Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
October 15, x784.
With the announcement ending the first match, Gray and Lucy were quickly set free from Bisca's [Net Shot] before returning to the rest of their team with dejection in their expressions.. Meanwhile, Alzack was taken to Ren to have his injuries checked out.
"Sorry, Erza, we lost." Gray said with frustration in his tone.
"Yeah, we let you down." Lucy added while hanging her head.
Erza, wearing a stern expression, took a step forward after her teammates apologized. Then, she raised both her hands.
Thinking they were about to be hit, Gray and Lucy both closed their eyes. To their surprise, however, they were both pulled into a gentle embrace instead.
"You may have lost. But you fought well." Erza said in a soothing tone. "So, there's no reason to feel as if you've let me or anyone else down. I'm proud of both of you."
While Lucy teared up from the praise, Gray simply smiled, enjoying the warmth Erza's embrace brought with it.
Meanwhile, in the bleachers, Laxus watched the members of Team Natsu for a moment before shifting his attention to Team Alzack When he heard Bickslow speak.
"That was not how I expected that match to end." Bickslow said while the rest of the crowd went wild over the completion of the match.
"Hmph!" Laxus snorted in disdain. "It only ended that way because they are lucky."
"But their strategy and teamwork were worthy of praise." Fried replied.
"If they were stronger, they wouldn't have had to rely on luck, though." Laxus said, defending his point. "If those two had not rolled off the ring, or if the spirit had realized they were falling off the ring, things would have ended differently."
To that, Fried had no retort.
Meanwhile, Evergreen looked as if she were growing more and more annoyed as time went on.
"Would someone please shut that guy up?" Evergreen finally running out of patience, snapped out.
In response, Laxus, Bickslow, and Fried could only shake their heads. They all knew who "that guy" Evergreen was referring to was Jason from Sorcerer Weekly. And although they were all also annoyed by the constant shouting of "cool," They knew that there was nothing they could do about it. Well… Nothing they could do about it without gaining the ire of most of Fiore.
In any world, attacking the media was a good way to have your name dragged through the mud by nearly every media outlet.
"*Sigh* Erza's already out of the tournament." Mirajane said after tending to Lisanna's burn. "It looks like we won't be able to settle our rivalry here."
"You say that as if she would have beaten Alfonzo and Elicia." Lisanna said with a chuckle. "It's too bad Natsu lost so early, though. Worst of all, he wasn't even conscious to see it."
"Yeah, I can only imagine how he'll react when he finds out." Mirajane said with a wry smile on her face.
"He'll definitely be upset that he couldn't fight Alfonzo." Elfman said. "He was looking forward to a tough fight, just like a real man."
"*Sigh* I guess Juvia's comment wasn't enough to cure him." Mirajane and Lisanna said simultaneously.
"Hold on a minute.' Gajeel said, approaching Team Strauss. "Are you saying that we're gonna lose in the next match?"
"Unfortunately, she's probably right, Gajeel." Levy said from behind Gajeel. "They're stronger than us… for now."
"Speak for yourself, Pipsqueak." Gajeel replied without turning around. So, he missed the glint of determination flashing in Levy's eyes.
"For once I have to disagree with you, Levy." Jet chimed in from behind Levy. "We can beat them."
"Yeah, they're not invincible." Droy added.
"Ha! Actually, I already knew we were gonna lose in the next round." Gajeel said, sneering at Jet and Droy as he turned around. "I can only do so much with deadweights on my team."
In response, Jet and Droy gritted their teeth as they glared at Gajeel.
"Then why did you even join our team if you think the three of us are dead weights?" Jet asked angrily.
"When did I say anything about the three of you?" Gajeel asked, his sneer widening. "I meant the two of you."
"What did you say?" Droy barked back.
"Maybe if you two spent more time training seriously than trying to one up each other for the pipsqueak's attention, you would be a lot stronger." Gajeel continued without paying attention to Droy's question. "Hell, out of the three of you, she's the strongest. So, even if I weren't on the team, you'd still be holding her back."
In anger, Jet and Droy flared their magic power. Meanwhile, Levy's face blushed slightly. With Jet and Droy around to draw most of the attention on quests, most people had never realized how strong she was. But having Gajeel mention it, even if he didn't do it very nicely, was nice.
Unfortunately, neither Jet, Droy, nor Gajeel was paying Levy any attention at this point. But Mirajane and Lisanna saw everything and their eyes lit up with the thought at some possible future gossip.
Meanwhile, Juvia, who had been glaring at Bisca for the perceived interference in her and Gray's love, snapped her head towards Team Steel Threads when she realized that Alfonzo would be fighting in the next round.
"I hope Team Steel Threads wins and makes it to the finals." Juvia muttered darkly.
Even though she did not speak loudly, everyone nearby, meaning the rest of her team as well as Team Shadow Gear, heard her. While the Strauss Siblings could guess why she would think that way, Jet and Droy were quite upset by her words.
Not paying attention to the hostile glares, Juvia continued to mutter to herself.
"If they make it to the finals, I'll be able to teach him a lesson for stealing away my Ultear." Juvia continued, unbothered by the stares she was receiving.
While Jet and Droy continued to glare, Levy could only smile wryly at Juvia's statement. Meanwhile, Gajeel looked on in confusion, not concerned with keeping up with everyone's relationship status.
"But Gajee." Juvia said, turning to Gajeel. "Even though your team will probably lose, I'm rooting for you."
"Thanks, Juvia." Gajeel replied casually.
Although Gajeel was quite stand offish and did not get along well with others, he and Juvia got along pretty well when they were members of Phantom Lord. To the point that Gajeel even let her call him by the nickname, Gajee. But if anyone else tried to copy her,… it would not end well for them.
"Team Shadow Gear and Team Steel Threads, your match is next." Makarov announced to the venue. "Make your way to the ring."
With that, the conversation between Team Strauss and Team Shadow Gear ended as Team Shadow Gear left and made their way towards the ring. All the while, Jet and Droy glared at Gajeel, who could not be less concerned. Instead, he was looking forward to a good fight in the next match.
Meanwhile, Alfonzo, Elicia, Marin, and Sun also stood up and started to approach the ring.
"Hey, Fonzie, do you think Mystogan will be back for the second round?" Elicia asked curiously as the team approached the ring. "I mean, he ran away pretty frantically."
"He's already back." Alfonzo replied with a smile. "All he had to do was put on a new mask, after all."
"Huh, I can't sense him at all." Sun replied. "How do you know he's here."
"He's still in mist form." Alfonzo replied. "But he's dispersed himself, making it harder to feel his magic power. But since I've had my [Magic Power Detection up the whole time since he ran off, it made it easier to detect him, even if his magic power signature is spread out over the venue."
"Well, let's not worry about Mystogan for now." Marin said in a cheerful, yet determined, tone. "How are we gonna fight the rounds of our match?"
"Well, Either Lici or I will go first." Alfonzo said, outlining his strategy for the match. "Undoubtedly, Gajeel will be the first one up. And honestly, neither of you are a good match for him, considering that you both fight with metal weapons. Though, you'd be able to do some damage with your [Voice Magic], Sun."
"Yeah, and if you could hit him with a [Howling Voice] at close range, you could even win." Elicia added. "But he probably knows that, too. So, he'd definitely keep his distance."
Marin and Sun nodded in understanding.
"for the second fight, one of you will fight." Alfonzo continued the explanation. "And for the third fight, whoever is left will go up. But honestly, I doubt we'll make it to the third fight."
Once again, Marin and Sun nodded in understanding as they arrived at ringside.
"Match two: Team Shadow Gear Vs. Team Steel Threads." Makarov announced. "Both teams, send up your first fighters."
"I'll go first." Elicia said with a smile.
"Sure." Alfonzo replied with a shrug as Elicia jumped into the ring.
And just as Alfonzo predicted, Gajeel, with an excited smile on his face, jumped into the ring without discussing with the rest of his team.
"He really is just like Natsu." Levy said with a wry smile. "Just not as friendly."
"Hmph!" Jet Snorted. "Since he's gonna lose against Elicia, we'll have to carry the team."
"Yeah, we'll put the team on our backs." Droy added.
Hearing that, Levy could only shake her head.
'If they send up Alfonzo in the next round, our tournament journey will end immediately.' Levy thought to herself. 'There's even a good chance that all three of us we'd lose to Sun in a one on one match. And I doubt Alfonzo will send Marin up for a one on one. Her skills are better suited for infiltration. But, she could probably give Droy a pretty good run for his money, though. She's gotten pretty good with those daggers Alfonzo made for her over the last few years. And his plants would probably be cut through pretty easily.'
Meanwhile, Makarov having seen Elicia and Gajeel enter the ring, looked at both fighters.
"Are the two of you ready?" Makarov asked. After seeing them both nod in confirmation, he continued. "Round one of Match two, Gajeel Redfox Vs. Elicia Taylor… Fight!"
As soon as Makarov gave the signal to begin, Gajeel rushed forward. Then when he was halfway between where he started and Elicia, he threw a punch.
"[Iron Dragon's Club]." Gajeel chanted as his right fist turned into an iron rod.
In response, Elicia released threads from the fingertips of both hands. Then, she swung her hands in front of her. A moment later, all the threads she released were wrapped around Gajeel's iron club.
Then, before Gajeel could with draw his arm, Elicia began twitching her fingers. While Yanking herself forward at the same time,
"[Thread Magic: Thread Slicer]." Elicia chanted as she flew forward at high speed.
With that chant, Elicia's threads started vibrating at high speed. On top of that, they began spinning around the iron rod that extended from Gajeel's hand. Then, they slowly started cutting into the iron surface with the speed increasing the faster the threads vibrated.
Seeing the effect of Elicia's spell, Gajeel reacted quickly.
"[Iron Dragon's Spiked Club]." Gajeel chanted, causing spikes to protrude from the surface of the iron rod. While this managed to sever some of Elicia's threads, Gajeel was far from done.
Once all the spikes were formed, the spiked club started to rotate, shredding the rest of the threads. As a result, Elicia was left flying towards Gajeel with nothing she could use as leverage to change her direction.
"I got you now!" Gajeel said in a gleeful tone. Then, he cupped his hands into a trumpet as he raised them to his mouth. "[Iron Dragon's Roar]."
From between his hands, Gajeel fired a mass of spinning metal that carried an immense amount of blunt force. On top of that, there where sharp shards of iron that spun along with it.
A panicked expression appeared on Elicia's face as Gajeel's roar attack inched closer. Then, it eventually slammed into her.
To not only Gajeel's surprise but to all the spectators, as well, The [Dragon Roar] passed through Elicia's body without resistance before Elicia's figure simply vanished, as if it were never there in the first place.
"What the…?" Gajeel exclaimed after seeing what just happened.
At the same time, Elicia's figure, concealed by her [False Appearance] spell, reappeared, crouching in front of Gajeel.
"Up you go." Elicia said softly as her right foot, loaded with her magic power, shot up towards Gajeel's chin.
Caught off guard, Gajeel was not in time to raise any form of defense, other than activating his [Iron Dragon's Scales], covering his body in iron scales. Still, on impact, he was shot up into the air.
Following up, Elicia created a spring out of her threads and shot herself up into the air at a greater speed than Gajeel.
A moment later, Elicia appeared behind Gajeel, wrapped her arms around his arms and torso, and ejected a great number of threads from her hands.
"Fonzie used this move in a fight once. But since he's my fiancé, it's not stealing, right?" Elicia asked in Gajeel's ear. "[Primary Lotus]."
'Besides, Fonzie Stole the move from Rock Lee, anyway.' Elicia thought as she redirected herself and Gajeel towards the ground, head first.
A split-second after being wrapped up, Gajeel had every intention of breaking free by sprouting metal spikes from his scales. Unfortunately, Elicia's next move caused all his plans to come to a sudden halt.
As Elicia changed her and Gajeel's orientation, she also started spinning the two of them at high speed.
Although spinning at high speed like that would be disorienting to anyone, it's especially bad for Dragon Slayers with their heightened senses. And Gajeel was no exception, motion sickness hitting him hard as soon as they started spinning.
A few moments later, Elicia pushed off from Gajeel just before his head slammed into the ring. Then, as she landed not far away, she spun on her feet. And with the threads that were still wrapped around Gajeel, he was spun along with her, even if at a greater distance.
Then, three full rotations later, Elicia released the threads from her fingertips.
"[Thread Magic: Seismic Toss]." Elicia changed as Gajeel's momentum sent him flying out of the ring.
A moment later, Gajeel crashed straight through the ice board with the tournament bracket before hitting the ground and eventually rolling to a stop.
When Ren went to check on his condistion, in her capacity as Fairy Tail's nurse, she could only shake her head at what she saw.
Gajeel was unconscious with his eyes open and rolled to the back of his head. At the same time, his iron scales had receded and his expression made it obvious that he was experiencing intense nausea.
"Gajeel has both lost consciousness and fallen out of the ring." Makarov said, announcing the outcome of the fight. "Winner of the first round, Elicia Taylor."
While the crowd cheered excitedly for the end of the round, Elicia showed no signs of happiness. And the reason was simple. Standing next to the shattered ice board was Ur, covered in ice dust and glaring at her intensely.
"Oops." Elicia said with a wry smile on her face before she stuck out her tongue and knocked on the side of her head with her knuckles. "My bad."
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Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Magnolia.
October 15, x784.
"After talking so much, he lost so quickly." Jet said disdainfully as he watched Ren tending to Gajeel's' injuries.
"Seriously, and he said we would be holding him back." Droy added just as disdainfully. "Now we'll have to win the next two rounds to move on."
'*Sigh* These two are impossible.' Levy thought to herself. 'Usually, whenever they spar with Elicia, they lose even faster. With Jet, she just spreads her threads and lets him wrap himself up. And with Droy, she just cuts through all his plants with her threads, or she just weaves through them and beats him up.'
"Anyway, who are we sending up next?" Levy asked, trying to stop the two from bashing their downed teammate. "Personally, I think I should go up next. The two of you work really well together as a team, after all."
"No, you should definitely go up in the team battle." Jet argued. "You have the best strategic mind of the three of us."
"Jet's right." Droy said with a nod. "Neither one of us is good at coming up with a plan."
'Plus, someone would be there to protect you.' Jet and Droy thought simultaneously while making eye contact for a brief period.
'They're probably thinking they can protect me in the team battle.' Levy thought to herself, her annoyance with her childhood friends growing.
"That still doesn't answer my question." Levy replied, deciding to bottle up her frustration.
Once again, Jet and Droy made eye contact. Then, they both spoke at the same time.
"You should go." The longtime friends said at the same time.
The two fell silent after speaking at the same time.
"Both teams, send your next fighters into the ring." Makarov ordered at that moment.
"No, you should go." The boys said simultaneously once again.
"*Sigh* I'll go." Levy said, rubbing her temples as she spoke.
"No!" Both Jet and Droy denied simultaneously, once again.
"Then who's going to fight?" Levy asked, her annoyance finally seeping into her tone.
Once again, Jet and Droy made eye contact. Then, Jet finally sighed in frustration.
"Okay, I'll go." Jet said begrudgingly.
By now, Sun was already standing in the ring, watching the ongoing drama with interest. Then, after a few more words, Jet finally hopped onto the ring and stood opposite Sun.
"Fighters are you ready?" Makarov asked as soon as Jet was standing in the ring. Receiving two nods in return, Makarov continued. "Fight."
Once the signal was given, Jet vanished from where he stood in a burst of speed.
Meanwhile, Sun stood in place with her eyes closed, her left hand on the sheath of her shirasaya, and her right hand on its hilt. She then spread out her [Magic Power Detection] to keep track of Jet, who was moving faster than her eyes could follow. Though, she was confident in reacting if she could tell where he was.
And Jet did not make her wait long to prove that fact.
"[High Speed Magic: Falcon Heavenward]." Jet chanted as he appeared in front of Sun.
As soon as Jet slowed down, he transferred all his momentum into his right leg, which he used to kick up at Sun in an attempt to send her air born.
Sun, on the other hand, with her eyes still closed, calmly stepped back with her left foot, dropping into an iaido stance as she did so. Then, at a speed comparable to Jet, she stepped forward with her right foot and drew her blade.
"[Water/Sword Compound Magic: First Form: Water Surface Slash]." Sun chanted as she drew her blade at high speed.
If one could see it, they would notice that as the blade left its sheath, it was covered in a thin, highly compressed layer of water. In fact, if Sun were so inclined, she could release that layer of water to fly forward along the path of the slash.
With Reactions fast enough to match his [High Speed Magic], Jet jumped straight up using his left leg, barely avoiding Sun's slash. Unfortunately, that meant that he was now airborne with no way of dodging any follow up attacks.
From the air, Jet noticed that Sun was taking a deep breath while turning her head in his direction with her eyes now open.
"Shit!" Jet cursed as he knew what was coming next.
"[Voice Magic: Howling Voice]." Sun chanted as she opened her mouth wide in Jet's direction.
In the next instant, Sun released a soundwave at Jet. And so that she did not harm the civilians in the audience, she condensed it into a directional attack. Meaning, to anyone who was outside of the spell's effective reduced range, the only thing they would hear was a normal scream.
"Argh!" Jet shouted in pain.
Unfortunately, Jet was not so lucky. Because he was in the direct line of fire, he was hit by the full force of the shockwave. As a result, he was blown backward with his ears bleeding from the high pitched sound.
Instead of letting up after seeing the state Jet was in currently, however, Sun sprinted forward in the direction Jet flew away. She knew he was not sent flying far enough to fall out of the ring. So, she intended to make sure that her victory was assured.
Eventually, Jet slammed into the ring and rolled a few times before coming to a stop.
And just as Jet stopped, Sun pierced her shirasaya into the ring just inches from his head.
"Jet is unable to battle." Makarov declared once Suns' blade was pierced into the ring. "The winner of the round is Sun Seto. And with a score of two to zero, the winner of the match is Team Steel Threads."
With that, the crowd once again went wild. Yet, Sun did not move away from Jet. Instead, she waited for him to regain his senses.. so to speak.
A few moments later, Jet recovered enough to start looking around his surroundings. And the first thing he noticed was the blade pierced into the ground right next to his head. After that, he noticed that a hand was holding the hilt of that blade. And finally, he noticed that sun was the owner of the hand holding the hilt. With just that, he could piece together what situation he was in.
"So, I lost, huh?" Jet muttered.
With Jet's utterance, Sun finally pulled her blade out of the ring and sheathed it. Then, she reached out a hand to Jet.
After hesitating for a few moments, Jet finally took Sun's hand and she pulled him up to his feet. Though, he quickly lost his balance, almost falling to the ground once again.
"Take it easy, Jet." Sun said, knowing that Jet would not be able to hear her as she supported him before he fell. "Let's get you to my mom. She's got a lot of experience dealing with injured eardrums."
Like that, Sun somewhat forcefully helped Jet over towards Ren. Meanwhile, the crowd cheered even louder at the show of sportsmanship.
Levy and Droy were quick to follow behind Sun. Meanwhile, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Marin returned to their seating area, leaving the ringside for the next two teams.
"The third match, Thunder God Tribe Vs. Team Seto." Makarov announced. "Both teams, please make your way to the ring."
"We're winning this match before it can go to the third round, understood.?" Laxus asked the rest of his team while they made their way to ringside.
"Of course, if Alfonzo can do it, then we can do it even faster." Bickslow replied.
"Naturally." Evergreen said with a proud smile.
"Then, who will we be sending up?" Fried asked.
"I'll be going first." Laxus replied. "You three can decide among you who will go after that. But you won't have much time to decide."
Understood." Bickslow, Fried, and Evergreen said simultaneously.
Meanwhile, Gozaburo was having a similar conversation with the members of his team.
"I think it's time we show the kids in this guild that they shouldn't look down on us." Gozaburo said, feeling like he might be left behind by his daughter if he does not step his game up.
"Yeah, especially that Laxus." Macao said.
"Right, he's been getting out of hand ever since he became an S-Class." Wakaba said with a nod.
"But how are we gonna play this, Boss?" Masa asked, adjusting his sunglasses.
"Hmm…." Gozaburo hummed in thought. "Masa, I think you should go first. After that, will be me. Then, it will be your turns, Macao and Wakaba. Since you two usually take quests as partners, I think the two on two battle is best for you."
"Sure." Macao replied.
"Makes sense." Wakaba added with a nod. Then, he took a puff from his pipe and continued after exhaling. "Just make sure we get our turn, you two."
"I'll do my best, Boss." Masa answered solemnly.
"Teams, send your first fighters to the ring." Makarov ordered.
With that, Laxus transformed into a bolt o lightning before appearing in the ring less than a second later. Meanwhile, Masa hopped on to the ring shortly afterward.
"You know, now that I think about it, I've never seen Masa fight." Macao said.
"Neither have I." Wakaba replied. Then, he looked at Gozaburo and continued. "What kind of magic does he use?"
"You'll see soon." Gozaburo replied with his arms crossed while watching the ring.
"If both fighters are ready, you may begin." Makarov said, opting to not ask if the fighters were ready after seeing them.
"[Physical Enhancement Magic: Full Body Enhancement]." Masa chanted quietly.
As he finished his chant, Masa tilted his head back to avoid a lightning clad fist from Laxus, who appeared right in front of him in a flash of lightning. Then, he threw a high kick with his left foot at Laxus chin, which the younger wizard slapped away with his right hand before coating his hand with [Lightning Magic] and swinging his back hand at Masa's head.
Using the momentum of his deflected kick, Masa turned his body along with it, ducking Laxus' backhand strike along the way. Then, with the same momentum, he swung his right leg in a roundhouse kick aimed at Laxus' side.
Raising his leg, Laxus was able to block the kick. Then, he charged his leg with lightning. However, before it could be conducted to Masa, his instincts flared, making him push off immediately and create some distance.
A moment later, Laxus' leg was covered in a current of lightning.
"Not bad, old man." Laxus said, clearly impressed with Masa's fighting prowess.
"I aim to please." Masa said while adjusting his tie. "But I think it's time we kicked things up a notch."
As Masa spoke the last sentence, he dropped down into a fighting stance with his arms spread to his sides. Then, from his sleeves, three small throwing knives fell between the fingers of each hand.
"Hmph!" Do you think those toys will do anything to help you?" Laxus asked haughtily.
"I guess we'll just have to see." Masa replied.
"It would be better if you gave up." Laxus said. "[Lightning Magic: Thunder Shock]."
With is chant, Laxus was covered in lightning before it was fired at Masa. All the while, Laxus stood still with is arms crossed.
In response, Masa threw out a knife from each of his hands with the one from his left hand aimed at the ring not far in front of him. The second knife, from his right hand, was aimed at the [Thunder Shock] spell.
As soon as the second knife made contact with the lightning spell, the lightning was directed straight down, into the first knife that was sticking out of the ring directly below it.
Masa then took off running to the side. And while running, he threw the four knives in his hands at Laxus.
"[Knife Magic: Four Corner Cut]." Masa chanted while the knives were mid-flight.
At first, when Laxus saw the knives Masa threw, he looked at them disdainfully. They were completely off target, after all. Two were clearly going to pass by his legs on each side. While the other two would do the same, but pass by his head.
However, when Masa chanted his spell, all four knives immediately changed directions, heading for Laxus torso.
"Impressive." Laxus said with genuine praise.
However, just before the knives could hit, Laxus turned to lightning and flashed away, appearing in front of Masa once again with his lightning clad right hand reeled back to throw a punch.
"[Knife Magic: Knife Substitution]." Masa chanted just before Laxus' punch could land on his face.
A moment later, where Masa once stood floated the last four knives he threw. On top of that, just before he swapped places with is knives, Masa released a large number of knives all around the spot where Laxus now stood.
"[Knife Magic: Iron Maiden Without Walls]." Masa chanted from a distance.
At that moment, all the knives Masa flung out all pointed their tips at Laxus before all flying towards him at high speed.
"As impressive as you are, I've had enough." Laxus said, some annoyance clear in his tone. "[Lightning Magic: Discharge]."
Just before the knives could reach him, Laxus released a large number of lightning bolts in all directions. As a result, all the knives were knocked away, on top of being partially melted due to the high temperature.
Masa, on the other hand, was forced to dodge continuously. While Laxus was not moving from where he stood, The bolts of lightning were flying randomly in all directions. In fact, most of the spectators were impressed that Masa had yet to be hit by any of them.
While Dodging, Masa threw out many more knives, trying to pierce the net of lightning that was surrounding Laxus, to no avail. On top of that, the distance that each bolt of lightning covered was growing as time went by.
Then, after about five minutes, there was nowhere left on the ring for Masa to dodge. Plus, none of his throwing knives were able to reach Laxus. So, he did the only thing he could, he jumped off the ring, resulting in his loss in the first round of the third match.
"Masa is out of the ring." Makarov declared. "The winner of the first round is Laxus Dreyar."
With that, Laxus stopped his [Discharge] and stared at Masa for a while before walking away without a word.
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