Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Crocus.
July 5, x789.
After everyone celebrated Amar'e's first word, they all went back to watching the preliminary round of the Grand Magic Games. And to no one's surprise, the next three teams to finish the preliminaries were Lamia Scale, Blue Pegasus, and Quatro Cerberus, in that order. After that, three teams that weren't as famous as the first five guilds to finish rounded out the top eight.
With nothing left to see, everyone went back to bed. Then, in the morning, they all got ready and went to the Domus Flau to watch the first day of the Grand Magic Games.
The next few days went on with a similar schedule. By the end of the fourth day, the scores were close with Mermaid Heel holding the lead over Fairy Tail by ten points. In fact, if Evergreen had not lost to Rangiku in the Battle Round at the end of the third day, the scores would be flipped, both having won two events, and came in second and third on the other two. Also, with the exception of the match between Evergreen and Rangiku, both teams had won all their Battle Rounds, as well.
But today, no one was rushing to get up and head to the Domus Flaw. Because today would be a rest day. Then, the teams would all gather for the last event on the next day. And that would determine the winner of this year's Grand Magic Games.
"*Gulp* *Gulp* *Gulp*" Cana, sitting on the couch in the suite where Alfonzo, his ladies, and his children were staying, chugged down a bottle of wine with a frustrated expression on her face.
"Why the long face, Cana?" Sun asked curiously while taking a seat next to Cana. "Is it because Laxus and the others are losing?"
"*Burp* No… Well… Yes, that's part of it." Cana replied after gulping down the last of the wine in the bottle. "But more than that, it's because that bitch is winning right now."
"Cana, language!" Elicia said sternly. "Even Fonzie watches what he says when Mar'e and BiBi are around."
"Sorry… Sorry…" Cana replied, raising her arms in surrender. "I'm just really frustrated. Why does it have to be her?"
"*Sigh* I know you don't like her…" Alfonzo said as he took the seat on the other side of Cana. "but regardless of what you think, it's obvious she's worked hard to get stronger. And I know you're better than someone who would belittle someone's effort."
"*Sigh* I know…" Cana replied while lowering her head as she leaned into Alfonzo. "I know she had to have worked hard. But why does it have to be her that's beating our team? If it were anyone else, I wouldn't be this upset."
Seeing the tears welling up in Cana's eyes, Alfonzo wrapped his arms around her and pulled her into a tight hug.
"Well then, all you need to do is go out and have some fun." Marin said as she came over and stood in front of the couch. "That should be able to take your mind off of things."
Marin then pointed at Alfonzo with a smile on her face.
"And as her husband, you should accompany her, Fonzie." Marin added cheerfully.
"Hey! She's not the only one who's unhappy to see Yoruichi doing so well, you know." Ultear said with a pout.
In the next instant, Marin spun on her heels and shifted her pointing finger to Ultear.
"Then, you should go with them." Marin said. "He's your husband, too. And I'm sure he could handle you both at the same time."
With that, Marin winked playfully, causing most of the ladies in the room to giggle.
"*Cough*I suppose that's true." Ultear said, her cheeks turning pink at Marin's insinuation.
"So, where do the two of you wanna go? Ryuzetsu land?" Alfonzo asked.
"I wanna fly." Cana said as she finally raised her head. "take us for a trip around Fiore in the Blackbird."
"I'm okay with that." Alfonzo replied with a shrug before turning to look at Ultear. "What about you?"
"No objections here." Ultear replied with a smile.
"Cool." Alfonzo said with a smile. He then swept his gaze over the rest of his wives and lovers. "anyone else wanna go?"
"Nope." Elicia replied while shaking her head. "I'm taking Mar'e to play at Ryuzetsu Land, now that you mentioned it."
Elicia then lowered her voice and spoke in a slightly bitter tone.
"With you gone, he might finally say Mama."
Although she tried to be quiet, everyone was strong enough to catch Elicia's grumbles and burst into laughter.
"I'll go with Lici." Sun said. "I love swimming."
"Of course you do.' Lucy said. "but I think I'll go, too. Laying out in the sun and getting a tan sounds nice."
Most of the ladies agreed to follow along to Ryuzetsu Land to either play in the water or sunbathe. Mirajane, on the other hand, decided to take Bianca and walk around with Lisanna and Miyako.
Meanwhile, three women had just left the hotel where the ladies from Mermaid Heel were staying.
"So, you're finally going to speak to him" Rangiku asked as she, Yoruichi, and Sui-Feng stepped out onto the streets of Crocus. "But why did you wait so long?"
"I wanted to focus on the Games." Yoruichi replied. "Otherwise, I would have gone to Magnolia sometime after we got here from the Soul continent."
"I guess that makes sense." Rangiku said while nodding her head slowly. "but if that's the case, why didn't you wait until tomorrow's event was over?"
"*Sigh* Because I didn't know if he'd stay here after that." Yoruichi said as she started walking towards the Sixth Sense Hotel. "So, today felt like the perfect day."
"I see." Rangiku replied before falling silent.
Meanwhile, the third woman, Sui-Feng, had nothing to say. By now, thanks to her re-education, she understood why what Yoruichi did a few years ago was so wrong. Still, that did not stop her from disliking Alfonzo. There was no real reason to it, either. She just did not like him, and she would not be able to explain why if someone were to ask.
About twenty minutes later, Yoruichi, Sui-Feng, and Rangiku rounded the corner closest to the Sixth Sense Hotel. However, just as they did, they heard the sound of air being displaced in large amounts.
Looking up, they were just in time to see the Blackbird taking off from the hotel's roof.
"Damn it…" Yoruichi muttered. "did he leave because he felt me coming?"
"Huh?" Rangiku exclaimed in confusion. "What do you mean? How would that be possible. Does Fairy Tail have someone watching us?"
"Well… Sort of." Yoruichi replied while shaking her head.
Yoruichi then went on to explain that the members of Fairy Tail had a way of keeping track of everyone in a certain range with their senses. Though, she admitted to having no idea how.
"Seriously?" Rangiku asked in an amazed tone. "That's incredible. It sure would come in handy to know a skill like that."
"Yeah." Yoruichi said while nodding in agreement. "but it's some kind of Fairy Tail guild secret. So, unless you can figure it out on your own, they won't tell you."
"I see.' Rangiku said with a nod. She then turned her attention back to the hotel. "Anyway, just because the airship took off, it doesn't mean he's not here, right? Let's just go in and ask."
"I guess you're right." Yoruichi replied with a nod of her own.
With that, Yoruichi, Sui-Feng, and Rangiku entered the hotel. Then, they asked the receptionist about what room Alfonzo was staying in. And because it was no secret that Fairy Tail and Mermaid Heel were on good terms, it did not take much time for the receptionist to give them the information they were looking for. So, after thanking the receptionist, they quickly made their way upstairs to the highest floor where Alfonzo and his harem were staying.
"Wow! This hotel is so much nicer than the one we're staying in." Rangiku said while looking around as the trio made their way towards the stairs.
"Well, from what I've been able to find out, Fairy Tail is one of the share holders of Sixth Sense Holdings." Yoruichi replied. "So, it makes sense that they would stay in their own hotel. But it's bothering me that I still haven't been able to figure out who the majority share holder is. I even went to find Erina, a former chef at our guild hall. But she wouldn't tell me anything, either. Oh shit… Why did it take me so long to figure that out?"
A moment later, Yoruichi opened her eyes wide in realization.
"Huh? What are you talking about?" Rangiku asked in a curious tone.
"It was Alfonzo who poached Erina from the guild." Yoruichi said. "Then, she started working for Sixth Sense Holdings at their Restaurant and Lounge. It was so obvious."
"Wait! Are you saying that Alfonzo Marcus is the true owner of Sixth Sense Holdings?" Rangiku asked. "That company even has branch stores on the Soul Continent. And how old is he? Twenty-two? Twenty-three? There's no way he could be the owner of such a big company at such a young age."
Not only Rangiku, but Sui-feng was also surprised by the revelation. However, she had nothing to say. Her cheeks did redden, though. Especially after remembering how she had once said that Alfonzo could not match Yoruichi in terms of social position.
"The revelation surprised me just as much as it did you." Yoruichi said while shaking her head. "anyway, let's just keep moving."
Receiving nods from both Sui-Feng and Rangiku, Yoruichi led the three through the hotel.
A few minutes later, Yoruichi, Sui-Feng, and Rangiku were standing on the hotel's top floor. While they were looking at the numbers on the doors to determine which suite was Alfonzo's, one of the doors opened. Through it, a white haired, blue-eyed woman, Mirajane stepped through it while carrying an infant with brown skin, white hair, and grey eyes, Bianca, in a baby carrier.
"I guess we found the right room." Rangiku said as she gestured at Mirajane with her chin. "This is the She-Devil, Mirajane. Yeah?"
"Yeah…" Yoruichi replied in a somewhat hesitant tone. "Hey, Mirajane… Long time, no see."
A moment later, Mey-Rin stepped through the door. She then flared her magic power in preparation to [Requip] her weapons of choice for indoor combat, a pair of magic pistols, into her hands.
"It's okay, Mey-Rin." Mirajane said calmly. "They're not enemies."
However, Mirajane did not respond to Yoruichi's greeting after talking down Mey-Rin. She did look at Rangiku with an interested gaze, though. A moment later, she stepped forward and held a hand out to Rangiku with a smile on her face.
"Hi, it's nice to meet you." Mirajane said while holding Bianca's baby carrier in her left hand. "You're the new member of Mermaid Heel, Rangiku Matsumoto, right? I gotta say, you're pretty strong. Did you come here to see Lici? I mean, most people do. Everyone wants something custom made by her, after all. Well, you're in luck, she hasn't left yet."
"Oh… Um.. Thanks." Rangiku replied while extending her hand to grasp Mirajane's and simultaneously glancing at Yoruichi to see her reaction.
Unsurprised by Mirajane ignoring her, Yoruichi could only smile awkwardly while trying to calm Sui-Feng down with hand gestures. Because Sui-Feng, although she had been through re-education, it was still hard for her to tolerate someone so blatantly disrespecting Yoruichi.
"Well, if you'd excuse me, I've got an appointment with my sister." Mirajane said, pretending as if she did not notice Sui-Feng's growing anger. "But I hope we get the chance to talk later."
"Sure." Rangiku replied, finding the whole situation a bit comical after getting past the surprise. "I think I'd like that, too."
With that, Mirajane smiled brightly. Then, she released Rangiku's hand and walked around the trio before heading down the hall towards the elevator with Mey-Rin following her closely.
At that moment, the door opened once again and Marin poked her head out.
"Hey, Mira, is someone---" Marin began to say before she noticed Yoruichi.
"OH, it's just the new girl from Mermaid Heel, Rangiku." Mirajane replied without turning around. "She probably wants Lici to make her something."
Hearing that, Marin gasped. A moment later, however, she smiled brightly as she turned her attention back to the trio of Mermaid Heel wizards. And when her eyes landed on Sui-Feng, who looked as if she still wanted to cut off her hand,, she smiled even brighter.
"Well, come on in." Marin said, turning her attention back to Rangiku. "I certainly wouldn't hold up Lici from making money. You can bring your friends in, too. There's no one in side who might try to fight them on sight… for now."
With that, Marin pulled herself back into the suite. Meanwhile, Yoruichi, Sui-Feng, and Rangiku exchanged glances before they followed Marin. However, before she entered the suite, Yoruichi turned around and shouted.
"Hey, Mirajane, congratulations.!" Yoruichi shouted just before Mirajane reached the elevator.
Hearing Yoruichi, Mirajane came to a stop, causing Mey-Rin to do the same. Then, she turned around and smiled brightly, despite her feelings about Yoruichi.
"Thank you." Mirajane said with a happy smile on her face. "She's the best gift Alfonzo has ever given me."
After that, Mirajane turned around without another word and pressed the elevator's call button, the doors sliding open almost immediately because it had not been called to another floor since Yoruichi's trio arrived.
At the same time, Yoruichi walked into the suite. When she did, she arrived to intense stares from Erza, Marin, Sun, and Lucy while Saeko, Shizuka, Rika, Irene, Heine, and Juliet, the latter two only being here because they were going to accompany the others to Ryuzetsu Land, staring at her with curiosity. Meanwhile, Rangiku was off to the side talking to Elicia about making accustom order while stealing curious glances at the confrontation.
Sui-Feng, on the other hand, was glaring back at the four women. But no one was paying her any attention.
"So…. Uh... Hi, everyone." Yoruichi said awkwardly, lacking her usual confidence and mischief. "it's been a while, huh?"
Yet, none of the women staring her down replied to Yoruichi's greeting.
"*Sigh* okay, I know I deserve this, but come on." Yoruichi said after several seconds of tense silence. "Is there anyway I can make it up to you?"
"How about staying away from our husband forever?" Sun asked while tilting her head cutely.
"Yeah, I guess that makes sense." Yoruichi replied. "But I still need to talk to him at least one more time."
"Do you really think we would ever let that happen?" Lucy asked with her hands resting on her hips. "Especially after what you did?"
"More importantly, would you if you were in our position?" Marin added.
"Probably not." Yoruichi replied honestly. "At least, I wouldn't want to."
"Then, why should we?" Marin followed up.
"Because that's Alfonzo's decision to make, isn't it?" Yoruichi asked.
That caused Marin, Sun, and Lucy to fall silent, not knowing what to say.
"She's right, you know." Elicia said, inserting herself into the conversation. "As much as you don't' like it, it is Fonzie's decision."
Elicia then turned to Yoruichi with a complicated expression on her face.
"Hey, Yoruichi." Elicia said in an awkward tone. "It's good to see you again."
"You two, Lici." Yoruichi replied while smiling just as awkwardly.
Nodding her head, Yoruichi then turned back to the other four.
"But that doesn't mean you have to let them be alone." Elicia said, noticing that Marin, Sun, and Lucy seemed to be upset with what she said. "But you can't decide things like that for him."
While that conversation was going on, Irene approached Erza from behind and whispered into her daughter's ear.
"I'm not sure what that woman did, but you clearly are." Irene said quietly. "So, why don't you seem as upset as Marin, Sun, and Lucy. Come to think of it, Cana, Mira, and Ultear seemed to be just as angry if not worse. But you… You're too calm."
"It's because we fought shortly after that incident happened." Erza replied just as quietly. "And I got a good feel for what her personality is like. And although it was a terrible mistake she made, I don't' think that she is irredeemable. Like the others seem to."
"I see." Irene replied with a nod before backing away with an entertained grin.
"Anyway, Fonzie's not here." Elicia said after Marin, Sun, and Lucy stopped glaring at her. "So, you won't be able to talk to him until after the last event."
"*Sigh* I see." Yoruichi replied while dropping her head in disappointment. "Okay, I'll try again later, then."
With that, Yoruichi turned around and stepped towards the door. Then, just after opening it, she looked over her shoulder at Rangiku.
"I'll see you back at the hotel." Yoruichi said, not sounding very energetic at the moment. "come on, Bumble Bee, let's go."
"Yes, Lady Yoruichi." Sui-Feng replied, giving Elicia, Erza, Marin, Sun, and Lucy, especially Marin, one last glare before she followed Yoruichi out of the room.
Meanwhile, all of Alfonzo's wives and girlfriends, minus Elicia, went back to getting ready for their trip to Ryuzetsu land. As for Elicia, she went back to taking Rangiku's custom order. Oh, how she loved making clothes for characters from her favorite manga/anime.
'Well, I guess I'm not gonna get to find out what happened today.' Rangiku thought to herself while continuing to describe what she was looking for to Elicia. 'Oh well, I'll be here for a few years, at least. So, there's plenty of time to try and pry it out of Yoruichi.'
Thanks for reading. I hope you're enjoying the story so far. If you are, drop some comments, throw some stones, and leave a review.
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