Edolas, Edolas Continent, Royal Capital.
November, x784.
"What's going on?" Lucy asked as she and Erza snuck around the royal castle. Peaking her head around a corner and watching the soldiers run down the corridor, Lucy could not help but ask her next question with a confused expression on her face. "Why are there so many people running around the castle like that?"
"Perhaps Elicia and Marin have been discovered." Erza replied. A moment later, however, she shook her head as she continued. "No, I doubt there is anyone in this castle that can see through her [Camouflage Magic]."
"Then what's going on?" Lucy asked as she pulled her head back from around the corner.
As previously mentioned, Coco, the Assistant Chief of Staff of the Edolas Kingdom, had stolen the key that allowed entry to the room where the Anima device was located. After finding out about her deed, King Faust ordered for her to be captured and the key to be retrieved immediately.
Naturally, after hearing the king's orders, all the soldiers in the castle began to scramble, searching for Coco in every corner of the castle. Meanwhile, several platoons were stationed at the castle's entrances to stop her from escaping.
"That's not important for now." Erza said. "We need to find the device that pulled Magnolia into this world. But we need to be even more careful with so many people running around the castle so haphazardly."
"Right." Lucy replied with a nod.
Currently, Erza and Lucy were searching in one of the castle's towers. After somehow hiding from all the soldiers searching for Coco, they were ready to climb the stairs and search the tower's top floor before moving onto another area of the castle if they were unable to find anything.
With Erza in the lead, the two girls left the spiral staircase leading to the top floor of the tower. Before they could leave the corridor and search the nearest room, however, the wall next to the door exploded towards them.
"Kya!" Lucy screamed as her throat was grabbed.
"Lucy!" Erza shouted after hearing Lucy's scream.
[Requipping] a long sword into her hand, Erza watched the dust cloud that was created when the wall was destroyed. She did not move into the dust cloud to rescue Lucy, however. Besides knowing that she was still alive due to her [Magic Power Detection], she had no idea what had attacked her comrade due to the same reason.
"Well, well, well… If it isn't Lucy Ashley." A familiar female voice said as the dust began to settle.
"Who are you?" Erza asked aggressively. "And what have you done to Lucy."
When the dust finally settled, Erza could see that Lucy's back was pressed against the wall while she struggled to free herself from the hand that was wrapped around her neck. And that hand was connected to a woman who shared the same facial features and long crimson red hair as herself.
"No, you're not Lucy Ashely." The red haired woman, Erza Knightwalker, said while examining Lucy closely. "You must be from the other world. Even so, you wear the mark of those criminals, Fairy Tail. Which means you should be killed like the rest of them."
"Release her!" Erza shouted as she charged forward with her longsword raised.
"Not so fast." The Edolas Erza said, dragging Lucy in front of her.
Seeing Lucy in the path of her slash, Erza quickly stopped her forward charge.
"Such a disappointment." The Edolas Erza said while looking at Erza disdainfully. "To think someone with the same face as I would side with such traitorous filth."
"Ha!" Lucy wheezed out while clawing at the Edolas Erza's arm and hand. "Just because you… look alike… don't think… Erza is… anything like… you…"
"I can see that." The Edolas Erza said while glancing at Lucy. "She seems to care for you quite deeply. Why don't we put that to the test."
"What are you planning?" Erza asked with her sword ready to strike should her counterpart show an opening.
Instead of replying, the Edolas Erza swung the spear in her other hand at the wall she had previously been pressing Lucy against.
With just a swing of her spear, The Edolas Erza was able to blow out the wall effortlessly. Then, with her hand still wrapped around Lucy's neck, she dragged the blonde girl to the opening in the wall and dangled her over the ground below.
"Since this girl seems to mean so much to you." The Edolas Erza said, putting on a sadistic smile as she spoke. "If you wish to save her, use that sword in your hand to end your own life. In return, I will let her live."
Hearing that, both Erza and Lucy opened their eyes wide in surprise.
"No… Erza… you can't…" Lucy wheezed out.
"Silence." The Edolas Erza ordered as she slammed the shaft of her spear into Lucy's ribs, cracking at least one of them with the strike.
"Don't hurt her!" Erza shouted as her hands tightened around her sword's hilt.
"If you want her to live through this, then you know what to do." The Edolas Erza said, smiling sadistically at Erza.
Meanwhile, Erza was contemplating the chances of rushing past her counterpart, [Requipping] into her [Black Wing Armor], and catching Lucy after Erza Knightwalker inevitably let her fall. Unfortunately, even though she knew that she outclassed her Edolas counterpart in strength, she was not arrogant enough to think that she could rush past her before Lucy fell to her death.
"Too slow." The Edolas Erza said, her smile growing wider as she saw the wheels in Erza's head spinning. "I guess she doesn't mean as much to you as I thought. Oh well… I guess you can say goodbye, then."
"No, don't!" Erza shouted.
Unbothered by Erza's shouting, the Edolas Erza loosened her grip on Lucy's neck. As a result, Lucy's eyes opened wide as she felt herself falling to the ground below.
"No! Lucy~~~~~!" Erza shouted as she was covered in a bright light. "[Requip: Black Wing Armor]."
A moment later, Erza, now wearing her [Black Wing Armor], vanished form where she stood in a burst of speed. Before she could reach the hole in the wall, however, the Edolas Erza stepped in front of her with her spear raised defensively.
"Her fate has been sealed." The Edolas Erza said while bracing herself. "There is nothing you can do to sae her now."
"Damn you, Knightwalker!" Erza shouted as she swung her sword with all her might.
Although she was not as physically strong as her Earth land counterpart, the Edolas Erza was no less skilled in terms of weapon skills. So, instead of taking Erza's slash head on, she caught Erza's sword between two of the blades of her spear. Then, she quickly turned her spear to the side, successfully redirecting Erza's slash to the wall beside her.
With the skillful redirection her slash and the force she used to swing her sword, Erza significantly widened the hole in the wall that the Edolas Erza had made previously. At the same time, she was now in position to see Lucy, who was still falling from the top of the tower. On top of that, there was now a large amount of rubble that would undoubtedly land on top of her.
"No,… Lucy…" Erza said weakly as she realized that Lucy had fallen too far for her to catch her.
"You should focus on the battle instead of a dead weight like that girl." The Edolas Erza said as she whipped her leg at Erza's mid-section.
Thanks to the kick from her Edolas counterpart, Erza was flung backward. Before the kick landed, however, Erza noticed a blue streak approaching Lucy from the distance. And although she had been thrown backward, she could not help but smile in relief.
Seeing the smile on her counterpart's face, Erza Knightwalker could not help but frown. Then, feeling that something was wrong, she looked out of the hole in the wall at Lucy to see the moment she smashed into the pavement.
"What?" The Edolas Erza exclaimed in disbelief when she could no longer see Lucy's figure. "How is this possible? Where did she go?"
Looking around quickly, the Edolas Erza eventually found Lucy being carried away by a blue Exceed with a white Exceed flying next to them.
"I won't let you escape!" Erza Knightwalker shouted as she reeled her spear back, prepared to throw it at the intruders.
"I won't let you hurt her again!" Erza shouted, interrupting her counterpart's attack.
In the next instant, just as the Edolas Erza was able to bring her spear into a defensive position, Erza slammed into her, shoulder first. As a result, the Edolas Erz's spear shaft was caught between her body and the shoulder of the charging Erza.
"Gah!" The Edolas Erza grunted as she felt several bones in her rib cage break.
At the same time, Erza carried her Edolas counterpart through the skies of the Royal Capital before slamming her into the ground in a forest just outside the city.
"No one harms a member of Fairy Tail and gets away with it unscathed." Erza said while staring at the dust cloud she kicked up when slamming the Edolas Erza into the ground.
"*Cough* *Cough* If you think that's enough to defeat me, then you're sadly mistaken." The Edolas Erza said in a pained tone while supporting herself with her spear as the dust settled. "It will take a lot more than that to keep me down."
"Good." Erza said as she readied her stance. "You deserve a lot more punishment than that for not only hurting Lucy, but trying to kill Elicia a few days ago, as well."
Hearing the nane Elicia, the Edolas Erza's eyebrows raise as anger began to show in her expression.
"So, that woman's name was Elicia as well." The Edolas Erza said in a tone filled with venom. "She even used a similar magic to that foolish woman. I'll definitely kill her after I'm done with you. [Silfarion]."
With Erza Knightwalker's chant, she flourished her spear. And once she was done, the appearance of her spearhead had changed. Instead of four jagged, perpendicular spear blades, the head of her spear had changed into a triangular, arrowhead-like spear blade with a golden armored section, and gold and red stripes.
In the next instant, the Edolas Erza, like her Earth land counterpart had done before, vanished from where she stood in a burst of speed. A moment later, she appeared from Erza's left and thrust her spear through her counterpart's neck.
When the spear penetrated Erza's neck, however, the Edolas Erza felt that something was wrong. And when she saw Erza's figure fade away, her eyes opened wide in surprise.
"An after-image?" The Edolas Erza asked rhetorically.
*Swish!* *Splatter!*
Then, without receiving a response, the Edolas Erza felt a searing pain on her back as she stumbled forward.
Supporting herself with her spear, the Edolas Erza used her free and to reach around and touch her back. Feeling the liquid covering her back, she brought her hand in front of her face to inspect it.
"Blood?" Erza asked in a tone filled with disbelief after seeing the red liquid that was smeared all over her hand. "Is this my blood?"
"I'll admit you're fast." Erza said, appearing in front of her Edolas counterpart with a burst of speed. "But compared to what I've been through in my training, you might as well be standing still."
Instead of responding, the Edolas Erza rushed forward once again. Flashing around the battlefield, she thrust her spear at Erza, who remained in place instead of dodging, repeatedly.
*Cling!* *Clang!* *Cling!*
To the Edolas Erza's surprise, however, Erza was able to parry away all her thrusts with little effort.
"Damn you!" The Edolas Erza shouted as all her thrusts, slashes, and sweeps were parried with little effort. "[Explosion]."
Then, just as one of her thrusts was about to land, the Edolas Erza chanted once again. And with that chant, the head of her spear changed again. Though the spearhead was still in a triangular-shape, it now had dark red edges and bright red blade with yellow wavy lines near its middle while it was fastened to the shaft by a light silver, inverted diamond shaped ornament.
Then, upon impact, a strong explosion was triggered that enveloped both Erza's in flames.
"*Pant* *Pant* *Pant* That's not so easy to parry, is it?" The Edolas Erza asked while the head of her spear was stabbed into the ground.
Meanwhile, in front of the Edolas Erza, the only thing she could see was a cloud of smoke, as the area affected by her explosion had not been cleared yet.
"I've dealt with worse." Erza replied, surprising her Edolas counterpart in the process.
Then, the Edolas Erza was thrown backward, flying out of the smoke cloud before slamming into the trunk of a tree. And if one were to look closely, they would see that there was a bruise forming on the right side of her face.
"How… how are you alright/" The Edolas Erza asked as she raised her head.
Just at that moment, the smoke was blown away, mostly due to the backhand Erza had thrown at her counterpart while the rest was blown away when the Edolas Erza flew out of the cloud.
Standing at the epicenter of the explosion was Erza, now dawning her [Flame Empress Armor] with her sword pressing the Edolas Erza's spearhead into the ground.
"I think it's time to end this." Erza said as she lowered her stance. "I need to go back and make sure Lucy is all right."
With that, Erza dashed forward. Then, once she was in range, she raised her sword overhead, looking as if she would split her counterpart in half vertically. But instead of swinging her blade down, she slammed the pommel of her sword into the top of the Edolas Erza's head, knocking her unconscious.
"*Sigh* I'll let Mystogan decide what to do with her." Erza said as she [Requipped back into her [Heart Kreuz Armor]. "I just hope Lucy is okay after all that."
As she spoke, Erza [Requipped] a couple pairs of adamantine shackles into her hands before fastening them around her counterparts wrists and ankles. Then, she picked up the Edolas Erza and threw her over her shoulder before starting her trip back to the Royal Capital.
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Edolas, Edolas Continent, Floating Landmass.
November, x784.
While Natsu and Wendy ran around the Royal Capital evading the pursuit from the Royal Army, and he other girls were infiltrating the Royal Caste, Alfonzo and Gajeel were sitting with their backs against the giant lacrima that housed the town of Magnolia and its population.
"Are we really just going to sit here while the others have fun messing with the Royal Army?" Gajeel asked in an annoyed tone.
Although Gajeel had learned how to use [Magic Power Detection], since it had only been a little less than two months, his detection range was not very vast. So, he was unable to keep track of what was going on in the Royal Capital, leading to him complaining in boredom.
Alfonzo on the other hand was sitting quietly. As the creator of [Magic Power Detection], his range was quite vast. Especially since he had created it when he was only nine years old. Therefore, he could keep track of all his friends' movements in the Royal Capital and the castle.
"Our job is to guard this lacrima so the king can't use the people and town as hostages." Alfonzo said with his eyes closed. "Until something serious happens, we won't move."
"But it's so boring up here." Gajeel complained.
Actually, Alfonzo was not only keeping track of the situation with his [Magic Power Detection], he was also circulating his magic power through his [Soul Weapon Embryo]. And although he was not sure how soon he would be able to bring about its first shift, he knew it would happen soon.
However, Alfonzo's eyes opened abruptly when he felt Lucy's magic power signature hanging outside of one of the castle's towers.
Noticing Alfonzo's change, Gajeel quickly turned his head in Alfonzo's direction with a serious expression on his face.
"What happened?" Gajeel asked.
"Lucy's in trouble." Alfonzo replied with a dark expression on his face. "You stay here. I'll go---"
Before Alfonzo could finish, he felt a pair of familiar magic power signatures flying towards the Royal capital at breakneck speed. And as luck would have it, they were headed straight for Lucy, who was now falling from the top of the tower.
"Never mind." Alfonzo said with a smile gracing his lips. "It looks like the trouble has been taken care of. Besides, we have company to deal with."
Looking in the direction where Alfonzo was facing, Gajeel noticed a large muscular figure with black fur flying towards the landmass.
Edolas, Edolas Continent, Royal Capital.
At the same time, Lucy was falling from the hole the Edolas Erza had created in the wall of the tower.
"Kya~~~~~!" Lucy screamed as she felt herself plummeting towards the ground. "I hate this world~~~~~! Ever since I got here, the only thing I ever seem to be doing is falling from the sky~~~~~!"
As she fell, Lucy could see the ground growing closer. And the closer she got to the ground, the more she panicked. Eventually, when she realized that she could not be saved, she closed her eyes and waited for the inevitable.
Before hitting the ground and being crushed by the rubble that was falling after her, Lucy felt the back of her shirt was grabbed before her downward momentum stopped and she started flying horizontally.
"Huh?" Lucy exclaimed in confusion. "I'm not dead?"
Looking around, Lucy could see the buildings of the Royal Capital whizzing by at high speed. Then, she finally caught sight of Carla who was flying next to her.
"Carla! You're back!" Lucy exclaimed happily. "Then, that must mean the one carrying me is…"
"That's right, it's Happy." Carla replied with a nod.
Having her suspicions confirmed, Lucy's smile grew wider.
"I'm glad you're back." Lucy said with a smile.
"Yeah… We're glad to be back, too." Hapy said while gripping Lucy's shirt. "But can you tell us where it would be safe to land? You're really heavy, Lucy."
"What did you say, you stupid cat?" Lucy shouted angrily.
Like that, Happy and Lucy continued to bicker while Lucy guided the two returning Exceed to where they could find Natsu and Wendy while preparing to help them deal with the soldiers that were chasing them.
Meanwhile, in an underground area of the castle, Elicia quietly retracted the threads she had released to catch Lucy in case no one else was able to save her.
"*Sigh* Looks like everything is gonna be okay." Elicia said with a smile.
"Yeah, I felt Happy and Carla just now." Marin replied with a smile of her own. "But still, not being able to detect sneak attacks with [Magic Power Detection] is really weird."
"I know." Elicia replied with a nod. "Everyone is gonna have to find a way to do it, though. Hopefully, this will be a wakeup call for everyone."
"Yeah." Marin said in acknowledgement. "You and Fonzie are lucky, though. He can use his EM waves to detect people and you can spread your threads around. I wish I had a spell like that."
"Don't worry, Marin." Elicia said while patting Marin on the shoulder. "I'm sure you'll come up with something. Besides, there are all sorts of [Detection magic] books in the guild's library. Maybe one of them will suit you."
"I hope you're---" Marin began to say.
Before Marin could finish, however, both she and Elicia heard the sound of footsteps fast approaching. But since they were under the effects of Elicia's [Hiding in Plain Sight] spell, they were not worried about being discovered.
After a few minutes, Elicia and Marin noticed a small girl with a distinctively puppy-like appearance running down the corridor they were searching. Carried in the young girl's arms was a large key, nearly as large as the girls' body. And behind the fleeing girl was a tall blond man wearing a light red armor.
"Is that guy wearing pink?" Marin asked quietly after seeing Sugarboy.
"Yeah." Elicia replied. "It takes a lot of confidence for a man to pull that off. But I have to admit, he makes it work."
Marin could only nod in response.
"But I think that girl is carrying the thing we've been searching for." Elicia said, pointing at Coco who was running away from Sugarboy. "Do you think you could do something about the guy chasing her?"
"Yeah, I think I can." Marin replied in an unsure manner.
Although it was mentioned that Sugarboy was chasing Coco, he was not doing it in the conventional sense. Instead of running on the ground, Sugarboy was levitating about a foot (approx.. 30 cm) above it while flying after her at high speed with a large, fan-like- sword on his back with a blade that resembled a rose blooming from its hilt.
"Come on, Coco, just give the key back!" Sugarboy shouted from behind Coco. "I'm sure if you do, His Majesty will forgive you."
"No, His Majesty is gonna use the Anima to turn Lily into a lacrima!" Coco shouted, not looking back as she ran away.
"*Sigh* If you won't give it back on your own, I'll just have to take both of you back to his Majesty by force." Sugarboy replied in a disappointed tone.
A moment later, Sugarboy's speed increased sharply. With his increased speed, Sugarboy closed the distance between himself and Coco. Then, just before he reached her, the stone floor rose up in front of him.
"What?" Sugarboy exclaimed in confusion.
Though he was confused by the change in the corridor, Sugarboy reacted quickly, pulling the sword from his back and slashing it into the stone wall that appeared in front of him.
Unlike what would be expected when a sword of that size was smashed into a stone wall, there was no loud sound of collision. Instead, the stone liquified, allowing Sugarboy to pass through it as if he were diving through the surface of a pond.
"Well, I wasn't expecting that." Marin replied as she let her [Transformation] revert to normal.
In fact, even if Sugarboy had not liquified the stones in front of him, he would have been able to burst through it with little effort. Since Marin's [Transformation Magic] only allows her to change the shape and appearance of an object without changing its base properties, the wall she created was actually quite fragile.
"Hmm…" Sugarboy hummed as he looked at the spot where the wall once stood. "I didn't remember a wall being here. And I guess my memory was right. It must have just been my imagination."
Hearing Sugarboy's analysis of the situation, Elicia and Marin could only look at him weirdly. It seemed that this Captain of the Fourth Magic War Division was not the sharpest tool in the shed.
"Well, I'll go after the little girl." Elicia said after shaking her head. "You keep this guy busy."
"Sure." Marin replied.
With that, Elicia shot her threads down the corridor towards the ceiling. Then, once they were securely connected, she swung after Coco. Meanwhile, she dropped her [Hiding in Plain Sight] spell on Marin, allowing her to appear before Sugarboy.
"Oh!" Sugarboy exclaimed after seeing someone new appear in the corridor. "Who are you? OH, wait! You're that girl who appeared with the Captain Knightwalker look-a-like when the lacrima disappeared, aren't you?"
"That's right." Marin replied with a nod.
"Did you come to turn yourself in?" Sugarboy asked with a smile. "The King has ordered your arrest. I'm sure if you turn yourself in, the punishment will be more lenient."
"Nope." Marin replied with a shake of her head. "I'm here to stop you from stealing any more magic power from Earth land."
"Earth Land, I guess that's the name of your world." Sugarboy said, once again taking on a disappointed tone. "Not that it matters, I'll just have to add you to the list of people I'll have to drag in front of His Majesty by force."
"You seem pretty confident." Marin said as she took her usual dagger fighting stance. "Let's see if you're just all talk."
In the next instant, Marin [Transformed] the bracelets she was wearing back into the daggers Alfonzo made her earlier in the day. Then, with quick hand movements, she caught the daggers by the hilts and spun the daggers around her hands masterfully.
"[Transformation Magic: Shoot to Kill]." Marin chanted as she pointed her right dagger at Sugarboy's chest plate.
In the next instant, Marin's dagger extended at high speed. Before long, it was right in front of Sugarboy.
"Oh, that's a nifty trick." Sugarboy said as he parried Marin's strike with his sword.
Once again, instead of the sound of two metals colliding, Marin's dagger softened as if it were liquified on impact. Then, before she could react, Sugarboy charged toward her, once again levitating about a foot from the ground. This time, however, he was carrying his sword at his side, ready to cleave Marin in half.
Reacting on instinct, Marin arched her back and limboed under Sugarboy's slash. Then, as Sugarboy passed above her, she flung her legs upward, kicking him towards the ceiling with all her strength. At the same time, she used her [Transformation Magic] to revert her liquified dagger back to its normal state while retracting its blade.
With Marin's kick, Sugarboy flew upward at an angle. However, he seemed to be completely unbothered by it, even though he was about to crash into the ceiling. And the reason was simple. Just like before, he slashed his massive sword at the ceiling, causing it to soften to the point that he sank into it, instead of crashing headfirst.
Before Sugarboy could reorient himself, however, Marin had already jumped to her feet. Then, with both daggers pointed at him, she chanted her next spell.
"[Transformation Magic: Double Shoot to Kill]." Marin chanted.
Although Sugarboy was able to see the two incoming dagger blades, with his awkward position from being pressed into the corridor's ceiling, he was unable to slash at the blades, using his liquefaction ability to soften them. So, he did the only thing he could do, he raised his sword and used it as a shield.
*Clang!* *Clang!*
The force behind the extending blades was immense. Still, Sugarboy was able to handle it with little effort. And just before he reached the end of the softened portion of the ceiling, he showed his skill with a sword and twisted his blade, resulting in the blades of Marin's daggers being imbedded into the ceiling just to his side.
Then, just as he freed himself from Marin's daggers, Sugarboy pushed off the ceiling and sent himself hurdling at Marin. At the same time, Marin retracted her daggers faster than Sugarboy could approach.
"It looks like fighting at long range won't work." Marin said as she took her fighting stance once again. "And that sword is a major pain. Either way, it's time to end this."
"I agree." Sugarboy said as he approached from the air. "I need to hurry and chase after that girl, Coco, after all."
Once he was in range, Sugarboy summersaulted in Marin's direction, bringing his sword down on her from above. In response, Marin simply side stepped the incoming slash. However, just as Sugarboy's sword touched the floor, the area liquified.
Then, with a quick upswing, Sugarboy launched pieces of the liquified floor along with his blade, obscuring Marin's vision momentarily.
In response, Marin took a quick step back to avoid the liquified chunks of the floor, which turned out to be a good decision. The chunks of the floor that flew past her ended up impacting the walls and smashing holes into them.
'So, his liquefaction ability is a lot like my magic, huh?' Marin thought to herself. 'It changes the material but keeps all the same physical characteristics. But it seems to be a lot less versatile.'
While Marin had that thought, Sugarboy did not slow down his onslaught. Still, Marin managed to dodge all his strikes. Though, it was not as effortless as she would have liked. On top of that, as a result of all his missed slashes, the corridor around the two combatants had turned into a stone swamp.
"If things keep going like this, I won't have anywhere to stand." Marin muttered to herself. "I need to end this fast. Well, I hope this works. [Transformation Magic: Severance]."
With her chant, Marin stepped in towards the downward slash Sugarboy was performing. Then, she slashed her daggers from either side of her body with the thinnest part of Sugarboy's blade being their intersection point.
As a result of Marin's slashes, Sugarboy's sword was cut off just above its handguard. As a result, the massive blade was sent flying past her.
'O.M.G. I'm so glad that worked.' Marin thought to herself as she watched Sugarboy's blade separate from the rest of the sword. 'Increasing the mass of my daggers to the limit of what I can handle, then forcing all that extra mass onto the edges of the blades while simultaneously sharpening them even further isn't easy. But since it worked, it's time to finish this.'
"Rose Espada…" Sugarboy muttered as he stared blankly at the bladeless hilt in his hands.
Then, while Sugarboy looked at his bladeless hilt in confusion, Marin stepped in even closer before placing her hands on his chest plate.
"[Transformation Magic: Restraint Jacket]." Marin chanted before performing a leg sweep.
In the next instant, Sugarboy's chest plate [Transformed] into a strait jacket that bound his arms and torso. Then, when he was swept off his feet, his greaves were [Transformed] into a pair of shackles, as well.
Instead of falling to the ground, however, once Sugarboy was lying perpendicular to it, he began to levitate. Before he could fly away, however, Marin slammed the pommels of her daggers down on his chest. As a result, a pair of chains shot out of the back of his restraints before burrowing into the floor.
"How do you even do that?" Marin asked in a confused tone. "I mean, you can't even use magic. And I don't feel any other magic items on you."
"Honestly, I'm not really sure, either." Sugarboy replied with a smile. "but it's really cool, isn't it?"
IN response, Marin could only look at Sugarboy with a dumbfounded expression. Then, deciding that thinking about it would only give her a headache, she pulled the chains out of the floor and started dragging her prisoner in the direction where Elicia and Coco ran off.
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P.S. I got the flu :(
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