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Hearing the report from Natasha, Nick Fury was surprised

"So all this time you were in the home of a wealthy second-generation man named Lynn Allen in Westchester...and after you passed out from jumping over his wall. You didn't realize that your tracking device wasn't working and continued to investigate the man named Lynn Allen who is suspected of having a relationship with Jean Grey?"

Nick Fury who was sitting in his office asked Natasha who had just returned to SHIELD headquarters to report.

He had heard the reason why the other party could not be contacted before, and he was actually a little surprised.

The most ridiculous thing was that he heard that someone like Natasha fainted after she jumped over the wall of someone's house and she was also still rescued by the homeowner to be taken to the bedroom.

A man brought a beautiful woman who fainted to his house.

If nothing happened, Nick Fury couldn't believe it and doubted whether any normal man could resist the temptation of the Black Widow's body.

And the man was still a wealthy second-generation who would normally be normal for a man of his age to lust after a beauty like Black Widow who was helpless in his bed, right?

But strangely Natasha said nothing like that happened and after waking up from her stupor, she was sure that her body was fine and it seemed that the man named Lynn Allen was hard to seduce with beauty tricks.

It's actually not important enough to worry about, and Nick Fury thought about this because it surprised him a little.

On the surface he still looked calm of course.

"Yes, do I need to repeat my report again for clarity, Nick?"

Natasha who was standing in front of Nick Fury's office desk was starting to feel sore and her throat was dry from talking too much for more than an hour.

Oh, right. She was also hungry because after passing out at Lynn's house before, she had not eaten anything since then. The point was that she was hungry now and Nick Fury insisted on making her stay so long in his office to report and ask her many times.

The work of this agent and spy was exhausting, but she couldn't stop doing it.

At least for now.

"Well no need, I'm just curious as to why you were even able to faint back then?" Nick Fury asked.

The slightest information was important.

Not to be missed.

"I don't know, but I'm sure it must be because of Lynn Allen's unknown security system. It's not poison or electric shock, it's just that my body felt very tired and I fainted the first time I set foot in his backyard."

Natasha explained how she felt when she suddenly fainted at Lynn's house.

"But the security system probably only affects intruders because except for me, Jean Grey and Emma Frost who came to visit Lynn Allen's house didn't experience the same thing as me."

Nick Fury nodded, his eyebrows rose slightly and he read the file that had just been sent to his computer.

"Lynn Allen, the heiress of the Allen family whose parents died in an accident a year ago. Since his parents died, his playful style like other wealthy second generation started to change and he mostly stays at home with the little girl he adopted as a younger sister."

Natasha was a little surprised to hear Lynn Allen's life experience from the file Nick Fury was reading.

She was of course new to this and she was actually curious about the man.

Hearing Nick Fury recite a lot of information about Lynn Allen's life history and background, Natasha secretly did not forget any of it and stored it in her brain.

"From this information and your investigation today, what do you think, Natasha? Is this Lynn Allen an ordinary person or is there a big secret he is hiding?"

Nick Fury wanted to know Natasha's opinion, he looked at the reddish-brown haired woman curiously.

Natasha raised her eyebrows. "Isn't it obvious? Comparing Lynn Allen a year ago with Lynn Allen from my observations today. His highly advanced home security system and based on the relationship he has with two mutants like Jean Grey and Emma Frost."

"The possibility that Lynn Allen is a person with superhuman abilities is very high, and maybe he really is the person you've been looking for, Nick."

Nick Fury also had the same opinion as Natasha and he was even more convinced after hearing her opinion.

Looking at the photo of Lynn Allen's face from the information file and comparing it with the photo of the unknown man dating Jean Grey and the man who recently appeared as a superhero in Queens.

Although from the photo, both of them had blonde hair. Their faces were somehow hard to say they were similar, but there was also a sense of familiarity and at the same time something told her that they were different people.

Nick Fury knew there was something wrong with this feeling. With his suspicions running high, he suspected that some supernatural ability was misleading him every time he thought Lynn Allen was the person he had been looking for all this time.

There's a supernatural force trying to trick him!

And he would not be fooled!

He looked at Natasha sternly and said: "Natasha, you don't need to observe Jean Grey anymore. From now on I want you to focus on observing Lynn Allen and I want you to try anything to have a good relationship with him."

Natasha smiled wryly, she was not surprised to hear this from Nick Fury. "Actually...Nick, due to certain circumstances Lynn Allen asked me to work in his house as a babysitter for one week as compensation for sneaking into his house."

It was not just about sneaking into Lynn's house, there was also about her accidentally sexually assaulting him. Natasha wouldn't tell the latter to Nick Fury of course.

To preserve her Black Widow face and image.

The less people who know the moment she did it, the better for her!

Nick Fury did not see Natasha still hiding other things from him, he widened his eyes slightly and said: "Something like that happened? Then you should make good use of this opportunity."

"I know Nick, leave this to me." Natasha nodded confidently.

Nick Fury was convinced by this.

"Now that it's done, can I go? I haven't eaten anything since doing the mission this morning."

"Oh, aren't there sandwiches at SHIELD? You can eat as many as you want." Nick Fury recommended the SHIELD Sandwich which made Natasha look at him with disgust.

Natasha of course knew the SHIELD Sandwich, and in fact it was more like the main food menu at SHIELD headquarters if the people who worked there wanted to eat something.

It would have been fine if the flavor of the Sandwich was good, but the problem was that it was very bland and not good enough. Many people in SHIELD would rather go out to buy food instead of eating the Sandwich at the headquarters.

But for someone who rarely goes out of the base like Nick Fury, this guy probably eats the SHIELD Sandwich every day. Morning, noon, and night. He eats sandwiches.

Honestly, with the budget SHIELD is given by the government, is it difficult to improve the quality of food at SHIELD headquarters? The answer is obvious.

It can be done.

It was just that Natasha didn't know if Nick Fury was too stingy with the money he received from the government or if he liked sandwiches so much that he wanted to eat them every day?


Nick Fury couldn't bear to see the look of disgust in Natasha's eyes as she stared at him, so he pretended to cough and said: "Ahem! Yes, you can rest now and get something to eat outside."

Natasha immediately nodded and walked out of the office without saying anything.

Nick Fury who was left alone in the office sighed.

"What's wrong with a sandwich? It's quite tasty, healthy, and very practical to eat."

"Besides, eating food at the base can reduce the risk of being poisoned. Food outside is too dangerous."

From his drawer, he took out a package of sandwiches and ate them while continuing to work.

It didn't really taste good, but he ate it just to satisfy his hungry stomach.

This was the daily life of the SHIELD Director who was so paranoid that he would eat a sandwich every day at the headquarters to reduce the possibility of others poisoning his food.

In the past 3 months, he hasn't even been out of the base because he's worried that someone might want him dead and send assassins to kill him.

He, Nick Fury is a very paranoid and cautious person.

So this is his lifestyle.


Under the bright sunlight.

Hours had passed since Natasha left his house last night.

Lynn had some free time now and he wondered what he should do?

Just as he was musing, drinking a cup of milk tea and gazing at his spacious front yard from the balcony.

His cell phone rang.

Looking at who was calling, it was from an unknown number.

Lynn frowned, but he still picked up the call and let the other party speak first.

"Hello Mr. second largest shareholder. No, should I call you, Lynn?"

A familiar male voice sounded from the other side of the phone.

Lynn was a little surprised this man took the initiative to call him considering how proud and arrogant he usually was.

"Tony? Has the world ended because you took the initiative to call a small shareholder like me?" Lynn joked, he could hear the wry laughter on the other side of the phone.

Looks like Tony is sad?

Okay, so why would he even call him for that?

The relationship between the two of them isn't even close enough to be considered friends, it's more like good acquaintances who are less than friends.

"Well Lynn, are you free? Want to have a drink together? I have a lot of expensive wine here." Tony ignored his question, and asked back.

Lynn rubbed his chin while holding the phone and pretended to be surprised. "Does that include your wine collection? If so, I would be very interested and reluctantly agree to accompany the friendless Mr. Tony Stark for a drink."

"Haha don't worry, they are all wines that I just took out of my personal storage. By the way don't get me wrong, I have quite a few people who can be called friends. And you are one of them, congratulations."

Lynn rolled his eyes, even when sad, Tony could still make narcissistic comments.

As expected of Tony Stark.

"Do I have to say thank you for being your friend? Never mind. Where's the drinking place? I'll go there to bring back some of your wine collection."

Tony who was drinking in his private office almost choked upon hearing this. He smiled wryly and said: "It's just wine, you can even take home as much as you want later. It's just that you have to accompany me to drink until I am satisfied."


"Lynn, are you still there? Hello?"

"...I wanted to say that I'm only interested in women just in case." Lynn said.

It was a good thing that Tony wasn't drinking this time. Otherwise, he would have choked by now. With a numb face, he said: "Damn, I'm also only interested in women...."

"That's good. So where should I go?" Lynn asked with a laugh.

"Go to my company of course." Tony said on the other side of the phone.

"Right, I almost forgot your company is your home."


Tony wanted to say that he had hundreds of luxury villas scattered in various countries. But never mind, he hung up the phone right away.

Lynn put the phone in his pocket, took the car keys and drove off.

On the way to Tony's company building, he had actually guessed that Tony just wanted to vent and somehow he chose him for that.

After learning that he was palladium poisoning and had little time to live. Tony must be desperate, he's been trying to find a cure for his illness, and it must be about finding a new type of energy that can replace palladium energy.

Tony must still not know his father's legacy has what he needs. Lynn wondered if she should tell Tony first instead of waiting for the plot?

It's a good opportunity to see what happens when Tony's palladium poisoning is cured earlier than the original work. Unlike certain fanfic protagonists who try to protect the plot because they are too cowardly, Lynn is very interested in seeing that things are not the same as in the original work because of his interference.

He basically has a rebellious mentality that likes to mess with other people's plans, this includes the plot written by the author in the original work of course.

"It's been decided. Iron Man's plot? I messed it up with my own hands and saw how it would develop in the future."

On the way, Lynn was grinning and excited like a person who couldn't wait to tell others spoilers.


On the other side.

Jean had just finished teaching the students a new subject proposed by Charles. The new subject was related to making Tik Tok videos.

So far, the development of mutants using Tik Tok has been very good. And more and more humans are starting to change the way they view mutants.

The road to harmony between humans and mutants in the world is still long, but the effects are already visible from humans seeing mutants on the streets.

When some of them recognize some of the mutants who are popular on Tik Tok. They even took the initiative to talk to the mutants and were quite friendly.

Both she, Charles, Ororo, and all the mutants at Xavier School were happy when they realized some of them were getting such attention.

It made them even more excited to promote mutants on Tik Tok and gain many fans on their respective accounts.

Jean was walking in the school hallway with a textbook in her hand, he was in a good mood after finishing catching up in class today and now she planned to rest in her room.

She had the idea to call Lynn and share the happiness she felt with her.

But before reaching the dormitory, Scott whom she hadn't seen for a long time appeared.

There was also Ororo who seemed to be walking with him from the principal's office.

If that was all, Jean was fine and would naturally just nod in greeting to the two and continue walking to her dormitory.

But Scott was asking for trouble as he suddenly moved to block her path.

"Scott, what are you doing? You're blocking my way." Jean frowned, she even stepped back so as not to get too close to the man in front of her.

"Jean... I haven't talked to you in a long time. Can we have a chat?" Scott asked with a smile on his face. He might look handsome, but his unique glasses made him look strange.

That's what Jean was thinking at the moment.

In the past she didn't pay much attention to this, but now it was different. After having Lynn in her heart, she paid close attention to her contacts with the opposite sex and observed what intentions the opposite sex had to approach her.

That's why she watched Scott carefully, even realizing that his glasses looked strange, and she was actually worried that he would try to touch her which disgusted her.

Jean was very wary now and she looked at Scott indifferently.

Ororo who was not far from the two also stopped on the way, and she was actually worried that Scott would do something crazy out of love thus making Jean angry. It was better to stay to stop the two in case something bad happened.

"Sorry Scott, I can't chat with you, especially if it's just the two of us. With more people it's still possible, but right now I'm not in the mood to chat. I want to rest in my room soon, so please let me pass." Jean said kindly, but her gaze was indifferent.

It was obvious that she was not happy to see the man in front of her.

"...." Scott also realized this, his smile became stiff and he fell silent.

Seeing Scott's slow reaction, Jean was annoyed and she walked around him to pass.

Looking at Jean who had already left, even keeping a considerable distance while passing by him. Scott felt his heart ache, even though he already knew that he was heartbroken and the woman he loved already belonged to another man.

He felt unwilling.

And felt that Jean was destined to be with him.

Why was she with another man?

Scott felt very angry, he wasn't angry at Jean, but he was angry and hated the man Jean had fallen in love with.

It was all his fault!

If it wasn't for him, sooner or later Jean would have chosen him!

Ororo who was watching from the side breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, nothing as troublesome as Jean blowing up Scott for being too persistent in wanting to be alone with her had happened.

There was nothing to worry about with Jean, but Scott...

She saw Scott clenching his fists while staring at Jean's back from a distance.

She even heard Scott mutter "It's that guy's fault... If he never met Jean and made her fall in love..."

Ororo panicked at this and hurriedly approached Scott while saying: "Scott, you just give up, okay? Don't have any bad ideas with the guy Jean likes."

"That guy is already helping us, mutants, with his great idea to promote mutants through the app he created."

"Even Professor is very grateful to him, so don't try to make trouble with him."

"Mr. Lynn is a good person, and Jean likes him..."

Suddenly Scott turned around and looked at him. "So his name is Lynn? Ororo, do you know where that man lives?"

"Scott! You..." Ororo was angry, she felt Scott was impulsive and had a bad idea in his mind. So she wouldn't tell Scott anything about Lynn, not even where he lived because she honestly didn't know either.

Looking at Ororo who kept her mouth shut, Scott nodded and didn't insist. He left while saying: "Then I'll just find out myself."

Looking at Scott who left, Ororo massaged her forehead, she felt a little dizzy.

"This man in love is very troublesome... I must report him to Professor."


Author Note

I would really appreciate power stones or other types of support you guys have to motivate me. It could be comments/reviews or something else.

DogLickerGods DogLickerGods

Creation is actually quite easy, I just need motivation and ideas to do it. I would appreciate it if you guys support me by making reviews, throwing power stones or joining my pâtreon.

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