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70.3% Fairy Tail: Metal and Threads / Chapter 489: To Blue Pegasus

Chapitre 489: To Blue Pegasus

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia. 


July 1, x786. 


"They just left the town." Irene muttered while watching the Escalade leave Magnolia's town gate through her [Magic Power Detection]. "Looks like the intel was correct." 


"Yeah, but I couldn't get their destination out of her." Brandish replied. "Only that they were leaving." 


Currently, Irene and Brandish were discussing how to handle Alfonzo's departure from Magnolia. However, because they had no idea where he was going, they did not know if it was a good idea to follow. And the fact that all of Fairy Tail was suspicious of them made the decision even more difficult. 


"That's not important." Irene replied casually. "The issue is raising their suspicion any further if they realize one, or both, of us are following them." 


Brandish nodded in agreement. 


"Then, what do you suggest we do?" Brandish asked in a solemn tone. 


"*Sigh* Honestly, I'm not sure." Irene replied. "If it weren't for this detection method, I would just follow them while staying hidden. But things are more complicated than that." 


Once again, Brandish nodded her head in agreement. Unfortunately, neither woman had a good idea of what they should do about the current situation. 


"Well, you should just keep doing what you've been doing." Irene said after thinking for a while. "Even though the one called Erza is not here, you can still continue to interact with Marin and Lucy." 


"*Sigh* I really hope she invites me over to their house more often." Brandish muttered as she thought about her interactions with Marin. "She talks way too animatedly about her hobbies in public." 


In response, Irene grinned sadistically. 


"Yes, I can understand why you'd rather not talk about those books in public." Irene said as she made a copy of Saint Slippery's Academy for Girls 2 appear in her hand. "These books are rather... risqué." 


Irene then opened the book to a dog eared page. Then, she began to read the page allowed. 


Immediately, Brandish's face turned as red as her companion's hair. A moment later, she realized that Irene was reading her favorite part of the book. After that, Brandish's face paled rapidly as she ran into her bedroom to find her copy of the book. 


"Ahh~~~~~~~~~!" Brandish screamed after she realized her copy of the book was missing. Then, she ran out of the bedroom, only to see Irene smirking at her. 


"I would have never expected that you would be into books like this one, Brandish." Irene said while waving the book back and forth. "I wonder what Dimaria would think of this information." 


Immediately, Brandish paled even further. Then, she dashed towards Irene with desperation in her eyes before dropping to her knees and pressing her forehead to the floor. 


"Please, Irene, don't tell anyone back home about this." Brandish said in a pleading tone. "If they ever found out, my reputation would be ruined." 


Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Open Road. 


"No one's following us." Alfonzo muttered while steering the Escalade. "I was almost certain that Irene would be following us from a distance." 


"She still might." Erza said in a serious tone. "You mentioned that woman's [Magic Power Detection] range being quite vast, correct?" 


"That's right." Alfonzo replied with a nod. "But since I doubt she has any idea how big my range is, she's probably wary." 


In actuality, Irene's range was much larger than Alfonzo's. Unfortunately, she had no way to judge that. Also, she was well aware that Alfonzo was able to feel her surveillance. So, even if she kept him at the very edge of her detection range, he would still be able to feel her tracking his location. 


"It's still hard to believe that she's that much stronger than Gildarts, though." Mirajane said as she reached over from the passenger seat and gripped Alfonzo's hand nervously. "And we still have no idea what she wants." 


"We don't even know if she's really here because of God Serena." Sun added. 


"Please, don't call him God." Alfonzo said while squeezing Mirajane's hand reassuringly. "He's just a dickhead with an over inflated ego. Sure, finding that many Dragon Slayer Lacrima is impressive, but he didn't have to work nearly as hard as Gildarts to get as strong as he is. Hell, Even Brandish has probably worked a lot harder than he did. Especially when you consider that she's about the same age as Lucy." 


"*Sigh* And what does that say about us?' Mirajane said while shaking her head. "Me, you, Lici, Tear, and Erza are all two years older than her. But she's got more magic power than any of us." 


"There's probably a reason for that, though." Erza said. "We focus more on magic power control than just recklessly increasing our magic power." 


"I guess you're right." Mirajane replied. "If we were only focused on increasing our magic power, especially with the training chambers making strengthening our bodies so much easier, we would probably have crazy amounts of magic power." 


"On top of that, we focus on compressing our magic power, too." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "Not to say Brandish doesn't. But all of us have much denser magic power than she does. It's just that she's got enough to over compensate." 


Hearing that, the three ladies nodded their heads. 


"But we've also got the [Soul Armaments]." Alfonzo continued. "And those give us a huge advantage over wizards at a similar level." 


Once again, the ladies nodded. 


"Well, as long as they don't attack, we don't have anything to worry about." Sun said while smiling happily. "And if they do, we'll show them why it's a bad idea, ya see." 


"Damn right, we will." Alfonzo said with a strong nod. "For now, let's just focus on getting stronger. Hopefully, they'll give us enough time to catch up." 


"Yeah." x 3 


With that, the group of four decided to drop the subject. Instead, they talked about the things they could do in Onibus, the town closest to Blue Pegasus guild hall. 


"Oh, I almost forgot." Mirajane said as she placed a finger on her lower lip. "What are we gonna do about gravity training while we're away from the guild. No one ever mentioned that after your other two trips." 


"Oh, that's simple." Alfonzo replied. "I can increase the gravity in an area with my [Electromagnetism Magic]. Unfortunately, I can't exclude the oxygen from the effect without the accompanying sigils. So, we can do gravity training, but you'll have to be careful like we used to before my trip to Mermaid Heel." 


"Okay." Mirajane replied. 


"Got it." Sun replied. 


"Understood." Erza replied with a nod. 


With that, the rest of the trip went on without issue. And when Alfonzo felt that they had finally left Irene's detection range, he breathed a sigh of relief. 


Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Onibus. 


A few hours after Alfonzo, Erza, Mirajane, and Sun left Magnolia, the members of Blue Pegasus, who were not out on quests, were sitting around the guild hall. And while most of them were just chatting with the people they usually hung out with, there was one green-haired woman who was grumbling. 


Sitting at the same table as the green-haired woman, Karen Lilica, was a light blue-haired woman who just received a drink order. With the drink in her hand, the light blue-haired woman, Sorano Agria, found Karen's antics rather amusing. 


"I swear, if he didn't bring her with him, I'm going to kick his ass." Karen said in a disgruntled tone. 


"You really need to give up, Karen." Sorano said with a smile while swirling a cocktail. "It's clear Elicia isn't interested in you like that." 


"Shut up, Bitch." Karen replied harshly. "You have no idea what you're talking about. It's clear she wants me as her pet. Didn't you see the way she tied me up and threw me in that room before forgetting me?" 


Shaking her head, Sorano could not help but remember the night before Alfonzo and Elicia's wedding when Elicia did exactly as Karen said. However, it was clearly not because Elicia was interested in having Karen as a pet. 


Instead, it was because Karen was causing a ruckus over the fact that Elicia would not cancel the wedding. Then, when Elicia was tired of hearing her repeat the same thing, she used her threads to gag and tie up Karen before throwing her in the only remaining guest room. 


"Whatever you say." Sorano said before taking a sip from her drink. 


"Now, now, now, ladies." Ichiya, who had overheard Karen and Sorano's conversation, made his way over to the table they were sharing while wearing his best smile. "There's no reason for such lovely flowers like the two of you to fight. Instead, we should have a cup of---" 


"[Ring Magic: Twister]." Karen chanted while pointing her right hand at Ichiya. 


In the next instant, a column of swirling winds was fired from the ring on Karen's right index finger. Then, Ichiya, without enough time to resist, was blown away before slamming towards the wall behind him. 


"Men~~~~~~~~~~!" Ichiya shouted as he flew through the air. 




"Ichiya~~~!" Ren, Hibiki, and Eve shouted as they ran towards their mentor. 


"Even if I wanted a cup of tea, I damn sure wouldn't be drinking it with you!" Karen said disdainfully. 


"*Sigh* If nothing else, he sticks to his guns." Sorano said while shaking her head. A moment later, she looked in a particular direction. "Still, I hope Alfonzo gets here soon. Master Bob is freaking me out." 


Hearing Sorano's words, Karen could not help but look in the same direction. At the end of their lines of sight, Bob, the master of the Blue Pegasus guild, was constantly checking himself out in a hand mirror while touching up his make-up. 


"Yeah, I don't even like the guy, but I wouldn't subject him to whatever Master Bob has got planned for him." Karen said as she looked away from her guild master. 


"Seriously." Sorano added as she, too, looked away from Master Bob. "Making himself up like that is not gonna make him switch guilds." 


At that moment, the sound of high heels clicking against the floor could be heard approaching the table where Karen and Sorano were seated. Naturally, those clicks drew the two ladies' attention. 


However, Karen and Sorano's reactions were completely different after seeing who was approaching. While Sorano nodded at the new arrival with a smile, Karen snorted and turned away. 


"What's up, Jenny?" Sorano asked. "Need something?" 


"I was just curious to know about Alfonzo Marcus." Jenny replied cheerfully. 


Jenny, or Jenny Realight, was a beautiful young woman with big blue eyes and wavy blonde hair tied into a ponytail that reached the middle of her back, bangs that frame her face, full lips, and a slim-yet very curvaceous, figure. 


Accentuating her beauty and highlighting her figure, Jenny wore a light pink, calf-length, strapless dress with a slit on the left side that started above her hip, matching high heels, a cream colored sash wrapped around her waist, and a flower with large petals in her hair on the right side of her head. 


Jenny also wore quite a few pieces of jewelry, as well. Namely, a pair of earrings, a necklace with a number of rectangular plates, three bracelets on her wrists, one on the left and two on the right, and a ring on her left pinky finger. 


"Oh, does our little Jenny have a crush?" Sorano asked in a teasing tone. 


"Maybe." Jenny replied with a smile. "He's really quite handsome." 


"Tch!" Karen clicked her tongue disdainfully. "He really is just a playboy. Lici is too good for him." 


"How is this even his fault?" Sorano asked while looking at Karen incredulously. 


"Tch!" Karen once again clicked her tongue. 


"Anyway, that's not why I'm asking, though." Jenny replied. "It's more for my magic." 


"Ah~~~, that makes sense." Sorano replied. "Yeah, all the stuff he creates would go well with your [Take Over: Machina Soul], which allows you to take on the abilities of different kinds of machinery. So, getting him to build stuff for you could seriously increase your firepower." 


"That's right." Jenny replied with a nod. "And from what everyone says, he's the best magic item craftsman on the continent. So, I wanted to know what the chances of him making something for me would be while he's here." 


"Honestly, I don't know him well enough to answer that question." Sorano replied with a shrug. "But all you have to do is ask when he gets here, right?" 


"You're right." Jenny said with a nod. 


"Tch!" Karen clicked her tongue for a third time. "He's nothing but a dog in heat. I would say just flash a little leg and he'll be putty in your hands. But you've already got that taken care of." 


"Don't mind her." Sorano said while waving off Karen's scathing words. "Alfonzo's not that bad. Just be careful, he doesn't play around when it comes to money. So, you might end up paying a lot more than you expect for anything he makes for you. Then again, with his skill, it will definitely be worth it." 


Nodding her head once again, Jenny continued chatting with Sorano about what would be the best way to get Alfonzo to agree to make something for her, while ignoring Karen's disgruntled mumblings. Their conversation eventually came to an end, however, when the doors to the guild hall opened, revealing the silhouettes of four people, one man and three women. 

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029

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Chapitre 490: Blue Pegasus' Welcome

Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Onibus.


July 1, x786.


As Alfonzo, Erza, Mirajane, and Sun entered the Blue Pegasus guild hall, the entire guild hall fell silent. A moment later, however, a red carpet rolled from the back of the guild hall to its main entrance. Then, Ichiya, who had miraculously recovered from Karen's attack, appeared at the end of the red carpet opposite the entrance.


"Here he goes again." Sorano said in an exasperated tone. "Karen, couldn't you have hit him harder?"


"You know it wouldn't have made a difference." Karen replied in just as exasperated a tone as Sorano.


At the same time, Karen and Sorano noticed that Jenny had disappeared from where she stood in front of their table.


"Friends from Fairy Tail, welcome." Ichiya, with a red rose in his hand, said as he started walking down the red carpet.


At the same time, Eve, Hibiki, Ren, and Jenny appeared on either side of the red carpet, each with a basket in their hands. Then, in unison, the four reached into the basket and began throwing flower petals into the air.


"*Sigh* No matter how many times I've seen it, this never gets any less cringe." Alfonzo muttered while rubbing his temples.


In response, Erza, Mirajane, and Sun nodded their heads vigorously while hiding behind Alfonzo.


"Hey, Alfonzo..." Mirajane said in atone filled with trepidation.


"What's up, Mira?" Alfonzo asked, having an idea what she was about to ask for.


"Can you make me a new car?" Mirajane asked. "I just remembered that I forgot something back at the mansion."


"Me, too." Sun added. "It's really important, too."


"Indeed, a new car sounds like a necessity." Erza said while shuddering. "And I think a four seater would be for the best."


Alfonzo could only shake his head in response. AT the same time, Ichiya, the Trimens, and Jenny were drawing nearer. Everyone also knew that Ichiya was speaking. However, they all tuned him out shortly after he started. Unfortunately for the four Fairy Tail wizards, after a certain point, it was impossible to tune him out any longer.


"Now, please allow us to entertain you properly, friends from afar." Ichiya said from directly in front of Alfonzo while smiling brightly.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ichiya reached past Alfonzo, intending to take Erza's hand. Before he could do so, however, Alfonzo's hand shot out and clamped around the shorter man's wrist.


"We talked about this the last time you tried to put your hands on my fiancée, didn't we, Ichiya?" Alfonzo asked with a friendly smile.


Despite the fact that Alfonzo's smile was so friendly, no one was under the illusion that he was happy. Even Ichiya, despite his my-pace attitude, could feel cold sweat forming on his back.


"You're right, Alfonzo." Ichiya said with a smile that was only a moment away from crying. "I only wanted to greet our allies."


"I see." Alfonzo replied, not losing his friendly smile.


In the next instant, Alfonzo released Ichiya's wrist. Then, he extended his hand for a handshake.


"Well then, it's good to see you again, my friend." Alfonzo said.


Smiling brightly, Ichiya thought that Alfonzo had finally understood his gentlemanly spirit. That notion changed rather quickly after he grasped Alfonzo's hand, however.


"My, what a firm handshake." Ichiya said, cold sweat dripping down his forehead thanks to the pain in his right hand. "A firm handshake is the mark of a gentleman."


"You think so, too?" Alfonzo asked. "Although I didn't get to spend much time with him, my father always said the same thing."


With that, Alfonzo released Ichiya's hand. Ichiya, on the other hand, grasped his right hand with his left. Then, with the ugliest smile anyone present had ever seen, he replied.


"I see. He must have been a truly great man, then." Ichiya said. Then, he turned around and quickly walked away. "Well then, I'll leave the rest of the welcome to the Trimens and Jenny. If you'll excuse me."


Though Ichiya covered his hand quickly, everyone on the guild hall saw that it was rather swollen. On top of that, it had turned almost completely purple. And while the Trimens were concerned about their mentor, since Ichiya left the welcome to them, they would welcome the guests with the best of their ability.


Jenny, on the other hand, was thoroughly surprised by Ichiya's exit. Like the others, she knew what had happened. However, instead of being wary of Alfonzo, who hurt one of her guild mates, she looked at him with sparkling eyes.


A moment later, just as Ichiya had instructed, Jenny was the first to approach the Fairy Tail wizards. Then, she hugged Alfonzo's right arm and looked up with stars in her eyes.


"Wow! You're so strong." Jenny said coquettishly.


Looking down, Alfonzo made eye contact with Jenny.


'Damn, she really is pretty.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'It's no wonder she's giving Mira a run for her money as Sorcerer Weekly's top model.'


["Yeah, but Mira is definitely prettier."] Bedlam said. ["But you're right. It's no surprise she became Miss Fiore and the top model in Sorcerer Weekly after the canon Fairy Tail disappeared in x784."]


["Hmph! Lici is prettier."] Riot said after snorting in disdain. ["If she wanted to be a model, she would definitely be the most popular."]


In unison, Alfonzo and Bedlam rolled their eyes at Riot's simping for Elicia.


"You must be Jenny Realight, right?" Alfonzo asked with a smile. "It's nice to meet you."


In reply, Jenny's smile widened. Meanwhile, Mirajane felt her eyebrows twitching in irritation. Unfortunately, before she could intervene, Eve, Hibiki, and Ren made their way over and began their usual act.


Though, it could be seen that Ren was not as passionate about entertaining the female guests as usual.


'I guess it's not the same for Ren now that he's got Sherry, huh?' Alfonzo thought to himself as he allowed himself to be led to a table by Jenny.


Not only Alfonzo, Erza, led by Eve, Mirajane, led by Ren, and Sun, led by Hibiki, were also ushered to the same table. Then, once everyone was seated, the four Blue Pegasus wizards engaged them in conversation.


It should be noted, however, that none of the Trimens had the courage to touch any of the ladies from Fairy Tail. Especially since Ichiya's state after trying to touch Erza still fresh in their minds.


Jenny, on the other hand, was practically glued to Alfonzo. And Alfonzo could only smile wryly for the duration. Even though he was enjoying the feeling of Jenny's body pressed against him, he was unsure how much longer Mirajane, whose teeth he could hear grinding together, could hold back from beating her up.


After a few minutes, and just before Mirajane reached her boiling point, Bob, who was tired of being ignored, stood up from his seat at the bar. Then, with his hips swaying back and forth, he made his way over to the table where the Fairy Tail wizards had been seated.


"So, how was the trip from Magnolia?" Bob asked in a coquettish tone while batting his eye lashes at Alfonzo.


"Master Bob." Alfonzo said as he stood from his seat while separating himself from Jenny. "The trip was good. Thanks for asking."


"That's good." Bob replied as he got even closer to Alfonzo. "We still need to discuss the arrangements for the training chambers. Why don't you follow me to my office?"


Hesitantly, Alfonzo nodded his head.


"Sure, why not?" Alfonzo said.


"Great!" bob exclaimed happily. "Then, let's go."


With that, Bob hugged Alfonzo's arm and started pulling him towards a door to the side of the bar. Meanwhile, Erza, Mirajane, and Sun had to stifle their giggles after seeing Alfonzo's expression.


"Master really seems to like Alfonzo, huh?" Jenny asked while watching Alfonzo and Bob walk away.


"He doesn't seem to be the only one." Mirajane said sharply.


Immediately, Jenny's attention was drawn towards Mirajane. And as soon as she made eye contact, her eyes lit up.


"Wow! It's Mirajane!" Jenny exclaimed as she stood up from her seat. A moment later, after circling around the table, she had Mirajane's hands grasped in her own. "You and Karen are my idols. The two of you are the reason I got into modeling."


"Uh... Thanks..." Mirajane, taken off guard, replied awkwardly. "I'm glad I had such an impact on an aspiring model."


"That's right." Jenny said with a smile. "And like you and Karen, I wanna be the top model in Sorcerer Weekly one day."


Hearing that, Mirajane's awkward expression changed in an instant, replaced by a sharp, competitive one. Jenny, however, did not seem to notice this change. Instead, she continued to gush about how much of an inspiration Mirajane had been for her.


"Uh oh..." Sun murmured. "It looks like the Old Mira's coming out."


"Indeed." Erza replied. "We haven't seen this side of her since we made that deal about the Miss Fairy Tail Pageant last year."


"Yup." Sun said while nodding vigorously. "And after talking so big, she didn't even win."


Immediately, Sun shrunk back while smiling sheepishly when Mirajane's intense glare landed on her. A moment later, however, Mirajane returned her gaze to Jenny.


"Anyway, I look forward to the challenge." Mirajane said while smiling challengingly. "Unfortunately, you're at a severe disadvantage in this competition. All my clothes are made by my sister, Elicia Marcus Taylor."


Once again, Jenny's eyes lit up.


"That's amazing!" Jenny exclaimed excitedly. "Do you think you could introduce me to her? Even though I've bought some clothes from the Taylor Shop, I've never been there when she's there. So, I've never been able to get a custom dress. Instead, all my outfits are made by Eri Hirano."


"Eri Hirano... isn't that Kohta's mom?" Sun asked while tilting her head cutely.


"That's right." Erza replied with a nod. "Elicia has been trying to reach an agreement with her to either cooperate or buy out her company."


"Wow! Really?" Jenny asked, turning her attention from Mirajane to Erza and Sun.


"Yeah." Sun replied with a nod. "Lici said she really likes the clothes Mrs. Hirano makes and wanted to work with her."


By now, Jenny's eyes were as bright as torch lights as she continued to discuss with the three Fairy Tail ladies. Meanwhile, Eve, Hibiki, and Ren could only look on awkwardly. They were being completely ignored by the ladies they were trying to entertain, for a woman, no less.


"I get the feeling we're not needed here." Eve said while scratching the back of his head.


"Well, it's not like I was here for them, anyway." Ren replied as he turned his head away. "I was only doing it because Ichiya said so."


"We can't be discouraged." Hibiki said. "Even if we can't engage them in conversation, there are other things we can do."


With that, Hibiki stood up before making his way over to the bar. Meanwhile, Eve and Ren watched their teammate's actions.


A few minutes later, Hibiki returned while carrying a platter with four teacups and a pot of steaming hot tea. Then, in an elegant manner, he placed a cup of tea in front of each of the ladies.


"My lovely ladies, something to quench your thirst." Hibiki said with a smile.


Acknowledging Hibiki with nods, the four ladies continued to chat while occasionally taking sips from their teacups. Meanwhile, Hibiki stood nearby, refilling the cups whenever they were emptied.


Seeing that, Eve and Ren were enlightened. Standing up, they also rushed back to the bar. Then, they ordered snacks and finger foods to go along with the tea. A few minutes later, Eve and Ren were standing nearby with Hibiki, acting as butlers.


On a side note, after taking care of his swollen hand, Ichiya decided now that Alfonzo was not around, he would try to talk with Erza. And for the first few minutes, though Erza was clearly recoiling due to his fervor, nothing happened. So, Ichiya got bolder in his actions. Eventually, he tried to take Erza's armored hand to plant a kiss on its back.




Before he could even touch Erza's hand, however, the sugar spoon floated out of the sugar bowl. Then, at high speed, it slammed into the side of Ichiya's head, knocking him out on impact.


"Ichiya!" The Trimens exclaimed in shock and concern after seeing Ichiya's fate.


At the same time, they vowed to themselves that they would never try to touch Alfonzo's lovers ever again, especially if he was nearby.


Meanwhile, Sorano could only shake her head while drinking her cocktail.


"*Sigh* He'll never learn." Sorano said. "What makes it even worse is the fact that he's trying this with someone's fiancée. Where did all that talk about being a gentleman go?"


"All is fair in love and war, as they say." Karen replied. "Still, it does bring down his self-proclaimed image of a gentleman."


"Yeah." Sorano replied with a nod. "Anyway, I'm gonna go over there to greet our guests. You coming?"


"Hmph!" Karen snorted disdainfully.


Despite that, Karen stood up and started walking towards the table where the Fairy Tail wizards sat.


Once again, Sorano could not help but shake her head.


"She's such a tsundere." Sorano said with a smile. A moment later, she finished her cocktail before standing up, as well. "She's even worse than Ren."

SixthSense1029 SixthSense1029


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