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93.97% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 654: Marin Was Right...? Maybe...? Possibly...?

Chapitre 654: Marin Was Right...? Maybe...? Possibly...?

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


December, x788.


Sitting in her office on the top floor of the Fairy Tail guild hall, Ur was reading through several documents. While she did so, she would sigh every so often while shaking her head.


"Those damn kids." Ur muttered while placing the document she was reading on the corner of her desk. "It's been so long, but they still can't keep their destructive tendencies in check. *Sigh* It's only been four years since the old man gave me the position of guild master, but I already want to retire."


Reaching that point, Ur raised her arms over her head, interlocked her fingers, and stretched as deeply as she could, the sound of satisfying pops echoing around the room.


"Ah! That felt good." Ur said as she lowered her hands to her desk once again. She then looked over to the tablet-like device she used to control the functions of the guild hall and checked the date and time. "Oh, how time flies. It's already December. I'll have to announce this year's candidates for the S-Class Exam in less than a week."


Though she already had the list of candidates in mind, Ur would have to check over the data once more before she finalized it. Then, she would have to let the S-Class wizards know what she had planned for the test before everything got started.


While Ur was lost in thought about this year's S-Class Promotion Exam, the doors to the elevator slid open, drawing her attention. When she saw Alfonzo flanked by Marin and Shizuka stepping out of the elevator, she smiled.


Like Makarov, her two favorite members of the guild were Alfonzo and Elica. Although neither of them took on as many quests as they used to, either because of Alfonzo's work outside of Magnolia, or the birth of their son, they still caused almost no damage on quests. And although most of the guild had toned down the amount of collateral damage they caused, save a select few, Alfonzo and Elicia were still the best at keeping it to a minimum.


"Yo, Ur, what's up?" Alfonzo asked as he, Marin, and Shizuka stopped in front of Ur's desk. "You said you didn't call us here because of another quest, so what's going on?"


"I'll let you all know when Laxus gets here." Ur replied with a smile. "I really don't wanna have to repeat myself."


Hearing that, Marin and Shizuka started to giggle while Alfonzo frowned slightly with a hint of envy in his expression.


"Hmm? What's wrong?" Ur asked after noticing Alfonzo's expression. Though, she did not think it was too serious considering how two of his wives were giggling.


"Laxus, the son of a bitch, won't be coming." Alfonzo said in a grudge-filled tone. "He's in Balsam Village enjoying the hot springs with his two fiancées. God damn it, I should be somewhere enjoying myself with my wives, too. Instead, I keep getting interrupted while I'm trying to work on that mother fucking airship. I swear, the world just doesn't want me to finish the damn thing."


Knowing that she was at least partly responsible for Alfonzo's building resentment, Ur could not help but smile wryly while she felt cold sweat sliding down her back. And the fact that what she asked him and the others to come see her for was definitely going to bite into his time to work on his airship wouldn't help, either. Oh, and then there was the fact that the S-Class Promotion Exam was coming up, as well.


When Ur's thoughts reached that point, the cold sweat dripping down her back turned into a stream and she could feel the cloth of her shirt sticking to her back.


'Good thing I'm wearing my jacket over this little tank top.' Ur thought to herself. 'Otherwise, everyone I know would know that something made me nervous. And as the guild master of Fiore's strongest guild, that would make them nervous in return.'


"*Cough* *cough* Anyway, why don't we get down to business." Ur said, her words stopping Alfonzo's tirade. "Here, take a look at this."


As Ur spoke, she reached over to a document that was sitting alone on her desk before picking up and handing it across the desk to Alfonzo.


As Alfonzo accepted the document, he raised an annoyed eyebrow before looking down to read the document in his hand. Meanwhile, both Marin and Shizuka, still giggling to themselves, leaned over to read the document, as well.


"Ah!" Marin exclaimed happily after taking a few moments to read the document. "Mei is coming to magnolia to create an alliance. Then, it will only be a matter of time before she ends up alone with Fonzie and they start opening their hearts to each other. Then, before you know it, a marriage alliance will be on the table to keep the alliance strong for as long as she's the Mizukage."


"You already knew why I called you?" Ur asked with an eyebrow raised. "But what is this about the Mizukage falling in love with Alfonzo and us getting into a marriage alliance with the Village Hidden in the Mist? It doesn't say anything about that in the message."


"Ooh! Does that mean we're gonna have another sister wife?' Shizuka asked as she bounced on her feet while lightly clapping her hands.


On a side note, no one would mention that they noticed Ur's gaze rising and falling with Shizuka's breasts, as they bounced along with her movements, as if she had been hypnotized. In fact, they never even noticed. Nope, not at all. At least that's what Alfonzo and Marin would say if anyone asked them.


"*Sigh* No, it doesn't." Alfonzo said in a tired tone as he laid the message from the Village Hidden in the Mist back down on Ur's desk. "Don't pay attention to Marin, Shizuka. She's just been reading too many of her smutty books. And she's having trouble differentiating between fiction and reality."


"Hmph! I am not." Marin said with a snort while pouting and hammering her fists on Alfonzo's shoulder. "Stupid Fonzie!"


Seeing Marin's reaction, Alfonzo could not help smiling subconsciously. Her current actions making him remember how Elicia used to act whenever he said something to embarrass her right after their memories from their past lives were awakened.


So, with a warm feeling in his heart, Alfonzo raised the arm Marin was pounding on and started gently coming his fingers through her hair.


Almost immediately, Marin's actions made in protest came to a stop as her pout turned into an expression filled with bliss. Then, she leaned into the gentle caresses of Alfonzo's fingers on her scalp as she all but melted away.


Meanwhile, Shizuka, who saw all this happen, started to pout instead. Then, in a manner that could be considered anything but subtle, she grabbed Alfonzo's other hand, raised, and placed it on her head. Then, she looked at him with puppy dog eyes, sending an unspoken message to let him know what she wanted.


And Alfonzo got her message loud and clear, as he started combing his fingers through Shizuka's hair, as well.


Meanwhile, Ur only looked on with a slight smile on her face.


'I wonder what Bianca would think if she saw him like this?' Ur asked herself.


'Ha! That's my god damn son, alright.' Bianca's smooth, deeper than average voice said in Ur's head. 'There's no way someone with my genes would have any problem getting more than a few wives. Hell, if he had less than three, I'd wonder if he was actually playing for the other team.'


Ur could not help but chuckle at the thought of how her old friend might have reacted to the fact that her son had a harem.


"Anyway, you showed us that the Mizukage would be coming here in the future." Alfonzo said, pulling Ur out of her thoughts. "So, what exactly do you want us to do?"


"Since you're already familiar with her, I want you three, four when Laxus comes back, to be her guides while she is in Fiore." Ur replied after shaking the thoughts of Bianca out of her head. "And if she's never tasted your cooking before, perhaps give her a taste. And if she has, then you definitely have to cook at least once while she's here. Otherwise, there may be no chance for this alliance."


"See, even Ur is trying to get Mei into your harem, Fonzie." Marin said with a smile. "Your cooking is unfair in that regard."


"Oh, please stop talking about that." Alfonzo said while shaking his head. "There are already twelve of you, nine of whom I've officially married. Isn't that enough?"


"To quote Cana… *Cough*" Marin replied. She then put on a serious expression as she used her [Transformation Magic] to alter her voice into an exact copy of Cana's and continued. "As the universe expands endlessly, so does the harem… Or something like that. *Giggle*"


Alfonzo could only shake his head once again.


"Anyway, that's all I wanted." Ur said. "So, you can go and make your preparations. Well, not that there's any rush. I'll respond to this message and let her know to come with her entourage after the new year. We've got an S-Class Promotion Exam to prepare for."


"You mean, 'we've' got an S-Class Promotion Exam to prepare for." Alfonzo said as he gestured to himself and Marin while rolling his eyes. "It's not like the guild master ever helps with the set-up, anyway. I mean, hell, does the guild master do anything but write reflection letters to the Council?"


"Shut up, Brat!" Ur said as she picked up and threw a stapler at Alfonzo's face. "Just go and get ready for the exam."


Smirking at Ur, Alfonzo used his [Metal Magic] to stop the stapler mid-flight. Then, he gently laid it back on the desk from where Ur picked it up.


"Fine." Alfonzo said. "We'll get going to make 'preparations.' See you later, Ur."


With that, Alfonzo stopped combing his fingers through Marin's and Shizuka's hair. Then, he took each of them by the hand, turned around, and led them back to the elevator.


"Oh, and Alfonzo." Ur said just before Shizuka pressed the elevator's call button.


"Yeah, what's up?" Alfonzo asked as he looked over his shoulder with a smile.


"*Sigh* I know I've been working you pretty hard for the last few years." Ur said in a sincere tone. "So, after the Mist's visit, I won't bother you for anything unless it's really important. But I really do appreciate everything you do for the guild."


His smile turning gentle, Alfonzo nodded his head without a word. Over the years, Alfonzo's and Ur's bond has become too deep for them to exchange words over something like that.


A moment later, the elevator doors opened. Then, Alfonzo, Marin, and Shizuka stepped inside.


"Oh, and don't forget to come downstairs in about an hour and a half." Alfonzo said with his back to the elevator doors. "I'll be cooking to celebrate Shizuka getting pregnant. And I know you don't wanna miss it."


Hearing that, Ur stood up, happiness written all over her face. However, her expression turned in to a scowl after hearing Alfonzo's next words.


"You're gonna have another two next year…" Alfonzo said while looking over his shoulder with a teasing smile on his face. "Great-Aunt Ur."






As Alfonzo's words ended, the elevator doors closed behind him. At the same time, with great speed, Ur picked up her stapler once again and threw it at him with all her might. Unfortunately, she was just a little too late, and the stapler crashed against the elevator door and broke into many pieces that scattered across the floor.


"Damned brat." Ur grumbled as she flopped back down into her chair. A moment later, however, a smile spread on her face. "Congratulations. Your house is gonna be very lively soon."


The party to celebrate Shizuka's pregnancy happened after that, lasting most of the rest of the day. And when Laxus, Chico, and Saya found out that they missed it, they were all a bit upset. Though, if Laxus had been there, the brawl that brought it to an end would have probably been even more intense than it already was.


As for the rest of the month, the S-Class Candidates were announced a little less than a week after the party. Then, a week after that, the S-Class Promotion Exam took place. And to no one's surprise, the one to be promoted in x788 was Masa, someone everyone thought would have ended up as the one to pass last year.


Then, once the Promotion Exam was complete, everything went back to normal and Alfonzo was able to work on his airship uninterrupted until Tsunade, Kakashi, and a few other shinobi from the Village Hidden in the Leaves arrived in Magnolia to take Obito back to the village to be imprisoned and interrogated just before the calendar closed on x788.

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

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I'm doing my best to get some advanced chapters up, but I'm not very good at holding back from posting before I get a buffer.

Chapitre 655: The Blackbird

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.


January 1, x789.


Early in the morning of a new year, Alfonzo slowly regained consciousness after a night of fun, food, and drinking. However, unlike most mornings, he was actually waking up alone in his bed. And the reason for that was because most of the residents of the house drank themselves into a stupor and were strewn about in various areas of the Mansion on the Lake.


"Ugh!" Alfonzo groaned in discomfort. "My head feels like it's going to fucking explode. I probably should have listened when Cana said that new whiskey she found would even put me on my ass. God damn it…"


With that said, Alfonzo slowly opened his eyes. A few moments later, after his eyes adjusted to the light, he made eye contact with a pair of black eyes that were quite close to his own. Luckily, this was a common occurrence whenever he woke up. So, he was not surprised.


"Mmm… Good morning, Miyuki." Alfonzo said calmly while maintaining eye contact.


"*sigh* I wish you had never woken up." Miyuki, Alfonzo's personal maid replied as she slowly pulled back from suspending her upper body over Alfonzo.


While she was raising to an upright posture, Alfonzo noticed that Miyuki was stealing glances at his lips. However, as the kind and generous soul that he was, he decided not to point it out. Otherwise, he might embarrass his infatuated maid.


'I wonder if she's ever going to kiss me in my sleep.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'From what I've heard, the girls have a bet riding on it. Because of that, they made me set up a secret camera to record the moment if she ever decides to do so… Now that I think about it, even though they have a bet riding on whether she'll kiss me or not, they never set a time limit. So, how do they decide if the ones who bet against it win?'


While Alfonzo was thinking about his mischievous wives little pastime, he glanced at the pin-hole camera that was set up in the clock hanging over the door to his workshop. And he decided that he needed to get all the girls together to watch all the night time activities that camera had recorded over the past year or so.


"Anyway, can you prepare some clothes that I can work in, Miyuki?" Alfonzo asked after returning his gaze to Miyuki. "I'm pretty sure I don't' have anything on my schedule. So, I'm gonna spend all morning working on the airship. I'll take care of lunch, though. I'm sure everyone will need a hangover remedy after last night."


"Understood." Miyuki replied as she turned around and made her way over to Alfonzo's closet.


Meanwhile, Alfonzo flared his magic power. Then, he let a weak electric current run through his body to evaporate all the alcohol that was left in his system. After that, he climbed out of bed and went to take a shower to get rid of the scent of alcohol and ozone.


April 1, x789.


After the new year started, time passed rather quickly, Though, not much of note happened.


However, the one major event that did take place was a big one for the residents of the Mansion on the lake.


On March 23, Mirajane finally had her baby. And it was a beautiful baby girl with brown skin, a shade lighter than Alfonzo's, white hair and grey eyes. And in memory of Alfonzo's and Mirajane's late parents, they named the girl Bianca Elliana Marcus. {A/N: Since the Strauss Siblings parents were never named, I made up a name for their mother. i.e. the baby girl's middle name.}


And the one who was the most excited about the new addition to the family was Amar'e, who spent as much time around his little sister after she was brought back from the hospital as he possibly could.


Other than that, Alfonzo spent as much of his time as he could working on the airship. However, he did not neglect his duties as a husband, boyfriend, father, or wizard during that time.


Instead, he would make time to spend with all of his wives and girlfriends, taking them on dates and trips if they wanted to do so. He spent a lot of time playing with Amar'e and Bianca, and teaching Amar'e everything that he could. And he even took a normal S-Class quest, usually a subjugation request, once a week. He even spent at least two hours a day training.


The only ones who did not get the attention they felt they deserved were the members of his guild. Because despite the fact that they had accumulated more than a few points over the last three months, Alfonzo never accepted any of their requests to redeem them with his cooking.


And when it got bad enough, Ur had to step in, freezing most of the guild to the floor of the guild hall's first floor when they got a bit too rowdy.


But after all the time he spent working on his airship project, Alfonzo was now ready to show off the fruits of his labor. So, a number of people had joined him in the hanger under his mansion to see what he had been working on for so long.


"With all the shit you caused by not cooking for that group of ruffians, this thing better be worth it." Ur, who came for the unveiling of the airship, said in an annoyed tone.


"Well, if I wasn't afraid that someone would send me on another quest, I would have been able to spare the time to cook at the guild." Alfonzo snarked back. "But don't' worry, oh great guild master. Now that I'm finished with my project, I'll be able to cook for those ruffians once again."


"Come on, Fonzie, stop bickering with Aunt Ur." Elicia, with Amar'e in her arms, said in an impatient tone. "I wanna see the airship."


"You're lucky your holding that kid, Lici." Ur growled at being called Aunt Ur. "Otherwise, I'd put you over my knee."


As she spoke, Ur raised her right hand and coated it in ice. At the same time, both Elicia and Ultear shuddered in fear, the latter covering her butt with her hands.


"Yes, hurry up, Alfonzo." Mirajane said with Bianca in her arms, as well. "I want Bianca to be able to see it before she falls asleep, too."



Not only Elicia, Ur, and Mirajane were impatient for the big reveal, but Cana, Laki, Alzack, Ultear, Erza, Marin, Sun, Bisca, Lucy, Saeko, Shizuka, Rika, Irene, Brandish, Heine, Juliet, and the six maids also seemed to be getting rather impatient, as well.


"Seriously, this took even longer to build than this mansion." Cana said playfully while holding a bottle of liquor. "So, it better be good. Or else, I'll be disappointed."


"Oh, whatever." Marin said while playfully swatting Cana's arm. "Since when has anything Fonzie made ever disappointed us?"


"Yeah, everything Alfonzo makes is the best, ya see?" Sun added in a bubbly tone.


"Marin and Sun are right, you know." Ultear added. "Now, stop interrupting. Just let him show us what he's been so busy with."


"Yeah, go ahead, Alfonzo." Lucy added. "The anticipation is killing me."


"Fine… Fine… I'll get to it." Alfonzo said as he turned away from the rest of the group. "Then, prepare to be amazed. Now, may I present to you…"


Once his back was facing the others, Alfonzo laid his eyes on one of the largest tarps he had ever seen. But the tarp was not the important part of today's event. Instead, it was what was under said tarp.


Raising his hands theatrically, Alfonzo flared his magic power and used his [Metal Magic] to levitate the metal strips woven into the edges of the tarp. As he did, the airship, a modified, scaled-up version of the Lockhead SR-71 Blackbird… Or rather, the X-Jet to those who do not know the history of the X-Men's iconic primary mode of transport.


"… The Blackbird." Alfonzo said while his arms were still raised theatrically.


After placing the tarp to the side, Alfonzo turned around to see the expressions of his audience. And he must say, he was not disappointed.


First, there was Ur, who's eyes and mouth were wide open with surprise. Then, there was Elicia, who knew exactly what she was looking at and was basically vibrating with excitement. And because of his mother's level of excitement, Amar'e got more and more excited as time went by, as well.


As for everyone else, they all showed varying levels of shock and awe. The only exception was little Bianca, who was starting to get a bit fussy in Mirajane's arms. It was clear that she was either sleepy, hungry, or needed to be changed. And since Mirajane said that she wanted to get this over with before Bianca got sleep, it was probably the former.


"Impressive." Erza said with her eyes sparkling.


"What… can it do?" Ur, finally finding her voice, asked in a shaky tone.


"Fly." Alfonzo said in the most innocent tone he could muster with an equally innocent smile on his face.


Immediately, Ur's head snapped in Alfonzo's direction with a glare that shouted, "Don't test me, Kid." On top of that, thanks to her agitation, the temperature in the hanger started to drop.


"Alright, alright, chill out… No, bad choice of words…." Alfonzo started to say while raising his hands disarmingly. "Calm down… Yeah, that's it… Calm down, Ur. Take a deep breath. The kids are down here."


"Just. Tell. Me. What. It. Can. Do." Ur said, punctuating every word as she spoke.


"Well, other than the obvious." Alfonzo said, drawing an even harsher glare from Ur. "It has a few built in weapons. One of which is an upgraded Jupiter Cannon. As well as two smaller magic convergence cannons equipped on each wing. It also has a payload of explosive ordinances, stealth capabilities, and can travel at Mach 5 at top speed with a cruising speed of Mach 3.2."


When everyone heard that, they all looked at Alfonzo with disbelief in their gazes.


"Oh, and it could seat all of the guild's S-Class and A-Class wizards plus a few more." Alfonzo added, the pride in his tone almost tangible at this point.


"Levy would have loved to be here for this." Lucy said absent-mindedly after Alfonzo's words had some time to sink in.


As for Levy, like Lucy said, she would have loved to be present for the unveiling of such a magic item that undoubtedly used some extremely high-level [Word Magic] in its operations. Unfortunately, she was off on an S-Class quest with Gajeel at the moment.


"Fonzie! Fonzie! Can we go inside and check it out?" Shizuka asked excitedly.


"Of course." Alfonzo replied while raising his left hand.




Then, Alfonzo snapped his fingers. When he did, the side of the airship folded outwards creating a set of stairs leading into the airships interior.


Then, without waiting, all those present, other than Ur and Mirajane, who still had the fussy Bianca in her arms, rushed into the airship to check everything out. Ikaruga, Grayfia, Maria, Mey-Rin, Ai, and Miyuki followed everyone inside, as well, after receiving a nod from Alfonzo that urged them to just relax and explore.


"Well, I'll come back later to check it out for myself." Mirajane said while rocking Bianca in her arms. "For now, someone needs a nap. And I don't think she's gonna take no for an answer for much longer."


"Okay." Alfonzo said gently as he approached Mirajane. "Well, if the princess needs her nap, then who are we to disagree."


Alfonzo then leaned down and planted a kiss on Bianca's forehead. However, because of the fact that she was rather irritated from being kept from falling asleep, she only started crying… loudly.


Because of that, Alfonzo put on a mock expression of hurt, bringing a smile to Mirajane's face.


"Alright, go ahead." Alfonzo said before pecking Mirajane on the cheek. "I'll personally give you a tour of the Blackbird as soon as you have the chance to take it."


"I'll hold you to that." Mirajane replied before returning the peck on the cheek.


After that, Mirajane turned around and started walking towards the elevator while trying to calm Bianca down, leaving Alfonzo alone in the hanger with Ur.


"You're still here?" Alfonzo asked, pretending to be shocked that Ur was still standing next to him after Mirajane left. "I thought you would have been looking around inside the Blackbird by now.'


"How much?" Ur asked, ignoring Alfonzo's playful words. "How much will it cost to get one of these for the guild?"


Ur's tone was not the only shaky thing about her as she spoke, as her hands were shaking as well. It was clear that she did not want to know the answer to her question, as she was sure that the price Alfonzo quoted would be enough to shave a few years off her life span.


"Well, why don't we head up to my office to discuss any business." Alfonzo said as his expression turned into one a money-hungry merchant might wear while he rubbed his hands together greedily.

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

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I'm trying to get some advanced chapters up, but I really suck at that. So...

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