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92.3% The100 / Chapter 12: We are Grounders

Chapitre 12: We are Grounders

Shadow's POV

I had helped Jasper make holes to have trip wire to make the mines. "Come one. These foxholes aren't gonna build themselves!" Someone called out. "Better hope those land mines work," Bellamy says from behind me. "All the gun powder we're wasting we could be making more grenades" he pointed out, causing my anger to fill in my chest. "You wanna come over here and test one?" I asked in a harsh tone. "Cute..." he hissed out. "I need this entire section mined by morning" Bellamy ordered. "Then we'll finish the south field" Bellamy explained. "Hey! What about Clarke, Finn, and Monty?" I hissed after him. "Like I told everyone, nobody leaves this camp" he ordered me. "We can't just abandon our people!" I shout at him. "You wanna lead them? Show them you give a damn!" I hissed. Bang! A gun goes off. "What the hell was that about?" Bellamy asked, walking up to Aaron who's in a tree. "What the hells the matter with you?" He shouted. "I'm sorry, I fell asleep. I've been on watch all day" he stuttered out. Bellamy grabbed a hold of him roughly "We all been on watch all day!" He shouted. "That bullet was one less dead Grounder!" He screamed. I rushed over to him, shoving Bellamy back. "Stop! You're scaring people!" I screamed at him. "They should be scared!" Bellamy shouted back. "The bomb on the bridge bought us some time to prepare but that time is up! The Grounders are out there right now, waiting for us to leave and picking us off blind by one when we do!" He shouted. "Clarke! Finn! Monty are gone. Probably dead and if you wanna be next I can't stop you but no guns are leaving this camp" Bellamy ordered us. "This camp is the only thing keeping us alive!" He shouted. "Get back to work!" Bellamy then ordered.

I'm on the second floor to the drop ship, staying away from Bellamy and Raven. "Don't you think I wanna go after them?" I hear Bellamy's voice. "If it was you out there, you think Monty, Clarke, and Finn would hide behind these walls?" Jasper's voice pointed out. "No..." Bellamy's voice broke a little. "They'd go after me and they be dead too" he pointed out. "I am doing what I think is right for the group" he stated. "Funny, you didn't think that way when Octavia went missing" Jasper hissed out. "Where are you going?" Bellamy asked. "More gun powder for your minefield sir!" Jasper hissed and tears formed in my eyes as I hold back the sobs. Suddenly the hatch and I shot up. "Aurora...what are you doing up here?" Jasper asked me. I sniffed, wiping my eyes. "Staying far away from Bellamy and Raven as I can get" I cleared my throat. "What they did...it was wrong," Jasper says. "You heard?" I asked, clicking my tongue to the roof of my mouth. "It was hard not to after you bitch smacked her" Jasper chuckled, coming into the room. "Yeah...not my finest moment" I lowered my head. "I'm just grabbing the gun powder, I'll be out of your hair" he chuckled, picking up the container before heading down the latter. I knit my brows together when I hear Murphy's voice. "He...he stopped breathing and I was gonna try to help him," He says. I walked over to the hatch and leaned down to listen. I watch Jasper as he slowly climbed down the latter. Suddenly He jumped down and I heard a click and the silence. "Murphy...put the gun down" Jasper softly says. "He...he tried to kill me," Murphy says. I backed away quickly, knocking into something and making a loud banging noise. "Hey! Who's up there?!" Murphy asked. "If you don't come down right now! I'll kill him!" He threatened. I take a deep breath and slowly climb down the ladder. "Well...well... And here I thought we were getting to become friends" Murphy hissed as my feet touched the floor. He pointed his gun at me, causing me to raise my hands. "Hey... calm down, just put down the gun and we can talk about this?" I suggested. "Hey! Don't move!" Murphy yelled as Jasper tried to run "Okay...okay...it's cool" Jasper whispered. "No, it's not. You know what will happen to me if you tell Bellamy" Murphy stated. "Tell Bellamy what?" I hear Bellamy's voice. I sighed when I realize Jasper hit the button on the radio. "Give me the radio..." Murphy ordered Jasper. Jasper quickly pulled his radio out "Murphy he killed—" suddenly he punched Jasper in the face. "Shut up!" He screamed. "Murphy, what the hell are you doing?" Bellamy asked as he picked up the radio. I tried to run but He pointed the gun at me. "Don't you dare think about it!" He shouted before walking over to the handle, pulling out up as he closed the door. "Open the damn door!" Bellamy shouted. "Try to be a hero and Shadow and Jasper die!" Murphy threatens him.

Murphy walked over to me "Tie him up" he ordered me. I shake my head "I'm not doing anything for you" I say. "I said tie him up!! Murphy shouted at me. "Tie him up or I shoot him" Murphy threatened. "Shadow...it's alright," Jasper said, trying to it cry. I sniffled, grabbing the cloth and tying Jaspers hands. "I'm sorry..." I say to him as I tied his hands behind his back. "Put this around his mouth" Murphy ordered me. I grabbed the cloth and kneel down to Jasper's face. "I'm so s-s-sorry" I stuttered out before tying it around him so he couldn't speak. "Good, now turn around" Murphy hissed. I stood up, turning around as he roughly tied my hands together. He shoved me on the ground before tying my feet. Murphy if you touch either of them I swear to god!" I hear Octavia shout. "Murphy, I know you can hear me all our ammo and food is in the middle level. You know that" Bellamy explained as Murphy placed the blanket over the kid he killed. "You're leaving us vulnerable to an attack and I can't let that happen" Bellamy explained. I looked over to see Jasper is scared. "Well, in case you haven't noticed you're not exactly in control right now" Murphy pointed out over the radio. "Come on, Murphy. You don't wanna hurt Shadow or Jasper. You wanna hurt me" Bellamy says. "So what do you say? How about you trade them both for me?" Bellamy suggested. "All you have to do is let them go and I'll take their place" Bellamy added. "No!" I shouted. Murphy looks over me, smirking "How?" He asked. I knew if Bellamy did this Murphy would kill him. "Simple, you open the door, I walk in and they walk out," Bellamy says. He stared at me for a while "No!" I shouted, tears forming in my eyes. "Let me stay?" I asked. "Why would I do that?" Murphy asked me. "Because! I gave Clarke the idea that it was you who killed Wells" I lied. "I told her that I saw you...I wanted you to die" I lied, my bottom lip shaking. Murphy slowly walked over to me, his face getting inches away from mine. "I don't believe you...." he whispered. "You would never go through all that over someone you hate" he smirked, lightly touching my face. "Unless you don't hate me?" He stated. He then chuckle "It's alright, I know the real reason Why you want to stay" he smirked. "I'll make you a deal, I'll let you stay but if you act up once I'll kill you" he hissed. I nodded but then he tied a cloth around my mouth, making sure I didn't scream before he walked to Jasper and untying him before opening the door. "Just you Bellamy! Unarmed!" Murphy shouted. "You have ten seconds or a put one in Jaspers leg!" He added. "One!" He began to count. "Two! Three! Four!" He shouted. "I'm here!" Bellamy called out before I heard his footstep and then he was in the dropship. Murphy shoved Jasper out and shut the door. Bellamy looked over at me "You let her go too!" Bellamy shouted. "No, you see Shadlw and I here have a deal," Murphy says. Bellamy looked over me again, sadness in his eyes as I hold back tears. "Just do what I say and she doesn't get hurt" Murphy pointed the gun at me and I closed my eyes tight. "Bellamy?" I hear Octavia's voice. "You want to know you're alive?" Murphy taunted Bellamy. "Start tying" he ordered Bellamy. "Bellamy! Do you copy?" Octavia asked. "I'm fine" Bellamy answered as he begins tying the straps together. "Stop worrying about me and get back to work. All of you" Bellamy ordered. "And tell Raven to hurry her ass up" Bellamy added. "All right that's long enough" Murphy stated. "Now tie those two ends together" Murphy explained and Bellamy did. "All right now tie it and toss it over" he instructed Bellamy. I shake my head "No!" I screamed but it sounded muffled. Bellamy stood up and tossed the straps over. "What do you want me to say? You want me to apologize I'm..." Murphy cut him off. "I wouldn't move! Or your sweet Shadow here is gonna have a nice long nap" Murphy threaded as he pointed the gun closer to me. "I'm sorry" Bellamy stopped moving. Murphy smirked "You got it all wrong, Bellamy...I don't want you to say anything" he explained. "I want you to feel what I felt then...Then I want you to die" he hissed. Tears peek at the corner of my eyes at the thought Murphy then licked a stool to Bellamy. "Stand on it" he ordered Bellamy as he grabbed the other end of the strap. "Pull it over your head" he ordered. I shake my head, begging this wasn't happening. Bellamy looked at me "This is insane the Grounders could—" Bang! The bullet flies right next to me causing me to jump and let out a scream. "I said pull it over your head!" Murphy shouted. Bellamy put the loose around his neck. "Happy now?" Bellamy asked. Murphy yanked on it hard. "You're so brave, aren't you?" Murphy asked him, letting go of it. "Or so you think..." he chuckled. "You know why Shadow didn't want to leave? Huh?" Murphy asked him. "She didn't want you to be alone...to die alone. You thought she hated you for what you had done but as a matter of fact she's still very much in love with you" he blurted out to Bellamy. I lowered my head only glancing to see Bellamy glaring at Murphy. "When she found you in bed with Raven, ouch that had to sting..." he says. "But then again, you only slept with Raven because of what?" Murphy asked Bellamy. "You didn't want to admit to Shadow that you have feelings for her? Am I getting close?" Murphy asked him. Bellamy looked over at me "I thought she would hate you but then....there she went offering herself up to save good ole Bellamy" Murphy smirked. "I get it, man, she's hot..." Murphy taunted him. "Shut up!" Bellamy hissed. "Brave....but at the same time a coward," Murphy says. "You came in here thinking you were just gonna turn this ring around, that you were stronger than me, that maybe you would even save Shadow?" Murphy asked. "Well, what are you thinking now Bellamy? Hmm?" Murphy asked. Suddenly Murphy yanked the strap again, choking Bellamy. I finally get the cloth off my mouth as I see Bellamy struggling. "Stop! Murphy please!" I begged him, tears pouring down my cheeks. "Please! Let him go! I'll do anything you want! Please...just let him go?" I begged. He stopped once again "Stop? No, I'm just getting started" Murphy laughed. "But I gotta hand it to you, Bellamy. You got them all fooled. They actually look up to you almost as much as they look up to Shadow and Clarke" Murphy smirked. "Yeah, but we know the truth don't we?" Murphy asked. "You're a coward" Murphy accused him. "I learn that the day you kicked out the crate from underneath me" Murphy pointed out. "I found out how big of a coward you were when you slept with the person you're in love with best friend because you couldn't tell her how you felt" He smirked. "I should've stopped them..." Bellamy says. "Yeah, little too late" Murphy stated as I begin untying my hands. "What now? You think you're just gonna walk out of here?" Bellamy asked him. "Well... the princess is dead and I know the king is about to die and then Queen will die so who's gonna lead these people?" Murphy asked. "Me, that's who," Murphy says. "And maybe I'll have to kill your Grounder pounder little sister—" Bellamy cut him off when he tried kicking Murphy. Murphy suddenly grabbed the strap, choosing Bellamy again. "Ah!" I heard Raven suddenly scream from under us, causing Murphy to stop. "I'm guessing that's her right now," he says, pulling his gun back out and firing shots at the floor. Murphy turned around and kicked the stool from under Bellamy. "No!!!" I screamed. "Please stop!" I shouted. "Murphy please!!!" I sobbed. "Bellamy!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I watch him struggle. Murphy walked over to me "outta Bullets so I gotta get creative" Murphy smirked before getting on top of me and wrapping his hands around my throat. "I'm going to watch you both die!" Murphy screamed. His hands got tighter around my throat and I began to see spots through my vision. "Please...." I begged Murphy. Suddenly I hear the door open "Raven you did it!" I hear Jasper shout. Murphy climbed off me and I began gasping for air as he climbed up the latter. "Bell! Hold on!" Octavia called out as Jasper held him up. I begin coughing as they helped Bellamy down. I finally got my hands untied and I rushed over to Bellamy as he fell to the floor. I took off the loose "Bellamy! Breathe!" I ordered him. He began gasping for air "You're okay..." I spoke through my damaged airway. "Murphy!" Bellamy screamed, getting up to his feet. "Murphy! It's over!" Bellamy screamed with rage. Bellamy began to climb the latter, pounding on the hatch door. "There's only one way out of this for you now!" Bellamy screamed. BOOM! The whole drop ship shook and my ears rang. Bellamy got the hatch open and smoke was everywhere as we both got onto the floor. I looked around and see the huge hole in the dropship and see Murphy running off. "That guy knows how to mane an exit" Jasper stated behind us. "Should we go after him?" I whispered, my throat hurting like crazy. "No. The Grounders will take care of Murphy" Bellamy informed me. I look up at him "We're going after Clarke and Finn and Monty" he tells me. "Raven and Jasper are right we don't abandon our own" Bellamy smiled. "We lost a whole day because of this and our gun powder" Bellamy explained as we began climbing back down the latter. "No wait.." Jasper sighed, stopping us. "I just...." Jasper hugged us both, causing me to giggle. "Thank you," Jasper says. "Long way from whatever the hell you want" Jasper informed him. I can't help but smile a little. "All gunners! Movement outside the south wall!" A guy says over the radio. We rushed down the latter and outside. "Wait! Hold your fire is Clarke and Finn! Open the gate!" Miller ordered. The gate opened and Clarke and Finn rushed inside. "Hey! We heard an explosion what happened?" Clarke asked. "Murphy happened" I sighed. "Thank god! Where have you been?" Jasper asked, hugging Clarke. "Where's Monty?" Jasper asked. "Monty's gone?" She asked. "Clarke we been to leave now. All of us do" Fin. Says. "There's an army of Grounders, unlike anything we've ever seen coming for us right now. We need to pack whatever we can and run" Finn explained. "Like hell we do, we knew this was coming," Bellamy says. "Bell! We're not prepared" Octavia whispered to him. "And they're not here yet" Bellamy pointed out. "We still have time" Bellamy added. "Besides where are we gonna go?" He asked Finn. "Where would we be safer than behind these walls?" He asked. "There's an ocean to the east people there will help us" Finn explained. "You saw Lincoln?" Octavia asked Finn. "Yeah" he answered. "You expect us to trust a Grounder?" I hissed out causing Octavia to scoff. " this is our home now!" Bellamy shouted. "We built this place with our bare hands! Our dad is buried behind that wall, in this ground! Our ground" He reminded us. " The grounders think they can take that away. They think that because we come from this guy, we don't belong here. But they are yet to realize one very important fact. We're on the ground now" he announced. " and that means we are grounders!" He added. "Yeah!" Everyone cheered. "Grounders with guns!" Someone shouted. "Damn right!" Bellamy said. I step towards Bellamy " I say let them come!" I shouted and everyone cheered. "Bellamy and Aurora are right" Clarke spoke up. " if we leave, we may never find his place safe as this. And God knows, in this world... we could be faced with something even worse tomorrow" Clarke goes on. "But that doesn't change the simple fact that if we stay here, we will die here tonight" she explained. " so pack your things. Just take it with you and carry it. Now!" She ordered everyone and they begin packing. I scoffed at Clarke "Help me!" I whipped my head to the wall to see Raven limping in, holding her side. "Raven!" I shouted, rushing towards her with Bellamy. "Murphy shot her," I say as Clarke and Finn come over. "Get her into the dropship!" Clarke ordered. "Clarke this is a mistake! We can't leave" I tell her. "The decisions been made," she says. "Crowds make bad decisions, Just ask Murphy," Bellamy says. "Leaders do what they think is right" Bellamy pointed out. "I am" Clarke sighed before walking away.

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