Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
October 15, x75.
"*Sigh* I lost to her again." Sun said as she picked herself up from outside the ring. "I know I'm getting better, but it feels like the gap between is hasn't closed at all."
"That's because she's improving, too." Alfonzo said while he and Marin approached Sun.
"Besides, if it wasn't for the ring out rule, I think you would have probably won this time." Marin said excitedly.
"Huh? What do you mean?" Sun asked curiously, as she was unable to see the effect her sound wave attack had on Erza because of how fast she was sent flying away.
Naturally, Marin delighted in telling Sun exactly what happened after she was knocked out of the ring. And when Sun heard it, her eyes opened wide in surprise and concern.
"She coughed up blood?" Sun asked in a panicked tone. "We need to hurry up and take her to see my mom and Shizuka. I didn't mean to hurt her that bad."
Hearing the concern in Sun's tone and seeing the frantic expression on her face, Alfonzo and Marin could only smile warmly. Then, Alfonzo began combing his fingers through her hair to calm her down.
"Calm down, Sun." Alfonzo said in a soothing tone. Then, he pointed towards Elicia, who was helping Erza over to the medical station. "Lici is taking care of it. Besides, you know how strong Erza is. She'll be fine. And when she's all healed up, she'll train even harder to make sure that it doesn't happen again."
Hearing that, Sun nodded her head, though she did not move to follow Elicia and Erza. She was enjoying the feeling of Alfonzo's fingertips brushing against her scalp too much for that. Also, she could feel an envious stare. But since it did not carry any malice, she could not be bothered to look for its source.
'Shizuka is looking over here with a lot of envy in her gaze.' Alfonzo said to himself as he glanced in the direction the envious stare was coming from. 'I guess she really liked it when I did this that one time, huh?'
"I'll train harder, too." Sun said as she clenched her fists with determination. "And I won't lose next time."
"That's the spirit, sun." Marin said as she lunged at Sun and pulled her into a hug. "And I'll train hard with you."
With a bright smile on her face, Sun returned the hug while nodding in agreement.
"Anyway, let's get back to our seats." Alfonzo said with a smile. "The next match is going to start soon."
Nodding at Alfonzo's words, Marin and Sun, though reluctant to move away from Alfonzo's hand, followed him to their seats, where they were joined by Elicia.
Meanwhile, Ur called Team Strauss and Team Ultear to ring side. And with little time wasted, the two teams reached the side of the ring.
"Now, both teams send up your first fighters." Ur ordered. Then, with little hesitation, Ultear and Mirajane both hopped into the ring.
"Oh, this should be good." Alfonzo said while looking at the tiara on Mirajane's forehead and the clawed gauntlets, reminiscent of Wolverine's Claws from Marvel Comics, on Ultear's hands. "They should both be close to releasing the seals on their [Soul Armaments]. I wonder if this match will be enough for either of them, or maybe both of them, to take that step."
"I'm actually still surprised that I was the first of us to unlock their [Partial Release]." Marin said, shivering as she remembered her fight with Lust.
"It's probably because of the life or death situation you were in." Elicia said as she grasped Marin's hands tenderly. "Although I wouldn't call it lucky to end up in a situation like that, it did help you overcome that barrier."
Nodding in reply, Marin returned her attention back to the ring.
"Now, if both of you are ready..." Ur said after introducing the two fighters to the audience. "Begin!"
Immediately upon hearing the signal to begin, Ultear made her casting gesture. Then, she slammed her hands onto the ring.
"[Ice-Make: Iron Maiden]." Ultear chanted.
A moment later, a box made of ice grew around Mirajane. On top of that, like the name suggested, the inside of the walls, ceiling, and floor were lined with sharp spikes. A moment later, the walls and ceiling of the box started closing in ON Mirajane, who was trapped inside.
Shortly afterwards, Ultear leapt high into the air. Then, less than a second later, a purple beam of [Darkness Magic] cut through the four ice walls.
Luckily, Ultear had jumped high into the air. Otherwise, she would have undoubtedly been hit by the beam of [Darkness Magic]. Meanwhile, while she was in the air, Ultear once again made her casting gesture.
"[Ice-Make: Gatling Gun]." Ultear chanted as a gatling gun made of ice appeared in her hands.
At the same time, the top half of the box enclosing Mirajane was blasted into the air, straight in Ultear's direction, revealing Mirajane, once again in her [Sitri Take Over] form with a beam of [Darkness Magic] being shot from her right hand and propelling the top half of the box.
Immediately, Ultear began firing her [Gatling Gun], destroying her ice construct and holding off Mirajane's ray of [Darkness Magic].
"That would have been enough before, Tear." Mirajane said as [darkness Magic] began accumulating on the jewel in the center of her tiara. "But what will you do about this while stuck in midair?"
In the next instant, Mirajane fired the accumulated [Darkness Magic] at Ultear, who had no way of avoiding the incoming spell.
"I think you forgot something." Ultear said as her left eye began to glow red. "[restore]."
A moment later, all the shards of the destroyed ice box began to reassemble themselves between Ultear and Mirajane, once again blocking the beam of [Darkness Magic] Mirajane fired from her right hand, as well as the beam firing from her forehead.
Then, with Mirajane's magic propelling the top half of the box forward, it did not take long for the box to reach Ultear, who had dispelled her [Gatling Gun] once her [Restore] spell was completed. And when she was close enough to use the box as leverage, Ultear dug her [Soul Armament] into the ice box and scaled it before running along the top side. After that, she leapt from the box towards Mirajane, who was still standing in the ring.
"Wrong move." Mirajane said as she directed the beam firing from her forehead at the approaching Ultear.
"I don't think so." Ultear replied, using the claws on her left hand to redirect the beam upward.
"Tch!" Mirajane clicked her tongue as she stopped the beam before using her incomplete [shave] in combination with her ability to fly to close the distance with Ultear.
A moment later, Mirajane appeared in front of Ultear with her right hand reeled back to throw a punch. However, before she could do so, Ultear raked her claws down at Mirajane's shoulders.
Reacting quickly, Mirajane opted not to throw her punch. Instead, she spun in midair, lashing her left leg at Ultear's arms, deflecting the claws to her right. In response, Ultear formed her hands into her casting gesture while her hands were both on the left side of her body.
"[Ice-Make: Lance]." Ultear chanted.
Hearing Ultear's spell, Mirajane's eyes opened wide in surprise. And with little time to react, Ultear's close range [Lance] spell was cast, striking Mirajane in the torso with close to three dozen ice spears and launching her downwards towards the ring.
"Argh!" Mirajane cried out in pain as she slammed back first into the ring.
At the same time, Ultear fell towards Mirajane with her claws aimed downwards. However, since she had no intension of fatally injuring her, Ultear's claws were aimed at either side of Mirajane's head.
Still, Mirajane was well aware that if those claws dug into the ring on either side of her head, Ur would immediately deem her the loser of the match. Unfortunately, because of the hard impact with the ring, Mirajane's body was not listening to her commands to move out of the way.
'Come on, move!' Mirajane roared internally. 'There's no way something like this is going to stop me.'
Meanwhile, in Mirajane's inner world, there was an opulent mansion situated on a vast amount of land. And sitting in the parlor of that mansion was a beautiful, well-endowed woman with shoulder-length, flaxen hair and violet eyes wearing an elegant white evening gown.
"Calm down, Mira." the woman, Mirajane's [Armament Spirit] said calmly while setting a tea cup down on a saucer.
"Huh?" Mirajane asked, surprised to be in her inner world right now.
"I pulled you in here because I think it's the time for you to hear my name." Mirajane's [Armament Spirit] said with a smile. "But if you do it, there's a good chance that Ultear will find herself in a similar situation shortly afterwards."
"That's fine." Mirajane said with a smile. "It'll make the guild stronger. Which is a good thing."
Smiling in return, Mirajane's [Armament Spirit] picked up her teacup once again before taking a sip.
"If you've made your decision, then you can call me..."
Back in the real world, Mirajane looked up and made eye contact with Ultear. Then, she opened her mouth to speak.
"[Show the World the Power of Destruction, Bael]." Mirajane chanted.
A moment later, Mirajane's magic power spiked. At the same time, the tiara on her forehead began to glow. Shortly after that, the glow climbed down Mirajane's body. Then, when the glow faded, she was wearing a pair of elegant gloves that appeared to be made of silk. Meanwhile, the tiara she was wearing had disappeared.
'The [Power of Destruction]... Bael..." Alfonzo and Elicia thought simultaneously as they made eye contact with smiles on their faces.
Ultear, on the other hand, had a shocked expression on her face. On top of that, the surge in Mirajane's magic power flung her backwards.
'Shit, I'm gonna end up flying out of the ring at this rate.' Ultear thought as she made her casting gesture.
"[Ice-Make: Rose]." Ultear chanted.
In the next instant, an ice rose grew from the ground at the spot where Ultear would have impacted the ground. Before she could land on it, however, Mirajane raised her hand with its palm aimed at the ice rose.
"[Extinguished Star]." Mirajane chanted as an orb of red and black energy formed in her palm.
A moment later, and just before Ultear could land on the [Ice Rose], Mirajane fired the ball of destructive energy, obliterating the rose on contact.
In response, Ultear could only look on in disbelief as her landing point simply vanished. However, before she fell to the ground, she found herself in a frozen wasteland. In the center of this tundra, there was a lake. And despite the biting cold, the water was not frozen.
The truly magical part of this frozen tundra, however, was the large, ice blue bird sitting atop a completely iced over tree.
"I guess something like this happened to Mira only a moment ago, huh?" Ultear said with a wry smile.
"More than likely." The large blue bird, which appeared to be a phoenix, said in an amused tone. "Honestly, I was considering letting you fall, just so I could see the disgruntled expression on your face."
"*Sigh* I already knew you were made from the sadistic part of my personality." Ultear said while shaking her head. "But that really is in bad taste."
"I realize that." The ice phoenix, Ultear's [Armament Spirit] said with a chuckle. "On top of that, I really hate losing. And you've already lost to her once before. I'd like to avoid seeing that happen again, if at all possible."
"Yeah, I hate losing, too." Ultear said with a shrug. "So, why don't you go ahead and tell me your name."
"Right. You can call me..."
Back in the real world, Ultear spread her arms to either side.
"[Soar Upon the Frozen Winds, Kinsi]." Ultear chanted.
With Ultear's chant, Ultear's gauntlets glowed in an ice blue color as they morphed into the shape of a birds talons. ON top of that, the glow spread up Ultear's arms. Then, what appeared to be feathers sprouted. And finally, just before hitting the ground, Ultear flapped her arms, lifting herself into the air while lowering the temperature in her surroundings.
"That's seven." Elicia said as she watched the ongoing match. "Two of us opened the first seal through introspection. Two in a life or death situation. And three because they did not want to lose."
"To be fair, none of us like to lose, you know." Alfonzo said with a wry smile. "Actually, that goes for everyone in the guild."
Marin and Sun nodded in agreement.
Meanwhile, Ultear, while gaining control of her new flight ability, circled the ring from above. Mirajane, on the other hand, was finally able to move after the shock to her system wore off. Unfortunately, she was still a little wobbly on her feet.
Deciding that she could figure out the intricacies of flying later, Ultear knew that letting Mirajane have more time to recover was a bad idea. So, after turning towards Mirajane, she flapped her arms violently.
"[Frozen Feathers]." Ultear chanted as she sent a volley of the feathers growing from her arms flying at Mirajane.
As one would expect after seeing Ultear's wings, her feathers were not soft like the feathers of normal birds. Instead, once they separated from her wings, they took on the qualities of extremely cold ice, becoming hard and sharp as they cut through the air.
On top of shooting her feathers, Ultear also took a moment to make her casting gesture once again.
"[Ice-Make: Wall]." Ultear chanted as a curved wall grew from the ring around Mirajane, cutting off any escape routes.
Instead of panicking, however, Mirajane simply watched the incoming projectiles. Then, before they could hit her, the flames around her legs flared explosively.
"[Fire Magic: Firestorm]." Mirajane chanted as she was engulfed in flames that spun like a tornado.
As a result, not only the feathers Ultear shot in her direction, but the wall surrounding her from three directions, were all melted and evaporated. Then, after a moment, Mirajane shot out of the [Firestorm] at high speed.
"Tch! She recovered faster than I thought she would." Ultear muttered as she prepared for close quarters combat.
However, instead of immediately engaging in melee combat, Mirajane zipped right past Ultear, leaving her confused. A moment later, Ultear was struck in the side, as Mirajane had circled back around. Then, after another moment, Mirajane appeared on Ultear's other side and struck her in the back with a kick.
And like that, Mirajane continued to rag doll Ultear while in the air. And eventually, Ultear realized why she was being beaten so one-sidedly.
'Damn it.' Ultear muttered internally. 'I guess I didn't think this through. Of course I'd lose in a midair battle. I have no experience fighting while flying. Meanwhile, Mira fights like this almost all the time.'
["Indeed."] Kinsi replied from Ultear's inner world. ["But I'm sure you'll get used to flying over time. Unfortunately, you made the wrong move, this time. Oh well, better luck next time."]
Before Ultear could respond to the sadistic laughter that followed Kinsi's statement, Mirajane, with a large amount of [Darkness Magic] concentrated on her right fist, struck Ultear in the back, sending her rocketing down toward the ring.
A moment later, Ultear slammed into the ring. And after a few moments, it was obvious that the fall, in combination with the attack she received, caused her to lose consciousness, as she lay unmoving in the ring. On top of that, her [Soul Armament] reverted to its sealed state. Though, it was obvious to see that its shape had changed.
Now, instead of three parallel claws that extended from her knuckles, the claws extended from the tips of her fingers. On top of that, the gauntlets were now white while the claws at the ends were an ice blue color.
"The winner of the match is Mirajane Strauss from Team Strauss." Ur said, announcing the outcome of the match.
'I guess we'll have to add midair combat to Tear's training schedule.' Ur thought as she looked at her daughter with pride. 'Then, again, I guess I wouldn't be the best person to train her in that case. I guess I should ask Lisanna to help her. Those wings are a lot like Harpy wings, after all. But the claws on the ends of her wings make it a lot more versatile.'
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
October 15, x785.
Once Ur announced the match's outcome, Mirajane slowly lowered herself to the ring next to Ultear. Then, she let both her [Take Over] and Bael's release state dispel. After that, she staggered for a moment, her back still in pain from slamming into the ring.
Meanwhile, the crowd cheered wildly, with one particularly passionate spectator shouting "cool" over and over, as well. The Wizards from Fairy Tail, on the other hand... Or rather, the wizards looking forward to one day having their own [Soul Armament] took notice of the changes to Bael in its sealed state.
Actually, the difference before and after Mirajane learned the name of her [Soul Armament] was not particularly noticeable if one was not looking for it. Originally, the tiara was a silver color with a purple jewel in its center. However, after the seal was partially released, it had a much shinier appearance, as if the material was swapped out for something purer.
"Alright, Tear." Mirajane said, bending down to pick up Ultear as she spoke. "Let's get you to the medical statio--- Ugh!"
Unfortunately, as she tried to lift her harem sister, Mirajane winced in pain.
"Big Sis, are you okay?" Elfman asked as he hopped into the ring.
"Yeah, Mirajane said as she slowly stood up. "But I'll need you to help me get Tear to the medical station. You can let Lisanna and Juvia fight in the next match."
"Sure thing." Elfman said as he bent down to pick up Ultear. "You should let them take a look at you, too."
Nodding in response, Mirajane gingerly followed Elfman towards the edge of the ring. Then, with her brother's assistance, she jumped down to the ground before they both made their way over to the medical station.
Meanwhile, Lisanna and Juvia from Team Strauss and Laki and Meredy from Team Ultear jumped into the ring once Ur called for the next fighters. And before long, the match started.
Although the two on two match lasted for a while, in the end, Laki, with her versatile [Wood-Make Magic], and Meredy with her ability to link the senses of her opponents and bypass Juvia's [Water Body] with [Maguilty Sense] took the victory after a long, hard-fought battle.
And with that victory, the match between Team Strauss and Team Ultear ended up being the first match in the tournament to go all the way to the tie breaker, greatly surprising the spectators.
"So, it all comes down to Cana and Elfman, huh?" Elicia said with an intrigued smile on her face. "They were both S-Class candidates last year. So, this should be a good fight."
"Are you sure about that?" Alfonzo asked. "I may be a little biased, but Cana has been training with us for as long as she's been a part of the guild. ON top of that, her dad is Gildarts. And he's put a lot of effort into her training. Though, there was a three-year gap when he had nothing to do with it."
"Yeah, but Elfman has that one [Take Over], Belcusas." Sun said. "And it's really hard to hurt that one, right?"
"Yeah, even Fried's [Darkness Form] couldn't hurt it." Marin said.
"That's only because Elfman didn't give Fried the chance to gather the magic power necessary to deal any damage. But remember, Mira beat it pretty easily when she fought the real thing."
"Yeah, now that you mention it..." Marin said as she and Sun slipped into contemplation.
"Well, we won't have to wait for long." Elicia said as she drew everyone's attention to the ring. "Ur is about to call the last fighters to the ring."
Hearing that, Marin and Sun once again joined Alfonzo and Elicia in watching the current round.
"This match will decide which of the two teams will go on to the finals." Ur said. "Elfman Strauss, Cana Alberona, please come to the ring."
With no hesitation, Cana and Elfman both jumped into the ring, gaining uproarious cheers from the crowd. Then, with the introductions already made, Ur gave the signal to begin.
"[Take Over Magic: Beast Soul: Belcusas]." Elfman chanted, knowing that even though the [Beast Take Over] was more powerful overall, Cana's offensive spells were more than enough to deal with it.
At the same time, Cana drew several cards from her [Soul Armament], a deck of cards she could use to create any cards she desired with her magic power. Then, after confirming she had the right combinations of cards in her hand, and while not paying attention to Elfman, who was charging at her at top speed, she nodded her head before slapping the three combinations onto her exposed skin.
"[Card Magic: Enhancement Cards: Power, Speed, Magic Power Density]." Cana chanted as Elfman swung his large, armored arm at her.
A moment later, the instant before Elfman's attack could land, Cana vanished from where she stood in a burst of speed.
In the next instant, Elfman staggered forward. Meanwhile, Cana stood behind him with her right fist extended.
"Damn, that armor really is strong." Cana said while shaking her hand. "That hurt a little bit."
Despite the pain she was feeling in her hand, Cana continued to slam her right fist into Elfman's back, keeping him off balance. At the same time, she drew another set of cards from her [Soul Armament]. Then, while continuing to strike Elfman, she threw the cards in front of him.
["Oh, that's a pretty good idea."] Cana's [Armament Spirit] said in an impressed tone. ["But I would have like seeing you fight him head on. Your odds of winning would have been more of a gamble then."]
'I didn't enter this tournament to gamble.' Cana replied internally. 'I'm here to win. And if I can't win, I want someone to push me far enough that I can release your first seal.'
["Yeah, yeah, I know."] Cana's Armament spirit] replied in a bored tone. ["Seriously, you're no fun."]
'Whatever.' Cana shot back while mentally rolling her eyes.
Meanwhile, despite knowing that Cana was up to something after she threw her cards and continued pushing him towards them, Elfman was finding himself unable to do something about it.
'She's exploiting Belcusas' biggest weakness.' Elfman thought to himself. 'This [Take Over's agility is entirely too low. I guess I'll have to switch to the [Beast]. I just hope I can survive one of these punches she keeps hitting me with.'
"[Take Over Magic: Beast Soul]." Elfman chanted right after stumbling forward from another one of Cana's punches.
In the next instant, Elfman was covered in the light of his magic. Then, his size decreased as he transformed into the [Beast]. And lucky for him, because of the [Beast's] smaller size, he was not forced into the cards lying on the ring. Unfortunately, because of the reduced defense from the change in form, Cana's next punch sent him flying out of the ring.
Even more unfortunate, Elfman was unable to stop himself while airborne. As a result, he slammed face first into the wall separating the ring side area and the spectator stands.
"Oops..." Cana muttered with her right fist still extended as she watched Elfman slide down the wall.
"Elfman Strauss is out of the ring." Ur's voice sounded out. "Winner of the match, Cana Alberona. And with that victory, Team Ultear will move on to the final round."
With Ur's declaration, the crowd cheered loudly. Meanwhile, the members of Team Ultear, with the exception of Ultear, who was still in the medical tent, looked towards Team Steel Threads with the flames of determination burning in their eyes.
"It looks like they're all fired up." Alfonzo said with a smile.
"Hey, that's my line!" Natsu shouted from the distance.
Chuckling in response, Elicia noticed that there was a particularly fiery gaze focused on her. Looking around, she found Cana glaring at her, rather than looking at her challengingly. Tilting her head in confusion, Elicia had no idea why Cana would look at her like that.
Meanwhile, Marin and Sun, after seeing the look Cana was giving Elicia had an idea why Cana was looking at Elicia that way.
"Something tells me the finals are gonna be really intense." Marin said, whispering into Sun's ear.
"Yeah..." Sun replied with a nod. "But I wonder what the match ups will be."
"I get the feeling Lici will end up fighting Cana." Marin said. "I mean, look at the way Cana is looking at her."
"I know, right?" Sun replied. "Well, it's probably better this comes out now rather than further down the road."
"Yeah, you're right." Marin replied. "But I really don't know why Cana held it in for so long, though."
"Hey, what's up with all the whispering?" Alfonzo asked curiously.
"Don't worry about it, Fonzie." Marin replied with a smile. "Just a bit of girl talk."
Shrugging his shoulders, Alfonzo let the girls have their secrets. However, like Elicia, Marin, and Sun, he also noticed the look Cana was giving Elicia. And from what he could tell, there was a bit of grievance hidden behind it. Though, he was not sure what she was unhappy about, exactly. He did have a guess though. And if he was right, then, he was at least partially responsible for how she was feeling.
"The final round of the tournament will commence in thirty minutes." Ur said loud enough for the entire stadium to hear her, despite all the cheering.
With that, Ur stood from her ice throne before making her way to the medical station to check on Ultear's condition. After a few moments, Ur entered the tent and found Ultear quickly. And when she did, Shizuka was standing over her. On top of that, Wendy was assisting with the treatment.
"How is she?" Ur asked, concerned about her daughter's well-being.
"She'll be fine, Master." Wendy said. "Luckily, there were no broken bones. She'll be sore for a while, though."
"*Sigh* If that's all, she should have no problem fighting in the final round."
"Yeah, she's really strong." Shizuka said with a smile. "I couldn't imagine getting hit that hard. it probably hurt a lot."
Smiling wryly at Shizuka, Ur could only nod in agreement.
"Ugh... Where am I?" Ultear asked in a groggy tone.
"Oh, you're already awake." Ur said as she stepped closer to the sick bed. "How are you feeling. You hit the ring pretty hard, after all."
"Like I got hit by Rika's Humvee." Ultear replied while shaking her head. Then, she looked around her surroundings, and when she noticed she was in the medical station, she smiled wryly. "I guess I lost, huh?"
"That's right." Ur replied.
"*Sigh* That's two years in a row I lost to Mira." Ultear said in a frustrated tone.
Hearing that, Ur and Wendy did not know how to console Ultear. Shizuka, on the other hand, also stepped closer to the sick bed.
"Can you teach me how to fly?" Shizuka asked with her eyes sparkling. "I wanna fly like you and Mira did."
At first, Ultear was taken aback by Shizuka's question.
"I'm not sure I can do that." Ultear replied.
Hearing that, Shizuka's mood dropped immediately.
["Did her boobs just shrink?"] Kinsi asked in an astonished tone.
Remembering the conversation she had with Alfonzo and Elicia about what their [Armament Spirits] said about the same topic, Ultear could not help but smile.
"You know, it's because of what Alfonzo made me that I was able to fly." Ultear said while gesturing to the claws lying on the table next to her sick bed. "And who knows, if Alfonzo made one for you, it might evolve into something that can fly, too."
Immediately, Shizuka's eyes lit up. Just the thought of flying was enough to improve her mood. And if it weren't for her duty as a healer, a duty she took quite seriously, she would have run off to ask Alfonzo to make a [Soul Armament] for her.
"Anyway, you should get as much rest as you can, Tear." Ur said with a slight smile. "You'll be facing Alfonzo and Lici's team in the finals."
"*Phew* I guess that means our team won." Ultear said in a relieved tone. "I really need to thank Cana, Meredy, and Laki. Without them, we would be sitting in the stands and watching with everyone else."
Nodding in response, Ur turned around.
"Yeah. Anyway, I'll let you get your rest." Ur said as she started walking towards the medical station's entrance. "I'm sure Shizuka and Wendy will make sure you're in shape to fight. In the meantime, I'm gonna grab a bite to eat. Smelling all that food has me famished."
Smiling at her mother's retreating back, Ultear relaxed as Wendy and Shizuka did all they could to get her ready for the final round.
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