It's been thirty minutes since we left. The soft-lofi romantic song was syncing in my ears and the night was full of clouds dancing in the sky along with the brightening white moon even though it's still evening but in winter the moon comes out early than usual in here. Moon has many imperfections but still, it looks flawless despite the flaws..
rolling the window roller down to put my head out on it, the cool windy air leeshing on my face making me close my eyes and grow a smile in pleasure. How lucky am I right? Having your own house, living independently, and the love of life who is always ready to support and encourage me in every condition loves me unconditionally the way I am, was by me at my lowest of the lowest, and will be by my side always.
"atleast tell me where we going?" I spill out shrugging my shoulder hard. "woah woah young lady calm down" he said rounding his eyes when saw me doing that. "better not do that next time" he said almost like a warning but I know it wasn't a warning.
Rolling my eyes at him, I turned my head out of the window. He just let out a chuckle but ignoring that I kept my head out. How unpredictable this weather can be right? In early winter... Yes, it can be... A sky full of color infilled, the full marshmallow-like cloud revolving around the sky, and of course, the moon and the dangling stars hanging on the void sky. Isn't it a whole treat for a sky lover? Yes, it truly is because as a nature lover, I worship the sky and its elements...
After half more hour, we reached the place. And guess where he took me... The Pepitas. My all-time favorite cafe. Unbuckling his seat he made his way out of the car and came to my side to hold the door for me. "My lady" extending his hand to me and gladly accepting it, I stepped out.
A wide toothy smile covering my face made him confirm that I'm super happy. "eeeeee!! Vikram thank you so much. You don't know how badly I was willing to come here b-"
"but because of your hectic schedule, you didn't get time to come here right?" cutting and completing my statement he smiled. "yeahhh," I said dragging the h-word making me look like a five-year-old kid who desperately wants to go to the amusement park and when he got his wish done, he smile of satisfaction on his face.
"shall we?" he spoke out and I replied to him with an extreme nod making him say "Such a little girl" rolling his eyes up towards the air. "aaeyyy" I huffed in anger. He let some giggles out of his pretty mouth.
Reaching the cafe, we went to our routine table. He dragged out the chair for me "Thank you" and he went to his seat. It's a vintage cafe. The theme of the cafe is books. Books are pilled up on the bookshelf very nicely some are laid down and some are upright with the support of the ledge.
The walls got a dull brownish color which made it look more aesthetic. The floor beneath us was also painted brown but it was glazed with a shiny top coat which makes it look more pretty.
"so what now," I asked him placing my elbow on the table and intervened my hands looking at him. "I so here's the plan" he took out a piece of paper out of his left pocket.
"wait... You made the whole plan!" I chirped out in amusement. "yeah. Just for you" he winked and continued. "So first we were going for lunch but thanks to YOU we got late and now we are having some coffee and something to go with it" he taunted as I sulked in between and said, "I said sorry."
"then in an hour we'll to go the cinema as bought your favorite horror movie tickets then we'll have our dinner and then for a long walk and last I'm gonna stay at your house for the rest of the night" he concludes.
"sounds like fun," I said immediately. Just then the waitress came to take our orders "What can I get for you guys" I spoke showing her sweet smile to us.
"yea two cups of coffee, two chocolate croissants, three cupcakes, and a vanilla and butterscotch ice cream" he ordered. I was slightly stunned because it's been third and a half years since we are dating and still he remembers.
The waitress went after saying "Right away" to us with a gummy smile. "you still remember my favorites" I asked him and in response, he chuckled and says "Why wouldn't I". Smiling at his reply I thanked him.
When our order arrives we straight dugged into the food like a beast who was hungry for several years. After stuffing all the food into my stomach. I leaned back on the chair "Hmmph!! Babe, I'm full, I can't even walk" I said.
"And what about your ice cream," he said chuckling. "I still have some little space" I squeaked at him.
Hearing my childish voice he laughed hard and says"Hahaha!! Babe why you are so cute" Opposing the statement I huffed and said "Aaayyyy!! I am not cute. I'm hot" and he laughed even harder listening to that.
"you're still a baby," he said as he choked on his laugh and continued "My baby" In reply to that I kept saying "I'm not a baby" winning and pouted until my ice cream came and rugged into it like a kid who desperately wants his/her favorite thing.
"and hence my statement proved," he said putting the spoon full of ice cream into his mouth.
"yaaahhhhhh!!!!" I whinned..
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