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12.5% Bnha: I Don't Run An Orphanage! / Chapter 20: Chapter 20: Mighty World Part 2

Chapitre 20: Chapter 20: Mighty World Part 2


Asui and her group had split up from Izuku's group due to his insistence. He wanted to take them on the merry go round and he thought that Kiba and Sansan might not find that exciting.

Seeing all the carnival games, Kiba had an idea.

"Oh, dear sister. I have an idea!" Kiba announced to Sansan. "You and I shall compete to see who can win the most carnival games! And our dear frog friend Asui shall be there to judge!"

"Ohhhh!" Sansan got excited before making a very competitive face. "Yeah yeah!"

"Alright if you say so. Just don't get upset if you lose." Asui warned her.

"Ha!" Kiba crossed her arms and put on her smuggest look. "As if I would lose!"

Sometime later.

Kiba was pouting very heavily, as they walked.

She was losing. Really, really badly.

The first game they played was whack-a-mole! And while Kiba could move quite fast, at the end of the day she only had two arms and two eyes, while Sansan could have as many arms as she felt like and her entire body was one giant eye. Meaning that she easily dominated that game.

The next was ring toss. While Sansan had no advantage here(the person running the stall wouldn't exactly let her extend her arms over to the bottles), Kiba had a big disadvantage. That being her strength.

With her abundant strength, Kiba overshot basically every throw she made, and for once(okay for the thousandth time but she would never admit it) she wished she had more restraint training.

The hoop toss was the same problem. Except Sansan actually did a lot better on that one so it was even more embarrassing.

And so now here they were, walking through the park looking for their next game. Sansan was holding all their prizes with many arms(most of them were hers and they were quite large stuffed animals).

How can I be losing!? And in such humiliating fashion!? This can not stand! I must find something where my strength can be used to my advantage! Kiba thought.

Then she looked up and saw it.

The Mighty Hero Test of Strength!

Unlike your ordinary test of strength, this one was easily taller than the average building. And one could only barely see the text at the top.

Well, how convenient! Kiba thought with a smile. "That one! I want to do that one next!"

Asui looked at the game. It did seem like that kind of game that weighed the odds in Kiba's favor, but given that she was losing 3-0 right now, she could use an easy win.

"Sure. Let's go." Asui said.

The three of them walked up to the game and the person managing it welcomed them.

"Welcome young ladies! Step right up and test your strength at the Mighty Hero Test of Strength!" The man said. "You're welcome to try, but this was made to stand up to even the strongest of strength quirks!"

"Well it just so happens I have the strongest strength quirk!" Kiba boasted.

"Well then just take that hammer and hit that little target right there, and let's see just how strong you are!" The man said.

Kiba was about to go up and take the hammer when a thought occurred.

"Ms. Asui." Kiba turned to her babysitter. "May I suck some of your blood?"

"Excuse me?" Asui asked, taken aback.

"My quirk requires that I drink blood to be at full strength, Caretaker normally does not allow me to be at full power, as I would break the world around me should that happen," Kiba explained.

"Ah, I see." Asui thought about it, the vampire girl did seem to have a fragile ego, and she did really need this win. "Alright. Just try not to take too much, Kero."

Asui leaned down, and Kiba sank her fangs into her neck.

It was like getting a shot. Something Asui had never been afraid of. It was just a small prick after all.

After a few moments of sucking(Don't you dare) Kiba took her teeth out of Asui.

"At last! My full power!" Kiba flexed her muscles. "Now allow me to display the might of the great Kiba!"

Kiba took the hammer, lifted it over the head, and smashed it on the target as hard as she could.



The metal ball flew up into the air, flying higher and higher until it hit the bell.

Kiba smirked. She knew she could do it.

The man managing the thing was sure impressed as well.

"Wow. You weren't lying little lady. I've haven't seen the ball go that high in years." The man said with wide eyes. "You gonna be a hero when you grow up? Because if so you're gonna make it to the top ten to be sure!"

Kiba took in the praise. "Of course! I'll be number one without a doubt!"

Meanwhile, Sansan had taken the hammer. She backed up, farther and farther until she was a good distance from the target.

Then she turned her body into a giant hand and picked up the hammer with it.

And then, she raised the hammer high into the sky.

Higher, higher, higher, and higher, Sansan kept extending herself with the hammer reaching past the machine and going even higher.

All the people down below gawked at how high Sansan was going. And Asui realized just what the slime girl was attempting to do.

"Everyone move!" Asui told them.

When Sansan reached maximum height, she forced the hammer down, letting both her own elasticity and gravity bring the hammer down faster and faster until-


The hammer was brought down onto the target, breaking both it and the hammer.

The metal ball shot up way faster than when Kiba hit it, not only hitting it but knocking the bell and the ball off the machine and into the air.

Seconds later they came crashing down, embedding themselves into the floor with a crash.

Everyone just stood still in stunned silence. Except for Sansan who was pulling herself back together after the force of the impact pulled her apart.

"I win," Sansan said simply.

Kiba, after getting over her shock, teared up, before running away.

Asui wanted to go after her, but the girl was about as fast as she was strong, and was out of sight the moment the frog girl took her eyes off her.

Tsuyu sighed. This is what Midoriya has to put up with every day...I don't envy him.

Say what you want about her siblings, they couldn't destroy buildings.

A few minutes later.

Kiba wiped the tears from her eyes. Why!? Why couldn't I win!?

After running away Kiba sat herself down on a bench in the most isolated part of the park she could find.

I-I am the vampire queen of darkness! How could I lose so completely and utterly!? Kiba kept crying as the very few people around her moved away due to discomfort.

After a minute, she felt someone sit next to her.

She looked up to see who it was...it was Izuku.

"Da-Caretaker?" Kiba corrected herself.

"You can call me dad," Izuku told her. "Asui called me and told me what happened. I was very worried when she told me you ran off on your own."

Great. I worried dad. I somehow found a way to fail even more! Kiba scolded herself.

Izuku affectionately rubbed her head and moved himself closer to her. "You're upset that you lost."

"N-No." Kiba denied, trying her best to stop crying as she found it embarrassing. "I-I just had something in my eye and I ran around looking for uh...eye cleaner."

"Kiba," Izuku said with a hint of seriousness. "Don't lie to me."

Kiba was silent for a moment, before bursting out into a frustrated whine. "Rahhh! How could I have lost so bad!? I didn't win a single game! Not one! Me! Kiba! The queen of eternal darkness! And I lost completely! She even beat in strength! I was humiliated!"

Izuku put his arm around her to comfort her, allowing her to sink into his side. "It's ok. Losing doesn't mean you're humiliated, or that you're bad or weak or anything like that. Everyone loses eventually. It just means you have to improve."

"I-Improve," Kiba repeated.

"Yeah. If your throw is off then you just need to improve your aim. If you don't think you're strong enough then you just need to improve your body." Izuku told her. "Being the best means you have to work very hard. Sansan trains almost every day on how to use her quirk. That's why she's so strong."

"So if I trained more I could have beat her?" Kiba sniffled.

"Mmm. Sansan has a big advantage with her quirk in these kinds of games. Whereas you have a disadvantage." Izuku analyzed, however, he stopped when he realized Kiba's mood had dipped again. "But that's fine! Some people are inherently better at some things than others. Like you're a lot stronger than Sansan."

"But she beat me at the strength game!" Kiba protested.

"But not with natural strength." Izuku pointed out. "She used gravity and her stretchiness to win. That requires a lot of time and space. Sansan can't do a lot in small spaces, remember?"

Kiba thought back. "Yeah, she got trapped in a Jar!"

"That's right. Sansan isn't stronger than you, her quirk is just very versatile." Izuku continued to explain. "You both have your strengths and weaknesses. While Sansan may be able to hit something harder than you using her quirk right now, you'll get stronger as you grow up and train. A lot stronger. But Sansan won't. Sansan can't grow older or work out her body. She can learn how to use her quirk in new ways to seem stronger, but physically, this is as strong as she gets."

The more Kiba thought about it, the less she cried, and the more determined she got. I can get stronger! I can beat her!

Izuku smiled seeing the despair vanish from his daughter's face, only to be replaced by the fires of determination.

Still, he would have to temper this fire.

"Even if you lose, never give up. And don't be a sore loser. Accept your defeat, and work to get stronger, so next time, you'll win." Izuku told her.

"Hm, Right!" Kiba shouted, standing up proudly. "I will never despair again! No matter how many times I may lose, I will always come back, stronger than I was before! Until I'm at the very top!"

Izuku got up and smiled at her. "That's right! But first, let's go apologize to Asui and Sansan for worrying them."

Kiba's spirit dampened just a little. "Ah...yes."

Bonding over a fire(The fire that is the roasting of Katsuki Bakugo)

"That was amazing daddy, the ponies were so fun." Kioku giggled.

Izuku laughed along with her, ignoring the looks he was getting from people around him. He already knew that he'd get strange looks from people when one of his kids referred to him as father or dad or daddy or something like that. He didn't blame them. He knew he would do the same thing in their position.

"It was fun," Eri added.

"Where do you two want to go next?" Izuku asked them.

"Um...something fun." Kioku said. "Not scary."

Izuku thought hard about this. There weren't many slow rides that they hadn't gone on by now. Except…

"How about the Ferris Wheel?" Izuku asked them, pointing at the ride in question. "Is it too high for you two?"

Both of them looked hesitant, but Kioku swallowed her fear, and nodded her head, and held Eri's hand. "I...want to go. Eri?"

Eri wasn't sure, it was very high up...but she didn't want to stop her sister from having fun. "O-Ok."

"Are you sure it's not too high?" Asked Izuku again after seeing their hesitation.

"We're sure." Kioku repeated.

After waiting a few moments to see if they would take that back, Izuku agreed.

One short walk later.

As Izuku approached the line for the Ferris Wheel, he was surprised to see that Ochaco, Kei, and Shiruku were waiting there as well.

"Oh! Izuku!" Ochaco called out after noticing them.

"Uraraka! You guys wanted to go on the Ferris Wheel too?" Izuku asked.

"Yeah! I wanna see what it's like from up there!" Kei gushed.

"I wanna see if it's like being on top of the house," Shiruku said.

"What a coincidence that we both wanted to go at the same time!" Ochaco laughed.

"Or fate," Shiruku muttered.

"Well, I-" Izuku stopped as his phone suddenly started ringing.

He took it out of his phone and saw that it was Asui calling, and instantly he became worried. They had exchanged phone numbers in case anything went wrong and he doubted that getting a phone call from her right now was a good thing.

He picked up as fast as he could. "Asui!? Did something go wrong?!... Kiba did what!?...I'll look for her right now!"

Izuku hung up the phone and looked at Ochaco. "Can you watch these two for a little bit!?"

"Huh? Did something happen?" Ochaco asked with great concern, the kids becoming concerned as well.

"Asui lost sight of Kiba! I have to go look for her right now!" Izuku started running away to look for Kiba. "Sorry Kioku, Eri! I'll take you on the ride when I get back!"

Before anyone could say anything to him he was gone.

"Oh. I hope Kiba's alright." Ochaco said. She would have liked to look for her too, but running around with these kids would probably lead to losing sight of at least one of them.

"Next?" Called the employee in charge of the Ferris Wheel.

"Uh, do you guys want to go on or should we wait until Izuku gets back?" Ochaco asked them.

There was a pause as the children thought about it.

Surprisingly, it was Kioku that spoke first.

"Ms. Ochaco, can I go with you on the Ferris Wheel?" Kioku asked her.

Ochaco was shocked. It was no secret that Kioku didn't like her very much, so why would she want to go with her on the Ferris Wheel.

Still, Ochaco wouldn't look a gift horse in the mouth. Maybe this would be the chance she needed to get along with the girl.

"Sure!" Ochaco agreed, before addressing the rest of the kids. "Ok kids. Make sure to stay right here! Keep your alarms ready if any sketchy people try to come up to you. And don't talk to strangers!"

A few seconds later.

After the two of them got in, they sat in silence until the ride started up again, and they were lifted into the air.

Come on Ochaco think! What can I say that would get me on her good side? Ochaco contemplated.

However, Kioku spoke first. "What are you trying to do with my daddy?"

"Huh?" Ochaco responded.

"Are you trying...to seduce my daddy and break his heart!?" Kioku accused, glaring very intensely at the hero in training.

"What!?" Ochaco's face went bright red, once again. This was somehow worse than Shiruku's accusation!

"Shiruku says you and daddy like each other like lovers! But I don't trust you!" Kioku said. "I think you're just trying to seduce him, so you can break his heart and hurt him!"

"Wha-I-wha-no!" Ochaco was not ready for such bizarre and outlandish claims, as such she could barely defend herself beyond basic denial.

"You're probably planning something horrible with that bastard Bakugo!" Kioku continued "In fact, you're probably dating him!"

Ochaco gagged. "What! Eww no! As if I would ever go out with that...that sweaty ball of anger issues and insecurity."

Kioku paused, giving Ochaco a skeptical look. As much as she hated to admit it her reaction seemed genuine. "Prove it! Let me see your memories!"

Ochaco hesitated. She didn't like the idea of someone looking through her memories. But at the same time, she didn't want Kioku to feel uncomfortable whenever she was there.

Suddenly, she came up with an idea.

"Ok. I'll let you look through my memories, but! Only very specific ones!" Ochaco told her.

"Specific ones?" Kioku gave her yet another dirty look. "What are you planning?"

"Nothing! It's not like I can change my memories can I?" Ochaco argued. "I just want you to look at the memories of my first day at U.A. Please?"

Kioku didn't like this. She didn't like this one bit. But...she was giving her permission to look at her memories, and memories didn't lie.

Ochaco lowered her head, and hesitantly, Kioku reached out and put her hands on her head.

It took a few seconds for Kioku to find it, but eventually, she saw what she was looking for. Ochaco's first day at U.A.

Oh, she was meeting Bakugo...oh...those were some very bad words. Oh, she didn't like him at all.

Kioku continued looking at her memories with a growing smile on her face, as she watched Bakugo get absolutely disrespected while he could do nothing about it.

Eventually, Kioku started laughing and took her hands off of her head.

"He looks like an angry dog!" Kioku laughed.

"I know right!" Ochaco agreed. "He's like a big dog tied to a pole. He looks and sounds scary because he can't actually do anything."

"And he barks too!" Kioku continued to laugh.

As the two of them were laughing, Ochaco got an idea.

"Do you think that hair and those eyes are real? Or maybe he just thinks they look cool?" Ochaco dissed. "He seems edgy and insecure enough to do that."

Kioku didn't even fully understand what that meant but she knew it was a diss against Bakugo and so she found it amusing.

"It looks like he uses his explosions to do his hair!" Kioku continued.

The two of them continued to roast Bakugo for the remainder of the ride, laughing all the way.

In the end, Ochaco figured out that the best way to bond with an angry little girl is to take turns insulting someone you both really don't look at. Looks like Bakugo was good for something after all.

When they got off Ochaco and Kioku were laughing, much to the surprise of the kids and Izuku who had returned by then.

"Huh?" Izuku had never seen Kioku laugh and smile like that with someone outside the family. "Wha-what happened up there?"

Ochaco and Kioku looked at each other for a moment, before Ochaco responded.

"Sorry, Izuku. That's our secret." Ochaco figured that despite being happy they were getting along he wouldn't be very happy HOW they managed to get along.

So it would be their secret, for now.

Farewell, until we meet again.

Once the sun started going down, the teens noticed the kids starting to get tired(well the ones that could get tired were) and decided it was almost time to leave.

After calling each other they all met up near the entrance.

"That's a lot of prizes," Fu said the moment he saw Sansan.

Yami noticed a small spike in Kiba's negative emotions after that was said before it went back down.

"Some of those are mine!" Kiba butted in.

"Well, we had a goldfish." Shiruku glared at Kei. "Emphasizes on had."

Kei giggled nervously and shrugged. "Sorry."

"Have you all had a sufficient amount of fun!?" Iida shouted.

"YEAHHHHH!" Shouted Kiba and Sansan. Most of the other children also said yeah but were too tired to scream it. Kiba was tired too but she still found the energy to shout. And Fu was just Fu.

"Good! Now it's time to return home!" Iida shouted.

"Awwwww." Groaned some of the kids.

"Don't act like most of you aren't tired, Kero. If you keep going like this you're going to fall asleep in the park." Asui said.

"Phooey! I can-" Kiba's objection was stopped by a sudden yawn coming from her mouth. "-keep going!"

Izuku shook his head. "The park is going to close in a few hours anyway. We can come here again some other time, I promise."

That promise seemed to stop any more objections from coming out of the children as they all seemed to realize just how tired they were.

"Do you guys want to stay for dinner?" Izuku asked Asui, Iida, and Ochaco.

"I would be honored! But unfortunately, I need to be back home by a certain time in order to properly integrate myself back into my schedule!" Iida said.

"My parents want me back at a certain time too, kero," Asui said.

"I still need to do my homework," Ochaco said sheepishly.

"Well, then I guess this is goodbye then," Izuku said. "It was nice meeting you two."

"You were fun to be around Iida," Fu said.

"Thank you for coming with us Ms. Ochaco!" Kei said.

"Tank you!" Sansan wrapped Asui in a hug which the frog girl returned.

"Your welcome Kero," Asui said.

"Hey! Before we go, we should take a picture!" Ochaco suggested.

"OH! That's a great idea!" Izuku said. "Sansan can stretch out her arm and take it with my phone!"

"Well then let us commemorate this occasion with a photograph! And swiftly!" Iida said.

And so they moved around in front of the statue of All Might.

Izuku was pushed to the front with Ochaco right next to him(much to their embarrassment).

Kioku, Eri, and Kei were in between their legs.

Kiba wanted to look impressive and was lifting both Fu and Yami over her head, while Shiruku who stood next to her rolled her eyes.

Iida and Asui stood at the opposite ends.

Lastly, Sansan got up on both Izuku and Ochaco's shoulders and stretched out her arm up and away from all of them until she could get a good angel.

"Cheese!" Sansan said.

"Cheese!" Everyone else repeated.


Hours later.

Izuku smiled happily at his phone from his desk in his office.

With most of the children asleep he finally takes a moment to breathe.

I should hang this somewhere. Izuku thought about putting it on his desk, but then he looked at the walls of his office.

This will be the first of many. Izuku thought confidently. So maybe I should make a wall commemorating all these memories.

Izuku imagined it. A wall filled with the best memories of him and his kids. Each photo contained more and more kids as more and more were added to his family.

He couldn't help but smile at the thought.

And then Namae texted him, and his smile disappeared.

"Hey, Izuku! Long time no see! Since you handled two kids at once so easily, we thought we would really test you and give you three kids at once! You know, Plus Ultra and all that! Don't worry they're not coming tomorrow! I'm giving you three days' notice! Hope you're ready to meet them! Also, we're sending you the paperwork tomorrow. Have fun!"

Three. Three kids. At once. Three kids at once.

Suddenly Izuku was hyper-aware of just how tired he was.

The work of a parent never ends. Izuku steeled himself. But I should probably go to bed before I pass out.

Izuku managed to make it to the bed before passing out. Knowing tomorrow he would have a lot of work to do.

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