Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
December, x788.
About a week has passed since Alfonzo dropped Zetsu and Toby off at Porlyusica's house for her to study. During that time, Alfonzo spent all his free time outside of training, spending time with Amar'e and going on a few dates with his wives and lovers, when not designing his airship. And because there were no major interruptions, he has made quite a bit of progress.
Until the sound of a catchy jingle went off from his lPhone, that is.
Looking down at the ringing lPhone, Alfonzo exhaled an annoyed sigh. He then dispelled his [Archive Magic Screens] before picking up the lPhone and putting it to his ear.
"What's up, Ur?" Alfonzo asked nonchalantly. "Don't tell me you've got another quest that only someone of my many, unmatched talents could handle again.'
{"That's not it this time."} Ur replied. {"But I do need you and the team you took to Caelum to come to my office. I have something to discuss with the four of you."}
"I should have known everything was going too smoothly." Alfonzo muttered. "Fine, I'll be there in about half an hour. Gotta get cleaned up, and all that shit."
{"Alright, I'll be waiting."} Ur replied before hanging up the call.
"How rude." Alfonzo muttered as he looked down at the lPhone's screen. "She didn't even say bye."
Shaking his head, Alfonzo stood from the workstation in his bedroom while scrolling through the contact list on his lPhone and spreading his [Magic Power Detection] through the mansion. Then, when he found the name he was looking for, he tapped it before putting the lPhone to his ear.
{"What's up, Alfonzo?"} Laxus asked from the other side of the phone call.
"Ur said she needs to talk to us about something." Alfonzo replied as he walked over to his closet and started rifling through his clothes. "She wants me, you, Marin, and Shizuka in her office in half an hour."
{"Sorry, no can do."} Laxus replied. {"I'm in Balsom Village with Chico and Saya. You'll just have to handle this without me."}
"*Sigh* Of course you are." Alfonzo grumbled in an annoyed tone. "I really need to follow your example and just leave for awhile so that Ur can't keep calling me in for shit like this."
{"Yeah, right."} Laxus said with a chuckle, his amusement audible in his tone. {"Like the next guild master could do something like that."}
Hearing that, Alfonzo involuntarily shuddered.
"Don't even put that fucking evil on me, Laxus Dreyar." Alfonzo growled. "Just from writing apologies to the Council because of Grey, Natsu, Erza, and Cana, I'll end up with carpal tunnel in less than ten years."
{"I'm sure you can get around that with that living metal of yours, though."} Laxus replied, the chuckle in his tone even more evident. {"I mean, it's supposed to heal everything, isn't it?"}
"Sometimes I hate you so much." Alfonzo said as he pulled a set of clothes out of his closet.
{"Don't worry, you'll have my vote whenever Ur decides to retire."} Laxus said before laughing uproariously as he hung up the phone call.
"Damn that bastard." Alfonzo grumbled once again as he texted Marin and told her to get ready for a trip to the guildhall.
Shizuka, on the other hand, was already at the guild hall. She had a shift in the infirmary after all.
Not long later, Alfonzo had taken his shower and got dressed, with Miyuki's assistance. Then, he headed out of his bedroom, running across Marin on the way. After that, they left the house and started walking towards the guild hall.
"So, what do you think Ur wants?" Marin asked curiously while walking hand in hand with Alfonzo.
"Who knows." Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "But it definitely has something to do with the Kingdom of Caelum and/or the Village Hidden in the Mist."
"I could have told you that." Marin said while rolling her eyes playfully. "I mean, she did ask to see the team that went there, after all."
"Yes, yes. Our Marin is super smart." Alfonzo said in a playful tone as he started combing his fingers through Marin's hair with his free hand.
Smiling in return, Marin leaned into Alfonzo's intimate actions. Then, she smiled a very Cheshire smile as she looked up at Alfonzo.
"Maybe it's because Mei, the new Mizukage is coming to visit for an alliance." Marin said, her erotic novel logic coming into play. "But that would only be a front. The real reason Mei is coming here is because she wants to see the man who helped her end the civil war with so little casualties. Then, she'll suggest a marriage alliance. That way, she would be able to kill two birds with one stone and make the alliance even tighter."
"*Sigh* Some times I think you read too many of those books." Alfonzo replied while continuing to comb his fingers through Marin's hair. "Anyway, let's just get to the guild hall. I'm sure Ur will tell us everything when we're in her office."
Nodding with a big smile on her face, Marin let go of Alfonzo's hand. Then, she wrapped her arms around his arm and continued walking towards the guild hall.
A few minutes later, Alfonzo and Marin arrived in the guild hall. When they did, the usual rowdy atmosphere was present. Then, they took a step towards the infirmary. However, the sound of a young teenage girl's voice drew their attention in that direction.
"Why aren't they as nice as the ones you make, Big Sis Lici?" Little Elicia, asked Elicia, who was sitting at one of the tables in the guild hall sketching a new clothing design.
"It's because you don't have the same passion as I do." Elicia replied with a smile without looking up from her sketch pad. "Making clothes that everyone loves takes a lot of passion and determination, you know."
Apparently, Little Elicia had made enough improvement in her [Arc of Embodiment Magic] to start trying to recreate the clothes that Elicia makes and sells. Unfortunately for her, something about them was different from the ones Elicia makes.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo and Marin were surprised to see Little Elicia, Alfonzo, more than Marin. However, it was not because of the fact that she was able to make clothing with her magic. Instead, it was because there was a little, yellow creature with short fur all over its body, a long, lightning bolt-shaped tail with a brown tip, four legs, the front having five short fingers while there are three sharp toes on its back legs, long yellow ears with black tips, and red circles on its cheeks standing on Little Elicia's right shoulder.
"Hey, is that…?" Marin asked while pointing at the small creature on Little Elicia's shoulder.
"Yeah, it's one of the little doodles Lici drew." Alfonzo said while rubbing the bridge of his nose. "It looks like Little Elicia thought it was cute so she made one for herself with her magic."
Feeling Alfonzo and Marin's stares, the little yellow creature on Little Elicia's shoulder turned its head in their direction. Then, it tilted its head cutely as the red circles on its cheeks turned slightly yellow and electricity sparked on them.
"Pika?" The little yellow creature said in a cute, high-pitched voice.
That was enough for Marin to begin swooning immediately.
'*Sigh* Girls just can't get enough of Pikachu's cuteness.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I guess the world doesn't matter. Still, I wonder just how much Lici told her about Pikachu.'
As Alfonzo thought, Elicia, while taking a break from drawing her next collection in the guild hall, and began to doodle, drawing pictures of some of the Pokémon she found cute from her past life. However, when she was doing so, Little Elicia happened to pass by with Romeo. And when she saw the drawing of Pikachu, she got excited immediately.
Then, Little Elicia stopped whatever it was she was doing and started asking Elicia all sorts of questions about what she had seen. And Elicia, being as careless as usual, also having forgotten that Little Elicia could bring her imagination to life with [Arc of Embodiment Magic], explained everything she could remember.
And last night, Little Elicia had finally created a Pikachu that she was satisfied with. Then, she got the idea to try and create some more of her favorite things. Namely, the clothes that Elicia made. However, the clothes she created with her magic, although they looked the same as the ones Elicia sewed, never felt as nice when she put them on.
Little Elicia continued to try making clothes she had seen in Elicia's shops, in her size, of course, for hours last night. Unfortunately, she ran out of magic power before she could make anything she was happy with. As a result, she fell asleep, sleeping all the way until morning.
The next day, Gracia woke up Little Elicia, and was surprised to see all the clothes scattered on the floor. However, she figured that she had created them with her magic. But what really surprised her was the cute, little, yellow creature that was curled up on the bed next to her daughter.
Even so, Gracia woke up her daughter and got the story from her during breakfast. Then, she took the girl and her Pokémon to the guild hall so that she could do her job as a guild waitress while Little Elicia went to train with Ur.
Meanwhile Ur, though surprised to see the creature, Pikachu, only praised Little Elicia for her improvements. Then, they got straight to training.
After training, Little Elicia waited around for the older Elicia to ask her about why the clothes she made felt so different. And that was when Alfonzo and Marin came to the guild hall.
"Huh? What's wrong Pikachu?" Little Elicia asked after feeling the weak electrical current on her shoulder. She then looked back and saw Alfonzo and Marin approaching from the guild hall's entrance. "Oh, Big Brother Alfonzo, Big Sis Marin. Hey!"
"What's up little lady?" Alfonzo asked with a smile.
"O!M!G! it's so cute!" Marin shouted as Pikachu waved its little hand from Little Elica's shoulder.
"Isn't she?" Elicia said while puffing out her chest with pride. "She's my new friend, Pikachu. Pikachu, say hi."
"Pi-Pikachu!" Pikachu said energetically.
While Marin continued to gush over Pikachu's cuteness, Alfonzo approached Elicia, who was smiling nervously.
"We're gonna have to have a talk later." Alfonzo whispered.
"*Sigh* I know." Elicia replied while lowering her head. "I never thought she would be able to make one when I told her about it. At least not so soon. I thought that by the time she could, she would have forgotten about what I told her a for a long time."
"And that's why I always tell you we have to be careful about what we tell people." Alfonzo said while shaking his head. "Either way, at least it's only a Pikachu. They're not particularly strong. Plus, Little Elicia didn't have all that much magic power when she created it. So, it shouldn't be able to get too strong, either."
"I hope you're right." Elicia said as she gripped the pencil in her hand a little tighter. "I'm sorry, Fonzie."
"It will be okay." Alfonzo said as he pulled Elicia into a one-armed hug.
A few moments passed while Alfonzo and Elicia cuddled and Marin asked Little Elicia everything she could think of about Pikachu.
"By the way, why are you back, Fonzie?" Elicia asked curiously. "I mean, after training, you went back home to work on the airship, right?"
Alfonzo could only exhale an exasperated sigh when he heard Elicia's question.
"Ur called me over." Alfonzo said as he let go of Elicia. "She said it was important. So, I came to see what she wanted."
Alfonzo then stood to his full height and shook his head.
"I swear, it's like she doesn't want me to finish the airship." Alfonzo said while continuing to shake his head. "But she should know that she'll get one for the guild when I'm done."
"It's probably because she knows you'll charge her an arm and a leg for it." Elicia said with a smile. "And she knows that she won't be able to turn it down."
"Well, she already bought a leg from me once." Alfonzo said with a shrug and a smile. "So, she should be used to it, shouldn't she?"
In response, Elicia rolled her eyes. Then, she turned back to her sketch and started drawing again.
"Anyway, don't keep Ur waiting." Elicia said. "You know how she gets when she's impatient."
"*Sigh* Fine…" Alfonzo drawled. He then turned around and started walking towards the infirmary again. "I'll be back in a minute. I need to get Shizuka. Then, we'll head up to Ur's office with Marin."
"Oh, speaking of Shizuka." Elicia said, raising her head once again. She then smiled brightly as she continued. "She said she had something to talk to you about. She wouldn't tell anyone what, though. But I have a pretty good idea."
Though he did not turn around, Alfonzo smiled at Elicia's words. Then, after a few moments, he was standing outside of the infirmary. Inside, Ren was bandaging Romeo, who must have hurt himself during training. Meanwhile, Shizuka was sitting at her desk and writing something down while humming happily with a smile on her face.
*Knock!* *Knock!*
"Hey, everyone." Alfonzo said with a smile. He then looked towards Ren before continuing. "Mind if I borrow Shizuka for a little bit? Ur wants to see us."
"Yeah, I know." Ren replied with a nod and a smile of her own. "She's been waiting for you."
Before Ren finished speaking, Shizuka slammed into Alfonzo and wrapped her arms around his neck while looking up at him with a big smile on her face.
"Fonzie! Fonzie! I've got good news for you.' Shizuka said in an excited tone.
"Oh, what's the good news?" Alfonzo asked as he wrapped his arms around Shizuka's waist.
"I had a checkup with Ren this morning, and it finally happened." Shizuka said before hopping up and pecking Alfonzo on the cheek.
On a side note, Romeo, though he did not understand why, could not take his eyes off Shizuka's breasts when they bounced thanks to her little jump.
"I'm pregnant!" Shizuka shouted happily. "We're gonna have a baby."
Smiling just as happily, Alfonzo tightened his grip around Shizuka's waist. Then, he lifted her off the floor and spun her around excitedly.
"It looks like the guild is lucky." Alfonzo said after putting Shizuka down. "We'll have a party to celebrate the good news and I'll do all the cooking."
Hearing that, not only Shizuka cheered, but Ren and Romeo did, as well. Not long afterwards, Alfonzo left the infirmary with Shizuka, picked up Marin, and entered the elevator to head up to Ur's office.
Merry Christmas for those who celebrate it. And Happy Holidays to those who don't.
I'm gonna try and get at least one more chapter of each of my stories up on Patr3on today. So, if you wanna read those, check it out at:
And thanks for reading, I hope you're enjoying the story so far.
Comment or throw some stones at me if you like the chapter. And review the book if you like the story as a whole.
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