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37.5% Hero From A Distant Galaxy / Chapter 3: Use The Biotics Talents

Chapitre 3: Use The Biotics Talents

dialogue clarifications

"_Waaaaaaaaa_" = Voice with a tone that doesn't sound human at all or that resembles the tone of voice that a talking humanoid beast/demon/weird alien, etc. would have....


Note 1: There are still a few more chapters to go before the U.A. entrance exam arc...

Note 2: By the way, keep in mind that English is not my native language, and I still haven't finished learning it to a level that can be considered perfect. I'm aware that there may be many spelling mistakes and errors, so please be so kind to point them out. However, currently, before or shortly after publication, each chapter is reviewed by a beatareader. I hope that this will make the translation of the story pleasant enough to read.

Editor's note 08/20/2023: This chapter has been reviewed and edited by a beta reader. Please let me know your thinks about the grammar and wording.


Prologue: The Awakening

Mission 3: Use The Biotics Talents


The School of general studies [Aldera] was a school that was far, far from the ideal high school. You would never hear a great hero, Engineer or successful graduate say they graduated from this place.

It was a place that was far away from the limelight of anything relevant happening in Japan, yet it was a very appropriate place for such lousy students as Shinji or Setsuna, general assistants to a certain juvenile delinquent whose long fingers and protruding teeth, were far from the powers that should belong to guys of his kind.

"Here comes the freak of the hour, again."

"Shhh, He's already here, shut up. He'll hear you, do you want to end up like Bakugo?" The aforementioned said between nervous murmurs as they turned their attention to a green haired young man who was just entering the room.

Immediately, Izuku noticed how everyone's eyes were on him for the umpteenth time this week, but Midoriya walked through the crowd of seats and reached his seat quickly and with an attitude that showed total disinterest for the judicious looks of those present.

"Is it an emitter type quirk?"

"I don't know, but it defeated Bakugo in an instant!"

"Didn't his gauntlet later turn into some kind of scanner?"

"I saw him using it again the other day, but it looked more like a computer. What does that have to do with his super strength?"

"I don't know. His quirk is really strange..."

For now, no one tried to approach Izuku, even when it had been almost a week since that incident. Everyone was more than comfortable whispering around him about things concerning his quirk, the fight, his strange attitude, the scar, his stature, and other changes they were apparently barely aware of. Others seemed to be nervous about the presence of the green haired man, perhaps because they thought that maybe Izuku would consider them bullies just like Katsuki.

After all, Midoriya, the school wimp, had on Monday of that week taken down the one who had been not only his bully but also the undisputed king of [Aldera] for over 5 years, so these students were still quite perplexed by the matter. A matter that would most likely end up exploding again from their perspectives, given that the interaction between these two young men had undoubtedly been quite tense since what had happened.

It was noticeable how every day, Bakugo tried to avoid looking at or approaching the green haired man, all while constantly clenching his fists and saying every now and then between whispers "I'm going to kill you!". Perhaps this was so because one more confrontation could trigger a record in the perfect file he needed for the U.A. university.

By the way, the damaged wall now had a series of boards anchored together and to the wall via nails, in a depressing and makeshift attempt to repair a wall that would most likely remain in such a condition until the school's unreliable damage insurance took over. Of course, if that ever happened...

The murmuring ceased as Bakugou entered behind the physics teacher, producing an awkward silence.

Whether the teacher was afraid of the probability of losing his job or whether he was aware of the mood of the class was unknown, as he tried at all times to avert his gaze from the eyes of the students, especially the one who sat all the way in the back. He continued with the usual routine, pretending that nothing had happened.

But the subject of Schrodinger's cat and the introduction to advanced physics were not as interesting topics as watching the interaction between Midoriya and Bakugo. Apparently, everyone was waiting for some other unforeseen event to happen given the murderous look the blonde haired man was giving the young man with the scar imprinted on his face.

The entire class fell silent as they watched Bakugo finally approach the green haired man to engage him in a hushed conversation. None of the other students dared to get close enough to hear what they said to each other with those serious expressions.

Once they finished, the blond spoke in his usual tone. "If you don't show yourself, I'll make you a dead man!"

"I don't plan on dying for the third time, so good luck with that~"

That said in a jovial tone by the Midoriya, Bakugo gritted his teeth and then left the room alone even though the classes were not over yet. He looked noticeably angry, most likely due to the confident attitude that the green haired young man was emitting.


Eos, A beautiful name for a desert planet strangely full of life.

Eos is the quirk world's version of the planet Mars. It is incredibly similar to that other red planet, but has a slightly different climate and terrestrial configuration than Mars and is also a closer distance to Earth compared to Mars. It is only separated from Earth by a distance equal to 6 times the distance of Earth to the Moon.

The latter is what allowed a human colony called Olympus to be founded with relative ease on this planet a little over 100 years ago after a series of visionary and somewhat eccentric billionaire scientists had the crazy idea of founding a nation free of any political intervention. Where science would be above religion or any other type of thinking that would slow down the advance of human technology.

These millionaires recruited in their primitive spaceships people and families with quirks that had the potential to be useful for the highly radioactive and inhospitable environment of the red planet and thus, a terrestrial colony that does not follow the orders of any government on Earth was born.

This colony currently has about 800,000 inhabitants, who live in a relatively advanced city, with a size comparable to a small island. The city is protected by a huge transparent dome created with special metals and fibers that block the terrible dust storms, radiation, and oxygen partially deprived atmosphere of Eos.

However, despite what it may seem, Eos scientists continue to maintain diplomatic relations with Earth governments. If any government asks nicely, Eos scientists are willing to assist in research/sampling/genetics/robotics/etc, tasks that are of great interest to that government.

They also maintain mercantile relations with Earth, occasionally offering nations that are interested and willing to pay for patents on technologies they have developed. Ironically, Olympus continued cooperation with Earth's governments is the main reason that Earth's technology has been able to break out of the stagnation it was in because of the quirk age.

"Hmmmm. How much will a ticket for a sightseeing trip to {Eos} cost?" Having finished classes and having difficulty managing to convince Bakugo to settle his affairs with him once and for all over the weekend, Izuku Midoriya headed to Dagobah Beach to continue his training assignments. He was walking near the shore as he appreciated the beautiful silhouette of Eos silhouetted against the sky.

It looked like a red moon, although seen from Earth, that planet only appeared to be one third the size of the moon. Midoriya's mind had been distracted by the memories he had about that planet for a substantial amount of time, so all he had been doing was walking around without paying much attention to his surroundings. Topics concerning space and alien life for obvious reasons aroused curiosity and nostalgia in his soul, so his head couldn't help but get lost in those thoughts for a while.

It had already been almost a week since the nations of the Earth could not avoid transmitting transcendental news to humanity. Despite the refusal of many governments, the news channels of Olympus let the raw truth flow to the eyes of the viewers following their channels; truth that would later be rebroadcast on the newscasts of practically all other news channels on Earth, without Earth's politicians being able to do much about it.

Why? Well, the governments of the world boasted of wanting to be very transparent about it, but Izuku was sure that there were reasons behind the broadcast.

First of all, the space colony of Eos has very different policies and moral rules than an Earth nation. And a very transparent government is one of the policies that characterize it.

Secondly, Olympus maintains close relations and incredibly important mercantile cooperations with the most powerful nations on Earth, so when Olympus scientists discovered ruins that would change the cosmic and social paradigm of humanity, they surely couldn't help but do everything they could to get the news into the eyes of everyone. For they must surely have believed that this news would change for the better the way humanity on Earth thinks and bring them closer together as a species.

So they probably told the governments of Earth that if they didn't reveal the find, they would break off relations with Earth.

Having come to that conclusion, Izuku chuckled and put on a wry smile, thinking about the depressing response the societies of this world had to news like that.

In the universe where Izuku had become commander of the Normandy, humanity was quick to unite and form a global alliance after the discovery of the Prothean ruins on Mars. But on the other hand, in this universe, despite what one might think given the information that was revealed; there were no signs of unity or unrest or mass chaos spreading unchecked across planet Earth or other such things seen in science fiction movies.

Humanity's response had actually been quite unfriendly. Every human being and every human society/country/religion on the planet quickly adapted in their own way to the fact that they were no longer the only intelligent species inhabiting the universe. If you have seen the movie District 9, you can get an idea of how this situation was taken by humanity in this world.

Some people had panic attacks for a while, others took the matter with indifference, others took the matter with great enthusiasm or fanaticism, others formed a new religion, others debunked religions, some religions added the extinct alien civilization to their beliefs by pointing them out as other 'brothers' created by their god/gods, other believers believed it was all fake and just a conspiracy, others doubted their faith, etc.

But the general response of most human beings was to feign ignorance.

Although the news caused a great stir, there was no mass chaos due to both the intervention of the media paid by governments and the ease with which human beings in this universe forget problems that don't concern them or that don't affect them directly. So as you will see, the status quo of the various societies throughout planet Earth was maintained without much alteration. The status quo was something that most of humanity cherished more than anything else in this world, so the confirmation of extraterrestrial life through inert Ruins had less impact than one might imagine. In short, the impact of that news was very great but then became as ephemeral to the masses, as the news of a pandemic that is coming under control.

"Geez." Upon reaching those conclusions, the former commander shook his head multiple times.

Izuku was always impressed by humanity's ability to adapt to the unknown, as well as to forget or ignore situations that could have a great impact on the status quo of their societies.

Soon, the image of those stupid politicians who ignored his warnings about the Reapers came to his mind, and then the wry smile that had been plastered on his face turned into a frown. If only they had listened to his warnings, if only they had prepared their civilizations, if only they had united before the Reapers arrived, all those innocent lives lost, all those beautiful worlds destroyed and his own death could have been avoided.

Everything he had fought for and had come to love in that universe would probably still be with him at this moment...

"Enough!" Izuku sighed sadly. "Stop that thought." Noticing that he was having melancholic ideas again, he cut those lines of thought after releasing a deep sigh and then stopped looking at the figure of the red planet far away in the sky, to look for something nearby that could distract him.

He made the decision to give himself a day off today to try to relax.

[King Arcade. The best fun at the best price]

"Hmmmm. A video game arcade? Do these things still exist in Japan?" Soon his eyes would come across the front advertisement for a virtual entertainment arcade type venue called [King Arcade], which appeared to be a rather large venue.

Izuku decided that he would distract his mind in that place. He still retained a childhood taste for that type of entertainment, however, his preferences had evolved to virtual shooting games or others that were competitive or involved physical exertion...or where he could gamble some money. He wasn't a video game junkie like in his first life, let alone a gambling addict, but the Castle Arcade at the citadel had caused his taste for this type of entertainment to remain strong.

"It's a shame they don't have Reapers holograms to destroy." Upon entering the arcade, the ex-commander muttered while smiling wryly at the same time.

Soon after he would buy a card from one of the store employees and head to an area where there seemed to be a virtual reality game involving guns and rifles. Definitely shooting something would take his mind off his melancholy thoughts and amuse him a bit in the process.

His competitive spirit was soon awakened when he realized that depending on his score and the credits he spent on each game, he could win prizes such as free food, candy, or even collectible toys.

"Hmmmmm. Should I take some medieval helmet, the space armor breastplate, the shotgun, or the Katana? Hehe. I guess they're replicas, I highly doubt they have real weapons or armor like in the citadel." Saying that in a murmur after having seen in the distance in that showcase the items that could be obtained as a reward, the ex-commander put on some virtual reality goggles right after holding what seemed to be a video game gadget resembling an assault rifle.


Time passed and the sun was setting. The streetlights were still dark and the junk food along with the rest of the reward obtained in that arcade were being loaded into the bags held in his hands. Izuku had shocked the nerds in that place when his scores in the Space Vampyrs, Resident Evil Omega, and Metal Slug Code: Eternal games reached first place in just five hours.

Izuku's millimetric precision against virtual enemies, the fact that he didn't die once in any game, and his muscular build, made the gamers there think they were in front of a new Nerd King like Henry Cavill or something like that.

Some of them even tried to prevent him from leaving because they wanted him to join their party, but Midoriya thought it was time to return home with his mother. So after taking as a reward some candy, a small pizza, and the item that looked like a little space armor breastplate, he left the place.

Leaving the place, he jogged and took a shortcut to try to get home before the curtain of night descended completely. Soon he was in the desolate streets of some avenue that was located in what appeared to be a very dangerous neighborhood of Kamagasaki, the Japanese city bordering Musutafu and partially 'surrounding' it, so to speak.

"Kamagasaki is in as sorry a state as the worst neighborhoods in {Tangier} where I used to live." His expression turned bitter before continuing. "Or maybe even worse than that place."

After having wandered a bit deeper into Kamagasaki city, Izuku stopped his steps and took a wide look at one of the main avenues of this region. Abandoned houses and buildings were everywhere as homeless people warming their bodies in bonfires made from garbage cans were visible on the scene.

In the past, it would never have occurred to the green haired man to walk through this place at such hours of the day because according to the local news, this region was a nest of criminals. However, nowadays he was already able to protect himself, so he couldn't help but stop for a moment to appreciate a place that evoked very bitter memories in his mind.

In the universe of the Reapers, which he called Earth-2, he lived the first years of his life in the slums of Tangier, a metropolis located in the country of Morocco, so he couldn't help but make comparisons or have regrets when he observed this part of the Kamagasaki city.

"As I recall, it was the collapse of the Wakayama nuclear power plant that ended up turning this city into a garbage dump."

Whether a society of heroes or an alliance of systems emerged, many things about humanity seemed like they would always remain the same, whether in this world or the other. And Kamagasaki was testimony to that fact.

As he watched the homeless warm themselves at the bonfires, Izuku for a moment saw a 4 year old figure of himself next to a Vorcha girl. Both figures born of his memories, now warming their bodies beside those homeless Japanese as he recalled how this place had ended up in such a deplorable situation.

Just over 70 years ago, Kamagasaki was one of Japan's most prosperous cities; it had a steadily growing financial power, with shopping malls, restaurants, schools, and businesses springing up everywhere. And so it was until the core of the nuclear power plant that fed this city collapsed after an earthquake and tsunami damaged the safety measures at the Wakayama nuclear power plant.

The shutdown and sealing of the plant was to occur within 12 hours of the discovery of faults in the area that guarded the core. Thanks to the efforts of public safety officials and several heroes, a nuclear disaster like Chernobyl or ... rather, like the tragedy that occurred in the Japanese city of Earth-2 called "Fukushima" was avoided.

Subsequently, the Japanese government of Earth-1 tried to redirect electricity from Osaka and other nearby districts to this city to try to revive it, but the damage was already done as fear had already flooded the hearts of the inhabitants of this region.

Businessmen and politicians were afraid of an imminent nuclear disaster, so investments in the city stopped. Factories, restaurants, shopping malls, and various other businesses went bankrupt in a short time.

Soon after, tens of thousands of people left their homes as they lost their jobs, and tens of thousands more fled just because they knew that an unstable nuclear power plant was lying on their backs, leaving only those people who loved Kamagasaki deeply.

In less than 5 years, this whole district was ruined, and without any chance of recovery.

Over the following decades, the Japanese government tried to revitalize this site in many different ways, but those attempts always ended in failure even though there was the help of Heroes with quite useful quirks available.

The working people could never fully trust the government's words and in the eyes of the businessmen this site had become a mine where its materials had been completely exhausted.

As a result, currently the only businesses in the district consisted of jobs focused on waste processing, landfills, recycling plants, and various treatment plants. There were also stores here and there, but these generally focused on selling scrap metal, old clothes, meat of dubious provenance, outdated electronics, or items of dubious legality. In short, this place was one of the various third world regions of 24th century Japan. A perfect place for people to starve or for villains to go unnoticed.

Professional heroes didn't usually come this way unless it was strictly necessary for them to do so, since the economic benefits or prestige they could obtain in this place was minimal. On the other hand, the police rarely deigned to make an appearance here; they had long since given up on this area since its crime rate didn't decrease no matter what they did, and since usually only petty crimes such as muggings or drug dealing occurred.

Since the news didn't seem to care about this place, the police simply policed this place in the most basic way. So justice on this site usually came from the hands of subway heroes who to the masses were failures. Or, very rarely, from All Might, when he had no more important villains to catch.

To top it off, if there was such a thing for this city, people in this place generally didn't report crimes or help others. They had long ago lost trust in the authorities, so they lived in a perpetual state of self sabotage.

At that last thought, Izuku couldn't blame them for it. Seeing his imaginary 4 year old figure plus the Vorcha girl still warming themselves by that campfire, he remembered how hard it was to grow up in a world-forsaken environment like this. When you are starving, the problems of others are the least of your worries; the despair, the fear, the cold, the hunger. The constant struggle for survival ends up overcoming almost any kind of morality a person had.

And in this place, the struggle for survival was constant...

"Get away from her you lunatic!"

"Quick Mike! hit him with the Bat!"

The dismayed voices came from across the avenue. As Izuku turned hurriedly, his eyes focused on the blonde haired girl dressed like a schoolgirl. She lay sprawled on the ground with her abdominal area clothes covered in her own blood. Slowly she was crawling on the floor, trying to get away from the scene.


"Take him down Mike! Take him down!"

"Long time...no taste...Flesh...Lots of...flesh!"

The screams slowly faded away as the ex-commander's brain analyzed the situation as fast as it could. Looking around him, he noticed how four people dressed as vagrants were trying to defend the girl lying on the ground from an individual coming out of an alley. This person was wrapped in a black, torn hood and the words he enunciated, denoted that this person had a serious case of mental illness.

"Aaaaaaaaah!" One of the bums shouting at him and specifically, the one who was carrying a bat full of nails, was quickly silenced when a series of blades passed through the air where, just a moment ago, his head was on his shoulders.

A metallic grinding sound of blades slowly retreated toward the person coming out of the alley. Then a current of air, 'blew' the hood he was wearing, revealing a man dressed in a straitjacket, with all his skin covered by black leather except for the area of the mouth from which came the large number of blades and an area on his neck that for some reason had the leather torn and full of blood.

At once the man turned his body as if he could see and then drooled like an animal just as he seemed to focus on his new victim in tattered clothes.


"Son of a bitch! You'll pay for this! Akira! Bring me the shotgun!"

While the homeless mourned the loss of Emiko aka Mike and without anyone taking any notice of the matter, what appeared to be a bee or bumblebee about 4 cm long, for some reason sat for a moment on the killer's nose, and then flew away after apparently inserting its stinger into the man's chin.

"Flesh, beautiful flesh...with this power..._YOU WILL NEVER TAKE ME AWAY FROM FLESH AGAIN!_"

Soon the situation worsened and everyone's screams became sharper as the body of the man wrapped in black leather began to expand and twist as his tone of voice became higher pitched and distorted like that of a beast. All of the above was happening as the maniac's skin blackened as his head expanded while what appeared to be extra mouths began to appear on the forehead, cheeks, and nape of the now massive head.

In a few seconds what appeared to be a man with mental problems and a dangerous quirk had transformed into the living image of a demon, as he had now grown to be approximately 3 meters tall, with arms and legs so wide and strong that the black leather that enveloped him had ended up being destroyed without any problem. As if that wasn't enough, its deformed head, disproportionately large in comparison to its body, was now full of holes that had the shape of mouths full of sharp teeth.

And finally, a gigantic eye in the center of that head full of multiple mouths completed the horrifying scene!

Without a doubt, he no longer looked like a man but a creature out of the worst of nightmares!

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaah! What is that thing?!"

"It´s a demon! It´s a demon!"

"Forget about the girl and Emiko! save yourself!"


"Stay away! he's a monster!"

Naturally, if people were already afraid of the man before his transformation, now that fear had turned to horror and despair when their eyes caught a glimpse of the monstrous appearance he had acquired. That terrible appearance imprinted itself on their minds, all they could think of was that they were before a creature born of the underworld itself.

Not only the tramps who had tried to defend the girl ran in terror but also all the other few people watching the scene from the neighboring streets. They ran and screamed without delay while another of the tramps (who had tried to defend the woman) was impaled by a row of teeth born from one of the creature's extra mouths.

All the others tried to save themselves, soon abandoning the girl to her fate.

"Who the hell is this guy? Kamagasaki is a dangerous neighborhood, but this is ridiculous!" As Izuku watched the scene unfold, he tried to think about the level of danger that man represented but the only conclusion he could come to was that he was probably some serial killer who had escaped from some prison with flimsy security or some kind of super villain still at large and who was completely insane.

"_Flesh...I want...you hurt me...But you´re beautiful...So tempting... Your beautiful flesh hurt me...PUT IT BAAAAAACK!_" The creature still emitted words, but they were now less understandable.

His words became even stranger as he approached the blonde haired woman lying on the ground. His voice, at certain moments, was barely distinguishable from the guttural sounds that a bloodthirsty animal would emit.

"Damn it, stop thinking Shepard!" For a small lapse, doubts had invaded the head of the ex-commander when he thought about the fact that if he was seen using his powers without a permit his record would be tarnished forever and he could lose the opportunity to apply to the U.A. But all that became secondary when that second person died while he was watching.

At that moment, he took the small space armor breastplate he had gotten in that Arcade. "No time for more doubts." He said the words with conviction as the words 'N7' were reflected for a moment in the fake metal of the contraption held in his hands.

'Zuku Shepard' was not going to let his selfish desires or stupid society rules stop him from saving those who needed saving.

"_B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L P-R-I-N-C-E-S-S, G-I-V-E M-E Y-O-U-R F-L-E-E-E-S-H!_"

An instant later, the guttural words of the creature in the distance seemed to slow down as if it were a slow motion recording/scene, just as the ex-commander put the breastplate and the other bags he was carrying to the ground. These items also began to descend very slowly as a green aura enveloped our hero while a sound similar to a disruption in space manifested itself in the scene.

All those people who turned their faces as they ran to see the inevitable end of the schoolgirl, watched in the distance as a green 'lightning' crossed more than 20 meters in a blink. They watched as the flickering lamps in the neighborhood partially illuminated an unknown man who had appeared on the 'murderer' scene at a moment's notice. This man would arrive just in time to grab the girl into his arms...


...and he would disappear just as he arrived, a second before a row of blades smashed into the pavement where the blonde haired girl had been lying.


"Are you all right?"

"Thank you!"

The blood soaked girl clung to him for a moment before Izuku gently leaned her back against the wall of an alley away from that maniac. Without waiting for her consent, he lifted her blouse a little to examine if she was injured.

"Let me check you...He cut the skin on your right abdominal flank. He could have damaged your kidney, bowels or liver..."

"Ouch! Ouch! It hurts!"

"Sorry, I have to make sure you don't have a fatal wound. Hmmm, that's odd, you have blood on your lips...Did you vomit blood? It looks like he just cut the skin, so maybe it's internal trauma? Did he hit you?...I'd better take a closer look with my omnitool."

"A-Are you a h-hero?." The girl asked weakly.

Hearing that question as he gave the blonde haired girl a final examination, for a brief moment, Izuku was silent, not knowing what to answer.

In the other world, many would undoubtedly call him that but many others would call him a madman, and many others still a renegade. In this universe, he had not yet earned the title of a hero. And he still didn't know for sure if he wanted to earn it. After all, his ideals and ways of acting were far from those of conventional heroes.

"I guess I'm a hero, at least to you," Izuku whispered before giving the girl a confident smile. For the moment he would leave the philosophical questions for another time. "Can you get up? Do you think you can go to the hospital?"

"I think...No...I don't have strength in my legs…"

"It must be the blood loss. The omnitool scan shows that a vein and three collateral arteries in your abdominal wall were damaged. Your vessel also has a moderate contusion; its swelling must be sequestering fluid from your blood vessels. But it doesn't look like your case is extremely serious, there should be enough time to get you to a hospital."

*_So long... Long time no flesh! Delicious and beautiful FLESH, WHERE ARE YOU?!_*

"Th-That thing! That thing is getting closer?!" The horror in the schoolgirl's expression returned after hearing in the distance as the voice of that assassin seemed to be approaching her position.

"It sounds like it. Will he have some method of tracking us? Or did he just follow the green light pulses? Besides that transformation and those blade-like teeth, will his quirk give him some kind of enhanced senses like smell or sight to hunt his victims?..."

Midoriya placed his chin between his index finger and thumb and two seconds later shook his head after seeing the puzzled expression of the golden haired girl. It was not the time to make an exhaustive analysis of the enemy or his Kosei. "...I'm sorry you heard that..." He scratched his cheek with some embarrassment before continuing. "...Anyway, I should go. I need to take care of that psychopath."

*_Flesh! Where's my sweet Flesh?! GIVE IT BACK TO MEEEE!_*

"W-Wait, don't leave me here alo...!"

"Easy, I'll come back for you and take you to a doctor in no time. I Promise!"

After slowly releasing the hand clinging to one of his hands, the ex-commander left the terrified yellow haired young woman in that alley after giving her a confident thumbs up.


Leaving that alleyway, Midoriya nodded to himself after he was glad he had learned the talent Biotic [Charge] in that other life, which had not only allowed him to timely escape situations that seemed impossible to survive or engage in fights that seemed unwinnable, but more importantly, it had given him the ability to manage to reach the people he wanted to save...on most occasions, of course.

Since biotic talents are very numerous and very difficult to learn, so much so that they require a decade or more of training to use properly. A soldier with this power will generally choose a biotic combat style that suits the style of combat they wish to exercise.

In the case of the former commander, for nearly a decade he trained as a Biotic Sentinel. He used his omnitool to acquire technological skills and unlike many of the other Biotic Sentinels, he set aside most technical biotic abilities to focus on Biotic powers focused on destruction and threat elimination. So instead of focusing on being a support warrior, he decided that his Biotic combat style would be that of a Vanguard.

The influence that All Might had on him caused him to make that decision about his combat style because his fanaticism for that character helped him to move forward in his difficult initial years in that world. One way or another, he always wanted to become a heroic warrior whose speed and fists would help him save as many people as possible on the battlefield.

Once he reflected on the above as a way to get mentally ready for the coming battle, Izuku made use of the most basic function of the biotic charge four more times, approaching in just a few seconds again to that assassin, who was crossing the intersection of 4 streets and using a series of two rows of teeth-blades to move through the empty streets. As if he was some kind of metallic octopus born from the nightmares of H.P. Lovecraft.

In the distance, people were still running in the opposite direction and had luckily not been chased by that villain, perhaps because he has a particular interest in the blonde girl and had followed the green light emitted by the biotic charge of Izuku, who had cleverly fled to a direction devoid of people in case the villain pursued him.

"_GREEN BOY... FLESH?...DO YOU HIDE PRECIOUS FLESH?!_" Seeing the ex-commander crossing that corner, the humanoid creature immediately became crazier than he already was as he charged forward, using a third and fourth row of blade-teeth to move faster towards his target. It should be noted that these blades had been ejected from one of the creature's extra mouths and not from the main one in the center of the huge head, which incidentally was the one speaking in barely intelligible words.

"I returned to this world, recently..." On the other hand, Izuku ignored the meaningless words of the enemy and remained calm even though that monster was rapidly approaching. The green haired man thundered his fists and then continued speaking. "...But that should be more than enough to send you back to hell!"

Saying that last in a shout, the ex-commander moved to intercept him. Since he had to get a person to the hospital as quickly as possible, he planned to end this matter without delay, so his first move was to throw a mass of supercooled particles at the monster with his omnitool from about 5 meters away before one of the monster's blades got any closer than it was already getting.

Izuku quickly understood that using long distance or medium distance techniques would be the best against this assassin, given the characteristics he had analyzed of his Quirk. The ability to extend from its teeth steel blades was a strange but no less dangerous power and since he didn't know the level of sharpness of such blades, Izuku preferred not to risk it with close combat.

"_I have to get...I have to get...OUUUUUUUUUOOO!_"

Unfortunately, the cryo-shot would end up missing as more blades would in an instant get in the way of the freezing sphere, which would only end up turning a portion of two rows of blades into icicles of ice. These would end up fragmenting into thousands of crystals before the ice spread to the monster, who would soon replace the blades again.

In the next movement and with the sound of the wind in between, Izuku managed to escape the decapitation thanks to his superhuman reflexes and speed that allowed him to move without much difficulty between the rows of blades, whose directions were constantly changing, seeking to impale him in various ways.

Almost as if it were a dance, the ex-commander jumped, spun, rolled backward, or threw himself to one side to avoid losing a limb, being impaled, or decapitated by a 'tangle' of blades born from the multiple mouths of the aberration he faced.

For the moment he decided to put aside the Biotic Charge as the side effects of the use he had given it were already beginning to manifest on his person. His chest had an intense pain similar to the initial phase of a heart attack, born from the lack of adaptation that his body had before the most powerful techniques of his quirk. Despite his physical body being that of a supersoldier, a month of training didn't seem to be enough time to master the most powerful features of his new quirk on this plane of existence.

"Damn! He's faster than I thought!"

Nevertheless, despite the fact that the ex-commander's quick movements were managing to keep up with the monstrous assassin's attacks, little by little the sheer number of blades twisting and changing direction at great speed were overwhelming our hero. Superficial cuts had begun to appear on his legs and arms, in areas where he hadn't managed to completely dodge the sharp blades.

After dodging another blade that managed to superficially slice the skin on the left side of his neck, the ex-commander threw a sphere of green energy toward the assassin with a hand movement reminiscent of a baseball player. Using another cryogenic explosion was no longer an option since the elementary shots of the omnitool entered a cooling period of approximately 60 seconds after one of the shots was used. As no continuous adjustment was made to the computational parameters running the electrical power input from the bionic batteries and since the ex-commander didn't have the time to program a faster cooldown, his Biotic talents would have to do the job.

The mass effect sphere crossed the existing openings between the blades and finally hit the target, thereby releasing the characteristic sound of a mass effect field.

Immediately afterward, the man turned into a monster with multiple mouths began to ascend into the air. His body took multiple turns in the air as he began to levitate uncontrollably. In turn, the rows of blades lost their green haired target as their user lost his sense of balance.

Izuku smiled in satisfaction as he observed the effects of [Lift] and immediately gathered a large amount of dark-green energy in his right hand and released it to the front….


…Immediately a powerful shockwave swept across the ground lifting some blocks from the pavement as Izuku executed the biotic talent [Shock].


However, the assassin managed to say that while escaping the green shockwave using more blade-teeth born from the mouth on the back of his neck. These blades embedded themselves in the wall of a nearby building and propelled him to the side as they smashed through a wall of the building. Another pair of blades propelled him downward after being buried in the pavement and then they retracted.

At the same time, the grotesque body of the killer turned upwards, his legs remaining above his head. Having done so, the assassin avoided further uncontrolled levitating and was able to focus again on his annoying victim.


"Curious, looks like you're more experienced than I thought." Izuku raised an eyebrow, not seeming too impressed by his foe's accomplishment, let alone intimidated by his delusional words, but interested nonetheless.

A second later, about 20 rows of blades shot from the front, top, bottom, right, and left towards the green haired man from every direction! The monstrous assassin was using every single tooth of his 5 mouths to attack!

The former commander's senses became even sharper after observing the tidal wave of metal approaching him. He used his reaction and combat speed to the maximum, managing to escape from multiple impalements. However, he would soon be forced to block a blade using the orange gauntlet on his left hand as a shield when he couldn't avoid the onslaught of metal.


The sound of metal colliding with metal immediately reverberated intensely in the scene as Izuku put more of his superhuman strength into that block.

A blink later, another blade would appear from the left...

"Aaaagh! Damn!"

… And unfortunately, this time the green haired man wouldn't be able to dodge it at all. The blade buried itself in Izuku´s left shoulder, penetrating the flesh of his deltoid muscle up to the head of his humerus. Fortunately, the bone wasn't severed thanks to the superhuman durability that now Izuku possessed, and thanks to the fact that he quickly retreated to prevent the blade from continuing to push his bone.

Izuku endured the pain and then blocked another blade from his left with his gauntlet with enough force to split the metal that persistently tried to cut his left arm in two. At that moment our hero also realized that the durability of the steel of these teeth-blades seemed to be inferior to that of his omnitool.


"Shut up already! I'm going to turn you vegan today! I swear!"

Another row of 6 blades advanced on our hero's unprotected right side, seeming to an onlooker to be the end of this story.

But on Izuku's right arm, a semi-transparent green shield that would end up blocking each of the teeth-blades from that flank appeared. An orange colored sword also appeared from the gauntlet on Izuku's left arm as he kept his Biotic shield [Backlash] active. At that moment the green haired young man decided to stop dodging and went on the counterattack.

With his favorite slashing weapon, the ex-commander quickly cut down all the rows of blade-teeth that approached him from the left while blocking all the blade-teeth coming from above, the front or the right with his Biotic shield.

A blink later and Izuku had advanced to the front without any delay. Once he made his way through the 'vines' of sharp steel like a medieval knight, blocking and cutting the rows of blades as if they were paper, he came within only about two meters of the assassin, who so far had used other rows of teeth embedded in the ground to move backward as he tried to take distance from his enemy.



Finding an opening within that defense of metallic 'vines' and now being only two meters away from his enemy, Izuku deactivated [Backlash] and quickly concentrated a mass of dark matter in his right hand. Then, he granted to his biotic talent [Shock] almost all the energy he could put into this technique of his Kosei.


A breath later a terrible emerald colored shockwave destroyed the street paving, traffic lights, and walls of nearby buildings and also threw the assassin's body pitifully through the air; his rows of teeth-blades being destroyed in the process. [Shock] would subsequently sweep almost 30 meters long by 3 meters wide across the ground of that street but for some reason, the shockwave would end up disappearing quickly, not extending any further than that.


A blink later, the mutant ended up crashing far away against the sixth floor wall of an abandoned building. His body went through the thick concrete in an instant.

Moments later, as cracks formed along the length and breadth of an entire wall, stretching up to the tenth floor, Izuku forced himself to use [Charge] once more. He intended to end this once and for all, so he didn't plan to give the mutant time to get up if he had withstood that shockwave.

A green lightning crossed the streets and a second later Izuku appeared on the sixth floor of that building, right in front of that hole in the concrete.

Upon reaching the sixth floor, the former commander found the mutated assassin embedded in one of the metal pillars of the building, with his body in the middle of the bent metal. He was still conscious and there were no longer multiple blade-teeth protruding from his mouths, but a large amount of blood mixed with slime. At the same time, black smoke was pouring out of his body as his large head was slowly shrinking.

Seconds later, as multiple teeth from the various mouths fell to the ground, the assassin's body and his head had shrunk. The smoke dissipated and a naked man with his body mallugged and most of his teeth missing or shattered lay there.

"...The beautiful flesh..." The killer spoke in a tone that almost sounded like a meaningless babble. The fact that he had lost almost all of his teeth didn't help him express himself either. "...So long without it, without me..."

"I'm sorry. Today is the day of Lent." Saying that in a serious and sarcastic manner at the same time, the ex-commander extended the blade of his omnitool as he approached the naked man.

There were no more words between those two. There was no farewell, no attempt at 'evangelism' or interrogation as to why he was doing what he was doing. The ex-commander wouldn't give him a chance to recover, so he just did what he felt he had to do.

Then, 2 rows of teeth-blades tried to impale the green haired man in his path, but he dodged them in a fluid movement while he advanced towards the front running at maximum speed. In the next moment, an orange blade pierced the assassin's head. Piercing from his chin to the top of his skull. Blood splattered Izuku's already stained school shirt as well as his face, which had an indifferent expression at the act he had just performed.

No doubt if anyone had seen what happened here today, they wouldn't believe that someone so 'young' would've been able to perform such a harsh act as this without flinching. But they didn't know that this was an act that Izuku Midoriya was forced to do over and over again in another life in another world, both to survive and to bring salvation and justice.

Izuku swung his omni-blade to send the blood staining it towards a wall and sighed with a bit of regret. Usually, he would always choose to lock up a criminal rather than end his life, but on this occasion, there were too many red flags to let his enemy live.

If the lunatic had already escaped from prison once, he might as well have done it another time and Izuku doubted very, very much that this villain could've had any kind of salvation or redemption, given that he was a psychopath with zero mental stability. Calling the police was not an option either: how long would it have taken for them to come for him? 10 minutes? 30 minutes? An hour? After that time, the lunatic could have escaped and wiped out a lot of people, not to mention that Izuku had no way to keep him locked up or trapped so wouldn't escape.

The previous thoughts left a feeling of discomfort in the green haired man after thinking about the heroic future he had set for himself in this world. How much trouble would he have with the police and the government if he acted as 'Zuku Shepard' when it came to dealing with villains or other threats? They would certainly not agree on his methods of handling high level risks or the concepts of morality he possessed.

Was it worth fighting politicians on things like that? Was it worth trying to be a hero in this world when he would be limited at every turn? After all, he was a 'hero' who had lived in times of war and in this world, it was a time of peace, so maybe it would be a good idea for him to adapt to the civil and defense laws of this country?

"Ah, I'd better not think about that for the time being."

To distract himself from those troubling thoughts, the ex-commander made use of his omnitool's scanner. He intended to obtain data on the threat he had just eliminated.

He thought it would be a good idea to look for some clue as to the identity of this person, and at the same time, he wanted to test the usefulness of his omnitool's information search functions, which he had just set up on his advanced computer. After all, getting information about a villain on the battlefield was always crucial to devising a good plan of attack or neutralization, and he wanted the omnitool to be very useful for this purpose in the future. However, for the moment this 'Information Scan' function could only give him the most basic data of the 'scanned subject' and the most relevant news found on the web, so it didn't display very extensive or detailed information or criminal history that was not in the public news.

"But that should change when I become a professional hero. If I ask the police, they should give me access to secret files...Or even military files. Hmmm, come to think of it, that's a good reason to become a professional hero in this country," The ex-commander said to himself with some interest, as he scanned the deceased man.

Soon a series of data and photographs appeared on the omnitool's touch screen, whose algorithm automatically highlighted the most interesting data of the scanned subject.

[ Name: Unknown

Alias: The Death Row Inmate: Moonfish

Birthday: Unknown

Height: 1.79 cm

Hair Color: Black

Eye Color: Dark Brown

Temperature: 28 C and dropping

Pulse: 0 LPM

Quirk: Blade Tooth : gives him the ability to lengthen, sharpen and manipulate his teeth into rows of powerful blades. No further data is available on the web about his quirk

Local police news : This man is a lunatic who is obsessed with consuming human flesh from people who are alive. He's on Japan's most wanted criminals list after carrying out multiple massacres. He's extremely dangerous. If you happen to see him, don't approach him and ask for help from the hero department or the police as soon as possible. 2 months and 8 days ago he escaped by unknown means while being transferred to {Tartarus} prison. He's sentenced to death for his crimes]

Reading the information displayed on the holographic screen of his omnitool, Izuku scratched his cheek and nodded his head as he was satisfied with what he had achieved by programming this function of his computer. The information he was looking at was very basic and was taken from the public pages of the internet, but he considered that it would still be very helpful.

"So, he was already sentenced to death. Well, I guess I just finished the police work early ~...Wait a minute, there don't seem to be any reports about his ability to transform. Hmmmmm. Maybe the police or the heroes never found out that his quirk allowed him to do something like that? Or will it be classified information?... It would be somewhat logical not to show images of a mutant like that on the internet to prevent panic from spreading, although it would also be dangerous to hide it, as people would be unaware that such a mutant is an asesi...Aaaaaaaagh!"

Before finishing his analysis, Izuku cried out in pain and clutched his chest tightly as he leaned his trunk forward, putting himself in an antalgic position. He felt as if his heart was going to explode.

"Is this...my limit?" Izuku was breathing heavily. His thorax was contracting deeply with each breath. "The...training...hasn't been enough?.. Aaaaaaaagh!" As he was coming to the conclusion that this was the drawback his body was suffering from using some of his quirk's most powerful talents, horrible muscle cramps began to appear in the green haired man's trunk and limbs.

"It's not responding to me..." He took a shaky breath and then opened his mouth again. "...my right arm." He tried to lift his limb, but it was useless, it wasn't responding to him.

Besides his chest, his right arm felt the most pain. The constant sensation of being pierced by thousands of needles spread along this limb causing not only terrible agony but also numbness. When that sensation spread along his arm, Izuku intuited that this was because he used this limb to channel those powerful techniques and that is why he was now suffering the consequences of his lack of adaptation to his kosei.

"...Forget about the pain..." The shortness of breath (Dyspnea) was getting worse. "...Have to...take the girl to the hospital."

Izuku gritted his teeth and bit his lip as he tried to endure the agony. He ran in the direction of the hole in the wall despite feeling almost in as bad a condition as when his body and mind were invaded by the alien 'Leviathan'. If he could force himself to run in those moments it was thanks to his unbreakable will and the fact that he had suffered worse pains in the past, specifically, when he was hit by the 'Harbinger's' laser.

Once he reached the opening in the building, he jumped 20 meters onto the pavement of the street. "Aaaaaaaaaaaagh!" And once his feet touched the pavement, he screamed intensely.

Under normal conditions, a fall or jump from this distance would not have been a problem with the superhuman strength he was now able to exert. But thanks to the pain that also coursed through his legs, when his feet touched the ground he felt a sensation similar to the pain of a fracture coursing through his lower extremities, which caused him to fall face first for a moment onto the pavement.

"Get up S-S-Shepard! T-T-This is nothing!" However, despite having fallen, he got up again in a short time and once again endured the pain and then advanced forward, towards the person who needed him.



The ex- commander's steps increased in speed as he heard strangled screams in the distance that gradually grew louder.


As he heard the screams, his concern increased as the origin of the sound came from the alley where he had left the golden haired schoolgirl.


Soon the anxious eyes of the ex-commander would focus on a hunched figure in that alley, which was turning her back to him from his point of view. Obviously, upon seeing this his first reaction was to run to the side of that blonde haired girl, who was apparently suffering from some kind of pain as acute as that of our hero.

"Hey! I'm b-back as promised! Well, l-looks like you c-can stand up n-now..." His sentences were still choppy due to his dyspneic respirations. "... W-What's wrong? A-Are you in pain? If so..." He breathed heavily, once again. "...Point me w-where it hurts so I c-can e-examine you right aw..."

Izuku asked her without any hesitation but when the girl turned around to look at him, he was speechless because the young girl had a somewhat different appearance and expression from how he remembered her.

The woman, about 17 years old, was still dressed like a schoolgirl, her clothes were still as dirty and full of blood and her straight uncombed hair was as messy as before. But her unfocused eyes full of eyeshadows along with a pair of 'big' upper fangs sprouting from her open mouth now gave her a somewhat creepy look.

"Hungry...I'm...Hungry...I can't anymore...Parents don't understand...Nobody understands...Previous food isn't enough..." The woman gasped multiple times. These gasps increased when her eyes focused on the figure of the green haired man, who had a moderate hemorrhage on his right shoulder and other small hemorrhages coming from those small cutting wounds on his extremities. At that moment the woman's eyes contracted like the pupils of a cat as her sclerae turned a yellowish color for some reason. "...I need more. You have to give me more."

"Th-This...Well..." Izuku's eyebrows rose alongside his confusion. He didn't know exactly what the girl wanted. "...First you need to be taken to the hospital." Izuku replied with a hint of hesitation in his voice as he had a bad feeling. His old warrior instincts were sending him the typical warning signs. However, his hero instincts made him think that maybe he was overreacting, and that the girl was just in a confusional state due to the blood loss she had suffered. "At the hospital, the doctors will give you all the food you want," He took another deep breath. Although this time, he tried to use his diaphragm to improve his dyspnea. "Sandwiches, Hot-cakes, Chicken, Scrambled Eggs. They have decent food where I plan to take you."

"No...I need something else. Something else. Something...special." The girl said with her voice slowly becoming more of a growl than well structured words.

"Something else? Something special? Hmmmm. Do you mean junk food? Well, I could hide and bring you some pizza if you behave yourself." With a puzzled expression in between the green haired man tried to strike up a conversation that made sense. He had the hope that she eventually would come to her senses. However...

"No! What I need is...BLOOD!"

...Soon Izuku's warrior instincts would tell him 'I told you' when he got that answer from the blonde haired girl, who in the next instant had shot forward with a leap that would knock down the tired ex-commander.

Caught off guard, the ex-commander couldn't react in time. So, when he realized it, the blonde haired girl was already sitting astride him and his neck was already being savagely bitten where he had been superficially wounded by Moonfish's tooth-blade. The girl's fangs sank into his flesh and then he felt how she was drawing blood with her mouth, vigorously and maddeningly. She tried to draw as much blood as she could.

Almost at the same time, the woman's right hand pulled a small piece of glass from her school clothes to subsequently attempt to bury it in the center of the man's chest.

"Are you serious? I saved you and now...Are you trying to suck me dry?" Nevertheless, Izuku used the arm he could move to shake her off after he made his orange gauntlet appear. He then stood up as fast as he could while enunciating words with a bit of irony. "At least buy me a drink before you try to kill me with an {Ardat-Yakshi} love ritual!" Despite the sarcasm, his words were also mixed with a bit of sorrow as he had really wanted to save a girl who seemed quite friendly and tender.

And now he didn't know if this was all a product of mental illness, blood loss, or if she had been faking all this time and was actually a murderer or something like that. However, seeing a series of tears coming from one of her eyes gave the ex-commander some hope.

"Aaaaah!" The woman gave him no response beyond a crazed scream followed by continuous swings of that piece of glass. She was aiming at the abdomen, neck, legs or heart with a rather clumsy technique as if only yesterday, she had learned to use a sharp object as a weapon.

Unfortunately for her, the green haired man was an old sea dog who grew up in his second life in the slums of an extremely dangerous metropolis, so despite being in such a pitiful condition as he was, he was still able to dodge each slash by perfectly reading the schoolgirl's clumsy movements.

"That's enough!" Again another breathless gasp interrupted his prayer for a brief moment. However, it seemed that using his diaphragm as a support was helping to control the dyspnea since the depth of the contractions of his thorax seemed less severe than a minute ago. "I don't have time for someone to try to kill me for the umpteenth time. Whether you're crazy or not, you still need medical attention!"

That said, with a fluid movement to the left, the former commander avoided another slash as he held the schoolgirl's attacking arm tightly with the hand that still served him. Next, he pulled the lady towards himself and with a headbutt of somewhat considerable force struck the girl on her head and knocked her down in the 'Tuchanka' style, sending her in the process to visit Morpheus.

"What just happened?" Despite the fact that it wasn't the first time a person he saved tried to kill him, he was still quite surprised by the situation he found himself in.

He never expected that after exterminating a flesh thirsty mutant, the innocent teenager in schoolgirl clothes would try to suck his blood while stabbing him. In one day he had encountered two cannibal killers!...Damn! Even Wrex, his ex-partner with severe distrust syndrome, would never have expected this!

"I'd better get you checked out. I hope I haven't left you with a head trauma that will put you in a coma. Geez." He sighed deeply before continuing speaking. "Hmmmm. Also, I'll see if I can find some information about you on the web too. I don't want to have any surprises at the hospital."

That said, the ex-commander used the information scanning mode for the second time that day on the young woman's body:

[Name: Himiko Toga

Parents: only daughter of Elizabeth Toga and Kiyoshi Toga, principal of 'Tsukiomi' college

Birthday: August 07

Height: 1.70m

Hair color: Yellow.

Eye Color: Amber

Temperature: 35 C

Pulse: 120 BPM

Quirk: Reported as quirkless

Occupation : Outstanding student and honor roll member of Jounan High School. Vice President of the Student Council. Cheerleader of the Jounan High School Fire Foxes, a Baseball team

Local Police News : Reported missing 17 days ago after she attacked and killed one of her classmates; Witnesses report that she stabbed him and drank a big amount of his blood. The father of the murdered classmate, Arasaka Yamamoto is the Hiroshima district councilor and is advocating for the death penalty. Since Himiko Toga's disappearance, at least 10 bodies of drug addicts and minor gangsters have been found in Kamagasaki and Fubuki with a big amount of blood drawn after death by stabbing: Himiko Toga is suspected to be responsible, but nothing has been confirmed]

"This is...something strange...What happened to you girl?" The green haired man grimaced after reading the information that unfolded from his omnitool. His eyebrows raised in bewilderment as he thought about how a woman of 'golden birth' and as prominent a future as she had, ended up in this state.

It's not like he hadn't seen a son of rich people end up a mercenary or a psychopathic madman before, but that's not something you expect to encounter often. On the other hand, the matter of her vital signs also had him quite concerned, as they indicated the initial stage of hypovolemic shock.

"But if I take you to the hospital, you're going straight to jail. And from there most likely to the gallows." The former commander sighed after gasping for breath one last time before continuing, "Geez, why do these things always have to be so complicated?"

Speaking with a bit of weariness and sorrow mixed in his voice, the ex-commander carried the woman on one of his shoulders and then trotted as best he could through the desolate streets of the dangerous city of Kamagasaki. With the curtain of night already well descended, at all times he thought of the possible ways that existed to improve the health of the blonde haired woman and also his own, since he couldn't continue to allow the wound in his neck, shoulder and limbs to continue losing blood.


To be continued...

Next Chapter:

Act I: Origins

Mission 01: Save The Cheerleader, Save The World (1)


Chapter Clarifications:

*0. I only mention it as trivia. Kamagasaki in real life, is one of the poorest neighborhoods in Japan.

*1.1. Dyspnea= Shortness of breath — known medically as dyspnea — is often described as an intense tightening in the chest, air hunger, difficulty breathing, breathlessness, or a feeling of suffocation

*1. I guess for those of you who have never read the MHA Spin-Off called [Illegals ], Moonfish's transformation in this chapter must have you quite confused. Your doubts will be resolved as the story progresses, I'll just tell you that I plan to make a small arc prior to Izuku's entrance to the U.A. that will have many of the elements of that spin-off, elements that will differ from what happened in [Illegals ] to create a different story.

*2 For a clearer mental image of what the transformation of Moonfish you just read would be like, go to the Devil-May-Cry-V video game wiki and look up the information of the demon [Lusachia]; that's the creature I took as a reference to imagine the transformation of Moonfish. Basically it's like a [Lusachia] with legs O.o

*3 For a more detailed explanation of the characteristics of the Biotic talents used in the chapter or how the Biotics themselves work, check the library section below.

*4 I take this opportunity to mention that I will make some variations to Toga's Quirk, to make it a bit more interesting for the 'alien theme' of this story, although it will behave almost the same as Toga's canonical Quirk.



Quirk: Mass Effect! (Japanese Medical Quirk Association) Biotics! (Izuku):

This is the final ability that the 'Returner' quirk delivered to Izuku Midoriya and unlike the Omnitool, this power is a quirk as such.


Element zero (Eezo) is a very special element that (among other things) allows to manipulate, in a limited way, dark matter and how it influences the mass, vibration and kinetics of atomic particles. Of course, the Eezo is able to accomplish the above as long as it is stimulated by an electric current; when bombarded with negatively or positively charged electrons, the Eezo will be able to create dark matter effect fields that are capable of influencing the mass, vibration or kinetics of a particle or object (or induce genetic mutations), both animate and inanimate.

The biotic abilities in Izuku or other biotic users, are activated by a technique called "physical mnemonics", in which the biotic uses a physical gesture to cause neurons to fire in a particular sequence, sending an electrical charge through their eezo nodes and thus creating the desired effect.

In the [Mass Effect] world, in general, biotic users who didn't belong to the Asari race need syntethic-implants placed in their lymphatic system to increase the power of their nervous system's electrical discharges, making it possible for their biotic abilities to be powerful enough to be useful in combat.

On the other hand, all members of the alien Asari race are born as natural biotic users; without the need for their mothers to be exposed to the element zero, the unborn children of an Asari will always develop Eezo nodules. In turn, with sufficient training these nodules can become powerful enough that an Asari doesn't need the use of synthetic implants. This is because the Asari's Eezo nodules also function as a kind of organic battery, whose tissue is capable of storing, redistributing and boosting the electrical energy produced by an Asari's body with great efficiency.

But despite what one may think after reading the above, there have come to be exceptional cases of natural biotics that don't belong to the Asari race, only that biotic users of this type outside that species are rarities among rarities. Other sentient species aside, the human race of Earth-2 only came to know of two known cases of natural human biotics whose Eezo nodules functioned as syntethic-implants; Jack, AKA Subject Zero, and a green haired commander.

With that understood, 'Returner' quirk replicated in his master's body the Eeezo nodules that the alternate version of his Earth-2 master came to possess at birth. Although of course, with the clear difference that these Eezo nodes possess the characteristics that a quirk possesses on Earth-1.

Learned Techniques/Effects:

These are the biotic abilities Izuku learned to use in the other world and thanks to his muscle memory he was able to replicate them with ease in this quirk. He still requires more training to be able to use these techniques without his body suffering any consequences, since as a quirk the Biotics have a level of power and potential that 'Zuku Shepard's' body isn't used to

1) Lift!: The user creates a sphere of dark energy that upon hitting a target whose size isn't very big (or that has a lot of mass) , will reduce its mass, which will cause it to levitate. Depending on how much power the sphere of energy carries, the range of mass reduced in the target will be. So the greater the power, the greater the distance the target will levitate.

Other Limitations:


2) Shock-Wave!: Much like a Singularity, Shockwave focuses on creating a superdense 'ball' of mass and projecting it forward; Creates a mass effect field that generates multiple shock waves directed in a single direction, which will hit nearby or distant targets. However, these shock waves cannot span distances that are extremely long. In simple terms, this is a move similar to the Delaware-Smash of [All Might] but with a shorter range.

Other Limitations:


3) Backlash!: The user channels a superdense mass field that protects only a small area, usually the size of a shield, in front of their forearm. This field can be used as a riot shield and, in certain cases, small/medium projectiles can be deflected towards the originating opponent. The localized focus and mobile nature make Backlash more demanding and difficult to learn than other biotic talents.


-This shield doesn't protect against [XXX].

4) Biotic Charge!: This ability works on similar principles to a ship moving in FTL (Faster Than Light) through a mass relay; Izuku uses dark matter fields to decrease their mass and then propels himself towards a target with another mass effect field. That done, he quickly stops using the dark matter field to regain his mass and thereby disables the superspeed boost.

On the other hand this ability has two side effects to consider:

A) [XXX]

B) [XXX]


The speed that the biotic charge can reach in Izuku, probably has nothing to envy to quirks like [XXX].

Also, if speeds above what the Izuku's eyes and brain can register are reached, he will not be able to see the surroundings. Therefore Izuku compares this ability as an enhanced and at the same time restricted version of [XXX]'s Quirk.

The user also cannot use [XXX] while using this talent, but can use [XXX].

5) [XXX]

6) [XXX]

General Weaknesses/Limitations:

-User can become 'overloaded' if abusing Biotic talents. Intense muscle pains plus the feeling of being burned from the inside and/or terrible head/chest pains will appear due to the nervous and muscular overexertion that the user's nervous system has to perform when having a certain talent activated/persisting for a long time. These side effects may be more tolerable or even disappear as the user adapts their body to this quirk, but will return when they abuses the use or power of a technique by taking it to levels to which their body and/or mind aren't prepared or accustomed.

Offensive capabilities of the OmniTool revealed!

Omni-Blade!: Provided it has sufficient energy, the omnitool is capable of forging a silicon carbide sword suspended by a mass effect field that separates it from the user's skin. This sword is sharp enough to cut rudimentary metals, but the sharpness of its edge isn't strong enough to cut armored metals or objects with similar or higher durabilities.


Fitoxi Fitoxi

Author's messages

I'm not very good at describing complicated fights and appearances, but I hope that with the help of the betareader you could manage to understand most of that part of the chapter.

Best regards

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Stone -- Power stone

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Stone -- Pierre de Pouvoir
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