"I'm sorry about earlier," Aiden whispered to Anna's ear.
This caused her face which was already red from embarrassment to accentuate even more.
Anna seemed surprised that Aiden was now right beside her as she hadn't heard him at all.
This was obviously normal since Aiden had his passive skill which made such things possible.
Anna who just heard what she said had to admit that she was feeling bad as she knew that the way that she currently acting wasn't the nicest at all.
"T-There's no need to be, I don't know why I reacted so strongly earlier."
She seemed embarrassed by how she was acting since she remembered what she had said when Aiden had let her go and decided to let her live.
She remembered how she had complained to the director and had been ridiculed even more.
So, when she learned that Aiden was now the disciple of the director of the academy she got scared that he would use this opportunity to be banished from the academy.
Made a new book! Strongest Mage with a Martial Arts System, go read I would appreciate it.
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