/ Anime & Comics / Pokémon Court
Sootopolis City, a traditional Trainer fought a battle against Wallace, the representative of Coordinators and established the prominence of Pokémon Contests.
Lilycove City, he attained the title of the youngest ever Senior Breeder, leaving a permanent mark in the records of the Breeder Association.
Returning to Cerulean City as a Trainer, he easily defeated Bug Catchers with a single Pokémon and dominated the battles against the shorts-wearing kids along the way.
This is actually a ordinary Pokémon fanfiction story, where the protagonist transmigrates to the real Pokémon world and embarks on a journey of exploration and personal growth, starting from Fallarbor Town.
*This is a fan translated novel by me
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Écrire un avisdecent story, especially for a translation, only real problem is that he's a reincarnated/transmigrated character without prior knowledge or history of the world hes in, or its vague at best. he could of just been a mature kid instead. it makes zero sense on that part. lokking past that, I do like the path the MC takes. The MC himself isn't bad but he feels a bit off to me still a decent character. overall, not bad.
Brilliant! I came here after reading APJ and knew this would be a good read and you didn't disappoint. There are not many Pokemon fics where the MC is focused on being a breeder or other job professions apart from Pokemon trainer. So selecting such a story to translate, Hats off... Can't say much more here since the story is only in the beginning phase but the translation is very well done with lil to no grammatical mistakes. Can't wait to see where this goes..
One of the best well written stories i have read so far. Keep up the great work. Eventhough i enjoy the ststems; the maturity of the characrer makes up for the lack of it. D D D D D
cash grab plagiarism. if you are going to translate something, at least give the link to the original work.
I love this. Great writing, clear intentions, no system and the MC has a good personality. I look forward to more updates.
Anyway, after seeing the author's other work, this one doesn't seem so good to me. The strength of the pokemon is too irregular, don't say that it has kingdoms like other pokemon, but since you don't know the strength of the opponent or have comparisons, the progress feels quite meh. The personality of the pokemon has nothing to highlight and their "secret" techniques are much better implemented in the other.Another thing that is like someone said in their comment is that he doesn't look like a reincarnate, he knows practically nothing about Pokémon and sometimes has quite childish features, so it would have been better to establish a mature native and that's it. Finally, the problem is that it wants to do many things but since it is divided between these positions too much, there does not seem to be progress, it is not that it takes many chapters, but that it changes from one topic to another, from reinforcing a pokemon from one side to another, etc. the progress seems long for me. Despite everything bad that I have said, it is a novel that is above average and if you are a Pokémon fan you should try it to see if those problems don't bother you.
Hey author, u might start writing ur own poke fic. I find this fan fic boring, bland ; being just okay to other fan fic. Mc lack creativity , n doesn’t think outside of box. The fight feels like playing game just barking out the moves and that’s all. The fight with the ex-fighting gym leader says all. being that close to losing , mc who was losing at first being type advantage has other plan which would bring him victory that was to evolve . Huh really ?
i read this book just to think it would be another catch em all battle them all but the depth of this story nd the lvl of translation is off charts not once while reading the whole story could I tell this was originally a Chinese fanfic so u can guess the amount of work translator had to do hats off 🫡🫡
Phenomenal job done by the translator. Don't bother looking for the mtl unless you're desperate for more, because the quality here is not just a copy paste but an actual proofread version done by someone with english proficiency. Just look at the synopsis or read one chapter of the mtl and you'll realize how much better this is. No elf The story itself is a fresh take. The mc is a breeder/coordinator and there's no brief gloss over how he does them but rather a build up of his progress and of the performances he does, which makes it enjoyable to imagine. So far (ch242) there appears to be no romance, which i prefer over badly written relationships Although the mc being reincarnated might seem unnecessary due to the fact that he has little knowledge about pokemon, the story shows how his previous life still gives an edge on study habits, mentality, and modern education which I find to compensate So far so good, and one of the pokemon fics I see myself continuing for long
I hope you keep doing a Great work ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++ ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
Thank you for translating this in such a good way, I always wanted to read this thing, but every time I looked for it the texts were very disordered or many were not understood because there were many Chinese idioms, as would be obvious, so I never got around to reading it, but thanks to you, now I will do it. (Google Translate)
Since this is a translation, I will say the translation is probably good. I haven't check the raws so I can't really say if there's any disparity. BUT, what I will review is the story. Honestly it's bland. After reading lose to 200 chapters I can give my review in an unbiased view too considering I've read multiple pokemon fanfic on multiple sites. This story is bland, very draggy and sometimes the Mc character can be contradicting. Or maybe some would call it willful but that's where it makes no sense because he's suppose to mature but doesn't act like it at times when he's suppose to have that maturity. I'm very annoyed on how the author make him to be a transmigrated person and also mention he should at least have basic knowledge of the Pokémon world but other than knowing the famous characters, the famous stuff such as the legendary items the orbs, the pokeblocks (which is hella common), the Mc seems to know nothing about it. If that's the case the author should have just created a character who doesn't know anything about the Pokémon world. It frustrates me to no end when he's suppose to be a transmigrated person yet knows close to nothing other than what he eventually started studying when he was 6. The author state like how he's so pro knowing the Pokémon moves and that what's contradicting, if a person so familiar with details even towards pokemon moves and all, how could he not know the existence of a freaking pokeblocks and the mixer?
Spoiler de révélationAlur ceritanya bagus, mohon tambah alur cerita seperti menantang aliansi setiap wilayah dengan pokemon yang ditangkap diwilayah tersebut, sama jadi seorang profesor pokemon Kalau bisa setiap kali update langsung 5 chapter
Auteur dm95
The story is perfect, I want to read the next chapter And I'd like you to participate in the Pokémon League in other regions as well And to finish Eevee and its evolutions