Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Rosemary Village.
April, x785.
A few more days had passed since Alfonzo and Erza arrived in Rosemary Village. And since then, not much has happened. Apart from training in the mornings, Erza spent her time refamiliarizing herself with the village while Alfonzo reinforced all the houses in the village with sigils that would only react to outside force over a certain threshold. Simon, on the other hand, aside from performing his duties as the village chief, spent all his free time learning [Magic Power Detection].
Unfortunately, the peaceful atmosphere in the village was about to end. And the reason for that was obvious. Alfonzo and Erza had detected a group of magic power signatures approaching the village from the sky.
"They're here." Alfonzo muttered as his spar with Erza came to an abrupt end.
"Indeed." Erza replied as she sheathed her [Soul Armament]. "So, how should we handle this situation?"
"That's a good question..." Alfonzo said as he fell into a state of contemplation. "I'll go and intercept the crows coming to the village. Meanwhile, you go and let Simon know what's going on."
Understood." Erza replied with a nod. "Then, once I've done that, I'll come and join you."
"No." Alfonzo replied while shaking his head.
Hearing that, Erza was slightly confused. However, Alfonzo continued before she could put her thoughts into words.
"Instead of coming to me, you should go to the mountain where these Crow Tengu reside and take out the other one of the two leaders." Alfonzo clarified. "Because I'm almost certain that if I kill the one coming here, the other one will come, too. And I'd rather keep as many of them away from the village as possible."
'It's not like I can let Erza fight too close to the village.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'She still doesn't know the meaning of restraint, after all.'
"Okay." Erza replied. "I'll handle the ones on the mountain.
With that, Alfonzo and Erza split up and made their way to their respective destinations.
["If you were so concerned with damaging the village, why didn't you go and attack them preemptively?"] Bedlam asked curiously.
["Hmph! Isn't that obvious?"] Riot asked in a disdainful tone. ["It's because he's too soft-hearted."]
Shaking his head in response, Alfonzo picked up the pace to intercept the incoming Crow Tengu.
'It's because I wanted to let Erza have more time in the village.' Alfonzo replied mentally. 'The last of the materials for Mermaid Heel's training rooms will be arriving in Magnolia in the next few days, remember? And I need to be there to make sure there are no problems with the shipment. So, we can't stay any longer after the quest is complete.'
["I still don't understand why you didn't just use us to create all the necessary materials."] Riot said with a scoff. ["With the power of our releases, you could have made them all for free. Then, you could have really fleeced those chicks."]
["Although taking advantage of a group of women is beneath me, I'm curious why you didn't use us to make the materials, too."] Bedlam added.
'It's like Bedlam said, I didn't want to take advantage of them after we already had an initial agreement.' Alfonzo replied.
["Hmph!"] Riot snorted. ["Like I said, just a soft-hearted fool."]
"We can talk about that later." Alfonzo said as he came to a stop a distance outside the village. "There they are."
As he spoke, Alfonzo looked up into the sky where dozens of humanoid magical beasts with black feathered wings, the heads of crows, and carrying all manner of bladed weapons approached from the nearby mountain. However, the one leading this group had a much more human appearance.
The one leading the group of Crow Tengu was a large, muscular man standing nearly 7' tall with long black hair, a bushy black beard, red eyes, and two pairs of black feathered wings, with one pair growing from his shoulder blades and one pair growing from his lower back.
Also, this large man wore crudely crafted armor reminiscent of Chinese armor and carried a long staff that was taller than he was with weighted ends.
This man, though he noticed Alfonzo, paid him little mind as he led his flock towards Rosemary Village.
"That mother fucker is ignoring me, isn't he?" Alfonzo asked as he saw that the Crow Tengu were not slowing down.
Just after his words fell, Alfonzo began levitating into the air., which caused the Crow Tengu to focus on him. A moment later, when he was floating at the same level as the leading Crow Tengu, Alfonzo used his [Metal Magic] to create a gigantic chain-link fence behind him, cutting off the Crow Tengu's path to the village.
Naturally, this caused the group of Crow Tengu to stop their advance.
"Sorry, but that village…" Alfonzo said while pointing at Rosemary Village from over his shoulder with his thumb. "It's under my protection. So, you can either relocate your whole murder. Or you will die here. Either way is fine with me."
Though most of the Crow Tengu could not speak the human tongue, they could tell that Alfonzo was threatening them based on his tone. Meanwhile, the large man leading the Crow Tengu glared at Alfonzo angrily.
"Stand aside, human." The Crow Tengu ordered in a deep, booming voice.
Surprised, Alfonzo looked at the leading Tengu with interest.
"I wasn't expecting you to speak our language." Alfonzo said.
"Destroy the obstruction." The Crow Tengu ordered his flock, completely ignoring Alfonzo's words.
In response, the crows began to caw excitedly before flying towards the fence at high speed.
"I wouldn't do that if I were you." Alfonzo muttered as he simply watched the crows approach.
A moment later, a Crow Tengu wielding a large, two-handed sword reached the fence. Then, with a powerful swing, the Cro Tengu attempted to cleave through the fence.
Unfortunately, as soon as his weapon came in contact with the metallic fence, an arc of electricity ran up its weapon, electrocuting it in an instant. Then, with the scent of burning feathers and flesh, the Crow Tengu fell from the sky.
Though all the Crow Tengu saw the outcome of the first of their kind's attempt to break through the metallic obstruction, not all of them were able to stop their attacks in time. As a result, several more Crow Tengu lost their lives via electrocution while the rest backed away, gathering behind their leader.
Naturally, this outcome both terrified and enraged the Crow Tengu in equal measure. And the angry caws that echoed through the area were the perfect indicator.
"A wizard." The Crow Tengu's leader muttered while narrowing his eyes at Alfonzo. "Kill him. If he dies, the obstruction will vanish. And if we feast on his flesh, we shall grow in power."
Once again, the Crow Tengu cawed excitedly.
"You all really should just go home." Alfonzo said.
However, he was once again ignored as the Crow Tengu raised their weapons and charged at Alfonzo as a group.
"*Sigh* They never listen." Alfonzo said in a tone of lament.
In the next instant, a number of small metallic balls materialized in the air around Alfonzo. At the same time, he pulled Riot and Bedlam from the strap on his lower back. Then, with lightning sparking on the two [Soul Armaments], he began striking the metal balls, sending them flying at the incoming Crow Tengu.
Instantly, the pain-filled, angry caws of the Crow Tengu began to ring out, as pieces of flesh were torn away every time a metallic ball sailed past them. While many of the Crow Tengu tied on the spot, there were just as many who were permanently disabled as they had lost limbs and wings.
"Enough!" The leading Crow Tengu shouted as he rushed forward.
Then, with surprising mastery over his weapon of choice, the leading Crow Tengu swatted the electrified metal balls out of the air with his staff, saving many of his brethren.
'That staff isn't made of metal… Interesting.' Alfonzo thought to himself after realizing he could not take control of the human-looking Crow Tengu's weapon. 'On top of that, he's really fast with equally quick reflexes. Although these attacks aren't on the level of my [railgun], they're still moving faster than the speed of sound.'
["Why aren't you using the [Railgun], anyway?"] Bedlam asked curiously.
'Because if they hit the mountain behind these crows, it could cause an avalanche.' Alfonzo replied. 'And I don't know if that would affect the village.'
While Alfonzo was answering Bedlam's question, the leading Crow Tengu managed to defend the remaining Crow Tengu. And based on the fact that he was neither sweating nor breathing heavily, Alfonzo concluded that it took little effort for him to do so.
"There are more of you still alive than I expected." Alfonzo said while surveying the surviving Crow Tengu. "Either way, I'm not letting you get close to the village."
Instead of replying, the leading Crow Tengu, with rage burning in his eyes, charged forward. Meanwhile, all the other Crow Tengu spread out, surrounding Alfonzo and their leader in the process.
"*Sigh* I tried to give you a way out…" Alfonzo muttered as he took his fighting stance.
Meanwhile, Erza, who had just left the village after informing Simon about the Crow Tengu's attack, was dashing alongside the fence Alfonzo created and heading towards the mountain where the rest of the Crow Tengu lived.
"That one leading the group is quite strong." Erza muttered as she glanced up at the battle between Alfonzo and the attacking Crow Tengu.
["Indeed."] Erza's [Armament Spirit] replied from her inner world. ["But Alfonzo will be able to handle them."]
"Agreed." Erza replied. "This should be no problem for him."
As she spoke, Erza smiled with confidence. However, as she reached the foot of the mountain, she finally felt the magic power of the Crow Tengu who stayed behind.
"The one at the top of the mountain is more than likely the true leader of this murder of Crow Tengu." Erza said while looking up at where the strongest of the Crow Tengu was located. "Still, I will stop them from terrorizing this village. [Requip: Black Wing Armor]."
In the next instant, Erza was covered in the light of her magic. Then, as the light faded, she shot up towards the mountain peak, now clad in her [Black Wing Armor].
As she ascended the mountain, Erza heard a loud caw that echoed around. Then, a number of Crow Tengu flew up from various points on the mountain, quickly surrounding her.
"Leave this mountain and I promise that none shall be harmed." Erza said while wielding her [Soul Armament] in both hands. "But if you decide to attack, I will show no mercy."
Like the ones facing Alfonzo, all the Crow Tengu confronting Erza were wielding all sorts of bladed weapons. And after hearing Erza's warning, they readied their weapons before charging forward to deal with the intruder.
"I see you've made your decision." Erza said while narrowing her eyes.
In the next instant, Erza leaned her head back to avoid a slash from a curved sword. Then, in one swift motion, Erza thrust her sword forward, impaling the attacking Cro Tengu through the throat. Before grabbing it by the shoulder and swinging it in the path of a swinging axe.
A moment later, after dislodging her sword from the dead Crow Tengu's throat, she made a half turn to avoid the thrust from a spear and while using the momentum from her turn, slashed another across the chest.
Like that, with precise movements and swift swordsman ship, Erza evaded all the Crow Tengu's incoming attacks while dispatching them one by one.
"This is Tedious." Erza muttered as she bent her back to avoid a slash from another spear. "[Requip: Heaven's Wheel Armor]."
Once again, Erza was covered in the light of her magic. At the same time, two dozen long swords were summoned around her.
"[Heaven's Wheel: Circle Sword]." Erza chanted once the light of her [Requip Magic] faded.
In the next instant, the swords floating around Erza began to rotate around her at high speed. Then, they were sent flying outwards, impaling one Crow Tengu each. Meanwhile, the Crow Tengu who were not targeted by the spell backed away before regrouping.
"I warned you." Erza said as her swords returned to float around her. "Now, if you value your lives, leave this mountain. This is my last warning."
At that moment, another loud caw echoed around the mountain. Then, after a few moments, the powerful magic power signature Erza felt before she started ascending the mountain started to move.
["Be careful."] Erza's [Armament Spirit] cautioned. ["They're coming."]
"I know." Erza replied while focusing on the direction of the new arrival.
A few moments later, the Crow Tengu began to separate, making a path for their leader to deal with the intruder. And when the powerful presence arrived in her line of sight, Erza was surprised at what she saw.
Instead of another burly man, a slim, curvaceous, fair skinned woman with short black hair, red eyes, a beautiful human face, large breasts, and a pair of black feathered wings growing from her lower back wearing a revealing, armored leotard, hair ornaments in the shape of black wings, thigh high black socks, and straw sandals wielding a long spear with a large, intricately crafted spearhead approached through the path opened by the Crow Tengu.
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Rosemary Village.
April, x785.
*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*
In the air outside Rosemary Village, Alfonzo had just deflected a sweep of the most human of all the Crow Tengu's staff with Riot, swept Bedlam at his waist in the same motion, which the Tengu pulled his staff back to block, then used Riot to deflect the other end of the staff, which the Tengu had brought up to strike between his legs.
"Seriously uncool, man." Alfonzo complained, which the Crow Tengu ignored.
Instead, the Tengu began whirling his staff at high-speed. As a result, Alfonzo was forced to either dodge or deflect each attack, as he was unable to shorten the distance to land a decisive blow.
On top of that, with every contact of the two combatant's weapons, Alfonzo would send a current of electricity through his weapon. However, the Tengu seemed to be completely unbothered. In fact, from what Alfonzo could tell, the electrical current died out before it even reached the Tengu's hands.
"What the hell is that staff made of?" Alfonzo muttered in frustration.
At that moment, one of the Tengu surrounding the battlefield threw a throwing knife, aiming for the back of Alfonzo's neck.
"And why are these mother fuckers still here?" Alfonzo asked as he used his [Metal Magic to stop the throwing knife in place.
Then, in the next instant, the throwing knife turned around and sped towards the confused Crow Tengu who threw it, piercing it through the throat before it could react.
Seeing yet another of his brethren lose their lives, the Leading Crow Tengu's red eyes shined with anger. Then, with all his might, he raised his staff over his head and brought it down at Alfonzo's head.
Alfonzo, on the other hand, created two metal balls in Riot and Bedlam's path. Then, as he brought them up to defend against the incoming smash, they grazed the metal balls, shooting them at the Tengu at hypersonic speed.
"[Electromagnetism Magic: Double Railgun]." Alfonzo chanted as he put his tonfa in place to defend.
In the next instant several things took place in quick succession. First, the two [Railguns] Alfonzo fired ripped through the Tengu's right waist and the outside of his left thigh. Second, The Crow Tengu's staff slammed into Riot and Bedlam, which Alfonzo had crossed over his head defensively. Third, Alfonzo was sent towards the ground at high speed, kicking up a dust cloud upon impact. And lastly, the Crow Tengu finally registered the pain from Alfonzo's attacks and released a loud caw of pain.
Meanwhile, the other Crow Tengu could only look at their leader with concern. At the same time, there were a few who looked at him with the desire to take his position now that he was so heavily injured. A moment later, however, the leading Crow Tengu's actions crushed those desires.
With a pain-filled cry, the leading Crow Tengu ripped away the cauterized flesh around his wounds, causing large amounts of blood to spray from the wounds.
Naturally, this caused the surrounding Crow Tengu to be surprised. But what surprised them even more was the fact that the, now bleeding, wounds began to regenerate at high speed. Then, once their leaders wounds were healed to the point they were no longer bleeding, the Crow Tengu all cawed in excitement.
At the same time, the dust cloud on the ground had almost completely settled. And Alfonzo could be seeing trying to shake the dust out of his hair.
"Damn, that big son of a bitch is a lot stronger than I thought." Alfonzo muttered as he walked out of the dust cloud. "And that regeneration is a pain in the ass."
["Does that mean you're finally going to use us?"] Riot asked in an annoyed tone.
"Yeah, it does." Alfonzo replied as he held his [Soul Armaments] out to his sides. "[Run Wild with Destruction on your Fingertips. Usher in Pandemonium with Creation in Your Hands. Riot, Bedlam]."
Just as Alfonzo finished his chant, his magic power shot up to about five times its normal amount, putting pressure on everything in the area. IN fact, even the people in Rosemary Village felt as if the air had grown heavy. So, the Crow Tengu in the air were not having a particularly good time at the moment.
Then, as Alfonzo's tonfa melted down into liquid metal and covered his hands, he noticed that some of the weaker Crow Tengu had fainted and were currently falling from the sky.
Seeing this, the leading Crow Tengu powerfully flapped his wings and flew towards the one who was closest to hitting the ground.
"Nope, I already gave you all a chance to get out of this alive." Alfonzo said as he pointed his right index finger at the falling Crow Tengu. "But you spat on my good will."
In the next instant, Alfonzo's right finger elongated to twice its normal length. At the same time, a hole opened on its tip while electricity sparked along its length.
*Bang!* *Bang!* *Bang!*
A moment later, all the Crow Tengu falling from the sky had large holes in the middle of their foreheads. Then, they all heard the sound barrier break multiple times in quick succession.
Once again, the leading Crow Tengu's eyes glowed red in anger. Then, he turned towards Alfonzo without losing any momentum and pulled his staff back to swing it horizontally, hoping to break Alfonzo in half with the blow.
"[Metal Magic: Circular Cutter]." Alfonzo chanted relaxedly.
In response, Alfonzo retracted his finger. Then, a spinning circular saw grew from the back of each hand. And just as the staff was in range, Alfonzo raised his left arm quickly, cutting through the staff easily.
Still, the Crow Tengu did not stop his assault, lifting his right leg to kick Alfonzo in the head. However, just like the staff, the Tengu's leg was easily severed when Alfonzo made a quarter-turn to the right and raised his right hand. As a result, The Crow Tengu lost everything from the knee down while his blood splattered all over the ground.
However, without stopping his turn, Alfonzo flung his now raised right arm at the Tengu's neck, ripping out a large portion of his throat in the process.
Seeing this, the remaining Crow Tengu in the sky cawed in anger before they charged at Alfonzo in unison.
Noticing the incoming attack, Alfonzo rose into the sky at high-speed, quickly ascending higher than the Crow Tengu, forcing them to change their flight path. Then, once he was at a safe height, he waited for the Crow Tengu to draw near.
"This should be high enough to not damage the ground, right?" Alfonzo muttered.
["That all depends on your control."] Bedlam replied with a grin. ["But since you're my wielder, you should be able to handle it. In fact, you probably would have been fine if you were even closer to the ground."]
"Probably." Alfonzo muttered. "But I wanted to have a bit more of a safety margin. Oh, they're here. [Electromagnetism Magic: Super Flare]."
With his chant, Alfonzo's body began glowing bright red. Then, in an instant, that red glow expanded outward, creating a sphere that engulfed all the approaching Crow Tengu, superheating their bodies.
As a result, most of the Crow Tengu were dead once the [Super Flare] ended. And those that were not died after falling to the ground.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo glanced down at the ground and was thoroughly surprised that the Crow Tengu's leader was not dead. In fact, his throat was regenerating while his leg was being regrown slowly as well.
"This guy's definitely a Cockroach Tengu and not a Crow Tengu." Alfonzo said in a surprised tone.
["Stop thinking something stupid!"] Riot ordered. ["Just finish him off already."]
["Riot's right."] Bedlam added. ["And while you're at it, you should take care of that tunnel running under the village, too."]
Hearing that, Alfonzo spread his detection spells. And he noticed that the Crow Tengu's corpses were mostly lying above the tunnel.
"I guess that will make a perfect mass grave for these brave warriors." Alfonzo said as he raised his right hand towards the leading Crow Tengu.
A moment later, purple light began to coalesce into an orb in front of Alfonzo's palm.
"Damn it, it's not the right color." Alfonzo grumbled as he continued to amass UV radiation. ["I should have changed the color from the beginning."]
A moment later, the purple orb turned into a bright blue color.
"Perfect." Alfonzo said, nodding at himself in satisfaction. Then, once he had gathered enough energy, he chanted his spell. ["Electromagnetism Magic: Big Bang Attack]."
With his chant, Alfonzo fired the blue orb of UV radiation down at the Crow Tengu's leader.
Then, as soon as the orb reached the ground, it caused an explosion large enough that it could be seen from the village. At the same time, the ceiling of the tunnel running underground collapsed while the Crow Tengu Corpses fell into the hole.
As for the leader of the Crow Tengu, he was vaporized in the explosion.
"Oh, no…" Alfonzo said in a monotonous voice. "Look at this big ass hole I left in the ground. I'd better do something to fill it, or someone might get hurt. *Sigh* How could I be so careless?"
As Alfonzo spoke, he lowered himself towards the hole in the ground. Then, once he was floating about a foot above the surface, he stretched his arms forward. A moment later, liquid metal began pouring from his palms like he had turned on a tap, filling in the hole in the process.
"Damn, without you guys, I'd probably be ready to collapse after creating this much metal." Alfonzo said as he used his magic to shape the liquid metal into a thick cylinder that perfectly filled the collapsed portion without letting it spread any further.
["That's right, we all know you're practically useless without us."] Riot grumbled. ["Hell, you couldn't even beat that bird man without our help."]
Ignoring Riot's grumbling, Alfonzo continued filling the hole in the ground. Then, once it was filled, he created a thin layer of adamantine along the ceiling of the tunnel, making sure that none of the town's people would accidentally be infected by the liquid metal, which happened to be Techno Organic Metal.
Just a few moments after Alfonzo finished his work and had dispelled his [Soul Armaments'] release, Simon came running from the direction of the village.
"Alfonzo, what happened here?" Simon asked once he was within earshot. "We could see the explosion all the way from the village. On top of that, the whole area shook like there was an earthquake."
"Ah, sorry about that, that Tengu commanding the group was a lot stronger than I expected and I had to use more power than I wanted to kill it. And well… You know how things went after that."
'Even though I tried it out in training, it's hard getting used to the reduced consumption when the adrenaline is pumping.' Alfonzo thought to himself while maintaining his facial expression. 'If I used even a little more magic power in that last spell, I could have collapsed the area from here to the foot of the mountain.'
["You should have done it."] Riot cheered. And for the first time, he did not sound angry. Instead, he sounded like an excited teenager. ["That would have been sick as fuck."]
'I think this is the first time Riot hasn't sounded like my own personal version of Bakugo.' Alfonzo mused at Riot's tone.
["Although you're not wrong, riot, Alfonzo would have been deemed just as bad as the old Fairy Tail if he had done that."] Bedlam said.
["And who the fuck are they to judge him?"] Riot asked angrily. ["We should just kill all those powerless morons who think they have the right to judge the strong for their actions."]
'And it's gone.' Alfonzo thought to himself.
As Alfonzo spoke, he smiled sheepishly while simultaneously conversing with his [Armament Spirits] and patting out some of the dust still clinging to his hair. Meanwhile, Simon looked around the destroyed area with a blank expression.
"And what's with the metal under the surface of the ground?" Simon asked after looking around for a few moments.
"Oh, you don't have to worry about that." Alfonzo replied while waving off Simon's concerns. "I just used it to fill in the crater. Wouldn't want anyone getting hurt if they come out here, after all."
Hearing that, Simon nodded in appreciation. Meanwhile, Alfonzo's thoughts were a little different.
'Probably shouldn't tell him that the metal is actually there to disrupt a massive [Transmutation Circle] that will kill everyone inside and turn them into a Philosopher's Stone.' Alfonzo thought. 'That might cause a little panic if it ever got out.'
"I see." Simon replied. "And what about Erza? Is she okay?"
"She should be fine." Alfonzo replied. "But I was planning to go check on her. She should be facing the other one of the leading Tengu right now."
"Then, please hurry." Simon said with concern lacing his tone. "I don't want anything to happen to her."
"Don't worry, Erza is strong." Alfonzo replied. "Really strong."
Despite his words, Alfonzo began levitating with his magic.
"Well, I'll see you back in the village." Alfonzo said as he started moving towards the mountain. "And I'll have Erza with me when we get back."
With that, Alfonzo shot off towards the mountain, leaving Simon standing in place with an anxious expression.
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