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76.61% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 533: Amar'e Marcus

Chapitre 533: Amar'e Marcus

Earth Land, Ishgar, Bosco, Undisclosed Location. 


August 12, x787. 


"Cucucu!" A man with snake-like features laughed after hearing a report from his most useful subordinate. "So, you're telling me that one of the coming Chunin Exams will be held in the Village Hidden in the Leaves? And it will be held jointly with the Village Hidden in the Sand?" 


"Yes, Lord Orochimaru." The snake-like man's, Orochimaru's, subordinate, Kabuto Yakushi replied while bowing politely. 


"Excellent." Orochimaru replied with a devious smile on his face. "This will be the perfect opportunity to get my revenge on both Sensei and the village. Cucucu." 


After they were freed from prison by Junko, along with Mayuri Kurotsuchi and Nemu, Orochimaru and Kabuto fled the Kingdom of Fiore. And while Mayuri and Nemu returned to their home continent, the two rogue ninja set up a series of hideouts in Bosco, a country bordering Fiore to the north. On top of that, Orochimaru has been recruiting subordinates, mostly missing nin from the different Hidden Villages, along with the occasional traditional wizard, as well. 


"What are your orders, Lord Orochimaru?" Kabuto asked respectfully. 


"I want you to send a message to the Kazekage." Orochimaru replied. "Tell him I'd like to meet and discuss an alliance against the Leaf." 


"Are you sure they will accept?" Kabuto asked skeptically. "The Leaf and the Sand are supposed to be Allies, after all." 


In response, Orochimaru scoffed before looking away. 


"The only reason the Sand signed an alliance treaty with the Leaf was because if they didn't, they would have been completely wiped out in the last war." Orochimaru said disdainfully. "So, I'm sure they would be interested in returning the favor. And with that arrogant fool, Rasa as the new Kazekage, I'm sure it won't take much in the way of convincing to get him to agree with my plan." 


"Understood." kabuto said, still speaking in a respectful tone. 


With that, kabuto finally straightened up. Then, he turned around, preparing to leave and draft the message to send to the Village Hidden in the Sand. However, just before he left the room, he heard Orochimaru speak once again. 


"It's too bad Kimimaro and Guren were lost back then." Orochimaru said in a wistful tone. "They would have been quite useful in killing Rasa. *Sigh* Now I'll have to come up with another way to do it without being discovered." 


Although his tone said that he regretted the loss of two of his subordinates, Kabuto knew Orochimaru well enough to know that he was only regretting the fact that he could no longer use them. 


"Perhaps, I might have a suggestion to solve that issue, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto replied, stopping before he left the room. 


"Hmm?" Orochimaru intoned, his eyes urging Kabuto to continue. 


"Perhaps we should contact the woman who aided our escape from prison." kabuto said. "Though it may cost us, I'm sure she would relish in the opportunity to cause chaos and despair." 


Hearing that, Orochimaru's devious smile widened. Then, he shot an approving gaze in Kabuto's direction. 


"I truly am grateful that you were brought in alive, Kabuto." Orochimaru said. "Cucucu. It truly would have been a shame if I had lost you." 


"You honor me with your praise, Lord Orochimaru." Kabuto said, once again bowing respectfully as he did so. 


With that, Kabuto was finally allowed to leave the room, leaving Orochimaru alone. 


"I'll be able to complete more than one goal with this plan." Orochimaru said to himself. "Not only will I be able to kill Sensei and destroy the village, but I'll be able to get my hands on the perfect vessel, as well. I may have failed to get my hands on you, Itachi, but you left an even better vessel in the village for me. And once he is marked with my [Cursed Seal of Heaven], it will only be a matter of time before he comes to me of his own volition. Cucucu." 


Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia. 


At the same time, Alfonzo, Elicia, Shizuka, Ikaruga, and Miyuki were at the hospital in Magnolia. Porlyusica had also come to the hospital, as well. Currently, they were in the maternity wing of the hospital, as Elicia would be giving birth today. However, she would not be giving birth by natural means. Instead, she would be having a C-Section. 


And although Elicia really wanted to give birth naturally, she was advised not to do so by both Porlyusica and Shizuka. The reason? Alfonzo and Elicia's baby was expected to be more than eleven pounds at birth. And once Elicia heard that, she stopped protesting immediately. 


So, Elicia was currently in a delivery room with Porlyusica and Shizuka while Porlyusica performed the C-Section and Shizuka assisted her. Meanwhile, Alfonzo, who had been thrown out of the room, was sitting with the two maids and waiting to hear the cry of his first born child. 


"Are you okay, Master Alfonzo?" Miyuki asked after seeing Alfonzo sitting in the waiting area with his head lowered. "There is no need to worry, with Miss Porlyusica and Miss Shizuka in there, Mistress Elicia will be fine." 


"Yeah, I'm alright." Alfonzo replied while trying to calm himself down. "I'm just really fucking excited." 


With that said, Alfonzo raised his head while smiling brightly. 


When they saw Alfonzo's smile, Ikaruga and Miyuki were both taken aback. They expected Alfonzo to be a bundle of nerves from having to wait. But he was so excited, neither young woman knew what to think. 


Seeing Ikaruga and Miyuki's shocked expressions, Alfonzo dialed back his excitement a bit. 


"I know what the two of you are thinking." Alfonzo said while still smiling, though not quite as brightly. "Yeah, I'm nervous. I mean, I'm about to be a father. I have no idea how I'll do. But I'm not scared. I know Lici will be fine. I mean, the best doctor in the world is performing the procedure. So, what is there to worry about?" 


Seeing how much Alfonzo trusted Porlyusica, Ikaruga and Miyuki could only nod their heads in understanding. However, before the two maids could respond to Alfonzo's speech, the quiet atmosphere of the hospital was broken. 


"Fonzie! We're not too late, are we?" Cana, who had been reporting a completed quest to Ur when she got the call that Alfonzo had taken Elicia to the hospital, shouted as she came running down the hall. 


"No, you're not late. Alfonzo replied with an awkward smile. "You should probably keep your voice down and stop running in the hospital, though." 


When Alfonzo gave his advice, it was not only meant for Cana. Because Ultear, Erza, Mirajane, Marin, Sun, and Lucy were following her quickly. However, it was not just his fiancées who were storming through the halls of the hospital, either. Accompanying them were Gildarts, Ur, and all of their friends from the guild who were not away on quests. 


Meanwhile, there were several nurses chasing the wizards of Fairy Tail while repeatedly asking them to be quiet and not to run. Naturally, they were completely ignored. 


"Oh, yeah, I guess we should be quiet in a hospital." Ultear muttered in an embarrassed tone. 


"Anyway, where is Lici?" Marin asked curiously. "And why aren't you in the delivery room with her?" 


"Because she's having a C-Section." Alfonzo replied. "And Porlyusica kicked me out." 


"Seriously?" Ur asked in a shocked tone. "Just how big is your baby gonna be?" 


"Well, Porlyusica said it would weigh more than eleven pounds." 


Hearing that, all the parents in the guild were dumbfounded. Those without children, however, were also amazed. Though, not nearly as much as the wizards with children. 


"That's insane." Macao muttered. "Romeo only weight 7 and a half pounds when he was born. Yet, Enno said she felt like she was carrying a-whole-nother person for months. I can only imagine how Elicia must have felt." 


"Yeah, and I haven't heard her complain even once.' Mirajane added. "She never really had any mood swings or morning sickness, either." 


"And that just proves that Lici is built different.' Cana said, sounding proud of her best friend. 


"Yeah, she didn't even scream when she got hit with Cana's [Super Nova] spell two years ago." Ultear added. 


"Now that you mention it..." Cana muttered, stopping to remember that fight. 


"It's true." Erza added with a nod. "Elicia truly is strong in both body and heart." 




Before the conversation could go on any longer, however, the sound of a crying newborn could be heard from behind the door opposite the crowd of Fairy Tail wizards. And before anyone could react, Alfonzo was covered in violet arcs of electricity before he vanished from in front of everyone and reappeared in front of the delivery room door. 


Despite his eagerness to slam the door open and enter the delivery room, Alfonzo somehow managed to keep himself in control and waited for either Porlyusica or Shizuka to open the door and let him in. Unfortunately, the wait took longer than he expected. And that was because Porlyusica was stitching up the incision from the C-Section. 


But the door was eventually opened before too long. And when it was, Porlyusica was standing in the doorway with her ever-present scowl. However, when she saw Alfonzo's expression filled with anticipation, she let a small smile make it onto her lips. 


"Congratulations, Alfonzo, you're the father of a healthy baby boy." 


Alfonzo smiled brightly at Porlyusica's announcement. A moment later, she stepped aside, allowing him into the delivery room to see his wife and son. Naturally, the members of the guild tried to follow him inside, as well. However, before they could enter, Porlyusica, with her usual scowl back on her face, stepped forward to block their path. 


"Hey, we wanna see the baby, too!" Natsu shouted. 


Immediately after his shout, Natsu ducked his head when Porlyusica glared in his direction. Then, Porlyusica let her glare sweep over the rest of the wizards, causing the others to duck their heads, as well. 


Eventually, Porlyusica raised her hand. Then she pointed at a few of the wizards present. 


"You, you, you, you, and you." Porlyusica said, pointing at Cana, Marin, Sun, Ur, and finally Gildarts as she spoke. "You five may enter. But the girl needs rest. So, you can't stay for long." 


Hearing that, Cana, Gildarts, Ur, Marin, and Sun all nodded their heads in understanding. Meanwhile, the rest of the guild, especially the rest of Elicia's harem sisters, were disappointed. However, they did understand that Elicia had to be tired after just giving birth. 


However, before Porlyusica allowed the five to enter, she glared at Gildarts as hard as she possibly could. 


"As for you." Porlyusica said in a stern tone while continuing to glare at Gildarts. "I know you were friends with those two's parents. That's the only reason I'm letting you in, despite your habit of breaking anything and everything you come in contact with. But if you break anything in this room or do anything to cause the girl any undue stress, you won't like the consequences." 


In response, Gildarts shuddered. He knew that was not an idle threat. And it scared him. For some reason, despite the passive amount of magic power he releases, not one of Porlyusica's brooms has ever been destroyed when she swung it at him. On top of that, they've always hurt much more than the worst pain he's ever felt. Even when he lost an arm, leg, and had his stomach ripped apart by Acnologia could not compare. 


"I understand, Miss Porlyusica." Gildarts said with his back straight as an arrow. 


Porlyusica continued to glare at Gildarts skeptically. However, she did eventually let him and the other ladies into the room. And when they eventually entered, what they saw was Shizuka smiling at Alfonzo and Elicia. Meanwhile, Elicia, who was barely conscious thanks to the anesthesia, was smiling up at Alfonzo, who was holding the newborn baby with a smile on his face and tears in his eyes. 


The new born was small, especially when compared to Alfonzo. Yet, he had features that favored both Alfonzo and Elica. However, since his eyes were still closed, it was impossible to tell whose eye color he inherited. Still, that did not take away from the newborn's cuteness. 


"Thank you... Thank you, Lici.... Thank you so much." Alfonzo muttered over and over while looking into his son's face. 


Seeing how excited Alfonzo was about his first born, Cana, Gildarts, Ur, Marin, and Sun could not help but be happy for him. Sun even started crying along with Alfonzo. Then, they approached the new parents. 


"Elicia, how are you feeling?' Ur asked as she reached Elicia's bedside and took Elicia's hand gently. 


"Tired..." Elicia replied without taking her eyes off her husband and son. "Tired.... but oh so blessed." 


"O.M.G. He's, like, super-duper cute!" Marin squealed as she approached Alfonzo and the baby. 


"Uh huh!" Sun intoned while nodding emphatically. He looks just like the two of you." 


"Yeah, the kid is probably gonna be a heart breaker just like his old man when he grows up." Gildarts added with a grin. "I bet Hughes is gonna be really wary of the kid when he gets older, despite the fact that little Elicia is, like, eight hears older than he is." 


Hearing that, Alfonzo, Elicia, Cana, Ur, Marin, and Sun could not help but giggle. 


"I want a baby, too." Shizuka muttered while continuing to stare at the newborn in Alfonzo's arms. 


That caused the room to fall silent. However, Cana, Marin, and Sun were all thinking the same thing after seeing Alfonzo and the baby. Even Ur glanced at Gildarts for a moment. 


"Well, at least her baby will never go hungry." Cana muttered while staring at Shizuka's breasts. A moment later, she shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts, then she turned her attention to Alfonzo and Elicia as she continued. "Anyway, what's his name?" 


"Now that you mention it, you never told us what you would name him." Marin added. 


"That's because they never found out if it would be a boy or a girl." Gildarts said. 


"So, now that you know, what's his name?" Sun asked excitedly. 


"I wanna know, too." Shizuka added after snapping out of her daze and starting to clean up the tools used for the C-Section procedure. 


Even Porlyusica looked at the new parents in curiosity. 


Hearing their questions, Alfonzo finally looked away from his son's face. Then, he turned his attention to Elicia. 


"Well, what's his name, Lici?" Alfonzo asked, sounding just as curious as everyone else. "We agreed that if it was a girl I would name her and you would name a boy, right? So, what you got?" 


For a moment, Elicia's exhaustion seemed to be blown away. Then, with the brightest smile anyone had ever seen, and considering how often Elicia smiled, that was saying something, she opened her mouth to reply. 


"His name is Amar'e... Amar'e Marcus." Elicia said proudly. "Now, let me hold my baby." 


Smiling in return, Alfonzo once again looked at his son, Amar'e. 


"Well, Mommy has spoken." Alfonzo said gently. 


Then, he carefully handed Amar'e to Elicia, who, despite her exhaustion, held him steadily. 


With that, they continued to chat for a short while. However, Cana, Gildarts, Ur, Marin, and Sun were eventually asked... or rather, ordered to leave by Porlyusica so that Elicia could get some rest. Alfonzo stayed for a while longer. However, visiting hours eventually ended, and Alfonzo was asked to leave as well. Meanwhile, Amar'e had already fallen asleep in Elicia's arms after being fed. And Elicia, after letting Porlyusica put Amar'e in a bassinette, fell asleep as well. 

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

I actually didn't mean to post this as early as I did. But I didn't reel like taking it down and reposting later. So, don't forget to vote when the day changes, please!

Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.

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Chapitre 534: Heading Back to the Village Hidden in the Leaves

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Valley of the End.


November 1, x787.


Around two and a half months have passed since Amar'e was born. And his birth brought a wave of positive feelings to the wizards of Fairy Tail. Everyone was excited to meet the newest member of their family and enjoyed playing with the little bundle of joy.


Especially Little Elicia. She had decided that she would be Amar'e's big sister. So, she tried her best to teach him everything she knew about everything.


Naturally, this put Maes on guard. However, since Amar'e was only an infant, there was nothing he could do. Besides, he knew if he let his overprotective nature get out of control, he would have to deal with Alfonzo and Elicia. And even worse than the two of them, he would have to deal with Gracia.


Meanwhile, while taking care of Amar'e, Elicia, during her recovery from child birth, began practicing the magic power control exercises from the Village hidden in the Leaves that Alfonzo had stolen and copied from Danzo's base. And when she found out how easy it was to walk on walls and water with the assistance of her magic power, she was completely dumbfounded.


As it turned out, she could have been doing that for years. Her magic power control was far more advanced than what was necessary. However, since she never equated magic power to chakra, she had never tried it.


Along with the magic power control, Alfonzo, Elicia, Ikaruga, and Irene also spent a lot of time working on the hand signs employed by the shinobi. However, instead of using them to cast the Jutsu they learned from the village, they studied how the magic power in their bodies moved when they performed each hand sign. That way, they would be able to cast Ninjutsu and Genjutsu without using the hand signs.


On a side note, even though he was not supposed to teach anyone other than the four who first traveled to the Village Hidden in the Leaves, Alfonzo also taught Laki some of the stuff he learned from all the information in Danzo's record room. Namely, all the [Wood Style Ninjutsu] Danzo had records of.


And Alfonzo could not wait until Laki had mastered all of it. Though, she probably would not be able to use the [Sage Arts] the First Hokage, Hashirama Senju, was known for, he could see her putting her own spin on all of his Jutsu. Especially since even before learning [Wood Style Ninjutsu], she had managed to use [Nativity of a World of Trees] on her own.


Training was not the only thing the wizards of Fairy Tail did after Amar'e's birth, however. The Harvest Festival had come and gone, as well. And like the year before, the Thunder God Tribe claimed victory in the Battle of Fairy Tail Tournament. Also like the year before, they were not satisfied with their victory, as Team Steel Threads did not participate in the tournament.


The miss Fairy Tail Pageant also took place earlier in the day. And this time, perhaps thanks to her fame after winning the Miss Fiore Pageant, Mirajane won. And as soon as she did, she walked up to Alfonzo and told him that she wanted to get married soon.


However, Mirajane was not the only one. Ultear, Marin, Lucy, and even Shizuka, made the same request. So, it was decided that Alfonzo would hold a grand, five-way wedding with them next year.


On top of the Miss Fairy Tail Pageant and the Battle of Fairy Tail Tournament, the Fantasia Parade also occurred on the day of the Harvest Festival. And like every year, it was a great success. And this year, Alfonzo and Cana, who had gotten married at the end of last year, were chosen to be the King and Queen of the Fairies. And all the members of Fairy Tail were grateful for it.


With Cana acting as the Queen of the Fairies, she had much fewer opportunities to break anything. So, there was a lot less work for the rest of the guild during the parade prep stage.


Then, the day after the Harvest Festival, Alfonzo finally married Erza and Sun. And like his other two weddings, the ceremony and reception were held in the mansion. Also like other years, Alfonzo sang during the two first dances.


For Erza's dance, Alfonzo sang "Let's Stay Together" by Al Green. Though, that caused their first dance to be a little faster paced than usual. However, that did not seem to bother Erza, as she danced rather enthusiastically.


The highlight of the evening, however, was the song Alfonzo sang to, or rather, with Sun. The two, both accomplished singers, sang a duet during their first dance. And the song was "spend My Life With You" by Eric Benét and Tamia.


The reception went on for hours after that. And Amar'e was the life of the party. Everyone wanted a chance to hold him. And Amar'e seemed to enjoy the attention. However, as an infant who was only a few days older than two months, he eventually fell asleep and was put to bed and cared for by the maids.


After the reception, Alfonzo began preparing for his return to the Village Hidden in the Leaves. And on the first of November, the day to return finally arrived. This time, instead of bringing Elicia, Ikaruga, and Irene, Alfonzo brought Wendy, Saeko, and Rika. And as his personal attendant, Miyuki was also allowed to come with them, as well.


Although Alfonzo was only allowed to bring three additional people with him due to the rules stipulated by the village, he was allowed to bring an additional person because Hiruzen had requested that Wendy come along. So, Miyuki was added to the roster. On top of that, Carla also came, as she went everywhere that Wendy went.


And now, the group of six were standing around the S 600 and waiting in the Valley of the End for their escort from the village. And the reason for that was simple. Despite the fact that Alfonzo knew the way to the village, Hiruzen still wanted to keep it a secret from the others. So, like last time, everyone other than Alfonzo would be blindfolded.


"Are you sure they asked me to work at the hospital, Alfonzo?" Wendy asked, a bit nervous because of the responsibility she would have during this trip. "I mean, I'm not that good at healing."


"Calm down, Wendy." Alfonzo said while smiling gently and rubbing Wendy's head. "You've been helping in the infirmary at the guild, haven't you? And we've all seen how much you've improved over the last two years, or so. You'll do fine."


Because of Alfonzo's head patting, Wendy lowered her head with a blush on her face. And despite what it looked like, Wendy had not developed romantic interest in Alfonzo. She was only blushing because Alfonzo was still treating her like a child.


In the last few years, Wendy had not grown much. From 4'11" when she was 12, Wendy, now fifteen, had grown to 5'1". And she was still as petite as ever. Though, she had filled out her frame a little more. She had also developed more feminine curves. She had also started wearing her long blue hair in twin tails. In all, she had grown into quite the beautiful young woman.




Seeing how embarrassed Wendy was, Carla, who was still the same size as she had been since the day she met the wizards of Fairy Tail, flew up and slapped Alfonzo's hand away from Wendy's head before landing and standing in front of Wendy protectively.


"Alfonzo is right, Wendy." Carla said while glaring at Alfonzo like a mother lion protecting its cubs. "You've improved a lot. You just have to believe in yourself like the rest of the guild does."


After the slight falling out Wendy and Carla had at Mermaid Heel's Headquarters and the subsequent heart-to-heart, Carla had lessened her overprotective nature towards Wendy. However, she was still hellbent on keeping Wendy from getting too close to Alfonzo… except for during meal time, that is.


Carla, though not in stature, had also grown quite a bit in the last few years. She had taken it upon herself to learn [Transformation Magic from Panther Lily. With her new magic, Carla had gained the ability to take a human form. However, because of the limited space in the magic vehicle combined with the fact that it used quite a bit magic power, Carla remained in her little cat form most of the time.


Still, she had trained in magic power and magic power usage extensively. So, she was now able to help Wendy when she took quests without the rest of Team Natsu. And the two have become even closer than before thanks to their shared adventures and struggles as wizards.


"Carla's right." Saeko said with a smile. "There were a few times that I would have ended up seriously injured if you weren't at the guild when I came back from a quest. You have truly become quite the accomplished healer and magic doctor, Wendy."


"Yeah, you've helped my team more than a few times, too." Rika added. "I don't know if Kohta would still be alive if it weren't for all the times you've healed him."


Like Rika said, Wendy had healed Kohta more than a few times after he returned from quests with Alzack, Bisca, and Rika.


Over the years, Kohta and Rika had been accepted as part of Alzack and Bisca's team, as they were both skilled in the use of magic guns. However, Kohta often ended up injured because he had been training with Rika in the ways of a knight from the Special Forces Unit. Meaning, Rika had trained Kohta in weapons other than magic guns. So, he often fought on the front lines with a spear or sword. And due to his inexperience in real fights, he had been injured quite a few times, some of those injuries being rather serious.


On a ppositive note, Kohta had lost a lot of weight over the last two years. And although he was not as fit as someone like Gray or Natsu, he was much slimmer. Though, that did have a downside, as well. For example, he spent a lot of money on smaller clothes. Not to mention getting replacements for all the clothes that were damaged on quests.


Hearing the encouragement from the others, Wendy clenched her fists in front of her chest while putting on a determined expression.


"I'll do my best." Wendy said quietly. "I won't let the guild down."


Seeing that, Alfonzo, Saeko, and Rika smiled at the younger girl. Meanwhile, Carla nodded her head in approval. Miyuki, on the other hand, looked towards the forest.


"master Alfonzo…" Miyuki said. "There are four people approaching."


After hiring Miyuki and the other maids, Alfonzo had made a point of teaching them [Magic Power Detection]. And thanks to their training in magic power control and usage, they all learned it quickly. They were all adept in its usage, as well. And Miyuki, who had activated her [Magic Power Detection] ever since the group exited the S 600 had just picked up some unfamiliar magic power signatures.


"I know." Alfonzo replied, though he did not seem to be concerned at all.


Not only Miyuki and Alfonzo had noticed the approaching presences, but Wendy, Carla, Saeko, and Rika had also noticed them. However, like Alfonzo, none of them seemed to be concerned, either.


A moment later, Alfonzo stepped away from the rest of the group. Then, he raised his hand.


"[Dynamic Entry]!"




In the next instant, the group heard a shout from the forest. Then, faster than everyone other than Alfonzo and Rika could comprehend, a foot slammed into Alfonzo's raised hand.


"Hey, Guy." Alfonzo said with a smile while holding the foot that slammed into his hand. "You've gotten a lot faster since I left. How much more weight have you been training with in these few months?"


Just like Alfonzo said, the one who had attacked Alfonzo was Might Guy of the Village Hidden in the Leaves. And he was so fast that everyone under the very peak of A-Class reserves could not even see him move.


"Alfonzo, my friend!" Guy said happily. "It's good to see you again. And it looks like you've grown, as well. Your youth looks to be exploding splendidly!"

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

Because of a few complaints about his name, I changed Amari to Amar'e, like the former power forward of the Pheonix Suns, Amar'e Stottlemeyer. So, I hope that fixes the issues anyone has witht he name. And if it doesn't... Oh well.

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