Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Akane Beach.
March 2, x786.
During dinner, Alfonzo explained the concept of the [Soul Armaments] to Winry, Edward, and Alphonse. Then, after everyone was done eating, he showed the trio to the guest rooms. A few moments later, he then took Marin, Sun, and Lucy to the master bedroom. And while his three girlfriends took some time to take a bath after their long trip, Alfonzo went back out into the hallway.
And just as Alfonzo expected, Edward and Alphonse were standing in front of the guest rooms they were given, waiting to talk to him.
"The two of you couldn't wait until morning, huh?" Alfonzo asked while smiling wryly.
"We've been waiting for this for a long time." Edward said in a solemn tone.
"Yeah, I'm ready to get my body back." Alphonse added just as solemnly. "Though, we're really not expecting too much. But your idea might lead us in the right direction."
Seeing Edward nod in agreement with his brother's words, Alfonzo could only smile wryly. He was not surprised that the Elrics did not have full confidence in his idea. He is not an Alchemist, after all.
"I understand." Alfonzo replied with a nod. "Well, why don't we head down to the living room and get comfortable while we talk."
In response, Edward and Alphonse nodded their heads as they started walking down the hall.
"Oh, and Winry, you should join us, too." Alfonzo added before he started walking.
Immediately, Edward and Alphonse came to a stop and looked back at Alfonzo. At the same time, Winry's door slowly opened, revealing Winry, who was embarrassed to be caught eavesdropping.
"Winry?" Edward asked in a confused tone. "I thought you said you were going to sleep."
"Well… I was." Winry replied sheepishly. Though, it was clear to see that she was worried about Edward and Alphonse. "But when I heard the three of you talking, I got curious."
"Brother." Alphonse said, drawing Edward's attention. "Since she's already awake, we should just let her come with us."
"Fine…" Edward muttered in a huff as he started walking again.
With that, the quartet moved down to the living room on the villa's first floor. Then, they all took seats on the two sofas in the room, with Winry, Edward, and Alphonse seated on one and Alfonzo, facing the trio, seated on the other.
"Well, before I give you my theory about how to get your bodies back, can you tell me the whole story behind how you ended up that way?" Alfonzo asked while gesturing at Edward's left arm and right leg, as well as Alphonse's entire body.
While Winry looked at them in worry, Edward and Alphonse exchanged glances. Then, after receiving a nod from Alphonse, Edward took a deep breath before looking into Alfonzo's eyes.
"When we were young, our mother lost her life during an epidemic." Edward said in a solemn tone.
From there, Edward went on to explain that when it happened, their father was nowhere to be found. So, they started studying [Alchemy] much more seriously. And after eventually meeting their teacher, Izumi Curtis, who happened to visit their town, they became her students.
Then, after training for several years, they left Izumi's tutelage before returning to Resenbool. And with much more knowledge at their disposal, they committed [Alchemy's] greatest taboo. [Human Transmutation], in an attempt to bring their mother back to life.
Thinking they had made all the preparations necessary, they drew the [Human Transmutation Circle] on the floor of the basement in their home. Then, they activated the [Circle]. At first, everything seemed to be going smoothly. They even saw the materials they gathered form a human body.
However, that was when everything went wrong. Instead of the vibrant blue color they were used to when using [Alchemy], the [Transmutation Circle] began glowing in an ominous dark color. Then, an eye opened up in the center of the [Circle]. And after that, both Edward and Alphonse were sucked into the circle.
"The next thing I knew, I was standing in a white space with a large gate hovering behind me. And in front of me, there was… a being of some kind…" Edward said in an apprehensive tone. "He said his name was Ankhseram, the God of Life and Death. But being a scientist… an Alchemist… I didn't really take him seriously."
"Neither did I…" Alphonse added. "At least, not back then, anyway."
"Anyway, he basically told us that I would be punished for trying to break the cycle of life and death." Edward continued. "But he also mentioned that because I used [Alchemy], a type of magic that follows the laws of equivalent exchange, he had to provide me with something equal to the punishment I would receive."
"Same here." Alphonse added.
"Then, as punishment, it took my right leg from below the knee." Edward continued.
"And he took my whole body." Alphonse supplemented.
"And in exchange, I received a large amount of [Alchemic] knowledge." Edward and Alphonse said in unison.
"And when I got back to the real world, I was bleeding from the stump where my right leg used to be." Edward said. "On top of that, I couldn't find Al anywhere.'
"Yeah, my body was gone, after all." Alphonse said. "But I was still there. I was in that human body we created, though."
"Wait, seriously?" Winry, who had been silent and on the verge of tears since the brothers started telling their story, shouted in surprise. "You never told me about that."
"Well, I couldn't remember that, at first." Alphonse replied while scratching the side of his helmet.
"And when he remembered, we didn't think it was important enough to mention." Edward said, slightly panicked at the tears welling up in Winry's eyes.
"I actually don't think it's all that big of a deal, either." Alfonzo replied. "If I had to guess, Al's disembodied soul was just latching on to the closest thing it could."
"How do you even know things like that?" Edward asked with a strange gaze.
"Like I said, I've done some research into the soul." Alfonzo replied. "Otherwise, I would have never been able to create the [Soul Armaments]. Anyway, let's keep going."
Though Edward was still interested to know more, as Alfonzo had never gone into great detail about his research into the soul, he nodded his head and continued onto the conclusion of the story.
"Right." Edward said, his tone becoming solemn once again. "Anyway, after not finding Al, I panicked. Not wanting to lose the only family I had left, I used my blood and the new knowledge I had just obtained to draw a seal on the inside of a suit of armor that was stored in the basement. Then, while sacrificing my left arm, I bound Al's soul to it."
"After that, once I was conscious again, I rushed Ed to Winry's house to get his injuries taken care of." Alphonse said, bringing an end to the story.
With the end of the Elric Brother's story, the living room fell into silence. A few moments later, under the gazes of the three sitting in front of him, Alfonzo broke that silence.
"Well, I expected Ankhseram to be involved in [Human Transmutation] at some level." Alfonzo said while rubbing his chin. "And your story confirmed it. As a result, I'm even more sure of my hypotheses."
Hearin ghat, Edward and Alphonse straightened their backs before leaning forward in interest. Meanwhile, the light of hope began shining in Winry's eyes.
"And what is that hypothesis." Edward asked, sounding a bit impatient.
"Actually, I have two theories." Alfonzo replied. "The first is to perform [Human Transmutation]. Then, exchange Al's soul for your arm, Ed…"
"There's no way in hell!" Edward shouted angrily.
"Chill out, Dude." Alfonzo said while smiling wryly. "I'm not done."
"Ed, let him finish." Alphonse said in a consoling tone.
In fact, the reason Edward and Alphonse reacted the way they did was because they had also considered that solution.
"Anyway, after exchanging for your arm, Ed." Alfonzo continued. "You'd have to give up something pretty big to get Al's body back. And I'm thinking something on the level of your ability to use [Alchemy], along with all the knowledge you received from the first time you used [Human Transmutation], as a cost."
Hearing that, Edward and Alphonse could not help but lower their heads. Other than the [Alchemic] knowledge they received, their own theory about getting their bodies back was identical to Alfonzo's. On top of that, it would still leave Edward with an artificial right leg.
"*Sigh* that's almost exactly what we thought, too." Edward replied in a slightly downcast tone. "But we held off on doing it until we could hear your theory."
"I see." Alfonzo replied with a nod. "Well, since you two know more about [Alchemy] than I do, I guess I should have expected that."
"Still, for someone who doesn't practice [Alchemy], that was really impressive." Alphonse said, trying to console Alfonzo, thinking he might be disappointed that he could not tell them anything they did not already know.
Shrugging in response, Alfonzo only smiled at Alphonse's attempt at consolation.
"Well, if that's the same as what they were thinking, what's the other hypothesis you came up with?" Winry asked, the hope in her eyes still not extinguished.
At that moment, Edward and Alphonse also remembered that Alfonzo said he had two theories.
"Oh, that one is much simpler." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "Use a Philosopher's Stone."
Immediately, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse showed signs of rejection.
"No way!" Edward shouted in defiance.
"Do you know how Philosopher's Stones are even made?" Alphonse asked in a put off tone.
Meanwhile, Winry remained silent. However, she looked at Alfonzo with disappointment.
"Alright, alright, don't look at me like that." Alfonzo said while smiling wryly and raising his hands disarmingly. "Before you burn me at the stake for heresy, hear me out, at least."
Though the three remained silent, they did give Alfonzo a chance to explain himself.
"Yes, I know that Philosopher's Stones are made with human soul's as their main ingredient." Alfonzo said, starting his explanation. However, he had to raise his hand to gesture for Edward to let him finish once again when he reached that point. "And that's why I think it's the best bet for you two to get your bodies back."
Though Edward and Alphonse were clearly disgruntled by Alfonzo's line of thought, they allowed him to continue without interrupting.
"And the reason for that is simple." Alfonzo continued. "It's because Ankhseram is the one you'll be trading with to get your bodies back."
This time, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse could not follow Alfonzo's train of thought. So, they looked at him with gazes that asked him to continue… quickly.
"Well, as you said earlier, Ankhseram is the God of Life and Death." Alfonzo said, answering the silent request. "And a Philosopher's Stone is filled with the souls of those who were kept from the cycle of Life and Death."
When Alfonzo reached that point, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse began following Alfonzo's line of thinking.
"So, if you offer those souls back to Ankhseram, he would more than likely be willing to trade you for what you want." Alfonzo said, smiling brightly as he noticed the understanding in the trio's gazes.
"Damn, why didn't we ever think of that?' Edward asked as he slammed his fist on the coffee table between the two couches.
"You answered that question already." Alfonzo replied with a shrug. "Because as scientists… Alchemists... you didn't believe in Gods, right? But I guess you've come to accept the fact that Gods are real over the years. Otherwise, you wouldn't have accepted my line of thinking so readily. It must have just been your pride as Alchemists getting in the way."
"*Sigh* You're probably right." Alphonse said while nodding in agreement. "Also, the thought of sacrificing souls to benefit ourselves didn't sit well with us, either."
"Yeah, but when you think about it as the souls being returned to the cycle of life and death, it doesn't sound so bad anymore." Edward said.
With that, the atmosphere around Edward and Alphonse became much more positive.
"Um… But there's still a problem." Winry said, hesitant to break up the happy atmosphere.
"What do you mean?" Edward asked.
"We would still need a Philosopher's Stone, right?" Winry asked. "And I don't think it's right to sacrifice people to make a new one."
Immediately, Edward and Alphonse froze in realization. Then, the atmosphere surrounding them started turning gloomy.
"You don't have to worry about that." Alfonzo said, cutting through the gloomy atmosphere while waving his hand dismissively. "I actually have a pretty big Philosopher's Stone. And from what my [Armament Spirits] said, there are at least a few dozen souls trapped inside. So, I really don't think there will be a problem."
Hearing that, the three childhood friends opened their eyes wide in surprise.
"But why would you have something like that?" Edward asked skeptically.
"Seriously, Dude, don't' look at me like that." Alfonzo said while smiling wryly. "Lici gave it to me after taking a quest last year, which happened to be a trap set by the homunculus. And they used a pendant made from a Philosopher's Stone as the item to be retrieved."
In response, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse breathed sighs of relief.
"Anyway, you can give it a try when I get back to magnolia." Alfonzo said as he stood from the couch. "I don't have a habit of carrying something like that with me, after all. And it's locked up tight in a safe at my new mansion."
"We've waited this long." Edward said in a resolute tone. "So, waiting a few more weeks won't kill us."
Winry and Alphonse nodded in agreement while Alfonzo nodded in understanding.
"Alright, then that's settled." Alfonzo said with a smile. "And now, I'm going to bed. I'll see you three tomorrow."
Then, while receiving good night wishes from Winry, Edward, and Alphonse, Alfonzo left the room and headed to the master bedroom. And after chatting for a few more minutes, Winry, Edward, and Alphonse headed to their own rooms, as well.
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Era.
March 15, x786.
After his conversation with Edward and Alphonse, Alfonzo enjoyed the time he had at Akane Beach. As a group, he, Marin, Sun, Winry, Lucy, Edward, and Alphonse spent a lot of time just having fun. Though, Alfonzo did make time to have finish his motorcycle. He even made time to take each of the girls for a ride. He also managed to keep its key out of Winry's hands.
On top of taking the motorcycle for a spin, the group spent a day at the Akane Resort doing everything they could to have fun. They also spent time playing on the beach and just relaxing, as well.
However, like all good things, the vacation eventually came to an end. And when it did, on March 13, Marin, Sun, Winry, Lucy, Edward, and Alphonse all piled into Lucy's 1500 and made their way back to Magnolia. Meanwhile, Alfonzo boarded Sixth Sense and set sail for Era.
At the present, Alfonzo was only about half an hour out from the Magic Council's port. And if everything went as it was supposed to, he would be an hour early for his appointment with the Magic Council.
"*Sigh* I really need to make more time to just relax like that." Alfonzo said while steering the ship. "I feel so refreshed after only doing the things I wanted to do, rather than the things I had to do."
["Yeah, a little R&R is good for the soul."] Bedlam added. ["Hell, even Riot seems a lot less angry than usual."]
["Fuck off…"] Riot replied without even looking in Bedlam's direction.
["But seriously, what do you think this summons from the Magic Council is about?"] Bedlam asked, his expression turning much more serious. ["I mean, we've known about it for a month. But we really haven't spent any time thinking about it."]
["I bet they want Alfonzo to build a state of the art HQ for them."] Riot said with a sneer. ["And when they do, I'm sure they'll end up properly fleeced."]
"Well, I hope that's all they want." Alfonzo said while checking the sea chart. "But something tells me it's gonna be much bigger than that."
["You really think they're gonna do that?"] Bedlam asked.
"Yeah, I do." Alfonzo replied solemnly while nodding his head. "And if they do, I'm gonna refuse. Unless they meet my demands, that is."
["If you go through with it, you'd better win!"] Riot shouted. ["Defeat is not an option!"]
"I know." Alfonzo replied. "But the more important issue is whether or not he'll accept my challenge. Hell, he might not even be there today."
["One can only hope."] Bedlam said. ["Anyway, until they make their announcement, we have no idea what the Magic Council actually called you in for."]
"I know, I know." Alfonzo replied. "I just hope it's worth the trip."
Like that, Alfonzo continued to sail towards Era while chatting with his [Armament Spirits]. Then, after half an hour, just as he expected, he caught sight of the Magic Council's dock where their entire fleet was docked.
"We're here." Alfonzo muttered as he looked upon the large building that acted as the Magic Council's headquarters.
["Yeah, and they sent a welcome party, too."] Bedlam said.
["Too bad they're not hostile."] Riot said in a disappointed tone. ["For as long as you've had this thing, you've never had the chance to test its weapon system on live targets."]
"Yeah, kinda makes me wish I had built it right after I made S-Class." Alfonzo said wistfully. "If I had, I could have used it against the Leviathan. I mean, that's the only naval battle I've ever been a part of in my whole career."
{"Attention! Approaching vessel, please stop!"} A male voice rang out over the sea with the use of a magic item. {"You are entering Magic Council controlled waters. Please allow us to inspect your vessel. Otherwise, we will deem you as hostile and attack! I repeat…"}
["Hey, let's pretend we didn't hear them."] Riot said with a smile.
"You're trying to turn me into a dark wizard, aren't you?" Alfonzo asked while rolling his eyes.
["Ignore this idiot."] Bedlam said. ["We've got more important things to worry about than causing explosions."]
["Fuck you!"] Riot shot back.
Ignoring the bickering from his [Armament Spirits], Alfonzo did as asked and cut the engine to his ship. Then, after a few minutes, the ships from the Magic Council approached. And when they did, Alfonzo stepped on to the deck. Not long later, a squad of Rune Knights led by Mest, who was still acting as Doranbolt, boarded Sixth Sense.
"Alfonzo Marcus, we we've been expecting you." Mest said in an authoritative tone. "Please, present your documents for inspection."
Without a fuss or any unnecessary words, Alfonzo showed the squad from the Magic Council all the documents they asked for. Then, once the inspection was over, Mest led the Rune Knights back to their ship before Alfonzo followed them back to land.
Fifteen minutes later, Sixth Sense was moored alongside the Magic Council fleet, and Alfonzo was being escorted to the waiting room in the Magic Council building by Mest. However, they did not engage in small talk along the way, despite the fact that Mest had regained his memories of his time as a Fairy Tail wizard. No one knew who was listening, after all.
"So, you still can't tell me why I was called here, can you?' Alfonzo asked in a bored tone.
"As stated back in February, I was not made aware of the Magic Council's reason for summoning you." Mest replied in a professional tone.
"Well, can you at least tell me who is here?' Alfonzo asked.
"If I'm not mistaken, the entire Council is present for this announcement." Mest replied.
"So, the former guild masters and the two through nine of the Wizard Saints then." Alfonzo muttered.
"Precisely." Mest replied as he stopped in front of a door. "We have arrived."
With that, Mest pushed the door open before ushering Alfonzo inside.
Shrugging his shoulders at the lack of information, Alfonzo walked into the waiting room. And what he saw was a typical waiting room with a couch, a coffee table, a few decorative plants, and a pot of tea waiting on the coffee table.
"If you need anything, you can press this button." Mest said while pointing at a button near the door after Alfonzo entered the room. Until then, please wait here. "And should you need the rest room, there is one adjoined to this room."
As he spoke the rest of his sentence, Mest pointed at a door on the opposite wall.
"Alright, I got it." Alfonzo said as he flopped down on the couch. "*Sigh* I kinda hope they call me late. Spending two days alone on the sea is more tiring than I thought it would be."
In response, Mest let a small smile slip. However, he did not reply. Instead, he nodded one last time before closing the door behind him.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo spread his arms and rested them on the couch's backrest with his eyes closed.
'They're watching me.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'There are five recording lacrima set up in this room. But why do they need so many?'
And just as Alfonzo thought, the members of the Magic Council were all watching him.
Currently in one of the rooms, Makarov, Ur, and Shizuka were watching the waiting room through a magic projection connected to one of the five recording lacrima.
"He looks so tired." Shizuka said in a worried tone. "Is he gonna be alright?"
"it's probably just from sailing for so long by himself." Ur said while smiling wryly. "You really don't need to worry, Shizuka."
Though that only lessened Shizuka's worry for Alfonzo by a little, she nodded her head vigorously, which caused her breasts to bounce along with the movement. And naturally, Makarov's eyes were drawn directly to the bounce.
"Seriously, you're like a boy in puberty." Ur said as she slapped Makarov upside the head. "Can't you act your age at least once?" I mean, for God's sake, you're already ninety."
"If you know I'm so old, Ur, you should be more gentle." Makarov grumbled.
"When you act like someone worthy of gentleness, I'll be more gentle." Ur replied sternly. A moment later, her tone changed back into her usual tone. "Anyway, do you think he figured out why he was called here?"
"Probably." Makarov replied while continuing to rub the back of his head. "he's always been a smart boy, after all."
"Why was he called here, anyway?" Shizuka asked in a clueless tone. Then, she turned her attention towards Ur. "You never told me about it, Master."
Immediately, Makarov and Ur fell silent. Although there was no point keeping the reason for Alfonzo's summons secret at this point, for some reason, they felt like Shizuka would find a way to let him know before the announcement was made.
"You'll just have to wait and see." Ur said in a mysterious tone, causing Shizuka to pout and stare at her with puppy dog eyes.
'Just don't look, Ur.' Ur said as she quickly turned her head away. 'If you don't see those eyes, you'll be fine.'
Even Makarov, who had decades more experience dealing with people than Ur, had to quickly turn his head away from Shizuka.
'Seriously, that's just not fair.' Makarov thought to himself. 'How can someone with such a hot body be so cute?'
At the same time, in another room, three elderly men were also watching Alfonzo's waiting room.
"He's quite composed for such a young man." The first of the three men, an older gentleman with clean-cut, dark purple hair and a well-groomed mustache of the same color, red eyes, pointy ears, and a cross-shaped tattoo on the left side of his forehead wearing a black cape, white button down dress shirt, a lightly-decorated black vest, black slacks, and a black bow tie, said while watching the monitor. "He looks as though he would make a good addition to our ranks."
This man was Draculus Hyberion, the second seat of the Ten Wizard saints and one of the Four Gods of Ishgar.
"Oi! Can we just get this over with?" The second of the three older men, an older man with a dark green beard wearing a dark blue shirt, a light blue vest, dark blue slacks, dark brown rimmed glasses, and a large, light grey hat that covered his hair, said in an impatient tone. "If he's not suitable for the position, we'll just kick him out. Oi!"
This impatient man was the third seat of the Ten Wizard Saints and one of the Four Gods of Ishgar, Wolfheim.
"I don't think that will be a problem, Wolfheim." The last man in the room, an old man with facial features that resemble a slightly gnarled tree trunk, hair reminiscent of a leafy tree top wearing a high colored grey kimono tied closed with a light green belt, loose-fitting light green trousers, and a pair of black boots, said in a friendly tone. "I bet he can even take a joke, too."
And last, but certainly not least, the man with the tree-like appearance was Warrod Sequen, four seat of the Ten Wizard Saints, one of the Four Gods of Ishgar, as well as a founding member of Fairy Tail.
While Draculus nodded in agreement with Warrod's assessment, Wolfheim grunted in annoyance. Then, Draculus stood from his seat. And as he did, he picked up the cloak draped over the back of his chair.
"Anyway, I believe it's time that we get going." Draculus said as he draped his cloak, the same cloak Makarov wore to official meetings that signified the status of a Wizard Saint, over his shoulders. "We wouldn't want to be late now, would we?"
Before the other two could stand from their seats, however, the door to the room was opened abruptly. And when the three turned their attention toward the door, they were surprised by who they saw.
Standing in the open doorway was a man with shoulder-length wavy, yet spiky, orange hair that juts up at the top of his head like rabbit ears and a scar on the bridge of his nose wearing a fanciful white robe with blue sleeves, a blue belt, blue pants, and simple black boots. However, the part of his attire that stood out the most is the wheel of blades he wore on his back that gave him a superficial divine appearance.
"God Serena, I did not expect you to attend today's meeting." Draculus said in a surprised tone.
"I wanted to see the kid you all were making so much noise about." The new arrival, God Serena, the first seat of the Ten Wizard Saints, replied in an arrogant tone. "And to be honest, I'm not impressed."
"Perhaps it would be better to wait until you meet him to pass judgement." Warrod said in his usual tone. "Otherwise, it will be more like you're passing gas if you're wrong."
Immediately, the other three men turned their gazes towards Warrod.
"That was a joke." Warrod said in a good natured tone. "Hahaha!"
"Just ignore this fool." Wolfheim said in an annoyed tone. "Let's just get going."
Receiving nods in response, Draculus, Wolfheim, and Warrod left the room. Meanwhile, God Serena continued to watch the projection for a bit longer.
'Emperor Spriggan asked me to get a measure of this kid's strength.' God Serena thought to himself while staring at the projection. 'And he said I should get rid of him if I think he'll be a problem in the future.'
As God Serena's thoughts reached that point, his arrogant expression turned into a vicious smile. Then, he turned on his heels and followed after his colleagues.
Shout out to my new Patr3on!
Matt Holmes
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