Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
June 1, x790.
Six months have passed since the ball dropped, ushering in year, x790. During that time, not much of note has happened. The wizards of Fairy Tail continued doing their jobs while destroying as little as possible. The only exceptions being the four problem children, Cana, Gray, Erza, and Natsu. Unfortunately for Lucy and Wendy, that meant that they were dragged into a lot of the collateral damage issues thanks to three of those four being on the same team as them.
Also, both little Elicia and Romeo have officially become members of the guild, having went on their first quests earlier in the year. And to celebrate their children's achievements, Macao and Maes paid Alfonzo to whip up a feast for the day they both came back after successfully completing their first quests.
Another thing to take note of was the fact that Bianca had her first birthday on the twenty-fourth of March. And like they had done with Amar'e's first birthday, Alfonzo and Mirajane invited everyone they knew to a party at the Mansion on the Lake. And to everyone's surprise, Darkness once again managed to keep all her… proclivities … in check through the whole party.
As soon as she left, however, Darkness just about exploded from all the pent up tension, though.
Other than those few things, Alfonzo was once again invited to Era. And like last time, he was asked to join the Ten Wizard Saints. And this time, since he did not need to worry about God Serena, he accepted. However, he made it quite clear that he had no interest in participating in the Magic Council's business. Instead, as the strongest of all the Wizard Saints, he would only act when the continent was in danger.
Other than that, the only thing Alfonzo did was train with Elicia, Marin, Sun, and Brandish for the upcoming Grand Magic Games. And over the months, their teamwork has improved tremendously. Alfonzo even took another page from the X-Men comics, and with the help of his [Electromagnetism Magic's] ability to control light to an extent, came up with a magic item that produces hard light constructs.
And although hard light constructs would help with battle training, he used it to simulate any type of event he could think of that might happen during the Grand Magic Games. As a result, the confidence Team Steel Threads had built up during the last two months since the magic item was created, had sky rocketed.
However, Ur has not been too happy with Alfonzo ever since he told her about the hard light projectors that he created. And the reason was simple. Alfonzo refused to install them in the guild hall's training rooms. And it wasn't because he wanted to keep the magic technology to himself. Rather, it was because none of his guild mates were careful enough to not destroy the delicate items needed to project the hard light constructs.
However, in the present, Alfonzo, with a disappointed expression on his face, floated down from the sky and landed in front of his mansion's front door after ending his solo training for the day.
"Damn it, I lost again." Alfonzo muttered as he placed his hand on the doorknob and injected some magic power into it. "I knew it would be tough, but I didn't expect it to be this hard."
["Don't be so down."] Bedlam said with a smile from Alfonzo's inner world. ["It's only been what? five years since you learned our names, right?"]
"Yeah, I guess." Alfonzo replied. "Still, I really don't like losing."
["Oh, quit your bitchin'."] Rio said with a scoff. ["How long does it usually take for a Soul Reaper to get as far as you have?"]
"*Sigh* I know." Alfonzo said as he pushed the front door open and stepped into the mansion. "It usually takes ten years, at the very least. Still, I don't' like it."
["Besides, you're way ahead of everyone else by at least a few years."] Bedlam said. ["I mean, didn't Lici say it would take her at least two years before she could even manifest Scylla? And she's the furthest ahead after you."]
"I know, I know." Alfonzo grumbled. "But losing to myself is just pissing me off. Plus, I wanna be ready for… Well, you know."
The reason for Alfonzo's pause was simple, Maria, who had come to greet him at the door just arrived. And he did not want to mention any of his meta-knowledge in front of her.
"Welcome back, Master Alfonzo." Maria said with a smile while bowing politely. "I hope your training went well."
"*Sigh* Let's not talk about hat." Alfonzo replied while shaking his head. "Anyway, where is everyone else?"
"Madams Elicia and Shizuka are in the living room playing with Amar'e, Bianca, and Calvin." Maria replied. "Madam Mirajane is in the kitchen preparing lunch with Grayfia while Madam Sun assists them. Madam Marin is in the Grotto with Miss Brandish, discussing a new release."
"Oh, Erza isn't with them?" Alfonzo asked as he started walking towards the living room with maria following him at a respectful distance.
"No, Sir." Maria replied. "She and Madam Lucy left about an hour ago to take a quest with Mr. Gray, Mr. Natsu, and Miss Wendy."
"I see." Alfonzo said with a nod. "What about everyone else?"
"Mistress Rika is also out on a quest." Maria continued. "But I'm sure you already knew that, as she left yesterday with her team."
Alfonzo nodded in response.
"Mistress Saeko is in the training room, instructing Mr. Sasuke in his swordsmanship." Maria said, continuing her report. "Madam Cana is at the guild hall. Apparently, her father brought back a rather rare liquor from his last quest."
"Yeah, and I'm sure she could not resist extorting him for it." Alfonzo said with a chuckle.
"It would seem so." Maria replied with a giggle of her own while covering her mouth with one of her hands.
*Beep!* *Beep!*
At that moment, Alfonzo's lPhone beeped, notifying him that he received a text message. So, he pulled his lPhone out of his pocket before looking at the screen.
"Looks like Ultear is at the guild hall, too." Alfonzo said after reading the text message. "And she, or rather her mother, is inviting me to dinner tonight with Gildarts. Well, I guess I'll go. I haven't had dinner with them, especially Gildarts, in a while. They just better not ask me to cook."
With that, Alfonzo, followed by Maria, entered the living room. And when Alfonzo saw Elicia, Shizuka, Amar'e, Bianca, and Calvin sitting on the floor and playing together, he could not help but smile brightly.
"Hey, Daddy's home!" Alfonzo said loudly and cheerfully with a huge smile on his face.
Immediately, all the eyes in the room turned to face Alfonzo after his declaration. When they did, smiles appeared on all five faces. Then, without waiting for anyone else, Amar'e stood up before running towards Alfonzo as fast as his little legs could carry him.
"Daddy!" Amar'e cheered happily.
Smiling even wider, Alfonzo scooped the running Amar'e into his arms and hugged him. The, he stepped forward and joined the rest of the room's occupants.
"Hey, Mar'e, how ya doin'?" Alfonzo asked while approaching the others.
Like Amar'e, both Bianca and Calvin were excited to see their father. Unfortunately, However, neither of the two children were able to move as quickly as Amar'e. While Bianca could also walk, she was unstable in her steps. Calvin, on the other hand, had not learned how to walk yet.
Even so, Alfonzo eventually picked up both his daughter and his second son after putting Amar'e down. After that, Alfonzo joined Elicia and Shizuka in playing with the children until Mirajane called everyone to eat.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Onibus.
"Men!" Ichiya shouted as he walked out of one of the training chambers in the Blue Pegasus guild hall after a grueling workout. "There's no way we'll come in any lower than number one this year. Men!"
"You're absolutely correct, Master/Big Brother/Master Ichiya." The Trimens replied in unison, though their term of address was different for Ichiya.
"Seriously, can you all please standardize that/" Sorano asked in a tired tone. She then shifted her gaze to Ichiya as she continued. "Don't get too over confident, Ichiya. I heard Alfonzo and Elicia will be participating in the Games this year."
"Formidable opponents they may be." Ichiya replied while striking a handsome pose. "However, you mustn't forget, we are Blue Pegasus!"
"Ichiya!" All the members of Blue Pegasus cheered after hearing Ichiya's declaration.
In response, Sorano only rolled her eyes before looking away. However, when she saw Yukino clapping along with Ichiya's impassioned speech, she could not help but smile wryly. But when her gaze landed on Karen, who seemed to be staring off into the distance, she could not help but approach the green-haired model with a touch of concern.
"Hey, Karen... Is everything---" Sorano began to ask.
Yet, before she could finish her question, Sorano heard Karen muttering to herself. Then, she once again rolled her eyes before walking away and heading to the showers.
"I can't believe that crazy heifer hasn't given up yet." Sorano muttered to herself as she walked away.
At the same time, anyone who approached close enough to Karen to hear her mumbling, also turned around and got some distance away from her as quickly as possible.
"Elicia, I can't wait." Karen sad quietly with bloodshot eyes. "Finally, I'll be able to taste your punishment in a public place. Oh, how I've looked forward to this, ever since the Grand Magic Games was first announced."
Meanwhile, Bob watched his children with a smile on his face while Jenny stood next to him., He then turned to Jenny with a calculating light in his eyes.
"Jenny, this should be a perfect opportunity." Bob said. "During the Grand Magic Games, you'll be able to show off your good points. Then, you'll be able to make that boy fall in love with you."
'Then, it should be much easier to make him join Blue Pegasus.' Bob thought to himself. 'And when he comes to Blue Pegasus, his girls will come along with him. Then, Blue Pegasus will have all the most beautiful men and women in Ishgar among its ranks.'
"Yes, Master Bob." Jenny replied with a strong nod and a serious expression on her face. "I'll do my best."
'I'll show that Mirajane that I'm not just after Alfonzo for his ability to make me stronger.' Jenny muttered to herself. 'And when I show him my true self, he'll definitely fall for me, too. Then, I'll be able to join his family and show Mirajane that she's not better than me.'
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Quatro Cerberus Headquarters.
"They're finally going to compete this year." Ikkaku said excitedly while dancing around on his tones. "This is definitely news worthy of my Happy Dance."
"You're really looking forward to fighting Elicia again, aren't you, Ikkaku?" Yumichika asked with a smirk on his face. "*Sigh* Seeing her create new, beautiful, clothing is the true wonder."
"I would tell you you're wrong, but it won't make a difference." Ikkaku replied while continuing to dance.
"Elicia, huh?" Bacchus, who was sitting at a nearby table, said to himself while listening to the conversation between Ikkaku and Yumichika. "I'll admit, I wouldn't mind seeing her again. But I'm sure she doesn't want to see me."
"I just hope she doesn't try to kill you again." Goldmine said while shaking his head before taking a sip from a martini. "Then again, Alfonzo will probably stop her if things come to that."
In response, Bacchus grimaced while remembering just how close to dying he was when he truly angered Elicia. However, he managed to shake the fear from that day off while smiling in self-deprecation.
"Even so, I hope I finally get a chance to fight with Alfonzo." Bacchus said. "And since I've finally come to my senses, the chances of him killing me is much lower."
"Probably." Goldmine replied with a nod. "I'm actually surprised that he never tried before. I know I would have."
"*Sigh* Me, too." Bacchus replied while shaking his head.
"Surprised that he never tried to kill you?" Goldmine asked curiously. "Or he fact that you wold have tried to kill yourself if you wre in his shoes?"
"Yes." Bacchus replied, receiving an understanding nod from Goldmine in reurn.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Margaret.
"I'm truly looking forward to facing Alfonzo in battle once again." Jura, with his palms pressed together while sitting at one of the tables in the Lamia Scale guild hall, said in a peaceful tone. "I'm curious to know how much stronger he has gotten."
"Do you really think you stand a chance?" Ooba Babasama asked while leaning her face on her right hand while it was being supported by her elbow on the table.
"More than likely, no." Jura replied without an ounce of shame. "However, I'd like to know just how far I have to go to reach his level. To think, someone so much younger than myself has reached such heights."
"Yeah, he was named one of the Gods of Ishgar only a few months ago." Ooba added. "This almost doesn't seem fair to everyone else. And he's what? Eleven years younger than you are?"
"That's right." Jura replied. "But since he can only compete in one event and one battle, it should be fine."
"Lyon! You have to show her your {Love}." Sherry said while clenching her left fist to her chest and spreading her right arm out theatrically while the word, "love," reverberated strongly.
Sherry's outburst interrupted Ooba's and Jura's conversation, causing them to look in the direction of Sherry's voice. When they did, they saw Team Lamia Scale, Lyon, Sherry, Yuka, and toby, along with Takashi, Rei, and Sherria sitting at a table together. On top of that, Lyon was clenching his fists with a determined flame burning in his eyes.
"*Sigh* Oh to be young again." Ooba said as a small smile spread across her aged face.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Mermaid Heel Headquarters.
"So, we'll be competing against Alfonzo and Marin, huh?" Anko asked as she took a seat at the bar on the Mermaid Heel guild hall's first floor. "I've never fought any of them. I wonder how this will go. Too bad Cana's not on their team, though. That would be fun."
"I'm not sure." Yoruichi replied from the seat to Anko's left while shaking her head. "But I'm sure keeping our title as the strongest guild in Fiore will be much harder than winning it."
"He can't really be that strong, can he?" Rangiku, who came with Anko to the bar, asked. "I mean, I know you said he's stronger than you. Plus, he became a Wizard Saint. But… There's only one of him, right?"
"Don't underestimate the rest of his team." Yoruichi replied. "He's not the only one who is stronger than me, you know. I'm pretty sure I'd lose to Lici, too."
"Really?" Rangiku asked skeptically. "But [Thread Magic] doesn't seem all that strong to me. I'm sure Haineko could slip between any of her thread constructs and cut them apart from the inside."
"That might be possible if her threads were normal threads." Yoruichi replied with a shrug. "But I guess you'll have to see her in action to believe me."
"Well, I know exactly what she's capable of… Well, that was two years ago, though." Anko said, cutting back into the competition. "And the way she played with Sand and Sound Jōnin and Chunin let me know just how strong she was."
"I won't lose to her again." Sui-Feng muttered while clenching her fists.
"What?" Rangiku asked in a surprised tone. "You lost to her, Sui-Feng?"
In response, Sui-Feng only gritted her teeth.. But her non-answer was enough of an answer to let everyone know the situation.
Meanwhile, Retsu, sitting at a table not too far away from the bar, watched the four members of Team Mermaid Heel while her disciple, Kagura, the fifth member of the team, sat across from her sipping a cup of tea.
"Master, what do you think our chances of keeping the championship at this year's Grand Magic Games are?" Kagura asked after placing her teacup on the table.
In response, Retsu turned away from the bar and looked at Kagura with her ever-present, gentle smile.
"The chances are not high." Retsu replied in a gentle tone, which caused Kagura to lower her head. "But nothing is certain until the battle has been fought. So, work hard my disciple. And as long as you do your best, you will have nothing to regret."
Hearing that, Kagura raised her head and looked into Retsu's eyes. Then, she nodded her head strongly. Meanwhile Retsu continued to smile gently. However, her thoughts were not so gentle.
'Hopefully, you'll push that boy to show his true power.' Retsu thought while internally licking her lips. 'And if his power is enough, I may be able to have the fight I've been looking for, for nearly a century'
Thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you are, drop some comments, throw some stones, and leave a review.
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And let me give a shout out to my new Patr3on!
Guleid Abdi
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