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14.28% Douluo Dalu: 1st Cycle: Dancing Panda / Chapter 6: Wu Siduo

Chapitre 6: Wu Siduo

The first day of school. Karni remembered his first day of school, though not much. It's been a very long time since he started going to school. And now, a 20 year old caught in a child's body, he, yet again, had a first day of school.

All the kids his age wore the same uniform as him. It was mostly white with occasional straps of blue and gold. The gold parts were also made of light metal. The uniform suited a reputable school like Star Luo City Academy.

Karni followed a slow moving line of young students toward the classrooms. He was assigned to class 1C, first year the C category. This didn't represent much; it was a simple distinction between classes. There were around 30 students in each one. Categories went all the way to E. In total, the academy had 150 new students, give or take a few.

This could be considered an enormous amount, especially when taking into account that these were all the elite.

While making his way to class 1C, he constantly felt like someone was watching him. He glanced around and found no one that would be suspicious. There were occasional glances from other children, but then, everyone was glancing about curiously. They were young and filled with excitement. Their very first school day.

When he reached his homeroom, he wasn't the first one there. No one seemed to mind him, except for a curious looking girl with auburn hair. You could tell at a glance that she would become a beauty once she grows up. If Karni were a grandma, he would definitely tell her that she would break hearts when she grows up. Yet this very face had a look of horror when looking at him. Like she saw a ghost.

How did one react to that look? Karni just ignored it, walking past the girl in an incredibly uncomfortable and awkward manner. How is it possible that people are already looking at him strangely, was there something on him? No. Everything seemed to be right with his clothes. His hair also wasn't a mess. No that wasn't it either… Why the actual fuck was she still staring at him then?

He sat down somewhere in the middle row of the class. It was the most inconspicuous spot. He did not want to stand out. Satisfied with his choice of placement, he checked if the girl was still looking at him…

Of course she was. Though her look changed into that of interest instead. Great. How was he going to deal with that? A small grin appeared on her when the two caught each other's eyes. She was amused. Was he going to get the famous arrogant encounter of the Wuxia novels already?

He looked away. It's not like she was looking at him with malice. But he had a bad feeling. He did not want to cause a scene on the first day of school. He wasn't one to immediately lose his cool and yell back at an arrogant person, but he wasn't the type to just take the insults either. He had to control himself. Especially so when facing such an odd character.

The girl with auburn hair suddenly stood up, picked up her things and went towards Karni's desk. Another kid tried to sit down next to Karni, but was stopped by the girl. "Excuse me but I wanna sit here. Is that okay?". It was a smile that could make the room shine. 

She caught the other boy's tongue. He didn't know what to say. Being a child, he simply got flustered. "O- Of course, I don't mind!"

'Ah, the minds of children, so easily swayed.' Karni secretly shook his head. Little did he know that another person thought similarly.

The girl sat down next to Karni. It really did feel like she was here looking for trouble. She smiled at him mischievously. "What's your name?"

At least she didn't seem hostile. Karni also didn't want to start anything. "Karni Val." He paused. Then sighed. "And yours?"

With his name, her smile brightened instantly. That was… odd. Then her eyes moistened. And… wait, was she tearing up? The girl hid her face and answered back in an attempted normal voice. "Wu Siduo."

After answering, she turned and put her head into her hands as if falling asleep. But her head was shaking a bit. Karni was sure she wasn't sleeping.

He was confused as all hell. What the actual fuck was going on? This made absolutely no sense whatsoever. She definitely wasn't here for bullying. No, no. She got emotional? What? 

… Wu Siduo. That name was familiar.

The Hell Cat. Karni remembered as he glanced at the auburn-haired girl. She was a side character who was considered a genius. She was both a rival and an eventual friend of Tang Wulin. Also one of the many girls that would fall in love with the main character. Wu Siduo. Twin Martial Souls. Soul Master who had both the Hell Cat and White Tiger Martial Souls. She had to be the student Yi Lan mentioned. The other exception. 

But that didn't solve this mystery. Her reaction. Did she know him? How would that be possible? The girl went from seeing a ghost, to amusement, to mischief, to emotional in barely a minute. It was too uncanny. There was no one who knew him. He was sure of that… Unless Douluo Planet hosted a person that looked just like he did when he was a kid, and he took over that body. Farfetched, but not impossible. That person would also have to know this Wu Siduo. It was his best guess to make sense of this.

Karni thought of asking some questions, but the teacher entered before he could. It was actually teacher Yi Lan! Looks like he had been assigned to this class.

Yi Lan made a simple introduction and then started explaining the curriculum. Karni spaced out almost instantly. He was still caught up with what had occurred.

"Karni!" Teacher Yi Lan yelled across the classroom. Karni finally jumped out of his stupor. Yi Lan was staring at him a bit exasperated. "It's your turn to introduce yourself."

Karni stood up. He heard a small giggle escape from the girl. So far, Wu Siduo changed her mood like one would their underpants. She seemed like a… headache.

"My name is Karni Val. I'm currently staying in the dorms of the school since I come from quite far away… that… that's about it." He sat back down. Embarrassed. A weird first impression on the class. So much about not standing out. Whether it be the teacher calling him out, or his name being odd.

"Wait. Your family name is Karni?" Wu Siduo voiced a question.

"No…" Karni thought for a second. "It's Val. Karni is my given name." Why was she asking this?

Next, Wu Siduo stood up. There was no trace of her previous emotional state. She wore a normal smile. It was like the first exchange never happened. 

"I'm Wu. Wu Siduo. I come from the Wu family in Star Luo City. That's all." She turned at Karni mischievously and sat back down. The classroom also started to laugh quietly. She put emphasis on the word order in regards to her family name.

Karni only now realised. This world comes from Chinese novels, and even if the cultures and the world are its own, they definitely resembled that of the Chinese populus. That included the way one said their own name. Surnames came first.

No one has mentioned the way he said his name until now. They were probably trying not to embarrass him. That or they didn't notice. At least Yi Lan was now regretting not mentioning it. Karni was now slightly embarrassed publicly. It would've been better if he just told him privately.

The next student stood up to introduce themself, while Siduo whispered to Karni. "I hope we get along. Karni Val." She still had that amused face on her, though her expression has softened.

"Smartass. Me too." Karni whispered back passive aggressively, including a tinge of sarcasm in his voice. He made a mental note about introducing himself as Val Karni from now on. He didn't memorise any other names other than Wu Siduo—he was still a bit overwhelmed.

Siduo didn't answer back. But she didn't seem to take offence.

With everyone finishing their introductions, Yi Lan started teaching the class. The first period was about the Soul Masters of the world. What were soul masters? They were the ones who stood at the peak of Douluo. Every child in this school had a chance to become like that.

Soul Power itself appeared only 1 in 1000 in the populace. Twin Martial Soul Masters on the other hand… Well, to say that there have been a 1000 of them throughout all history would be generous. Though they have become more frequent throughout the many millennia of Douluo Continent's existence.

The path of every Soul Master's future would usually be dictated by their Martial Soul. An Assault System Limit Douluo could destroy a whole army alone. Similarly, a peak Auxiliary System Soul Master might be capable of bringing someone back to life as long as there was a single breath remaining.

Soul Masters were divided into systems based on their development path: Auxiliary, Agility, Assault and Control were the most known ones, though there existed others as well.

Soul Power itself had its own ranks. It usually represented the power of a Soul Master. Those below 10th rank were called Soul Scholars and they weren't considered Soul Masters. This was the majority of the students in the junior academy.

Once one got a single Soul Ring, they would become Soul Masters. The lowest category. This was the category that Karni, and likely Wu Siduo fell into.

After breaking through the 20th rank, they would become Soul Grandmasters. Every new Soul Ring signalled a new realm. 

These realms went in order: Soul Master, Soul Grandmaster, Soul Elder, Soul Ancestor, Soul King, Soul Emperor, Soul Sage, Soul Douluo and Titled Douluo. The highest one could usually achieve was rank 99 Titled Douluo also called a Limit Douluo.

They were called Titled because one would get their one title. For example, one could be called a Spirit Ice Douluo, his title would be Spirit Ice. This title belonged to Huo Yuhao, the protagonist of Soul Land 2.

There existed another rank. Rank 100. At that point one would become a god. However, there has only ever been two instances of that happening. One was the Ancestor of Tang Sect, Tang San, and the other was the Spirit Ice Douluo. He was one of the key figures of introducing Spirit Souls into the world of Douluo. Forever changing the way of cultivation in this world.

Currently however, Douluo Planter was in a special predicament. After all, rank 100 was possible without the God Realm. Something unique to the world after the end of Soul Land 2. Karni was one of the few who knew this, but he himself wasn't sure when exactly this happened in terms of Douluo Planet's timeline. Only the highest existences in the world were aware that the God Realm was gone.

The classes passed by fast. They had some basic classes on history, maths, the language. Nothing unusual. But they did all tie back to Martial Souls and the topic of Soul Masters in one way or another. Theories behind fusion with Spirit Souls, Soul Rings and their abilities. There were also classes about Soul Beasts.

Once the classes ended Yi Lan reminded them of the rules outside of classes. He mentioned some basic rules and then got to the rule of sparring. "You are allowed to spar with each other, however, you mustn't harm each other. Whoever does will be punished severely or even expelled. Finally, if you need any extra lessons or wish to know any additional information, you can find me in the room opposite of this classroom. Though it would be great if you ask your classmates first, before asking me. Remember that you will be together for many years. You all wish to be soul masters in the future. Be nice to each other. Alright then, run along now. We're finished for today."

Expulsion as punishment was meant seriously. Most other academies would not be so strict, but all of the kids were of reputable backgrounds. Should something happen, the influential families might cause trouble.

"Hey, hey. Karni." The annoyance called out to Karni immediately. Addressing him in a casual manner. "Teacher just said we're allowed to spar. We should spar." Wu Siduo looked at Karni with eyes full of hope.

What exactly was this girl after? Her words were a taunt, but her eyes were sincere. 

"Let's not. It's the first day." He didn't look at her. He put on his best "left-on-read" face.

Wu Siduo didn't look discouraged. "Oh come on. I'll even give you a little kiss if you defeat me." Karni didn't see her face, but based on the tone it was full of mischief.

He turned around—his eyes unamused. 6 year olds these days are already talking about kissing? Or this girl is… fucking weird that's what. "No." He answered after a short staring contest. He left towards the classroom door. He wanted to leave as fast as possible.

Of course she followed him. Honestly, he wasn't surprised. "You took some time thinking about it didn't you?" She made a fake laugh. "Why? Am I that beautiful to you?"

Karni rolled his eyes back into yesterday, but stayed quiet. She seemed like the type that would turn anything he did against him, knowing it would annoy him. 

She kept on pestering him about sparring, mentioning the kiss. She was a child. A weird child. Karni hoped she would get bored as long as he didn't react. Most children he knew were like that. But then again… the short exchange he had with Wu Siduo made her anything but normal.

Finally leaving the building entrance, she wore a defeated look. "Oh, if you insist. You'll get a kiss even if you lose. How about that?" 

Karni stopped just in front of the door to the outside of the school building and looked at her. What was wrong with this child? They entered a tiny staring contest again. Utter annoyance vs Expectation. And slowly the harrowing realisation hit him. This obnoxious fiend ain't gonna stop. 

He ran. Yes. He ran with all his might toward the dorm building. The girl was just too much to handle. He was a 20 year old man inside! Not only was he hoping she would NOT kiss him, the realisation about her made him worry she actually would! What did he do to deserve this?!

He turned back. No one was there. He escaped. Until he noticed she was right next to him, on the other side. "Ai, someone is eager for a spar. But you're going the wrong way…"

He stopped. No use running from something you cannot outrun. "Okay. What the fuck do I have to do for you to stop… THIS?"

"A spar!" She answered clearly, not seeking to compromise, not minding Karni's cursing. In fact, she seemed to enjoy it.

"WHY?" Karni asked, only for Wu Siduo to stay completely quiet, waiting for him to agree. 

Never. Never in a million years would he imagine that his first day of school would go like this. He remembered this character being proud. Proud and calculating. What happened?! This girl might be calculating, but in an irritating way! Would reality and novels be different from each other? Speaking of. He just found out that he was exactly in Tang Wulin's era. But he couldn't be bothered to think about that right now due to Wu Siduo. Perhaps she was like this as a child? "Ugh. If we spar, will you leave me alone?"


He could almost hear the: 'You'll have to tolerate me from now on' missing after the "no". 

"Fuck me… That's a damn phrase by the way. Don't you dare take it literally." He had the girl mostly figured out. "If you won't even leave me alone, then at least make it worth my goddamn time!" It's been a very, very long time since someone made him this frustrated.

"You won't lose out. You'll get a kiss from yours truly after all." She said this with a beaming smile and without letting him continue, she tried to drag him towards the field, but Karni wouldn't move.

She raised up her hands. "Fine, fine. I can tell you that I'm quite good. It will be a good experience."

For a split second, Karni considered it. He gave up. It's not like his thoughts on the manner would influence the end result here. "Okay, okay. We can spar. But stop it with the damn kiss thing!" 

If the older years heard their exchange they would find it cute and cringy. Thankfully, most 6 year olds didn't know much about relationships. Those he knew in his previous life often felt it disgusting even hearing about kissing. Karni's sort-of-nephew in his original world definitely did. It was just that Karni had vastly different reasons compared to his nephew.

"Okay. I won't kiss you if you defeat me!" Of course the girl was making fun of the situation.

"You said the opposite before!" Besides being frustrated, he was also worried. He didn't want a kiss from some 6 year old! The only time kissing a 6 year old is normal is if you're their parent, and even then it's more of a peck!

"I did say that. I changed my mind." They arrived at the sparring ground.

"Of course, yes. Of course you did. Why are you doing this?" Confusion didn't begin to describe his current mood. A kid he met for the first time, forced him to spar, by threatening him with a kiss, who was apparently from the original novel, yet did not act anything like the original character. It was absurd on so many levels.

She answered with a grin. "I'll tell you if you can beat me!"

"Oh come come the fuck on woman! Do you know me from somewhere or something? Did I offend you somehow?" If he finds out why. Maybe. Just maybe… he might actually convince her to stop all of this.

"Well let's see here… Hmmm… Yes!" She smiled then attacked him.

Karni dodged with some difficulty. "Wait. Yes? What exactly? Also shouldn't we establish some rules or something?"

"Oh, you're boring. What rules are there in a spar? It's just a simple spar! Whoever falls down first loses." She pounced at him again, not answering the first question.

She summoned her martial soul. Her body underwent a change. On her head appeared a pair of cat ears and on her hands appeared claws. Her overall speed also increased. A single yellow ring appeared behind her.

"Just wait for a moment damn it! Can't we talk this out?" He had more trouble dodging this. If she jumped at him again he would probably get hit. He'd have to summon his own Martial Soul.

She stopped and looked at him funny. Perhaps for the first time, her tone was somewhat serious. "Can you stop stalling and just start? You know I'm not gonna stop right?"

He stared for another second and sighed. He raised his hand and a Bo Staff of gold and silver appeared in his hands, a black snake inscribed on it. His eyes seemed to glow with a tinge of gold and a single Soul Ring appeared. What Karni didn't notice however, was that there was something different in his Martial Soul now.

For a moment, her face was filled with… nostalgia? Though, the Soul RIng… it confused her for some reason. She shook her head and focused. "Are you ready or do you need more time to prepare?"

Was she actually considerate? "I… I think I'm ready?" 

"Oh, you think?" Her eyes turned serious and her stance forceful. It felt like she was looking at the very depths of his soul.

A chill ran down Karni's spine. It was like facing a predator. His first real spar in this new world and he had zero combat experience. Meanwhile, she seemed to have a ton. Not to mention, she was an Agility Type Soul Master while he was a Control Type.

Usually the Control System countered the Agility System Soul Masters, but Karni had yet to receive an actual control skill. His first Soul Ring massively improved his perception of the future and surroundings, but it did not offer control.

All he could rely on in this battle was his Bo Staff. He didn't want to reveal his panda Martial Soul. The only people who knew about it were Yi Lan and the headmaster. He wanted to keep it that way.

Yet there was this lingering feeling: should he summon his Second Martial Soul, it wouldn't help him at all.

AzKoPo AzKoPo

Well then, a wild new character appears! She seems different than the original? And a bit weird? Next chapter is the first proper fight scene! Hopefully I won't have to rewrite it too much, as when it was written my style hasn't quite taken root yet. Until then!


Edit: This chapter went through quite a bit of a change in the update. Particularly so in delivery and reactions of the characters. As it is, I think my original intentions with how the characters percieve things come across better. The previous version did not emphasize enough of what the characters were feeling. The OG version will be in Auxilary section, notes on what exactly was changed will also be there.

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