Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Akane Beach.
December 28, x789.
A little more than a week has passed Since Mei, Ao, and Chojuro arrived in Magnolia. During that time, Alfonzo, Laxus, Marin, and Shizuka were in charge of showing them around the town and keeping them entertained. And the four Fairy Tail wizards showed them everything they could think of during their time in Magnolia. From the tour of the guild hall to a visit to Alfonzo's Mansion on the Lake.
However, Alfonzo was not completely invested in showing the Mist shinobi around the town, as he was frequently seen taking calls on his lPhone. And from what everyone knew, those calls were related to the idea he had just before Ur had him and the others go to the train station to pick up Mei and her entourage.
Despite everyone knowing he was planning something, no one was able to get an answer from Alfonzo in reference to what exactly he was planning. Instead, all they received was a knowing smile and a reminder to look out for a special message on their lPhones.
Another thing that made everyone suspicious was the fact that there were a number of container trucks pulling into Magnolia over the last seven days. However, no one, except for the people working at a warehouse that Alfonzo owned knew what was inside. But like everything else, Alfonzo kept that information under wraps.
Eventually, the day when Mei, Ao, and Chojuro had to return to the Kingdom of Caelum arrived. However, instead of taking the train back to Akane Beach before boarding their ship, Alfonzo decided to deliver them to Akane Beach in style.
"I still can't believe something so big and made of metal can fly through the sky." Mei said, a hint of awe in her voice as she disembarked from the Blackbird. "Having one of these would make travel much more convenient."
"I'd sell you one if I could." Alfonzo replied with a shrug as he followed Mei, Ao, and Chojuro off the Blackbird and into the Akane Resort's docks. "But after seeing the Blackbird and the Fairy's Tail at the Grand Magic Games, the king passed a law that disallowed me from selling airships to powers outside of the kingdom. And to be honest, I can understand why."
"Indeed." Mei replied. "Even though there is an alliance between all the nations of Ishgar, that could change at any moment if any one nation gets more power than the others."
As she spoke, Mei narrowed her eyes at Alfonzo. He was the factor tipping the power balance that she was referring to, after all.
"Exactly." Alfonzo replied with a nod, pretending to be oblivious. "Anyway, it was nice to have you here with us in Fiore. Hopefully our forces can work together again. Preferably not during a civil war next time, though."
"Yes, I think that would be nice." Mei replied with a smile as she extended her hand to Alfonzo.
In response, Alfonzo extended his own hand to accept Mei's handshake.
"And who knows, maybe we'll be able to work together in a more personal way the next time we meet." Mei added in a somewhat sultry tone as she used her thumb to sensually rub the back of Alfonzo's hand.
Raising an eyebrow in surprise, Alfonzo was not dense enough to miss Mei's meaning. However, he was taken aback. Never did he expect the leader of a major power to be so blatant in her flirting. Even if he had already noticed the rising romantic interest she held for him back in the Mist Village.
"Well, I certainly would not be against it." Alfonzo replied with a smile.
"*Cough* Lady Mizukage, I do believe that its almost time for us to return." Ao said, breaking up the atmosphere that was turning more intimate by the second.
In response, Mei glared at Ao with the threat of melting him burning in her eyes, which caused Ao to gulp audibly before lowering his head in apology. Mei then sighed in exasperation before turning back to look at Alfonzo.
"Ao is right." Mei said, reluctantly releasing Alfonzo's hand as she did so.
"I guess so." Alfonzo replied with a smile as he stepped back. "Well then, I wish you all a safe voyage."
With that, Alfonzo waved his hand before turning around to return to the Blackbird. However, just before he reached the stairs, he turned back around.
"Oh, and don't forget to watch for notifications on your lPhones in the next few days.' Alfonzo said with a grin. "I promise you, you don't wanna miss it."
"Really, Alfonzo?" Mei asked while pouting. "Even now, you won't tell us what you're planning?"
"You only have to wait a few more days to find out." Alfonzo replied with a chuckle. He then winked at Mei as eh continued. "Don't be impatient."
With that, Alfonzo turned back around and headed up into the Blackbird. Then, after only a couple of minutes, the airship's engines roared to life and the Blackbird took off before orienting itself towards Magnolia. Finally, it flew off at high speed.
"*Sigh* He really likes his secrets, doesn't he?" Mei asked in an annoyed tone. She then turned towards Ao and Chojuro as she continued. "Okay, let's board the ship. I want to be back in Caelum by nightfall. Understood?"
"Ma'am." Ao, Chojuro, and the crew of the ship replied in unison.
Then, while everyone was boarding the ship, Mei took her lPhone out of a pocket and looked at her reflection in the screen.
"I'm really curious to know what he's up to." Mei murmured as she stepped onto the ship.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
December 31, x789.
"Hey, Lici, good morning." Marin said as she entered the dining room, looking as if she had just woken up.
"Morning." Elicia replied with a smile while she fed Amar'e. "Did you sleep well?"
"Yeah, more or less." Marin said as she sat at the table.
Marin's smile then turned into a pout. And Elicia knew exactly why that was. However, before she could say anything about it, someone else entered the dining room.
"Oh, you actually got here before me today, Marin?" Lucy asked as she, too, entered the dining room. "That's unusual. But why are you pouting so early in the morning?"
"Oh, hey, Luce." Marin replied, her pout turning into a smile in an instant. "I'm just frustrated."
"It's about what Alfonzo has been planning, isn't it?" Lucy asked as she took a seat at the table next to Amar'e.
"Yup." Marin replied with a nod. "*Sigh* Even if it's a surprise for us, why does he always keep secrets from us?"
"Oh, stop making it seem like he's the bad guy." Lucy said while rolling her eyes. "You got the same way when he was building the mansion."
"Lucy is right." Erza added as she entered the dining room, as well. "Alfonzo would never do anything behind our backs to hurt us. But I'm sure you already know that, Marin."
"*Sigh* I know." Marin said in an annoyed tone as she laid her head down on the table. I'm just so curious."
"Well, normally I'd just tell you to ask Fonzie." Elicia said with an awkward smile on her face. "But in cases like this, that doesn't really work. Fonzie likes his surprises, after all."
"And theatrics." Ultear added as she entered the dining room just as Erza sat down.
"Ain't that the truth." Cana said, following just behind Ultear. "*Burp*"
"That's so charming first thing in the morning, Cana." Mirajane said with Bianca in her arms.
"I know, right?" Cana replied with a cheeky grin on her face while holding her bottle of champagne up as if making a toast. "I'm just so classy. I'm a real f'in' lady."
"Foregoing the orange juice altogether this time, huh?" Marin asked with a grin while looking at Cana.
"Nah." Cana replied as she took a seat at the table. She then continued with a smile. "I just didn't' have any orange juice in my room. But there was no reason to not get started without it, was there?"
"*Sigh* You never change, do you, Cana?" Lucy asked while shaking her head in exasperation.
"Nope!" Cana replied, once again raising her bottle into the air.
"Would it be so bad if she did?" Saeko asked as she, Shizuka, and Rika entered the room, as well. "All that alcohol can't be good for your liver, you know?"
"Don't worry about it." Cana said nonchalantly. "My magic power treats the alcohol like poison, dispelling it without conscious effort from me. So, my liver should be fine. At least, that's what Porlyusica and Shizuka told me."
"Yup." Shizuka said as she sat down with Calvin in her arms before unbuttoning her blouse to start feeding him. "But I've never seen anyone else's magic power treat alcohol like that, though. It's kind of a mystery."
"I bet Bacchus' magic power used to do the same thing for him." Elicia replied.
"Used to?" Lucy asked in an unconvinced tone.
"Well, I heard from Ikaku and Yumichika that he doesn't' drink anymore." Elicia replied.
"Well, a near death experience like the one you put him through might do that to someone." Marin said with a smile.
"Maybe." Elicia replied while rolling her eyes.
"By the way, where's Sun?" Rika asked after pouring herself a cup of coffee. "She's usually one of the first ones up in the morning."
"I'm in here." Sun's voice carried from the kitchen. "I'm getting cooking lessons from Grayfia and Maria. That way, Alfonzo won't always have to cook for us alone with the maids."
"Oh! That sounds like quite the good idea." Erza said with a nod. "Perhaps I, too, shall start taking lessons."
"No!" x 10
The strong denial she received from all her harem sisters made Erza balk for a moment. However, she then lowered her head in defeat.
"*Sigh* Not even mother will allow me to learn how to cook." Erza said in a downcast tone. "Is my cooking truly that bad?"
"Erza, Honey, how many times have you almost burned down the whole kitchen just trying to boil water?" Elicia asked while wiping Amar'e's mouth, who started giggling happily.
In response, Erza could only lower her head further, burying the tip of her chin between her breasts in the process.
"Anyway… Anyone have any idea about what Fonzie has been doing for the last week, or so?" Cana asked curiously after laughing at Erza's misfortune for a while. "I mean, he hasn't even been here when we wake up in the mornings."
In response, all the other ladies shook their heads while Amar'e, Bianca, and Calvin perked up at the mention of their father's nickname.
"I have no idea, but it's probably something big." Sun said as she walked into the dining room, flanked by Grayfia and Maria, with a platter of food in her hands. "I mean, so many people and goods have been brought into town since he had that idea that Laxus mentioned."
"Yeah, I even saw Loli Chapati walking around the town a few days ago." Ultear added.
"Really?" all the ladies asked in an amazed tone.
They then started discussing all the celebrities they had seen walking around in the last few days, and those people included famous songstresses, the most famous being Sun's friend, Lunar Edomae, a few theater troops, the most famous among them being Rabian, the owner of the Scheherazade Theater in Onibus. The same theater where Team Natsu helped with the production of the play, "Frederick and Yanderica," a few years ago.
"Yes, I've seen him, as well." Erza said after Rabian was brought up. "He even asked if we would be interested in performing Frederick and Yanderica once again."
Erza then hung her head in defeat for the second time this morning.
"But when I brought it up to the rest of Team Natsu, they all firmly denied my request." Erza said in an almost heartbroken tone. "*Sigh* And we put on such a good show back then, too."
"You're clearly delusional." Lucy said with a scoff. "I've seen train wrecks that were better put together than what we did back then."
"I'm sorry to say, but she's right, Erza." Elicia said while smiling wryly. "If it weren't for Lyra, Lucy's Celestial Spirit, that would have probably been unwatchable."
"Indeed." Mirajane added with a nod and a hint of sadism in her tone. "I mean, you freeze up on stage, Gray forgets his character's name, and Natsu… Well, Natsu is Natsu."
With every point Mirajane, who had come to see the very first performance of 'Frederick and Yanderica" with Makarov, made, Erza lowered her head even further. And by the time she was finished, Erza's face, up to her cheeks, was buried between her breasts.
*Beep!* *Beep!*
However, before Mirajane could continue to remind Erza of how bad the production was, everyone's lPhones began to vibrate, sound out with notifications, or both. And they all took their lPhones out to look at them.
"For the first time ever, a broadcast like no other will be brought to you live from Magnolia's Central Plaza to celebrate the new year." Elicia said, reading the message aloud. "There will be performances from some of the most famous names in Fiore's entertainment world for your viewing pleasure. So, please tune in at 8 pm for something the likes of which no one has seen before."
Not only the ladies living in the Mansion on the Lake saw this message. Instead, every person on the continent with an lPhone received it. And needless to say, the majority of those who saw it were intrigued at the very least. The levels of entertainment in the world were still at the level of the Middle Ages on Earth, after all. So, something they had never seen before was something to look forward to for most people.
"I think I have an idea what Fonzie is planning now." Elicia said with a smile on her face. "And if I'm right, tonight is going to be fun."
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
December 31, x789.
Shortly before eight o'clock, the ladies living in the Mansion on the Lake, including the six maids, arrived at the central plaza in Magnolia. When they did, they find a large number of citizens congregating, curious to know what the event that was advertised on their lPhones was all about. And in opposite corners of the plaza, they could see two large stages set up. Though, they were veiled in darkness.
"Wow! A lot of people showed up, didn't they?" Marin asked in a tone filled with awe.
"Yeah." Cana replied while looking around with her eyes lighting up. "There are a lot of street vendors set up on the streets leading to the plaza, too."
"It's not bad for something set up on such short notice." Elicia said. "Fonzie really has some good connections. He got all of this set up and approved by the town in only a little more than a week and a half."
"I know, right?" Sun added. "Just imagine if he had gotten this idea earlier in the year. I bet it would be set up in the capital instead."
"That's definitely the case."
Turning around at the sound of the familiar aged voice, the group of ladies saw two short, elderly men approaching through the crowd. The identities of these two men were two of the most well-known figures in Fiore. The first being the third guild master of the Fairy Tail guild, Makarov. And he was accompanied by the man with the most political power in the kingdom, the king of Fiore, Toma E. Fiore, himself.
The two old men were also accompanied by a slim, petite young woman with wavy light green hair that reached the middle of her back, bangs that mostly covered her forehead and frame her face and dark green eyes wearing a strapless white dress that exposes half of her thighs with a floral pattern at the top of her dress and slits on either side of the skirt portion. On top of that, she wore a tiara with seven gemstones set in it, a pair of earrings, each with two gemstones set in them, a silver necklace, and a pair of long white gloves with frills at the ends.
This young woman was Toma's daughter, Hisui E. Fiore, the princess of Fiore. And when she saw Elicia, she smiled happily before stepping forward and grabbing her hand.
"Miss Elicia, it's been too long." Hisui said with a smile. "And I'd like to thank you again for all those beautiful dresses you created for me this year. I've had something wonderful to wear to each event I had to attend in my capacity as the princess of the Kingdom."
"Don't mention it, and please call me, Lici." Elicia replied with a smile of her own. "You know that making clothes is my passion."
"I'll say." Makarov said, cutting in with a chuckle. "She's been making them ever since she first came to the guild all those years ago."
Hearing that, Hisui smiled. However, she started to look all around Elicia only a moment later.
"Um… Where is Amar'e?" Hisui asked somewhat bashfully. "I haven't seen him since the last time you visited me to drop off the dresses. But he's just so cute that I wanted to see him again."
Despite being almost eighteen years old, Hisui spent most of the time when Elicia brings Amar'e with her to drop off any of her orders playing with Amar'e. And the reason for that was simple. As a princess, most of those she interacts with have an agenda. However, children as young as Amar'e are so pure that Hisui can't help but appreciate them.
"Oh, he's at Mira's sister's, Lisanna's, place." Elicia replied with a smile. "We wanted to bring him and the other kids with us, but we'll probably be out here way past their bed time. And since Lisanna couldn't get a sitter, either, she decided to watch them."
Elicia then looked back to the maids who were following behind the group of ladies.
"As for them, they deserved a night off." Elicia said while smiling at her group of loyal maids. "And despite the fac that they insisted on staying at home to watch the kids, Fonzie basically forced them to come out and enjoy themselves."
"I see." Hisui replied. "Well, it's too bad I won't get to see him before we leave tonight. Anyway, Alfonzo's notification said that there would be a show like nothing we had ever seen before. But what exactly does that mean?"
"Well, I have an idea about that." Elicia replied. "But I don't wanna spoil the surprise."
Like all of Alfonzo's wives and girlfriends, Hisui pouted when Elicia would not spill what she thought she knew about tonight's festivities. However, unlike the rest of Elicia's harem sisters, she did not press her for information. Instead, she only nodded her head before the smile reappeared on her face.
"Well, I'm certainly looking forward to it.' Hisui said.
Not long after that, while the entire group was engaged in conversation, the lights on one of the stages came on, drawing the whole plaza's attention. Standing on the newly lit stage was the announcer for the Grand Magic Games, Loli Chapati wearing a stylish wig and a tailored suit.
"Hmph!" Elicia snorted after seeing Loli's suit. "He would have looked better if he were wearing one of my suits. And I would have definitely made him one if Fonzie had told me about this beforehand. Stupid Fonzie."
Hearing that, everyone nearby could not help but laugh. Even so, they paid attention to what Loli was about to say.
{"Hello, everyone in the town of Magnolia and watching from around the continent on their lPhones."} Loli said into the microphone in his hands in a charismatic, upbeat tone, his voice echoing all over the plaza and the nearby streets while simultaneously being broadcast to everyone watching on their lPhones. {"I'll be your host for this evening, Loli Chapati. And for those who don't' know me, I'm the usual host for the Grand Magic Games."}
At the mention of the Grand Magic Games, the plaza exploded into loud applause while Loli smiled happily watching the people get so excited.
{"Now, I'm sure you're wondering exactly what is going on tonight, right?"} Loli asked before pausing briefly for dramatic effect. {"Well, from what I was told, the people at Sixth Sense Holdings thought that celebrating the end of one year and the beginning of a new one should be done on a larger scale. You know, since no one ever knows what could happen from one day to the next."
Once again, the crowd broke into a loud applause.
{"So, they got together as many of the best acts in the entertainment world as they could to perform for you all tonight."} Loli continued. {"That way, the beginning of the new decade can start in a grand fashion. So, why don't' you all help me in thanking Sixth sense Holdings for tonight's proceedings."}
Once again, the crowd applauded loudly. However, since they were facing the stage where Loli stood, they did not notice the fact that he one behind them had been finally lit, as well. Nor did they notice the person who stepped onto the stage dressed in a colorful performance costume.
{"Well then, if all of you are ready, let the first ever New Year's Extravaganza begin."} Loli said once he saw the signal that the first performance was ready. {"Now, let's welcome our first act for the night, Ishgar's favorite songstress, Lunar~~~~~~! Edomae~~~~~~!"}
{BGM: "Your Gravitation (My Bride is a Mermaid OST)" – Lunar Edomae}
With that, the music started playing from the speakers on the opposite stage, prompting everyone in the crowd to turn around. When they did, they saw the familiar, petite figure of Lunar Edomae waving at them from the stage. And as the music started to pick up, Lunar began to sing and dance passionately.
"So, that's why Lunar was here." Sun said while bringing her right fist down into her upturned left palm. "It makes sense now."
"Yeah, it really does." Ultear added excitedly. "And now, I'm curious to see just who else has showed up for this event."
And over the course of the next few hours, many acts took to the two stages one after another. There was a skit put on by Rabian's theater troupe from Scheherazade. A group of nine young women going by the name Mu's sang two songs.
The first, which raised the atmosphere of the crowed was called "START:DASH!!" and the second, which brought the event to its first climax, was called "Snow Halation." And to everyone's surprise, the one who seemed to be the most excited about this group of young women was Brandish. Though, Irene saw through her reasons quick enough.
"It's because their name is the same as your last name, isn't it?" Irene asked with a teasing smile on her face after Juliet asked Brandish why she seemed to like the group so much.
In response, Brandish turned away with her cheeks reddening. Then, in a voice small enough that she thought she would not be heard over the excited crowd, she said, "So what?" Naturally, when Irene started laughing uproariously at Brandish's response, she knew that she had failed at keeping her thoughts to herself.
The acts continued between the two stages until about 11:30 pm. After that, Loli once again took the microphone into his hands as he walked out onto the stage.
{"This has been a great show so far, hasn't it?"} Loli asked into the microphone.
In response, the crowd cheered as usual. However, because the crowd was already so excited from all the great performances, it did not seem like it. Even so, Loli continued with a smile on his face.
{"I know! It's been incredible!"} Loli said, answering his own question. {"And once again, let's thank Sixth Sense Holdings for putting all this together."}
This time, despite already being excited, the crowd cheered loud enough to make a difference.
{"Now I know what you're thinking."} Loli continued once the crowd calmed down. {"Why is he stopping the show now, right? Well, we're just taking a little intermission. There will be some reporters from some of the most popular news outlets, for example, Sorcerer Weekly, walking around and interviewing people in the crowd to get their impressions of the show. Then, once they've had their chance to ask their questions, we'll get back to the show. You all can wait that long, right?"}
The crowd cheered loudly again. And before the noise could even die down, the reporters from the different media outlets were already in the crowd interviewing anyone they could from the more famous people present to ordinary townsfolk, all to put into their next articles. And that went on until about 11:59 pm.
"Alright, It's about time." Alfonzo said from the center of the crowd while wearing a disguise.
In the next instant, Alfonzo knelt on the stone road of the plaza. Then, he placed his hands on the ground and flared his magic power.
The flare of magic power caught the attention of all the Fairy Tail wizards present, though they had all relocated to the Kardia Cathedral by now, causing them to all look in Alfonzo's direction. When they did, what they saw was tall pole shooting up into the air with a colorful ball at the top. And on that ball, the year, x789 was inscribed. Shortly after the wizards, the normal townsfolk and visitors from other towns and cities also noticed the raised pole, as well.
"I knew it." Elicia muttered with a smile while looking up at the ball.
At the same time, Loli, seeing the pole that was raised in the center of the plaza, raised the microphone to his mouth once again.
{"Ladies and gentlemen!"} Loli said excitedly. {"It's almost that time. The time to say goodbye to x789. Are you ready to welcome the new year? If so, count down with us!"
As soon as Loli reached that point, using his [Electromagnetism Magic], Alfonzo manipulated the visible light above the ball to start a timer.
{"Ten! Nine! Eight!"} Loli counted into the microphone while the people in the crowd joined him.
As the countdown continued, the ball at the top of the pole lowered. When it started to descend, Alfonzo, in a burst of speed, disappeared from below the pole. However, he continued to control the light show and the lowering of the ball.
'Ah! Now I get it.' Laxus, standing at the altar in the Kardia Cathedral, thought to himself while watching the ball drop through the Cathedral's windows. 'That's what he meant when he said the ball drops. But how did he have an idea like that before I even called him on it? That guy's mind works in strange ways.'
"I feel like there are some weird thoughts running through your head, Laxus." Alfonzo, now dressed in his tuxedo to act as Laxus' best man, said as he appeared next to Laxus and the rest of the bridal party.
Not only the those participating in the wedding were in the Kardia Cathedral at this moment. Instead, all of the Fairy Tail guild's members and some of the others who were invited to attend had moved into the Cathedral, as well.
"Whatever." Laxus replied. "You're just lucky you're not late. Otherwise, Chico and Saya would have skinned you alive."
{"Three! Two! One!"} Lali's countdown continued.
January 1, x790.
{"Happy New Year!"} Loli's voice over the speaker system mixed with the crowd's excited cheers as the ball reached the bottom of the pole.
At that very moment, the wedding ceremony began with the bridal party walking into the venue. At the same time, a new act started on the stage opposite Loli. However, instead of a musical performance, it was another theater troupe. Alfonzo scheduled it this way so that the sound from the performance did not disrupt the ceremony too much.
Then, after the wedding ceremony ended and Laxus was officially married to Chico and Saya, the final act of the night stepped onto the stage. And to everyone's surprise, it was Lunar once again.
{BGM: "Lunarian (My Bride Is a Mermaid OST)" – Lunar Edomae}
Then, once that song ended, Sun climbed onto the stage with Lunar to perform the last song of the evening.
{BGM: Dan Dan Dan (My Bride Is a Mermaid OST) – Sun Seto & Lunar Edomae}
{"And that brings this New Year's Extravaganza to a close."} Loli said once the music stopped. {"Once again, let's thank sixth Sense Holdings for sponsoring such a magnificent show. And let's hope that this is just the first of many more shows like this to come. Thank you for coming! And everyone, please make sure to get home safely!"}
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