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20% Superman (Marvel+DC) / Chapter 9: Chapter 09

Chapitre 9: Chapter 09

London, United Kingdom July 1943

The SSR had moved to London after the Project Rebirth debacle and had been in the country for about a week. They quickly fell into the grove of aiding the SOE, MI5 and other allied intelligence groups but kept their eye on Hydra. The intelligence that the SSR was able to decipher aided in the Combined Bomber Offensive which took out V-weapon installations along with industrial and material plants of the German army. That combined with the end of the North African Campaign was adding to the momentum for the allies in Europe and the Allied leaders wanted to keep that momentum up which was leading to the next part of the war. Taking the fight to Italy and removing one of the Axis powers from the conflict.

Italy was the weakest member of the Axis powers compared to Germany and Japan and compared to an invasion of France it seemed much more attainable. Allied leaders had begun working up the plan after the victory in North Africa and it would be their biggest offensive in the war so far. Plans were made for an invasion of the Island of Sicily which would give the allies a naval strongpoint to then launch a land invasion of Italy. Colonel Phillips had a team at the SSR assisting in prepping for the invasion and it was that reason he called in Clark to the headquarters in London.

Clark walked through the city of London in his military uniform on his way to the SSR headquarters. He had been in the city for about a week and pretty much all of that time was spent at Camp Griffiss which was the US military base in the UK. It was the military base for the US Army Air Forces and where US army and air force soldiers were housed and trained before being deployed to wherever they were going. Clark was technically a Corporal of the US army Intelligence but was also a member of the SSR so he really should have stayed in London but Colonel Phillips wanted to see how Clark did training with the 7th Army after his enhancements with Operation Rebirth. He even came to see Clark perform and he wasn't disappointed.

Flashback…a few days ago….

Camp Griffiss United Kingdom

Colonel Phillips visited Camp Griffiss and met with some of the army colonels, lieutenants, and captains currently in England and many of them were with him at the training area for the 7th US Army division in preparation for deployment. Colonel Phillips was there personally because he was watching Corporal Kalvin Elbert go through daily training with the 7th Army. At the moment Elbert's group was at the firing range and it was the first sign that things were good. Rifleman were using their M1 rifles or M1 Carbines while others were using M1928A1 Thomspon Submachine guns. Clark was using a M1918A2 BAR Light Machine Gun. Despite the recoil, size, and weight, Clark showed no signs of issue with the weapon and was accurate even from 300 meters away. When Colonel Phillips requested to see Clark's accuracy with other weapons he saw that even with a M1 Garand or a Submachine gun he could hit his target which meant his eyesight was perfect.

When it was time for the physical training that's when Colonel Phillips was able to see that Elbert was no longer hindered by his asthma and was moving better and faster than before. During the obstacle course, despite starting at the very back of the group he easily cleared all the obstacles and got to the very front. He jumped through the rope squares quick and ease and crawled through the mud faster than everyone else before climbing up the rope in record time after which he then cleared the giant wooden wall with a single jump. During the final hundred yard spring to the finish, he cleared it in a run that look less than three seconds. His performance drew a crowd and attention and while it would normally concern him, it was Kalvin Elbert they were paying attention to and it was Project Rebirth that did this to him.

The group went through the obstacle course again in full gear and Clark did that as easily as he did it without his gear. It was clear that he was faster and stronger and wasn't having any issues.

"Hell of a soldier you have there, Phillips." A friend told him.

"He is." Phillips replied, watching Clark disarm and take down his opponent in a close quarter combat drill before helping him back up and patting him on the back. Elbert was exactly what Colonel Phillips wanted from Project Rebirth. Too bad he was the only one he got.

End of Flashback…

Clark walked down into a subway tunnel and joined the morning traffic before making his way over to a newspaper stand and convenience store where he saw a newspaper with the headline Captain America the New Hope. Steve honestly looked ridiculous in that suit.

"Morning post?" The clerk asked.

"Not really. I was always more of an evening post person. I fancy the likes of Yorkshire." Clark replied and the man nodded, pressed a button underneath his register. Clark walked in to the back where bulk items were stored and pushed against the wall which opened and in he walked to the SSR headquarters.

He walked in and stopped at the main desk where Private Lorraine and some MPs were stationed. "Corporal Kalvin Elbert. I'm here to see Colonel Phillips."

He's in there." She replied, giving him a flirty smile and playful wink but Clark just ignored it and continued into the room with the MP opening the door. He walked in to the main planning area for the SSR and saw Colonel Phillips finish talking with some of his men.

"Colonel Phillips." Clark stood at attention and saluted him.

"At ease, son. How are you doing?"

"I'm fine, sir. Any word on Hydra?" Clark wondered and Phillips shook his head no.

"At the moment, no. We have all allied intelligence intercepting German air traffic and transmissions but there's been no word from Hydra or Schmidt since the stunt his men pulled in Brooklyn. Some reports on three high-ranking Nazi officers going missing but nothing actionable." Phillips told him as they walked over to a large map that showed the German's control over Europe.

"From everything we've learned about him, Schmidt must have a reason for going dark. He's planning something." Clark suggested and Phillips nodded.

"He is and we'll prepare as best we can but until we know more there's still work for us to do. At the moment, Allied Command is preparing for the next big front in the war." Phillips told him.

"Italy." Clark stated earning a look from the colonel. "It's the most logical new front to start at this moment in time. And I might have heard some rumors going around at Camp Griffiss."

"Well, you're not wrong. US Generals have been arguing non-stop but we now have a plan. A large scale amphibious invasion from North Africa to the Island of Sicily which we'll use as a springboard to invade mainland Italy. General Eisenhower is allied Commander for the Operation but planning is being left in command of British General Harold Alexander. The goal is capture major port towns to land armor and infantry as we make our way up through the island and capture the northern most point, preventing Axis reinforcements." Colonel Phillips explained.

"Makes sense but where do I fit in, sir?" Clark wondered.

"Remind me how good your Italian is, Corporal?" The Colonel wondered.

"Perfect with an accent to match." Clark answered in perfect Italian.

"US Naval Intelligence is sending a four man team into Sicily a few days ahead of the scheduled invasion to establish a connection with the local partisans and allies. They're gonna gather additional intel and secure certain ports and aid in the invasion. You'll be going with them as a fifth for additional support. When I told the Commander of Naval Intelligence what you were capable of, he was more open to the idea of having you attached to the mission." Phillips told him. "Standing orders are to work with the local partisans and resistance to get any and all intel you can in preparation for the invasion but you'll be on your own in Sicily."

"Yes, sir." Clark replied.

"Good. Go see Stark and he'll see you outfitted before you leave. You take the first plane to North Africa. Make me proud Corporal and keep in touch." Colonel Phillips said to him before walking to his office. Clark walked through the SSR base to find Howard when he saw Peggy walk out of a conference room with some files so he walked over.

"Peggy." Clark said her name and got her attention but she kept a fairly neutral expression on her face.

"Corporal Elbert, how are you?" She asked.

"I'm fine. Do you have a moment to talk?" He wondered.

"I'm afraid I'm busy at the moment and I believe you are as well." She walked away so Clark walked with her.

"Peggy, please I just want to talk. I get it. I lied to you for months and I'm beyond sorry for that but please believe me that I never did any of this to hurt you. If we could just talk, even for a second…" Clark pleaded.

"Listen, Kal…Clark." Peggy stopped him there before pulling him a side to the wall so the two could talk with some privacy. He noticed her wrist was wrapped up in bandages and was in a brace, probably broken or fractured from when she punched him. "I'm still trying to process all of this. Just let me handle this…please."

Clark nodded and she walked away. He let out a sharp exhaled and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. At least he didn't get punched again. "Hate to see a lover's spat." He heard as Howard walked over and pat him on the shoulder.

"We're not exactly lovers, Howard." Clark pointed out.

"Close enough, Kal. Trouble in paradise?" Howard asked.

"Things with Peggy got…complicated. She needs time to sort things out." Clark told him.

"Her loss then, Kal. You and I should head out into the city. If you love the accent then there are plenty of fine women who would enjoy your company. How about it? Let's head out after work and see if we can find some lovely ladies to warm our bed." Howard wondered, putting his arm around Clark, and walking him into his lab where several SSR and Stark Industries scientists/engineers were hard at work at their tasks.

"I'm more than ok with one lady, Howard. She just doesn't want anything to do with me right now." Clark muttered. "But Peggy's worth waiting for. I just hope she's willing to give me another chance."

"Peggy's a handful but from what I've seen between the two of you I think you two crazy kids might make it work. Relationships are complicated, Kal. That's why I like to keep things simple and keep my mind focused on work which at the moment is making sure you don't get killed." Howard remarked, leading him over to a table with a new kind of fabric material. "Carbon Polymer. Should withstand your typical German bayonet and small arms fire. On the plus side, it's flame retardant."

"Nice." Clark picked up some of the material and it felt tough yet surprisingly light.

"We'll get you fitted in a second. Your weapons will pretty much be the same as typical standard army issued but I'm making some slight modifications." Howard said, taking Clark over to a table and picked up a modified BAR. "Here."

Clark picked it up and it felt the same but the bi-pod was removed and Howard actually added what looked like a modified sniper rifle scope where the iron sight should be. "A sniper scope?"

"Not exactly. The optic will give you about a one times magnification so it's not a real sniper scope. I figured that'd be worthless on a gun like this but it should help with seeing from a distance not that you should need it. I removed the bipod and flash hider for portability and to save weight while improving the recoil buffer mechanisms in the stock. I also modified the gas cylinder to stainless steel instead of the traditional material so it'll prevent corrosion." Howard listed off before handing Clark a large drum-like magazine for the BAR. "And I made you a few of these special babies. Hundred round capacity drum magazines for the .30 caliber rifle round along with smaller 40 round clips. Your BAR is a light machine gun that has a larger ammo count now. Normally the added weight of the hundred round drum would make it a pain for any typical soldier but it should be a piece of cake for you."

"Wow. Nicely done, Howard." Clark inserted the magazine and put the rifle to his shoulder. One of the big negatives with the BAR was that it was a Light Machine Gun that had a limited ammo capacity but the hundred round drum fixed that. And with his super strength, the additional weight was not an issue.

"I know but my greatest breakthrough is here." Howard motioned him over to a modified SCR-300 portable radio transceiver only this one was half the size of the standard model. "I improved the weight, battery, and range of the radio for you to carry in the field. This will be how you can stay in contact with allied command. Just don't get it wet and if it start's smoking then drop it and walk away."

"Starts smoking, drop, and walk away. Got it. Thanks, Howard." Clark said as he shook his hand.

"My pleasure. Stay safe out there, Kal." Howard told him and Clark nodded. "Now, let's get you fitted for your new uniform. You're representing the SSR so you'll get the best of the best. Maybe we should take a page out of Steve's book."

"And put me in the stars and stripes?" Clark asked as some scientists began taking his measurements.

"Unfortunately, the USO have that trademarked so that's a no on the stars and stripe tights but this is your suit. How do you want it to look?" Howard asked and Clark gave it some thought before putting in some ideas for Howard and the engineers.

US Allied Command Naval Base Tunisia, North Africa

After the success in the North African campaign, the Allies had secured all the ports and naval bases in the territory which gave them control over the Strait of Gibraltar that connected the Mediterranean sea with the Atlantic Ocean. With Spain declaring Neutrality during the war, it meant that the allies controlled virtually all naval traffic in and out of the sea. Their strongly defended harbors gave them naval superiority in that theater of the war. It let them plan for all naval operations and would be the launching point for their invasion of Sicily.

Several C-47 airplanes had landed at the airfield dropping off new soldiers, base personnel, and supplies. Clark climbed down the stairs from the airplane with two large bags that were carrying his equipment while his BAR was slung on his back. All in all, his equipment had to weigh at least a hundred pounds and he was able to carry it with ease. His large bags caught some attention but the most eye catching thing about Clark was his new uniform, curtesy of Howard Stark and the engineers at the SSR.

He was wearing common M42 Double Buckle Combat boots which was the only thing common about his uniform as everything else was custom. He had on a new carbon polymer made flame-resistant jacket that looked similar to a typical M-1943 Field Jacket but was custom made out of better material and fitted to him. It was also a different color. Instead of the typical US army green or beige, it was a mix of blue and black and on the chest was a large black diamond shield with a red S-symbol in the middle. He had on a pair of custom fitted black-dyed paratrooper trousers, rigged combat gloves for extra grip and comfort, a bulletproof helmet, a combat belt with pouches for various tactical equipment and a handgun holster on his right thigh holding a M1911A1 Pistol. 

He took off his helmet because it felt uncomfortable and fixed his hair before attaching the strap to his bag when he saw someone walk over. "Corporal Kalvin Elbert?"

"That's me." Clark answered.

"Private Adam Jones. I'm here to escort you to Lieutenant Marslow. Follow me, please." The private led him to a nearby jeep. Clark put his things in the back and was driven through the base before arriving near some tents. "You can leave your bags here, sir."

The private led Clark through the base to the intelligence tent where four naval officers and some civilians were standing around a table with the major of the base. "Major, I have Corporal Elbert here."

"Corporal Kalvin Elbert, US Army Eastern Intelligence Division, SSR." Clark saluted and the major saluted back.

"At ease, Corporal. That'll be all, private." The private saluted and walked out of the tent as the major walked over.

"How was the flight in, Corporal?" The Major asked.

"Fine, sir. I'm here to help." Clark told him.

"This is the fifth man of our team? A corporal? Looks a little green." One of the men remarked.

"Yes, he does look a little young. Does he need his momma here to wipe his nose for him?" One of the Italian Partisans joked in their native language which made the others laugh.

"No, do you need yours?" Clark asked in perfect Italian. "It's not nice to assume the worse of people you've just met."

"Italiano?" The partisan asked and Clark shook his head no.

"Just gifted with languages." Clark answered.

"Corporal Elbert was one of the Eastern Intelligence's best codebreakers and analysts before joining the SSR. Colonel Phillips recommended him to assist on the mission and from what he's said he can do Corporal Elbert will make sure you four stay alive should there be any issues on the island." The Major told them. "Corporal, this is the recon team. Lieutenants Anthony Marslow, Jaquin Totollo, and Paul A. Alfieri with Ensign James Murray. Lieutenant Marslow will be running command of the mission when you're on the island."

"Call me Mars. That's Toto, Alf, and Murray. We keeps things simple." Lieutenant Marslow told him.

"Kal, then." Clark told them.

"Kal it is. You arrived just in time for our final mission briefing. We're leaving at 0400 sharp and take a trade ship to the island manned by Alonso and his men." Lieutenant Marslow pointed to the three Italian Partisans in the tent with them.

"Happy to help." Alonso replied in English with a thick Italian accent.

"The Germans and Italians won't give us any trouble when we hit port?" Clark wondered.

"Oh, such a man of little faith. Do not worry, young one. You will be safe with us." Alonso told him in Italian.

"Alonso says that their smuggling ships are inspected but that he and some men often bribe the soldiers at the ports to make things go through smoother. A crate of some food, a few bottles of liquor, and some cigarettes and they've been let through with no issue. They need the supplies anyway so they won't look a gift horse in the mouth. We'll be disguised as ships hands and our gear will be stowed in the crates. We'll be landing in the capital of Palermo. From there, we'll meet the local partisans and informants where we'll assess the situation and move from there. Our priority is gathering intel on the ports and airfields before the allies land on the southern part of the island. The towns of Licata, Gela, Scoglitti, on the southwestern part of the island and the ports of Pachino, Noto, and Syracuse to the southeast." Lieutenant Marslow explained. "It's a lot of terrain but Alonso says that he has men who can help us get through the island without raising suspicion."

"The best case scenario would be to get all the intel you could on the town and port of Syracuse. That town has a bridge that's important. It connects the town from east and west and is a straight shot up the coast of the island to Messina and we need to capture that as quickly as possible to prevent German reinforcements." The Major added.

"Any questions?" Marslow asked and Clark shook his head no. "Glad to have you with us."

"Get your gear ready. Be careful and best of luck." The Major told them, giving them all a salute and they saluted back before leaving the tent. Clark grabbed his gear from the back of the jeep and walked over to a nearby tent the team was using.

"So, Kal. Where are you from?" Totollo asked.

"Kansas City." Clark answered as he organized some of his gear.

"Really? I'm not picking up a country accent from you and your Italian was pretty perfect. You sure you don't have any Italian in your blood?" Totollo wondered and Clark shook his head no.

"No, not that I'm aware of." Clark replied.

"This is your first time into combat, isn't it?" Ensign Murray asked him and Clark shrugged. "You got saddled with a hell of an introduction I can tell you that."

"I can handle myself. Plus, coming from the SSR does have its advantages. For one thing. The toys." Clark took out the modified SCR-3000 radio backpack. "Special order. Smaller, more compact but just as good as the rest."

"Nice." Lieutenant Alfieri walked over and checked it out for himself. "Guess having you come along won't be that bad after all."



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