Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Akane Beach.
January, x781.
Shortly after meeting with Makarov, Marin traveled back to Hargeon, awaiting her father's return. Just as the Fairy Tail wizards suggested, she intended to join a guild. And although it was never mentioned, the guild Marin intended to join was Fairy Tail.
After that, time passed peacefully, as peacefully as time could pass for a group of magical mercenaries, with Marin coming to visit from time to time. And every time she did, she shared books from her erotic novel collection with Erza, who really seemed to enjoy them.
Eventually, the time for the next S-Class Promotion Exam came around. This time, the candidates were Cana, Ultear, Erza, Bickslow, Fried, Evergreen, Mest, and Mirajane.
Naturally, when Makarov announced the participants, everyone was surprised to find out that Elicia, Macao, and Wkaba were not among them. Then, he surprised them even more by promoting Elicia without an exam this year. And the reason was quite simple.
Over the past year, Elicia took two quests whose terms were intentionally misrepresented. One because the client did not have the money for an S-Class quest. And one from a rival clothing manufacturer trying to get rid of the competition.
It was a good thing for all involved that the second plan failed. Otherwise, Alfonzo would have become a dark wizard wanted around Ishgar for mass murder.
It was lucky for the examinees that Elicia, although she had been promoted to S-Class, did not participate in the Promotion Exam as one of the examiners. In the end, Erza was the one who claimed the title as Fairy Tail's newest S-Class wizard.
Today, Alfonzo was driving the Escalade, with Elicia in the passenger seat and Erza riding in the back, toward Akane Beach. Although Fiore's most popular resort was housed on the beach, the trio would be avoiding it for the time being. They had picked up a quest from a client who lived on the beach quite a distance from the resort.
"Hey, Fonzie?" Elicia asked while looking out the Escalade's window.
"What's up?" Alfonzo asked in reply.
"After the quest is complete, can we spend a few days at the resort?" Elicia asked.
Hearing that question, Erza raised her head from the book she was reading in the back seat with her eyes sparkling a bit, waiting for Alfonzo's answer.
"I don't see why we couldn't." Alfonzo replied, gaining a smile from both Elicia and Erza. "I mean, relaxing after a tough job is what you're supposed to do, right?"
"Anyway, do any of you know about the client for this quest?" Erza asked after the excitement from a trip to a beachside resort died down.
"You mean the Seto Group?" Elicia asked. "Aren't they a trading group?"
"Well, not just a trading group." Alfonzo replied. "They also mine underwater resources. In fact, quite a bit of the Kingdom's Aqua Stone comes from the materials that they mine."
"I see." Erza replied. "Then, they should have some powerful wizards on their payroll if I'm not guessing wrong, right?"
"Yeah…" Alfonzo said while narrowing his eyes.
"Do you think this could be a trap?" Elicia asked, a bit more wary after dealing with he trap from that clothing company.
"No, I don't think so." Alfonzo replied. "But if they're asking for help from the guilds, then this may be a tougher quest than we expected.
"I was thinking the same." Erza replied.
"Maybe we should reconsider this quest." Elicia said, having a bad feeling after knowing the details about the client.
"Nah, don't worry about it, Lici." Alfonzo said with a confident smile on his face. "We have three S-Class wizards here. And since I've been taking on S-Class quests for a year, without a single failed quest, we'll be fine. We just have to be careful. But that's nothing new for us, right?"
Although the uneasy feeling Elicia was having did not go away, she had to admit there was some truth behind what Alfonzo said. As long as they proceeded with caution, they should be fine. However, Alfonzo's confidence in himself was a bit overboard in her opinion, but she kept that thought to herself.
"Anyway." Elicia said after the trio chatted about the quest for a little while longer. "Things aren't looking good for Macao and Enno. From what I hear, she's fed up with how little time Macao spends at home ever since Romeo was born."
"I heard the same thing." Erza said, putting a book mark in her novel.
"It's such a shame, too." Elicia said while shaking her head gently. "Macao loves them so much, he even stopped playing with other women completely after meeting Enno."
"Yeah, but he spends too much time working and Enno can't take the lonely nights." Erza added.
Like that, the girls continued to gossip. Meanwhile, Alfonzo could only smile wryly.
'Girls will be girls.' Alfonzo thought as he focused on the road. 'Gossiping is in their DNA.'
Eventually, around sunset, the trip came to an end when they arrived at a large eastern mansion. After showing the gate guards the quest sheet with Makarov's stamp, they were allowed inside and directed to park near the outer wall.
"Wow, this place is huge." Elicia said as she stepped down from the passenger seat and looked around the area.
"Indeed." Erza replied. "And the architecture is quite impressive as well."
"Yeah." Alfonzo said as he also looked around. "I wouldn't be surprised if this place served as both a home and the HQ for the Seto Group."
"Your intuition is rather impressive." An unfamiliar male voice said from the direction of the mansion.
Immediately after hearing it, the trio looked in the direction of the voice. When they did, they saw a tall, muscular, tan-skinned man with an afro hairstyle and a thin mustache wearing a black suit, white dress shirt, a purple tie, and sunglasses walking towards them.
"That just might be the second most handsome man I've ever seen." Erza muttered after looking at the new arrival.
"Really? And who is the most handsome?" Elicia asked playfully.
Although Erza did not respond, Elicia did not miss the quick glance she gave to the last member of their three-person team.
Alfonzo, on the other hand, was looking at the man who just spoke with curiosity and a bit of confusion in his gaze.
'Why does this guy look so familiar?' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'I know I've never met him, but I feel like I know him.'
"Am I right to assume that you three are S-Class wizards from Fairy Tail?" The man asked after drawing near.
"That's right." Alfonzo replied with a nod. Then, he extended his right hand as he continued. "I'm Alfonzo Marcus."
"You can call me Masa." The man, Masa, replied as he grasped Alfonzo's outstretched hand. "Your reputation as a magical item crafter is just as loud as your reputation as a wizard. Especially after you and Master Nell Goldstein created those magical household appliances."
While Alfonzo chatted with Masa, he nodded internally, finally understanding why Masa looked so familiar.
'The Seto Group and a handsome guy with an Afro.' Alfonzo thought to himself. 'It's gotta be them, right? But if it is, that means the top-ranking members of the Seto Group more than likely aren't human, right?'
"Anyway, we should head inside." Masa said after exchanging pleasantries for a bit longer. "The boss is expecting you."
With that, Masa led the trio toward the mansion. While Erza followed him without an inkling of his true identity, Alfonzo and Elicia exchanged glances as they walked.
'So, Lici picked up on it too, huh?' Alfonzo thought too himself. 'But if they really are who… or rather what I think they are, this quest just got a whole lot more interesting.'
'That bad feeling I had earlier just got a whole lot worse.' Elicia thought after making eye contact with Alfonzo. 'If they're this world's version of that Seto Group, then the fact that we're supposed to eliminate a sea serpent is even more serious than we initially thought. I really hope nothing goes wrong.'
As they walked, the group of four eventually entered the mansion, passing many black suited men along the way. However, not everyone they came across was dressed that way. There was one, a tall, well-built man with exceptionally sharp teeth, blond hair, and dull eyes wearing a grey tracksuit and white sneaker like-shoes.
"Hey Masa? You brought food?" The blond man asked while sizing up the three S-Class wizards.
"No, Fujishiro." Masa replied. "They're here to complete the boss's request."
"Tch!" The blond man, Fujishiro, clicked his tongue. "If they take on that quest, they'll die anyway? Might as well let me eat them?"
"Did he just say he wanted to eat us?" Erza asked while narrowing her eyes.
"No… you must be mistaken." Masa said while glaring at Fujishiro sternly. "Your mind must be playing tricks on you. You're probably just tired. The trip from here to Magnolia is a long one, after all."
After responding to Erza's question, Masa grabbed Fujishiro and pulled him a short distance away. Then, very animatedly, he started scolding the blond man in a hushed tone. Meanwhile, the three Fairy Tail wizards could only watch.
"That was Shark Fujishiro, right?" Elicia said, whispering so that only Alfonzo could hear her.
"Yeah, I'm pretty sure it was." Alfonzo replied, just as quietly.
"Fonzie, I really have a bad feeling about this quest." Elicia said in a nervous tone. "They should be experts at underwater combat. But they called in some outside wizards for this quest."
"There's nothing to worry about." Alfonzo said as he started combing his fingers through Elicia's hair. "We've been training for most of our lives. We'll handle this just like we have every other quest."
Though Elicia's uneasy feeling still had not gone away, Alfonzo's confident reminder of how hard they had trained over the years calmed her down quite a bit.
Meanwhile, Erza watched the couple with an envious gaze she tried, and failed, to hide from them. And after seeing Erza's gaze, Elicia smiled internally.
'Another fruit almost ripe for the picking.' Elicia thought to herself. 'Just so long as nothing happens on this quest, anyway.'
Just as those thoughts ran through Elicia's head, Masa sent Fujishiro to complete a task somewhere else. Then, he returned to the group.
"Please excuse the delay." Masa said politely. "Now, we shouldn't keep the boss waiting."
Simply nodding in reply, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza decided not to comment on the fact that they had nothing to do with why their trip to see "the boss" was delayed. Instead, they just followed Masa through the corridors of the mansion.
"Oh, Miss Taylor." Masa said as the group walked.
"Just Elicia." Elicia said with a smile. "Calling me Miss Taylor makes me sound old."
"As you wish, Miss Elicia." Masa said without missing a beat. "Might you consider working with the Seto Group when it comes to shipping your products. Not only do we operate in several countries in Ishgar, but we also operate on the two other continents as well."
Hearing that, Elicia's eyes lit up. While she was excited to have her clothing reach more of the world, she was still rational enough to not jump into anything on impulse.
"That's something I'd definitely be willing to consider." Elicia replied with a wide smile. "When I go back home, I'll talk to the people who handle my contracts and stuff like that. Then, I'll be sure to get back to the Seto Group."
"Then, the Seto Group will await your response." Masa relied without losing his polite tone.
On the inside, however, Masa was impressed.
'Usually young people like her would jump at an opportunity like that.' Masa thought to himself as he continued walking. 'But she had the foresight to wait until she talked to her legal team first. It seems the boss won't be able to get as many benefits as he thought he would from this deal.'
Though Masa could never know about Elicia's past life, it was no surprise that Elicia did not lose herself in the offer. She had been through many of the ups and downs associated with getting her products to consumers in her past life. So, she had an idea of what to expect when working with the distributors.
A few moments later, with Masa in the lead, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza stopped in front of a large, exquisitely carved wooden door.
*Knock!* *Knock!*
"Who is it?" A deep, rough male voice asked from the other side of the door.
"Boss, it's me, Masa." Masa replied. "The wizards from Fairy Tail are here."
"Bring them in." The male voice ordered from the other side of the door.
"Right away, Boss." Masa answered as he put his hand on the doorknob. Then, he looked at the trio of Fairy Tail wizards, pushing the door open as he continued. "Right this way."
I wanna say a couple of things. First, someone left a review yesterdday, and it was a pretty high rated one. He was right, too. but he said he was going to drop, which kinda sucks. Anyway, I plan on using some of the crossovers for the harem. But there will only be 2 crossovers joining the harem. I think I mentioned that before. Second, If anyone wanted to see the S-Class Promotion Exams for the other members of FT reaching S-Class, sorry about that, I don't plan on writing them. I wanna get to canon before chapter 100. And I don't think that will work if I do write all those exams.
Read ahead on my Patr3on at:
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoy the story.
Comments, Reviews, and Power Stones are always appreciated.
Earth Land, Ishgar, Kingdom of Fiore, Akane Beach.
January, x781.
After Masa opened the door, he gestured for Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza to enter the room. Then, after the trio, Masa entered, closing the door behind him, before taking his place behind the three people sitting behind a desk on the opposite side of the room.
Looking forward at the room's occupants, the trio of Fairy Tail wizards saw a man, a woman, and a girl that appeared to be a year or two younger than them.
The man was tall with short, spiky black hair, black eyes, thick eyebrows, a thin mustache over the corners of his lips, a bit of stubble on his chin, and a pair of eye-catching scars that run across his face horizontally, crossing over the bridge of his nose, and vertically, running from just below his hairline, over his left eye, to his jaw. Sitting behind the center of the desk, he wore a dark grey kimono with a black a sash.
The woman, sitting to the man's right, was a charming woman appearing to be in her late thirties with chin-length straight black hair with a dark blue sheen and eyes of the same color. Over the middle of her forehead, a single lock of her hair fell to the bridge of her nose. Like the man sitting next to her, presumed to be her husband, she also wore a kimono. Though, hers was violet with a crimson obi.
Lastly, the girl, who sat to the man's left, wore a bright red kimono with a light green obi. She had waist-length, light brown hair with square bangs that covered her forehead and the space between her large, light brown eyes that were filled with curiosity and innocence.
'Yeah, those are definitely Gozaburo, Ren, and Sun Seto from My Bride is a Mermaid/Seto no Hanayome.' Alfonzo and Elicia thought simultaneously after seeing the three people in the room.
"So, you brats are the wizards from Fairy Tail, huh?" The man, Gozaburo Seto, said after sizing up the three young wizards in front of him. "You don't look like much. But that magic power I can feel from ya says otherwise."
"Now, Dear." The woman, Ren Seto, said in a reprimanding tone. "You shouldn't be rude. They are here to help us."
"Yeah, yeah." Gozaburo said in a dismissive tone as he crossed his arms over his chest. "Anyway, I'm Gozaburo Seto, the Chief of the Seto Group."
And I'm his wife, Ren Seto." Ren said with a smile. Then, she gestured toward the girl and continued. "And this is our daughter, Sun Seto."
"Hi, it's nice to meet ya." Sun said with a friendly smile while lightly waving her right hand.
"It's a pleasure." Alfonzo said with a smile of his own, briefly making eye contact with the three members of the Seto family. "I'm---"
"Hey brat!" Gozaburo interrupted, glaring at Alfonzo. "You better watch those eyes of yours before you lose them. How dare you gawk at my beautiful, perfect little Sun?"
'Fucking great…' Alfonzo groaned internally. 'Now I have to deal with another, more prone to violent outbursts, Gildarts. 'I pray to everything that is holy that I don't happen to see Sun in her true form… If that's even how things work in this version.'
"Dear, you need to control yourself." Ren said after smacking Gozaburo upside the head.
Sun, on the other hand, continued to gaze at Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza with curiosity, not seeming to even notice her father's outburst.
'I bet they have some really good stories to tell.' Sun thought to herself while Ren reigned in Gozaburo's unreasonable anger. 'I wonder if they would be willing to tell me about their adventures later.'
While those thoughts ran though Sun's head, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza were able to introduce themselves as they watched Ren slap Gozaburo around.
"Anyway, I'll tell ya about the problem we're having." Gozaburo said after having some sense smacked into him by Ren. "About two weeks ago, our shipping vessels started getting attacked by a large sea serpent about a mile out from Akane Beach."
Gozaburo then went on to explain that not all of the vessels were attacked. In fact, it only happened once a week. It seemed that was the feeding cycle for the serpent. During the second attack, one of the Seto Group's men was able to wedge a tracking lacrima between its scales before he was heavily injured.
With this tracking lacrima, the Seto Group's elite fighters were able to find its layer. Then, after baiting it to the surface, they tried to dispose of it. In the end, however, they lost nearly half their number and were forced to retreat.
That retreat led to the Group posting a quest with the legal guilds. Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza being the first to accept the quest.
After hearing the story, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza traded glances. Then, Alfonzo stepped forward to speak on all three's behalf.
"I'm sure you can tell, but we didn't come with a boat or ship." Alfonzo said in a serious tone. "But if you can provide a ship and someone to lead us to the serpent, we'll do our best to eliminate it."
While Sun's eyes sparkled because Alfonzo's words sounded so cool, Ren simply smiled. Meanwhile, Gozaburo gritted his teeth with barely restrained anger when he saw the look on Sun's face. Even with all that built up rage, he was still able to respond.
"Good." Gozaburo said, slamming his fist onto the desk in front of him. "My men will guide you to the serpent's lair tomorrow morning."
"Sounds good." Alfonzo said, pretending that he did not notice Gozaburo's bloodlust.
"Masa." Gozaburo said, turning his attention to Masa. "Show them to a guest room."
"Only one, sir?" Masa asked.
"Hmph!" Gozaburo snorted in return. "This isn't a hotel. We don't have that many rooms to spare."
"Understood." Masa replied, deciding it would be better just to follow orders.
"In that case, I'll walk with them." Ren said with a smile. "I would love to have the opportunity to chat with the up-and-coming fashion designer, Elicia Taylor."
"You recognized me, huh?" Elicia asked with a smile while tilting her head cutely to the side.
"Of course." Ren replied with a smile of her own. "You make some of the most stylish and unique clothing in not just Fiore, but all of Ishgar. As a lover of fashion, how could I not recognize you."
"Wait!" Sun exclaimed after hearing what her mother had to say. "She's the one who made those pretty dresses in your closet?"
"That's right." Ren said with a nod. "Why, do you want to walk with us, Sun?"
"Uh huh!" Sun replied while nodding her head vigorously.
With that, ignoring the sound of Gozaburo's teeth grinding together, Ren and Sun stood up and walked around the desk. Then, alongside Masa, who was leading the group to a guest room, Alfonzo, Elicia, and Erza, they left the room.
"damn that brat!" Gozaburo snarled, slamming his fist into the desk once again. This time leaving a dent in the shape of his fist on its surface. "There's no way I'll let him have my Sun… Maki!"
"Yes, Boss." Said a small girl that fell from the panels that made up the ceiling of the room before landing on the desk.
The small girl, Maki, was no taller than ten inches (25 cm) tall with long purple hair that reached the middle of her back, and grey eyes. She wore a white robe with a red belt that tied it closed, black shorts, black shoes, and yellow socks. On her head, she wore a white helmet and carried a conch shell on her back.
"Keep an eye on that brat." Gozaburo said through gritted teeth. "And if he tries anything with my Sun, make him regret it."
"You want me to off him, Boss?" Maki asked in a serious tone.
"No." Gozaburo replied after a short hesitation. "We don't want war with his guild, Fairy Tail. Those bastards are even crazier than us."
"Understood." Maki saluted.
A moment later, Maki jumped from the desk, disappearing into the ceiling once again.
Meanwhile, in the corridors of the mansion, Masa led the group to the room that would be for the Fairy Tail wizards to use until they were able to eliminate the sea serpent.
"I'm terribly sorry for the way my husband acted." Ren said while bowing her head slightly.
"Oh, don't worry about it." Alfonzo said, waving it off dismissively. "He's just like another guy I know. But his temper is a bit more explosive."
"It doesn't help that you're dating his daughter, either." Elicia said with a smile.
"And whose fault is that?" Alfonzo asked, narrowing his eyes at Elicia.
"I dunno~~." Elicia replied in a sing-song tone.
"Well, this is unexpected." Ren said. "Judging by your body languages, I would have expected you to be with Elicia, Alfonzo."
"In reality, Alfonzo has two girlfriends." Erza said bluntly. "One of which is Elicia. And the other is also a member of our guild."
"I see." Ren replied in understanding. "Well, there is no law in Fiore against having more than one partner. But many of the commoners look down upon the act of polygamy, thinking it an act of unfaithfulness."
"That's not really a big deal." Alfonzo said with a shrug. "We're wizards, common people look at us like we're animals in a zoo, anyway."
"I suppose that's true as well." Ren replied with a nod.
'So, the inventor of all those magical appliances and the most popular up-and-coming seamstress are a couple, huh?' Ren asked herself. 'Since they don't seem to be opposed to polygamy, maybe we can make a partnership through marriage. Well, only if Sun grows to like him and he can accept the truth about us.'
"Ma'am, we've arrived." Masa said as the group arrived in front of a door.
"Alright, Masa." Ren said with a nod. "You can attend to your other duties. I'll make sure that our guests get settled."
"Yes, Ma'am." Masa said with a bow before he left to take care of his other assigned duties.
As soon as Masa turned around, Ren stepped forward and opened the door.
The guest room was a large Japanese-style room with tatami floors. There was a large dresser on the wall opposite the door with two other doors on the adjacent walls.
"Wow, I've never stayed in a room like this." Elicia said as she looked around the room excitedly. "Oh, so we get a closet and a bathroom, too. Ooh! The bath is big, like, really big!"
"But there is no bed here." Erza said, confused by that fact.
"We sleep on futons here." Ren said, opening the door to the closet and pointing at a folded mattress. "You lay that out on the floor and sleep on it. They're quite comfortable. But you may have trouble falling asleep quickly if you're not used to them."
"I see, that seems rather interesting." Erza said while looking at the futon with curiosity. "But it seems that there is only one in here."
"You're right." Ren replied. "I'll have someone bring another one before it gets too late."
"Hey… Um…" Sun said, speaking for the first time since the group left the previous room.
Hearing Sun's voice, everyone's attention was drawn to her. However, instead of getting nervous at being the center of attention, her eyes were sparkling brightly.
"Do you think you could tell me about all the adventures you've been on?" Sun asked with her fists clenched in front of her chest. "Ya see, I've never been too far away from Akane Beach… And…"
"Of course." Elicia said, throwing herself at Sun and wrapping her in a hug. "I'll tell you as many stories has you want."
"Really?" Sun asked excitedly. "Thanks."
"Before that, Sun." Ren said with a smile. "We should let our guest get settled and take a bath. They must be tired after their long trip. Then, they can join us for dinner and tell us some of there stories at the dinner table."
"Yeah, now that you mention it…" Elicia said with a slight frown. "I''d love a bath after that long ride. Ooh, I know! Why don't you come and take a bath with me and Erza, Sun. Then, we can tell you some of our stories while we relax."
"Yes, that sounds like an excellent idea." Erza said with a nod of agreement.
'Man, Elicia is getting good at this.' Alfonzo thought as he watched Elicia interact with Ren and Sun. 'When we first woke up in that orphanage, she couldn't even talk to Gramps in fear of acting too familiar. But now, she's acting like she doesn't know about Sun's condition. Wait, she may have just forgotten. Yeah, that's probably it.'
While Alfonzo was thinking to himself, Sun began to visibly panic. There was a reason why she could not take a bath with Elicia and Erza, but that was supposed to be a secret. And she was unable to think of a reason to say no to Elicia's proposal.
"Although that sounds like a wonderful idea." Ren said, saving Sun from her predicament. "Sun and I took a bath not too long before the three of you arrived."
"That's too bad." Elicia replied.
"Yes. It would have been a great opportunity to get to know each other." Erza added.
"There's always next time." Ren replied.
"Y-Yeah, next time." Sun added nervously.
"Then, we'll let the three of you get freshened up." Ren said. "We'll send Masa to come and get you when dinner is ready."
"Okay, we'll see you then." Alfonzo said as Ren led Sun out of the room.
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