Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Takanosu.
October, x785.
Around the same time Elicia met up with Rika and her team, Alfonzo, along with Saeko, Kiriko, and Souichiro, was cutting through the horde Shido brought with him. However, it felt like no matter how many they put down, more took their place.
"I think you over did it, Kid." Kiriko said as she avoided a lunging zombie while using the butt of her spear to trip it and cause it to fall on another. "You basically called every zombie in the town."
"Yeah, but it will make clean up faster this way." Alfonzo replied before chanting a spell. "[Metal Magic: King of Wallachia]."
In the next instant, two dozen black steel spikes sprouted from the ground under just as many normal zombies, impaling them from crotch to head.
["You know no one other than you and Lici will understand the name of that spell, right?"] Bedlam asked with a smirk.
["Yeah, people are gonna look at you the same way they look at Laki."] Riot said with a similar smirk.
"What does that spell name even mean?" Saeko muttered while beheading a C-Class magically enhanced zombie.
["See?"] Riot and Bedlam asked simultaneously.
'Sometimes, I really hate you two.' Alfonzo replied internally.
"Don't worry about it." Alfonzo replied. "It came from a story my mom told me when I was a kid." Alfonzo said dismissively. "Let's just worry about cutting down all these things. We've got a long fight ahead of us."
Nodding in response, Saeko continued to cut through every zombie at C-Class or below that she came across. However, with everyone her sword cleaved through, her eyes would glow just a bit more. On top of that, the smile on her face widened proportionally.
Meanwhile, Kiriko and Souichiro focused almost exclusively on B-Class and above threats. Luckily, thanks to Alfonzo's [thunderstorm] spell, no one had to worry about S-Class threats from within the horde. Though, whenever an S-Class zombie approached from the distance, Alfonzo would swiftly take care of it before returning to helping clean up the weaker zombies.
"That young man is truly impressive." Yuriko, who was firing down on the zombies from the mansion's walls with a magic gun resembling a Tommy Gun, said in an impressed tone. Then, with a small smile on her face, she glanced at Saya as she continued. "It's no wonder you've developed a crush on him in such a short time."
"Mother, must you continue to speak such nonsense?" Saya asked in an annoyed tone. Though, the blush on her face and the way her eyes followed Alfonzo's movements, as best they could considering his speed, gave away her true feelings.
"Saya, Sweetie, if you're gonna act like that, then you'll never catch his heart." Yuriko said in a gentle tone with an equally gentle smile on her face. Quite the jarring contrast considering how many zombies she was gunning down with every passing second. "Why do you think that Komuro boy never realized how you felt about him?"
Hearing that, Saya visibly panicked. And it was clear that she was hoping that a certain someone could not hear her mother's words.
"Mother, what are you talking about?" Saya asked, her voice quite a bit louder than intended, as if she wanted to make sure that certain someone could hear her. "I don't have feelings for Takashi, and I never did."
"Oh my? Why did you get so loud, Saya?" Yuriko asked in a teasing tone. "Is there someone you want to know--- Saya, look out!"
Hearing her mother's panicked warning, Saya was surprised. A moment later, she looked up and saw a pair of A-Class zombies jumping towards her from the horde. Unfortunately, they were moving too fast for anyone on the wall to react. And the only person who was fast and strong enough to do anything, Yuriko, was in the process of reloading her Tommy Gun.
Forgetting about her weapon, Yuriko threw herself in front of Saya and wrapped her arms around her daughter defensively, intending to use her body to shield her daughter. Unfortunately, this would result in Yuriko being both bitten and scratched by the approaching zombies.
"Mama! No!" Saya shouted, drawing the attention of Saeko, Kiriko, and Souichiro from below.
However, none of them were close enough to stop the zombies before tragedy could befall the mother-daughter duo. Luckily, there was one person among those present that could do so.
"*Sigh* I'm glad he's here." Souichiro muttered as he returned to cutting down zombies. "Still, you monster's will pay for what you tried to do just now. [Sword Magic: Dimensional Decapitator."
In the next instant, Souichiro's magic power started flowing around his sword. However, instead of one continuous stream, it flowed on either side of his blade before meeting at the edge, causing an even sharper edge. And with each swing of the blade, a thin black line was left in the air, cutting through the zombies with next to no resistance.
At the same time, Yuriko finally realized that the expected impact never landed on her back. Then, she opened her eyes. After that, she looked up at Saya's face. Seeing the relief and even deeper blush, she had a pretty good idea what had happened. So, to confirm her suspicions, she looked back over her shoulder.
At the end of Yuriko's line of sight, Alfonzo, floating in front of the wall, was holding the two A-Class zombies by their faces as they clawed at his metallic forearms. However, he seemed to be completely unbothered by their attacks.
"You two alright?" Alfonzo asked from over his shoulder.
"Yes, we're fine." Yuriko said as she released Saya. "Thank you for your help, Alfonzo."
"Don't mention it." Alfonzo said as his arms started sparking with violent electricity. "[Electromagnetism Magic: Spark Cannon]."
With his chant, the lightning coursing around Alfonzo's arms gathered in his palms, destroying the two zombies' heads in the process. Then, as the headless bodies fell to the ground, Alfonzo fired the two orbs of electricity into the horde. And as they detonated on contact, they spread webs of electricity to all the nearby zombies.
"Anyway, it looks like a bit of reinforcement should be here soon." Alfonzo said as he floated Yuriko's magic gun in front of her.
*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*
In the next instant, as if to prove his words true, five gun shots rang out over the battle. And with those five shots, twenty five zombies lost their heads.
"Oh, that's a pretty good shot from so far away." Alfonzo said. "Anyway, I'll get back down there. You two be careful."
With that, Alfonzo flashed. Then, he reappeared in the midst of the horde. This time, with his [Circular Cutters] on his wrist as he dismembered the undead with ease.
"Thank you for saving my mom, Alfonzo." Saya muttered quietly as she watched Alfonzo disappear.
"Oh my, Saya." Yuriko, once again with her gun in her hand, said playfully. "If you speak so quietly, he'll never hear you."
"Mom~~~." Saya whined as she shook her head to focus her thoughts back on the fight.
Meanwhile, the Humvee carrying the knights and Elicia was driving through Takanosu on the road leading to the Takagi mansion. And Elicia and Rika were standing with their upper bodies sticking out of the hatch on the roof.
"*Whistle* There really are a lot of these things gathered on this one street." Rika said as she used her magic to create more ammo.
"Yup, I guess Fonzie thought gathering them all in one place was the best way to deal with them." Elicia replied with a nod. "Especially since he couldn't just blow up the whole town with all the people in it."
"Are you serious?" Crawford, who was still seated in the back seat asked. "Is he really strong enough to do that?"
"Yeah." Elicia replied with a nod. "I mean, he's the only person I've seen who could destroy a lacrima with a magic spell. That's how he toppled the Tower of Heaven, after all."
Hearing that, Crawford, Sato, and Tendo fell silent. Meanwhile, Rika began laughing uproariously.
"I guess he's on par with the Ten Wizard Saints at the very least, huh?" Rika asked after getting her laughter under control. "I wonder if he'll get one of the open slots, then. I mean, after Master Porla and that traitor left, there are two open spots, right?"
"Probably not." Elicia replied with a shake of her head. "I doubt the Council will want two Wizard Saints from the same guild."
With that, Elicia stopped to think.
"Actually, Warrod and Gramps are both from the same guild." Elicia muttered while rubbing her chin. "But since they've both retired, are they not looked at as members of Fairy Tail anymore? Either way, they'd probably give it to Ur before Fonzie."
Getting to that point, Elicia nodded at her own thoughts. Then, she raised her head and looked at the horde once again.
"Anyway, I think we're close enough." Elicia said as she climbed through the hatch. "So, I'll see all of you again when this is all over. Oh, and Rika, I'll take you to Shizuka when we're done, too."
"Good." Rika said as she lined up her next shot.
With that, Elicia nodded her head. Then, she shot out her threads, sticking them into the sides of two buildings.
"[Cross Stitching]." Elicia chanted.
In the next instant, threads appeared between the two buildings. Then, the two buildings were dragged towards the middle of the street, crushing all the zombies between them.
"[Release]." Elicia chanted after the two buildings stopped moving.
Then, as if they were moving in reverse, the two buildings returned to their original positions, the only evidence of their movement the trench that was dug when they, along with their foundations, were dragged into the street.
"Oops!" Elicia exclaimed in embarrassment. "I didn't think the foundation would get dragged along, too."
["Once again, I'm not surprised that you didn't think."] Scylla said in exasperation.
'Scylla~~~!' Elicia whined internally.
Even so, Elicia retracted her threads quickly, throwing herself towards the horde in the distance and leaving a group of dumbfounded knights behind in the Humvee.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Tendo muttered in disbelief.
"Yeah, that was insane." Sato added in a similar tone.
"She literally sewed those two houses together than pulled out the stitching to put them back." Crawford muttered with lifeless eyes.
"Hey, get your shit together!" Rika shouted from the hatch. "You can think about the absurdity of what just happened later. For now, we've got zombies to kill."
"Ma'am!" The three knights shouted in reply as they snapped back to their senses.
Meanwhile, Elicia was soaring through the air as she approached the horde.
'I wonder if I can fix the damage I just crossed with your powers, Scylla.' Elicia said internally.
["yeah, it would work."] Scylla replied.
'Good.' Elicia replied with a nod. 'I thought it might mess up the spacing between the buildings if I did that.'
["As long as you treat it like when you're mending clothing, you should be able to handle it."] Scylla replied.
'Yeah, I guess you're right.' Elicia said. 'Anyway, I'll think about that after we're done with these zombies.'
"Thread Magic: Loosening Spool]." Elicia chanted as she approached the horde from behind.
In the next instant, Elicia plunged into the horde with her threads lashing around her.
Around two hours later, with the moon illuminating the town, Rika put a bullet in the head of the last zombie, bringing the battle to an end.
"Damn, there sure were a lot of them." Rika said as she lowered her rifle.
"Yeah, it's a good thing you can make ammo with your magic, Chief." Tendo said as he climbed into the Humvee. "Otherwise, we would have run out of ammo a long time ago."
"And that's why we're supposed to be just as well trained in the ways of the sword or spear." Crawford said. "Looks like someone needs more training."
"Speak for yourself." Tendo shot back. "I'm just as good with a sword as I am with a magic gun."
"Yeah, sure you are." Sato chimed in.
With that, the knights gave themselves a little time to unwind after such a battle. Meanwhile, Rika lit a cigarette with a smile on her face.
'I'll get to see Shizuka soon.' Rika said to herself while taking a drag from her cigarette. 'And it looks like I'll have some good news for the captain, too. I can see his wife over there with Elicia.'
At the same time, now that there were no more threats in the immediate area, Elicia flung herself into Alfonzo's arms, wrapped her arms and legs around his torso, and buried er head in the side of his neck.
"Fonzie, I'm tired and wanna take a shower." Elicia whined.
"Yeah, me, too, Lici." Alfonzo replied as he reverted Riot and Bedlam to their sealed state, put them in the strap on his lower back, and started combing his fingers through Elicia's hair. "But before you can do that, you need to go fix the mess you made on the street."
"*Sigh* I know." Elicia muttered as she hugged Alfonzo a little tighter.
Then, after a few moments, Elicia let go of Alfonzo and went to stitch the street together. At the same time, Saeko, Kiriko, and Souichiro approached Alfonzo.
"Thank you for saving my wife and daughter, young man." Souichiro said in his usual tone.
"No problem." Alfonzo replied while waving off Souichiro's thanks.
"Anyway, now that the battle is over, we need to do something with Shido." Kiriko said while glaring at Shido.
However, when Kiriko looked in the direction where Alfonzo knocked out Shido, she was surprised to see that he was not there.
"Oh, he's over there." Alfonzo said, pointing in another direction.
Looking in the direction where Alfonzo was pointing, Saeko, Kiriko, and Souichiro saw Shido standing up with the same anti-magic harness wrapped around his arms and torso. On top of that, his legs were completely encased in a block of what appeared to be black steel.
"Yeah, he woke up while we were fighting." Alfonzo said with a shrug. "And when he tried to run away, I realized that I forgot to put cuffs on his legs. So, I did that. I was too distracted to do more delicate work during battle."
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Takanosu.
October, x785.
After the battle outside the Takagi mansion came to an end, Alfonzo, Elicia, Saeko, and Kiriko decided to make their way back to the primary school to give the others the good news. Saya, on the other hand, chose to stay with her parents for the night. Meanwhile, the knights, led by Rika, decided to follow Alfonzo and Elicia.
There were two reasons behind the knights decision. And neither of them had anything to do with their duties as knights.
The first was the fact that Elicia told Rika that she had been staying with Shizuka for the last few days. So, she knew that if she followed Elicia back to where they were staying, she would, more than likely, be able to see Shizuka, as well.
Second, before leaving the shelter on the other side of the river, Rika told Captain Miyamoto that she would check for information about his wife and daughter. And since she already Found his wife, Kiriko, she only needed to see about his daughter, Rei, who should be at the primary school, as well.
Meanwhile, Shido, with his legs still encased in black steel and his torso restrained with an anti-magic harness, was taken to the dungeon under Takagi mansion. And once the anti-communications barrier was disabled, the Magic Council and the kingdom would be notified of his transgressions.
On top of that, Souichiro would have his best interrogator working on getting even more information about the ritual, and any co-conspirators Shido worked with to perform it.
Back at the primary school, while the children and most of the adults had gone to bed, Takashi, Rei, Kohta, and Asami were awake on night watch. Meanwhile, Sayuri decided to stay awake to accompany her son. Shizuka, on the other hand, was also awake, wanting to check anyone who might come back for injuries. Though, she was dozing off at the moment.
"So, how do you think the battle went?" Rei asked curiously.
"They probably won." Asami replied. "I mean, Fairy Tail's Team Steel Threads is their strongest team, you know."
"Steel Threads?" Rei asked. "Is that really what they're called?"
"Yeah, that's the team name they used in the Battle of Fairy Tail tournament last year." Kohta replied with a nod. "Man, I wish I could have been there to see the match between Alfonzo and the Third Master of Fairy Tail's grandson, Laxus Dreyar. From the way it was described in Sorcerer Weekly, it was pretty epic."
"Yeah, I would have loved to be there, too." Asami said with a nod. "They even had a beauty pageant and the Fantasia Parade on the same day."
"Oh, I've heard about the Fantasia Parade before." Rei said excitedly. "My mom said she went a long time ago. She said it was incredible."
"Really?" Takashi asked in an interested tone. Then, he turned to his mother. "Mom, have you seen it before?"
"I have." Sayuri replied with a nod and a smile. "Back when your father was stationed at a town near Magnolia, we went to see it on one of his off days. And Rei's mother was right, it was incredible."
"Damn, now I wanna see it, too." Takashi muttered.
"Yeah, I've never seen it either." Kohta replied. "I wanna see it, too."
"Hmm... A parade?" Shizuka asked while rubbing her eyes. "Where? I love parades."
"Oh, we were talking about the parade Fairy Tail puts on during Magnolia's Harvest Festival." Sayuri replied with a smile.
"Oh!" Shizuka exclaimed, waking up fully in an instant. "Lici told me about that. I'm gonna go see it. Maybe I'll be part of it, too!"
"Huh?" Everyone exclaimed in confusion.
"But that's for members of Fairy Tail." Rei said. "How are you going to participate, Miss Shizuka?"
"Oh, When Fonzie and Lici leave, I'm gonna go with them and join Fairy Tail." Shizuka said happily. "Lici said they could use another nurse. Plus, there will never be a bunch of zombies in Magnolia trying to eat me."
Hearing that, Takashi, Rei, Kohta, Sayuri, and Asami looked at Shizuka with shocked expression with their eyes and mouths open in dumbfounded amazement. Eventually, Rei was the first to come back to her senses.
"But what about your job at the school?" Rei asked.
"I don't think anyone will mind." Shizuka said while tilting her head cutely. "I mean, my boss got eaten by those yucky zombies. It's good, though. Now he won't look at me like that anymore."
This time, everyone looked at Rei blankly.
"Yeah, I know." Rei said with a slight blush on her face. "Don't look at me like that, I already realize how dumb that question was."
"Besides, Shizuka, that look you're talking about." Sayuri said. "I'm sure you'll get that look from men anywhere you go. Especially with your... assets."
That statement naturally drew everyone's gaze to Shizuka's breasts, hips, and thighs. However, no one spent too much time staring. Though, Kohta did have to look up at the ceiling and pinch his nose.
"Hmph!" Asami snorted as she looked away.
"Fonzie doesn't look at me like that, though." Shizuka said while tilting her head once again.
"But now that you mention it, joining Fairy Tail doesn't sound like a bad idea." Kohta muttered. "I mean, because of my size, it's not like the knights will accept me."
"Yeah, but if you worked really hard, you could still become a knight." Asami said, almost sounding disappointed that Kohta would consider not joining the knights any longer.
As it turns out, Kohta and Asami clicked quite well ever since he, Elicia, and Rei brought her and her group back from the shopping outlet. And they clicked especially well as they both aspired to be knights.
"Yeah, but I'm sure Fairy Tail would accept me right now." Kohta replied while smiling wryly. "And I doubt weight loss will be a requirement to join, either."
"I guess, but..." Asami muttered.
Meanwhile, Takashi, Rei, Sayuri, and Shizuka did not feel it would be right for them to interfere in this conversation.
"Hey, do you think she..." Takashi asked in a whisper.
"I'm pretty sure." Rei replied while whispering as well.
"Rei is right." Sayuri said while shaking her head gently. "But it looks like Hirano can't tell."
Before any of the ongoing conversations could continue, however, the sound of a vehicle stopping outside the primary school's gate could be heard. But when that sound was followed by another, everyone went on guard.
"Someone's here." Kohta said, his eyes narrowing as he spoke. "And we only had one vehicle out. So, there's a chance it's not Alfonzo."
"Then, who do you think it could be?" Sayuri asked in a slightly concerned tone.
"Who knows." Kohta said as he picked up the magic rifle Alfonzo made for him on the first day. "But we need to protect the school."
"Kohta's right." Asami said as she drew her magic pistol. "We can't let anyone hurt the children."
With that, both Kohta and Asami sprinted up to the school's second floor. Unfortunately, they would be unable to see past the wall surrounding the building had they stayed on the first floor.
Eventually, the duo reached the second floor and crept to a windows facing the front gate. Then, with their postures kept low, they looked through the windows.
"It's too dark. I can barely see anything at all." Asami said quietly. "What about you? Can you see anything, Hirano?"
"I can make out that there are two vehicles." Kohta replied. "And there is a total of seven... No, eight people who just climbed out of them."
"No idea who, though, huh?" Asami asked.
"Unfortunately, no." Kohta replied. "Just to be safe, though. Be ready to fire."
"Understood." Asami replied.
Like that, Kohta and Asami waited for the group of nine to draw nearer. However, they did not have to wait long. One of the figures raised his hand, creating a few arcs of electricity between his fingers.
With the light the electricity produced, seeing his face, as well as the faces of the others, became much easier.
"*Sigh* We can stand down, Miss Nakaoka." Kohta said in a relieved tone. "They're back. And it looks like they brought guests."
"Yeah, and some of those guests appear to be knights, too." Asami replied with a smile.
Smiling in return, Kohta stood up. Then, with Asami following behind him and engaging him in small talk, he returned to the first floor.
"So, is it something we need to worry about?" Takashi asked as soon as he saw Kohta and Asami.
"No, nothing to worry about." Kohta replied with a smile. "They're back."
Hearing that, the others smiled as well. Then, Sayuri stood up.
"Well then, let's welcome them back properly." Sayuri said with a smile.
Agreeing with the teacher, the others stood up as well. Then, as a group, they all moved towards the primary school's front entrance.
Arriving at the door, Sayuri opened it with little hesitation. And just as she did, Alfonzo and Elicia were standing in front of it.
"Hey, Mrs. Komuro, we're back." Elicia said with a smile.
"Welcome back.' Sayuri replied. "And I see you brought back more people."
"Yeah, and some of them are dying to see some of the people inside." Alfonzo said playfully.
With that, Alfonzo and Elicia both stepped to the side, revealing Kiriko and Rika, who were standing directly behind them, respectively.
"Mom!" Rei shouted as she rushed past Sayuri and jumped at Kiriko.
"It's good to see you, too, Rei." Kiriko said as she opened her arms and caught her daughter. Then, while hugging Rei, Kiriko turned her head towards Takashi and Sayuri as she continued. "It's good to see that the two of you are safe, too, Sayuri and Takashi."
"You, too, Kiriko." Sayuri said with a smile.
Meanwhile, Takashi nodded politely.
While that reunion was going on, another was taking place, as well. As Rei rushed past Sayuri, Rika also stepped forward and entered the primary school after seeing Shizuka.
"Shizuka, I heard you were safe but seeing you un hurt is a real relief." Rika said as she pulled Shizuka into a hug.
"Ow!" Kohta yelped in pain with a bit of blood leaking from his nose.
The reason for Kohta's nosebleed and yelp were actually quite simple. As soon as Rika pulled Shizuka into a hug, Rika's relatively large breasts, that were no longer restrained as she removed her armor after the battle, and Shizuka's enormous breasts were smashed together and deformed in shape. And naturally, Kohta saw it, resulting in his nosebleed and a lecherous smile.
A moment later, after noticing Kohta's expression, Asami pinched and twisted his side. As a result, Kohta could not help but yelp in pain.
However, no one, other than Asami, could blame him for his reaction. Shizuka's and Rika's breasts were more than impressive, after all.
"Yeah, I'm glad you're okay, too, Rika." Shizuka replied with a smile as she returned the hug. "But if it wasn't for Lici and Fonzie, I would have been zombie food a couple of days ago."
Though he was in no way involved in Shizuka and Rika's conversation, Alfonzo froze at Shizuka's term of address. At the same time, Elicia could not help but giggle, gaining aglare from Alfonzo.
"don't look at me like that, Fonzie." Elicia said while trying to stifle her giggles. "I didn't tell her to call you that."
"Yeah, I actually believe that." Alfonzo said while still glaring at Elicia. "But it's still your fault so many people call me that now. First, it was Cana. Then, it was Marin. And now Shizuka. And you know how much I hate that nickname."
"But you let me call you that." Elicia replied, still trying not to laugh.
"No, I couldn't' get you to stop." Alfonzo replied. "There's a difference."
["Now that he mentions it..."] Scylla muttered from Elicia's inner world. ["He's right about that. He's never liked that nickname, but you wouldn't stop, and he couldn't stop you. But he stopped everyone else in your past life."]
'Huh?" Elicia exclaimed internally. 'But I thought he let me say it because I was special.'
["Nope, he never liked it."] Scylla said. ["He just got used to it."]
'Then, why didn't he stop Cana and Marin?' Elicia asked.
["Because, like you, they wouldn't have stopped even if he tried."] Scylla replied.
'Yeah, that's probably true.' Elicia said with an internal nod. Then, she had to stifle another fit of giggles when she saw Alfonzo's annoyed face. 'Still, it's cute. So, it stays.'
["Agreed."] Scylla replied with a nod of her own.
At the same time, Rika noticed the annoyed expression on Alfonzo's face after Shizuka called him by his nickname, as well. And when she did, a mischievous smile appeared on her face. Before she could say anything, however, Shizuka's next words made her snap her head back in her best friend's direction.
"Oh, and Lici invited me to join Fairy Tail." Shizuka said excitedly. "She said they could always use more healers. And I accepted her offer. So, when all the zombies are gone, I'm gonna move to Magnolia."
"What?" Rika exclaimed in surprise. Then, she swung her head in Alfonzo and Elicia's direction fast enough that her ponytail slapped Shizuka in the face.
"Ow!" Shizuka yelped, more in surprise than pain.
"Is that true?" Rika asked in a serious tone.
"Uh... I guess?" Alfonzo replied in an unsure tone while glancing at Elicia.
"Yup, I invited her." Elicia replied with a nod. "But this is the first time I've heard that she accepted."
"I see..." Rika said as she unwrapped her arms from around Shizuka. "Well, if she wants to go, it's not like I can stop her. But..."
At that point, Rika started walking back towards the primary school's entrance while muttering to herself in deep contemplation.
"Rika, are you okay?" Shizuka asked while tilting her head cutely.
"Yeah, I'm fine." Rika replied while waving back at Shizuka. "Well, now that I got to see that you're safe, it's time for us to go back."
"Aww~~~! Do you have to go already?" Shizuka whined.
"Unfortunately, I do." Rika said, turning back with a smile. "When this is all over, make sure to bring my Humvee back, okay? That way I'll be able to see you before you move to Magnolia."
"Okay~~~~." Shizuka said with a visible pout on her face. "I'll come see you before we go."
"Good." Rika said with a nod. "Then, she nodded at Alfonzo and Elicia. "Seriously, thanks for saving her. She's my best friend and the closest thing to family I have left. So, if I had found out she was dead, I probably would have broken down completely."
"You really don't have to thank us, Rika." Elicia said with a smile.
"Yeah, don't worry about it." Alfonzo added.
Smiling back, Rika eventually turned around and ordered her squad to load up. Then, after a few more moments, the knights' Humvee drove off towards the shelter on the other side of the bridge.
Back in the school, after the knights left, Alfonzo and Elicia exchanged glances.
"A hundred thousand jewels say she's gonna quit the knights and follow us back to Magnolia." Alfonzo said.
"I'm not into losing money, Fonzie." Elicia said with a wry smile. "So, I won't' be taking that bet."
Shizuka, on the other hand, was too busy pouting about Rika leaving to notice Alfonzo and Elicia's speculations.
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