{A/N: Despite the fact that this chapter does not move the plot forward at all, and it would be perfectly fine to skip it, the R-18 portion is denoted by: ===R-18=== and ===R-18 End===.}
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Fiore Airspace.
June 5, x789.
"That's Cedar, right?" Cana, seated in the co-pilot's seat of the Blackbird asked while pointing out of the window.
Looking down where Cana was pointing, Alfonzo, who was piloting the Blackbird, studying the surroundings and compared it with is memories of the area around Cedar.
"Yeah, that's Cedar, alright." Alfonzo replied with a smile after a few seconds of contemplation.
"Seriously, this thing is really fast." Cana said with a smile. "I'll never get tired of just flying around the continent in this thing."
"Yeah, it's great." Alfonzo replied. "I mean, I can fly on my own, and I can go just about as fast as the Blackbird, but there's just something about flying an airship."
"Hey, do you think you could teach me how to fly it some time?" Cana asked, turning to look at Alfonzo with anticipation shining in her eyes.
In response, Alfonzo fell silent with a pensive expression on his face. The thought of Cana flying while drunk scared him to no end. On top of all the lives that could be lost and the property that could be damaged, the fact that his Blackbird would probably not survive her first flight terrified him.
"We can talk about that later." Alfonzo said while a bead of cold sweat rolled down his forehead. "For now, why don't we just enjoy the flight."
Immediately, Cana's eyes narrowed as she stared at the side of Alfonzo's head. And although his expression did not change, the two extra beads of cold sweat that formed at his hair line and started to drip down his face were enough evidence of the nervous feeling he had.
'I really don't wanna say no to her.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I mean, she's my wife. And I'd do damn near anything to make her happy. But this is totally different. Even if the Blackbird has an auto-piloting function, I doubt she'd use it while she's drunk.'
Luckily, before the standoff could continue for too long and Alfonzo ended up giving in to Cana's glare that was morphing into a pout, Ultear, the other person on this little joy ride, entered the cockpit after getting off the phone with her mother, Ur.
"I'm back." Ultear said with a smile.
It did not take long for Ultear to notice the tense atmosphere in the cockpit. Even so, she could guess what it was about. Especially since Cana has been talking about wanting to learn how to fly the Blackbird ever since Alfonzo first took everyone to fly.
Deciding that now was not the time for a marital spat, Ultear stepped forward, placing herself between the two pilot's seats. And as a good wife and sister-wife, she would defuse the situation. And although she would probably have to sacrifice herself to keep the peace, she was willing to do so for the happy home she loved so much.
"Alfonzo, have I told you just how impressive this airship is?" Ultear asked as she bent down, showing off her cleavage and placed her right index finger under Alfonzo's chin. She then, using that index finger, turned Alfonzo's faze away from the windshield and made him look towards herself as she continued. "And because I am so impressed, I will reward you. I shall allow you to pleasure me. Be grateful, my husband."
'*Sigh* The things I do for my family.' Ultear said to herself while looking at Alfonzo with a gaze filled with superiority. 'Such a noble sacrifice I'm making so that this situation doesn't devolve into an argument. I truly am a paragon of homemaking.'
While Ultear was mentally patting herself on the back and simultaneously looking forward to how Alfonzo would punish her for her haughty attitude, the Blackbird's cockpit fell into an awkward silence while Alfonzo and Cana looked at Ultear with expressions that basically scream: "Hasn't this schtick getting old yet?"
"*Sigh* You're never going to grow up, are you, Tear?" Cana asked before taking a few gulps from a bottle of ale. "*Burp*
"I really don't wanna hear that from you, Cana." Ultear replied, looking over her shoulder to stare Cana in the eyes with a deadpan expression.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo remained silent for a few moments longer. Then, his shoulders began to shake from suppressing his laughter. However, he could not maintain that state for too long. And because he understood that, Alfonzo reached forward and turned on the auto-pilot function, setting it to simply circle Fiore's borders until it was deactivated.
"Hahahahahaha!" Alfonzo burst out into uproarious laughter once the auto-pilot was set, doubling over and holding his stomach as he did so.
Seeing that, Cana also started to laugh and was quickly followed by Ultear.
And for the next minute or so, the three laughed happily.
"Pant* *Pant* Oh fuck… I needed that." Alfonzo said through ragged breaths while getting his laughter under control. "Thanks, Tear."
Then, while wiping a tear out of his eye, Alfonzo turned to look at Cana.
"And I don't mind teaching you how to fly, Cana." Alfonzo said with a smile. However, his expression changed into something quite solemn as he continued. "But you have to make me a promise. A promise you'll swear to never break."
"*Sigh* I already know what you're about to say, Fonzie." Cana said while shaking her head. "And I already made you a promise like that, remember? I swore I'd never drink when or where it wasn't appropriate to do so. And I've never broken that promise before."
Hearing that, both Alfonzo and Ultear raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
"Hey, what are those looks for?" Cana asked in a stand-offish tone. "I may be a lot of things, a drunk, a ruffian, a gambler, but I'm definitely no liar."
Despite Cana's declaration, Alfonzo and Ultear still wore expressions filled with suspicion, which made Cana pout in annoyance before taking another swig from her bottle of ale.
"It's not that we don't' believe you…" Ultear said cautiously. "But I thought the reason for all the collateral damage you caused was the fac that you were drunk on quests. So, if you haven't been drinking, why have you still been causing so much damage?"
Cana's annoyed pout turned into an embarrassed expression as she turned away quickly to hide her rapidly reddening cheeks.
Seeing that, both Alfonzo and Ultear were curious to know what could make a bold woman like Cana put on an expression like that.
"It's because I..." Cana said while turning her entire body in her seat, as she felt her blush was still visible. "Because, I… get angry at the dark wizards that always show up on my quests. They start to harass me because of what I choose to wear. And I don't like it when they talk about me like that. The only one who can do that is Fonzie… So…."
As Cana's words trailed off, both Alfonzo's and Ultear's eyes shot open in surprise after hearing Cana's reason for her rampant collateral damage. And as unbelievable as it sounded, Alfonzo had been made aware of how often Cana ran into dark wizards on her quests, despite the fac that the quests normally had nothing to do with them. So, he found it even more surprising that no one ever put two and two together.
"Ahahahahahaha!" x 2
A moment later, both Alfonzo and Ultear started laughing once again. Meanwhile, Cana's blush spread up to the tips of her ears and down her neck. Then, while still laughing, Alfonzo stood up, took a step towards Cana, and swept her out of her seat and into a princess carry while still laughing before starting to spin around with her in his arms.
"God fucking damn it, Cana." Alfonzo said while continuing to spin Cana around. "You're too fucking cute sometimes."
"Stop it, Fonzie, you're gonna make me spill my drink." Cana replied while trying to bury her head in the side of Alfonzo's neck to hide the ever intensifying blush on her face.
"Oh, Gildarts is going to love seeing his baby girl looking so cute." Ultear said after taking a picture of Cana's blushing face with her lPhone.
"Tear! You wouldn't!" Cana asked in a tone filled with abject terror.
"Hmm… It all depends." Ultear replied cheekily. "It depends on how well you act, Cana."
"Oh, I'll show you how good I can act!" Cana shouted as she forced herself out of Alfonzo's arms and lunged at Ultear.
Like that, Cana and Ultear played a game of keep away with Ultear's lPhone. All the while, Alfonzo watched with a smile on his face. Then, after remembering what Ultear said that led to the current atmosphere, his smile turned devious before he inserted himself into the girl's game.
"You know what, I think I'm on Cana's side on this one." Alfonzo said as he snatched Ultear's lPhone out of her hand. He then continued while navigating through Ultear's picture gallery and sending the picture of Cana she just took to himself. "Tear needs to be punished for what she said earlier. And I think Cana has every right to participate because of the recent blackmail attempt."
Cana froze for a moment when Alfonzo intervened in her game of tag with Ultear. However, when she registered what he said, she smiled deviously. Then, while Ultear was trying, and failing, to take her lPhone back from Alfonzo, Cana stepped up and grabbed her by the arm.
"Huh? Cana, what are you doing?" Ultear asked, though the blush on her face made it clear that she already had an idea.
"Fonzie was right, you need to be punished for your actions." Cana said while smiling lecherously.
With that, Cana started pulling Ultear towards the back of the Blackbird. As wild as she expected the rest of the flight to be, she did not want to hit any buttons or switches in the cockpit by accident. Meanwhile, Alfonzo followed along with a smile similar to Cana's on his face as he deleted the picture Ultear took of Cana a moment ago.
===R-18 Start===
Deciding they were far enough away from the Blackbird's controls, Cana forced Ultear into one of the passenger seats. Then, she started to take off Ultear's clothes, a tight, dark blue, sleeveless blouse with a plunging neckline and a long white skirt. All the while, Ultear pretended to struggle as if she was not aiming for a situation like this from the very beginning. Though, she would admit having the picture of Cana acting so cute taken away was a pity.
"Alright, stop struggling, Tear." Cana said as she pulled Ultear's skirt down her legs. "We both know you want this to happen. Otherwise, you wouldn't have put on that little act. I still don't' know why you can't just be honest about wanting Fonzie to fuck you into unconsciousness."
"I… I have no idea what you're talking about." Ultear replied while turning her head away. "I do not and never will want any such thing."
"Oh, is that so?" Cana asked as she stopped undressing Ultear. She then shrugged her shoulders and stepped away. "Fine. If you say so."
Cana then moved to another seat and sat down. Then, with an inviting smile on her face, she untied the back straps of the bikini top she was wearing before tossing it to the side and doing the same with her pants after taking them off. Finally, she raised her legs, hooked her hands under her knees, and spread her legs as far as she could.
"Well then, Fonzie, since Tear doesn't want it…" Cana said with a wink. "How 'bout helping me forget about that bitch, Yoruichi, for a while?"
Judging by the way Cana was looking at him, Alfonzo knew she was just trying to tease Ultear. Even so, he could tell that she would not turn down some good dicking. And as it turned out, he was quite willing to give her just that.
Smiling as he approached the seats Cana and Ultear were sitting in, Alfonzo tossed Ultear's lPhone onto another seat so it would not get in the way. Then, he slowly pulled his t-shirt over his head, revealing his well-chiseled torso. And once his shirt was off, Alfonzo started unbuttoning his denim shorts.
With his shorts unbuttoned and unzipped, Alfonzo let them fall to the floor before kicking them off along with his shoes. Then, he stood before Cana, purposefully ignoring Ultear, since she said she did not want any of what was about to happen.
Making eye contact with his second wife, Alfonzo licked his lips in anticipation as he slipped his thumbs under the waistband of his boxers. Then, he pulled them down in one motion before he leaned forward and planted a kiss on Cana's lips, who still held her legs open.
As time passed, the kiss between Alfonzo and Cana intensified. The two sucked each other's lips as if they could not get enough of each other. Then, Cana parted her lips slightly, a clear invite for Alfonzo to put his tongue in her mouth. And was she felt his tongue against her own, she sucked on it passionately.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo knelt on the floor, in front of Cana's seat, and let his hands roam her toned, yet voluptuous, body, exploring every inch with his hands and fingers. And with every gentle caress, Cana would shiver minutely while letting out moans and whimpers stifled by the ever-deepening kiss.
"*Pant* *Pant* Mmm~~~" Cana moaned as Alfonzo's fingers reached her clit and began rubbing it gently. "Stop teasing me, Fonzie. Give it to me. Now!"
Smiling in response, Alfonzo pecked Cana on the lips once more before he took hold of his hard dick and started rubbing it against her already sopping wet lower lips. At the same time, he glanced at Ultear from the corner of his eyes.
When Alfonzo saw Ultear, who was staring at himself and Cana with an intense stare while fondling her breasts over her top and rubbing her thighs together vigorously, he could not help but smirk before returning his full attention to Cana.
Then, once his dick was properly lubed with Cana's juices, he slowly pushed it into her, not stopping until he felt he could not go any deeper.
"Ah~~~~!" Cana released a low, throaty moan as Alfonzo's dick stretched her insides into that familiar shape she loved oh so much. "Yes!"
"Then, once Alfonzo's dick kissed her cervix, Cana released her grip on her knees before wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist, pulling herself flush against his chest.
At the same time, Alfonzo wrapped his arms around Cana's back and let his hands slide down to her thick ass, griping it tightly, eliciting another moan from her, before standing up from his kneeling position.
Once he was standing at his full height, Alfonzo ground his dick inside of Cana, causing her to grind her hips against him, as well. At the same time, Alfonzo turned towards Ultear and smirked at her over Cana's shoulder.
And when Ultear saw that smirk, she shuddered while simultaneously squeezing her breasts with more force.
*Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!* *Clap!*
Then, without warning, Alfonzo drew his hips back before slamming into Cana over and over, the point of connection between the two right before Ultear's eyes.
"Oh God!" Cana screamed as her eyes rolled into the back of her head as Alfonzo started slamming into her with reckless abandon.
Ultear could only watch Cana hold on for dear life as she threw her head back and moaned loudly with every one of Alfonzo's powerful thrusts. And with every second that passed, the lustful glint in Ultear's eyes grew brighter and brighter.
"Oh. My. Fucking. God! I'm cumming!" Cana screamed as a stream of vaginal fluids shout out of her pussy, splashed against Alfonzo's pelvis, and dripped down his legs to the floor. "Oh God, yes! Don't stop!"
At the same time, Cana's legs and toes involuntarily straightened while her fingernails dug into Alfonzo's back. Despite that. Alfonzo continued to pound Cana's pussy with everything he had while still smirking over her shoulder at Ultear.
"Hey, Tear, what are you doing?" Alfonzo asked in a teasing tone while watching Ultear slide her right hand down from her breasts, across her tummy, and onto the crotch of her panties. "You didn't want any of this, right?"
Hearing that, Ultear froze for a moment. Yet, her hands did not stop moving for long, as started rapidly rubbing her pussy over her panties while continuing to watch Cana get fucked silly. Then, about five minutes later, when rubbing her pussy over her panties stopped being enough, she slid the crotch of her panties to the side and pushed her index, middle, and ring fingers into her dripping wet pussy and fingered herself, timing her thrusts to match Alfonzo's rhythm.
"Ahh~~~~~~~~~~!" Cana screamed once again as she squirted all over Alfonzo for the second time after only three more minutes of intense pounding.
"Mmm~~~~~~!" Ultear moaned as she came only an instant after Cana.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo continued to pound into Cana with everything he had. But with Cana's pussy squeezing his dick the way it was, coupled with Cana's and Ultear's moans, he was quickly reaching his own limit.
And for another two minutes, Alfonzo continued to give Cana the dicking of her life. But, as they say, all good things must come to an end. So, after holding on for as long as he could, Alfonzo thrust into Cana one last time, pushing his dick as deep as he could.
"Ah! Fuck...!" Alfonzo groaned while painting Cana's insides with his cum. Then, once he was done, he enjoyed the feeling of Cana's breasts and nipples rubbing against his chest while he panted to catch his breath.
Cana, on the other hand, had cum once more when Alfonzo's cum filled her up. As a result, she was barely hanging on to Alfonzo's shoulders with a satisfied smile on her face, her tongue hanging out of her mouth, her eyes rolled back into her head, and her legs hanging limply around Alfonzo's waist. In fact, if it weren't for Alfonzo's firm grip on her ass, she would have undoubtedly fallen to the floor already.
Meanwhile, Ultear continued to watch Alfonzo and Cana with laser-focus while fiercely fingering her pussy. Meaning, she saw when Alfonzo turned back to the seat where Cana had been sitting before he picked her up. And when she saw him sit Cana's still twitching body back in her seat and pull out of her, she gulped audibly when the cum that was trapped inside started to drip down the crack of her ass.
"Kya!" Ultear yelped in surprise.
Unfortunately, Ultear was too focused on the cum dripping out of Cana to notice that Alfonzo had stood back up and reached for her masturbating arm. And that yelp was the result of him pulling her arm and forcing her to pull her fingers out of her pussy.
"What are you doing?" Ultear asked in an annoyed tone, as she was just about to cum for the second time.
"I think it's about time for that punishment." Alfonzo said as he pulled Ultear out of her seat.
"Huh? Wha?" Ultear, having completely forgotten any talk of punishment while watching Alfonzo fuck Cana into euphoria, made a few unintelligible sounds in response.
However, Alfonzo decided not to explain. Instead, he pulled Ultear in front of Cana. Then, he pressed on her shoulders and made her drop to her knees before grabbing a handful of Ultear's long, beautiful hair, and pressed her face first into Cana's pussy.
Despite her confusion, Ultear, currently being driven by lust, stuck out her tongue and lapped up the cum dripping from Cana's pussy.
"Mmm~~!" Cana mewled from the feeling of Ultear's tongue.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo knelt behind Ultear and raised her shirt, revealing her breasts, as her shirt had cups built in. Then, he pulled her panties down to her knees.
However, just as Alfonzo took his dick, which had hardened once again while Ultear licked Cana, into his hands, Ultear surprised him by spinning on her knees and facing him.
*Slurp!* *Slurp!* *Slurp!* *Pop!*
Then, before Alfonzo could react, Ultear lunged at his dick, deepthroated him to the base, sucked off the combination of Cana's juices and his cum, popped his dick out of her mouth, and spun around to start sucking the cum out of Cana's pussy.
"Ahn~~~~~!" Cana moaned loudly as Ultear's sucking brought her back to reality.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo shook his head with a smile on his face while watching Cana grab a couple of handfuls of Ultear's hair and pull her sister-wife deeper into her pussy.
"That's right, clean me up... Ah~! like I know you did Fonzie." Cana said domineeringly. However, before she could continue to talk dirty, she was interrupted when Ultear's lips began to vibrate. "Mmm~~~~!"
"Hmph~~~~!" Ultear groaned into Cana's Pussy, her lips vibrating against the brunette's clit.
And the reason for Ultear's muffled moan was Alfonzo, who had lined up his dick with Ultear's pussy while she was occupied. Then, with no warning, he slammed his full length into Ultear.
"You like that shit, right?" Alfonzo asked as he slapped Ultear's ass hard enough to leave a bright red hand print on her pale skin. "This is what you wanted, isn't it?"
Unfortunately, Ultear was unable to respond. Between having her head held in place by Cana and Alfonzo starting to fuck her like a jackhammer, she wasn't even able to consciously lick Cana's pussy. In fact, the only thing she could do was stick out her tongue and let the jolting her body experienced thanks to Alfonzo's pounding do the job for her.
Like that, Ultear was completely ravaged, just the way she liked it, for the next half an hour or so. And having caused Cana to cum twice and having six orgasms of her own, she was barely conscious. So, when Alfonzo finally came inside of her, after her body seized up in pleasure, she passed out immediately with a more than satisfied smile on her face.
"Ugh... I'm tired." Cana said as she lifted Ultear's head from her crotch. "But I really needed that. It was so intense that a lot of the negativity got washed away."
"That's good." Alfonzo said as he lifted Ultear's unconscious body off the floor. He then cradled her in one arm and lifted Cana with the other arm before continuing. "As long as you're feeling better."
Alfonzo then sat down in the seat he just picked Cana up from and sat both women on his thighs before wrapping them in a hug.
"Oh, I feel a lot better." Cana said with a smile as she wrapped her arms around Alfonzo and rubbed her breasts against his chest. "And I wouldn't mind feeling even better, you know."
"I think that can be arranged." Alfonzo said with a grin. "But let's give Tear a little time to recover. I'm not done punishing her yet. Besides, only one side of her ass is the right shade of red."
With that, both Alfonzo and Cana began to laugh good naturedly while Ultear slept with a blissful smile on her face.
===R-18 End===
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Crocus.
Meanwhile, the rest of Alfonzo's wives and girlfriends were enjoying a fun-filled day at Ryuzetsu Land with Amar'e. However, Elicia, who was playing with Amar'e in a children's pool, suddenly froze up completely, causing Amar'e and the other ladies who noticed to look at her funny.
"Lici, is something wrong?" Sun asked in a concerned tone.
That was enough to snap Elicia back to her senses. However, she wore a disappointed expression as she went back to playing with Amar'e.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Elicia replied. "Still, I can't believe I never thought of that. Cana and Tear are so lucky."
"Thought of what?" Lucy, who was lounging on a deck chair asked from nearby.
"About joining the Mile High Club." Elicia grumbled.
"Mile High Club, what's that?" Marin asked in an interested tone.
"Getting some while the Blackbird is flying high in the sky." Elicia explained while defending herself from Amar'e's splash attacks.
In the next instant, all the ladies who were nearby froze. Then, they all put on disappointed expressions like Elicia's, as they were all disappointed that they had not thought of trying that in the months since Alfonzo finished the Blackbird, despite all the times they had gone for a flight with Alfonzo since then.
Thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you are, drop some comments, throw some stones, and leave a review.
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