are aspiring stylists and make-up artists working hard. And my job... is doing all the grunt work with Tristan...

Me and Tristan have been running in different directions to bring supplies to students. Most of the stuff we have to get are paints, fabrics, sewing equipment, measuring tape, and a bunch of other things. A couple people even made us get them a snack. They're treating us like errand monkeys so much that we barely have time to catch our breath. 

"Give yourself a shoulder massage!!" Tristan shouted at a girl who asked for a shoulder massage. "That is where we cross the line!"

As I calmed Tristan down so he doesn't kill the poor girl, I noticed joey arguing with a female student who's trying to some finishing touches to his outfit.

"Joey, hold still!" The blonde girl commanded.

"I can't help it, Mai!" Joey complained. "I'm ticklish!"

I couldn't believe she's a high schooler because she looks so mature. She's fair-skinned with purple eyes, and long, thick, spiky blonde hair. She looks more beautiful than Anzu.

"Um, what's this?" Yugi asked while looking at the cape he's wearing with his outfit. Judging by his facial expression, it looks like he dislikes the clothing. After getting a closer look, Joey and Yugi's outfits makes them look like princes out of fairytale book.

"You look like a prince." I said in front of Yugi, making him blush.

Realizing that I said those words out loud without thinking, I immediately covered my mouth with my hands. I got flustered and apologized to him.

"You don't need to apologize, (Y/n)." Yugi reassured as he removes my hands from my mouth. "I appreciate the compliment."

My heart pounded in my chest as Yugi gazes into my (e/c) eyes with his beautiful amethyst orbs. He has such a cute smile, And on top of that, he's holding my hands. He really does look like Prince Charming.

"The theme of the fashion show is "Winter Princesses"." Anzu said next to me and Yugi, making us let go of each other's hands in surprise. "We need princes."

Oh. So Yugi and Joey are going to be in the show, too. I noticed another boy wearing a outfit similar to Joey's while admiring himself in the mirror. I guess he's the third prince in the show. 

"If you ask me, Joey is far from prince-material." The blonde female upperclassman comments after she finishes Joey's suit.

"Hey! For your information, I make a dashing prince!" Joey retorts as he moves his cape around proudly. 

"Actually, Joey, I agree with Mai." The boy wearing a similar outfit spoke. He has dark black spiky hair, light brown tan skin, thick eyebrows and dark gray eyes. He also has line make up under his eyes. "You're more fit to be a court jester!"

Before Joey could snap back at him, the handsome male student turned his attention towards me.

"You must be the famous (Y/n) Kazami I've heard so much about~." He offers me his hand. "My name is Duke Devlin, and I'm the treasurer of the Student council."

Treasurer? So that means Duke works with Atem in the student council. 

"Nice to meet you, Duke." When I accepted his hand, I thought he was going to shake it. However, to my complete shock, Duke kissed the back of my hand. My face turned as red as a tomato as I became utterly flustered. First, Atem Muto kisses me on the cheek the first day we met, now Duke Devlin kissed my hand!? I snapped out of my daze when someone cleared their throat loudly.

"Duke." Atem suddenly came up to us and talked sternly to Duke. This is the first time I heard him sound so strict. "I thought you were helping Anzu with her fashion show. Did you just volunteer so you could flirt with the female students?"

Duke let go of my hand and gave the student body president an innocent smile.

"I'm just introducing myself to the new girl, welcoming her to our Seika Academy!"

Why do I feel like he's teasing Atem because of the first day we met?

"I'm also giving Joey tips on how to act more like a prince. You know that he doesn't fit into these kinds of things, that the prince look doesn't suit his character, and let's not forget that he has the mannerism is more worst than a dog."

A few of the students laughed which infuriated Joey.

"Hilarious~" Joey replied sarcastically. "If ya all have such a bad opinion about me in the show, then why don't ya ask Atem ta do it!?"

"Atem is too busy." Serenity calmed down after she prevented herself from laughing at Duke's joke in front of her brother. "He has to close out the presentation."

Vivian and Kaoruko suddenly ran up to Atem like fangirls.

"You're going to do it this year, too, right?" Kaoruko asked Atem as if she was a little kid asking for her favorite treat. "Your piano performance."

"It's so dreamy." Vivian sighed in delight. "I look forward to it every year."

I overheard what the two girls said and I was astonished by this new fact.

"Atem, you're going to play the piano!?" I asked in amazement. 

"Yes." Atem nodded and smiled at me. "I hope you'll come hear it."

"Of course!"

Wow, that's so like him!

"Atem's piano concert isn't anything special." Duke wraps his arm around my shoulders and my face flushed. "He plays the same piece every year. Instead, why don't you come to my room? I can teach you how to play my dice games~"


Atem doesn't look too happy.

"Keep. Your hands. To yourself."

"Really? So, it's okay if you randomly kiss a girl out of affection after meeting her for an hour or less, but when I kiss a girl out of respect and politeness, you treat me like I'm some kind of pervert?!" Duke smiled slyly at Atem. "How come I can't do something similar to this little princess? Do you know that's call "hypocrisy"?"

Atem's face turned red. I don't know if it's because he's embarrassed by what Duke said, or if he's very angry at him for acting like this. 

"Don't you have somewhere you need to be, Duke Devlin?" Atem sounds more scary now. The female students are afraid to even go near him.

"I'm already where I need to be, but you on the other hand..." Duke shakes his head and clicks his tongue a few times. "You're wasting your time here being jealous and abandoning your duties."

Duke really need to stop adding fuel to the fire. I feel like the more he provokes Atem, the higher chance he'll explode. Atem's eyebrow twitched. He looks like he wants to snap at Duke and drag him away from here.

"Just behave yourself." He breathed out, maintaining his composure. Atem said his goodbye and left.

"Woah. I think that's the first time he had the urge to harm me."

I nervously laughed at Duke's joke. I really hope it's just a joke and not a gut feeling. 

"So, (Y/n), what are you planning to do?"

"I bet she'll eat all the Christmas cake!" Kaoruko remarked. 

"Or eat chicken!" Added Vivian. 

"Please don't." A female student laughed out loud. "Our class will look bad."

That's right. Performing and showcasing. Everyone's working... to do something this Christmas. And I am... left out of it. Although it's Christmas...

"The only people that are making your class look bad is you three!" The beautiful girl named Mai snapped at the three girls, making them and myself flinch. "Instead of talking behind someone's back, be more mature and actually do something useful! None of you have done anything to help with the fashion show and you're just acting like spoiled brats! Go get help Tristan with the assistant job!!"

The girls ran away in fear of their upperclassman. 

"Hey!" The beautiful upperclassman spoke to me. "You're (Y/n) Kazami, right? I'm Mai Valentine."

"Hello, Mai. And yes, I'm okay."

"Have those girls acted that way towards you since you got here?" Duke asked in concern. He's not acting flirtatious anymore.

"Uh..." I moved away from Mai and Duke then I gave them a forced smile. "No! Don't worry about it! It's nothing that I can't handle on my own."

Despite the fake reassurance, it's obvious that they don't believe me. I'm a terrible liar, but I still hoped they would take my word for it.

"Anzu!" Mai called out, making Anzu run towards her.

"What is it, Mai?" She asked.

"Can (Y/n) be in your show?"

My eyes widened at Mai's request to Anzu.

"W-what!?" I exclaimed. "Me in the fashion ahow!? Are you sure?!"

"Everyone should have a part in the presentation." Duke pushes me towards Anzu. "Plus, I think you look cute enough to be a model."

Duke winked at me and I blushed. 


I gazed at myself in front of a full body mirror in awe. Anzu just lent me the most beautiful dress I've ever seen... and I'm wearing it! It's a blue and white long dress with spaghetti straps. It also has blue roses on it.

"Wow. This dress looks more expensive than a steak!" I gasped in astonishment. "Are you sure I can wear it?"

"You can wear it." Anzu replied with a friendly smile. "I think everyone in the class will like it, too. Also, I want to present a Christmas cake at the end of the show. Can I ask you to make the cake? A really fancy one."

"No problem."

I'm so happy. It's like I became a princess. I can participate in Christmas, too. I'm so happy that I don't know how else to describe it. After I finished making the cake and decorating it, I brought it to the classroom. 

"That looks amazing, (Y/n)!" Serenity stared at my Christmas cake in wonder, then she looked at me. "And you look stunning in that dress!"

"Thanks, Serenity!"

"Hey. How are ya supposed ta eat that?" Joey asked, making me laugh.

"No, Joey. This is a cake for the show. I made it fancy. To match the special class. I just need to put ribbons on it and I'm done." I did a curtly. "I'm going to participate in the show, too. I'll see you on stage, prince.❤️"

Joey gave me a weird look.

"Uh... no offense, but these kinds of things don't suit ya."

Urgh! Seriously!? Is he saying I'm not girly enough!?

"Yeah, because I'm a glutton!" I stuck my tongue out at that idiot.

"Eh!? No! That's not what I meant."

I didn't give Joey a chance to say anything else and I left to find a ribbon for the cake.

"(Y/n), wait!" Serenity caught up to me in the hallway. "I'm sorry that my brother offended you. He just... sometimes says stuff without thinking first."

I glanced at Serenity and sighed. I don't want her to apologize for something stupid her brother said.

"You don't need to apologize for something Joey said or did, Serenity. I lived with several boys at the Lavender house long enough to know that most boys always have their foot in their mouths."

Me and Serenity both laughed as we continued our way to my room.


I let Serenity choose which ribbon will look great on the cake. After we decided on which ribbon to use, we rushed back, but we saw my cake outside by the classroom door. 

"(Y/n)... why is your cake out here?" Serenity queried. 

"I don't know..." I'm just as confused and shocked as Serenity. Anzu said she wanted me to make the cake, right? So why is it out here? I carefully picked up my cake and I entered the classroom with Serenity. To our shock, we saw a larger, more fancy cake on the table where my cake used to be.

"Hey, what's going on?" Serenity called out to the students. 

"What about my cake?"

All the female students looked at me with disdain. Seeing the hostile faces, Serenity got in front of me with her arms stretched out. 

"Back off, Wheeler." Demanded a female student. 

"I won't!" Serenity protested. "Why did you leave (Y/n)'s cake out like that!? She worked so hard on it and you didn't even have the courtesy to talk to her before deciding to use someone else's cake!"

"Shut up!" Serenity flinched. "You really think she's part of this class by making a cake?"

What? Before I could process what she just said, the girl continued to argue with Serenity. The female student then got physical. The next thing I knew, everything went wrong. Serenity screamed in pain, my dress was ripped at the front, the straps of my dress snapped, and then we both fell down along with the cake I worked so hard on. Some of the cake got on us, but the rest is a total mess on the floor. I held on to my dress so that my skin wouldn't be exposed. I  heard Joey and Tristan yelling at someone, but I was to distraught to listen to what they're saying, let alone think clearly. I don't know don't know what to do. I just sat on the floor and cried. Suddenly, I felt someone wrap a tablecloth around me.

"Are you okay?" Yugi asked while covering my body in the tablecloth. Atem stood next to him.

"Yugi... Atem..."

I didn't answer Yugi's question. I just tried to wipe away my tears as Atem led me away from everyone and to Fujita Diner. 


"Are you alright?" Atem queried. He hands me a cup of hot chocolate. 

I just cleaned the cake off of me and got out of the ruined dress. I want to lie and tell Atem that I was Okay. I want to laugh off the situation I was in, but I couldn't... my mind and heart won't let me... I set the cup down on the table and started to cry again. I can't... no matter what... I can't fit in with that class... it's like the Christmas I lost mom and dad... I'm... alone...


"I..." I continued to sob. "...want to go back. Why am I in the special class? I can't... be one of the special people..."

The sky is so different from Hokkaido. I'm too lonely. I can't do it anymore...

"Hokkaido..." Atem sat down next to me calmly. "I went there when I was young. It's a nice place. The stars are pretty... you know, small stars, large stars... they shine equally bright in the night sky."

They shine equally...

"I don't think... you need to be the same as them. You have... your own way of shining. And..." Atem kisses my forehead, making me blush. "Tomorrow is everybody's Christmas, right?" Atem's eyes suddenly remembered something. "Um. A-also... please don't tell Duke that I kissed your forehead."

I promise Atem that I won't and he left. Then, I changed into some new clothes and got to work in the kitchen. That's right... I forgot. Why did it take me this long to remember? Thanks to Atem, I know how to shine in my own way.


After I put on a Santa costume, I went inside the school and decorated the bare Christmas tree. I made Mr. Fujita wear a Santa costume and dragged him with me so he can help. Once the fashion show came to an end, everyone noticed that I decorated the Christmas tree. They all gaped at how beautiful the tree looks. I can't wait to see their reaction when they take a closer look at the ornaments. 

"(Y/n)!" Serenity ran towards me.

"Serenity!" I instantly caught her in a hug. "Are you okay? I'm sorry you ended up getting hurt because of me!"

"You don't need to apologize for something someone else said or did, (Y/n)."

I realized Serenity repeated the similar words I said to her back in the hallway and I chuckled. 

"Yo. (Y/n)." Joey came up to us. "What is this?"

I winked at Joey Wheeler. 

"I just remembered my own way to shine."

Joey gave me a confused look while  Serenity smiled, indicating that she understood what I mean.

"Oh, look!" A elementary school girl noticed my Christmas ornaments. "The ornaments. They're cookies!"

"Here." I took one of the cookie ornaments from the tree and gave it to the little girl. "Merry Christmas."

"I can have on!?"

"Of course! Elementary school students, high school students... Class A, Class B... It's a present to everyone!"

With that said, Mr. Fujita and I pass out ornament cookies to the students. They all smiled cheerfully as they ate the cookies I made. I forgot what's important. What I wish for when I cook... is to see the person eating it smile... that is my way to shine. Large stars. And small stars. Everyone... Merry Christmas! 

"(Y/n)!" Yugi strides towards me with Joey, Tristan, Serenity, and Duke. "Everyone was happy. Your idea was great."

"Too great." Tristan jokes. "Joey tried to eat them all! If it were for that guy that came with you, they would've been all gone in minutes."

"You're one ta talk, Tristan!" Joey snapped. "Ya were about ta eat two baker's dozens of those!"

"I can see why those two are friends." Duke spoke, making Serenity giggle. 

"Thanks, guys!" I replied. "Atem gave me the hint."

"Atem did?" Yugi said.

The announcer presented the start of Atem's piano concert. Atem's piano playing sounds so lovely. Atem... I can still remember. Atem's kiss... If Atem is my prince... then... I...

"And now..." The announcer spoke. "...the Winter Princesses Fashion Show." Everyone congratulated Anzu on the win and the announcer continued. "And this year, we have a special award from the director. (Y/n) Kazami's Ornament Cookies."

Huh? My ornament cookies won a special award!?

"All right!" Joey shouted. 

"Congratulations,  (Y/n)!" Serenity squeezed me.

"What...?" The other girls exclaimed.

Vivian and Kaoruko ran up to the announcer in discontent. 

"Wait, why Kazami!?" Kaoruko interrogated.

"Hers wasn't even part of the presentation." Vivian protested. 

"I'm sorry, but the director decided this..."

The director... the person who let me in this academy... I don't get it. Why would he...

"Yes, I decided it."

I recognized that baritone voice. I turned around, and my tuition was correct. Atem was there, up on stage, smiling down at me. Atem was the one who made that decision? Then... does that mean he's the director of this school?

To Be Continued....

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