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Chapitre 166: Chapter 166

"What's happening?"

The intense roar made the returning Iwagakure defense ninjas, who had already received intelligence, stop one after another.

This was the border of the Land of Earth, and while it was no longer a border in the traditional sense, this kind of situation still made them alert.

Of course, many of them thought that it might be the Tsuchikage's disciple, Deidara, causing some sort of commotion again.

Deidara was a known explosion maniac, a fact well known to the people of Iwagakure, and many didn't particularly like the guy.

It wasn't that his abilities were inadequate or for any other reason. After all, Iwagakure had a demolition team, and people were generally quite accepting.

And his abilities were absolutely satisfactory and appreciated in the battlefield. However, the problem was that it seemed he didn't really consider anyone else.

His eyes were only on those damned explosions, and his daily experiments were extremely dangerous.

Imagine conducting such experiments in densely populated areas of the village - isn't that risking lives!

Nobody would object if you did this to the enemy, but doing this to your own people, isn't that madness?

Deidara seemed to be aware that his actions were not acceptable, and he also seemed to sense the general dislike towards him. Hence, he simply left the village.

Many people applauded his departure, thinking that they had gotten rid of a plague god.

However, to their chagrin, the Third Tsuchikage insisted on bringing the boy back, causing them quite a headache.

"Why bring him back? What if he causes trouble again? What if we come back from our rotation to find our families injured or even dead? What would we do?"

Many ninjas harbored such thoughts. They were defense ninjas, yes, but they were also on rotation.

This shift was theirs, and the next one would be someone else's.

They really didn't want a madman in the village, only to return from their missions to hear of some tragedy.

It wasn't just them, even the mission ninjas within the village were worried, but they had no say in the matter, being ninjas they had to dutifully carry out their tasks.

"Captain, it's not a simple explosion."

At this moment, a sensory ninja suddenly spoke.

"About ten kilometers ahead, there's a very obvious and strong chakra fluctuation. If there's no accident, it must have been caused by a battle."

"A battle?"

Upon hearing this, the leading ninja's face immediately turned serious. The explosions caused by Deidara's experiments and those resulting from battles had completely different implications!

Because the latter could only mean one thing: they might be facing a serious incident, or even a situation where a team is already engaged in combat with an enemy.

"Did Deidara make a move?"

The leading ninja silently pondered, but soon he shook his head and issued an order.

"Notify Lord Ōnoki. We can't make a decision on this. Report as it is."

"Yes, captain!"

The Iwagakure ninja nodded immediately and then quickly ran off to convey the message.

A swift hawk spread its wings in the sky and flew directly towards their command center.

After all, this time all the defense ninjas from the three major defense zones were called, requiring a commander to direct them.

And Kitsuchi, the son of Ōnoki, was this time's commander, and he had even arrived at the front line.

Kitsuchi didn't quite understand why his father had such a massive operation to capture Deidara. He felt this was simply a waste of resources.

Furthermore, mobilizing a large army would affect the defense zones. And if they deployed so many to capture one person and failed, it would be quite embarrassing.

According to him, they should have figured out where Deidara was and then he could go and capture him directly. Why did they need so many people?

If Ōnoki knew his thoughts, he would surely be furious.

In fact, if someone slightly politically savvy was present, they would immediately understand the implications behind this. It was not as simple as capturing Deidara.

This was Ōnoki showing his determination, and at the same time demonstrating his influence to those harboring malicious intentions.

Unfortunately, Kitsuchi was not particularly insightful when it came to political matters. He really couldn't see this aspect.

Perhaps it was because of this, that despite his old age, Ōnoki still held the position of Tsuchikage, while Kitsuchi, despite being at his prime, was still just a jōnin.

"Commander, this is a message from the swift hawk."

While Kitsuchi was pondering, a ninja quickly entered and handed him a piece of paper.

Kitsuchi nodded, then directly opened it and began reading. Soon his eyebrows involuntarily furrowed.

"A battle occurred. Was it our people or others?"

Though Kitsuchi didn't have a political mind, as a ninja, he was highly competent. Just by seeing this information, he understood a lot.

He had also sensed the explosion earlier. He didn't act rashly because he was waiting for the intelligence to arrive. Now he could confirm the situation.

"Send an order down, have all units dispatch their fastest maneuvering squads to completely seal off and surround that area.

The main force will follow and fill in the gaps, and prepare weapons to deal with airborne threats. Deidara can fly."

After a brief consideration, Kitsuchi quickly made the best arrangement.

In the uncertainty of whether Deidara was fighting the enemy or his own people, he had to consider both possibilities.

If it was a battle with the enemy, this meant someone had intruded, and such people must be eradicated, regardless of how many they might be, there could be no complacency.

Even if these people had not entered the village, causing trouble in the Land of Earth was a death-seeking behavior, and no village would let them go.

If it was Deidara, regardless of whether he was experimenting or fighting with his own village, they also could not be let off the hook.

Proper preparations could address all troubles. Kitsuchi's considerations were comprehensive, after all, he had participated in both the Second and Third Great Ninja Wars.

"Yes, Commander!"

The ninja loudly responded and then quickly rushed out to arrange things.

Kitsuchi also craned his neck, his gaze fixed in the distance. He had watched Deidara grow up, and he was familiar with his character and abilities.

However, because of this understanding, he needed to be even more focused, as Deidara's strength was not to be underestimated...


Flames were burning continuously, the earth was scorched black at this moment.

Among these flames, countless snake corpses emitted a burnt stench, kunai were embedded all over, a green aura was rising upward.

But these flames dissipated quickly, after all, someone had used a water release, it could be considered as cooling down these flames.

However, it was clear that whether it was Uchiha Kaito or Akatsuki, their intentions to kill were decided.

They were using high-intensity ninja techniques, aimed to kill the enemy directly.

For example, Uchiha Kaito, raising his hand resulted in a massive fire release, there was no room for negotiation.

"These guys..."

Deidara was still somewhat naive, he had always lived under the protection of Ōnoki, so he was genuinely scared by these two groups' sudden actions.

Just a second ago, although the tension was palpable, no one had made a move and was still analyzing the pros and cons, the scene at least looked harmonious.

But the next second, these two groups crossed paths, revealing their backs, and without hesitation, they launched an attack. What kind of people were they?

As the flames dissipated, Uchiha Kaito and Akatsuki stared at each other, each keeping their guard up.

For a moment, the atmosphere seemed a bit stiff and silent, everyone remained cautious, but there was no embarrassment on their faces.

"Hey, didn't we agree to go our separate ways?"

At this moment, Uchiha Kaito's voice broke the silence, and his words gave Deidara a feeling of wanting to spit blood.

Aren't you the head of the Leaf Village's Security Department, and also the clan head of the Uchiha? Don't you have any shame?

When the fight started, it seemed like you weren't forced to take action either, right?

"The first to act, it seems, was you guys." Sasori fell silent for a while before saying in a low voice.

However, as he spoke, he quickly started to circulate his chakra, and countless puppets appeared behind him.

Not just him, the cyclops watched Uchiha Kaito and the others with a blood-red eye, while the others were also circulating their chakra constantly, obviously preparing for a big battle.

Seeing this, Deidara had completely given up on trying to figure out these guys, feeling he might be too young.

Just now, he really believed that these people would let it go, pretending that no one had noticed anyone else.

"Nonsense, you were clearly the first to act," replied Kakuzu, who seemed capable of lying without any change in his demeanor, his indifferent voice reaching everyone's ears.

"Would we retaliate if you hadn't taken the first move?"

"You really are fickle." Orochimaru licked his lips, saying just that before he focused his gaze on Uchiha Kaito.

"How about this? We continue to go our separate ways?"

Kisame didn't seem to want to fight with Uchiha Kaito and the others. His shark-like face showed a smile, though it looked rather ferocious.

"Getting into a fight here will attract the attention of the people from Iwagakure. Let's just treat it as a misunderstanding."

Uchiha Kaito and Kakuzu looked at each other, then Uchiha Kaito nodded and said, "Right, just a misunderstanding."

"Let's leave it at that," Orochimaru licked his lips, speaking directly, "After all, everyone's time is precious."

"I think so too," Kakuzu nodded slightly, "Wasting time is like wasting money."

With that, Uchiha Kaito and Kakuzu began to slowly turn around, and likewise, the four members of Akatsuki also began to turn around with their movements.

It seemed as if everything was about to calm down, even Deidara thought that it was the end.

However, what happened next left Deidara completely dumbfounded, and he thoroughly understood that there was a significant gap between him and these people.

Uchiha Kaito, Kakuzu, and the Akatsuki members had just turned around, and in the next moment, they turned back as if they were highly coordinated teammates.

This time, Uchiha Kaito quickly drew his ninja sword, and azure chakra spread over his blade.

His eyes had turned incredibly crimson, and he swung his sword fiercely, firmly blocking Kisame's Samehada.

At this moment, Kakuzu had taken all the masks from his body. He was not like Uchiha Kaito who could temporarily suppress his power.

He was very clear about the strength of the Akatsuki members, and he knew that if he was careless, he might be finished.

Therefore, as soon as he made a move, he went all out, directly using Earth Grudge Fear mode.

"Wind Release: Pressure Damage!"

"Lightning Release: False Darkness!"

"Fire Release: Head Grief!"

The three ninjutsu were activated simultaneously, and the coverage of these three techniques was beyond imagination due to his full effort in casting them!

Whether it was Orochimaru, Itachi Uchiha, or Sasori, all raised their brows slightly upon seeing the three techniques, and then they immediately leapt away in different directions.

This left a lot of space for Kaito Uchiha, allowing him to focus on Kisame momentarily.

Speaking of which, Kaito Uchiha felt quite unlucky because his fear of social death led him to choose the longest route.

In his anticipation, this route would take more time, so he wouldn't have to rush back to the Leaf Village, allowing everyone to calm down.

However, who would have thought that because of choosing this route, he would inexplicably run into the Akatsuki grouped together!

Normally, the proud members of Akatsuki wouldn't operate as a group, considering each one of them is extremely arrogant.

Operating in small squads is only for mutual supervision, and that's already at the limit. The threat posed by them grouping together is unimaginable.

Furthermore, today, to recruit a new ninja, they simply chose to come together as a group. Since they have their own tasks in the surrounding countries, they decided to come together.

As a result, Kaito Uchiha and Kakuzu accidentally ended up face to face with these guys.

He had even wondered if Kakuzu was deliberately setting him up, but when he noticed Kakuzu's bewildered expression, he understood this really was an accident.

"Indeed, when encountering a socially fatal situation, one also becomes unlucky."

Kaito Uchiha sighed inwardly, but he quickly adjusted his mindset.

Handling so many Akatsuki ninjas at once, even if he was now strong enough, he wouldn't claim a sure victory.

However, he did know one thing, that these guys from the Akatsuki, one by one, were wary of him.

Otherwise, they wouldn't have made so many probes earlier, or tried multiple surprise attacks.

"It seems, my reputation in the ninja world is not low either."

Kaito Uchiha felt amused, but the strength in his hands began to increase.

Looking at Kisame, who was seriously facing him and had already started using Samehada, Kaito Uchiha revealed a faint smile on his face.

"Well, I can't let you guys down..."


Kaito Uchiha was watching Kisame with cold eyes, his crimson eyes were already emitting a strange power.

He had always admired Kisame, or it could be said that there was no ninja from the Hidden Mist Village that he didn't admire.

These guys either showed unyielding loyalty or possessed the perfect qualities of a ninja, something that even the Leaf Village struggled to achieve.

Of course, this village owes the cultivation of such ninjas to Obito Uchiha.

His near-revengeful operation of destruction within the Hidden Mist Village had truly crippled them, but it's undeniable that such operations also trained a large batch of excellent and bloodthirsty ninjas.

Obito Uchiha's revenge was not difficult to understand, because in the end, Rin was killed by the people of the Hidden Mist Village, and this grudge was deeply etched in his memory.

After inheriting the resources of Madara Uchiha, how could he easily let go of the village that killed Rin?

Frankly speaking, whatever Obito Uchiha did was irrelevant to Madara Uchiha, and even from the Leaf Village's perspective, his actions were actually helping them.

But unfortunately, due to differing stances, Kaito Uchiha never considered defying or helping Obito Uchiha.

If it was before the Nine-Tails Incident, it could still be said. But after the Nine-Tails Incident, no one was willing to save this unfortunate guy, even Kaito Uchiha wasn't.

Just like Itachi Uchiha, killing the enemy is absolutely fine.

But when you raise your hand against your own parents and teachers, especially when they are people who love and care about you so much, if you are so ruthless, then it's beyond salvation.

Kaito Uchiha holds grudges, and he is a person who has inherited a 5,000-year-old tradition from the Senju clan.

Sometimes he can show his compassion and empathy, but when certain issues arise, he will never compromise.

Looking at Kisame in front of him with a deep gaze, Kaito Uchiha suddenly revealed a smile, "Shark face, are you from the Hoshigaki clan?"

"I am Hoshigaki Kisame." Kisame, alone with Kaito Uchiha, didn't dare to joke around, his expression seemed somewhat heavy, "I never thought I would encounter someone like you."

"I'm curious about how you guys have portrayed me, as you seem quite afraid of me."

Kaito Uchiha's voice remained calm as he quietly watched Kisame and whispered. At the same time, the chakra in his body began to change.

Of course, he felt Samehada consuming his chakra, how could he not react?

"After all, you are the one who defeated the Third Hokage. Moreover, there are quite a few people in the organization who talk about you. For example, you nearly crushed Itachi Uchiha."

Kisame said in a deep voice. He felt the pressure from Kaito Uchiha, and he was a little confused about why Kaito Uchiha didn't look strong, but his power was so great?

Hoshigaki Kisame himself was incredibly strong. Although Kaito Uchiha's power was not comparable to his, he couldn't put all his strength into a sword fight.

If he couldn't control his power, then if Kaito Uchiha retreated, he would be done for.

But such power also left Kisame feeling incredulous.

"Is that so? This is the first time I found out that I could be remembered by a group of rogue ninjas. But that's also an honor for me."

Kaito Uchiha laughed lightly, then he curiously looked at Kisame.

"Speaking of which, the Hoshigaki Clan is considered a large family in the Land of Water, do you really think it was a good thing for you to defect?"

"This was my personal decision, didn't your clan also have an Uchiha Itachi who defected?"

The Hoshigaki Clan really was a large family in the Hidden Mist Village. Kaito didn't know this before his cross-over, and only found out afterwards.

Kisame, facing Kaito's question, seemed somewhat indefensible, even retorting with a question of his own, suggesting that he didn't want to answer this topic.

"That guy has problems in his head, you can consider him a lunatic, I don't think you see the village as belonging to the Shadow, do you?"

Kaito replied with a light chuckle, and Kisame nodded with utmost seriousness.

"Indeed, I've experienced the tragic results of the Shadow treating the village as his personal property. It seems my future days won't be easy."

"So, are you considering joining me?" Kaito unsheathed his weapon at this point, "Staying in such a dead-end organization is a waste for you."

"I think I'll pass. I don't plan on leaving, at least not at the moment." Kisame's voice became somewhat detached, "At least I have no such thoughts at present."

"It seems we can only be enemies now, it's quite sad that you have to team up with that guy."

Kaito gently shook his head, then looked at Kisame and asked in a low voice.

"After absorbing so much of my Chakra, is your ninja sword feeling alright?"

Kaito's words made Kisame's face change instantly. At that moment, Kisame could feel Kaito's chakra beginning to violently fluctuate.

That vast chakra, full of coldness and destruction, felt like something humans should not possess.

In his hand, Kisame's Samehada also emitted a sound like a wailing, seemingly proving that Kaito's chakra was not a supplement for him.

Several thoughts flashed through Kisame's mind. He leapt backwards to disengage the Samehada from Kaito's sword, reacting directly to the power Kaito had unleashed.

However, Kaito clearly wasn't going to let him escape that easily. He charged forward, his ninja sword swinging continuously.

Purple arcs of electricity danced continuously on Kaito's ninja sword, and Kisame was forced to constantly defend, now feeling greatly burdened.

He truly didn't expect that human chakra could instill fear in Samehada, this was something that damn Uchiha Itachi never mentioned.

Moreover, this guy's Sharingan was stronger, which meant that his genjutsu abilities were likely even more terrifying. Kisame didn't dare to meet Kaito's eyes.

Not being able to see his eyes led to blind spots in his field of vision, preventing him from making hand signs at will. Who knows when this guy would charge over with a slash, then he'd be in big trouble.

Additionally, Kisame noticed something else. Why did the ninja sword in this guy's hand give him such a familiar feeling?

"Ding, ding, ding....."

The sound of metal clashing rang out continuously, and Kisame was defensively struggling more and more.

All he could think about was cursing at this guy. Why was he so strong, and yet so fast? Was this guy even human?

"Seems like your Samehada isn't eager to swallow my chakra, is it?"

At this moment, Kaito's voice suddenly reached his ears, and Kaito's ninja blade came slashing from above.

Kisame immediately raised Samehada to block the onslaught, while lowering his head, not daring to glance at Kaito.

"Don't you think this sword feels familiar?"

Kaito fiercely kicked at Kisame, who seemed to seize the opportunity and swiftly slammed backwards.

He finally came to a halt after a long while. However, when he was about to confirm Kaito's position, a startling chakra vibration appeared behind him.

And along with it was Kaito's slightly mocking voice.

"This sword, it was taken from Raiga. It seems like I have quite a connection with you Mist Shinobi huh....."


"Kakuzu, have you really decided to take action against us?"

Kaito and Kisame crossed paths for the first time, while Kakuzu, Sasori, Orochimaru, and Itachi surprisingly formed a standoff.

Sasori's cold voice came from the Red Secret Technique Puppet, but regrettably, Kakuzu didn't pay him any heed and continued to remain vigilant.

Actually, Kakuzu was naturally worried about the current situation, but compared to that, he had more faith in Kaito's strength.

He assumed the shark-faced Kisame must be from the Hoshigaki clan, a clan known for their vast chakra and physical strength.

It wouldn't be easy for ordinary people to handle them, but they were dealing with the Sharingan, especially one with Kaito's level of strength.

They were really asking for trouble. Besides, Kaito's abilities weren't limited to physical techniques.

As one who had been schooled by Kaito, Kakuzu had a clear understanding of just how exaggerated his strength was.

Of course, this exaggeration hadn't reached the level of Uchiha Madara in the past, but it was quite unique in the current context.

As long as Kaito could quickly dispose of that Hoshigaki brat and then back him up, escaping wouldn't be a problem, let alone fighting.

Even though Kaito's space-time ninjutsu always caused quite a ruckus, rendering it unfit for assassinations, but being able to traverse space was enough!

"It's not up to me, and I'm not making any decisions."

Kakuzu calmly shook his head, fixing his gaze on the group in front of him and slowly speaking up.

"I've said it before, I'm just here to make money with Clan Leader Kaito. If he pays more, I follow him. It's as simple as that."

"Seems like you're beyond redemption. Trusting a man devoid of any shinobi etiquette... maybe one day you'll die without even knowing how."

Uchiha Itachi said indifferently. He seemed calm on the outside.

But inside, he was in complete chaos. He truly didn't expect to encounter Kaito here, which gave him immense pressure.

He truly couldn't forget how ruthless Kaito was when he attacked, and he couldn't forget how exaggerated Kaito's strength was.

And this guy even forced the death of the Third Hokage. This filled Uchiha Itachi's heart with hatred towards him, but also with great fear.

However, between hatred and fear, he still maintained his composure, as both Biwa Jūzō and Kisame utterly dismissed him.

Even though Uchiha Itachi really wanted to refute their dismissal by calling them 'a bunch of renegade ninjas',

He knew the situation in the Hidden Mist Village; some things couldn't be changed just because he wanted them to be. This was the root of his inner turmoil.

But he absolutely couldn't show his inner chaos. He still had to affirm his beliefs, at least outwardly.

Because if he showed any change, the man who called himself Uchiha Madara wouldn't let him off, and even if he did change, Kaito wouldn't let him off either.

"Oh? What right does a stray dog like you have to talk to me?"

Kakuzu raised an eyebrow, then spoke disdainfully.

"Whether he has the quality of a ninja or not isn't up to you. If you're referring to him forcing the death of the Hokage, do you have it?

You were labeled a renegade ninja by Konoha and by the Third Hokage himself. He was the head of the security department. The difference in credibility between you two is huge."

Uchiha Itachi fell silent, silently watching Kakuzu, his body's chakra starting to boil.

Not just him, Sasori and Orochimaru too. Orochimaru really didn't want to fight, but in this situation, he had no choice but to act.

Fortunately, Orochimaru gently licked his tongue, he didn't prepare Uchiha Madara's Reanimation, but there were others who were reanimated.

These two weren't so easy to control, but it didn't matter now. If it came to that, stalling for time would be good too.

"Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique!"

Uchiha Itachi took the initiative. He spit out a huge fireball, while Kakuzu immediately planned to use his Water Style Mask to defend.

Kaito had indeed shattered four of his bodies, but Kaito killed so many Anbu at once, and it was unknown how many were severely injured.

With Kaito's permission, and under the guidance of Kaito's shadow clone, Kakuzu had received some replenishment, so he wasn't worried about his condition now.

Just as he was about to release his water ninjutsu, Orochimaru suddenly made a move.

"Ninjutsu: Hidden Shadow Snake Hands!"

He stretched his hand forward, several snakes hissed from his sleeve towards Kakuzu. The snakes entwined with each other and cooperated skillfully, clearly their intelligence was not low.

Upon seeing this, Kakuzu immediately moved aside, and Sasori also made his move.

He manipulated the Red Secret Technique Puppet to crouch slightly. In the next moment, the Puppet spat out a high-density barrage of kunai and shuriken, their speed making them difficult to dodge.

Moreover, Kakuzu, with his sharp vision, clearly noticed the green liquid on the kunai and shuriken. Obviously, they were coated with poison.

"Troublesome guy!"

Kakuzu cursed inwardly, then swiftly dodged Orochimaru's venomous snakes, incidentally directing those snakes toward Itachi's fireball.

He executed all of this smoothly, but alas, the opponents were experts, mastering both the quality of their ninja techniques and the timing of their releases.

Even though his actions were already fluid enough and agile, he inevitably got grazed a bit.

However, he didn't mind. During the dodging process, he had already utilized earth release to harden his body, so he didn't have any problems.

Furthermore, because he had released such an earth release strengthening technique, it allowed him to calmly face Sasori's poison stings and needles.

"Ding ding ding!"

Sounds resembling the collision of metal constantly echoed as Kakuzu directly used his body to block those poison stings and needles.

However, he couldn't just let those things hit his body. If those things really pierced his defenses, his outcome would be extremely miserable.

Constantly retreating and dodging, Kakuzu handled these details quite accurately.

Moreover, the trio on the other side was a mess when they teamed up, which gave Kakuzu a chance to find a way to cope.

However, the three were extremely powerful ninjas, despite their messy coordination, their strength was undeniable.

Therefore, all Kakuzu could do was continue to maneuver around them. The ground was being blasted open by their continuous release of powerful ninjutsu.

The surrounding rocks were basically cleared by them. Flames, hurricanes, and thunderbolts were spreading continuously within this space. One could imagine the intensity of this battle.

Kakuzu kept dodging while retaliating. He no longer dared to use the earth release to resist the ninjutsu alone.

Because Orochimaru and Sasori, one had lightning release, and the other even had a puppet capable of harnessing the power of the lightning release.

Lightning release beats earth release; this was the truth in the ninja world, and Kakuzu had no solution to this.

"What's going on? A junior of the Hoshigaki clan hasn't been dealt with yet. If this goes on, I'll be in trouble."

Kakuzu thought, the next second his face changed, because Itachi had already rushed to his face.

His Sharingan had transformed, brewing a strange power in his eyes.

At the same time, several giant snakes had appeared behind him, completely cutting off his retreat.

And the puppet controlled by Sasori had already appeared above his head with a ninja blade, it could be said that he was completely encircled at this moment.

"Darn, looks like I'll have to lose a heart, I'll need to charge more for this!"

Kakuzu muttered inwardly, his eyes glowed a dim green, and his chakra was expanding madly.

Obviously, he had already prepared for the worst. However, just at this moment, a figure suddenly came crashing in.

In an instant, his encircled situation was completely broken.

The next moment, a violent rumbling that shook the earth and the mountains came from not far away!


"This speed, space ninjutsu?"

Kisame was astonished at the source and actual situation of Kaito's ninja sword, but what shocked him even more was the ninjutsu displayed by Kaito.

The technique that suddenly appeared behind him with violent chakra vibrations, in an instant, made him realize that this might be space ninjutsu!

This Uchiha can actually use space ninjutsu, which is simply unimaginable. How should one deal with such a guy?

Kisame's face was now rather gloomy. He knew that being drawn into such a fight was inevitable, but the most deadly part was that this fight was entirely because of Uchiha Itachi.

Without this guy, Uchiha Kaito would not have fought them.

After all, strictly speaking, they had no intersection with Uchiha Kaito. Even if Kakuzu was instigated, it wasn't a big deal.

After all, everyone in their organization is a rogue ninja. If they could betray once, why couldn't there be a second time?

Now it's good. No matter what they say, it's useless. The other side is unwilling to let him go, and they have to take the initiative to eliminate hidden dangers because of Uchiha Itachi.

But to let him face Kaito alone, he really couldn't do anything!


Regardless, Kisame immediately swung his sword towards his back. His Samehada was in poor condition due to absorbing Kaito's terrifying chakra.

Now it's impossible for it to provide Kisame with chakra to assist in the fight.

But anyway, Samehada is an extremely sharp ninja sword. Using it as a ninja sword has no problem at all.

"Moreover, you actively ran to my back but didn't attack. You can't avoid this distance!"

Kisame thought this way in his heart, but in fact, he was also apprehensive.

He can't possibly distance himself from the opponent. The speed of the opponent plus this space ninjutsu basically doesn't allow him to think of ways to use ninjutsu to attack. This is equivalent to wasting half of his abilities.

What makes him helpless is that the other party is a Sharingan ninja, which means his body techniques might not work against the opponent. Can Kisame's heart not be stifled?

Such frustration also caused him to have some doubts about his own attack, and his doubts were obviously correct.

But just as his ninja sword was about to hit Kaito, a sudden pain came from his wrist. He was astonished to find that the other party had already grabbed his wrist.


Samehada smashed hard on the ground, creating a deep pit. Seeing this, Kisame immediately shook off with force.

Under his tremendous strength, he escaped Kaito's control the moment Kaito's ninja sword pierced his chest.

At the same time, he exerted extra strength, allowing his body to quickly retreat. This move allowed him to create a good distance, but he was still somewhat frightened inside.

If he hadn't been strong enough and physically fit, the move he just made would not have diverted Samehada's attack but would have directly broken his wrist.

"But it's okay, his space ninjutsu seems to cause a strong chakra fluctuation, which will tip me off.

And now such a chakra fluctuation has not occurred, which means he has not followed. Since this is the case..."

Kisame is an extremely excellent ninja, his analytical ability is also very strong, he began to make hand signs quickly while pondering.

"Water Release: Exploding Water Colliding Wave!"

Accompanied by his chakra that was as strong as a tailed beast, a source of water large enough to form a lake appeared on the arid ground!

He is a shark, he is Kisame Hoshigaki, only in water is he in his home field, and the ability to use techniques is his most perfect way of fighting.

"Nice water release, I think you're better off with me. What can you do in this organization?"

At this moment, Kaito suddenly landed on the water surface and calmly spoke to Kisame who was in the distance.

"All are aloof rogue ninjas, and even a stray dog like Itachi can be sheltered, what do you think you guys can do?

Leaf Village is different. Although there are other clans in Leaf Village, I can say without hesitation that my say is the greatest.

Whether it's resources or personnel, Leaf Village has it. I just personally value talent, and you are a talent.

However, just a friendly reminder, don't kill my interest in you. You should know that I'm not yet serious in this fight."

Kaito spoke big words. In fact, he was already serious about the fight, he just hadn't used some of his power yet.

Facing a ninja like Kisame, if he really wasn't serious, he would be joking with his own life.

But he could say anything he wanted, no one else knew, and indeed, Kaito really thought highly of Kisame.

He sincerely wanted to try to recruit this guy, but it seemed to have little effect. His words had clearly silenced Kisame a bit.

The next moment, Kisame's hands clapped together, and his majestic chakra began to churn crazily. This action was a response to Kaito.

"Water Release: Four Sharks Rain!"

Kisame slapped the water surface with one hand, and four water sharks leaping vertically instantly appeared around him.

These four sharks flew towards Kaito without hesitation, their speed was astounding.

Kaito's eyes rotated slightly, he had already seen through the essence of this technique.

This technique is directly linked to Kisame's chakra, as long as Kisame is not dead, this technique can split infinitely.

Frankly speaking, this technique is really troublesome, but Kaito doesn't worry too much.

"Fire Release: Great Fire Annihilation!"

With his hands quickly forming seals, flames of black and white were spewed out directly.

The wild flames covered a very wide range, almost all the lake surface summoned by Kisame was enveloped, and the four sharks were obviously among them.

The temperature became scorching hot in an instant, and the space seemed to start to distort. The thick water vapor instantly blocked Kaito's line of sight.

However, this kind of fog without attached chakra didn't count for much to Kaito. He almost instantly locked onto Kisame in the distance, but he soon furrowed his brows.

"Water clone?"

Kaito gently shook his head, the next moment his gaze was fixed beneath the water surface, and then he spoke softly.

"You dare to play such tricks in front of my eyes. Are you too confident or do you underestimate me?

Or to say, you don't know what the power of these eyes means, do you?"

As his voice fell, Kisame suddenly surged out from the water. His body was wrapped by a shark, and he had somehow regained his Samehada blade in his hand.

The sharp chakra constantly revolved on his Samehada blade, accompanying his swing towards Kaito, it seemed to completely shred Kaito.

However, at this moment, the three tomoe in Kaito's eyes started to spin crazily, and in an instant, they had connected together.

The next second, a layer of azure chakra appeared on his body, and this chakra quickly fused and diffused.

In the end, the moment the Samehada touched him, this chakra had turned into a giant in the form of a skeleton!


if you are interested, you can get early chapters on my p atreon, p atreon.com/softcrow

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