On another side of the forests, there was another group hard at training, and they were led by the very strong orc.
Going outside the walls was allowed, even if they didn't meet the level requirements, as long as they were within the visuals of the sentry towers and watchmen.
Speaking of, Gochi was a very popular hunting partner to hire. Not only was he very strong, but he was unique and just hit all the curiosity buttons of the Terrans. He also had some knowledge of plants and had stronger senses, so no one would get poisoned when they were with him.
Gochi also got his own fan group. They called themselves… the Furries.
At some point, it got as large as Oslo's and Fable's fangroups. Gochi only found out when he was summoned to handle a commotion at the market, only to find out it was a… fan war.
Long chaps to make up for the 1 chapter yesterday~!
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