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37.5% Reborn my life in Harry Potter / Chapter 3: Chapter Three - Finding out the story

Chapitre 3: Chapter Three - Finding out the story




It was what was in that place, they still didn't know what to think about what they had just witnessed, the moan of one of the babies took them out of their trance state, Aro lowered his sight to the girls... daughters now he had daughters, he still didn't know how to take this unexpected news, he looked at his wife and found her in a state of shock.

While vampires can't cry it didn't stop them from expressing emotions, he knew that if his wife had a chance she would be crying right now.

He contemplated her in more detail and did not know how to explain the feeling he had when he saw her carry one of them who from now on were his daughters, she looked so beautiful, and he was very grateful to that voice that chose his wife and him for this.

He look once again to the girls and decided to protect them at any cost, but for that, he had to know more about where they came from to understand the girls, they were not normal either and he did not want to be unprepared for whatever might happen, his wife took him out of his ramblings.

Sulpicia - "Aro, we have daughters, finally I will have children and I will be able to see them grow up and I will know how it feels to be a mother" - As she said that, she became happier.

Aro - "It seems that way dear but they are not normal and we will have to find out more about that, you heard their mother they are ninjas and witches this is not to be taken lightly, we will have to investigate, perhaps in that bag that the girl had there is more information as she said there would be."

He was hoping there was something to go by without them having to wait for their daughters to be 3 years old.

Sulpicia nodded.

Sulpicia - "We'll see about that later with the others, for now, let's call Jane, and let's go quickly this place is not good for the girls."

She accommodated the baby she had in her arms, while Aro was in charge of calling Jane, who in seconds was already in front of him. She was very surprised to see the babies in the arms of their masters.

Jane - "My lady were these babies we came for?" - She ask still without removing her red gaze from the girls.

Sulpicia - "Yes, Jane, they are our daughters now, we will talk in more detail when we get to our home, they are as special as we are" - She said with a smile.

Jane accepted what her mistress had said and together they set out on their way back to Volterra.


Already in Volterra, they went to the throne room where they called the court, and also the wives of Caius and Marcus, all had already been informed of what had happened with Sulpicia.

They waited for her to return with some news, but they did not think that was real, so the surprise was immediate when they saw Aro, and Sulpicia enter with two babies in their arms accompanied by Jane who brought a bag with her.

The first to speak was Aro's brothers.

Caio - "Brother what does this mean? Was that voice genuine?" - He ask the newcomers.

Marcus - "Obviously it was, why do you think they have two babies in their arms" - He reluctantly answered the silly question said by his blond brother, he dedicated himself to sending him a bad look that he took care of completely ignoring.

Aro - "Calm down brothers, first we must put the girls in something to rest but it will have to be here, and now I will tell you why" - He rushed to say the latter when he saw that Caius was going to protest.

They all agreed and some vampires from the court were able to bring a bed from an empty room and put it in the middle of the room there they put the girls who were still sleeping, they saw how one of them began to stir uncomfortably and only calmed down when she felt her sister by her side and she got as close as she could to her and remained still, all this seen by the vampires in the room.

Marcus spoke again.

Marcus - "Well, brother? What happened?" - He asked the question that everyone wanted to ask, and paying attention to Aro, they saw how he was preparing to tell them everything.

Between Aro and Sulpicia, they took it upon themselves to tell everything, from what she felt to what they found in the park and how the girl was identical to Sulpicia, but she wasn't exactly from this world and so was everything the girl told them without omit absolutely nothing.

The room was plunged into a deep silence nobody said anything lost in their thoughts, and with various mixed feelings of confusion because they also couldn't believe that ninjas and witches were real and that those girls came from somewhere else, happiness for their Lady who she was chosen by magic and now she could be a mother, and finally a feeling equal to those of Aro, and Sulpicia, they would also protect those girls who at such a shortage they lost their family, a family they admired because of how far they went to protect their daughters, so far that they could travel to this world in exchange for their own lives, according to what they understood that the parents of the girls did.

Didime was the one who spoke first.

Didime - "Their family sacrificed themselves for them and they have chosen you Sulpicia, I promise that I will help you protect them from everything and everyone, we are their new family" - She said that as she approached her husband and he took her by the hand giving to understand that he also agreed.

Caio - "We are now their family, if my brother and his wife were chosen by the magic of that woman it is because that is how it should have been, we will also protect them, brother, after all, they are now my nieces."

This was also supported by his wife Atheodora, and the Guard also said that they would take care of the little daughters of their lords.

Aro nodded satisfied, although he felt happy for the support of all, he did not show it, but his wife did with a big smile and thanked everyone who was there, they also agreed to keep all this between them, since they didn't know at all what the girls could do, and the more they talked about what they knew about them.

Aro remembered the bag and asked Jane for it, and his surprise was great when he was able to take large rolls out of it, so he continued until they had more than 100 large and small rolls on the floor, "how could all of that fit in that little bag" was a general thought.

Marco - "Well, that bag had space, I guess that's proof that it has magic, don't you think?" - He threw his question into the air, still looking at those rolls on the ground.

Marco approached a notebook that was also on the ground and saw that it could be opened and was full of words that he did not know what it said at the time, he decided to pass it to Aro, and both were surprised that he could read and understand what he said there.

Caio - "I think that only the parents of the girls now can read what it says there, it's a language I don't know what it is, maybe it's unique in that world to which they belong, read it brother, maybe there's more information there" - When he finish talking it unconsciously confirm the doubts as to why they could not understand what was written.

Aro, now in agreement with what his brother said, began to look at the book more and saw that it indeed had a lot of information written by the girl's parents, he prepared to read it aloud so that everyone would listen.

Aro - "I don't know how to start this guide without feeling sad knowing that neither my wife nor I will be raising our princesses because that's what they are, princesses of our clan, here I will explain in detail the life of my wife and me, from where we are, who we are and what we were capable of doing and the strength that our girls possess, I am sure that if you can read this it is because you will never use them as weapons, much less leave them alone, we fully ensure that only the people who they swore to protect them would be able to read this, my wife will have looked for a way to find them and I am proud that she did."

- "I will introduce myself, my name is Hiro Uzumaki Senju, and I am a resident of the Konohagure village or better known as Konoha, the village hidden among the leaves, one of the great nations in this world, ours has the will of Fire, I belong to two clans the Uzumaki clan is a clan that was exterminated by three other Nations, the Uzumakis were known for their brutal strength, a force that was capable of knocking down mountains with one blow, our character was the most feared, we had a source of almost immeasurable chakra without limits, capable of doing jutsus with incredible strength" - Aro was interrupted by his brother.

Caio - "What is chakra supposed to be?"

Aro just rolled his eyes at how hasty his brother was.

Marco - "If you let him talk you would know what it is, please continue" - He said ignoring his brother's look again.

Aro prepared to continue.

Aro - "The Uzumaki clan had large dams of chakra, chakra is the basic energy source necessary for a ninja to generate a jutsu, a ninja produces chakra through the combination of two energies: physical energy is obtained from experience and training of the body, once created, the chakra travels through the body similar to the Circulatory System and is discharged into one of 361 different pano, the chakra can be manipulated to create supernatural effects, such as walking on water."

Everyone was surprised by that fact.

Didime - "Does it mean that ninjas can walk on water and if the babies learn to dominate it they will be able to do it too?" - She hurried to ask.

Sulpicia - "It seems that they will be able to do it, continue dear."

He settled down to continue reading.

Aro - "But that does not end there, then there is the concept of manipulating nature, altering the quality of the chakra, the manipulation of nature allows the ninja, after certain training, to transform his chakra into one of the five elements: earth, water, fire, wind, and lightning, each element is more powerful than the previous one; For example, fire is weak against water, but it can easily counteract wind-based jutsu."

- "All ninjas have a special attraction to one of the five elements. In the scrolls some papers will let them know which ones the girls have, each element allows them to use jutsus of that type more easily."

- "Ninjas with an affinity to fire, therefore, can resist and inhale fire rather than manipulate water. A skilled ninja can learn how to use the other items, my wife was one of those who could use all of them" - Up to this point, everyone was more than surprised.

Marco - "Ninjas are extremely strong beings from what I see, capable of mastering several elements or even all of them, that world must live in wars." - Everyone looked at him without understanding and he set out to explain. - "Having such power never leads to anything good, That has just been demonstrated by the parents of the girls when they died to protect them" - He commented after a while of silence.

Aro - "I will continue reading to see what else we can find out, then we will write down everything important to know how to train them, taking into account that it will be necessary to understand what they are." - His wife and the others agreed to that.

He continued reading.

- "Once said what chakra is, you will understand that people who possess such energy in abundance are clearly stronger, we Uzumakis were capable of spending more than three days fighting non-stop in the field of war, we were known for excellent censors, we possessed Kekkei Genkai, these are blood gifts that only a few clans possessed, ours were the kagura eye, it is the ability to be censors capable of perceiving people at a radius of more than 300 meters away, we could also read their emotions and know if they were person was good or not and whether he lied to us or not, we also possessed something that many wanted to take over are the kongo fusa or commonly called Diamantina chains, This jutsu consists of the user's chakra being molded in the form of chains that protrude from the back, which after materializing, can be used for different purposes, such as physically restricting a target or fighting directly through the use of these chains, and these chains are so strong that they are capable of tearing apart humans as well and are practically impenetrable, an absolute barrier."

They no longer knew how to remain neutral in the face of such information.

Caio - "That's incredible chains that come out of your body it's a good gift" - He commented in amazement. - "Continue brother I want to know more about that clan.

Aro - "We were also famous for the seals, you can see this in the scrolls once they are opened, my grandmother Mito Uzumaki was very feared and known for being able to fight in war only using seals from our clan, she earned her fame, we were also master in the sword, many of them chose us, others could be used by several ninjas, those that chose us were swords with their own thought and only they chose those who were worthy to wield them, we were great warriors so much so that three Nations united against us."

- "They feared us, therefore, both nations sent thousands of their men to attack the village of the whirlpool where the Uzumakis lay, but although that day was an extinction, not all of us died, the Uzumakis once again demonstrated why they were feared, they fought with courage and of the thousands of men who went to attack only 10 of the three Nations returned alive, Uzu was destroyed but those who survived scattered throughout the world, moving the name or using a Jutsu to change their appearance and not be discovered we are known for our unique red hair color in my village only my grandmother, who died, I and another Uzumaki live and the rest is around the world."

- "You will understand that my girls possibly possess the Kongo fusa and the eye of Kagura with the scrolls you will be able to know it and how to make them master them well, then there is my other clan the founder of Konoha the SENJU clan, my grandfather Hashirama Senju was known for his element, he was the only ninja in the world to possess the Wood element known as mokuton, which with fused water and earth obtained such an element, capable of creating entire forests, villages and wooden pillars so large that they could stop a strong impact and come out unharmed. I possessed the same element but that was a secret that only my cousin, my wife, my teacher, and someone else knew, and now whoever reads this diary."

- "Possessing the wood element is something difficult so it is envied, and sought after by many, that was the reason why I hid it, in the scrolls there is more about that element than there is the brother of my grandfather Tobirama Senju he possessed the element of water, it was said that he created a pact with him sea ​​that's why he was able to invoke water wherever it is, he was the creator of various techniques of my village that you will see in the scrolls as well as those of Hashirama, he died in an ambush protecting his students my grandfather Hashirama died in a duel with his best friend Madara Uchiha, he was the other founder of Konoha."

- "I will leave a photo of myself so that one day you can show it to my daughters, please."

Aro finished reading and turned another page and saw the portrait of the man who was the father of the girls and showed them to the others, they saw the characteristic red hair that he said belonged to the Uzumakis a black suit, and a tattoo on his left arm.




Caio - "Wow, that's the one who wrote the diary and owner of such power" - He comment after looking at the photo.

Atheodora - "I guess now comes the life of his wife, the woman you saw in the park" - She ask something anxious to know about the ninja witch, and everyone paid attention to Aro again, so that he would continue reading and he did so.

Aro - "I suppose that now is the story of my beloved, that is somewhat more complicated, her past is a little further back, her ancestors belonged to the world where my daughters are now, that is, the world of which you are reading this." - Aro stopped reading for a minute when he saw the confusion on his brothers' faces.

Marco - "Does it mean that wizards and witches come from this world? How is it that we haven't heard from them?" - He kept asking.

Didime - "I guess that just as we hide, they do too" - She answered her husband's question.

Caio - "Another question is how they got into that world of ninjas."

And because of these questions, they stayed silent there Aro continued reading.

Aro - "There was a time when Squibs began to be born among the magical community, which means wizards who are born without magic. They have a magical core but it does not contain magic. This happens when the magical family does not renew the blood. To preserve the blood, they married cousins ​​calling themselves purebloods."

Félix - "Did they marry within the family? That is not forbidden?" - He ask something disgusted to know that.

Sulpicia - "I guess it's not among them because as it says there, they did it to preserve the pure blood" - Sulpicia finished, who was next to the girls who were still sleeping oblivious to everything that was happening.

Aro - "There are many families of wizards as well as in my world many clans that to preserve the name do not join other clans but just like the ninjas, the wizards also make the exception and to increase their fortune they make arranged half-bloods with other pureblood families that are a form of blood renewal because when the family does not renew the blood, the magic is not renewed either and is lost in the generations thus creating the squibs."

- "There are also other categories are those already mentioned, the half-blood comes in three ways the first from a wizard or witch who produces with a muggle which means a non-magical person, and together thus creating a half-blood, then there are the children of both parents magical but one is a Half-Blood born in the way explained above, they are also cataloged half-bloods and this last way is that one of the parents is a pure blood and the other is a Muggle-born, that is, a wizard or witch who was born into a Muggle family."

- "The purebloods call these last wizards mud-blood because neither of their parents has magic and they say that their blood is dirty when in fact it is the opposite, their blood and magic are one of the cleanest because they do not have any mixture of relatives nor other families but they don't know how to see this, my wife's ancestors were squibs and in their time they were hunted as animals as well as muggles or muggle-borns."

- "That's why two wizards from the family to which my wife belonged were the only ones who saw beyond a few simple squibs, they found out why they were born like that and why Muggle-borns were born, and when they found out why it was already a little late, the hunt began."

- "They were killing all the Squibs, so they created a ritual to take them to a different world, at that time they did not think about the consequences they simply wanted to save their relatives without magic, the ritual was carried out, in the middle of the ritual it is said that a higher entity appeared, this one announced himself as Cronos the God of time, he told them that he would let them pass from one world to another but it would not be easy, they had to give something in return the squibs had nothing to offer but money and books. It was then that the two wizards present offered their soul and magic in exchange for their family being taken out of there, this God accepted the offer and sent them to a world where no one would find them and then took both wizards."

- "The squibs were able to adapt to this world, they were able to learn our culture, way of speaking, about the ninjas and the Nations that were here, they settled in Konoha where they created their clan and as time passed they married ninjas of the village, the children born of this union were born with more resistance than usual their chakra was stronger creating new generations of ninjas, but they did not possess magic this was only until my wife's family married members of the Uchiha clan the clan from the other founder of Konoha in the process, ninjas who possessed magic were emerging, thus making a new family branch, these ninjas were instructed in magic thanks to the books that the previous wizards gave to the squibs in case they had children with magic, the books helped a lot and so the story of how they got here was passing from ninjas to ninjas of that family."

- "My wife's family created very strong ninjas because the Uchiha have a great Kekkei Genkai called Sharingan" - Aro, again was interrupted by his brother.

Caio - "Shari what? What is that a disease or what?" - He said confused.

Marco - "Sharingan moron, if you listen well, and since he also has a blood power, the mother of the girls also has it, see if you pay more attention, continue" - He finishes saying.

Aro - "Sharingan, literally (Rotating Copying Eye) is one of the three great Doujutsus and kekkei Genkai of the Uchiha clan of Konoha, I want you to pay attention to this because you must know it."

Everyone paid even more attention as it said there.

- "This is not obtained at birth, as inheriting the Sharingan is rare even among members of the Uchiha Clan itself. Instead, it is activated when an Uchiha suffers intense emotions after experiencing the loss of love or despair, although there are cases like of my wife that it was for training and feelings of happiness, causing a certain chakra to sprout in her brain that affects the optic nerve, and causes a change in her eyes, that is the eye that reflects feelings, known as the Sharingan."

- "After the first time this Kekkei Genkay is used, the person can use it whenever they want, make sure my daughters wake it up in the best way possible, otherwise they will sink into hatred and resentment for the rest of their lives" - When he finished speaking, his wife was the first to speak again.

Sulpicia - "We have to be careful about that, I don't want my daughters to suffer to obtain that power, much less that they become bad girls" - She said with fear.

Aro - "Don't worry dear here it says that with training and with happy emotions you can also wake it up" - He said to the relief of his wife and when he saw her well he resumed his reading. - "After its first appearance, the user can use the Sharingan at any time they please. It is also possible to transplant the Sharingan from one person to another" - This confused them.

Marco - "Those eyes can be passed to another person? Does that mean that if you pass it to someone who is not an Uchiha, it still works?" - He asked even more confused.

Aro, to understand more continue reading.

Aro - "If you think about how that is possible because in some members it happens when an Uchiha is about to die and does not want his Sharingan to fall into the wrong hands, they usually take their eyes out and give them to the closest person, a son, brother, best friend, husband or wife."

- "The Sharingan has many forms and abilities, these will be in the scrolls from the age of 6, they may awaken the Sharingan, my wife had one of the most powerful thanks to her magic."

- "There is a stage where the Sharingan evolves, this last stage is called Mangekyo Sharingan, there are few Uchiha who reach such stage but as you use it you are left without the possibility of seeing, that is where eye transplants come in if you succeed that another Sharingan user who also reached that stage can give you his eyes and you yours to him both acquire the infinite Mangekyo Sharingan that one even stronger than the previous one and without the problem of leaving you blind."

- "My wife woke them both up and thanks to her magic she didn't need a transplant and if the girls get it they won't have such a problem either. My wife managed to unite both forces, chakra, and magic, making her a ninja of respect and with great impact."

- "Something you should know about the girls is that they acquired the magical power of their mother and it is metamorphomagic, my wife had total control of it and could keep her real black hair color but it is possible that the girls began to change color from hair and do not have one definitively until in the future they can master it, they can change their appearance and also become various animals if they train well. In the magical world is something very envied and yearned, so if one day they go to it, take care of them because they are possibly the last metamorphomages of the magical world."

- "That and the fact that I am a Senju and an Uzumaki were the main factors that they wanted to capture our girls and turn them into weapons for the village, we found out that they would attack us on a specific day, and we decided to pack everything in scrolls and seal them, there are scrolls that I have managed to obtain from the village tower, scrolls considered dangerous with the help of my wife we ​​got all of them, we knew we would die therefore we made sure that the scrolls with the most powerful techniques of our clans disappeared along with our daughters."

- "I appreciate the fact that you can read this and are willing to take care of my daughters, you will have our gratitude for life, please tell our daughters that we love them and that we do this for their good and for them to be happy this is a photo of my wife Kansaki Uchiha Senju and may our daughters forgive us for not being able to be with them" - Aro ended reading.

He looked at the other pages and saw that they were just more references that he would later analyze with his brothers. He looked at the portrait of that woman who was identical to his wife and showed it to the others who were also surprised by the girl's appearance.




Didime - "Was she the one you saw in the park? It's identical to you Sulpicia, it's incredible" - She said in amazement and the rest agreed with her.

Dimitri - "There he says that they will change their hair color frequently and that they will become various animals, due to the magic of their mother" - Said and called everyone's attention and continued speaking - "But he also says that in the magical world possibly already there are no more like them, does that mean that many people will be envious or greedy for their power?" - He asks now addressing his master, Aro, he thought about it for a moment also analyzing that.

Aro - "Let's hope that in the scrolls there is a way they can control it and thus hide it from others, and hopefully by then they know how to defend themselves" - He ended by responding thus giving continuity to more talk about what was discussed and they decided to wait until those scrolls open and they can help them with anything.

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