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46.15% The100 / Chapter 6: His Sister's Keeper

Chapitre 6: His Sister's Keeper

Shadow's POV

I throw my head back laughing at Izzy as she tripped over something in my tent. "Geez! You act as though you've never walked before" I giggled. I stepped out of my tent, Izzy following me. I see Bellamy with a torch, looking around. "Octavia?" He asked. "Hey, what's wrong Bellamy?" I asked him. "I can't find Octavia" He informed me. "We'll help you look..." Izzy says. "You and Bellamy go ask Clarke and I'll look in the dropship," Izzy says. I knew what she was doing, and it already is annoying. We walked over to Clarke's tent. "You awake?" I asked her. She comes out "yeah, knowing that hundreds of people might be dying on the Ark makes it hard to sleep" Clarke hissed out a little. "Raven's flares will work" I pointed out. "Her radio would've worked better" Clarke glared at me. "Have you seen Octavia?" Bellamy clenches his jaw tight. "No. It's Octavia. She's probably chasing butterflies" She joked. "Clarke, I've checked the camp, she's not here" Bellamy informed her. "Okay, I'll help you find her," Clarke says. "Let's check again. I'll go to the dropship and you two will check tents" Clarke instructed us. "Thank you," Bellamy says. "Don't think me. I'm not doing this for you. I'm doing it for Octavia" Clarke simply tells him before walking into the dropship.

"Alright everybody gathers around and grab a weapon!" Bellamy called out, everyone grabbing something to fight with. "My sister's been out there alone for 12 hours" He explained. "Arm up" I ordered them. "We're not coming back without her" I stated. We looked all over for Octavia but she was nowhere to be found. Bellamy said the last time he had seen her was just before he junked the radio. Jasper grabbed a weapon, causing Clarke to knit her brows together. I stopped him "Hey, Jasper you don't have to do this" I pointed out. "You haven't left camp since we brought you back" Clarke then pointed out. "Clarke, I need to do this" Jasper tells her. "Okay," I nodded. "We need all the people we can get" Bellamy stated, walking behind me. "Good, I'm coming," Izzy says. I shake my head "No, you're not" I ordered her. "Excuse me?" She laughed. "Izzy, you just got here and don't know what it's like down here" I pointed out. "I can't watch you and look for Octavia, stay here at camp" I ordered. She rolled her eyes "She's right...You don't know what it's like..." Bellamy backed me up. She handed her weapon to someone else and walked away. "We need a tracker" Bellamy pointed out. "Finn! Get out here!" I shouted out to him. We begin to leave "We'll find her Bellamy" I pat him on the shoulder. "Hey! Guys! What's that?" A guy pointed to the sky and my heart dropped to see all the bright lights coming down to earth. "They didn't work..." I choked out. "They didn't see the flares" I sighed. "A meteor shower tells you that?" Bellamy asked. "It's not a meteor shower, it's a funeral," I tell him. "Hundreds of bodies being returned to Earth from the Ark, this is what it looks from the other side" I hold back the tears. Raven ran at Bellamy "This is all because of you!" She screamed, I quickly stepped in between them "I helped you find the radio!" Bellamy shouted. "Yeah! After you jacked it from my pod and trashed it!" Raven screamed as Clarke held her back. "Yeah, he knows. Now he has to live with it" I pointed out. "All I know is my sister is out there and I'm gonna find her, You coming Shadow?" Bellamy asked me. I begin walking out of the camp with Bellamy, grabbing a sack for my arrows and swinging it onto my back. Finn catches up with us and we begin our walk to find Octavia.

We walked through the forest "Thank you, for having my back with my sister. I couldn't imagine her being out here" I sighed. "It's not a problem" He simply said. "Look! Over here!" Jones called out to us. Bellamy and I rushed over to the edge of the hill with Finn. "What is it?" Bellamy asked. "Right there. You see it?" Jones asked. "Is that Octavia's?" Jones asked Bellamy. "Rope" Bellamy ordered. Someone handed me the rope and I tie it around a tree. "What are you doing?" Finn asked. "We need the rope to get back up" I explained, handing the rest of it to Bellamy who tosses it down the hill. "Flashlight" He ordered, taking it from Jones. Bellamy then used the rope to walk down the steep hill. I follow him down next as he picked up the belt. "It's hers!" He called out. "Come on," I say, walking further down the steep hill. "Wait, stop!" I held Bellamy back. "What?" he asked. I grabbed the flashlight out of his hands and bend down where he was about to step. I reached down and placed my finger in the red liquid. "It's still fresh," I tell Bellamy. He kneeled down with me as Jasper come down, then Finn. "Someone else was here" He stated. "The prints are deeper going that way" Finn stated. "He was carrying her" I sighed. "If they took her, she's alive...Like when they took me" Jasper pointed out. Bellamy shot up, walking off faster. I followed close behind him. We get to an area and something didn't feel right anymore. I gulped down when I see all the skeletons hanging from trees and spikes in front of us. "I don't speak grounder but I'm pretty sure this means keep out," Finn said. "Let's get out of here. It's crazy" A guy stated. "I'm outta here" A guy turned around and leaves. "Go back if you want. My sister, my responsibility" Bellamy whispered before walking forward. I followed Bellamy forward, because if it was my sister I would want everyone who could be trying to find her. "I'd walk into hell just to find her" Jasper stated, coming with us. "I think we just did," Finn says, coming as well with two other women. Roma walked over to me, pulling me by the elbow "I know what you're trying to do and it won't work" She hissed. I knit my brows together "What?" I asked her. "You're trying to get close to Bellamy, that's the only reason you'd do anything for Octavia" She hissed. I scoffed "We don't have time for this..." I glared before beginning to walk away again. I stopped, looking over my shoulder. "And FYI the only reason I'm doing this is that I have a sister and if she were lost I'd want people helping me look for her...besides Bellamy and I are--" She cut me off. "Friends?" She arched a brow. "No...we have an understanding, that's it" I informed her. She rolled her eyes "Just keep your hands to yourself" She warned.

It's daylight now. We've been walking in the forest for hours trying to pick up another sign of where Octavia might have gone. Something isn't right though, it's way too quiet. Finn finally sighed, shaking his head "I got nothing." "We lost the trail?" I asked, my heart sinking in my chest. "Keep looking" Bellamy ordered. "Wandering around aimlessly isn't the way to find your sister, we should backtrack" Finn suggested. "We're not going back," I tell Finn. "Hey, where's Jones?" Roma asked, causing us all to look around. "I just saw him a second ago" Jasper stated. "Spread out. He couldn't have gotten that far" Bellamy ordered. I nodded and began walking when suddenly a loud thud makes me stop. I whipped around to see Jones laying on the ground with his throat slit. "They're using the trees" Finn pointed out. "We shouldn't have crossed the boundary" Briggs stated. "Now can we go back?" Roma asked. I looked around, seeing a large figure standing on the other side of the forest. "There..." I whispered, pointing towards it. "Another one" Briggs breathed out nervously. We all looked around to see even more showing up. "We should run" Finn suggested. Bellamy grabbed my arm, taking off and running. The grounders are fast as they chase us. "Come on!" Bellamy yelled at me, causing me to pick up my pace. We keep running "What are we gonna do? They keep heading us off!" Finn shouted from behind us. "Just keep running!" I shouted back. "I can't run much longer!" Jasper called out. "I'm not stopping for him!" Briggs shouted back. Bellamy made me stop but still held me close. "I'm sick of running away" He stated. "What are you doing?" Finn asked Bellamy. "They know where she is" Bellamy pointed out. "Briggs! Where are you?!" I hear Roma shout, her voice echoing through the forest. "No! Roma!" I called out for her, taking off where she had run to. "AHHHH!" She screamed aloud. "Wait! Roma!" Bellamy shouted. "Stop-" I halted, my breath hitching in my throat when I see that Briggs was smashed to death. "They were leading us here. It's the only direction we could run in" Jasper pointed out. I looked around "Where'd they go?" Finn asked. "After Roma" Bellamy sighed before running off towards her. We look around for a moment "There she is" Monroe whispered, pointing to a tree. "Roma!" Monroe whispered, calling out to her. I looked over at Bellamy, shaking my head. I knew this wasn't right, I knew she was dead already. Bellamy stepped around Finn and Monroe and I followed him over to see Roma with a spear in her chest on the tree. Bellamy reached out, closing her eyes. "They're playing with us" Finn sighed. "She only came because of me..." Bellamy's expression was saddened. "This is not your fault Bellamy," I tell him. "They can kill us whenever they want" Finn whispered. "They should get it over with!" Jasper suddenly screamed. "Come! What are you waiting for!" Jasper screamed, causing Finn to run at him. "Shut him up!" Bellamy hissed. I see the grounders and whipped out my bow and line on the arrow in it. "They're back!" I shouted. I pulled my string back, resting it against my cheek as they being to run at us. I let it go, my arrow flying into a grounder's chest and I line up another. I let that one fly as well, hitting another grounder. He fell to the ground and I pulled out another arrow and pulled it back and a sudden horn blows through the air. The grounders begin to back off, rushing away. "They're leaving" Finn sighed. "That horn...what does it mean?" Jasper asked. I remembered hearing it before. "Acid fog..." I stated. Finn whipped out a tent "We have to run" Monroe says. "There's no time" Finn shakes his head, laying the tent out.

We've been laying under this tent for what seems hours. I'm stuck between Bellamy and Monroe. Bellamy is so close to me I can smell his scent of musk that seems to always be on his skin. I close my eyes, praying that my sister is safe at camp. "How long are we supposed to wait?" Jasper whispered. "Will this even work?" I asked. "We'll find out," Finn says. "No, we won't" Bellamy huffed before opening the tent a little to peek his head out. I followed "There's no fog" Bellamy stated. I begin stepping out of the tent "Maybe it was a false alarm?" I suggested, letting out a huff. "They're coming back," Bellamy says. I shot my head up to see a grounder running through the tall grass, knitting my brows together when I notice he's alone. "No...I think he's alone" I pointed out. "Now can we run?" Monore asked. "He doesn't see us. I'm going after him" Bellamy says. "And what? Kill him, Bellamy?" I asked. "No...Catch him" Bellamy answered, not looking at me. "Make him tell me where Octavia is, then we kill him" He simply says before walking off. I rolled my eyes, following him as he begin to follow the grounder. We followed him, seeing him walk into a cave. "Monore, watch the door" Bellamy ordered. We walked into the cave to see Octavia shooting her head up. "Bellamy!" She called out. "Octavia" Bellamy rushed over to her, kneeling and helping her unlock the chain around her arm. I get closer to them, knitting my brows together to see the grounder laying knocked out cold. Bellamy gets the chains off Octavia and pulled her into a hug. "It's okay...it's okay..." Bellamy whispered. I kneel down beside the grounder when I see something odd. I picked up the seashell. "How did you find me?" Octavia asked as she hugged Jasper. "Followed him," Jasper says, chuckling a little. "We should go now before he wakes up" Octavia suggested. "He's not gonna wake up," Bellamy says. He picked something up "Bellamy stop! He didn't hurt me. Let's just go" Octavia says. "They started this. Shadow move" Bellamy ordered me. "It's the foghorn" I whispered. Suddenly as I felt a stinging pain in my arm I was shoved out of the way, my head hitting the wall. Everything was happening so fast as I watched Finn get stabbed in the chest. Bellamy began fighting off the grounder. The grounder got Bellamy on the ground "Stop! That's my brother!" Octavia screamed. Suddenly Jasper hit the grounder over the head with a huge rock, causing him to be knocked out as he hit the ground. Bellamy rushed over to me, helping me stand. "You okay?" He asked. "I-I I'm fine...Finn" I go over to him to see the knife sticking out of his chest. "You stupid!" I hissed, tears forming in my waterline.

"Clarke! where's Clarke?!" Jasper screamed as we entered the camp. Monroe had to help me back as I began to feel weak on the way. "Get Clarke now!" Jasper yelled. Clarke came running over to Octavia Jasper Monore and me. "Hey. I'm here, what's up?" Clarke tried to look at my bleeding arm. I shake my head "No...not me" I breathed out. Bellamy carried Finn through the camp entrance. "Finn...Finn?" Clarke asked. "Oh my god. Oh my god" Clarke says. She checked his pulse "He's alive" Clarke stated. "He saved me..." I gulped down, feeling very hot. "Arabella wouldn't let me take the knife out" Jasper glared at me a little. "No, that was a good call," Clarke says. "Get him into the dropship now. Go!" Clarke shouted. "Clarke! Can you save him?" Raven asked, rushing over to her. "No, not me. I need my mother" Clarke informed Raven. "I need to talk to her" Clarke added. "There's still no radio!" Raven shouted. "Raven...fix it! Go!" Clarke shouted at her. Raven took off. "Shadow!?" My sister screamed, rushing over to me. "Oh my god! What happened to you?" She asked me. I slightly smiled "I'm fine...just a scratch" I stated. "Come on...I'll help you in the dropship" Izzy says. Thunder began to rumble through the air as we got to the door, causing me to look back. "There's a storm coming" I stated as the sky got darker.

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