Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
April, x785.
Shortly after Alfonzo left the Seto family's living room, Sun turned to Lunar with excitement gleaming in her eyes.
"Hey, Lunar." Sun said energetically. "I heard you were caught in the rain. How 'bout we take a bath and get you all warmed up."
"Sure, Sun." Lunar replied with a smile. "A bath sounds nice right about now."
"Great!" Sun shouted happily as she jumped off the couch. Then, she grabbed Lunar by the arm and pulled her up, as well. "Come on let's go! Maki! Could you please prepare the bath for us?"
"As you wish, Miss Sun." Maki said, poking her head out from around a corner now that Alfonzo was gone.
"Hey, Sun, wait…" Gozaburo said weakly while raising his right hand in Sun's direction powerlessly. "Daddy wanted to… spend some time together…"
While Gozaburo looked completely heartbroken that Sun had left him so readily, Ren could only shake her head at Gozaburo's antics.
"You make it seem like you don't get to see her almost every day at the gild." Ren said in exasperation. "Anyway, can you believe how much Lunar has changed in the last four years?"
"Yeah, the brat finally grew up." Gozaburo said grumpily as he lowered his hand. "We really should thank her manager. Because I'm pretty sure Edomae had very little to do with it."
"*Sigh* As true as it may be, you really shouldn't say things like that, Dear." Ren said.
As Masa had told Alfonzo, Lunar's father does not show his care for his daughter outwardly. Instead, he shows his affection by buying her luxuries of all kinds. Especially after his wife, Lunar's mother passed away. As a result, due to his grief, he very rarely spent any quality time with her. And that was probably what led to Lunar's bratty personality. Well, part of it, anyway.
Meanwhile, Sun and Lunar were in the changing room of the mansion's large Japanese-style bathroom.
"So, what have you been up to since the last time I saw you, Lunar?" Sun asked excitedly. "That was a little over four years ago, right? At the East/West Merfolk Union meeting, I think."
"Yeah, Lunar replied with a nod. "Not long after that, I started my career as a songstress."
"A songstress? You mean a singer, right?" Sun asked while tilting her head cutely.
"Yeah." Lunar replied.
"That's so cool.!" Sun said happily while putting her clothes in the laundry basket. "But what made you want to do that?"
"After losing to you again at the Union Meeting's talent show, I became a professional singer to prove to everyone that I was a better singer than you." Lunar replied through gritted teeth.
"But why?" Sun asked, not really understanding Lunar's motive.
"*Sigh* I was jealous." Lunar replied, exhaling all the negativity she was feeling. "I would practice so hard for the talent show every year. Yet, you would win with whatever ridiculous song you sung. I just wanted to win against you."
"But Lunar, I…" Sun said, however, she was unable to finish.
"And at first, I felt like I did win." Lunar continued, her tone saddening as she spoke. "I had so many fans around the continent. So many people loved my songs. They loved 'Lunar.' But they only loved the Lunar they saw on stage, not 'the real Lunar'."
At this point, Lunar had stopped undressing, and Sun was just listening to her tell her story.
"And when I found out, it broke my heart." Lunar continued. "A boy about my age came to one of my shows. And after the performance was over, he came back stage to get my autograph. However, he happened to see me the way I was back then, throwing a tantrum because I didn't get my way. And he was horrified at what he saw."
"Oh, Lunar…" Sun said in a conciliatory tone.
"So, I decided that I would make him fall in love with me." Lunar said with a self-deprecating smile. "Yeah, that was my solution. Because he did not like the me that he saw that day, I wanted to make him fall in love with me so deeply that he would not be able to live without me."
However, to Sun's surprise, Lunar's expression suddenly morphed into a gentle, loving expression.
"But somehow, I was the one who fell in love." Lunar continued in an affectionate tone with a slight blush on her face. "And when I realized it, my reason for making him fall in love with me changed."
"Ooh~~~~~~!" Sun squealed excitedly. "And? How did it go? Tell me! Tell me!"
Giggling at her friend's enthusiasm, Lunar continued getting undressed.
"Well, it took almost two years." Lunar said with a happy smile. "But Nagasumi eventually told me that he loved me, too. And it was the happiest day of my life. Though, he still has to deal with the occasional death threat from Papa."
Hearing that, Sun's eyes sparkled brightly. Also, Lunar had finally finished getting undressed, so the two made their way into the bathroom.
"The only problem is that he doesn't know I'm a mermaid yet." Lunar said as she took a seat in front of one of the bathroom's showerheads.
"You haven't told him yet?" Sun asked while doing the same.
"No." Lunar replied, shaking her head as she reached for the faucet. "I'm too afraid. Afraid of how he'll react."
"Well, you need to tell him sooner or later." Sun said, an uncharacteristically serious expression on his face. "And the sooner the better, in my opinion."
At that moment, both young women turned on the showers they sat in front of at the same time. And as soon as the water hit her, Lunar's legs glowed for a moment before morphing into a yellow fish tail.
"Yeah, but what if he rejects me after knowing the truth?" Lunar asked, picking up a bottle of body wash.
"*Sigh* As sad as it sounds, then it means that the two of you just weren't meant to be." Sun said with a shake of her head. "Honestly, if you didn't tell me that you already had someone you were in love with, I would have suggested getting with Alfonzo."
"Huh?" Lunar exclaimed in confusion while snapping her head in Sun's direction. "But he's your fiancé. Are you saying… that… you would… have…"
Before she could finished her question, Lunar caught sight of Sun's legs, which were still legs despite being drenched, and faltered in her words.
"Lunar?" Sun asked, tilting her head in confusion. "What's wrong? Did something happen?"
Sun's question snapped Lunar back to her senses. Then, she glared at Sun fiercely.
"Don't 'What's wrong?' me!" Lunar shouted. Then, she pointed at Sun's fleshy, smooth, somewhat muscular legs with a shaky finger. "Your legs, how are they still… legs? No, wait, that's a stupid question. You learned how to control your transformation? How? How did you do it?"
In response, Sun tilted her head in confusion for a moment. Then, after remembering the change in her body, she smacked the bottom of her right fist into her left palm with an expression of enlightenment on her face.
"Oh, that's right." Sun exclaimed. "I guess that means you're still a virgin, since you can't control your transformation yet, huh?"
Satisfied at her deduction, Sun picked up a bottle of body wash, squeezed some of its contents into her hands, and began to lather herself. Meanwhile, Lunar could only stare at Sun with her eyes and mouth wide open in both surprise and disbelief.
In fact, Lunar stayed stunned for so long that Sun had the time to finish washing and rinsing off.
"Lunar, is everything okay?" Sun asked in a concerned tone. "You're still only partially washed up. Do you need my help?"
Once again, Sun's question snapped Lunar out of her daze. And when it did, her face immediately reddened in embarrassment while she glared at Sun.
"Does that mean you've had…. Se-se-se-se-sex before?" Lunar stuttered out.
"Uh huh?" Sun replied with a smile and a nod. "Anyway, I'll help you get cleaned up. Then, we can get in the bath. We don't want you catching a cold, after all."
"There's no way a mermaid would catch a cold from something like this!" Lunar shouted, yet she did not refuse Sun's help. "But we have more important things to discuss!"
"We do?" Sun asked while lathering her hands.
"Uh, yeah~~~!" Lunar replied while rolling her eyes. "Like…"
Lunar paused and looked around the bathroom as if she were afraid that someone might be listening. Then, she continued in a small voice while her face reddened even further.
"How was it having se-se-sex?" Lunar asked in a voice that was barely louder than a whisper.
"It's great!" Sun exclaimed excitedly. "And it feels really good."
With that, Sun helped Lunar wash up before picking her up and carrying her to the bathtub. Meanwhile, Lunar continued to ask all sorts of questions about sex that Sun answered happily and without hesitation.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo had finally returned to his mansion. However, instead of heading to his bedroom, he made his way to the living room, where he usually took care of any design work he had piled up. On top of that, he had told Riot and Bedlam what he was planning to do for Elicia on their birthday.
["Well, it's about damn time."] Riot said while nodding in approval. ["And you're going all out for this, just like she deserves."]
["*Sigh* I admit, this is pretty big."] Bedlam said while looking over the building plans Alfonzo showed them. ["But just how long will it take to build something like this?"]
"Two months, or so." Alfonzo replied. "Well, that's if I use you two to create the materials. Then, I'll have to inscribe all the sigils, dig the foundation at the bottom of the lake, and get the regular builders to do all the other work. So, yeah, two months should be enough."
["I see."] Bedlam replied with a nod. ["Well, at the very least, she'll be surprised. Though, if she died of a heart attack from the shock, I wouldn't be surprised, either."]
["Ignoring this idiot."] Riot cut in. ["What about the lake? How are you going to afford it?"]
"Hehehe…. Did you forget how much I charged Mermaid Heel for the training rooms?" Alfonzo asked with a chuckle. "If I add that to the money I have saved up, I should have enough to buy the whole thing."
["I guess you've been planning this for a lot longer than just these past two months, huh?"] Bedlam said with a smile. ["Well, I should expect nothing less from the man I was created from.']
"The only problem is that I can't build it here." Alfonzo said in a frustrated tone. "I'll have to build it somewhere else then transport it here in secret. *Sigh* But that will be damn near impossible. No one would be able to miss something like that floating through the sky. I mean, the sheer amount of magic power it would give off would attract even those who can't use [MPD]."
["Yeah, that could be a problem."] Bedlam replied while cupping his chin with his right hand.
["Too bad Mystogan isn't here."] Riot muttered absent-mindedly. ["He always put most of the guild to sleep every time he showed up. If the two of you worked together, I'm sure you could put the whole town to sleep just as easily."]
While Riot was only grumbling for the sake of it, Alfonzo's mind started whirling at ten miles a minute after hearing what he said.
"Riot, you're a fucking genius!" Alfonzo exclaimed in excitement.
["Fuck are you talking about, Dude?"] Riot asked in a confused tone.
["Indeed, you've even confused me, too." Bedlam added.
"I can just ask Mystogan to help with my plan." Alfonzo replied with a smile.
["Hey, dumbass, did you forget he's in Edolas?"] Riot asked in exasperation.
"Of course, I didn't." Alfonzo replied while rolling his eyes. "But it looks like the two of you forgot that I made a magic item that could open a small Anima that was big enough for only one or two people to cross."
With that, the light of realization lit up in both Alfonzo's [Armament Spirits'] eyes.
"Ahahahahaha!" Alfonzo started to laugh uproariously when his [Armament Spirits] started thinking along the same lines as he was. "I love it when a plan comes together. And if Mystogan accepts to help me with this, I should make him a [Soul Armament as well."
["And just how would that work?"] Bedlam asked curiously.
"Well, I'm sure I'd have to make quite a few adjustments." Alfonzo said. "But making it so that the [Soul Armament Embryo] only takes will and spiritual power to bond with its host shouldn't be so difficult. The real issue will be making it so that he can use magic. I guess I'll have to talk to Porlyusica about that. Since she's from Edolas, too."
Like that, Alfonzo, Riot, and Bedlam continued discussing Alfonzo's plans. However, they were forced to stop while Alfonzo scrambled to put all his blueprints away when he felt all the girls, other than Sun returning to the house.
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
May 1, x785.
A few days have passed since Lunar showed up in Magnolia. And to Alfonzo's surprise, Sun did not come to him and ask him to take in her best friend. But what truly surprised him was the reason why.
"Wait, Lunar already has a boyfriend?" Alfonzo asked in a shocked tone while he stopped his hands that were checking the contents of the material delivery that arrived a few hours ago. "That guy must be a fuckign saint to deal with the Budget Terminator."
"Yup." Elicia replied with a smile while sitting on top of one of the crates and swinging her legs like a child. "And you'll never guess who."
"Well, it can't be that hard to figure out." Alfonzo replied, lowering his head to return to his work. "It's gotta be Nagasumi, right?"
"Boo! You're no fun." Elicia replied with a pout.
Hearing that, Alfonzo smiled without letting his hands slow down.
"Anyway, our birthday is coming up." Elicia said, changing gears completely. "Aren't you excited?"
"Hahaha… You're just excited that you won't have to spend your points to eat my food that day, aren't you?" Alfonzo asked in a teasing tone.
In response, Elicia's pout returned to her face as she glared at Alfonzo lightly. And after feeling Elicia's glare, Alfonzo looked up once again with a teasing grin.
"Oh, come on now, don't look at me like that." Alfonzo said with a smile. "You know I was joking."
"Yeah, well, it wasn't funny." Elicia grumbled while flopping backwards to lay down on top of the box. "You know, I've run out of points completely three times in these past two months. I've even had to take a lot more jobs to feed my habit."
In response, Alfonzo could only smile wryly. Although he really did feel bad for her, it would not be much of a punishment otherwise.
"Well---" Alfonzo said, wanting to console Elicia. However, he was interrupted before he could barely get started.
"And what's up with that cruel torture Erza came up with for the other part of the punishment!" Elicia shouted as she threw a tantrum, flailing her arms and legs around.
With that, Alfonzo's wry smile could only widen.
Elicia's second punishment, being present while restrained and blindfolded whenever Alfonzo had sex with the other girls while having her mouth available for any of the girls to use at any time, had been carried out more than a few times since the punishment was announced.
But nothing went as she expected. In fact, she thought that being used by the girls would make the punishment bearable. However, not once did any of the girls use her.
"I swear, Erza is just a red-haired demon!" Elicia continued with her tantrum. "She said they would use my mouth as they please. But they haven't used it at all. Not. A. Single. Time!"
'Yeah, I have to admit, that was pretty devious.' Alfonzo mused while watching Elicia with amusement. 'They dangled the possibility in front of her. Yet, they never made it a reality.'
["Devious Indeed."] Bedlam chimed in. ["I approve."]
["You should be outraged for her."] Riot said, clearly trying to keep his anger in check. On top of that, Alfonzo felt like he was glaring at Bedlam. ["She's put up with so much for us---"]
'Sorry, Riot, this time I can't agree with you, even subconsciously.' Alfonzo chimed in. 'Although I wanted to forgive her immediately just because she's Lici, I know that what she did angered a lot more people than just me, this time. And she hurt a lot of people who trusted her implicitly.'
In response, Riot fell silent.
Meanwhile, a different conversation was going on in Elicia's head.
["I don't' know why you're acting like that."] Scylla said disdainfully. ["Stop acting like you haven't had some of the best make up sex in either of your lives since then."]
'You just don't' get it, Scylla.' Elicia replied. 'I---'
["You feel left out."] Scylla said, interrupting Elicia. ["Yeah, I already know what makes you tick."]
In response, Elicia stopped flailing around and simply pouted while looking away from Alfonzo.
["But so, what?"] Scylla continued. ["You deserve it."]
'I know…" Elicia said.
"Anyway, it's about time for me to go." Alfonzo said while taking a look at the watch on his wrist. "I've got a date with Lucy in about an hour."
"Huh?" Elicia exclaimed as she sat up. "Is it that time already?"
"Yup." Alfonzo replied with a nod as he checked off a few items on the packing list in his hand.
In fact, ever since they got back from Tenrou Island, Alfonzo had done his best to make more time for the girls to spend some alone time with him. And over the past four and a half months, he's gone on several dates with all of them individually.
On top of that, Alfonzo and Lucy were an official couple as well. However, it took until the third date before it became official. And that's because Lucy actually repeated her blunder from their first date at the end of the second one, as well. Then, on their third date, Alfonzo took the initiative to ask her to be with him before initiating their customary goodnight kiss. And to know one's surprise, Lucy agreed.
"I wonder when she'll move in with us." Elicia wondered aloud as she hopped off the box she was sitting on.
"No clue." Alfonzo replied with a gentle shake of his head. "But she said she's not quite ready to take our relationship to that step, yet."
"I guess that makes sense." Elicia replied with a nod. "She's known you a lot less time than the other girls, who had known you for years by the time they got together with you."
"*Sigh* And when that happens, we'll only have one guest room left." Alfonzo muttered as he started to leave the storage shed with Elicia following closely behind him. "I guess we'll need a new house, soon."
"Yeah, who would have thought that an eight bedroom mansion wouldn't be enough after only five and a half years." Elicia replied with a nod. "Anyway, I guess I should get going, too."
"Be careful." Alfonso said, turning around with concern in his eyes. "This ruin you're going to was one of the massacred cities Hughes mapped out."
"Don't worry, I'll be careful." Elicia replied with a smile. "I don't plan on letting a single person, more than necessary, see me. We don't need Father and his Homunculi thinking we know what they're planning, after all."
"*Sigh* That's just a matter of time." Alfonzo said as he began combing his fingers through Elicia's hair. "They'll figure out where Hughes and his family are eventually."
"I know." Elicia replied, leaning into Alfonzo's touch. "But we won't' let anything happen to them. They became family as soon as they joined the guild."
"Right." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "Anyway, we should get going, neither of us wants to be late, after all."
"'Kay." Elicia said before standing on her tip toes and giving Alfonzo a kiss. "I'll be back in a few days. There's no way I'm missing our birthday party."
With that, Elicia ran towards the garage instead of the inside of the house. She had packed her necessities for the quest before finding Alfonzo, after all. Then, after hopping into her Z3, she drove off towards her destination.
Earth land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Open Road.
"So, I'm supposed to find some kind of family heirloom that was left behind when the people fled from the attack of a Dark Guild, huh?"
Nearly thirteen hours after leaving Magnolia, Elicia was close to her destination. So, she was looking over the request one more time sheet while taking a break to refill her Z3's magic power supply.
["Doesn't the location of this ruined village sound familiar?"] Scylla asked from Elicia's inner world.
"Hmm? What do you mean?" Elicia asked as she looked up from the quest sheet with confusion.
["Well, I'm not a hundred percent sure, but it's similar to the place where Ultear found Meredy, isn't it?"] Scylla replied. ["Unfortunately, the village was unnamed and the only thing she could remember about it was that it was past Clover Town."
"So, you think this might be a trap?" Elicia asked as her gaze sharpened.
["There's a possibility."] Scylla replied.
"Yeah, I guess you're right." Elicia said with a nod. "If I remember correctly, Grimoire Heart killed every man, woman, and child in that village, Meredy being the sole survivor. So, there shouldn't be anyone that would want a family heirloom from those ruins. On top of that, it's been years. Yet, the quest was posted not long ago."
["Exactly."] Scylla replied with a nod. ["So, you need to keep your guard up."]
"I will." Elicia replied as she fell silent and continued to charge her Z3's rechargeable lacrima.
Three hours later, Elicia had finished refilling her Z3's rechargeable lacrima and restored her magic power to full. Then, she started her trip to the unnamed village once again.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Unnamed Village Ruins.
After driving for another hour and a half, Elicia finally arrived at the village mentioned in the quest.
"Yeah, Grimoire Heart really did a number on this place, huh?" Elicia said as she opened the car door.
["Yeah, and look over there."] Scylla said, directing Elicia's sight to a decaying sign. ["There's the orphanage Ultear mentioned in her report. This is definitely the same place."]
Hearing that, Elicia went on alert, immediately. Then, just before closing her car door, she activated the car's protective barrier and took the emergency beacon out of the center console.
["Are you sure you want to take that with you?"] Scylla asked after Elicia stored the emergency beacon in her waist pouch. ["What if it were to get damaged?"]
"[Camouflage Magic: Hiding in Plain Sight]." Elicia chanted, turning herself invisible. "I don't know if the Gluttony of this world can eat magic, but if he can, it wouldn't be safe in there, anyway."
["*Sigh* I guess you're right."] Scylla replied.
With that, Elicia slowly made her way into the ruins of the village. Meanwhile, from a distance, two people watched Elicia as she disappeared from view.
"Where did she go?" A fat man with beady eyes and a large nose asked while putting a finger in his mouth in confusion.
"Gluttony, wasn't that like what you told us happened when Hughes disappeared, too?" A beautiful woman, the homunculus, Lust, asked as she began approaching the village.
"Uh huh." The fat man, Gluttony, replied with a nod. "I didn't get to eat him."
"Don't worry, Gluttony, you'll definitely get to eat that woman." Lust said with a malicious grin. "And all her little friends in that guild of hers, too."
"Really?" Gluttony replied with excitement.
"Yes, it's true." Lust replied with a nod. Then, she continued in a somewhat saddened tone. "It's just such a pity that we'll have to kill such a talented clothing designer. But since she decided to get in the way of Father's plans, there's nothing that can be done about it."
Meanwhile, Elicia had arrived at the place where the quest sheet said she would be able to find the heirloom.
"This should be it." Elicia muttered as she looked at the small house in front of her. "The house in the northeastern most corner of the village."
["Be careful, Elicia."] Scylla said in a heavy tone. ["Someone is approaching."]
"I know." Elicia replied. "There are two of them. I guess it really was a trap by the homunculus. I can't feel them with [MPD] at all. It's a good thing I still have my [Detection Threads], though. But how did you know they were coming too, Scylla."
["I can feel the souls trapped in their Philosopher's Stones"] Scylla replied. Then, she asked a question of her own. ["Any idea which ones they are?"]
"Well based on the pressure my threads are sending back to me, one should be an adult woman. So, that's definitely Lust." Elicia replied. "And the other one is pretty heavy. So, either Gluttony or Sloth. But since they're with Lust, I'm betting on Gluttony."
["Why not Envy?"] Scylla asked curiously.
"Because I remember his weight from the time Fonzie fought him." Elicia replied, finding a small pendant with a vibrant red stone. "And he's a whole lot heavier than that. And there's the quest item."
["Got it. Let's grab it and---"] Scylla replied as Elicia picked up the pendant. However, before she could finish, she cut herself off and she shouted at Elicia in warning ["Get out of here, now! They're attacking the house."]
Meanwhile, a few moments earlier, Lust and Gluttony had arrived outside the same house Elicia just entered.
"Can I eat it now, Lust?" Gluttony asked with his index finger in his mouth.
"Not yet, Gluttony, be patient." Lust replied.
A few moments passed with Gluttony watching the house as if it were a sumptuous meal. Then, as soon as Elicia picked up the pendant, which was housing a Philosopher's Stone, Lust smiled maliciously.
"You can do it now, Gluttony." Lust said.
Without a word, Gluttony's face morphed into a radiant smile. A moment later, however, Gluttony's body underwent a change. First, he opened his mouth, far further than what should be possible. Then his torso split open from its center, revealing an eye inside of his torso. On top of that, long, sharp teeth jutted out from the peeled back flesh.
Then, once his transformation was complete, Gluttony inhaled a deep breath. A moment later, everything in a thin, conical area, not even enough to destroy the entire small house, stretching a hundred feet in front of him, was sucked into the eye inside Gluttony's torso.
Bonus Chapter for reaching 700 Power Stones last week.
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