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60% In DC as Spider Gwen / Chapter 3: Chapter 3

Chapitre 3: Chapter 3

I landed near the parking lot and started to hack in to their security system with the pipboy that I made. I made it because I wanted to have a hacking tool with me on hand, and I couldn't make something more advance with the stuff I had so I made this, but I'm going to replace it later and have it in my inventory just in case I need it again.

Anyway I put the cameras on loop and turn off the motion sensors, after double checking if it worked, I turn invisible and go In through the vents. After crawling for like a minute I see a hatch just below me, I open the hatch web it to the side, and stop the sudden urge to pull a Tomb Cruise.


'Focus Gwen your in the middle a heist dammit' I think after smacking my self on the head.

I peek my head through to see if anyone's in this floor, and seeing that to coast is clear I drop down silently, I make my way to the elevator since the storage facilities are under ground, am just as I was going to press the button to call the elevator I hear.


I stick myself to the ceiling just to be safe.

*doors open*

"Norman listen I need more time, its still too dangerous for hum-just wait ok, give me another month I promise I´ll have something by then".

'Ok I hope its just a coincidence' I though to my self after watching the one-armed man walk away.

I reach and push a button to take me to the bottom floor while still stuck to the ceiling.

'Ok if that Norman is who I think it is and still tries to turn himself back in to the goblin after I cure him(that is if I decide to spare him) I´ll tear off his head and then burn his entire body' I though while waiting.


*doors open*

After the doors opened I proceeded to crawl towards the big door that says storage on it 'seriously', I hack in again to check the security footage since I need a code, 'aha got it' I put in the code which is 911 'the guy that chose this code should get fired, even if its clever'.

The door opens, I go in and then immediately close the door behind me you know just in case.

'Dang that's a lot of shit' I thought

I saw all kinds of things, like tablets, desktops, laptops, phones, some compressors, titanium ore, a bunch of Kevlar fabric and some other stuff. The reason all of this is together, is because this is just like the extra stuff that couldn't fit in the actual storage. You see everything has its designated storage facility, like the is one specifically for technology and other for minerals and so on. This is just what they couldn't fit in those so I was pretty lucky, you know since all of this is here, which actually makes sense because we are suppose to be making armor.

Well I proceed to put some things in my inventory, I put in 2 compressors, 2 tons of titanium ore, all of the Kevlar fabric that was here, 4 containers of liquid nitrogen that I just noticed, and I also took some of the phones, laptops and desktops. But before I took them I hacked in to the system again to check if they were tacking these things, and obviously they were, I proceeded to put them in my inventory and saw the trackers disappear from my screen since its basically another dimension, I then took one of the laptops out and the tracker didn't reaper, I then turned it on and clicked a few keys and nothing, I took out everything electronic that I had, and it was the same as the laptop. Maybe the serial number changed or something but I'm not complaining since this makes it easier for me.

After I put everything in my inventory, I made my way to the door, after checking the cameras and seeing no one there, I went out and made my way toward the elevator, but I saw something that made me stop.

'Crap it is him' I thought

In front of me was an office, that didn't make me stop, what did make me stop was the name that was on the door. It read Dr. Connors.

'Might as well check for any ¨secret¨ doors' I thought

I opened the elevator doors, since I saw it being used to get to the upper floors, and sure enough there was an extra floor 'tch typical' I checked to see if they had separate security down there, which the did. Anyway after hacking the mainframe 'hehe' I jumped down and hacked the door open, since I couldn't force this one with out making it obvious.

I walk in, and the first thing I see is the goblins glider' yep I knew these past 3 months were too easy'.


I explored a little more and found 3 more things, vultures wings, Doc Ock´s tentacles, and some combat armor that looks like the one the goblin uses in the Sam Raimi movies. I copy the schematics to look for any weak points just in case, I make my way back to the elevator but I see something else that could be useful in the future. I see ten vials of the OZ formula in a lab 'alright this could come in handy later on' I thought and put 3 vials In my inventory.

*alarm noise*

'Crap o well time to go' I though

I run and pass the elevator door, just to hear it slam behind me ' that was close' I ran up the elevator shaft to the floor I was in first, forced the doors open and hear people running towards my location , I then jumped inside the vents again to get rid of my webs, so they couldn't make a connection back to me, and then got out trough the same way I got in and ran.

'Still to easy, something is going to happened I just know it I need to be prepared' I thought making my way back at my home.


"Dang what a rush" I said after putting on something more comfortable and flop on my bed.

'Alright wat I just saw confirmed that either some if not all of Spidey's villain's are going to appear at some point which sucks but cant do much a bout it now, I´ll still try to prevent them from becoming those monsters but I'm not sure if I can' I thought


"Ok the best thing I can do right now is prepare, but I need to find some other place since i don't want people to accidently find anything" I said while looking around.

I grab my laptop and turned it on and started so search some houses.

"Actually lets see if I can buy a cabin" I said to myself.


I bough a cabin in the woods 'he' anyway I was able to buy a cabin with a basement just 5 days after my heist, Isn't that convenient. Anyway after I moved my lab equipment with all of the other stuff, I made a forge 20 meters away from the cabin. Why did I make it?

Well I wanted to make a few armor pieces to go under my suit, just in case I need to cover some one from bullets or something with my body, because even if I adapt the bullets can still go through me, probably not for much time but just in case you know.

I also learned how to forge from my uncle back when I was a kid, he was really in to medieval stuff so he basically became a blacksmith, and since I showed interest he taught how to do it, to be honest he was more of a father to me the my actual one but he died back when I was 12 and I stopped doing it ever since, well the previous Gwen stopped to be more specific.

"Phew all done, that sure gets hot doesn't" I said as I finished

I made 2 forearm protectors, 2 leg protectors, and a chest plate that I made out of titanium. It basically looks like the armor that the anbu wear in Naruto with leg protectors.

Well after finishing up I went back in to the cabin and proceeded to take my clothes off since I got sweaty. After taking a shower I turn on the tv and started to put on some clothes but stopped when I heard this.

"Breaking news, killer croc has been spotted wreaking havoc in the streets of New York".





"The police are doing everything the can but *ROOOAAAAARRR* please someone HELP US!".

I freeze the tv so I could see the monster better.

'Yeah that's not croc' I thought while looking at the screen which showed a picture of the lizard.

'Guess its time for my debut' I thought with my eyes narrowed.



The lizard roared while picking up another car.

"Drop that car" an officer said

The lizard just looked at him.

"A crap"


"shit shit officer down, I repeat officer down we need backup" said another officer scared out of his mind.


The officer looked up and froze as the lizard towered over him, it proceeded to open its mouth to devour him, but before it could a voice was heard.

"Hey ugly"

The lizard looked up at me as I decloaked so it could see me in my new suit.

I web up its face and drop kick it away from the officer.


"Are you alright there buddy?" I asked the reason I'm talking so close to him know is because I made a voice changer that makes me sound like Cortana from halo.

"Y-Yes I'm a-alright" he said

"Good now would you please clear the area, I'm pretty sure that thing is still alive" I say to him.

He nodded and left.


The lizard roars while throwing a car a side.


"Jesus dude chill out, what did your bro croc steal your girl or something?" I say

He just roars and charge's at me, I flip over him and kick the back of his head.


He staggers for a bit before turning and proceeds to slash at me with his claws, I dodge to the left and punched the right side of his face*smack* he hisses at me and tries to slash at me again, I dodge and I kick the other side of his face*smack*he hisses again and tries to smash the ground, I slide under him web up his legs, and I trip him. While he´s down I jumped and tried to kick his head again, but this time he caught my leg and threw me away from him.

I recovered in midair and landed, I saw him pick up another car and got ready, but instead at throwing it at me he threw it at some civilians that stayed to watch, I slingshoted my self to the car, the used my webs to pull it towards me, landed on my feet and then placed it down next to me.

"Why the hell are you still here GO!" I told them.

My spider-sense flares up, I turn around and block the incoming tail with my forearms.


'HOLY SHIT' I thought while I was sent flying.

"ow" I said after I stopped rolling on the ground

'My arms almost broke Jesus, oh I'm already healing awesome' I thought

'Huh' I thought as I look to my right while getting up, and see a sewer drain.

'Good now I can lead him away from the people' I thought

"Hey crocs little bro I bet you cant catch me" I say as I open the drain

He looks at me with a deadpan face as of saying 'really'.


'Ok let me try this' I thought

"Listen Connors if you don't follow me I´ll rip your other arm off" I whisper just laud enough for him.

His eyes widen 'yep that did it'.


"He he come on you bastard" I said while entering the sewer.

I move to the side and see him land.


"Dang did you eat a cow or something" I said

He just hisses at me and charges, I dodge to the right while shooting web at his which he ripped apart, since that didn't work I threw a feint witch he tried to block, but instead of a punch landing I grabbed his arm, and crawled all over his body while webbing him, like what Andrew did in the movie. After webbing him up, I venom blasted him in the back.


He ripped the webs in anger and retaliated by whipping his tail at me again.

I stuck my feet to the ground, and blocked it with my forearms again.


His eyes widened in shock, why?

Because the crack that was heard was from the forearm protectors breaking, my actual forearms took the hit like it was nothing, and his tail bended a little bit.

"Hehe" I chuckled.

"My turn" I said before punching him in the chest with my full strength.


I send him flying towards a wall.


He falls to his knees.

*gasp* *cough* *cough*

He coughs out some blood, well a lot of blood actually. But I can also see that he is starting to heal, but I also see that his skin is starting to fall off, which means he´s out of time, he noticed to, he hissed at me one more time before running away in to the sewers.

I don't follow him because he´s one of the few people that can be given a second chance, since he´s a pretty good guy without that lizard juice inside him. Anyway after he left, I started to collect the blood that he left, I was able to gather enough blood for 3 vials that I made out of ¨unbreakable¨ glass. I saw that there was still blood left over, so I got rid of it with a venom blast, after that I went back in to the surface to check if anyone needed my help.

I stopped a few people from bleeding out with my webs, and swung some people that were critically injured to the hospital. After seeing that I wasn't needed anymore I left the scene, and swung around the city for a bit, I stopped a few small crimes here and there but nothing as big as the lizard, I kept patrolling for like another half hour before finally turning invisible, and made my way back to the cabin.


"Dang I really needed that second shower" I tell myself

I was right about my protectors breaking, when I took off my suit I just saw shards falling from it 'oh well I´ll just use the metal for something else' I turn on the tv to check the news.

"We just got in update on the killer croc situation sera please take it away".

"Y-Yes um, it appears that killer croc was forced to flee by the interference of New York´s vigilante the Ghost, or what people are now calling her the Ghost Spider since witnesses say she used some kind of web substance to fight killer croc, moving on we unfortunately had some casualties 10 people were killed in the incident and 3 of them were cops, but even with this tragedy we should still look at the bright side, if it wasn't for the Ghost Spider we could of had more casualties. So this is a message to her Ghost Spider if your watching this I just want you to know that I speak for everyone when I say thank you".

I turn the tv off after watching that since I fell a little guilty for not being there sooner. But I cant dwell in the past I have too keep moving forward.

I go down to the basement to check and see if the computer finished analyzing the blood, since it isn't I turn to my right and sit down on by my workbench to see if I can get started on making some spider bots.

'Don't worry Dr. Connors I´ll cure you, I promise'.


"-veryone when I say thank you".

"It seems killer croc decided to move cities" said an old man

"Not possible" I said in a gruff tone

"Why is that sir" said the older man

"Because I just put killer croc back in Arkham yesterday" I said

"Maybe he had a relative" said the older man

"No while it does look reptilian, it doesn't resemble a crocodile like croc" I said

"Yes your right, and what do you think about this Ghost Spider" the old man asked

"She's dangerous" I said simply


"Of course she is, would you like to come up to dinner sir, master dick order pizza" said the old man

"Sure I could use a bite" I said

I look up and see him with a shocked expression on his face,

"Why are you looking at me like that Alfred?" I asked

"Nothing master Bruce its just that normally you would say that you'll be up in a minute and the just stay down here, but I'm not going to complain" said Alfred

"Well anyway chop chop we cant leave master dick waiting" Alfred said

"Yeah yeah I'm going" I say while looking at the picture of the Ghost.

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