* Next Morning *
( Yuto Pov )
I and Kakashi were getting ready to investigate, and as I pulled my katana out, Kakashi spoke.
Kakashi:" You should put that away. It could spook the gaurds with that around, also were investigating so no fighting would be allowed."
" Alright." I said as I put the katana away. Picking up Shiro as he was still sleeping. Kakashi was waiting by the door.
Kakashi:" We'll both split up looking for information. You look in the center and west side of the capital for anything that's related to Kazou. And I'll look in the east side where Kazous' house is."
" So stealth and info
Kakashi:" Ready?"
" Ready."
Kakashi opened the door. and we walked out, and we both went our separate ways. As Kakashi went to check Kazous house. I pulled up my hood and parkoured up my way to the highest point to view the surroundings, getting a picture of the landscape and updating it to the map in the system.
Taking Shiro off my shoulder and speaking to him to him.
" Alright, Shiro, I want you to make a communication line with the other cats, alright?"
Shiro gave a salute and jumped off my hands, and went to do his job for once. And as I looked at the view once more, I jumped and landed in an alleyway with nobody noticing me thanks to stealth being high leveled. With my hood up, I mixed in with the civilians and large crowds.
Spending hours of overhearing and finding information of bandit attacks and Kazou in bars and restaurants with the help of transformation jutsu and deceiving.
Waking through the crowds, I saw Shiro approach me as he managed to finish making a communication line with other cats. As I put Shiro on my shoulder and rewarded him with a fish.
Me and Siro were walking around until the end of the day. When the night was up, I started to climb on rooftops and headed my way towards the western outskirts.
As I traveled around on the western outskirts, I heard a commotion going on within a warehouse. Taking a closer look, I looked through the glass window from the rooftop, and people dressed in mercenary clothes were taking goods into carts and taking them away. I thought that these guys were just being paid extra to move goods.
But these looked undisciplined as they would mess around and mercenary whether samurai or shinobi had training that would instill discipline. As these guys were heading out with the cart, I tailed them by sticking to the shadows and rooftops. For some odd reason, humans don't bother to look up as they ignore that fact, except for experience shinobis and samurai that would always expect a surprise attack.
As I followed them, i had Shiro to make the cats rub a scent. i gave them a fuinjutsu tag that would release a scent that cats could smell from the holy lands. As I managed to follow them through the trees outside, walking for a few miles. and stopping outside of a cave. But they didn't enter as they waited for something.
A person with hoods and rags walked out. And started to command them. It seems to be their leader, the bandits, for some odd reason, the bandits were listening without complaint and as I looked once more, it seems that they were in some kind of genjutsu. As the bandits were offloading the supplies, more people began to come out of the cave. I started to discuss this together with the leader.
Taking a scroll and a brush, I used a transparent world to see through their rags and hoods to get a better look at their facial features. And immediately drew them with my back against the tree with the help of the moonlight.
' The leader, a middle age woman, probably used genjutsu, the second vice leader is a tall bulky male, holds a large hammer as a weapon. The third vice leader is a young male. Out of the three of them, he holds larger chakra reserves.'
I could draw their portraits and their info as their habits, weapons, and manner of speaking. I'm getting info as I could before all of the bandits and the threw leader went inside the cave. Knowing that I shouldn't risk being here longer, I went back to the hotel.
Entering the hotel room by the window, I saw Kakashi already inside. Putting Shiro on the pillow to let him sleep. Without communicating, I handed the scrolls to Kakashi, who took the scrolls and handed me a rolled up paper.
Opening the paper, I read what looked what yo be a poster that read, ' Icha Icha Paradise'. Looking at the poster, I threw it to Kakashis' face, confused he took the poster off of him and looked at it and realized that he gave me the wrong paper, embarrassed as he scratch his head and giving him the look of disgust, I took the second paper he gave me.
Reading the paper, it was about Kazous movements and habits throughout the day. Also, a blueprint of hid house seemed that Kakashi managed to get this from somewhere as it had hidden entrances scattered around the house.
We both read our reports, and as we finished, we both headed to sleep. To start finding more evidence on Kazou and his connection to the bandits.
" The gaurds let the bandits through the gates, Kazou must've bribed them, I should start there tomorrow," I said to Kakashi as he burned the scrolls after reading them.
Kakashi:" That should be a start, I'll go check, infiltrate his house, and mark the hidden entrances, and we both would check together once you're done."
" Alright, well imma sleep, get out of my room."
Kakashi"' Your room? don't know what you're talking about. I'm going to sleep here."
As Kakashi had a clueless face, I threatened him by throwing Shiro to his face, which caused him to head to his room. It seems that Kakashi doesn't really like cats, as he's easily threatened with Shiro.
Kakashi:" You win, don't throw chunky towards me."
Shiro screeched at him, showing his little kitty teeth, and Kakashi left the room. As he finally left, I went to bed with Shiro, hugging him as a plushie.
" Good night, Shiro."
Shiro:" Meow."
' Goodnight Iris'
< Good night, sir. >