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Chapitre 25: Chapter Twenty-Five: Multiple PoVs

[A/N: Okay, this is a huge chapter, and whatever happens here, all the confusions will unfold on the next chapter. And sorry for not posting the last 2 days xDDD I was invited to a few parties and well... was partying I guess.]


December 27th, Year 68, Namikaze Residence

[Naruto's PoV]


"Aww, why won't papa be there? Can't he come with us, please mama, please!" I begged my mama to have papa accompany us to this party thing. I didn't want to go to some party where papa wasn't there.

"I'm sorry, honey. Papa has some important work to take care of," Mama explained with a regretful smile. But then, she lifted me up and added with excitement, "But don't worry, your Kuro-niisan, Shikamaru, will be there. You'll get to meet other kids your age and have a blast at this special birthday party."

That made me happy hearing that Kuro-niisan and Shika will be there.

"Really?! Yatta! If Kuro-Niisan be there, then it's fine." I smiled at mama, and she chuckled in amusement.

"Oh? Already forgotten your papa?" She teased me.

I huffed at her and said indignantly, "No! But… I like playing with Kuro-niisan. And, and, Kuro-niisan, tells me all this cool stories. He is the best!" I let my mama know why Kuro-niisan was the best.

"I see! Well, if you can keep your Niisan from napping, you'll have a great time playing together," Mama said with a teasing laugh.

I giggled at the thought. We all knew how much Kuro-niisan loved his naps. His nap time was as important to him as ramen was to me! It was sacred! Umu, umu.

Afterward, Mama helped me pick out new clothes, although they felt a bit stuffy. But Mama insisted that it was important since it was a special party. Knowing that everyone else would be wearing them, I decided to go along with it. However, if I saw others not wearing them, I would definitely take mine off!

Soon, a gentle knock echoed through the door.

Mama wearing her new kimo-mo? Kimomo went to see who came to visit.

As the door swung open, I caught a glimpse of Shika and Aunty Yoshino, dressed in kimomos like me and Mama. Aunty Yoshino's eyes lit up at the sight of me, and she picked me up in a warm hug.

I really liked Aunty Yoshino, she was so nice, always gives Shika and me candies. But she always shouts at Niisan. I wonder why. Niisan wasn't a bad boy though…

"Aww, Naru-kun, you look absolutely adorable in that black and orange kimono!" Aunty Yoshino cooed, her affectionate words filling the room.

Meanwhile, Mama embraced Shika tightly, although her hug seemed a bit more forceful than Aunty Yoshino's. Shika's eyes seemed heavy, as if he might drift off to sleep any moment. Panic welled up inside me, wanting to ask Mama to loosen her grip. However, before I could say anything, a voice interrupted our worry.

"Are you trying to hug him to death? You troublesome woman... Seriously..." the voice remarked from the doorway.

I looked up and my eyes sparkled with delight as I laid eyes on Kuro-niisan, dressed in a stylish black and grey kimomo. He leaned casually against the door frame, arms crossed, exuding an air of coolness. Mama couldn't contain her excitement and rushed to hug Niisan, exclaiming, "Oh myyyy! Look at you, Kuro-chan! You look so handsome! You're going to turn heads at this rate! So dashing!"

Mama squeezed Niisan tightly, surpassing even her earlier hug with Shika. Niisan struggled to free himself, grumbling, "I get it already! Get off me... Seriously... You and Mom are the same..."

But both Mama and Aunty Yoshino couldn't contain their laughter, and I couldn't help but wonder what was so amusing. Ignoring my confusion, we locked the house and made our way to the streets, our destination was the party that mama was talking about.

I was on Kuro-niisan's shoulders, while Shika was being carried by him, all the time making Kuro-niisan grumble about us being babies.

I loved the view from up high. I could see so much more!

As we passed by, villagers waved and bowed to us. I think they were doing it for Aunty Yoshino and Mama. But soon, I overheard some villagers making fun of my beloved Niisan. That didn't sit well with me, not one bit! So I mustered up my courage and shouted at them, calling them mean.

To my surprise, instead of getting upset, they cooed and called us cute. I didn't quite understand what was happening, but I noticed that Kuro-niisan's face was turning red, and he seemed to sigh more often. I wondered if he was feeling unwell. That would be so, soooo bad!

Is it because Nii-san wasn't taking a nap?

I asked Shika if Niisan's condition had something to do with not taking a nap. Shika simply shrugged, but after a moment of thought, he nodded in agreement. So, it must be true.

After that we kept walking towards the place we were supposed to go and Niisan gently placed me and Shika on the ground. He gave us a serious look and said, "From here on out, you two have to behave like good little kids, alright? No causing trouble. Otherwise, no ramen for you, Naru, and no nap time for you, Shika!" He finished with a mischievous smirk.

Deep down, I knew that even if Niisan made such threats, he would never actually punish us. He was the best Niisan, after all! Nevertheless, Shika and I nodded in agreement, determined to be on our best behavior.

Well, we were here… Let's see how this party will be like!


December 27th, Year 68, Hyuuga Compound

[Shikamaru's PoV]


As we stepped into the grand Hyuuga Compound, a Hyuuga guard guided us to the beautifully adorned inner hall. The room was already filled with people engaged in conversation, and amidst them was someone who never failed to elicit a sigh from me.

"Kuro-oniiichan!" A blonde girl exclaimed, rushing towards Niisan with boundless energy. He embraced her tightly, returning the hug. She had a knack for being loud, that one...

Right behind her came a shy boy, who shyly waved at me and Naruto before eagerly looking up at Niisan. Like everyone else, he held a great fondness for my brother.

"Whoa there, Ino, be careful with those tackle hugs. What if you trip?" Niisan chuckled, setting the energetic girl back on her feet before sweeping Choji into a warm embrace. Ino and Choji were the heirs to the Yamanaka and Akimichi clans respectively, just as Niisan was the heir to our own Nara Clan. Since our families were closely connected, Ino and Choji were practically considered our cousins. But to them, Niisan was more than just a cousin.

But with how Niisan is, they think of him as their own brother as does Naruto.

Honestly sometimes I feel jealous that my Niisan gives all of them so much time, but then again, it feels too troublesome to be jealous. And Niisan did say sharing was caring…

After exchanging greetings with Ino and Choji, Niisan led us to pay respects to the Hyuuga Patriarch, as was customary. With an air of nobility, he bowed before the imposing figure of Lord Hiashi.

"Hello, Lord Hiashi. Congratulations on your children's birthday. May they be blessed by the Sage and achieve greatness," Niisan smoothly uttered, sporting a charming smile. I couldn't help but notice the admiring glances from the girls. They were making weird noises at him.

Yes, Niisan looked cool, but he was usually lazy so mother usually scolds him, but when he acts like that mother always looks so proud.

Once the formalities were over and Niisan introduced everyone to Lord Hiashi, we were given permission to enjoy the festivities. Niisan led us to a quiet corner where a display of candies awaited us. We eagerly indulged in the sweet treats.

It was then that Naruto piped up, his voice filled with hope, "Kuro-niisan, won't Sasuke come?" He longed to see his friend at the party.

I let out a sigh from the sidelines. As Niisan had informed me, the Hyuuga did extend an invitation to Sasuke's family. However, due to the tense relations between the Hyuuga and Uchiha, the Uchiha clan had sent only a gift and a congratulatory note, opting not to attend the event in person.

"Sorry, Naruto, but I'm afraid Sasuke can't make it today. He has other obligations," Niisan gently replied, a hint of helplessness in his eyes. I knew how much he cherished spending time with Sasuke, especially since he was so fond of Sasuke's older sister, Izuna-neesan. Niisan was willing to sacrifice his cherished naps for her. Izuna-neesan held a special place in his heart.

Naruto's disappointment faded as Niisan enticed him with candies and encouraged him to join in the fun with everyone else. Soon, he was back to his cheerful self.

Niisan then introduced us to one of his old classmates, Inuzuka Hana, and her younger brother, Inuzuka Kiba, who happened to be our age. Kiba was just as lively and boisterous as Naruto, and the two hit it off instantly. However, Kiba had a tendency to be a little mean and tried to pick on Choji. But Naruto swiftly came to Choji's rescue, earning our shy friend's gratitude and admiration.

While Niisan was busy socializing with various people, he always kept a watchful eye on each one of us. I couldn't help but sense that something was amiss. Niisan had taken Naruto and me out to play countless times before, and he never seemed so guarded. Was something troubling him?

It was clear that there was more to the situation than met the eye. But I trusted Niisan implicitly. He had promised to protect us no matter what, and I wholeheartedly believed him.


December 27th, Year 68, Hyuuga Compound

[Hinata's PoV]


"Nii-sama, I thi-think you look o-okay," I stammered, trying to reassure my brother who was fretting over his appearance.

"Really? But Otou-sama said I needed to look my best, especially since I'll be introduced to the other heirs. I have to make a good impression!" Haruto pouted, his brow furrowed with worry.

I adored my older brother, but sometimes he listened too much to Otou-sama and didn't pay enough attention to Okaa-sama and the others. "B-but I think you'll look the be-best," I stammered, hoping to alleviate his concerns.

He stared at himself in the mirror a bit longer before finally relenting. He turned to Ko and Hima, our caretakers, and asked them to accompany us to the party. I felt a surge of anxiety as we made our way there. It would be my first time meeting anyone outside of the clan, and I hoped to make a good impression on our future classmates and allies.

Glancing at Haruto, I noticed his serious expression. Sometimes, he acted too much like Otou-sama in those moments. But I understood that as the heir, he had a responsibility to become acquainted with the other heirs. We walked slowly through the corridors until we reached the hall where our birthday party was being held.

I clutched the hem of Haruto's sleeve tightly as we entered the hall, where a multitude of people had gathered. On the side, I spotted Uncle Hizashi and Neji-niisan. Uncle was engaged in lively conversations, while Neji was overseeing the servants, ensuring everything was in order for the younger guests.

As we were brought to the center where Otou-sama stood, all eyes turned towards us. I glanced around and saw unfamiliar faces, along with many children my age who observed Haruto and me with curiosity. My gaze locked with that of an older black-haired boy with an earring, who was studying my brother intently. When he noticed me looking, he smiled gently, causing my cheeks to flush with shyness. In response, I offered a shy smile of my own.

Father then led us to the center of the room, and as he introduced us, a hush fell over the crowd.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for joining us on this joyous occasion. Allow me to present my son and heir, Hyuuga Haruto, and my beloved daughter, Hyuuga Hinata. Today, we celebrate their birthday, and I invite you all to bless them with your warm wishes."

The room erupted in applause, and I felt a mix of excitement and nerves as all eyes were on us. Father guided us through the crowd, introducing us to many important-looking individuals, until finally, Haruto-niisama and I were given the opportunity to mingle with kids our age.

I noticed a group of curious faces, recognizable as the heirs and heiresses of other prominent clans. Haruto-niisama seemed to notice them too and took the initiative to approach them first.

He walked up to a blond-haired boy with striking blue eyes, whom I recognized as Namikaze Naruto, the Hokage's son. Haruto-niisama greeted him with formality, "Greetings, you must be Namikaze Naruto, the Hokage's son. I am Hyuuga Haruto, and I would like to make your acquaintance."

[A/N: Okay here is the thing. Even though Minato is alive, technically Naruto's name should still be Uzumaki, as Namikaze isn't a clan. And children took the clan's name if there was one, like Izumi's case, where her father is a non Uchiha. But for the ease of reading, just going with Namikaze.]

I observed the other children's reactions, and they seemed a bit perplexed by Haruto-niisama's formal greeting. I started feeling nervous, unsure if he had said something wrong. I thought that was how Ko taught him to greet the heirs, but maybe it wasn't the right approach.

To ease the tension, I mustered up the courage to introduce myself as well. "H-hello," I stammered, "I-I am Hyuuga Hinata. It's a pleasure to meet you all."

There was a brief silence that made me even more anxious, but then a chuckle broke the tension. I looked up and saw the smiling older boy from earlier, smiling at us with amusement.

"Hello, Haruto and Hinata," he said gently. "You don't need to be so formal and stiff in front of your peers. Just express your desire to be friends, and I'm sure everyone will agree. Right, guys?"

The other children nodded enthusiastically, their smiles brightening the room.

The Yellow haired boy smiled brightly at us and said with enthusiasm, "Yatta! Lets be friends, Haruto and Hinata, come we were playing Ninja! You guys can join us!"

The other kids nodded.

Both Haruto-niisama and I couldn't help but feel surprised.

Was it that easy to make friends? I thought it was a very arduous process where we had to exchange benefits and such…

Perhaps Ko was mistaken?

But everyone seems genuine…

I looked at Haruto-niisama, who was still in disbelief looked at our father hoping for some guidance. However, Otou-sama appeared preoccupied with greeting other guests, leaving us to navigate this new social landscape on our own.

He looked a bit worried, but it was the older boy who gently patted both of us on the head and told us gently, "Its very easy to make friends. You just have to be honest with them and yourself. Now, do you guys want to play with them?"

Excitement filled me as I nodded eagerly. The boy chuckled once more and gently pushed us towards the group of kids, encouraging us to enjoy ourselves. As he walked away towards a group of older men, Haruto-niisama turned to me, his brows furrowed.

"Hinata... do you know who that was?" he asked, his voice tinged with curiosity.

I shook my head, unable to recall seeing any symbol that would identify his clan. Haruto-niisama continued, "According to Ko, he should be the heir of the Nara Clan. But Ko also said he was lazy and didn't take things seriously."

I couldn't help but interject, my voice filled with denial, "But he seemed really nice, didn't he?"

My brother nodded.

Haruto-niisama's serious expression softened, and he turned to me, speaking thoughtfully, "Perhaps not everything Ko says is entirely accurate, especially about making friends. Let's see for ourselves, Hinata."

I agreed wholeheartedly, smiling in agreement.

From the yard, a boisterous boy with fang tattoos on his face called out to us, "What are you two waiting for? Come join us!"

With excitement bubbling inside us, we knew it was our moment to join in the thrilling game of Ninjas!


December 27th, Year 68, Hokage Tower

[Minato's PoV]


While the Hyuuga Compound was filled with festivities during the Hyuuga Twins' birthday party, a different atmosphere hung heavy in the meeting room where I, along with my advisors and the ANBU Commander, sat in discussion with the Kumo Delegates.

"And with this, I believe Hokage-sama will sign the treaty. The terms are well thought out, and both of our nations stand to benefit greatly from this agreement," the leader of the Kumo Delegates confidently declared.

The terms indeed appeared favorable, almost too favorable for both parties involved. It seemed unusual for Kumo to be so reasonable in their negotiations.

"Thank you for presenting these terms, dear Ambassador. I will discuss them with my advisors and provide our final decision during tomorrow's meeting, if that is acceptable to all," I responded with a polite smile.

As the delegates bowed and left the room, I couldn't help but slump back in my chair, letting out a frustrated groan. Something about all of this just didn't add up.

"This doesn't make any sense," I voiced my confusion to the room.

"Indeed... These conditions are exceptional for both nations, almost suspiciously so," Shikaku remarked, studying the papers with a skeptical expression.

I let out a soft sigh, revisiting the documents once more. Lady Tsunade then spoke up, her concern evident in her voice, "Have we uncovered any suspicious activities? What about the reports regarding Orochimaru?"

At that moment, Sensei emerged from his hidden position and spoke grimly, "I received information that Orochimaru, along with another rogue ninja, was sighted in a Kumo town. However, after that sighting, there have been no further updates. As for his involvement with the delegates... I'm doubtful. Despite the barrier not being a hindrance for Orochimaru, we have maintained constant surveillance on them. If anything were amiss, we would be aware. It's possible that this was a false alarm."

Though Sensei claimed it was a false alarm, his expression betrayed his uncertainty. The ANBU Commander added, "My squads have not detected any unusual activity either. It's too quiet... unnervingly quiet..."

We all knew that such silence often signified impending danger.

As the shadows swirled behind me, Kuro emerged, or I should say one of his clones.

His expression was unusually serious, and I knew he had something important to share. Everyone in the room turned their attention to him, waiting patiently for him to speak.

With deliberate words, Kuro began, "Perhaps that's what they were after."

I furrowed my brow, aware that Kuro never spoke without careful consideration. There was a reason behind his statement. I listened intently, as did the others.

Closing his eyes momentarily, Kuro continued, "The main body speculated that Kumo would target someone at the Hyuuga party. I'm not sure why he thought that, but that's why he went there personally. However, we had considered other possibilities. What if they want us to focus on the Kumo delegates, creating suspicion, while they themselves carry out their true intentions elsewhere? What if they are already at their desired location, while we remain here fixated on the Kumo delegation?"

His words hung in the air, weighing heavily on all of us. If Kuro's theory was accurate, we had been playing right into their hands, oblivious to their true objective.

Before I could respond, Shikaku interjected, his voice direct and to the point, "Do you have contingency plans in place?" The question held immense significance, evident by the weight it carried.

Kuro didn't answer directly, but a smile passed between him and his father. It was a silent affirmation, and the reassurance on their faces spoke volumes.

Exhaling a sigh, I turned my attention back to Kuro. "All of your clones bear the mark, correct?"

He nodded with a smile, confirming that they did.

Feeling a sense of relief, I returned the smile and said, "I'll be counting on you, Kuro."

The boy in question was about to say something but stopped, and we all knew what that meant.


December 27th, Year 68, Sarutobi Residence

[Hiruzen's PoV]


As Biwako and I sat, engrossed in our conversation about our daily lives, one of the ANBU guards responsible for our safety suddenly appeared before us. My surprise was evident as I questioned, "Parrot, is there something wrong? Did the Hokage request my presence?"

However, the response I received chilled me to the core. The voice that emerged from beneath the ANBU mask was one I never thought I would hear again, a voice that represented my shame. "Fufufufuufu, Ah, Sensei... How quaint to see you still clinging to your feeble life," came the unmistakable voice of Orochimaru.

With wide eyes, I stared at the ANBU operative, realizing that it was none other than the monster I had once called my student. "Orochimaru..."

His tone dripping with disdain, Orochimaru continued, "So you can still recognize me, sensei. How delightful. Ah, I see that your beloved wife is with you as well. Even better."

Instinctively, I pushed Biwako behind me, determined to shield her from any harm. There was no way I would allow Orochimaru to lay a finger on her. With a fiery gaze, I declared, "What is it that you want? Last time, I showed you mercy for the sake of our shared past. But this time, you will not receive the same courtesy from me!"

Orochimaru's response was laced with a sinister amusement. "Is that so? And pray tell, how do you plan to stop me? Hmm?" He slowly removed the ANBU mask, revealing his twisted features.

"What have you done to my ANBU guards?" I inquired, though deep down, I already knew the answer. Still, a small part of me held onto the hope that Orochimaru hadn't crossed the point of no return.

A wicked smile curved his lips as he replied, "Oh, them? Fufufufufu, well, they reside within the stomach of the Shinigami, of course. And unless you comply with my demands, you shall join them, sensei." His eyes gleamed with a dangerous intensity.

Fear gripped my heart, not for myself, but for Biwako. While I still harbored the belief that I could fend off the wayward student who had become my adversary, I couldn't guarantee the safety of my wife.

With a deep breath, I mustered the courage to address the fiend before me, "What is it that you want, Orochimaru?"

His laughter filled the air, oozing with a sickening disgust. "Nothing much... Just the scroll of seals, if you may," he sneered, extending his hands towards me.

Though I maintained a calm facade, panic began to churn within me. How did he know about the scroll? They were kept securely with the Hokage, entrusted to Minato. Orochimaru's knowledge of their whereabouts was troubling.

"Don't be ridiculous, Orochimaru. The scroll is in the possession of the Hokage, with Minato," I asserted confidently, hoping to sway him.

His laughter grew louder, filled with contempt. "Still the same obstinate old man, I see... But too bad for you. I know... better. Hand over the scroll or face the consequences," he hissed, his anger evident.

Cold sweat trickled down my back as I contemplated my next move. It was true that the scroll was in my possession, a decision made by Minato to test my trustworthiness and serve as a safeguard in situations like this. However, how did Orochimaru discover its true location?

"It doesn't matter how I know, sensei. But your time is running out. My companion... isn't as gentle," he taunted, his threat lingering in the air.

Without hesitation, I pulled Biwako close and leaped away, removing the pipe from my mouth as I activated one of the Sarutobi clan's signature jutsus, Fire Release: Ash Pile Burning. The flames erupted, engulfing our surroundings, aiming to cover our retreat and incinerate our assailants.

A deafening explosion echoed through the air as the ash pile burned brightly, but I knew our danger was far from over. Orochimaru materialized beside me, sword in hand, his intentions clear—to capture Biwako and use her as a hostage.

Determined to protect my wife, I swiftly maneuvered to the side, delivering a powerful kick to Orochimaru's form, disrupting his advance. Meanwhile, I bit my hand, drawing blood, and summoned forth the loyal Monkey King Enma.

"Hiruzen? Why have you summoned me?" the gruff voice of the Monkey King resonated through the chaos.

"No time, Enma! Help me protect Biwako. We have intruders," I urgently shouted, hoping that my previous jutsu had attracted some attention.

Enma wasted no time, his fierce gaze fixed on Orochimaru, as he swiftly moved to secure Biwako's safety. However, his path was intercepted by a mysterious figure with a large metallic tail.

"Forgive me, but this is purely business," the man declared coldly, his tail lashing out towards Enma. Forced to prioritize Biwako's protection, Enma released her, falling into Orochimaru's trap.

My heart sank as I witnessed Orochimaru's sinister smirk, his true intentions revealed. The supposed ally turned out to be a clone, allowing the real enemy to approach Biwako unhindered.

Fear gripped me. Was I going to lose the love of my life in an instant? Could the boy I once favored and mentored have become such a vile criminal?

I felt time slow to a crawl, my body paralyzed as I helplessly watched the metallic tail closing in on Biwako. But then, a miracle unfolded before my eyes.

Dark tendrils emerged, encasing Biwako in a protective cocoon before vanishing into the shadows, evading the metallic tail entirely. Relief washed over me. The Sage had intervened.

"Never in my mind did I think the 11th contingency plan would come into play. Holy mother of hell. I'm really starting to hate you, you troublesome Snake bastard," a voice echoed through the air, tinged with a mix of frustration and determination.

Though Kuro remained unseen, his presence was undeniable. He had orchestrated this rescue, ensuring Biwako's safety through his mastery of shadows.

As Orochimaru and his companion looked around in surprise, a resounding boom erupted, accompanied by blinding flashes of light.

Minato, Jiraiya, and Tsunade had arrived, their gazes filled with righteous fury. Jiraiya growled at Orochimaru, Minato looked at Orochimaru with disgust before shooting a wary gaze at the man with the metallic tail, and Tsunade regarded Orochimaru with utmost disgust.

Amidst the tension, Kuro's voice rang out once more, confident and unwavering, "I have secured the area. Neither of them is getting away."

We knew that his words marked the beginning of the battle, our enemies would face the consequences of their actions.

Holy hell that was so many PoVs, I tried to do something here… Starting from a more innocent pov to slowly buildup to something more drastic.

What motives do the Akatsuki have for the Scroll of seals? What motives might Orochi have for all this? Well, I won't tease you guys, as the next chapter will end this event. So, stay tuned!

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LuminouShadow LuminouShadow

What do we say to canon?- Go take a walk.

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