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25% Hero From A Distant Galaxy / Chapter 2: Use The Omni-Tool

Chapitre 2: Use The Omni-Tool

Dialogue Clarifications

{Pyjak/Tonta/Keelah/Bosh'tet/XXX} = Words or utterances spoken in another language (either real or invented) that in most cases, I don't intend to translate. This is intended to create the effect that a character doesn't fully understand what is being said by a person who speaks that language or does not understand it at all or that it is not their native language

*Boom* = stage sound

"(Hmmm. He is behaving strangely)" = Depending on the context, it can mean thoughts or special sounds made by a character

*1,*2, *3, *4, etc... = clarification at the end of the chapter, they will go in order of appearance in the plot


Note: This isn't just a partial crossover with Mass-Effect... What do I mean by that? Well, when you finish reading this chapter you will understand (more or less) what I mean. I'll also leave some clarifications at the end of the chapter to explain a little bit the scene you'll find at the end.

Editor's note 08/16/2023: This chapter has been reviewed and edited by a beta reader. Please let me know your thinks about the grammar and wording.


Prologue: The Awakening

Mission 02: Use The Omnitool


Three weeks after waking up from his coma, Izuku woke up a little earlier than usual.

After putting on his school uniform, he walked with rapid steps towards the front door. For a moment, he almost forgot to take the breakfast that his mother had prepared for him...

"Izuku. Honey, aren't you going to have your breakfast?" Inko was worried after noticing Izuku hastening past the table. Her son almost immediately turned around and walked towards the dining room while rubbing the back of his neck with one hand, looking apologetic.

Immediately after, Inko's brow raised, noticing Izuku's avoidant gaze. "Is something wrong? Are you feeling okay?"

"Oh, sorry Mom, I forgot," he sighed. "I'm in a bit of a hurry. There's nothing wrong with me. I just had a dream. Not as nice as I would have liked it to be." Izuku moves his head to an angle where his mother couldn't see his face.

He didn't want Inko to notice his eyes, which were puffed out over prominent dark circles. In the middle of the night, he had woken up shortly after dreaming that he was helping a woman raise a bunch of little blue children, so his mood dropped and it was impossible to fall asleep after that.

"Did you have a horrible nightmare?! Are you in pain?!" Obviously, Inko's first reaction after hearing that explanation was a great sense of anguish for her son. After everything that had happened to Izuku, she was very apprehensive about everything related to the green haired boy's health.

"No Mom, I'm fine. It was just a bad dream. Nothing for you to worry about. It's getting late, I should go." Once he took his breakfast bowl, Izuku turned around and tried to leave the dining room, but his mother reached out to take one of his arms.

"Izuku! Wait!" She squeezed and then stroked one of her son's hands a little in an attempt to comfort him. "Listen, baby. I still disagree with you going back to school so soon. You don't need to push yourself to that level to be prepared for the final exams this semester. I've already talked to the professors and given your situation, none of them object to you taking remedial classes online; you're still in time to stay home until the final exams of the penultimate semester arrive, and then..."

"Mother, don't worry. I'm fine, I swear. My quirk has done wonders for my body and I don't feel any pain or tiredness anymore."

After being held by his mother, Izuku turned around and hugged her for a brief moment.

Inko returned the gesture and then the green haired boy looked into her eyes as he faked a smirk. "It was just an occasional bad dream that gave me these {Pyjak} eyes~, that's all. Hmmmmm. And about your proposal of online classes, I'll repeat what I told you when you proposed it to me 15 days ago. I'll die of boredom if I'm behind a computer all day long, my brain will be as slow as an {Elcor's} when it speaks English~. So I'd rather receive face to face classes than online classes a thousand times. Believe me, I don't feel uncomfortable going to school. In these last ten days, I've gotten used to going to high school again. And besides, having the company of my classmates and teachers is more interesting than using a computer. Yes, definitely more interesting."

He lied to her, believing his sadness was too much of a burden for her to handle. He turned around again and continued on his way to the door, deep in thought. Of course, he was not interested in receiving primitive classes (how would Javik say), since he had already received a first class and much more advanced education in that other world. The real reason he decided to return to that institute a little over a week ago was because he had unresolved issues at that school and he planned to resolve them once and for all. So staying home for online classes was not an option.

Just as he opened the front door, he turned his face and said those brief parting words to his mother: "Don't worry, I'll be fine. Everything will be fine from now on, I promise. I'm already running late. I should go."

"Hmmm. I'll believe you. Be very careful!" Inko was still doubtful despite his reassurances. A part of her felt that she was acting too overprotective due to the fear of losing him again, but another part of her still sensed that Izuku was hiding something bad that had happened to him for some reason.

Since she had no way of being sure if she was just being paranoid or not, at that moment she could only sigh in defeat just before she said goodbye to Izuku, who was already running down the hallway of the building.

"Uuuh? Come to think of it. He's said those words on more than one occasion. What's it supposed to be a... Piyak? and a... Olcor? Are they one of the characters in his comics?"

Inko blinked in confusion after realizing the above but wouldn't pay too much attention to the matter since she had to get ready for work.


Izuku kept trying not to think about that dream during the whole walk, so when he saw that there was a hero-villain fight going on nearby, he decided that he would approach that place to try to distract his melancholic thoughts with the confrontation. Some sort of giant shark man had climbed onto the Tatooin station, a bullet train station on an overpass across a street.


From that spot, the giant humanoid shark-thing soon knocked down part of an electrical pole. However, before it could do any damage, a muscular man with what appeared to be metal handcuffs on his wrists would take over and hold up the collapsed structure in a superhuman act.

Shortly after, a humanoid dressed as a fireman and holding fire hydrants as arms somehow created a 'water fence' to prevent civilians from getting too close to the battle, while a wooden man confronted the villain.

At that moment, Izuku stretched his head to watch with some interest as the wooden hero jumped onto the tracks, carefully dodging the villain's attacks.

"Assault, robbery, and illegal use of your quirk. You're in big trouble!" The wooden man said in a serious manner as he dodged a giant punch that crashed onto the tracks where he had been standing a moment ago. "You have broken many laws and for that, you will face justice!" The wooden man said in an exaggerated manner.

Then, the wooden man stretched one of his arms out in front in an overly theatrical performance.

Izuku, instead of getting excited, rolled his eyes and slapped his face after seeing something that caused him a lot of grief. Could he be blamed? That comic book fanboy had become a full fledged decorated military man, so he could no longer see all heroes in the same way. He felt that all that acting was over the top when it came to eliminating a threat that endangered the lives of innocent civilians.

"Show us something flashy, Kamui-Wooods!" On the other hand, most of the people watching that fight became excited when they observed the fighting pose that the wooden hero struck.

The next moment, Kamui-Woods set out to finish the villain once and for all by using some kind of special technique.

"Canyon Cannon!"

However, before he could make his move, a gigantic woman dressed in a spandex costume suddenly appeared on the scene and while mentioning the above, knocked the villain down with a powerful kick.

After that, the woman stole the cameras. The heroes who had been facing that villain before she appeared were offended in their own way by the heroine's blatant individualistic and spotlight-stealing attitude.

"Hmmmm. Come to think of it, I'd never seen that heroine before and I don't remember much of the quirks and information about the main local or international heroes anymore. Hehe, now that I think about it my head is mostly filled with information about combat techniques, alien species, and technology. I'd better start collecting useful data on potential allies or future threats. After all, you never know when you'll form a team, when you'll encounter a villain, or when a hero will become a villain." Izuku scratched his cheek in a thoughtful manner and then continued. "Hmmm. I'll start with the giant girl."

After seeing those heroes complaining about the heroine bragging to the cameras, Izuku considered that it would be a good time to gather information. Right away, he used his omnitool to deploy a kind of holographic screen, in which he entered data with his free hand, by typing on the holographic keyboard he deployed just below that screen.

As he entered the information into a new section from his personal information journal, without realizing it at first, he mumbled the analyzed information that his mind compiled about the villain and these heroes.

"No doubt that girl possesses a gigantification quirk. If she's not careful, she could unleash a lot of collateral damage on the city, but I suppose she should at least be aware of that, so it's likely she's mastered her quirk enough to avoid becoming a walking disaster. Hmmmm. She seems to have recently become a professional heroine, but by the looks of it she hasn't yet matured as a professional; bragging in front of the cameras is a bit pointless when you're saving innocent lives. Hehe…Mordin, what would you think about the biology and behavior of my species in this world?"

He stopped his chattering for a moment when he realized he was doing the mumbling thing again. He smiled wistfully at the thought of the only person who surpassed him in this was his late friend, Mordin Solus.

Although it wasn't as common as it used to be, he still had a habit of mumbling the analyzed information of some of the things that interested him. But unlike in the past, instead of sounding like a creepy or nervous person when doing so, he now behaved like a self assured person calmly analyzing the situation, like the classic general analyzing a battlefield from a safe position.

"In any case, this girl still has a long way to go to become completely reliable. As Vega would say, she's still a bit of a {pendeja}. I'll place her quirk as an [Alpha-] level threat. I think she has a potential for destruction on par with the Reaper Human 'Embryo' I faced, but her durability is surely inferior. One shot from the {Blackstar} antimatter cannon would wipe her head off the map and leave no dust behind. And with a biotic charge or any other superhuman speed ability, it would be very easy to escape the range of this girl's punches or kic…Girl? Damn, I need to remember that I'm a high school student," He let out a deep sigh before finishing his sentence. "Again."

The green haired boy finally abandoned his analytical thoughts and then observed the time marked on his omnitool (which he had previously adjusted). He was already late to get to school so he set out to start his way again, this time without getting distracted.

Before leaving, however, he was greeted by a civilian on the scene, who was quick to approach the boy after hearing his mutterings.

"Hey, hey. That was a pretty good analysis. Do you want to be a hero? Because with that brain and that quirk, I think you can do it! Did your quirk give you the ability to create some kind of computer?" The old man was utterly fascinated.

Before answering him, Izuku smiled ironically and chuckled slightly. He reminded himself that from now on he should be more careful with his mumbling, because if someone not as clueless as this old man heard him, they would think he was crazy.

Speaking in a language that a Japanese person couldn't understand, like English or better yet, an alien language, should be enough to prevent a situation like this from happening again. "You could say I want to be a hero, so thanks for the support, gramps. In a way, the omnitool is a computer, so you're not wrong about that."

"I see, I see. So omnitool is the name of your quirk. Sounds pretty cool! By the way, what's a lethal star? Or how did you pronounce what you said just now?"

"Sorry, that question I can't answer, it's classified. Hmmm, you know what? I should go." Having said his classic escape phrase, the green haired man left the scene, leaving the old man a bit confused.


Time passed and soon the first class had begun. All the students were present and seated in their respective seats.

Ten days ago, the physics teacher had done his job well for the first time and had re-introduced Izuku to the group of youngsters, who were not at all enthusiastic or interested in the reason that had kept their classmate out of class for three months.

At Inko's request, since it was a sensitive information, the only ones who knew the real reason that had kept Izuku out of school, were the teachers and the Bakugou family, because Inko didn't know that the relationship of her son with the firstborn of that family, had fractured some time ago, since Izuku always hid the abuses of Katsuki. The rest of the students were only told that Izuku was in a delicate state of health due to an illness, but they were not clearly informed of the reason behind his absence. Given the reactions those classmates had after the green haired boy returned to class, it's not like they would have cared to know that anyway.

Upon seeing him back, most of them remained silent or behaved indifferently while some of them muttered comments to themselves.

"(Midoriya? I thought he had already changed schools. Isn't he tired of Bakugou bothering him? Is he a masochist?)"

"(Will we have that loser in our class again? I wish he hadn't come back)"

"(I thought he was dead already. He would have done the world a favor by disappearing!)"

"(Great, it's about time we had some of the old fun back! I wonder how long it'll take Bakugou to bully him?)"

Cruel and rude words were enunciated by several of his classmates and with his highly trained sense of hearing (thanks to military training and experiences from his other life), Izuku was able to hear them clearly.

In the past, if he heard things like that, he would have felt very bad or even gone to cry in the bathroom, but currently, that didn't matter to him at all. The commander living inside him couldn't feel more indifferent to the words of spoiled brats or boys with family problems, whose only achievements in their lives were limited to passing high school exams. Honestly, he had expected them to act more or less that way, so he was not at all surprised by the way they received him.

However, what did surprise him was the reaction Katsuki had when he managed to hear some of those comments. The blond haired boy gritted his teeth on several occasions, clenched his fists and his eyebrows sunk as he listened to the murmurs of the students sitting near him.

It was easy for Izuku to recognize the expressive changes in Bakugou's body, even if he was sitting at a desk at the end of the room. Keeping in mind that Katsuki knew very well that he had been in a coma, Izuku proceeded to make some guesses about it after his initial surprise left him. Now that he had matured, Izuku had finally realized that the supposed friendship his seventeen year old 'self' had thought he had with Bakugou was only a victim-bully type of relationship, where little remained of the friendship they had had in the past.

The blond haired boy had pitiful parents who never corrected his actions, the people around him flattered his kosei at every moment, and the teachers always overlooked his infractions to the law thinking that his quirk could make him a great hero. As a result, Bakugou's ego ended up inflating so much, that now he thought that the most natural thing was to always be above the others and he apparently couldn't tolerate that in his circle of friends there was a quirkless, so he had to prove to the weakest of the group his place at almost every moment.

But from what Izuku had observed days ago, it seemed that Bakugou still had some regard for him. Was there still some of that friendship they had inside him? Did he still consider him a friend? Was his intention to bully him day after day some kind of twisted way to protect him from the cruel quirk world? Or was he just angry that day that others were bothering his prey?.

Izuku kept thinking about that matter during the following days, in which he didn't have much contact with Katsuki, who so far had only addressed him with a sharp, "(Finally you woke up from your damn coma, Deku! It was about time you got your useless ass out of bed!)"

A few days ago, Bakugo had met him after school. While Izuku was walking home, Bakugo had intercepted him just to tell him that and then left him alone. So far Bakugo had not bothered him again or addressed him, just occasionally looked at him in the classroom with that classic angry look, which was sometimes changed by a look full of confusion, probably because he didn't understand why Izuku had that height and that wider build. In any case, for Izuku to see Katsuki behaving that way, it seemed rather strange, considering the history of abuse that Katsuki had given to his old 'self'.


Izuku's previous confused thoughts about Bakugou ended after he sighed wearily when, on this day, the physics class ended up boring him so much that it was impossible for him to stay awake at all.

His head bobbed up and down as he nodded in exhaustion. Could you blame him? His training as a biotic sentinel included advanced engineering classes, so being taught so far behind in a science he had largely mastered in a futuristic world just killed him with boredom even faster than any other subject.

Ten minutes later, when the physics teacher realized that in addition to the quirkless guy, other students who were important began to fall asleep, he suddenly put aside his lecture and passed around handouts to all the youngsters, leaving the papers on the tablets on the desks. With that done, he tried to attract the attention of the students.

"Come on class, I know this subject isn't your favorite and that it's quite complex, but you are already high school seniors." His tone then switches from sympathetic to enthusiastic, "So it's time for you to think about your future! I've passed you brochures containing information about the best universities in the region. But I know you all want to be heroes! Right?!"

Hearing that, everyone but Izuku raised their hands and showed their excitement in one way or another. The green haired boy was still in a semi conscious state, too bored to care about what was going on in the classroom.

On the other hand, the teacher scattered the papers in his hand in the air in his own bliss. "Yes, yes. You guys have wonderful quirks. But it's against the rules to use them during school!"

"Sensei, don't lump me in with everyone else!" The aggressive and confident voice of a certain student echoed through the classroom. Katsuki Bakugou, who even at seventeen, had not changed his attitude too much. So it was in his moment of overconfidence that he sat in his chair with his legs crossed on the table while smiling proudly.

He bragged about himself as if the others were nothing and ignored the verbal attacks he received from some of his other classmates. "Are you done talking, scum?"

Then, in response, he jumped up on his desk and continued bragging. "I got an A on the mock preliminary tests and I'm the only one in this school who has a chance! I'm going to beat even that All Might bastard, and become a top hero! I'll carve my name into the ranks of the best!"

Bakugou seemed to be in his own proud moment. He was the highest scorer in the U.A. pretest in the entire high school. But that all changed when the teacher mentioned that Izuku also wanted to go to the same academy, which froze the blonde haired man instantly.

Midoriya hadn't had the chance to take that test given the situation that had happened to him, but since the beginning of the semester Izuku had expressed his wishes to go to that hero university. The professor had remembered that he had two students who were planning to apply to the U.A.

"Hahahahaha!" Everyone else burst out in a moment of laughter.

However, at that instant, Izuku wasn't very awake, but the eruption of laughter pulled him out of his drowsiness. He looked around the room, confused. "What?" Izuku yawned. "What's so funny?"

Midoriya stretched his arms and responded lightly when he realized that for some reason he had become the center of attention that aroused teasing from the others. Something like that could no longer bother him or make him feel bad, so he wasn't bothered by the childish attitude of those teenagers, in fact, he didn't even care why they were teasing him. So he acted indifferent, not even interested in them answering his question.

"Hey! Deku!" Izuku's question would be answered in no time as Katsuki exclaimed just before releasing a small explosion on the tablet on his desk. Katsuki's hands, still releasing smoke, grabbed Izuku's shirt from the area covering the neck and then the blonde haired boy brought Midoriya's face closer to his.

Katsuki raised his angry voice even more. "Don't you still realize that you're useless?! Those damn scars you have aren't enough of a lesson?! You're a worthless scum! Who can't even stand something as basic as a moving truck! Get it straight! You're not fit to be a hero! So stop getting in my way! The only one who's going to go to U.A. in this school, I'm going to be…!"

"Katsuki, you have seven seconds to let me go or I swear you're going to regret it."

"..." Midoriya's serious and cold words and expression, not only left Bakugou speechless for a moment but also silenced the rest of the students and even the teacher. They would never have expected that the nervous and whiny quirkless of the class would be able to make such a scary expression like that. Let alone that he could say something like that to the golden haired explosive menace.

Several jaws nearly dropped to the floor and a large number of eyelids opened and closed multiple times in confusion.

"I think my ears must be sick." Approximately 2 seconds after hearing the green haired boy's words, Bakugou's brain started working again, so he could finally react as he knew how. His fists clenched, his teeth gritted and then he demanded an answer. "Did a simple Deku say what I think he said?!"


"Uh?! Are you going to leave me talking?! Uh?! Why the hell are you counting?! Uh?! Do you really think you have a chance?!"


"So that damn accident liberated a screw in your head and now you think you're superior to me, Deku?! Is that it?! You're looking down on me?! Answer me Deku!"


"Uh?! If that's what you want..." The blonde haired boy created small explosions in his free hand and then finished enunciating with great fury. "...I'll remind you where you belong!"

"Zero. Last chance. Let me go or you're going to kiss the floor."

"Die!" Saying that, Bakugou directed the palm full of small explosions toward his "friend's" chest. He was probably planning to release a small explosion in his chest that would only cause a first degree burn and a few bruises.

In his head, Katsuki probably thought that that was the right thing to do to make the green haired boy come to his senses and desist from a ridiculous dream that, besides endangering him, would also cause him to cross his path and that last was something he could at least allow.

Bakugo was probably thinking something similar.

But, whether he thought that way or not, it was something that Izuku didn't care at that moment, since, in that instant, he decided that he should teach that brat a good lesson to bring him down from the egocentric pedestal he had climbed on. Besides it was about time he made it clear to the whole class that things were going to work differently from now on.


The screams were not from Midoriya but from Bakugou, the product of a terrible headbutt received on his forehead just after the green haired dodged the attack aimed at his chest with a fluid movement.

Then, Izuku's left fist wrapped in his orange gauntlet buried itself heavily in the blonde haired man's abdomen right in the hepatic area, which caused Katsuki to vomit his breakfast instantly, only to then retreat a few steps backward while holding his stomach painfully as his consciousness faded. "You basta...! Aaaagh!"


Katsuki tried to counterattack despite having his nervous system and consciousness in disarray from the powerful hook to the liver he had just received. But with his brain already confused, he couldn't come up with an organized plan of attack against the strangely strong Deku in front of him. So, he just swung one of his explosive hands against the green haired man, who apparently was already waiting for him to use his right hand to counterattack, so as to prevent anyone else in the class from getting hurt before that explosion was released.

Izuku decided to end it once and for all with a side kick aimed exactly at Bakugo's left temple. He hit that weak spot with such mastery that it almost looked like he had been possessed by a ninja or rather, a highly trained supersoldier.

Moments later, after receiving that kick, Katsuki was lying unconscious on the floor after his body bounced and absurdly cracked the wall at the back of the classroom, which soon partially collapsed after another few seconds, leaving the students and the other teacher in the adjoining classroom shocked.

"I told you. I've given headbutts to Krogans for less than what you just did~" The ex-commander enunciated in a sarcastic mutter those words after he used his omnitool to scan the unconscious body of the blonde haired boy.

Although Izuku knew that Katsuki's body was quite durable, he wanted to make sure that he hadn't caused fatal injuries. He initially used 60% of his physical strength to check how much strength he would need to knock him down, and then hit him in the weakest points of his body to make sure to end the fight as quickly as possible without causing too much damage. It turned out to be effective in reducing him in three moves, by using 15% more of his strength.

"You really are a pretty tough brat, huh?" After checking with the omnitool's scanner, Izuku knows that Bakugou only had a few bruises, a mild concussion, and no broken bones. The green haired boy couldn't help but be surprised by the durability of his former childhood friend.

Then the students and teacher finally got the information about what had just happened.

"What just happened?"

"Midoriya. Midoriya. Midoriya. Kicked Bakugou's ass?!"

"That… I think… And he also destroyed the wall..."

"Look at his left arm! Is it a quirk?!"

"Midoriya has a quirk?!"

Having heard some of the incredulous utterances from his students, the physics class teacher finally deigned to speak. "Mido… Mido… Midoriya! Young Midoriya, what have you done to young Bakugou?!"

In a short time, the teacher left his desk and ran to the side of his favorite student. He bent down to examine his state of health and then acted like the corrupt and pitiful teacher he was. "Go to detention right now! You're in big trouble! By attacking a fellow student in your class in this manner, you have earned yourself expulsion from this academy! I will personally see to it that you are removed from this institution by the principal! Your violent behavior is unacceptable!"

"Uh? What? Am I going to be expelled just because of this? I don't think so, Tachibana Sensei." Izuku raised one of his eyebrows as he gave a wry smile. "You are the one who will most likely be expelled." The green haired man began to speak in a tone audible only to him and the teacher while smiling ironically.

He had long wanted to teach a lesson to both Katsuki and this teacher (among others). The teacher's negligence, which blatantly allowed the use of the kosei of the other students, especially Bakugou, without caring that Bakugou or other students used their powers to threaten or even hurt weak students. Those other weak students were usually limited to just him.

"What did you say?!" Indignant at such a blatant response, the physics teacher was quick to retort in annoyance. "How dare you say something like that after all you've done?!"

"I said that the one in trouble here is you sensei. From my perspective and from the perspective of any authority that comes to investigate this event, here is an accident that occurred after I had the 'Late Awakening' of my kosei. I was not even aware of the terrible strength that I apparently now possess. And more importantly, this is an incident that occurred because you refused to stop the fight between two students. A very negligent thing for a teacher to do, if you ask me."

Partly understanding what Izuku was trying to tell him, the teacher went completely silent just as his eyes opened wide. He finally noticed the strange orange gauntlet covering the student's left arm that until only moments ago he thought was quirkless. Only then did he know that he could also land himself in trouble if the proper investigations were conducted.

"I strongly suggest you get a lawyer if you decide to confront me by lying to the director. It's not the first time this has happened, so if you decide to try to convince the principal to expel me, I will tell everyone how you let your students use their quirks for years against someone who couldn't defend himself and honestly, I don't want my mother to find out about something as terrible as that. So you might as well say that this was all just an accident born out of the late awakening of my quirk."

"Nobody is...going...to...believe...that…" Tachinaba tried to threaten the green haired boy or at least tried to. "No one is going to believe a word you say." Although he didn't sound very sure of himself.

"If you say so." Izuku shrugged. "Though, the audio I just recorded on my omnitool doesn't quite agree with that statement."

Those last words further silenced the professor, who now definitely believed that he might lose his job. Of course, he didn't understand the meaning of the word [Omnitool], so he thought that Midoriya had recorded what he had just said (or the past events) with an app on his cell phone or something like that.

"That's all for now, I'll talk to you later." Izuku nodded his head and as he placed a smug smile in between. "The director is waiting. I should go." Having said that, he walked towards the exit of the classroom, where he would leave the rest of his classmates and teacher Tachibana with the following question in their heads: What the heck had happened to Izuku Midoriya?


The rest of the day was a delight for Izuku. He had finally gotten some of that payback that karma had long owed him from his first life. He finally dealt with and solved some of the problems he had had before traveling to that other universe, but that due to lack of strength and willpower he had never dared to face. He finally gave a well deserved lesson to his former childhood friend (who remained unconscious for the rest of the school day in the infirmary) in front of everyone's eyes, which Izuku knew would be even more humiliating for him.

Make no mistake, Izuku was no longer afraid or resentful of him as in the past, he didn't hate him because now he understood well how Katsuki had become a bully, so now Izuku only felt a great indifference and perhaps, a little pity for him.

On the other hand, Izuku had also managed to take revenge (just a little) on one of the terrible teachers he had.

Under the threat of the ex-commander, Tachibana told the high school principal that the damage to the school and Katsuki was the result of an accident caused by a children's game in which Midoriya and Bakugou participated. A game of physical character where by accident had awakened the quirk of the young green haired boy.

Just as Izuku predicted, the principal cared more about the fact that he had awakened a powerful quirk than he did about the health of his students or the infrastructure of the academy, so Izuku only received a warning call and a suggestion. Since he was a rare case of 'Late Awakening', he was told to immediately go to a quirks doctor to find the quickest way to control his kosei.

The obese, bald headed bastard who ran the high school [Aldera] was a corrupt human being and even more negligent than all the other teachers there. He placed the students with the best quirks above the others, gave them more facilities, permissions and suggested to the other teachers to avoid admonishing or reprimanding the best candidates for heroes because his main objective was to form students with the potential to become famous heroes because that way he could later boast to society that those heroes were 'born' from his school, which would raise the prestige of the institution.

Midoriya thought that this was most probably the case not only for his high school but for many others, so he could only sigh bitterly after having reached that conclusion as he walked home.

If it were up to him, he would have all teachers and administrators who behaved that way, both in his school and in other institutions, fired. But he didn't want his mother to find out about what he had been going through for more than a decade, so for the time being he had to settle for leaving sensei Tachibana between the sword and the wall.

The threats of the ex-commander towards that teacher would continue during the nine months he still had left in that school. Undoubtedly, once he graduated and his mother was calmer, he planned to expose all those nefarious teachers to the competent authorities.

The thought brought a smile to his face as he thought of all those lousy teachers losing their jobs. Maybe he was being too vindictive, but Commander "Zuku Shepard" was not someone who could let a severe offense against himself pass without consequences.

"?" Izuku stopped walking at the end of an underpass when his ears received a rather peculiar booming sound. As he turned his head in the direction of the sound, he noticed that the noise was produced by the bouncing manhole cover. His experienced warrior instincts were put on alert an instant before he saw sprouting from the manhole hole, some sort of green tentacle.

"Uh? Is that some kind of sludge?" The green thing soon emerged from the sewer hole and took on a relatively humanoid form in just two blinks of an eye. It also looked quite dangerous, but that didn't seem to matter to the former commander, who just murmured calmly and with a bit of confusion, "What happened with the green puke?"

A pair of eyeballs rolled around the mass of green liquid before settling on the upper portion of it.

"__An oversized invisibility cloak! Perfect!__" The green thing enunciated while manifesting a twisted smile full of misshapen teeth.

It then advanced towards Izuku's position quickly. As it increased its volume just when it was only three meters away from the young man, creepy words came out of its twisted mouth again. "__You will become my new host! Hahahahah! I promise the pain will be...!__"

"Cryo Blast!"

"__Whaaa...__" The sludge thing didn't even have time to understand what had happened to its body after its words were interrupted by the green haired young man's prayer. The sound of caramban crystals forming reverberated in the scene as it was turned into a frozen statue in the blink of an eye.

Sludge's thoughts were suspended in confused despair. Apparently, Midoriya broke one of the rules of all Shonen as he didn't wait for his enemy to finish his attack. What kind of N7 would allow something like that to happen? Of course, none!

From the moment he sensed the villain's intentions, Izuku summoned the orange gauntlet of his omnitool and then fired a small mass of supercooled subatomic particles at his enemy, which turned him into a popsicle even faster than any other biological enemy Izuku had shot in that other world since his body had a higher proportion of water compared to a normal person/creature.

It didn't work on those who possessed powerful technological or biotic barriers, but against biological beings with a size between three to five meters or less and without absurd cellular self-regeneration capabilities, the cryogenic blast always proved to be extremely useful. So for those reasons, the former commander decided that that would be the best ability to use at the moment.

"Geez, I always wanted to say the name of my technique before attacking. I never got the chance to brag like a hero in the other world, you know?"

When the threat was neutralized, Izuku approached the giant amorphous ice statue and then spoke smugly as he assessed the characteristics of the frozen enemy. "I guess you're a really ugly villain or something? Well, I feel sorry for you, but having a body with a water composition of 90% or higher, made you the perfect target for my cryo blast."

Saying that, Izuku tapped the ice statue playfully with one of his fingers for a moment and a few seconds later, when he got tired of seeing that ugly thing, he used his omnitool to alert the police that he had encountered a strange frozen being in a subway crosswalk.

Shortly after he woke up from his coma, he adjusted his supercomputer to be able to make calls or access internet services (among other things) in this world. He felt it would be quite useful to have those functions updated in his omnitool. In any case, hopefully, this villain should have a criminal record so the police should be able to arrest him after he was unfrozen or placed in a morgue.

Izuku didn't know for sure if someone with a mud body could survive the fragmentation of their cells by the microcrystals of ice formed in their tissues after freezing. Of course, Izuku didn't know if this villain's body still functioned with cells or only with green sludge.

With those last confusing thoughts in mind, Izuku left the scene without caring too much about the fate of a vicious killer. Long ago, he stopped caring about the fate of those people or enemies whose hearts were severely corrupted by evil. It didn't take a genius to realize that the green thing behind his back had already exterminated many innocent lives before.

Ironically, shortly after he left the scene with that indifferently brazen attitude, he would miss the opportunity to meet the hero of his childhood, who would be widely surprised by the current state of the ruthless villain he was chasing.


"...And moving on to other news: A few hours ago, the seventeenth president of [Antargo], Joevanovick Joemir, released his fourth government report to the public. His cabinet posted a video on the homepage of [Antartics.com .gob .ac], showing Joemir extremely satisfied with his government's public policies and the results they have brought to his young nation. He reported that the crime rate throughout his country has remained below 1% since he took office, which if true, would continue to place this Antarctic founded nation as the safest country on earth. He also called on everyone to continue to make efficient use of self sustaining, carbon free energy resources to keep the Arctic ice caps healthy. He also didn't forget to stress the importance of maintaining flexible immigration policies, with the objective of strengthening the young nation with a well trained foreign labor force…"

As the night fell, Izuku was enjoying a rather pleasant family moment. He was having his favorite dish, katsudon, for dinner with his mother. The two of them were talking about various topics while they were eating, and at the same time, they were taking a glance at the television in the background, which was playing the news.

The broadcast was now giving the most recent news of that nation founded in the far south pole about 150 years ago, after a severe number of visionary people, tired of the politics of their countries and with quirks quite suitable for cold climates, decided to migrate collectively to that unsuspecting place to found a new nation that corresponded more with their goals and ideals.

Upon seeing and hearing this news, Izuku could not help but smile with irony. He was slightly distracted from the conversation he had been having with his mother. He thought that strangely, the fact that there was a nation in Antarctica, was another of the few things in common that his home world had with the alternate earth in that other plane of existence, so he was soon lost in his thoughts, evoking in his memories the characteristics that differentiated the two realities.

Firstly, in the world of the Reapers, humanity hadn't developed quirks and despite the existence of supernatural powers (those not artificially created) these were generally only possessed by Aliens such as the Leviathans. In turn, these powers didn't seem to behave in the same way as the quirks of his universe of origin, although some of these powers could be incredibly powerful.

Secondly, the dates of his birth in both realities didn't coincide, since he was born in the Reaper world at the end of the XXII century. While in the Quirk world, he was born at the end of the XXIV century, almost 250 years later. However, in that other place it was obvious that humanity had developed its technology by leaps and bounds, while in his world, technology had remained stagnant for a long time because of the quirks.

Since the supernatural powers took it upon themselves to defend mankind and/or to solve the daily lives of humans in various other ways, most scientists for a long time put aside the research of many branches of science and practically only focused on the genetics behind the quirks.

Thirdly, many of the cities and countries of their home world had very different names from those of the other world.

Fourthly, and more importantly than anything else, although the planetary system was also called [Solar System], the one in their reality was very different because not only had the other 7 planets been given different names, it had also developed outside of the Milky Way.

In this reality, the [Solar system] was in the Andromeda galaxy, right in the same position in space in this galaxy where it would be in the Milky Way, as if in this plane of existence the solar system had been reflected in the galaxy adjoining the Milky Way, as if it were a mirror of galactic proportions.

When his mind had that last thought, Izuku wished he hadn't had it at all in the first place, for that was one of the reasons he was still depressed. That his reality was so different from the Reaper universe made him realize that there was absolutely no way he could meet an alternate version of the girl he had fallen in love with or his friends. He doubted if there was even an Admiral Hackett, an Anderson, an Ashley, or a Joker on his earth. He hadn't even bothered to investigate those possibilities as he was absolutely sure he would only be disappointed.

Much less should there be aliens out there. The very thought of that being possible in their home reality was absurd.






A fantasy.

An unattainable dream.

A hallucination.

A delusion.

"...Izuku! Izuku! Izuuuuuuuuuuukuuuu! Bebeeeeeee! Wake uuuuuuuuuup!" *1

"Huh? Ouch! What's wrong Mom?! Why are you pinching me?! What's wrong with you?!"

The pessimistic and melancholic thoughts of the green haired boy were interrupted by the screams and maniacal actions of his mother. She was pinching him with one hand, and with her other hand, she was pointing at the television constantly in a nervous and impassive manner at what her eyes for some reason seemed overly excited.

"Just stop daydreaming my boy, and watch TV right now! Pay attention to that news, but now! I told you! I always told you! The ancestral alien program wasn't just silly things! This is the proof!"

"What are you talking about?!" Izuku didn't at first understand his mother's emotion filled sentence, let alone understand why it was that she was talking about one of her favorite programs at a time like this.

That was until he finally put the entirety of his attention on the television, where the note about the Antarctic policies had already disappeared some time ago. Then it showed the image of a rather excited (and somewhat dismayed) journalist next to an even larger audiovisual image that projected a video where you could see some people dressed in astronauts' suits (somewhat advanced) walking in some desert and mountainous place.

"...I repeat! We interrupt your usual transmission to bring you the following urgent message! The expedition organized by David Shield, the thirteenth minister of {Olympus}, the small Technocratic colony of {Eos}, has confirmed the characteristics of the anomaly that Earth satellites that were discovered at the north pole of {Eos} 6 months ago! Unknown ruins have been found on {Eos}! I repeat! Ruins of some kind of unknown civilization have been found on {Eos}! We are not alone in the universe! We are not alone in the universe anymore! not anymore!" *2

With the voiceover said in a rather hurried manner by the journalist, the audiovisual recordings showed how the astronauts arrived at a rocky area where there were some kind of black pyramids, on whose surface there were highly detailed drawings with characters that followed well established patterns. The video footage continued to show the astronauts approaching the area of the black pyramids.

Before long, it could be seen (thanks to some sort of semi-transparent helmet) that one of those astronauts appeared to be a rather young woman with blonde hair, who was standing close to that astronaut who had the name [David Shield] written on the front of his suit.

"Huuuh?! Those aren't Prothean ruins!" In that way, with bewildered words and his jaw almost dropped to the floor as the silverware in his hands was loosened, Izuku Midoriya and more than half of the people inhabiting planet Earth understood on that day, that just thinking that mankind would be the only species existing in a gigantic universe, was the only thought that was truly absurd. *3


To be continued...


Chapter Clarifications:

*1 Although it's not relevant at all, I just want to make it clear that Inko in this story is an alien and sci-fi fangirl.

*2 Although I'm going to reveal it anyway in the next chapter, I've left you a preview about the colony of Eos, {Olympus} in the information I left in the library section. But in a nutshell, this is my version of [I-Island] for this story.

*3 Have you ever read MHA crossovers with Ben 10, Star-Wars, etc.? Well, throughout the story, I will reveal how I have merged the Mass-Effect lore with the Quirk world, so the inclusion of alien lore will not be missing in this story either. How the news was revealed so prematurely and how it will influence the human beings in the world of Midoriya, will be exposed in the following chapters.



The following information has small teasers/spoilers, but they are not big enough to keep you from enjoying the plot. So if you are curious to read the following, do so without worrying about filling yourself with relevant sopilers.

(Note: [XXX]=Information I intentionally left censored to avoid giving too many spoilers, but , well...If you know the omnitool and the technological talents of the series, you'll know what they're all about. However, I avoided including severe tech talents, to avoid creating an OP Midoriya in technical terms.)

Eos!: The version of the planet Mars in Midoriya's origin reality. Instead of being named after the roman god of war, this red planet was named after the goddess of dawn from greek mythology. It is incredibly similar to that other red planet, but has a climate and terrestrial configuration that is slightly different from Mars and also a closer distance to Earth compared to that planet. It is only separated from the earth by a distance only 6 times greater than the distance from the moon to the earth, which has made it easier for astronauts to travel to the planet. With the current technology of the Quirk world, Eos can be reached in only 7 days; this short distance not only gives a splendid view of the planet as its orbit approaches the earth, but is also the reason why mankind managed to found a small colonial city in the southeast of the planet. Currently the primitive terraforming efforts of Olympus have managed to grow some plants in some areas of the planet thanks to the combined efforts of their technology and the inhabitants with useful Kosei they have there. With bioengineering methods they have also managed to get some animals to adapt to the terrible environment and radiation of Eos, but for the moment the planet is still uninhabitable for 99% of the organic beings living inside Olympus.

Olympus!: A human colony on the planet Eos that was founded just over 100 years ago. Following the example of the founders of [Antargo], a series of visionary and somewhat eccentric billionaire scientists, 100 years ago they had the crazy idea of founding a nation free of any political intervention, where science would be above religion and/or any other type of thinking that would slow down the advance of human technology. These millionaires recruited in their primitive spaceships, people and families with quirks that had the potential to be useful for the highly radioactive and inhospitable environment of the red planet and thus was born a terrestrial colony that does not follow the orders of any government of the earth. This colony currently has approximately 800 000 inhabitants, who live in a relatively advanced city, with a size comparable to a small island: The city is protected by a huge transparent dome created with metals and special fibers that block the terrible dust storms, radiation and oxygen-deprived atmosphere of Eos. Olympus is ruled by a [Technocrat] government, where science is more important than anything else, but still retains certain bioethical and technoethical laws that prevent biohazards or other scientific threats such as AIs from being born or getting out of control. Just like {Antargo], from time to time Olympus organizes crusades to recruit more people or personnel that can be useful, hence some scientists who were born on Earth, such as David-Shield, decide to migrate to the red planet when they are tired of the policies of their governments, delaying their research.

However, Eos scientists still maintain diplomatic relations with the governments of Earth: If any government asks nicely, Eos scientists are willing to help in research/sampling/etc... tasks that are of great interest to that government and they also have mercantile relations with Earth, offering from time to time to interested (and willing to pay) nations the patents of the technologies they have developed. Ironically, Olympus' continued cooperation with Earth governments is the main reason Earth technology has been able to break out of the doldrums it was in.

Omnitool!: It is not a Quirk as such, although it may seem so. This one specifically, is a copy (molecularly replicated by the 'Returner' Quirk) of the high-end multi-purpose holographic computer that Izuku used in many different ways in that other plane of existence. Thanks to the aforementioned kosei, this thing was copied and then added to Midoriya's original body. It still retains copies of all the collected data and information that the ex-commander kept in computer's memory and all its functions, both the functions used for combat and for hacking and the manufacture of simple items!

Omnitools are portable devices that have a computer micro-frame created with transistors and micro-circuits (added to human subdermal, muscular and non-brain nervous tissue, which prevents remote control by hackers or advanced AI) and incredibly advanced bionic-batteries that combine diverse arrays of lasers with sensor analysis packages and manufacturing-focused microcomputers, which manifest in the form of tactile holograms that can become incredibly durable objects/Guantelets/shields. When its user has the will to use it, it will generally manifest itself in the form of a sensitive and physically tangible holographic gauntlet, but it is not limited to the above, as the Omnitool can also deploy technological armor or a blade, among other things.

Its general functions include: scanning of surfaces/[XXX], item repair support, medi-gel dispensing, programming and hacking, camera, video-audio-holography communication, Simple holographic image projection/[XXX], downloading and playing video games, omnigel item conversion, real-time object fabrication.

Talking about the combat functions Izuku learned to use as a Biotic Sentinel, these include:

1) Cryogenic Blast -The high end omnitool has a function that allows to fire a mass of energy composed of subatomic particles cooled to an incredibly low temperature, which for obvious reasons can actually freeze an enemy who doesn't have adequate defense against temperatures near absolute zero. But although this sounds incredibly useful in combat, some computer circuits will paradoxically overheat after having cooled the ambient particles, so the device will lose the ability to perform this or other 'elemental blasts' for approx. 60 seconds, which is how long it takes for the advanced computer to recover the normal functionality of the circuits used to cool particles. So during that time, it will be impossible for the user of the high-end Omnitool to perform another elementary firing. It should be noted that changes in the type of 'blast' require continuous calibration and very specific computer settings or else this OmniTool function could accumulate logarithmic errors that would eventually cause a total failure of this capability, so only those who are computer literate or engineering savvy have the ability to use these functions without further inconvenience.


Fitoxi Fitoxi

Autor Messages:

I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Mass effect andromeda will have its flaws, like the little variety of worlds and alien species, but I think that despite these flaws, it is still a good game with a great story, so I could not avoid including in this crossover a bit of the lore of that game. In any case, If you wish to clear up any doubts you may have after reading this last part of the chapter, please read the clarifications I left.

Best regards!

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