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A Talk Between Kings

A/N: Asking for some suggestions, should Anos teach source magic or core magic? I feel like Anos could teach core magic, since he already read every single book in the library, and it would be at a level far beyond most professors. Anos could also teach source magic since Anos is the type of person to want to have his subordinates and students to be the best mage they can be.

So we'll do the poll. Comment "+1" to put in your vote:

Source Magic

Core Magic


-Anos PoV-

As Arthur was fighting off giant flame soldiers conjured by Lucas, his familiar's worried voice shouted in his head, 'Papa, something's wrong with Mama. I'm going to help her!'

'No! You can't do anything while you're in that form!' Arthur shouted back in thought.

I could sense the familiar's desperation, making me wonder who the bond was referring to.


The shout came from above—it was Professor Glory. I took a quick glance up and saw that she was racing at full speed over to Tessia and Curtis.

'Papa! She's not going to make it in time!' the familiar sent back, sounding even more worried than before.

I see. So the 'Mama' person was actually referring to Tessia. Although, that does make me wonder what their relationship could be with Arthur's bond calling her 'Mama.'

Arthur's knees almost gave out, as yellow marks appeared below both of his eyes.

Oh? How interesting.

I used my Magic Eyes to look closely at the situation, analyzing the yellow marks. It seemed like Arthur was activating a unique skill or ability, possibly related to his bond with the familiar.

Upon closer inspection, this ability seemed to shift one's self outside of the world's time and space for a brief moment, allowing the user to move in stopped time. A fascinating skill. It wasn't time manipulation in the traditional sense, but rather a brief escape from the constraints of time itself.

I wonder how exactly it works, and how exactly was Arthur able to gain such a skill. Time-based spells and skills are rare and tricky, and using them carelessly could get one in some serious trouble with the Keeper of Time. I'll have to investigate this further later.

As Arthur activated his unique ability, everything around him seemed to freeze, except for me. Even if he is outside of the flow of time, my Eyes can still perceive his movements.

He dashed through a gap between the flame orbs of the dome, passing the frozen professor on her mount.

Some distance ahead I saw Tessia. She had already fainted and was falling from the conjured vine she was standing on, clutching her abdomen. The massive breath attack Glayder had released was almost upon her.

If Arthur hadn't used his ability, Professor Glory wouldn't have made it in time.

He sped up, as his vision seemed to be growing blurry. He was almost at the limit of his energy.

He made his final dash toward Curtis and Tessia, and as he jumped off a crumbling vine, he wrapped his body around Tessia. Using what little mana he had left, he created a barrier around him and Tessia.

The yellow marks began to fade, and the world seemed to resume its normal flow of time. Arthur landed on the ground, holding Tessia in his arms as the breath attack collided with his barrier.

The impact sent shockwaves through the area, breaking through the barrier and sending them both flying. Professor Glory reached them just in time to witness the aftermath. The dust settled, revealing Arthur and Tessia on the ground.

Arthur was in bad shape. Most of his clothes had disintegrated, leaving him with only patches of his uniform intact and a strange bandage around his left arm. He was bloody all over, and there were deep gashes in his side; I could see a rib bone. His body was wrapped around Tessia. Due to that, and using most of his mana to protect her, she was almost unscathed.

I'll have to ask Arthur about that unique ability of his later, once he awakens.


-Arthur PoV-

I was getting tired from being awake for even this long, and my eyelids were beginning to feel heavy. Noticing this, Director Goodsky announced, "Everyone, I think we should give Arthur some more time to rest. His life isn't in danger, but I'm sure he's very tired right now."

"Son, come home and visit after you're all healed up, okay?" My father grasped my hand and gave it a gentle squeeze before herding my family out.

"Get plenty of rest, okay, dear?" my mother said as she left. Tess's parents said their brief goodbyes, patting me softly on the arm before following my parents out.

"We'll catch up soon, brat." Virion ruffled my hair, making me wince, and towed Tess and Elijah out with him.

I looked at Sylvie, who was still fast asleep. My own eyes were closing, too, when the door squeaked open once more.

Spotting her from the corner of my eyes, I didn't bother turning my head. "Did you leave something, Tess?"

"Hey Arthur…" She came to stand next to the bed and glanced back at the door.


"You said you couldn't really move your body, right?" I could see that she was fidgeting a little.

"I can turn my head and lift my arm for a little bit, but that's about it right now. Why?" I finally turned my head toward her, and my eyes widened in surprise as I realized that Tess's face was just inches away from mine. She gazed at me with an expression I'd never seen from her before, and a moment later, I felt her lips on mine.

The soft, warm sensation of her lips caught me by surprise, but I was in too much pain to react. I was too surprised to even close my eyes, though hers were shut. I spotted a small mole in the outer corner of her left eye that I'd never noticed before.

As she pulled away, she opened her eyes and locked gazes with me. Then she quickly turned and ran out of the room, leaving me even more dazed than I had been when I'd first woken up.

I kissed Tess…

I kissed Tessia Eralith, a thirteen-year-old girl. Wasn't that a crime? Was I a criminal? No—I had to calm down. I was in the body of a twelve-year-old boy, and it was just a chaste kiss. Why did I feel so guilty, then?

And she was the one who kissed me, after all! I wasn't the one responsible for this. Making a move on me while I was in this vulnerable state… she sure was smart, that Tess.

I stared blankly at the door she'd left through as my shaking hand finally reached my lips. I just lay there, dumbfounded, touching my mouth as my mind relived the soft, moist touch of her lips.

This was wrong. Yes, I was technically only twelve years old, but combining my ages from my previous life and this one, mentally I was almost fifty. Considering my mental age, Tess was young enough to be my daughter.

Goddamn it. This was all because of this accursed body, these raging hormones in my body right now. The reason I was feeling so guilty was because I had actually enjoyed it. It felt nice when Tess kissed me. It shouldn't feel nice and I shouldn't enjoy a kiss from a little girl, but I did.

I groaned, half from pain and the other half from wondering about what was going to happen between Tess and me. Knowing her, she was probably overthinking a lot of things right now, and she was going to be really uncomfortable around me.

I almost laughed at the idea of what people might think of Tess when she was with me. If someone didn't know any better, they might even assume that she hated me, since she was the type to act cold when she didn't know what to do.

Something told me that if I didn't clear things up with her, there would only be more misunderstandings.

How should I clear things up, though? It's not like she made a profession of love or anything. Should we start dating? No, no, no. Did kids our age even know what dating was?

I thought back to my past life. When I was twelve then, my life had been filled with nothing but training. Being raised in an orphanage and then being sent to an institute dedicated solely to raising duelists, I couldn't say I'd really had any experience dating.

We were too young anyway, right? I was technically only twelve in this body—was it even capable of reproducing yet?

Oh God, now you're overthinking this, Arthur.

It wasn't like I hated Tess. I was actually quite fond of her. She was still immature in some ways, but I shouldn't let that be an excuse, right?

Suddenly, a knock came from the door, interrupting my train of thought.

"Come in," I called out.

The door creaked open, and Anos walked in, a casual expression on his face.

"So you and the student council are lovers?" Anos asked casually. "That would explain a lot of things."

"What?! No!" I retorted, caught off guard by Anos' assumption. "Tess and I are not lovers. Where did you even get that idea from?"

Anos' answer to that was something I'd never thought I'd here from him. "Were you two not just kissing earlier? Or is kissing one on the lips considered a sign of friendship these days?"

"H-How did... y-you know that...?" I stammered. "Y-You weren't even here."

"Did you really think that just because I wasn't here, that I couldn't see what was happening?" Anos raised an eyebrow.

I sighed, realizing that Anos probably had dozens of ways to gather information, and my attempts to keep things private were likely in vain.

"Fine, we kissed," I admitted, feeling a bit embarrassed. "But just so you know, she kissed me. She just abruptly kissed me without my consent."

"I see." Anos nodded, seemingly acknowledging my explanation. "Well, I'm not particularly interested about your romantic life. I'm more interested in that ability you used during the match."

The words Anos just said sent shivers down my spine.

He couldn't have known, can he? How could he have known about the first phase of Sylvia's beast will anyway? I was outside the flow of time during that moment.

"What are you talking about?" I tried to play dumb, but Anos just smirked.

"There is not point in trying to lie to me, Arthur," Anos said, his eyes glowing a shade of crimson. "My eyes aren't so easily deceived. I saw the yellow marks below your eyes, and how you moved outside the confines of time. It's quite the unique ability, and I'm curious to know more about it."

I hesitated for a moment, contemplating how much I should reveal. Although I could continue lying to Anos, it was clear that he already had a good understanding of what had transpired. Plus, he would probably lose trust in me as his subordinate if I kept hiding things.

"Of course, if you don't wish to share, I won't force you," Anos added, completely serious. "I won't force my subordinates to reveal their secrets."

"No... It's fine," I decided to open up to Anos. "It's an ability I got from the first phase of my beast will."

"A beast will... I see... The will of a mana beast that has reached A-class or above, correct?" Anos interrupted, seemingly knowledgeable about the topic.

"Yes, exactly. The first phase of my beast will allows me to temporarily move outside the flow of time. I don't know exactly how it works, but it uses quite a lot of energy, and I can only maintain it for a very short period," I explained.

Anos nodded, absorbing the information. "Interesting. And I assume the one who gave you the beast will is related to your little familiar over there?"

"Yeah, Sylvie's mother was the one who bestowed the beast will upon me," I confirmed.

"So, the one who imparted the beast will onto you was a dragon? I've never heard of dragons being able to use time magic before."

"Yes- Wait, what?!" I shouted back. "How did you know Sylvie was a dragon?!"

Anos casually leaned against the doorframe. "Although her disguise is quite convincing, certain details give away her true nature. Dragons and their magic are not entirely unfamiliar to me."

Anos' genius level intelligence and keen observation skills were both impressive and unnerving. What more could he uncover if given even the subtlest of hints? It seemed like keeping secrets from Anos was nearly impossible.

"Who—No... What exactly are you, Anos?" I questioned, a mix of curiosity and wariness in my voice. Anos merely smirked, his crimson eyes gleaming.

"I was known by many names: Devil, God Slayer, Fiend, Monster. Many have said it would've better if I never existed, but here I am. I am the one and only reincarnation of the Demon King of Tyranny, Anos Voldigoad," Anos finished, his revelation hanging in the air.

Reincarnation? Demon King of Tyranny? So that means Anos is also a reincarnated person like me? Is he also from another world?

"Another reincarnated person, huh?" I muttered to myself, contemplating the revelation.

Anos seemed to have heard my muttering, as he responded, "So you also reincarnated with your memories intact; that would explain your skills compared to the other students. Your source must be quite strong to still retain your memories."

I look up at Anos, confused at what he meant.

"Do you not know the concept of sources?" Anos asked, which I nodded promptly. "Every living being has a source— the concept of one's existence and the wellspring of their magic power. Only people skilled in source magic and are able to store their memories inside the source can retain their memories across reincarnations. You retaining your memories despite not having knowledge of the source is quite the anomaly."

His gaze penetrated deep, like he was staring right into the very core of my being. "Hmm... Strange. There doesn't seem to be anything special with your source. I don't see the reason for such a phenomenon in your case."

I don't know if I should be thankful that there doesn't seem to be anything special with my source, or disappointed that Anos just said I'm not special.

"I just want to ask," I looked at Anos, still processing the revelation. "Are you from this world, or are you from another world like me?"

"Another world, you say? Now that makes things interesting," Anos smirked, his crimson eyes gleaming with amusement. "I am not certain; I don't know if I'm from this world or another."

"What do you mean you don't know?"

"Do you know what happens if you try to escape from the world?" I shook my head, indicating that I didn't know. "If you try to fly upwards until you reach the edge of the sky, space will bend and you'd eventually find yourself below the world. It's an infinite loop. No one has successfully left this world or proven the existence of another, at least to my knowledge. So, whether I'm from this world or another remains a mystery."

"Can't you just check if history lines up with your memories or if there are any inconsistencies?" I asked, trying to comprehend the complexity of Anos' situation.

Anos chuckled, "Time is a peculiar thing. Memories can be altered, and history rewritten. The mere act of checking might not provide conclusive evidence. What's to say you're not in another world, but simply so far into the future of your origin that you no longer recognize it?"

He was right. I haven't even considered that possibility, and just concluded that I was from another world. If he was right, then maybe I'd be able to find traces of my previous life in this world.

"I guess I hadn't considered that possibility," I admitted, absorbing the complexity of Anos' explanation.

"What's your goal in all of this, Anos? Surely, a person like you could avoid involving themselves in Xyrus Academy and the affairs of students," I inquired, trying to understand Anos' motivations.

"There isn't really much to it," Anos replied with a nonchalant tone. "Xyrus Academy has a vast library that would allow me to research the world's history and current magic. Plus, I wanted to see some peace."

I raised an eyebrow, but Anos simply continued, "My era was filled with war and chaos. Hundreds of thousands of people, no matter their race, died each day. After the war, I wanted to see the world in a different light, to experience the peace that had eluded it during my time."

He pointed his gaze outside the window, as if reminiscing about a past long gone. His eyes softened, and for a moment, there was a glimpse of the depth behind Anos' seemingly indifferent demeanor.

"My world—or era— too was plagued by conflict and suffering. Instead of fighting large-scale wars, the kings of opposing nations dueled in grand arenas, and the outcome determined the fate of their people," I shared, finding an unexpected connection in our experiences. "I was raised as an orphan in an orphanage, but my life was good. I had two best friends, and the headmaster was my motherly figure. But then, she was assassinated. After that, I became a king to exact my revenge. It was then I learned that even if you're king, the ministers and old men in politics were the one who held true power."

Anos listened intently to my story, his expression unchanged. It seemed like he could relate to the themes of conflict and power struggles, even if our circumstances were different.

"It's about time I leave," Anos stood up, pushing himself off the doorframe. "Treasure this moment of peace, Arthur; you might never know when it will be disrupted again." Anos' words hung in the air as he exited the room, before a bright green magic circle appeared above me.

The glowing green magic circle above me slowly healed my wounds, until I couldn't feel a single sensation of pain. Anos' parting gift, it seemed.

As the magic circle faded, I couldn't help but mull over the revelations. Anos, the reincarnation of a Demon King of Tyranny, another reincarnated person like me, and a person longing for peace.

"First was resurrection magic, second was being able to perceive people outside time, and now he's able to heal someone whose injuries couldn't even be healed by the best healers at Xyrus Academy. I'm so glad he isn't my enemy," I mumbled to myself.

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