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100% The Gacha Master Omniversal Adventures / Chapter 4: It's Not Tough To Be a God - The Road To El Dorado *R-18*

Chapitre 4: It's Not Tough To Be a God - The Road To El Dorado *R-18*



Chel is running for her life now.

She has just stolen a gold statue for a temple in hopes to change her life. She had planned and observed so much to it at the right time, but a stroke of bad luck made a guard returns just after ending his shift because he has forgotten something.

Now she needs to run to avoid the inevitable. Her thoughts are dark because her cunning mind shows there's no way out. She is only with the clothes on her body the golden head statue.

No provision, weapons, or any other thing that would allow her to survive out of El Dorado, to the forest that she is escaping to.

Right now, she is running through a cavern. The secret and easiest entrance to El Dorado. All others would need to the visitor pass through complicated trails, dense forests, and very high mountains.

Following the water, she knows that she can arrive at the entrance behind that waterfall.

She can hear the shouts from her pursuers coming from behind, echoing by the cave. They're close, very close.

But she has a chance to shake them off her trail... The Waterfall. The mist produced by the meeting of the falling water with the river will be a good cover for her.

"There she is!!" She hears a shout very close.

She clicks her tongue and hurries her legs. The waterfall is only a turn away...

She turns and prepares herself to throw herself on the water when she sees something unbelievable.

Her head almost can't process the scene. She instinctively goes to a stop, but her legs don't receive the command fast enough and she stumbles and falls.

Right there, passing by the waterfall there's a man. Maybe this is not strange if is not for the fact the man's appearance is completely different from everyone that she has seen in her life.

And he is walking on the water!

Her dazed brain notices some other irregularities that look minor in the great scheme of things, like the waterfall closing the passage that has opened for the man to pass, the fact that he was not touched by the water droplets or the way that the water that he steps goes completely calm after the ripple generated by his feet.

The man's eyes meet hers, blue eyes like water too, even his hair, with the color being the only thing that has some semblance of similarity with her people, is curly like the waves instead of the usual straight hair of everyone else.

'Is... Is he a God of Water?' She thinks to herself

On his pale face, another difference from this stranger to her people, she can detect some indescribable emotion while he looks at her and starts to walk in her overall direction.

Her ears detect a sound behind her, and she turns around to see her pursuers letting their weapons fall to the ground while their faces show different levels of incredulity.

How much earlier they are watching the scene with her, she can't tell, but now she is sure that she is not hallucinating. The others can see him too.

The man finally steps off the water, calm and serene and she can now take a good look at him from close.

His skin is like the moonlight, and the format of his eyes is also slightly different, like some of his other features like jawline and nose.

His clothes are also ones that she has never seen in her life. The material doesn't go around his body rolling and folding to cover him... His clothes cover him perfectly, like was born with him. Hugging his body without a fold in view.

The color is also peculiar... All White. Pristine White. It is the whitest she has seen in her life, the same level of clouds in the sky on a clear day. And cover all of his body except the hands and feet, those that have strange sandals too, and the head.

Chel also notice that the clothes are divided into two. One for the upper body and one for the lower body, and they're slightly baggy.

Don't allow her to see much of his body behind.

At this moment, a boat arrives by the river carrying more pursuers.

They jump to the shore screaming and pointing their lance at Chel and the man that is obviously Hector.

Chel by reflex throws the bundle in her hand in the direction of Hector's head. She notices that he is looking at the newcomer warriors with an amused smile.

He doesn't even look when he catches the bundle with one hand, and with the other, he casually touches a spear that is too close to him. With eyes wide as saucers everyone watches the spear turns to dust.

"I don't like having weapons pointed at me before even a conversation. I will forgive you all this time..." He says casually and then everyone watches the boats approaching them by themselves. Even his voice is beautiful in a certain way, deep and melodic.

"Guide the way to El Dorado." He says while calmly stepping on one of the boats.

Chel, not one to lose a chance, jumps on the same boat that Hector sat in and acts meekly close to him, but still maintains a respectful distance.

She was confused when he casually returned the bundle to her without even looking in her overall direction.

"Do I need to command?" He asks while closing his eyes, but with a small frown starting to appear.

The soldiers don't need to be told again. They scramble to the boats and start rowing on the way back to El Dorado.

No one dared to look at Hector directly and because of this no one noticed the small smirk that escaped his lips for a second.


Now in El Dorado...

The group consisting of Hector, Chel, and the warriors walks by the streets of the city. Many El Dorado citizens agglomerate to see the group, pointing and whispering to each other when seeing Hector.

The group attitudes vary greatly from one another.

The Warriors walks uncertainly, trying to keep the crowd of onlookers away while sending someone to deliver the news to the Chief and High Priest

Chel wants to look at smaller as possible while walking in the shadow of Hector.

And Hector simply walks calmly, regal, and even a little imposing. With his hands behind his back and looking around calmly.

They arrive in an open plaza in front of a Pyramid. Hector admires the architecture a little without a care in the world.

Meanwhile, on a platform that serves as an entrance to the stairs of the Pyramid, the Chief and the High Priest appear to be in a heated discussion.

They just received the report about what occurred in the cave.

The High Priest doesn't appear to be happy for some reason, Chel noticed.

'Shouldn't he be prostrating himself on the floor right now?' Chel thinks 'Right here there's a god that he proclaimed exists...'

"The same thing can have different interpretations depending on your point of view, Tzekel-Kan." Hector says, his voice traveling very far and silencing everyone even if he hasn't spoken very loud.

'How did he know the High Priest's name? So he is really...' Chel thinks while looking around, musing to herself about how to escape from her dire situation.

She just stole something from the temple! She will be punished, right?

Or maybe not, the god gave the head of gold back to her and hasn't punished her till now...

His words have a clear effect on the high-ups. The people then stop to look at him.

"You shouldn't fret over the fact that I'm only one... It is all a matter of perspective." He points to his feet "See, two shadows and I'm only one." Then his shadows start to move differently from his body like it's alive.

The shadow stretched and passed by other people's shadows and everyone felt a tug, like the shadow of the god's action on their shadows can affect their true body.

The shadow stretches again and pulls the High Priest and the Chief shadow, making the two walk down the Steps till they're in front of Hector.

Tzekel-Kan, the High Priest prostrate himself on the ground "Oh my lord, please punish this humble servant for even for only one moment doubt your credibility!" He says with fervor.

The prophecy talked about two gods, not only one.

"Unnecessary, doubt is intrinsic in human nature. Doubt gives birth to questions, to curiosity, and consequently... Evolution and growth." Hector says wisely

"Ooh... Such wise words. Such magnanimity and benevolence. This one is humbled." The priest exclaims

At this point the Chief Steps forward "My lord... If I may... What brings you here... now. In these times, I mean..." He asked a little worriedly

"How dare you question the god??" The priest grabs the fat chief by the arm "My lord, you can punish us with his mighty if the Chief displeased you." He exclaims

At this moment the sky darkens, the winds grow strong and thunder can be heard. Looking above the clouds are moving strangely...

Forming a vortex above their head and is possible to see the strikes of lighting all over the dark sky.

"Tannabok... I have my motives. But know that good things will come from my arrival. Tzekel-Kan... Stop trying to guess how I feel and deduce my actions based on your own expectations. You don't know me." The god says seriously and a loud thunder strikes to punctuate his words.

"Said that, you all can rise..." the god says calmly and only now Chel noticed that everyone has fallen to their knees and is touching the ground with their foreheads.

Only she has fallen in her butt, too shocked to even let go of the bundle in her arms and prostrate herself too.

With a wave of his hand, everyone is raised gently from the ground by an invisible force.

After some minutes of the priest saying that the god should stay in the sacred temple and the chief saying that he would prepare a feast, one that the god denied...

"Hold the realization of the feast for now, there's something I need to do before the festivities. Leave the feast to tomorrow." The god says

"And how should we defer to you, my lord?" The Chief asks.

"Call me Hector." He say, making the Chief and the High Priest nod.

At this moment, the High Priest advances and grabs Chel by the arm

"Aha! My lord, this thief has stolen from your temple. This was a mistake on my part. I will take her away and I guarantee that you will never filthy your eyes with her again." The priest exclaims

"Wait, wait... I wasn't stealing anything! It's... It's that I have taken a token to guide the god to us! Yes, I have seen in a vision that he was coming and I went to greet him!!" She says desperately and looks at Hector with pleading eyes.

This time the Priest doesn't dare to assume anything and looks at Hector searching for instructions.

Hector lets the silence stretch for some time. Silence always has been an ally for him. Chel grew a tad more scared and despaired with each second that Hector don't say anything.

Finally, he gives a smirk to Chel and says "You can let Chel go." It is al he says and the Priest dutifully obeys.

Chel falls to the ground while blinking owlishly to Hector.

Everything has been a gamble. She would have died anyway, so she gambled that this god is benevolent as some legends claim that some gods are.

"Just live normally... I will come to talk with your guys later." Hector says and start climbing the steps of the temple slowly, enjoying the view of the city around him.

Chel, hesitates only for a moment before following him, shamelessly while giving an awkward smile to everyone.

The fact that Hector doesn't comment on her closeness while climbing the steps embolden her a little.


Now on the temple...

Hector is sprawled lazily on the cushions and pillows of many colors.

Chel is standing at his side, obediently with her head low. Her thoughts running a mile for second, thinking what is the best course of action.

Since arriving at the temple, Hector has ignored her and is just staring at the empty space.

Then he suddenly turns his head to her and stares. She notices it and trembles a little.

Once again, he says nothing. Just staring, like he is waiting for her to speak first.

'But would be disrespectful to speak first to a god, right'?' Chel doubts

Then she decides what to do.

She prostrates herself, her face on the ground

"I'm t-tremendously sorry for the lie, my lord. A-and for using your name in it..." She says

She doesn't dare to raise her head and just waits for the judgment.

Hector on his part, takes advantage of her position to admire her ass.

Her humble posture makes her posterior become elevated in a tantalizing heart shape form, the loin clothing allows an unobstructed view of the curves of her hips and thighs.

"Raise your head. I'm not mad. Put the golden head where you find it..." He says

Chel can't stop herself from smiling when Hector said that he is not mad, but her face falls when she heard him saying to return the gold head.

But she can't disobey a god.

With a sigh, she fits the head in its right place.

"Are you so reluctantly to part with gold? It is just a material thing..." He comments

'Easy for you to say, you're a god.' She thinks, but does not comments

She then felt a presence behind her and see his shadow looming over her. She stops in her tracks.

Hector's hands touch her face from behind and settle on her earrings. An earring made of some sort of stone similar to jade.

"I see..." He says.

His voice sent many conflicting sensations on Chel body... wariness, fear, arousal.

His touch leaves tingles on her skin that she almost moans when his hands go to her shoulders and his thumbs make circles on her nape.

"Do you want to change your destiny, Chel?" He asks, very close to her ear.

Even without turning around, she can hear the smile on his face.

His light massage is making her hold the sounds from escaping from her mouth by biting her lower lip.

She almost can't understand what he is talking about

"...what?~" She says

"I can see that you're not happy with your life right now. So I'm thinking of giving your a chance to be better. Above all others..." He whispers

"Hmm~" She moans from his hands, unconsciously her body leans on him

She feels something pressing against her bubble butt. Even soft she can still feel it clearly because of the thin fabric of his pants.

'So even a god has this... And desires too~' She thinks to herself while acting bolder and pressing herself on him even more.

Trying to trap his member between her cheeks while wiggling her ass. Trying to make him hard.

"Why me?~" She asks, half serious and half because she wants this conversation to last longer so that she can get a reaction from him.

"You're really not different from any other to me." He starts "But... Three things."

She perks to hear him. She truly is nothing special to a god. Must there be other better options, right?

But she was already determined in latching on him and never let go. His protection is more worth to her than all of El Dorado's gold.

"First, you coming from below will appreciate your future position of power more. Will understand the feelings of the one that are lower than you." He starts.

Chel thinks a little about what he is talking

She really is not well positioned socially, Hector noticed.

In the movie, Chel's past is never shown but is not hard to guess... Now, Hector can see more clearly.

First, Chel has no family.

Second, her clothes and jewels.

Normally the citizens of El Dorado take great pride in dyeing their clothes, the more colorful the better.

Chel has her clothes mostly in white. Not so white like Hector ones, but white.

Her jewels are also a clue. She is not using a milligram of gold on her body.

To the city where gold is as common as wood, this is very telling

So Chel is really low on the social chaste.

Hector noticed that is not only her. The earring is the clue. The ones with gold earrings should be the "nobles" and the ones that use earrings of stones or wood should be the peasants.

Even in the movie, Chel swaps for an earring of gold after she gets close to Tulio and Miguel, the so-called gods.

Chel stole gold from the temple and run away.

This shows her personality. She really is not happy with her life, she wants more.

Using his powers Hector knows that El Dorado is not the only city close. So Chel probably would use the gold stolen to become someone of great social standing in another city.

She did that even knowing the punishment here. Likely death...

Could have more about her background, like she being a potential sacrifice or something like that. But he would need to discover it later.

"The other motives are really simple..." Hector continues "Luck and destiny. You met me. This could be counted as destiny. And you made a bet down there. Aren't you gonna continue gambling?" He asks

"Hng~ And what do you propose... Hn~ My god." She asks between moans

"Be mine."

"Yours? Hng"

"I don't need to explain, right? Mine and only mine."

She turns her head around and bats her eyelashes at him innocently, but her butt continues to press against his crotch. "And what do this entail, my lord?"

Too bad his control is super great he does not want to give her this satisfaction so easily.

"Everything that you're thinking and more..." It is the answer

Chel abruptly turns around and drops to her knees, her hands holding Hector's waist, her face close to his crotch on purpose while she looks up at him.

She can't lose an opportunity like this one.

"I will dedicate all of myself to you, my god. I will attend to all of your needs. And follow all of your commands." She says, every phrase punctuated with a peck in his covered manhood.

He rewards her with a smile. "Good." His hand caress her face and hair, and she nuzzles at it like an adorable pet "You're a Lucky one, Chel. Good job in grabbing this opportunity. Don't waste it..." He says with a smile

She nods obediently.

Don't matter what he wants her to do, she will do it.

Being close to him will bring protection even if he simply treats her as a piece of furniture.

She will do her best to gain his affection.

"From now on you only listen to me. Even the Chiel and the High Priest can't touch or command you..." He says while caressing her smooth hair.

His words touch her and make her heart beat faster, excitement bubbles inside of her. All she ever wants is to overcome the limitations imposed on her by her low status. Now she has everything within her grasp, she only needs to be obedient and please her god.

That wouldn't be a hard task. She looks at him. Power, appearance, goodness... He is perfect.

Every girl on this continent would throw themselves at a volcano for him. But she is the one that won. She will be good. She will be submissive. She will be his to everything.

"Do my lord wants Chel's help to relax?" She says with a naughty voice, her hands going close to his manhood.

"Oh." His eyes twinkle with amusement "And how my Chel would help me relax?" He asks with a smirk

'His Chel...' She likes it.

"Chel will give her gratitude, worshipping you with the best of her abilities..." She says with a saucy smile.

She can finally see his cock hardening a little, pushing the thin fabric of his pants. She touches it with her plump lips again, feeling it Grow through his pants

Hector himself decided to take his cock out of his pants. Just because of a small thing that he always enjoys...


The shocking factor. The look that always comes to his partners when the huge slab of meat is slapped on their faces.

As expected, Chel's mouth hangs open after Hector drops his schlong on her face. Her eyes cris-crossed while Looking at the thing that is bigger than her face even when is Half mast.

She breaths and the musk assaults her nose, she couldn't help in flaring her nostrils and taking another heavy breath and even hubs her face on the underside of his cock.

'Smells good... ah~, and is so big. As expected of a god. This is no sacrifice after all.' She thinks

"Show me how you worship me, Chel." Hector's voice shakes Chel out of her trance and she looks at him and smiles broadly

"Leave it to me~" She says flirtatiously and takes the dick in her hand, taking it off her forehead where it was previously resting.

Now resting on her palm, she snakes her head to the side of his cock and delivers kisses and more kisses all over the prick, making or Grow more and more.

She repeats this action on the two sides, moaning slightly showing that she is enjoying servicing him.

Seeing that his face still presents a calm smile, Chel decides that is enough of teasing and foreplay.

She grabs the divine cock a little more strongly and positions herself in front of it. The head pointed to her lips while she slowly strokes the rest of his cock.

Starting with a kiss on the tip, she continues to pump her wrist, now a little more vigorously.

She looks up to his face while maintaining her lips glues to the cockhead in a kiss full of devotion. Then she slows opens her mouth and starts engulfing the rest of the head of the cock without ungluing her fat lips off his dick.

Consciously or unconsciously, she moans. Sending vibrations through his dick.

After seeing that she can't take more than a little over the head, she tries to wiggle her tongue inside her mouth to please him. His thick dick leaves little space to move on her full mouth, but she tries nonetheless.

She retracts herself and then tries again. Bobbing her head while moving her tongue and using her two hands on his impressive cock.

It is possible to see the effort and enthusiasm in her actions. Giving her everything to make her god achieve completion.

"It appears that you can't take everything..." He comments while caressing her cheek which is hollow while she sucks his cock. She makes a whine song, transmitting her sadness and worries about failing. But never stops her work "It's okay, it's only natural. You will have plenty of time to get acquainted with my cock. And I will help you later with my blessings"

Seeing that he is not disappointed Chel redoubles her efforts, going deeper and deeper, practically sashing her throat on his cock, gagging slightly

"Gah! Gurk! Gah~"

Hector grabs her by her hair and yanks her off his cock, she looks reluctant to let it go, go takes a heavy breath nonetheless after not having a huge dick on her respiratory channel.

"No need to haste, Chel." He says caressing her hair. She has slobbered all over his cock, there is a thin line of saliva connecting her lips to the head of his dick

"Here... Give some attention to them too." He says pulling her face, making it past the head of his dick and going to his balls.

Chel undestand the assigniment. Tilting her head to the side she opens her mouth and starts licking his sack with fervor.

"Yes... Good girl." He says. His words of praise make Chel happy and she grew even more bold. Bury her face under his cock, slurping on his balls.

"Don't forget to stroke it too..." He says and she uses her two hands to envelop his spit-covered dick and rub it.

Chel can't understand how can be so pleasurable to do what she is doing. She can feel herself growing wet for giving him pleasure.

'He is really a god... Superior in every way...' She thinks with herself while the look that she gives him becomes one of pure adoration.

'This will take forever...' Hector thinks to himself while enjoying Chel's ministrations. She is good and enthusiastic.

But is lacking when compared with his other girls.

It is not a fair comparison though. They are with him for a longer time, and know what he likes. Some of them don't have gag reflex, or even need to breathe, and some have a very good at... throat control.

Hector pulls Chel's head back, deciding to end the first part of the night.

"I'm gonna release it soon..." He says while positioning her mouth in front of his cock again.

Chel puts the head in her mouth, swirling her tongue and pressing her lips to get him to his climax.

"Here we go... Try to swallow the most you can do. It is good to you..." He says a half-lie before exploding pushing his cock deep into her mouth and exploding in her throat.

"GUh! Gluh~ Gluh... Pwah!" Chel tries to follow his instructions but is a losing battle, she ended up gagging and spluttering his seed out of her mind, and releasing the dick trapped between her plump lips.

Hector doesn't care, he even found it hot in his own way. He continues to cum in her mouth, then in her face, hair and breasts. Painting her white.

Finding The contrast of colors between his seed and her skin very hot.

Chel coughs a little before noticing something 'It's delicious... Hm~ How? I'm really not gonna be surprised with anything more.' She says enjoying the taste of Hector's cum.

Powers, magic, perks... He has many ways to become the absolute best sex partner. Changing the taste of his fluids is trivial.

"You're sexy like that... Looks like I really own you, my Chel." Hector comments while Looking down at the mocha-skinned beauty.

Chel looks up at him with a smile. Enjoying his praise. "I'm yours, my lord."

"Huhu... So is time for the next step. That will consolidate your position beneath me, but above everyone else. Tomorrow you will understand..." He says cryptically "Now... offer yourself to me." He says with a hungry gaze.

Chel is quick to obey.

He didn't say how he wants it, but there's really only one answer to Chel.

She turns around, prostrating herself. Face down and ass up, presenting to him her best feature.

Her big and perfectly shaped derriere. Literally, the main reason of Hector coming to this world.

'Nice... She is a normal person but is on the level of 2B, Psylocke, Cammy and others...' Hector admires. Caressing her round backside.

'I crossed a multiverse to tap this ass... Huhu, I'm really a degenerate. But who wouldn't?' He muses to himself. 'Feel honored Chel.'

"Very good." He praises her while positioning himself behind her.

Chel moves her ass from side to side slowly, inviting and enticing him.

"It's all yours..." She says with a sultry tone, Looking over her shoulder.

Hector's fingers sink into her butt, he removes her loincloths and separates her cheeks. Exposing her small slit.

Putting his dick between her asscheeks, he hot-dogs it and enjoys the softness "Last chance to go away Chel. After this, you are mine forever." He says

"Put it inside me, my lord. Grace me with your divine rod." She says pushing her backside back to him, her voice full of desire.

He chuckles one last time before positioning the tip at her entrance and starts pushing.

She groans feeling his big cock stretching her tight pussy.

"Let's go easy for now, after today we will improve our... compatibility." Hector says while slowly sawing his dick in her tunnel.

Every push is a little deeper than the previous one.

Half of his dick starts disappearing inside Chel, her pussy lips holding his shaft tight.

"Oh~ Hm~ OH~ M-My god...~" She moans, her eyes tight shut while biting her lower lip. All of her being concentrated on the piece of manhood invading her tight cave.

"I will go faster now... You will cum and blackout." Hector warns

He will let himself lose to pleasure. He grabs her slim waist more tightly, and speeds ups. His hips hit her bubble but made it jiggle with each thrust.

Chel sees white, her small mouth open in an O, and a soundless scream escaping her lips. Her eyes roll on her skull because of the assault of pleasure.

Like Hector said, she blackouts after cumming explosively.

Deciding that there's no point in enjoying sleep sex with Chel, Hector doesn't hold back and cums a little later. Painting her insides white.

Removing his cock with a pop. He admires the chocolate beauty beneath him. Seeing a Woman passed out and all sweaty from sex with strokes his masculine pride.

"Well, time to give some 'blessings'." He says before begins to work on his woman's body.


Chel P.O.V.

Hmm~ I'm sleeping in a cloud? I feel so good~

The sunlight doesn't allow me to continue sleeping and I finally open my eyes. I'm laying on a bunch of cushions. This type of Luxury is not something that I can enjoy normally.

"Good morning...Want something to drink?" I hear someone's smooth and deep voice close to me. I turn around... The God!!

Ignoring my nakedness I prostrate myself out of the cushions and silks.

"I've shown my lord something unsightly." I apologize

He chuckles "I think what I'm seeing is pretty... sightly." He drawls and I raise my head. Notice his gaze on my Naked body I don't shy away from it.

I straighten my back to flaunt my breasts, not my best features, but I don't believe they are bad either. I even part my knees to allow my god to see my everything.

His gaze goes low for an instant and he chuckles again.

"Want something to drink?" He makes a... see through recipient floats to me, containing juice "Aah~ I love natural things like that..." He appreciates his own drink.

I take the cup and drink. Only now noticing that I was really thirsty.

"You can take more if you want..." He says. Well, I will not feel shy away from acting a little shameless...

My god appears to be benevolent. So I drink a lot.

"How are you feeling?" My god asks me a question

"Good..." I answer without thinking, but seeing him look at me waiting for a more thoughtful answer I check my body.

I feel... more than good. I've never felt so great in my life.

"I blessed you..." his voice cut my thoughts. He then casually throws a spear at my hands and I catch it. A normal spear used by a guard "Try bending it..." He says

I follow his instructions and... break it.

"..." I watch in shock at the two halves of spears in my hands. The spears are made of very resistant wood, as thick as a man's wrist.

"Jump..." He says looking at me normally.

"..." Now that I know that he wants to show me what I can do. I do not argue and jump.

Even expecting something incredible, I still widen my eyes when I touch the ceiling.

I drop down again, excited by all this. I'm like a god too.

"My precious Chel needs to be at least on this level..." I hear him commenting. I turn around and notice him looking at my jiggling boobs.

He didn't hide it, because there's no need to it. This body belongs to him.

I smile flirtatiously and start walking to him with a huge sway of my hips.

He is sitting lazily on a makeshift couch full of cushions, his arms wide open on the couch's backrest.

When I'm on his front I fell to my knees, my hands caressing his thighs "I'm very grateful for this blessing, my god." He is really my god, the only one I need to serve and worship.

"To serve me well, you need at least this much..." he comments. His hand goes to my face, his thumb caressing my cheek. I lean on his touch obediently.

It feels so good~ I almost purr.

I need to serve him! Show him that he made the best choice!

My hands travel to his crotch slowly and sensually. Maybe I can swallow all of him now with this stronger body.

But while I'm massaging his divine dick through his clothes his hand caressing my cheek goes tom y ching and he makes me float to his lap.

Now straddling him, I can feel his erection below me and his hand on my butt. It seems my god likes my ass. He is squeezing and feeling it with gusto.

I moan under his ministrations. Dry humping him, almost lost in my own arousal. He is so perfect.

I can't be the one being pleased.

I go to kiss his neck and earlobes, I don't dare to kiss his mouth. My hand roams his muscular torso. It's a much a reward to me too.

His finger once again goes for my chin, to guide my face closer to his. And he kisses me.

Hmm~ So good~

I'm seeing white~

At some point, his tongue invades my mouth, dominating me completely. I do my best to keep up, but I already surrendered to him.

I already melted in his arms.

After an unknown amount of time he separated his lips from mine.

"Who do you belong to?" I hear him asking. One hand was still on my ass, mauling it, and the other went to my breast. Pinching a nipple.

"You..." I answer still dazed "You, my god. Chel belongs to you."

"Good girl." He smiles. Good. I like when he smiles. "I like you, my Chel. I gave many advantages. No one here can talk back to you now. You are above them. Just... don't abuse it too much. And remember that you are only mine. Are we understood?" He asks a little more seriously now.

I nod firmly and fast.

No way I'm even doing anything to displease him. What if he goes look for other girls? The are a bunch of others more pretty and with better status than me...

"All of Chel is to my god." I say, back to dry-humping him.

"Good." He brings one of my nipples into his mouth, tasting it. It feels so good~ Receiving his affection and care is the greatest pleasure.

"My breasts are not big, my god." I say. Arching my back as much I can to present my bosom to him.

He snorts "If I wanted you with bigger breasts I would change that. I like you exactly the way you are. I only gave you more power and corrected some imperfections..." He says.

I feel elated. He likes me the way I am.

"My god..." I call him, raising from my sitting position on his lap to a crouched down position. I open my legs and show him my wet pussy "This place is ready to be used by you."

He smirks at my display

"Then give it to me." He says huskily

I don't need to be told twice. My fingers work faster to release his huge cock from it's confines. I guide the head to my cave and start lowering myself on it.

"Hmm~ So biig~ I can feel it, my god~ Chel's place now can accommodate your divine cock much better~" I moan feeling his dick stretch me out. Hitting places I didn't knew that I have before.

"Ride." He commands and gives me a playful slap on my butt. He really likes it.

I ride the best I can. Practicing, experimenting, tasting...

I wanted to give him a good show, but all my thoughts about it fly out of the window. It feels so good that my lust drives me crazy and I ride him like I'm possessed.

Hard and fast. I can feel my peak closer and closer, and I go even wild seeking it. Every time that I drop down, I can feel his cock going deeper.

"Hmm~" I moan and hug his head, bringing it between my breasts.

I'm almost losing control when I feel his fingers sinking in my asscheeks, and he starts conducting my moves. Lifting me up and letting me fall.

He is using me. And it's his right to do so. He can use and abuse this body.

"My god, sate your lusts with Chel's body~ Relieve everything using Chel's pussy~" I declare.

It seems he like it because he moves my ass faster. His cock invading my insides relentlessly and with an unstoppable force.

Finally, I feel my ass touch his thighs. All~ All of it is inside.

I scream like a beast to the ceiling while I see stars. This is the exact time that he floods my womb with his hot seed.

I hang on my consciousness by a thread.

"You're getting better... Good girl." He praises me and I see him start again.

His words of praise made me shudder and reach my peak a little. I can feel my pussy squeezing his still-hard rock. Unwilling to let it go.

Like already accepted its role of receiving his pillar.


Now, I'm out of the temple. Enjoy this better body that my god bestowed upon me.

The colors are more vibrant, I can hear and smell better. Not always a good thing, I discovered.

I walk on the streets of El Dorado with my head high, everyone knows that I belong to Hector, the god. If people didn't see this yesterday, they can deduce now.

The clothes I'm using also have been given by him. He gave me a lot of clothes, but I choose to wear the one that is pristine white like his.

It's on still in the style that I used before, nothing like his eccentric clothes, but covers much more of my body. But the fabric still hugs me a little tightly, he says I'm sexy when I walk. So the clothes accentuated it. Showing my curves when I walk.

I also using more gold. Earrings, bracelets and a golden arm ring in my..."Biceps" with his letters.

The world can see whom I belong to.

My god sent me in a task. He said would be a good way to install me as his right hand. He didn't like the High Priest...

I pass by some guards, daring them to stop me... Almost wishing it so that I can show my strength. But no one is stupid enough.

I met the Chief Tannabok and the High Priest Tzekel-kan in a square, together with other important people.

Look at me now... The most important here. Little Chel rose in life.

"Chief... High Priest... The God has orders." I declare with imposingly.

Everyone perks up with attention, no one dares to miss a word.

"He ordered to gather all the Ssck, infirm, weak, and hurt people of El Dorado and put them on the big plaza!" I say

The chief looks a little unsure "And what does the god want to do with them?" He asks with after gulping down his nervosism.

"It's not our place to question the god!" I declare, and the sky darkens. Thunder rumbles together with my words.

He is watching me. Guarding me.

After a fleeting glance in the sky, I watch everyone kneeling in the ground.

Yeah, this feels good.


"That's everyone." The chief says pointing to the people.

Some have natural diseases and are lying on the ground, some received wounds, and some have limbs missing.

It's a sad sight.

All of them could one day be sacrificed to the gods. Making one last contribution to our people.

Some are afraid of being sacrificed now. That Hector would kill them.

This too doesn't sit well with me, but it's not my place to question my god.

I feel him arriving before anyone else, maybe I have some connection with him now. I kneel on the ground

He emerges from thin air like someone would emerge on the surface of a river. Right by my side.

"It appears that you all listened to my Chel here. Good job." He says with a warm smile. His hand goes to caress my face.

A display of intimacy, of ownership... I love it.

"So this is everyone?" He asks, even if he knows the answer already

"Yes, my lord." The Chief answers in a humble manner

The Priets approach. "Are you gonna realize some large-scale ritual, my lord? How can I help? Just give me the instructions?" He asks in a patronizing way.

My god looks at him blankly, and then ignores him.

Moving to the front, now he is visible to all the sick people and to the rest of El Dorado.

"People of El Dorado..." He starts. Even if he is talking in a normal way, his voice travels to everyone without a problem. "I heard all of you are preparing a feast for me tonight."

He pauses and looks around a little, seeing the confused face of the People Around

"Parties like that are better with more people, with loved ones... And even better when we celebrate a joyous event... I coming here is not enough..." He comments, I can hear the Chief, High Priest, and other important people fawning over him now. Saying that his presence is more than enough.

He ignores everything and says "Let me give you all a reason to celebrate!" He declares and claps his hand one time. A brilliant light emerges from the sick people.

After blinding everyone for some seconds, the light reveals the sick people... But they are not sick anymore.

Health bodies and complexions, limbs restored, people that never walked standing up. Everyone has faces full of astonishment.

I don't know who was first, but no one commemorates... Even before they scream with joy, everyone kneels to my god.

Tears of happiness roll on their face, but they don't dare to show disrespect.

"It's okay... No need to kneel all the time" He waves it off. I knew it. My god is good.

Then he says something that shocks everyone "From this day onwards... Sacrifices are abolished!"


"I have no use to your deaths... Dedicates your lives to me! Repay my goodness by being good to another." He ignores the Priest going to talk with him in whispering "Live in a proper and honest way, and you will be rewarded by me eventually."

He says before disappearing again.

Now everyone can celebrate and hug their loved ones. I watch that scene with a small smile.

It is not just my luck that he came here. It's the great luck of all of El Dorado.


It's finally night. El Dorado is celebrating the arrival of God and all the miracles he brought with him.

All around us people dance, drink and laugh. They also do shows to entertain Hector. Walking on embers, performing battles, Moving Giants puppets, singing, and playing music.

My god, Hector, watches everything calmly, a small smile on his lips. He is sitting on a dais full of pillows, serving girls fanning him and holding trays with food and drinks.

I'm, obviously, claiming my place on his lap.

Hector is surrounded by beauties vying for his attention, I need to consolidate my place. Obviously, I don't dare to hog all of his attention with selfish intent...

But he doesn't appear to be that interested in the other girls. So I took this opportunity to serve him very well, feeding him, massaging him, and flirting.

Knowing him better is possible to notice he is an approachable god, I'm now very comfortable in acting a little more casual with him. With some banter, jokes, flirting, provocation... Most of this was whispered in his ear during the night.

And even sitting on his divine pillar, trapping it between my buttocks and moving sensually to provoke him, and maybe even urge him to call the night, retreat to the temple and fuck me senseless.

He didn't bite the bait for now, but his pinches in my asscheeks show his amusement at my antics.

It's good to act more like myself without fearing divine punishment.

The night continues to be fun. Hector doesn't go up to dance, but he talks with the people that talk with him and toast them too. After the beginning, no one is afraid anymore and are having fun.

Some hours later, after the kids are put to bed and the night gets spicy... While telling some funny gossip about some people nearby in his ear, I can feel his big hand squeezing my ass a little more strongly than usual this night.

I moan and look at him with Half-lidded eyes, his hungry look says everything that I need to know about what is gonna happen now.

And what hungry gaze... Maybe I shouldn't have provoked him too much~ Just kidding.

"Time to the dessert..." He says playfully before we suddenly appear back on his temple.

Falling back first on our cushions and pillows what I can do but open my legs and sacrifice my body, not in the usual way, to my god.

But seeing him, it doesn't look like a sacrifice after all~


Hector P.O.V.

Heh, non-modern worlds are the best.

Seriously, so much simpler. People's mentality is much more compliant when you show strength... Medieval worlds, fantasy worlds, cultivation worlds... In all of them, you can show your strength and people accept your superiority and then you can do what you want.

Obviously, there are exceptions, but most of the time people are more accepting of a hierarchy in life.

Now in a modern world... Ugh...

People are really blinded by thinking they are special and are entitled to equal rights. Heh.

Not that they are wrong, but... They do dumb things thinking that laws and morality would defend them.

One time I went into a rom-com modern world and pranked everyone by acting like a god.

I made the illusions of a giant golden face in the sky, talked in everyone's head, these things...

A good amount went down in their knees to worship me, more people went to ask for forgiveness... But most of them just pulled their cellphone to record. I don't know... modern people are too much cynical and disconnected from danger. I think they lack survival instincts because of their easy life.

They tried to nuke me, by the way. They literally tried to nuke GOD!

The prank is to see how they would react, disappointing... but not surprising.

In another modern world without anything supernatural, I show myself as a human with powers. Like the only superhero in the world... The Dr. Manhattan of that world.

They made protests against me, tried to kill me, manipulate me... Dude...

I was the only fucking super guy around, and they thought that law or something would protect them if they pissed me off!

Like... How dumb can you be??

In another, I went full dictator... But a good dictator. Never. I repeat... Never did anything bad. I just took control of everything.

I created Utopia with an iron first.

But because they understood that their "precious freedom" was no more... They always are against me.

Fun fact... I never took the freedom of them. They could continue with their normal lives. I just took the elections away.

Life was much better, but they thought that is worse for some reason.

To end my experiment I disappeared, pulling a Lelouch... The world is as perfect as it could be.

They are so happy to be free again...

It took five years to everything turn to shit again.

And they cried for me to come back. Some even start putting up statues and images of me to pray for my return... Sucks now, huh?

Now I know that modern people need subtle manipulation... Too much effort... Ugh.

And because of this, I love non-modern worlds.

So simple to get what you want... Show me as a god. Prove it. Refuse to elaborate further. And right now I have Chel jumping in my dick. Much better...

Did I come to this world just for her? Yes, don't judge me. You would do the same...

I had a list... I need to platinum the Omniverse.

I prevented Miguel, Tulio and the other colonizers to find El Dorado, and now I can enjoy the view of Chel's huge ass bouncing. She is doing all the work, facing the other way while riding me.

She is enjoying herself too, a lot I could say. Through the years, I became very good at sex and with time I received many sex-themed things like Incubus bloodline and other things.

I will never get tired of this view. Now she can take everything more easily, her soft ass crashing on my waist, jiggling and rippling with each impact.

Long ago, I discovered a "fetish". Enjoying the contrast of skin colors with mine is always nice. Brown skin, darker... and even better with unusual skin colors like blue, red, purple, pink and obviously... green. And pale white.

I move my hand to her round and smooth ass. Really a thing of beauty...

Feeling my touch she slows down and looks over her shoulder "I'm doing good?" She asks when gyrating her hips sensually, my dick touching all of her insides.

"Wonderfull, but I think is due time to me to take your everything..." I say huskily while parting her asscheeks with my hand. Revealing a golden buttplug in her ass...

I gifted her with just the right amount of jewelry to please her and show her status. No need to be so gaudy... She only has her standard earrings, the armband, and a thin golden chain belt resting lazily on her hips.

And obviously this golden buttplug with a blue gemstone, like my eyes.

She smiles at my words and raises her ass even more to allow me a better view and access.

"Do you want to offer it to me or do you prefer that I claim it myself?" I ask playfully while pressing the buttplug a little deeper, just to put some pressure.

She moans "Just relax, my god. Let Chel do all the work~" She says sultrily

"Very well." I say before resting my hands behind my back and letting her act.

She puts a show to me. Erotically removing the buttplug with a moan, twerking a little after removing it, and winking with her asshole.

"Face me... I want to see your face." I command and she obeys.

Rising to her feet, removing my cock with a pop, she crouches down at my waist.

Even if her ass and hips are to die for. You can't shrug off her breasts. They're not huge, but they're great. Perfect on her.

I move my hand and to one of them, passing my thumb over a chocolate nipple. She bits her lips at my touch, but continues her mission.

Gripping my cock, she directs the tip to her puckered asshole "Hm~ My god, Chel offer her everything to you~" She says while slowly dropping down.

She slides down, her insides gripping me tightly. Involuntarily massaging my cock. With a long moan, she sinks all the way, her ass pressing against my thighs, her hands using my knees to support her.

After some seconds to adjust herself, biting her lips she centers herself and starts bouncing, her tits jumping with her. Her face shows that she is enjoying herself immensely. Her eyes closed, drawn-out moans and some bite of her lips. Her hands goes to my hands on her breasts. She holds it there tightly.

She starts to move even more wildly, taking everything inside her previously virgin asshole.

Aah~ This is life.

Where I should go next? Maybe go for the "princesses" of cartoons and animated movies like Merida, Mulan, and others.

Maybe start completing my "Milf List" Dexter's mom and many others are waiting for me. I just need to use the Travel Ticket in an A.U. world where the father is dead or the mother is divorced.

I'm not that much in Netori.

Oh, maybe I can continue with the Chocolate skin theme and go for Esmeralda, Jasmine, Pocahontas, Tiana Moana and... Oh, Kida from that movie Atlantis. Underrated girl.

I contemplate these things while watching Chel devour all of my dick with her butt.

I love these worlds.


A.N.: Where to go next?

What cartoon or animated movie girl should be the next on his Omniversal Princess Harem?

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