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100% A Wizard's Solitude / Chapter 41: Slave to Power

Chapitre 41: Slave to Power

"Did you see the look on Madame Cosette's face when 'he' cast that spell? You'd think a dementor had floated into the room!"

"Well… it was scary. I mean… he seems like a loose cannon being able to do that".

"What if he lost more control? We'd have all gone blind! Is it even safe to be in a class with him? I might ask the vice principal to move me into a different class to him…"

Bianca who was walking along with her friends making various comments quietly mumbled. "It's not like he meant to do it… you all act like he was actively trying to attack us. He even stopped attempting to cast 'Lumos' after his first attempt showing he understands his lack of control…"

I could hear all of them speak to each other as we headed towards the next class. I didn't bother to interject, after all what they were saying was true. I was a loose cannon a the moment. I mean, as 'Villager C' put it, I could have blinded them all if the spell was any more powerful.

I had imbued my wand with only a slither of obscurus energy yet the power was still ridiculous. I was honestly at my wits end trying to figure out how I should go about this.

With my mind busy, the walk to the next class felt brief. I shut out all the talk around me and just followed along with the rest, eventually arriving at the next class, Defence against the Dark Arts.

Walking into the classroom, the room was massive with a distinct difference to the other places I'd been in this castle so far. 

This place had the closest 'feel' to the rustic nature of Hogwarts I had seen within this place. Whether that reflected the teacher or the classes curriculum itself, time would tell.

The walls were greyer than the rest of Beauxbatons, with damage and cracks spread around the room. In the centre of the room was a platform, a circular area where I guessed practice duels could be held considering the platforms size.

Along the side of the room were training dummies of different shapes and sizes as well as other dark magical artefacts locked away in cases, only to be looked at.

Compared to that device I had strapped to my chest those years back though, none of them matched up to the power that thing had, I could tell that immediately. 

Sitting myself down at an empty table, I noticed a barrier had formed around me. A result of my resounding 'success' in spell casting from the previous lesson. I had already gained a few labels in the first two days here and the most recent one trending was 'Loose cannon'. Give them more time and they'll be more creative I expect…

The whole class sat in silence with bated breaths, waiting for the teacher to arrive. As the silence became noticeable to all, everyone started to talk amongst themselves realizing we still had a bit of time before the lesson started. The teacher had stepped out for a moment by the looks of it.

I took the time to reach into my pouch and pull out my book on Defence against the Dark Arts I had gotten at the Wharf. It was only a first year book, nothing really special written in its pages but it was a start. 

Opening the book, I began to read the pages briefly, flicking through each page and absorbing some information while we all waited. As I tried to memorise the contents I realized that Sylviana really did help me earlier as literally nothing was staying in my head.

I was no genius in my previous life, I barely kept got through college in honesty. I only remembered the contents of this world after reading and reading the story of Harry Potter over and over.

The contents of the first years DADA book was more or less just theory to be honest so I wasn't really bothered about memorizing that. The last few pages had some spells and wand movements but nothing too spectacular. 

One spell that seemed decently usable on the last page was 'Vermillious', otherwise known as 'Red Sparks' for it… well the spell causes red sparks to appear.

Typically used as a flare in an attempt to seek help, I could see why it was important to prioritize this spell for a younger student as in a life or death situation most would run for help. For me personally though…

I closed the book, lamenting that this wouldn't be enough.

This classes spells would be incredibly important to me in the long run considering the trajectory of this world. Not counting Voldemort on the horizon there was also The Blighthearts and Jason Blightheart specifically out there as well. 

I was placing a hefty pressure on myself but considering everything up to this point, there was a number of reasons why power was a necessity for me.

Powerful spells weren't a want, but a need... I may need to visit Beauxbaton's library for some extra spells to learn if possible… I wonder if I can convince Sylviana to come with me there or bring the books themselves to the dining hall.

Worst case and I cant find those books there, Ill have to fly on dawn-surge to Aurorebelle to get some more books… I'd have to get some money first though.

Scratching my head I decided to shelve these rolling thoughts. Resting my hand on my chin I waited for the teacher to come, watching the other students gleefully chat amongst themselves in the vast classroom.

As the volume was reaching its peak, It was all instantly silenced by a cold demanding voice stoof at the entrance of the class.

"Stop the talk, its time to learn".

Looking over to the source of the voice, I saw a woman with silver hair. A deep scar stretched from her ear to her clavicle, not mirroring the current 'beauty' standards set by other female teachers I had seen thus far. Her eyes were fiery, as if she was ready for a fight at all times and her figure was unlike any other woman I had seen here thus far, not dainty at all but instead pretty muscular, exuding power.

The aura of a warrior, similar to Rufus in the Blackfang Clan if I had to compare her to someone I had met in this world up to this point.

The teacher commanded attention as all students eyes glued to her, watching her walk up onto the centre platform in front of us all. As she looked around the class, she profiled each student as she spoke.

"Welcome to Defence Against the Dark Arts. As you may know for first years this class is mainly focused on 'Theory' with the odd spell here or there. Personally, I believe that is naïve. Even young witches and wizards need to know spells to protect themselves and whatever crackpot fool wrote that book deserves to be pushed into a ghoul infested valley and see if 'theory' helps you then…"

The entire class was stumped listening to this teacher speak. Her tone was rough and admonishing, completely disregarding the curriculum for the first years in normal cases.

As for me personally though, I was taking a liking to her already.

"My name is Helena Ivanova, you can call me Professor Ivanova. Now let's get the main question I'm always eventually asked out the way so we can learn".

Pointing at her neck, Professor Ivanova traced the scar that hung from her ear, sliding her finger through it down to her clavicle.

"This scar I got during a brawl with some dark wizard faction many years ago. One of the wizards attempted to sever my head from my shoulders with a 'Diffindo', the slicing spell. I managed to stop the spell from cutting my head off, leaving this scar behind".

One male student sat closest to Professor Ivanova shuddered hearing the story. Professor Ivanova stared down at the boy with a cold smirk. "Does that sort of talk scare you boy? Theres some dangerous people out there and times are always changing. To know how to attack and defend, use spells diversely, that is paramount to survive in this twisted world. That's what you have me for, so rest east".

Hearing a bit of Professor Ivanova's back story, It was evident she had gone through more than just one brawl. Her disposition and actions were a heavy indicator of this. In a way it was inspiring, in another way it was infuriating.

It felt like I was looking into the mirror or erised in a way staring at this teacher...

As her talk ended, her eyes landed onto me briefly. No emotions showed in her eyes as she scanned my face. It was surprisingly refreshing.

Pulling out her wand, Professor Ivanova summoned one of the training dummies over to centre stage, placing it opposite her. She spoke calmly. "Now, let's get a little demonstration underway before you practice. The spell I'm about to cast here is 'Vermillious'"

The students in the class all looked at each other in puzzlement. Bianca sat to one side of the class stuttered out a sentence. "M-Miss aren't we supposed to learn that spell after all the the-"

"I believe I made it pretty clear Miss Oracoli that theory is nothing compared to practical learning. We will get into that boring stuff eventually as I must teach you it at one point, but let's make this first lesson you'll have with me a bit more interesting. Doesn't that sound more enticing to you all?".

As the students all nodded in agreement, their eyes all trailed over to me showing hints of fear. Another class where we were going to cast spells, I guess they were all thinking about how I was going to cause another scene.

Professor Ivanova didn't miss this attitude displayed by the class, seeing the fear from their eyes land onto me, she frowned and spoke. "Now watch closely as I cast this spell…"

Pointing her wand at the training dummy, she muttered coldly. "Vermillious"

The tip of her wand glowed a deep red and shout out towards the training dummy. As it came into contact with the dummy, the spell exploded out with red sparks flying all over the place. Students sat near the dummy flinched back in their seats afraid they would get hit by stray sparks.

Due to the force of the spell, the training dummy had actually been forced off the stage with a *SLAM* as it hit the floor. 

Professor Ivanova then looked at the rest of the class with a smile. "Now, you all give it a go. Stand to one side of the room and I will line up a training dummy for you each. Give it your best shot all of you".

The students all looked at the charred training dummy in disbelief, only breaking out of their stupor when Professor Ivanova spoke again. "Did you not hear me?"

All the students jumped out of their seats, including me, and walked over to one side of the class. Stood next to each other one by one, we all faced the other end of the classroom as Professor Ivanova cleared the class and gave us a training dummy to attack each.

After finishing the prep, Professor Ivanova walked over to one end of the line and patted the shoulder of the boy who had shuddered after her story earlier. 

"Your… Mr Wagner correct?"

The boy nodded. 

Professor Ivanova put her hand firmly on the boys shoulder. "Now Mr Wagner, cast the spell. Remember your footing as you do it".

The boy nodded, pointing his wand at the training dummy ahead he collected himself with some deep breaths.

After a short period of time he shouted, deafening all nearby students. "VERMILLIOUS"

A red spell shot form his wand… and instantly fizzled out onto the floor in front of him. The boy closed his eyes waiting for harsh admonishment from Professor Ivanova, however she didn't seem upset at all. In fact she placed her hand on her chin, thinking about what to respond with. After some time she commented.

"Not the worst first attempt I've seen… Your focus waned in the last moment of casting. I know this spell is only intended to call for help usually but this lesson is to teach you all that spells can have different effects based on 'intent'. If you really 'meant' to attack that dummy then it would have happened…"

So, she did have some angle to all of this. I wondered when she first mentioned the spell why we were doing it indoors, but it seemed she was trying to teach us some theory buried within this lesson that was practical. That same 'intent' being mentioned once again.

The boy nodded, acknowledging the words of Professor Ivanova as she moved to the next student. One by one she had each student cast the spell only once to see the initial attempt. I had a faint feeling she was also doing this to 'gauge' every student.

As someone who placed importance on the practical aspect of this class, she wanted to teach every student based on their own progression rather than teach the entire class leaving some behind.

That was admirable… but also sounded exhausting. 

As the students all attempted one by one, eventually Professor Ivanova's gaze was on me. She looked down at me with a cold smile. "Mr Everhart… Lets see what the enigma of the first years can do".

Another weird title had been tacked to my name… as I lifted my wand, pointing it towards the training dummys ahead Professor Ivanova's eyes glowed looking at my wand. Her eyes then twitched as she noticed all the students in the class had backed off to the other end of the class away from where I was casting the spell.

Looking at the terrified students, she felt exasperated. "You've only known this boy for what... maybe a few days max if you travelled here with him and you are all so scared of him. Grow some damn back bone you babys!"

One student stood forward with a quivering voice. "W-w-with all due respect Professor Ivanova, H-He nearly blinded us with a simple 'Lumos' spell. Merlin knows what will happen with this spell!"

All the students nodded, agreeing with the one students statement. I couldn't help but chuckle in exasperation myself. I guess this was the normal 'human' reaction to something dangerous.

Professor Ivanova looked at the students and then to me. A light excitement shined in her eyes as she smiled. "Fine, all of you stay there and I will ensure you are all safe. Mr Everhart, try to hold back a bit".

I nodded at Professor Ivanova's words, pointing my wand at the training dummy. Taking a deep breath, I tried to calm my emotions.

If the reason why my spell went chaotic last time is tied to my emotions, maybe I need to be clear of mind to cast the intended spell? That was the only theory I could come up with for now and something I could attempt here. 

I then coldly muttered. "Vermillious".

The tip of my wand mirrored all students before me, dying itself in a deep red glow. Soon after though, the glow darkened further turning crimson red and shot out of my wand at a ridiculous speed. 

As the spell was about to come into contact with the training dummy, I noticed Professor Ivanova had already acted, casting a shielding spell around her, the students behind her and myself.

The spell brutally collided with the training dummy.


The entire room shook as the training dummy exploded into a million different pieces. Professor Ivanova whom had remained stoic up to this point had a shocked countenance looking at my spell-work.

The rest of the students looked stunned as well, but not nearly as surprised as Professor Ivanova.

Walking over to me, Professor Ivanova spoke with a calm smile. "Not bad Mr Everhart, but power without control is not power. I see why the other students were afraid…".

Looking around at the damage around the room she spoke further. "Control is definitely going to be your main focus… if you nail that you could end up being an incredibly formidable wizard. I look forward to seeing that!"

Hearing Professor Ivanova's praise and comments I felt a bit conflicted. Besides Randolph… she was the first person to really compliment my abilities. Unlike the students and Madame Cosette from the previous class, she didn't seem fearful but instead seemed excited at the prospect of teaching me.

As I stared into the eyes of Professor Ivanova, I started to feel why I felt an affinity to her. 

She was also a slave to power.

SovOz SovOz

Ill admit I didnt mean to go on a mini 'hiatus' however with work it can happen.

The school arc is also the hardest to write considering the world-building aspects... So as I work on it I find myself revising parts over and over.

Heres a chapter just to show im still working on this all. Im hoping I will be able to mass release at one point in the future :)

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