Devojka je gledala kroz prozor u daljinu i nije mogla da dođe sebi od prizora koji je videla sve je bilo belo, sneg je pokrio sve,ali nije to bilo naj čudnije nego što se nalazila u nepoznatom prostoru i da ni je baš sva svoja hoće to od mamurluka.
Ipak se lepo provela sa ekipom predhodne noći izlazili su od kafane do diskoteke celu noć. Ništa joj nije bilo jasno samo da je sve izgledalo izgledalo kao zamak sa malim gradom oko sebe.
Jedno je samo znala da u sred leta nema snega jedino na planinama, a činilo joj se da tu nema ni struje i da nema ni kanalizacija nije mogla da vidi ni autobuske stanice niti je videla parking mesta , sve je izgledalo kao turistička atrakcija srednjeg veka.
Ona koja živi za internet i struju kao i svi ljudi koje ona poznaje nikad ne bi izašli na mesta gde nema struje i interneta.
Onda joj se razbi trulo u glavi i polako se okrenula ka krevetu koji je bio raskošan, I sama soba je bila veličine njene kuće ako ne i veća.
Pogledom je gledala da li je u sobi sama ili ima nekog još sa njom, nije bilo nikoga bila je sama.
Opet je počela da gleda ali ovog puta je pogledom tražila njene stvari i videla je svoju tašnu i letnji mantil koji je izgledao sasvim obično i nekorisno.
Nalazili su se na jednoj stolici pored hrastovog stola koji je izgledao u stilu Luja 14 u baroknom stilu.
Uzele je svoje stvari i pokušala je da se obuče ubrzo je shvatila da ne može da ga obuče.
Onda je bila još više zbunjena i krenula da skida odeću sa sebe.
Na njoj je bila čudna haljina koja je izgledala kao iz starih filmova Prohujalo sa Vihorom, Orhanski Visovi, Gordost i Predrasude, odeća je bila u istom stilu kao i soba kao da je neko zidu tapetu napravio u haljinu.
Počela je da traži svoje stvari po sobi brzo ali pažljivo i ne čujno, našla svoju garderobu i obukla se.
Onda je sredila sobu za sobom i stavila haljinu u orman gde je našla svoje stvari.
Onda je krenula u izviđanje za ostalom ekipom iz diskoteke imala je osećaj da treba da se šunja po zamku kao hrčak.
Uspešno je izašla napolje iz zamka.
Onda je nastavila da traži izlaz kroz baštu zamka sve do sela koje je videla kroz prozor zamka.
Tražila je da li u selu ima neko ko je slično obučen njoj sa patikama farmerkama šljokičastom tunikom i mantilom, ali sve je bilo uzalud nije našla ni jednu osobu, da li su svi bili u kući na ručku ili tako nešto.
Onda se setila da proveri svoj telefon.
Imala je dovoljno baterije i kredita da pozove pomoć.
Prvo je nazvala najbolju drugaricu Đoanu ali nije joj se javljala i odbijala je njen poziv.
Jedini drugi broj koji je znala bio je od picerije gde je radila povremeno i pitala ih je da li mogu da joj pomognu.
Objasnila je ljudima u picerije da ne zna gde se nalazi da zna svoje ime Mandarina i zašto je dobila to ime i kako je dobila to ime. Ljudi u picerije su znali da je Mandarina odgovorna osoba i poštena, zato su pozvali policiju u njeno ime, ona ima je dala svoj broj telefona.
Policija je nazvala Mandarin una njen telefon.
Mandarina se javila na telefon i upitala gde se nalazim,
Policajca po imenu Magda joj je rekla da se nalazi u Švajcarskoj u Alpima.
Onda je Mandarinavkrenula da objašnjava kako se probudila i počela da bude svesna sebe kada je bila kraj prozora i videla sneg i malivgradić sa zamkom. I dok je pričala šaputala je i brzo je govorila i dalje je pokušala da izađe iz sela nekako se iskobeljala i bila je u šumi to je šokiralo svevu policiskoj stanici.
Onda ju je Magda savetovala ako Mandarina ima kod sebe powerbank i da stavi telefon na čuvanje baterije režim rada i da ostane na vezi bez prekida razgovora, Magdina koleginica je zvala švajcarsku i objasnila im je situaciju.
Magdi je sinulo u glavi kao neka lampica da možda ne treba da veruje ni policiji čak pošto je moguće da se radi o belom roblju.
Onda je dala dalja upustva Mandarini ako ima maramu da stavi na glavu i da proba da se pravi da je neko drugi.
Mandarina je tako i uradila.
Mandarina je imala maramu u tašni i punjač na solarnu energiju nešto šminke,našminkala sebonako kako joj je Magda rekla.
I krenula je dalje po upustvu bez prekidanja veze probila se kroz sneg i gustu šumu sve do puta joji je vodio nazad u selo Magda joj je savetovala da izgleda kao da ide ka selu i zamaku zato je nije navodila na put da zavaraju trag.
Baš u tom momentu prošao je policiski auto koji je išao ka zamku pošto je Mandarina bila na vezi sa Magdom policoski auto se nije ni zaustavio da pitaju da li joj treba pomoć.
Magda je savetovala da ide upravcu odekle je taj automobil došao ali da ne ide putem nego dole sa strane.
Magdina intuicija je spasila Mandarinu jer je policija bila umešana u kidnapovanje.
Mandarina je stigla do prvog sela za nekoliko sati i pitala je gde se nalazi autobuska stsnica.
Seljaci su je uputili u pravcu odakle je došla, onda se mandarina setila šta joj je savetovala Magda da pita.
Mandarina je upitala gde se nalazi železnička stanica, znajuči da ispred mora da bude i autobuska stanica.
Seljaci su je uputili na suprotnu stranu od prvobitnih upustva za autobusku stanicu.
Mandarina je pratila Magdina upustva jer nije znala ko je sve umešan.
Mandarina je kupila vodi,par baterija, limenku koka kole, mentos, čips pringles, plazma keks, i morsku so.
Mandarina uvek je nosila tašnu za kampovanje koje nisu izgledale na tašne za kampovanje.
Srećom niko nije znao da ona uvek nosi odeću koja je praktična i može da bude za kampovanje čak ni njena najbolja drugarica Đžoana nije znala.
Mandarina jek renula dalje i stigla do železničke stanice, naravno ispred je bila autobuska stanica koja je bila lokalnog karactera.
Kada je ušla u železničku stanicu prvu osobu je pitala gde je toalet WC.
WC se nalazio pored izlaza sa desne strane, ušla je u toalet umila se i opet našminkala i promenula izgled osećala se kao kriminalac.
Njeni dokumenti su bili kod nje sakriveni u rancu koji je izgledao kao haljina a njene pantalone su mogle da se sastave sa mantilom i naprave šator.
Imala je i kompresovano ćebe koje samo treba da dobije vodu da bi bilo opet normalno.
Skinula se i obukla top, biciklističke i mantil i stavila kapuljaču jer je oprala kosu i odmah dobila novu boju kose, pošto pre izlaska stavila je ljubičastu boju sa crvenim štraftama i plavim krajevima.
Mandarinina boja kose je sad bila njena prirodna boja Mandarine, njena mama joj je dala ime Mandarina zbog boje kose.
Mandarina je ubrzo ušla u voz i dalje je bila na vezi Sa Magdom, imale su neki čudan osećaj ako ostane da čeka autobus može opet da bude kidnapovana.
Magda znajući da Mandarina ima kompresno ćebe rekla je da se ogrne njime i da se ponaša kao da ide na Love Parade u Nemačkoj, Mandarina je tako i uradila presvukla se opet u WC-u voza i opet promenula šminku i maramu je vezala oko glave a mantil je spakovala i sad joj je tašna izgledala kao da ide na Love Parade u Nemačkoj.
A za to vreme na Železničkoj stanici se pojavio neki crni Džip sa dva tipa koji su sevpredstavljali kaovpolicajci koji jure kriminalističku grupu i da jedna devojka iz grupe je pobegla njen trag je nestao u Švajcarskoj.
Magda je krenula da joj priča dalji plan i savet da siđe u Nemačkom gradu koji nije odmah blizu granice sa Švajcarskom.
Sada joj je bio cilj da stigne do Berlina do Američke Ambasade.
U prvom gradu u koji je stigla uzela mapu cele nemačke mapu grada i našla je hotel koji nije naj upadljiviji.
U hotelu je prvi put prekinula vezu sa Magdom i dogovorila se da će je nazvati sutra sa novim informacijama.
Okupala se i odmah je osetila olakšanje, onda je tek došla sebi, stavila je telefon i powerbank da se pune i legla da spava.
Magda joj je dala savet da kupi novi telefon i kupi novu sim karticu i da ostane u tom gradu 3 dana, Mandarina je takoi uradila.
Sa telefonske govornice nazvala je kuči roditelje i u kratkim crtama objasnila šta se desilo, i da joj treba još para kako bi stigla do ambasade.
Kupila je haljinu majicu helanke jednu trenerku kardogian patike i jednevbaletanke spremala se polako ali sigurno da stigne do Berlina.
U sledeći grad je išla autobusom,kad je stigla našla je pijacu i prodala je neke od svojih stvari kao bi mogla da kupi nove krpice.
Stigla je u Berlin Magdin predlog je bio da ostane 7 dana prvo da izvidi kako da stigne do Američke Ambasade.
Kupila je mapu Berlina i šetala je da nađe Ambasadu.
Kad je otišla ispred Ambasade rekla je šta joj se desilo i bila je na liniji sa Magdom, Mandarina je predala folmulare i papire, brzo je bila sprovedena u jednu prostoriju gde je opisala kako joj se činilo sve kao san i nije joj bilo jasno kako je iz Nujorka stigla do Švajcarskog grada.
Mandarinina mandarina je sve objasnila što je znala, agenti su odmah krenuli u potragu za 10 ljudi koji su bili ekipa iz diskoteke, posle 3 dana pronašli su skoro celu ekipu, bez Džoane koja se nije javljala nikome iz ekipe.
Onda jedna od agenata iz ambasade rekla da je možda Džoana devojka koju pokušavaju da uhvate 20 godina koja Krijumčari belo roblje iz Amerike.
Mandarina nije mogla da veruje šta čuje onda se setila da pozove svoju mamu jer su bile nerazdvojne drugarive iz detinstva.
Magdina mama je uključila facebook i poslala slike da su se družile od pete godine do desete godine, Džoane je nestala, i pojavila se pre pet godina.
One su bile opet najbolje drugarice, Mandarina nije mogla da veruje da neko ko je dobar može da bude zao i krenula je da plače, utom trenutku zvoni telefon.
Magda javlja da su pronašli Džoanu u Čikagu kao medecinsku sestru koja radi tamo povremeno.
Mandarina je još više bila tužna, Džoana se nije nadala da je Mandarina dobro i na sigurnom.
Džoana je krenula da se boji od ljudi koji su kupili 10 devojka od nje. Da grupa je bila 11 devojaka.
Policija je uspela da uhapasi ljude koji su kupili 10 devojaka od Džoane i njene roditelje kohi su bili u toj organizaciji.
Mandarina se zahvalila policiji i piceriji, a pogotovo se zahvalila Magdi koja je po malo bila vidovita i koja je svojim brzim razmišljanjem spasila Mandarinu od kidnapovanja i ko zna još čega.
Mandarina je nastavila posao u Piceriji i nastavila da se druži sa ostalih 9 devojaka ali više im nije palo napamet da izlaze tako kao su izlazole. Prvih par godina dok organizacija nije propala sasvim policija je pratila 10 devojaka kao da su kriminalci ali imali su dobar osećaj još par puta su pokušali da ih otmu bezuspešno.
Magda je govorila svima kako da stignu do same srži ili korena kriminalističke organizacije trajalo je to 2 godine.
The girl looked out of the window into the distance and could not come to terms with the scene she saw, everything was white, the snow covered everything, but it was not the strangest thing than that she was in an unknown space and that she wasn't quite herself, she wanted it from a hangover.
Still, she had a great time with the crew the night before, they went out from the bar to the disco all night. Nothing was clear to her except that everything looked like a castle with a small town around it.
She only knew one thing that in the middle of summer there was no snow, only on the mountains, and it seemed to her that there was no electricity and no sewerage, she could not see bus stations or parking spaces, everything looked like a tourist attraction of the Middle Ages.
She who lives for the internet and electricity, like all the people she knows, would never go out to places where there is no electricity or internet.
Then the rot in her head broke and she slowly turned towards the bed which was luxurious, and the room itself was the size of her house if not bigger.
She looked to see if she was alone in the room or if there was someone else with her, there was no one, she was alone.
She started looking again but this time she looked for her belongings and saw her purse and summer coat which looked quite plain and useless.
They were on a chair next to an oak table that looked like a Louis XIV baroque style.
She took her things and tried to get dressed soon realized she couldn't get him dressed.
Then she was even more confused and began to take off her clothes.
She was wearing a strange dress that looked like something from the old movies Gone with the Wind, Pride and Prejudice, the clothes were in the same style as the room, as if someone had made the wallpaper into a dress.
She started looking for her things around the room quickly but carefully and inaudibly, found her wardrobe and got dressed.
Then she cleaned the room after herself and put the dress in the closet where she found her things.
Then she started scouting for the rest of the disco team, she had a feeling that she should sneak around the castle like a hamster.
She successfully got out of the castle.
Then she continued to look for a way out through the castle garden until she reached the village she had seen through the castle window.
She searched if there was anyone in the village who was dressed similarly to her with sneakers, jeans, a sequined tunic and a coat, but it was all in vain, she didn't find a single person, were they all at home for lunch or something.
Then she remembered to check her phone.
She had enough battery and credit to call for help.
First, she called her best friend Joana, but she did not answer and refused her call.
The only other number she knew was from the pizzeria where she worked part time and she asked them if they could help her.
She explained to the pizzeria people that she didn't know where she was, that she knew her name Mandarina and why she got that name and how she got that name. The people at the pizzeria knew that Mandarina was a responsible and honest person, that's why they called the police on her behalf, she has her phone number.
The police called Tangerine on her phone.
answered the phone and asked where I was,
A police officer named Magda told her that she was in Switzerland in the Alps.
Then Mandarin turned to explain how she woke up and became aware of herself when she was by the window and saw snow and a small town with a castle. And while she was talking she was whispering and she was speaking fast and she still tried to get out of the village somehow she got lost and was in the forest which shocked the whole police station.
Then Magda advised her that if has a powerbank with her, she should put her phone in battery saver mode and stay connected without interrupting the conversation, Magda's colleague called Switzerland and explained the situation to them.
It dawned on Magda like a light bulb that maybe she shouldn't trust the police either, even since it's possible that they're dealing with a white slave.
Then she gave further instructions to Mandarin if she had a scarf to put on her head and try to pretend to be someone else.
Tangerine did just that.
Mandarina had a scarf in her purse and a solar charger, some make-up, she put on make-up exactly as Magda told her.
And she continued following the instructions without breaking the connection, she made her way through the snow and thick forest all the way to the road that led back to the village. Magda advised her to look like she was going to the village and the castle, that's why she didn't lead her on the road to mislead the trail.
Just at that moment, a police car passed by that was going to the castle, since Mandarina was on the phone with Magda, the police car didn't even stop to ask if she needed help.
Magda advised to go to the manager where that car came from, but not to go down the road, but down the side.
Magda's intuition saved Mandarina because the police were involved in the kidnapping.
Mandarina reached the first village in a few hours and asked where the bus stop was.
The peasants pointed her in the direction she came from, then the mandarin remembered what Magda had advised her to ask.
Tangerine asked where the train station was, knowing that there must be a bus station in front.
The villagers directed her to the opposite side of the original directions to the bus station.
Mandarina followed Magda's instructions because she didn't know who was involved.
Mandarina bought water, a couple of batteries, a can of Coca Cola, Mentos, Pringles chips, plasma biscuits, and sea salt.
Tangerine always carried a camping bag that didn't look like a camping bag.
Fortunately, no one knew that she always wears clothes that are practical and can be used for camping, not even her best friend Joanna.
Tangerine ran on and reached the train station, of course there was a local bus station in front.
When she entered the train station, she asked the first person where the toilet was.
The toilet was located next to the exit on the right side, she entered the toilet, washed herself and again put on makeup and changed her appearance, feeling like a criminal.
Her documents were hidden with her in a backpack that looked like a dress and her pants could be put together with a coat to make a tent.
She also had a compressed blanket that just needs to get water to be normal again.
She undressed and put on a top, cycling shoes and a coat and put on a hood because she washed her hair and immediately got a new hair color, since before going out she put on a purple color with red highlights and blue ends.
Mandarina's hair color was now her natural Mandarina color, her mom named her Mandarina because of her hair color.
Mandarina soon got on the train and was still in contact with Magda, they had a strange feeling that if she stayed waiting for the bus, she might be kidnapped again.
Magda, knowing that Mandarina had a compression blanket, told her to cover herself with it and act as if she was going to the Love Parade in Germany, Mandarina did so, changed her clothes again in the train toilet and changed her make-up again and tied the scarf around her head and she packed her coat and now her purse looked like she was going to the Love Parade in Germany.
And during that time, a black Jeep appeared at the Railway Station with two guys who were pretending to be police officers who were chasing a criminal group, and one girl from the group ran away, her trail disappeared in Switzerland.
Magda started to tell her about the future plan and advice to get off in a German town that is not immediately near the border with Switzerland.
Now her goal was to get to Berlin to the American Embassy.
In the first city she arrived at, she took a map of the whole of Germany and found a hotel that was not the most impressive.
At the hotel, she hung up on Magda for the first time and agreed to call her tomorrow with new information.
She took a bath and immediately felt relief, then she just came to herself, put her phone and powerbank to charge and went to sleep.
Magda advised her to buy a new phone and buy a new sim card and to stay in that city for 3 days, Mandarina did the same.
She called her parents home from the pay phone and briefly explained what had happened, and that she needed more money to get to the embassy.
She bought a dress, a t-shirt, leggings, a tracksuit, Kardogian sneakers and a pair of ballet flats, and she was preparing to slowly but surely reach Berlin.
She went to the next town by bus, when she arrived she found a market and sold some of her things so she could buy new cloths.
She arrived in Berlin. Magda's proposal was to stay for 7 days first to find out how to get to the American Embassy.
She bought a map of Berlin and walked to find the Embassy.
When she went in front of the Embassy, she told what happened to her and was on the line with Magda, Mandarina handed over the forms and papers, she was quickly taken to a room where she described how everything seemed to her like a dream and she did not understand how from New York reached the Swiss city.
Mandarina's mandarin explained everything she knew, the agents immediately went in search of 10 people who were the team from the disco, after 3 days they found almost the entire team, without Joana, who did not respond to anyone from the team.
Then one of the agents from the embassy said that maybe Joanna is the girl they've been trying to catch for 20 years who was smuggling white slaves from America.
Mandarina couldn't believe what she was hearing, then she remembered to call her mom because they were inseparable childhood friends.
Magda's mom turned on facebook and sent pictures that they hung out from the age of five to the age of ten, Joanne disappeared, and appeared five years ago.
They were best friends again, Mandarina couldn't believe that someone who is good can be evil and started to cry, when the phone rang.
Magda reports that they found Joanna in Chicago as a nurse who works there occasionally.
Tangerine was even more sad, Joanna did not hope that Tangerine was well and safe.
Joanna began to fear people who bought 10 girls from her. Yes, the group was 11 girls.
The police managed to arrest the people who bought 10 girls from Joanna and her parents who were in that organization.
Mandarina thanked the police and the pizzeria, and especially she thanked Magda, who was a bit clairvoyant and who, with her quick thinking, saved Mandarina from being kidnapped and who knows what else.
Mandarina continued her work at the Pizzeria and continued to hang out with the other 9 girls, but it no longer occurred to them to go out the way they used to. For the first few years, until the organization completely failed, the police followed 10 girls as if they were criminals, but they had a good feeling and tried to kidnap them a few more times without success.
Magda told everyone how to get to the very core or root of the criminal organization, it took 2 years.
— Un nouveau chapitre arrive bientôt — Écrire un avis
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