Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Malba.
February, x782.
After using her [Take Over: Satan Soul], Mirajane charged at Elfman, intending to subdue him long enough for Elfman to take control over his magic. Unfortunately, Mirajane was very low on magic power. So, unlike the fight she had with the Beast, this one was quite one-sided.
'Damn it, If I had let Natsu come with us, things wouldn't be so bad.' Mirajane thought to herself as she flew into the air to avoid an incoming slash of Elfman's claws. 'No, there's no point thinking like that. Right now, the only thing I need to focus on is keeping Elfman and Lisanna safe.'
With that thought, Mirajane charged down toward Elfman once again. She had to keep Elfman engaged, otherwise, he would more than likely target Lisanna. And at this point, Lisanna was simply not strong enough to deal with Elfman when he was like this.
With her hands covered in [Darkness Magic], Mirajane evaded another slash. Then, she unleashed a barrage of punches on Elfman's chest and abdomen. Unfortunately, with her low magic power reserves, she was unable to deal much damage. Instead, her attacks seamed to anger Elfman even further.
Elfman roared as he raised both arms over his head. Then, after locking his fingers together, he swung his hands down, aiming at the top of Mirajane's head.
Luckily, Mirajane was fast in her [Satan Soul] form, Effortlessly, she dodged Elfman's attack by flapping her wings and flying backward. However, just as she was about to charge back in, she was blindsided by Elfman's tail and sent flying through the air before slamming into the ground with violent force.
With the Beast's instincts in control of the body, Elfman did not miss the opportunity his sneak attack provided. With great speed and powerful footsteps that shook the ground, Elfman rushed toward Mirajane, who was struggling to stand with a bit of blood dripping from between her lips and bruises on her torso.
"Mira! Look out!" Lisanna shouted, worried for Mirajane's well-being.
Instead of panicking, Mirajane raised her right hand in Elfman's direction, causing a demonic rune to appear beneath him.
"[Darkness Stream]." Mirajane chanted.
As soon as the chant ended, a stream of dark energy rose from the rune beneath Elfman, engulfing him and putting a stop to his charge. Meanwhile, Mirajane was struggling to even keep her eyes open at this point. She was already low on magic power. And using a spell as powerful as [darkness Stream] did not help her current situation.
A moment later, just as the stream of dark energy was about to stop, Mirajane's [take Over] also ended. She had used up so much of her magic power that she couldn't even maintain her [take Over] spell.
However, just before the darkness energy dissipated completely, Elfman, even more enraged than before, charged out of the stream. Then, when he was close enough, he swung his arm, slashing Mirajane across the abdomen and sending her flying through the air.
"Mira~~~~!" Lisanna shouted as she rushed toward Mirajane's landing spot.
Meanwhile, from their vantage point, Alfonzo and Natsu were ready to make their move.
"Alright, Natsu, let's go." Alfonzo said. "This has gone on long enough. Hopefully, this will teach her that she's not invincible."
"Yeah, let's go." Natsu said as he dashed toward the Straus siblings.
Just as Alfonzo and Natsu started to move, Lisanna reached Mirajane, who was barely conscious. On top of that, her left arm was bent in a strange direction and blod was leaking from her abdomen.
"Mira, are you okay?" Lisanna asked as she knelt in front of Mirajane.
"What are you doing here?" Mirajane struggled to say. "Hurry up and get out of here."
"No, I won't leave you behind." Lisanna said, shaking her head vigorously. "Besides, Big Brother Elf won't really hurt us, you'll see."
With that, Lisanna stood up and turned around before walking toward Elfman with her arms spread wide open.
"Lisanna! What are you doing?" Mirajane shouted as loud as she could. "Don't go near him, he's not himself right now!"
Ignoring her sister's warning, Lisanna continued walking toward Elfman.
Elfman, on the other hand, after landing his last attack landed on Mirajane no longer felt threatened. So, he approached Mirajane and Lisanna slowly. However, the Beast, that was currently in control of the body, felt insulted when he saw that there was not an ounce of fear in Lisanna's expression as she started to approach.
"Come on, Elfman." Lisanna said in a soothing tone. "We both know that you're stronger than this. And we have no doubt that you'll be able to complete the [Take Over]. You just have to believe in yourself the way we believe in you."
Eventually, Elfman and Lisanna were standing in front of each other, staring into each other's eyes. While Elfman's eyes were void of emotion, due to the Beast's influence, Lisanna's were filled with love and trust. Unfortunately, that would not be enough to turn the situation around, this time.
In the next instant, a glint of cruelty flashed in Elfman's eyes.
"Lisanna! Run~~~~~!" Mirajane shouted with all her might after seeing the cruel glint.
Unfortunately, Lisanna could not react fast enough to evade. By the time she was ready to move, Elfman had already lifted his right arm and swung the back of his massive hand at the side of her head.
Seeing the entire scene in slow motion, Lisanna felt not an ounce of fear. Instead, she only felt sadness that she could not help her brother regain control.
In what felt like an eternity, Lisanna watched as the massive hand approached inch by inch. However, instead of feeling fear, Lisanna felt hope. Because in her sped up perception, she saw a black, metal rope with a spike on the end flying toward Elfman's approaching arm. And just before it could hit her, the rope wrapped itself around the arm, snapping taut in an instant and killing the arms momentum at the same time.
At that point, Lisanna's perception returned to normal. In the next instant, she was lifted from the ground. A moment later, she, along with Mirajane was carried away from the battle.
"Natsu?" Lisanna asked with confusion in her tone. "What are you doing here?"
"Alfonzo and I came here to make sure you three were okay." Natsu replied as he put Mirajane and Lisanna on the ground again.
While Lisanna was perfectly capable of standing on her own, Mirajane, thanks to the magic power exhaustion and her injuries could only sit on the ground and look back in the direction they came from.
What Mirajane saw was Elfman struggling to free himself from the metal rope that was wrapped around his forearm. At the other end of the rope was Alfonzo pulling on the rope to hold Elfman in place.
"Come on, big guy." Alfonzo said with a smirk. "I'm really disappointed. You're supposed to be the man of your family."
In response, Elfman growled angrily as he stopped pulling on the rope and decided to charge at Alfonzo instead.
Instead of facing the enraged Elfman head on, however, Alfonzo sidestepped the charge at the last moment. Then, as Elfman passed by, he swept Elfman's legs out from under him while retracting the metal rope into his gauntlet.
"Olé!" Alfonzo said as Elfman slammed face first into the ground.
Furious, Elfman slammed a fist into the ground as he quickly got up and turned toward Alfonzo.
"Come on, Elfman, this isn't you!" Alfonzo shouted. "What happened to the man I know. The man that would never hurt his sisters? You're not a beast like this thing that's controlling you!"
Seemingly, Elfman did not hear what Alfonzo had to say. Internally, however, Elfman was struggling against the will of the Beast. Every word Alfonzo spoke resonating with him.
"You're kind to those who deserve it, Elfman." Alfonzo shouted once again as he dodged a claw swipe from Elfman. "And if you can take control of this beast, you'll have the power to protect what's precious to you."
In response, Alfonzo was forced to dodge even more frantic attacks. Still, Alfonzo knew he was getting through to Elfman. The struggle in his eyes was growing in intensity with every word.
For the next few minutes, Alfonzo continued evading Elfman's attacks while taunting and tripping the Beast. At the same time, he also tried getting through to Elfman with his words. Over time, he could see that his methods were working. The fact that Elfman almost hurt Lisanna playing a significant role as well.
'Good, he's slowly fighting back.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'But I need to finish this before he runs out of magic power. Otherwise, the lessons won't hit home as hard. He needs to defeat this thing with his own will. Otherwise, he'll be scared of it like he was in canon.'
While Alfonzo as thinking, Elfman lunged at him, claws aimed at his heart. Then, at the last instant, Alfonzo ducked the attack, moved forward, and wound his gauntleted right fist back.
"Now, it's time to wake the fuck up, Elfman!" Alfonzo shouted just before throwing a punch at Elfman's face. "Stop acting like a little bitch! It's time to show the world that you're a real man!"
'Damn it, I just fucked up…' Alfonzo thought as his fist landed on Elfman's face.
Elfman staggered back several steps after receiving Alfonzo's punch before falling down on his back side. Unlike every other time he fell, Elfman did not rise immediately. Instead, he rolled around on the ground while cradling his head in his hands.
*Bang!* *Ban!* *Bang!*
Eventually, Elfman rolled over onto his hands and knees. Then, he started repeatedly banging his head on the ground, causing the ground to tremor with every strike. After doing so a dozen times, or so, Elfman's face was covered in his own blood.
Meanwhile, both Mirajane and Lisanna were in tears seeing the state their brother was in. At the same time, Natsu was clenching his fists, hoping that Alfonzo would succeed in bring Elfman back.
"*Roar!* That's right!" Elfman said in a much deeper, more bestial voice than usual. "I am no beast! I'm a real man! And I will not forgive you for hurting my sisters, Beast!"
With that declaration, Elfman slammed his head into the ground one more time, crushing the Bests will in the process. Then, he stopped moving. After a moment of inactivity, Elfman rolled over onto his back. At the same time, his body began to reduce in size. Then, after a few seconds, Elfman was in his normal appearance, blood still covering his face, while staring up at the sky.
"Haha! I knew you were no bitch." Alfonzo said with a smile as he approached Elfman.
In response, Elfman could only smile back weakly. He was on the brink of magic power exhaustion, so even that small act was laborious.
"Elfman!" Lisanna shouted as she ran toward her brother.
A moment later, Lisanna jumped on top of Elfman and hugged him tightly with tears in her eyes.
"I'm sorry… I almost… hurt you… Lisanna." Elfman struggled to say.
"No, you don't have to apologize." Lisanna said with tears streaming down her face. "I'm just glad you came back to us."
Not long afterward Mirajane, with Natsu's assistance, walked over to the group as well. Once they were close enough, Natsu sat Mirajane down next to her siblings. Like Lisanna, she also had tears running down her face. Unlike Lisanna, whose tears were from a mixture of happiness and relief, Mirajane's were a combination of guilt and relief.
"I'm sorry, Elfman." Mirajane said through her silent sobs. At the same time, she gently caressed Elfman's cheek. "If I hadn't been so arrogant, you would have never been put in such danger."
"Big Sis… Lisanna…" Elfman said, also feeling guilty for making his sisters worry.
While Lisanna cried loudly and Mirajane sobbed silently, even Elfman felt a few tears start to drip from his eyes as well.
"Well, it looks like everything ended well." Natsu said while wiping his eyes and turning away from the rest of the group.
"It's okay to cry, you know." Alfonzo said with a smile while patting Natsu on the shoulder.
"I'm not crying!" Natsu protested loudly. "It's just some of the dust that got kicked up during the fight got into my eyes."
At that moment, Natsu felt the hand on his shoulder start to grip it tightly. Thinking that Alfonzo wanted him to admit that he was crying, Natsu started to speak once again.
"Seriously, Alfonzo I---." Natsu started to protest even more strongly.
Before Natsu could finish, however, Alfonzo dragged him next to the Straus siblings. When they were as close as they could be, Alfonzo released Natsu. Then, he slammed his hands on the ground.
"[Metal Magic: Adamantine Sealing Barrier]." Alfonzo chanted.
In the next instant, Alfonzo, Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, and Natsu were covered by a dome of Adamantite with thousands of sigils carved into it. And every one of those sigils only had one purpose, to block the transfer of magic power.
'Shit!' Alfonzo cursed internally. 'Why is it happening right now? If this doesn't work, Elfman's gonna die. He doesn't have enough magic power to live through this.'
Just before Alfonzo dragged Natsu over to the others, he felt something pulling at his magic power. And when he looked up to the sky, the direction his magic power was being pulled, he acted swiftly.
In the sky was a large, swirling vortex that was drawing in ethernano and magic power from the surroundings.
'Fucking anima gates.' Alfonzo cursed internally. 'But then again, Mystogan is probably nearby as well. I wonder if I can catch up to him and get him to join the guild right away? Probably not. I don't even know how close he is to everything. Whatever, he'll join eventually. Hell, he even makes S-Class this year in the Canon timeline.'
So, I went out for a few drinks last night. And it definitely did not turn into anything mroe than a few drinks... But for some reason, definitely not because I drank almost a whole fifth of whiskey by myself, I woke up with a hangover and I started writing later than usual. So, to my patr3ons, be patient. I will be up to 5 chapters ahead again before the end of the day.
Check out my patr3on at:
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.
Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Malba.
February, x782.
"Alfonzo, what are you doing?" Natsu asked while huddled together with the others inside the dome Alfonzo created.
"Yeah, why did you make that?" Lisanna asked while pointing up at the dome.
"None of you felt that?" Alfonzo asked.
"Felt what?" Mirajane asked with confusion written all over her expression.
"*Sigh* Hey, Elfman, did you see the vortex in the sky?" Alfonzo asked. "I mean, you were the only one looking at the sky the entire time."
"Yeah, I saw it." Elfman replied. "The clouds were swirling. But what's the problem?"
"Well, I felt my magic power and the surrounding ethernano being sucked toward it." Alfonzo replied.
Naturally, everyone looked at Alfonzo skeptically after hearing his explanation. However, when they saw the serious expression on his face, they took his words more seriously.
"So, I made this dome out of adamantite." Alfonzo continued. "It has the lowest magic power conductivity of any metal in Earth Land. So, I thought it would stop whatever force was acting on magic power and sucking it toward the vortex."
This time, everyone was shocked. They had never heard of a phenomenon that pulled in magic power like that.
"How long do you think we'll be stuck in here?" Mirajane asked with some slight worry in her voice.
"I'm not sure." Alfonzo replied while shaking his head. "But considering how little magic power you and Elfman have left; it could be dangerous to go out for now."
"Then we should wait here." Lisanna said, hugging Elfman a little tighter.
"Lisanna, I'm still hurt and out of magic power, remember?" Elfman said with a wince.
Remembering that Elfman was hurt, Lisanna released him immediately.
"Oh, you can't handle a hug from your little sister?" Alfonzo said in a teasing tone.
Feeling challenged by Alfonzo's teasing question, Elfman erased his pained expression.
"Of course, I can." Elfman said in the strongest tone he could muster at the moment. "I'm a real man."
'Yup, I definitely fucked up.' Alfonzo muttered internally. 'That's gonna become his catch phrase from now on. And it's probably gonna be annoying in real life.'
"More important than that, you're gonna be in a shit ton of trouble when we get back , Mirajane." Alfonzo said sternly. "Bringing those two with you on an S-Class quest was against the rules of the guild."
With that, the other four fell silent and Mirajane hung her head with guilt. A few moments later, Lisanna was the one to break that silence.
"But no one got hurt,, so the punishment shouldn't be that bad, right?" Lisanna asked in a cheerful tone.
While Elfman and Natsu, as simple minded as they were, nodded along with Lisanna's assessment, Mirajane knew better. She knew that her punishment would be serious.
"No one got hurt, huh?" Alfonzo asked, in a strict tone while narrowing his eyes at the three younger wizards. "That's only because Natsu and I followed you here."
Hearing the severity in Alfonzo's tone, the three flinched. For as long as they had known him, they had never heard him sound so serious.
"Lisanna." Alfonzo said, letting his gaze fall on Natsu for a moment, signaling him to stay silent with his eyes. "What do you think would have happened if Natsu and I weren't here?"
Lisanna was unable to answer the question. Not because she did not know the answer, however. Instead, it was because she knew the answer and did not want to accept it.
"Elfman would have probably killed you." Alfonzo said bluntly, deciding not to coddle the girl.
Like Mirajane, Lisanna also hung her head.
"And Elfman, though you probably would have been fine, this would have left a serious scar on your heart." Alfonzo said, continuing on to the next one. "Not only would you have carried the guilt of killing your sister for the rest of your life, but you would have also been afraid of your current strongest [Take Over], limiting your potential immensely."
With that, the severity of the situation finally sunk in for Elfman, Lisanna, and Natsu.
"Them, what will happen to them?" Natsu asked in a worried tone after a few seconds of uncomfortable silence.
"To Elfman and Lisanna, nothing serious." Alfonzo replied. "At worst, they'll get a slap on the wrist for going on an S-Class quest without the right designation."
Although Elfman and Lisanna were relieved to hear that, they were still more than a little worried for Mirajane.
"What about Mira?" Lisanna asked.
"That's up to Gramps. But I'm sure that her punishment will be much more severe." Alfonzo replied. "Not only did she bring two unqualified wizards on an S-Class quest, which almost led to the death of one of them, she let her arrogance cloud her judgement. And as a wizard, that can be fatal."
'Isn't this ironic, I had been seen as arrogant for most of my two lives.' Alfonzo mused to himself. 'And now, I'm here lecturing someone bout being arrogant. The world is a strange place.'
At that point, the regret was rolling off Mirajane in waves. She had never even considered that something could go wrong on this quest as long as she was there. And like Alfonzo said, that was a sign of arrogance.
"Will I... be kicked out of the guild?" Mirajane asked in a weak, defeated tone.
Once again, the three younger wizards were shocked. None of them had thought that far. At worst, they only considered Mirajane losing her S-Class status.
"We can't let that happen!" Natsu shouted indignantly as he was suddenly covered in flames that grew in temperature rapidly.
Chill the fuck out!" Alfonzo shouted as he slammed his gauntleted right hand into the back of Natsu's head. "We're in an enclosed space, are you trying to suffocate us all?"
'Actually, I don't' even know if Natsu's fire burns oxygen like normal fire.' Alfonzo mused as he looked down at Natsu who was now laying face first on the ground. 'But it's already warm in here with all our body heat. I don't wanna be all sweaty and shit in the winter when I bring this barrier down.'
"Geez, Alfonzo, you didn't have to hit me..." Natsu said as he picked himself up off the ground. "As compensation, you have to fight me and cook me a meal when we get back to the guild."
In response, Alfonzo only looked at Natsu with a deadpan gaze.
"If I accept that condition, you have to accept a condition of mine, too." Alfonzo said, his deadpan expression morphing into a sinister smile.
Seeing Alfonzo's smile, Natsu was no longer so sure about this. However, he wanted to know what Alfonzo wanted if he accepted.
"What do you want?" Natsu asked with a slight quivering in his voice.
"If you lose..." Alfonzo said, his smile growing wider.
"*Gulp* If I lose?" Natsu asked, growing more nervous as time went by.
"You'll have to ride with me next time I take the Vanquish out to do donuts." Alfonzo said.
Immediately, Natsu's expression fell as his face paled. Just the thought of riding in Alfonzo's car, let alone riding with him while he was driving recklessly and faster than usual, made Natsu feel queasy.
Meanwhile, the others were stunned by Natsu's outburst. Then, they were stunned once again when Alfonzo hit Natsu and seemed to be unbothered by the heat of Natsu's flames. And finally, Alfonzo's sinister smile brought them back to their senses.
"Hey!" Lisanna exclaimed, interrupting the current atmosphere. "Will Mira get kicked out of Fairy Tail for this?"
"Oh, that?" Alfonzo said, dropping the sinister smile as he glanced at Lisanna. Then, he waved his hand dismissively. "Nah, there's no way. It's not like she did anything that endangered the entire guild."
"Then, what will happen to her." Elfman asked, trying to sit up from his laying position.
Quickly, Lisanna helped Elfman sit up as they both focused on Alfonzo.
"I'm not sure exactly." Alfonzo replied honestly. "But if I had to guess, she'll probably be suspended from taking any quests for a while. ON top of that, she'll probably be demoted to A-Class, or lower, until she proves she deserves the S-Class designation again."
Whie Natsu smiled at Alfonzo's guess, Elfman and Lisanna breathed a sigh of relief. Even Mirajane thought that was not such a bad punishment.
Seeing the expressions of the others, Alfonzo frowned.
"You all think that's not so bad, right?" Alfonzo asked, his serious tone pulling the three out of their relieved state. "Then, you're more foolish than I thought. Mirajane broke the guild's trust. And trust is one of the hardest things in the world to rebuild once broken."
That caused the other four to open their eyes wide.
"Mirajane." Alfonzo said, his stern gaze finally falling on the eldest of the Straus siblings. "Master Makarov and the other S-Classes put their trust in you. We all gave you a vote of confidence. We felt that you would be able to bring the guild to a new level of strength. Instead, you spit on our trust and broke the rules that were put in place to keep the members of the guild safe."
Once again, Mirajane hung her head while guilty tears flowed freely from her eyes. Meanwhile, Elfman and Lisanna wanted to console her. However, neither of them knew what to say.
"Why did you have to be so harsh with her?" Natsu asked as he grabbed Alfonzo by the collar.
Instead of replying, however, Alfonzo looked at Natsu coldly.
Seeing Alfonzo's expression, Natsu was surprised. Behind the cold gaze, there was disappointment and anger.
"Why does he look like that?' Natsu asked himself as he released Alfonzo's shirt. 'Is he really that disappointed in Mira? Did he really trust her that much? Then, what's with the anger?'
In fact, Alfonzo really was disappointed in Mirajane. In neither of his two lives did Alfonzo have siblings. But he did lose his family in this one. So, he knew the pain of loss. And considering that Mirajane lost her parents only four years ago, he was very disappointed in Mirajane, who put her remaining family in so much danger.
As for the anger swirling in Alfonzo's eeys, it was aimed at himself. He knew he could have stepped in and solved the whole situation without anyone nearly hurt. But he also knew that they would all grow from the experience, so he let it happen. And the fact that he let people he considered friends get hurt when he could do something about it is what angered him the most.
Once Natsu released him, Alfonzo stepped past him. Then, he knelt in front of Mirajane.
"Regaining our trust won't be easy." Alfonzo said sternly. Then, he placed his hand on top of Mirajane's head as he continued in a much gentler tone. "But you will get the chance to do so. So, you better work your ass off, Mirajane Straus. Prove to us, Fairy Tail's S-Class wizards, that we weren't wrong about recommending you to Gramps. And prove that Gramps, Fairy Tail's guild master, was not wrong for accepting our recommendations. And if you can do that, I know you'll come out much stronger from this."
Although Mirajane had been crying silently for a while, after hearing Alfonzo's gentle, encouraging tone, she finally broke down and cried loudly. At the same time, she grabbed Alfonzo's shirt and buried her head in his chest.
"I'm sorry!" Mirajane shouted through her tears, the weight of her actions hitting her like a speeding truck. "I never wanted them to get hurt! I didn't want to break anyone's trust! I just wanted Elfman and Lisanna to see how strong their sister had become!"
Elfman and Lisanna also started tearing up again after hearing Mirajane's outburst. Even Natsu felt his nose getting sour.
Meanwhile, knowing that she had been through a lot today, Alfonzo gently wrapped his arms around Mirajane and pulled her close.
Not long after she started crying, after only five minutes or so, Mirajane cried herself to sleep in Alfonzo's arms. So, Alfonzo adjusted her position and lifted her in a princess carry.
"Natsu, help Elfman up." Alfonzo said. "We need to get back to the city. Mirajane and Elfman are hurt."
"Mira..." Mirajane said, somewhere between consciousness and the land of dreams. "Call me Mira... Fonzie..."
Alfonzo could immediately feel one of his eyebrows start twitching fiercely.
'I knew I should have put my foot down about calling me Fonzie.' Alfonzo thought to himself as he lowered the adamantite barrier. 'I've hated that nickname since my past life. At least it was only Lici who called me that back then. But now, there are three, and probably more on the way.'
Just as Alfonzo was having that thought, the barrier came down completely. And as soon as it did, Alfonzo, Elfman, Lisanna, and Natsu saw a blue haired young man standing there with his hand raised as if he was going to knock on it.
"Who are you?" Natsu asked, narrowing his eyes at the unfamiliar man.
"Chill out, Natsu." Alfonzo said calmly. "I get the feeling this guy isn't bad. But it would be nice to know who you are."
'Damn, I hate keeping up appearances.' Alfonzo muttered internally. Fairy Tail's future, coolest wizard is standing in front of me right now.'
"I was just passing by." The blue haired young man said. "I figured you were taking shelter from that vortex when I saw the dome. But since you came out on your own, I guess there's nothing to say."
With that, the blue haired young man walked away, not giving the group of five a chance to ask him any more questions.
Read 5 Chapters ahead on my Patr3on at:
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